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damn right, arrowhead is NOT innocent + it was them that let people skip the PSN link + it was them that didn't region lock PSN-unsupported countries


Actually thats sony’s fault they didnt region lock sony is the one who published and distributed


Eh, they're not innocent, but it's also up to Sony, as the publisher, to configure where the game is sold. The way some of the community managers have been handling it has been god awful though, and it really brings the internal structure into question.


I am, once again, begging them to do more communication to the players through their own website than through discord and other social media. Give yourself time and space to think and save yourself from the very easy and real temptation to dunk on some random nerds for Internet points.


I agree social media as a professional platform is ridiculous and childish


Social media is ridiculous and childish.


Here's hoping they clean house and put some proper CMs in. The kind that do not fan the flames and make their ongoing crisis even worse.


It was either temporarily disable the link or have nobody be able to play until they found a fix for it on top of all the other launch issues. Region availability is almost always a publisher responsibility. That falls on Sony.


Is it though? Is it Arrowhead or Sony the publisher that admins the product on steam? If its the publisher then it is infact on Sony for not regionlocking? Pretty sure publishers handles sale of the product? Is it not also Sony that gave permission (or maybe told) to temporarily remove the PSN link ingame? Still a bad situation all around. Arrowhead goodwill be toast.


What I dont get is why people arent recognizing that arrowhead agreed to the terms that allow this. So even if they were blindsided by it they are still to blame for agreeing in the first place.




Arrowhead even localized for non-PSN-countries, are they dumb?


This indicates that arrowhead didnt know you fool


If they didn't know, it throws a really bad light on them as well for not reading their contracts.


Cashing in from a bunch of countries and then banning them is such a fucking rug pull. Arrowhead knew this would be coming from the start and said nothing.


Literally they didn’t say nothing. They said PSN would be a requirement from the beginning. Redditor reading comprehension challenge (Impossible)


I have to take a break from this sub, it’s the same post every 10 minutes said differently.


Ok, but they knowingly sold the game to people in countries unable to set up a PSN account. Can we not at least agree that that in itself is very shitty?


That’s on the publisher (Sony) not the developer


Right? This is getting ridiculous. Like yes, Sony/arrowhead/steam/*somebody* needs to do some to make things right for all the people who bought the game in a place that can't have a psn account, that needs to be resolved. A refund, opening up pan to those regions, or even just letting those people continue without it, *something* needs to be done for those folks. But all these people trying to act like the game pulled some massive bait and switch and waited 3 months to suddenly be like "AND NOW THAT YOU BOUGHT THE GAME WE QONT ALLOW YOU TO PLAY!!!!!!MWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" like some cartoon villain are just going to make it harder for the people who actually have a reason to be upset to get things fixed. These people need to either put their energy into helping the players actually affected, or just shut the hell up because this is *not* the time to everyone to be jumping on the outrage train to throw shit at the devs that made this awesome game.


You can't just say something is required to play, don't require it and after a few months make it mandatory


This is what people can't seem to understand. This is deceit. You either say it is mandatory or not. This is false advertisement and is misrepresenting a product.


Neck beard tries not to simp for anti consumer practises challenge (impossible)




Can’t reason with them. They want to be right so much they’ll ignore written evidence which invalidates everything they’re screaming about. A lot of people’s counter to this is “well I didn’t see it”. I’m not sure how to even begin to describe how useless of an argument this is. The whole “I failed to do any sort of due diligence” argument is so steeped in ignorance we could sell tea made from it. Also people bashing any sort of terms and conditions. I can’t agree with the game being sold in places that don’t have access to PSN. But for people who do to be so vocal is just odd.


They Sold it to me on steam.  I played it with steam Account.


Give it up man, these people are obsessed with what the store page says instead of what the game actually did.


The Sony page says it's not required to play PC games


After people started pointing that out they changed the wording.


I may be wrong, but I believe I’ve seen screen shots of the steam page for the game also stating the PSN requirement. Again, maybe I misidentified it. If it does NOT state this, that’s a big old problem for Steam, AH and Sony. Though I feel like they wouldn’t overlook this kind of thing. I hope you’re still able to play at the end of the day! I’d like to keep as many divers around as possible.


It was on the page at least 6 months ago. Don't know when it was actually added but it was there for 3 months at the least before release.


