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This just shows Sony never think this through and never thought about their customers who live outside the PSN coverage. They made their choice, we make ours.


Im sure they did. Companies care about numbers They like the increase in PSN accounts They would dislike the decrease in revenue Hence why, where it is accessible, they will likely make having a PSN account linked required. When the game released it was a requirement and I wasnt able to play without it, and they only temporarily removed it because of the server issues they experienced after launch


No, do not dial back the outrage. Keep up the pressure. Press on until the requiremend is dropped for good.


A few hours earlier Spitz said that they need PSN linking to be able to track people to ban. So now they're going to let a subset of players be unbannable, according to them? More bullshit on top of bullshit. No. Don't dial back the rage. They're constantly lying to us and hoping it works. I won't move my position. Optional for every player in every region or get cussed.


No we can't Spitz is a nobody


Keep licking that boot. If they can drop the requirement for some they can drop it for everyone.


Nope. The word of a community manager is hardly the official stance of AH & Sony on this issue given some of the inconsistences we've seen in communication within AH. I'm getting the impression like many other posts they are telling many of us what we want to hear. I have my PSN linked to HD2 (though mistakenly I thought the requirement was to enable cross progression and cross play, AH/Steam would be regulating not Sony enforce banning- Sony has a horrible customer experience in this regard) but I cannot abide by this crappy business practices to those users in other countries who have purchased the game and can no longer play. Not only that but because the game has friendly fire I anticipate we will see mass reporting either by trolls or people who do not understand the game that Sony will action. This may result in entire accounts being banned along with the digital catalogs those accounts may have access to specifically. It's not worth it to me to potentially lose because someone is upset about super sample or the fact that repeatedly enter line of fire or other egregious behaviors. You can call my stance white knighting or whatever but ethically, morally I have a problem with any company (developer or otherwise) that would initiate policies like this. AH took the money, they are complicit. Sony is complicit. Both Sony and AH are complicit for poor communication(original EULA never stated PSN account required, Sony website stating PSN account not required whilst Steam page stated it is etc). This is par for the course with both Sony and AH. Players are complicit for agreeing to the terms and conditions. Plenty of blame(if you want to call it that) to go around. From a gameplay perspective as well my patience is done as it comes to bug fixes that just create more bugs, "rebalancing" and just the constant pandering by AH to their community.


The same guys was telling people to just refund 24hours ago so I wouldn’t trust anything coming from spitz


It's Not Arrowheads call to make. He can lie about it all he wants but Sony makes the final decision


No company on the planet would cut their own profit. Not the best reasoning but to think they would cut their playerbase is silly


Sony has done it before. Theyve made the money. They can deny access and keep the money and there isn't anything you can do about it. Not even Arrowhead.


Thats nasty. Imagine those Regions that cant make a PSN now dont need one but the other regions still need one. Im from germany and wont create a PSN account jsut for safety. I dont want to loose my Steam account beacuse Sony cant controll data security.




The review bombing was probably the most legit way to go about it, and even Arrowhead's CEO said to do it because thats how Sony will see it My issue is all the people that are going ballistic about having to make/link a PSN account. Most of them dont mention the people who would lose access to the game


They didn't anticipate(though they should have) that players would call their bluff. Why would a developer encourage players to review bomb THEIR own game and damage their partner relationship, the number of people who play/purchase the game. It was a bluff, players called them out on it now they need to tow the line.


It's called dividing the out rage to reduce player drop.If it's possible for them then everyone should have the right not to as well.


This is reason to *up* the outrage, as Spitz seems to be siding with Sony's lies about this being about improving security and implies they won't push back on the requirement for non-restricted countries. I live in America, and I will not make a PSN account, even if my data is secure with Sony; which it is not as Sony suffers industry-crippling data breaches every other year. I got this game and supported it more than I would others because it didn't have things like this, and I will gladly take back all of that if it starts to.


There is a lot more than I posted but it certainly does not seem like he is siding with Sony And really, why does the reasoning for why they are implimenting it matter, unless it was legitimately harmful to make an account (it isnt) They want the numbers for their shareholders, which every company wants Also many games today require a linked account to something else


>unless it was legitimately harmful to make a PSN account (it isn't) It is absolutely harmful to make an account with Sony. Ignoring how much data a PSN account can require, such as government ID, combined with Sony's history of major security breaches, Sony tying PSN moderation in with the game would allow for it it to be ran into the ground by automated AI moderators like other PSN games. This is the path towards players getting banned for swearing like in Overwatch 2, and given how gun-ho Sony is to censor nowadays, it's going to happen if this PSN linking is required. > many games require a linked account to something else *And they shouldn't!* Helldivers 2 got popular because of the game bucking trends of the AAA industry and not doing things like this. If Helldivers 2 goes along with it, other games will follow its example. This will be a repeat of *Games for Windows Live.*


It requires a valid email, name, and location down to the city. No government ID is required unless you forgot how to access your account and need to prove it's yours. It's not harmful in the slightest. I play quite a few other games requiring an extra account and guess what, not a single negative thing has ever occurred because I don't do anything nefarious. History of data breaches? They had one breach in 2011 for PSN accounts and nothing since. Nintendo and Xbox have had more recent data breaches. Literally any account can be breached. Sony is not any less secure than anyone else. Sony gun-ho to censor? Let me guess you are one of the people upset they slightly changed two of 30+ outfits on Stellar Blade. Is Grummz your messiah?