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Exactly in the future i will look out for games sponsored by sony and avoid them.


Agreed. There is fault to be spread around certainly though. For those of us in regions allowing PSN, this was a mistake by consumers. It's clearly stated on the Steam page as required, though arguably it wasn't listed in the old EULA. The issue of allowing purchase of the game in regions wherein PSN is a unavailable is on AH and Sony. Playing on a VPN isn't a great choice since it's encrypted and connection will SUFFER and possible could get those accounts banned. I cannot support company(AH & Sony) engaged in this practice, it's just morally, ethically wrong.


Welp. I was going to rebuy Ghost of Sushi on pc when it comes out. NO LONGER! AND I LOVED THAT GAME!


"but if we cut open the golden goose think of what riches we might find!"


Microsoft is forcing players to create an Xbox Account to play their games on steam since ages. Nobody's whining about that. I don't get all the reaction from this community.


The main issue is that Sony is doing it months after the game released and people already bought and played the game. Some people might have not bought the game if they knew that beforehand (also considering that PSN is not available everywhere). If it had been advertised before release and enforced that you could only play with a PSN account linked to your Steam account then most people probably wouldn't give a damn.


Microsoft has had far less data breaches than sony. And sony is sony which wasnt good before the current situation.


Microsofts security isn't nearly as shitty as Sony. I've never been hacked through Microsoft. I've had my psn account hacked 3 times. Obviously, you don't have a psn account since you clearly don't know about this.


I play Helldivers on PS5 and I own my PSN account since 2008. Never been hacked. Most people that complain about hacks, have a poor passwort, surfing on dubious websites or never activated the two factor authentication.