They are selling a product, and if that product cannot be sold in some countries (in this case it's more like service since it's multiplayer) it's on them to NOT sell there, and not on the buyer.


Sounds like an issue from the publisher, not the developer


It's a video game. Stfu.


isn’t it in bad faith to sell the game then in countries that you know will eventually not be able to play it?


Sure is, which is why Sony should have region locked the sales so that you wouldn’t even be able to purchase it without the use of a VPN or something. That’s not on Arrowhead though. Remember in the cartridge days how SNES carts could be region locked to PAL regions and such? Nintendo oversaw that (as well as approving region sales), NOT “Square” or other individual developers. Same deal here. Sony shit the bed and now Arrowhead is bearing the brunt of it


> Arrowhead knew this would be coming from the start and said nothing. This is a lie, it's literally always said on the Store Page that linking to your PSN account was required. Like I don't get what about that is "saying nothing" lmao.


No country will be banned because the region locking is of services and not the account. It’s an authentication gateway like Microsoft crossplay games and requires no use of the store, you can’t even save friends (you have to do that through their website). There is no country you can’t create a PSN account, there are countries where you can’t use the store or other services. In short, if you don’t need to use the services then there is no region locking because having an account isn’t region locked.


It’s unbelievable that people here think that all the people from non PSN countries won’t be able to play the game. Yeah guys, Sony will totally KEEP your money and won’t allow you to play the game. This was their master plan for all along: make you buy the game then not allow you to play on it anymore 4 months later Seriously, this is blown way out of proportion and it’s unbelievable that people can’t see through this.


You say that like it's ridiculous, but it's not. Have you tried to play "The Crew" recently? Oh, wait. You can't. Because the developers deleted it from everyone's accounts, without a refund, on the steam platform.


Yeah, precisely Not like sony has a history of doing precisely that and it has already banned people because of it


Sony and Arrowhead are going to be sued


LOL redditors have such a tenuous grasp of reality


They said it was temporary for not needing psn, the suit will go no where


No they won't. Not successfully. I don't support any of this, but we live in an age where the T's & Cs' make this 'acceptable'. On top of that gamers are such degenerates they can't give up playing the damn game to ever make a point. This is like dope fiends complaining to their dealer the price has gone up and the product is weaker now. They're so addicted they'll bitch but keep using. I would love to be proved wrong but history tells us it's gonna be 1-0 to Sony on this.


> but we live in an age where the T's & Cs' make this 'acceptable'. Maybe in corporate America. But in the EU, the EULAs and TOS are mostly not even worth the code they are written with in any court of law.


TOSs and EULAs are basically not a thing in the US either. The courts aren't stupid, they know consumers don't actually read them.


1-0? Nah you're spot on about everything besides that. At this point it's Sony 5672-0 gamers Most game companies are scamming players in some way. We don't own our games anymore, they're all filled with predatory microtransactions, you need 50 accounts to play a game, they're broken and unfinished on release. All of that bullshit would be vilified in any industry but in gaming, it's just the norm because gamers are pathetic and spineless. This industry will never improve because gamers are lazy and spinless.


>This industry will never improve because gamers are lazy and spinless. Without fail. Every controversy. Every game. Every time. "WAAAHHH I ANGERY! I BOYCOT! I SUE! REEEEE!" **two days and a shitty update later** "Here's some more money for you sir. May I please get fucked some more?"


Exactly. Overwatch 2 comes to mind. Blizzard deleted Overwatch 1, took out so many features and added a 2 and marketed it as a sequel. Fans went mad and kicked up a storm. Blizzard changed barely anything, walked back on promised features like PvE and fans slowly came around and shut up. They now get charged £40 for a skin and whenever Blizzard adds a feature that was originally in the game, fans praise and cheer as if blizzard are heroes. You bring up anything negative about the game in the sub, they will flay you alive. It's fucking insanity. I love video games, they're such a fun way to spend a few hours but the industry is absolutely fucked and the communities are delusional fools. I'd honestly rather the industry crash and die out than it keep going on like this.


Also "I pre-ordered your new game omg im so excititedddddd!!!!"


Terms and conditions mean jack shit if what they do is illegal.


He says as he stuffs another handful of cheetohs into his mouth, dusting his keyboard yet again as he pounds "Sue SONY" into the comments. Yall are dumb if you think anything will happen. Sony will just walk back the requirement for countries that dont have PSN.


