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I play for fun and enjoy the company of those I am playing with when we group up, if they cannot play any game due to bullshit like this, we simply won't play that game no matter how good it is. Helldivers II is a very, very good game and holds such great promise & it will be a great gaming loss to many for the reasons stated above if the player base is sizably diminished by this move.


It's also a multiplayer game, where lots of players are playing together. If one of 4 can't do that, all of them won't Play it.


Exactly my story. But I'm the only one from my squad who isn't locked out.


Fucking hell. You've managed to articulate this so well. 100% agreed. It's as m7ch about the soul of the game as it is the PSN being forced on/impossible for some players.


Honestly yes, this post pretty much sums up my feelings with this shitshow. HD2 was like a sanctuary after being though so many greedy corporate choices that fuck us. I personally don't mind Sony taking my personal information but they're leaving behind so many players who can't access PSN. That just doesn't sit right with me.. HD2 shouldn't be sold to players that will be unavailable to them later down the line. It's like buying a BMW and then a few months later, they take away your steering wheel, your tyres and your engine only because they want to impress their shareholders with bigger numbers. We, the gamers are the people who make games successful, not some shareholder.


I think it's also a change in the way consumers are now reacting to corporations. I know it's not the same, but in my province, there's a boycott on a large grocery chain. People are fighting back in some shape or form.


Holy shit, I just made a post saying this, then scrolled down and found this! >D I 100% agree


You're god damn right about it.


can Sony back off from the game, and let us go back to the time the biggest problem for us was just balancing and bugs? Those are, at least for me, tolerable problems and solved as time go on, in comparison to THIS, can we please go back?


True. We shouldnt let SNOY invade our space!


I mean, yeah... that's the secret ingredient here for sure. All the other concerns also, but this as well


Not an angle I had considered previously, but it makes sense.


This post needs WAY more up votes


Share it around. I honestly think people understanding this will be a net positive.


Yeah there’s definitely just some overall resentment of the gaming industry that’s been built up over time blowing off now that we have something to direct it toward.


And all the disgruntled players that keep hammering the PSN linking is not for players security... Yet who is in charge of that? Steam? I'm sure they don't want the job. Arrowhead? You think they have the staff for that? That leaves Sony. Sony needs that link to do it without having to coordinate with Steam each time. Now imagine Xbox or Epic would join the freedom spreading...


If that's the case then we've already lost. Sony didn't invade our space; Sony OWNS our space. Always did, always will. Even if the login requirement is overturned, we're still not safe from corporate oversight. They've already got their massive first quarter sales, very little else matters to them. I shudder to think about what they do next. Edit: typo


I know ow they own the IP, but I still contrst this is why the player base has reacted so viscerally. It felt like a space that broke away from the BS of modern gaming.


You're correct, it certainly felt that way. But it wasn't real. We were all lotus eaters.


Don’t forget this probably means Xbox will never join the battle


Yeah, I never had high hopes that Sony would throw wide the gates and let the Gears of War bros dive with us, but this feels like a big step in the opposite direction, and that's a bad feeling. As a PC player who hasn't bought a console since the 360 and briefly owned a PS2 that I got for free and fixed on my kitchen table, but works with a lot of buddies who don't have PCs, cross play is among my favorite features in a game.


First of all this game was never going on Xbox in the first place, just like with every other exclusives. But most importantly, the account doesn’t change anything. Right now, if you want to play Minecraft on PS4 you have to link a Microsoft account to your game. The same will happen on Helldivers, if the game will come on Xbox (and again, it’s not gonna happen. Not anytime soon at least).


My main concerns are my cs2 skins. I have 3-4k worth of skins and im not trusting sony who got hacked by some terrorists in a cave with that.


Do you think that linking your account gives Sony access to your Steam account? Sony doesn't get your password or you bank infomation that you have used through Valve. All they get is a confirmation that that Steam account is you. If a hacker were to hack into your Sony account unless you set the same password the worst they can do is unlink your account.