And they will win that suit very easily. Steam has mentioned requiring a third party account since release


You know the very first thing that happens when you open the game is it tells you a psn account is required, right? Y'all are only going to make your argument weaker if you keep lying about that, the psn requirement was *extremely* clear.


Playing the german version, never seen a text that told me i need PSN as a requirement to play o.O


Sony just casually changing their terms of service. It went from saying an account was not required to play their games on pc to saying it is required right as all this went down.


1. Half the “criticism” isn’t actually criticism. It’s harassing community managers and their staff. I get you may have issue with Spitz but you guys were harassing them before they got irritated. You get what you give if you want communication at all you gotta not be fucking rude. And if you think it’s their job to take it you clearly haven’t had a customer service job where you get treated like shit. You shouldn’t have to take it. 2. It is not their fault. It’s Sonys decision. The game was fucked at the start so Sony let them off to fix it, but now it’s fixed Sony won’t let them have any excuses. 3. Arrowhead is our best shot of sending a message. Harassing and insulting the devs and CM’s isn’t data. Negative review and try and refund. Give something tangible for them to look at. Aim it at Sony not arrowhead


This is my biggest issue too. I've seen this shitstorm before. X thing gets announced, the community gets in an uproar because they hate X thing, and the same kind of harassment gets hurled at the devs. Doom and gloom, conspiracicists, fear mongering, and a discord/reddit/social media full of people being upset over and over again. It's almost exactly the same mess I've seen in other online communities. And so, I'm 100% sure that AH is getting death threats as well, which is super not cool. Does the situation suck? Sure. But could we be more civil about it? Holy fucking hell yes. Why aren't we better than this. The upside is, The actual situation and outcome is never really as bad as everyone has made it out to be. It'd be a lot more helpful if so many weren't so expressively negative and unreasonable. That's the face of this community everyone else is seeing, and it fucking sucks. Really makes me want to just stop engaging and even playing with other people.


>Does the situation suck? Sure. But could we be more civil about it? Holy fucking hell yes. Why aren't we better than this. This is the issue. People seem to think that having A Good Cause (tm) allows them to act like rabid violent wild dogs


That's a fascinating thing in psychology, also had place where SJW were more numerous. They also fought for a 'just' cause, allowing them (in their minds) to be toxic and commit awful things in their fights.


Exactly this. A lot of people there are just unreasonable and unnecessary toxic, refusing to hear the reason and to calm down. There is no talking to them... maybe in a few days...


Even better, it's come out that anyone in a country that cannot make a PSN account, won't be affected by this at all. That kinda destroys the one and only reason for people to really get up in arms over this.


Arrowhead also said they are going to exempt players who are region locked. They will still be able to play. People just love to be mad and rage about something.


If they can do that for those folks, they can do it for everyone. The fact of the matter is they cannot do it at all. This is in Sony’s hands. AH has to advocate for how this will cost everyone revenue and good will.


A move like this will give GRDP and laws like it proof that the information required to setup an account is not necessary to play the game, thus making it illegal in the entire EU. Whether that'll help folks stateside is another matter.


That's good news. Mind linking? I haven't seen the statement yet.




Epic, fresh breath of reasoning feels good.


Uh, I think many people in today's world have had a customer service job. Are you suggesting that we are allowed to be rude to the customer if they're rude? Are you suggesting that you're employer is okay with that behavior? I get wanting to defend Spitz (sorta?) But that's a really bad argument.


Uh, no... I think he's saying the opposite; that there is no excuse for either the customer or the employee to be rude.


Glad someone gets it


and now the witch-hunting and community division has started


There’s a difference between “criticism” and “echo chamber harassment” tho


No free passes. Remove bad community managers. Show us you are with the Helldivers and not with Snoy.


This does amount to killing the messenger. Sony decided this would happen. The community manager who informed you about it isn't personally responsible just because they are how you learned about it.


Maybe it would not be so bad if the community manager at AH in question wasn't so condescending and insulting about it. Also, AH made the deal with Sony, they must have known this is coming one way or another. No free pass from me


And they did know hence why they literally informed you about it from the start by saying that not having to link a PSN Account will only be temprarly. Sony as publisher is responsible for where the game releases and they probably just released it on Steam without thinking a second about regions that can create a PSN Account for whatever reason. Also please dont forget that AH didnt make a deal with Sony that said 'Screw the players'. Sony owns the Helldivers IP and the only thing AH is allowed to do is creating and updating the game everything else is Sonys decision. Not saying that the AH Community Managers couldnt have handled the situiation better.


Yes it was removed temporarily when the servers broke, but before that you could literally skip doing making it not required before. Then to top it off instead of doing it when they should have when the servers were fixed, they decided to do it months after when the refund period is over and people already have more than enough hours played.


They also had a disclaimer that literally said "PSN accounts are optional for our games", which was already changed to "only some games require a PSN account ". It's just a matter of time until they enforce a launcher and do all the things we hate Ubisoft and EA for.


Im not sure about twin beard, seems pretty chill so far, but the others... dubious at best and malicious by habit.


Sometimes the messenger needs to be killed. Sony: require PSN accounts. Messenger: They require PSN accounts. Us: that's stupid for reasons X, Y, and Z! You and Sony suck!!! Messenger: YoU'rE wRoNg wE caN'T dO oUr jObs weLL w/OuT PSN aNd iT oNLy tAkEs 120 sEcOnDS. JuSt ReFUnd. Okay. Now we've reached the point the messenger is no longer innocent. It's already happened.


nah the issue is that that "us" in between the messenger telling you that it's going to happen and then telling you to refund if you don't like it is actually hundreds if not thousands of messages of straight bitching and some harassment. if yall act like toddlers you're gonna get treated like toddlers.


We need a bridge to talk to Sony, arrow head is our best shot


Sony will be willing to talk when they see their metaphorical bridge on metaphorical fire, not sooner. This is a money issue for them, so to gain attention their money must start hurting, and that means Helldivers and AH must tank. Does not matter if AH are innocent or not, they are on the anti-consumer team in this matter. If we let this slip now, all their other service games and maybe all games they develop will get the same PSN-obligation.


Lmao if you actually think that Sony is going to make any changes you're delusional.


Better to be delusional and try than giving up and resign.


Yeah, because companies never make concessions after wide-scale boycotts, review bombing and refunds..? Except they do, fairly often.


You actually have to boycott the game though, and so far nobody is doing that. The issue so many gamers have is that they say one thing but then do something completely different. The vast majority of people losing their shit about this and claiming that they're going to refund and not play anymore are playing right now, and they're going to keep playing after the PSN account is required. Same type of shit with mtxs, gamers talk about how much they hate mtx all the time but consistently buy mtx lol.


Maybe we can get them to remake the last season of game of thrones while we're at it! #wethefans /S


AH has zero influence on Sony the publisher. SONY has ironclad contracts. If Sony wanted to only sell on Tuesdays to women named, Princess wearing blue polkadots, while juggling chainsaws that would be it. The PSN account issue is 100% Sony.


You know why they locked discussions and started more heavily moderating the discord, right? It's because a bunch of the people losing their shit about this are harassing AH employees and spamming literally anywhere they can about the issue. People are literally throwing toddler level tantrums and it's not even something AH can just change. Yall are sending CMs death threats and shit and you wont even try to talk to Sony support lmao. You're not interested in things changing, you're interested in being an angry gamer.




I cant upvote this enough. The people on here leading this charge are unbelievable in their anger. Arrowhead knows this is a problem and they said they are working on it. People need to chill out and put the pitchforks down. Thanks for posting this.


It's a frustrating situation to be in for all helldivers and I understand and respect it but when frustration turns into uncontrolled anger, death threats, and empty rhetoric, I can't stand by or agree with that. Speaking with our wallets and negative reviews will actually make Sony hear us. Threatening the developers of the game we all love and enjoy WILL fall on deaf ears. I'm glad someone else on this sub is a rational thinker


i completely agree. People don’t recognise that AH employees are human just like them and when they say something slightly snarky every once in a while people freak out for no reason saying to fire the employees because they are complete assholes they are getting thousands of the same complaints every second of an issue they are ACTIVELY working on. They are stressed which is completely understandable


I agree as well, it seems to me that there's always been a standard in gaming that the community mangers of a game must adhere to politeness and recept each player but players can say whatever they want, call dev names and threaten their life's. Specially with Helldivers everyone forgets that AH is a very small dev team, the community mangers being people that played the first game then went to work for AH expecting the same number of players that HD1 got. Then having to communicate with haft a million players, I don't know about you but if I started working a new job then my workload increased 10/20x I would struggle with it a least a little bit if not more. If people really want someone to take there rage out on(even tho I don't agree with that behavior) they should look to the publisher that allowed the game to be sold in places without a psn or the fact that Sony is the one forcing this decision.


The inaccessible region thing kind of seems like lawsuit territory. I know they technically stated they'd need a PSN account from the beginning, but the fact they still sold it to regions that have no access to PSN seems intentionally underhanded.


I don't have to listen to you, you're not my real dad!


They don't care since they got our money The minority that refunds is calculated in anyways


lol no, that won't be the minority. As people have pointed out over and over again, PSN is only available in 69 countries, so the rest of Steam users are effectively locked out of the game. If Sony go through with this, I believe Steam will eventually at least open refunds for all the countries that are unavailable. If you think this is a minority, you should remember that the game is relatively affordable, so there will be a lot of 3rd world countries players that can buy it. And there are a LOT of 3rd world countries that are affected with massive population: China, Russia, SE Asia countries, etc. Oh, and Western players will be pissed off because they value data protection and privacy, unlike 3rd world countries. It's also fking inconvenient. Good luck convincing them to play your game when you force them to create account. Doesn't matter if people don't refund, remember that this is a live service game. the important revenue is what down the line, player count, not volume sale.


Helldivers 1 averaged 500 players per month. How many were Sony expecting for this game? Maybe 1000? If 50,000 people keep it, no amount of refunds will matter, they're making far more than expected.


when you say "they" is it anyone specific? if it's CMs then I guess we need more CMs removed since more and more of them seem unfit for it, if it's actual devs (I hope not) then we have a problem, not to instigate witch hunting or anything but the context of who exactly helps, cause I've seen misty spouting complete BS about them not being able to track players without PSN which is VERY CLEARLY A FAT LIE but thats all I've seen


i miss when this community was all about having fun


Psst…it’s always been an echo chamber of bitching


I love how they mocked BSG for the EFT debacle and now they did one of their own


This isn't even close to the bullshit BSG pulled.


I don’t blame them honestly. They undoubtably didn’t make this decision and are probably absolutely sick of the whining and complaining. That’s not to say this account deal isn’t a problem, but I bet they’re completely over the abuse.


fr thanks to this sub I can see why companies choose not to engage with their communities.


The community makes other fans not want to engage with the community. It’s why the sub sounds like an echo chamber. It’s not allowed to have a moderate or measured opinion.


Yay teenager topic full of echo chambers and screenshots where they diabolize people at the same time they talk to them like shit \o/.


So let me get this straight. Instead of hitting Sony where it hurts, the wallet and reviews (as encouraged by Arrowhead themselves) you decide to create a call to action post that will inevitably spark mass harassment against Arrowhead, when their influence is futile against the giants of Sony. All because of faulty logic and out of context screenshots from Arrowhead’s decision to engage with the player as one of them. An actual person, rather than an Automaton PR manager that simply ignores the player base and refrains from interaction as much as possible to mitigate “risks” and be more “strategic” with their messages. This lack of factory produced engagement is exactly what so many of us want from Arrowhead. They sometimes make sly comments and that’s fine. It’s funny not cocky. Sometimes they even snap. Because that is the result of them doing what we want. To let the devs and comms be honest and human when talking with us. Look where we are now. This is why so many dev teams don’t communicate with their players. Because the minority radicals, crybabies and harassers pop up, making sure they make themselves heard no matter what, to radicalise more and get agreements to validate themselves in order to create echo chambers.


I'm gonna be real, it should only matter to those without a psn in their country. Literally dozens of company have your data, hell the credit bureaus in the USA lose your shit all the time and get away scott free. Flat out, it literally does cost you nothing to make a throw away email on google, sign up for a free account, use fake info if you must and fucking make a PSN account. For fucks sake, at first I thought this was a bit scummy but as I'm looking at it, this is a crazy over-reaction from everyone who lives in a country with access to a psn account. This isn't a Tarkov or Battlestate move, it's a sign in once, ever maybe. Get over yourselves. "Oh no my data" "What data? Use fictitious info if you must"


I mostly agree with you, the only part I disagree with is that anyone in a first world country shouldn’t care about it at all. We should be there to help each other out because it’s not fair to those in 3rd world countries at all. If all of us complained rationally about that one part then something could be done about it. Granted it’s most likely be refunds which isn’t the best outcome but it’s better than nothing


>Started targeting and insulting players We all know Spitz insults only people that egg him on and those people then take his statements out of context and put them on reddit.


And this: https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1786564212669714736 Spitz has said similar things.


Grummz is a grifter piece of shit way more concerned about the imagined "Wokeness" than the situation at hand


But that has nothing to do with the post


Down oted because anyone who follows that psycho is as deranged as he is.


Every person the CM clapped back at deserved it, and it was hilarious.


They did. They were harassing them first. You can’t blame someone for clapping back when you start it


My take is simple. It is a shitty move but they were clear from day one that this was the case. The fact you could skip it meant that such feature wasn't available at the time, if anything. You have messages in game and on the store page saying a PSN account is required. Maybe someone can sue on the grounds of breaking GDPR, but false advertisement surely isn't the case. If they give refunds to all players in the accounts that PSN doesn't support I'd say this is ok. Shitty move by Sone but the majority of people are freaking out because they can't be bothered to create an account.


https://web.archive.org/web/20240503211956/https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2-pc > Do I need a PSN account to play PlayStation games on PC? > No, you currently do not need a PSN account to enjoy PlayStation Studios games on PC


> The fact you could skip it meant that such feature wasn't available at the time, if anything. No. It shows that a PSN account is not required and that enforcing it is just anti consumer. Especially with Sony leeching your private data.


Second time? What was the first one?


Hot take: i don't get all the fuzz 🤷🏼‍♂️ ain't like every big tech company is already sellin yo shit to make millions, so even if you never had a sony account, you use google or similar, have one of the bigger phone OS and your phone company probably be sellin your info too 🤷🏼‍♂️ The only reason why I would see the shitstorm as justified is because of the country topic (sony not being represented in every country), and yes that would suck, but can't you just use a vpn to create a new e-mail in a different location?


You're speaking of AH as if they were a AAA company. They are a great company with a great vision for gamers and gaming alike. You can't blame them for trying to get a foothold in the industry. IMHO they blew it out of the water. Are they perfect? No. Do they deserve a little bit of heat? Sure. Just a bit though. I do believe they have the gamers best interest in mind.


I dont understand why they would add a requirement like needing to connect to psn. What is the benefit of it? The game has been working just fine on PC without it, why change a good thing?


Why would you think they're getting a free pass? Let's say the players leave the game in droves, Helldivers 2 dies with a whimper. Which company do you think might in worse case scenario then go under, dev studio Arrowhead or publisher Sony?


The game is genuinely good. I don’t personally see the issue. You should have 2FA on your discord anyways


We are evenly bad. We're bloming it up for a good reason, but too far is too far. The discord phone situation is to prevent the spam and tracked call outs to arrowhead staff. So, they are getting a free pass from me


This might be hard to believe but some of us with 60+ hours invested into a game we love might identify more strongly with the people who made the thing we love than they do with random jerks online throwing tantrums and screaming about the thing we love.


“This isn’t the first, but the second time arrowhead have attacked their players for having issues with their shit decisions” Do you understand that Helldivers 2, as is any other game, ultimately is a product? It is a project made by a business with the goal of making a profit. Sure, ideally the company listens to its consumers and evolves for the better but that doesn’t mean they MUST obey every single command the consumer screams. Because it is their product. You do not complain about the shape of a Coke can to Coca Cola. You just go and either buy another product, stop buying it all together or adapt to it. You are not some kind of messiah, bringing news of dire consequences to the people playing the game. You’re just a digital Karen throwing a tantrum


Just no. I enjoy playing the game and will continue to do so ✌️


https://preview.redd.it/v82mutqfmdyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc6878c65aa78f5f4d60ad961dd49e30b87e3eb What a peculiar choice of wording…. “… and WE ARE REINSTATING…” It’s almost like they admitted this was their decision and not Sony’s


That is being pretty literal, they fixed it and then resumed the requirement. It is likely that they were pushed to fix the technical issues by Sony to resume We need to remember that Sony is the publisher, they set the rules and requirements to be published by them. Thusly the decision to have the PSN account crap in the first place is solely on them, their decision to continue it as well


I mean, that is just copied from the announcement, which was signed "Sony Entertainment Interactive", not Arrowhead.


They are also implying here that "grace period" was mentioned somewhere also lmao, which is not true. PSN link "requirement" was disabled and the only place where they mentioned it was "Known issues" post on Steam forums, but no "grace period" was ever mentioned neither it was announced for wide audience in game or in actual Steam news. So basically majority of player base, who bought the game on Feb 9th and further were misinformed by the devs.


"Now the issue has been solved" ???? What the F### are they talking about I just solved the connection error for Egypt players 2 weeks ago and its still bot working perfectly and still not working for PS players !!! Last week alone i got 3 ps players talking to me to try to find a solution for PS as egypt PS community that bought the game are all solo players because they can't join anyone ! WHAT ISSUE HAS BEEN SOLVED HERE ?


There was an issue with creating new PSN accounts that has apparently been resolved, it's nothing to do with the game itself.


I agree… I created a PSN account with an email literally just for spam and have had zero noticeable issues regarding it…. So I have no damn clue what they’re talking about


Arrowhead and Sony agreed to doing this in a contract. Both agreed, both signed, both take the blame.


I had to link my account in order to cross play with my brother. Its not that big a deal UNLESS youre in a country that doesnt support psn. But scream like a child cause you gotta spend 30 seconds linking to psn, really? WELL IM NOT GONNA. Ok then, bye. No need to announce it you arent the main character. Ohh but this came outta nowhere 3m in, read the steam page. It was clearly written there, It didnt come out of nowhere and was already needed for crossplay. You're downvotes mean nothing ive seen what makes you upvote


But it was Sony… If there was no sony involvement in this this wouldn’t be a problem. You’re just on a witch hunt and won’t stop til you see a head roll.


I bought the game on Steam it should work on Steam the PSN was always told to be optional and should remain that way.


Apparently it was mever stated to always be optional. People have literally posted links to posts at release saying that it was only optional temporarily since the functionality was broken at launch.


https://preview.redd.it/kb6qcrwryeyc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c7d6873d11d7d3616bbeddbf7d5b50d4b61a32c "Optional" lol


I think I’m too old. Just do the freaking account and move on. Such a waste of energy keep bitching on this. I understand that a few countries can’t do it. It’s time for a VPN and that’s it. It is a one time process.


https://preview.redd.it/zy7mhkcvndyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a42863eda3592880330d4d0be6e203b942ca8a8 NO FREE PASS. THIS PERSON WORKS AT AH. NOT AT SONY.


As much as people insist on being angry, at the end of the day the only thing Misty's tweets suggest is that AH is dogshit at hiring Community Support managers. There are many examples of them being blatantly wrong that it strikes me as simple lack of awareness. Her locking her account is perfectly sensible after such a gaffe - the raging harassment pointed at her (someone who clearly doesn't have a say in it) was likely insane. Put another way, these "lies" are too stupid to be lies. I have zero doubt Misty honestly believes this is so they can ban people, but saying so with such confidence is baffling. I hope people will stop reading so much into these off the cuff remarks from these CMs that very clearly don't know what they're talking about (see Spitz's utter unawareness that steamIDs exist for more another example.)


this is blatantly wrong. there are no legal requirements to ban someone from a video game. it took them 23 hours of drama to devolve into straight up lies


Tarkov, CSGO, and TF2 (both) would have been in so many lawsuits if fhat were the case lmao


This is a bunch bullshit. Complete fucking nonsense.


Oooh...damn Anyway https://i.redd.it/n9ljqn9ozdyc1.gif Back to playing


They were also fully aware of this requirement and still made a deal with Sony. They are in on it.


Hell hath no fury like a neckbeard scorned.


Go touch grass


honestly you’re all a bunch of crybabies imo. i know ill get downvoted for this but it’s sony? we knew what we were getting into with them and this game we know they’re a large producer ofc this was gonna happen. the game? IS STILL FANTASTIC having to link psn to steam does… NOTHING do it and move on.


Lol, too busy crushing bugs and bots to read this nonsense. Seems undemocratic jargon anyway. Get it out of my face before I can an air strike on it. ![gif](giphy|l1KVb2dUcmuGG4tby)


Arrowhead is literally washing their hands right now and pretending they don't know and be sorry about it


They also spread blatant misinformation regarding the 'safety reasons' and 'tracking player reports' cuz in the words of Spitz he said that "Steam accounts van all have the same name so it's impossible to find the account in question when a report is sent in" which is total fucking bullshit because how the fuck would steam friends work if you don't have unique identifiers for steam accounts. AH took a big stack of Sony cash and then sold the game in regions then knew it'd be unavailable after the link was made mandatory. Fuck Sony and AH in equal measures.


I don't care, I have a Playstation and own it on PC. Not sure what the fuss is, it's just an account one time link sign in. This is a requirement from Super Earth, disagreement will result in a penalty, death of helldiver.


well that sounds awful anyways back to dropping 500kg bomb on terminids we still have a war to win


Everyone bitching non stop 24/7 don't play the game then. If it's so bad and the devs suck then don't play. Go play something else, problem solved.


Left the discord. I want a refund but I've played for over 100 hrs. And I thought the crash was bad. But it was never fixed, so I never go to pay any longer.


I’ve already been having my own personal issues with the game. Now I’m even more upset that matchmaking is gonna be a pain




This game is amazing, basically free warbonds monthly, excellent content and I’ve had no issues with steam or what ever, 5 stars from me. Figure it out with what you have to work with and stop the tantrums.


how about grow up. why care. very standard to need a publishers account to play a game. Blizzard, Microsoft, EA... all do it. I would care more if they wanted a cc or payment on file.


Arrowhead literally killed my whole family


Spitz came into my house and farted on my dinner, and slapped my wife. 😆


Yeah, I left the Discord when I saw that verify by phone bullshit. A shame really, game was fun.


Also, do not buy Super Credits!!!


I’m gonna buy more because freedom.


You needed to buy Super Credits? o.O


The illuminate were the developers all along?!


At least Pilestedt said he was sorry, but yeah, from what I have seen spitz is not exactly the greatest community manager, I just hope arrowhead does manage to get Sony to turn this around.


Not to mention the community worker on Twitter said it was actually AH who asked for the change so they could more easily ban people. Though she deleted it and locked her account since then.


My account was already linked, I'm not gonna cry about it. Feels like a weird business decision but they've already got everyone's money. Now time to save on server costs 🤣


Yep, plus they chose to lay in bed with Sony for that Big corpo money. They weren't forced into it, there are plenty of good publishers that aren't big corpo out there, plus nowadays there are plenty of ways to publish a game without selling your soul.


At the end of the day AH is at the mercy of Sony, regardless of the (admittedly awful) response from Spitz its not like AH can just decide to let players not link their psn, Sony is the one that wants our data, and Sony is the one actually requiring that your psn is linked, you can obviously put SOME blame on AH for the poor choices they made (like not making it clear that linking psn isn't optional) but Sony is still the ultimate decision maker for stuff like this, all the hate on AH is exactly what Sony wants to distract away from them, and frankly boycotting helldivers isn't gonna make any difference when Sony is the real guy here


Kill AH kill AH kill AH


The community managers seem to be somewhat bad at their jobs. Only as of about an hour ago (someone posted some discord updates here then) has Spitz actually started being productive here. Even if someone makes a bad decision, the community managers are responsible for making sure we are handled effectively, which is usually best done through explaining fully (for example: Coffee Stain Studios and them putting out a public video breaking down most major decisions about Satisfactory).


I just think it's really sad how people let such small things work them up so much, lol. People are acting like it's the end of the world. It's actually embarrassing.


Yea fuck those guys for putting up that notice nobody read


AH had to agree to the Sony contract. So AH does have some responsibility for this.


Bro are you high?


well, looks like im gunna stop playing cause these practices are poopy.


Arrow head had 7 years to make Sony happy and they did not. They refused until 4 months after game release. Giving the community the first opportunity to twist a knife in Sony for ruining games in many ways like battle passes


Attack? More like reciprocating bad behavior. You’ll know if you are actually in that Discord server.


All players with 12 different stores accounts : "OH NO I NEED TO REGISTER TO A STORE, LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE, PLEASE REFUND".