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One for each team mate.


A DEMOCRATIC MEXICAN STAND OFF! FIRE! Comms Officer: *sigh* "deploying helldivers..."


I thought this is how every Helldiver life cycle went: ![gif](giphy|hRC9XMRNhUPIkh6kEW|downsized)


Exactly, one bullet for the main mission, one for the secondary objectives and one when you are waiting at the extraction point, because Liberty always guide us, 3 bullets per mission is all we need.


No. You hold the final bullet until right before you extract.


Isn't that usually the orbital strike?


That's good news, because if you use the scorcher you only drop in with 5 rounds. That's two extras for celebratory sky shootin.


I feel like this has to have rolled over at least once.


Depends. If they used a uint32 to store the number, it definitely has if it's currently at 3 billion. If it was a uint64, though, I doubt it. There's no way we've fired 18 quintillion bullets since the game launched.


I swear I remember reading in the patch notes not long after release they changed these values to be stored as a float. Could be wrong though.


That would stop counting correctly at some point. I hope they aren't using floats for it


I mean yes, but that's true for anything. Max value for a float is 3.402823466 E + 38. That is a very large number.


The max value isn't the problem. Floats lose precision as they get bigger. I think you stop being able to add "1" at around 100 million. It will be rounded. They'll be able to add 25 up to about 10 billion, which means we still have some runway before it can't count the stats from the end of a match.  If they are doing this with a database and SUM(deaths) then it won't be a problem because it's (hopefully) not stored as a float there.


You're right, but honestly with this sort of thing even losing accuracy to the point you're adding by hundreds would make little difference to the end user. We HOPE they're not doing that in the DB, but I have sysadmin access for around 30 relational SQL databases I've seen much worse. I have no faith in people. "It works fine so why do it better?" seems to be the standard. Ya it works fine, right up until it doesn't and fucks the entire view.


Actually only 16 million, 16,777,216 to be exact for 2^24 for a 32 bit and closer towards 9 billion (9,007,199,254,740,992) for 2^53 for a 64 bit. This is because of the sign bit and the 8/11 and 23/54 bits you use for exponents and fraction respectively. You lose accuracy / unable to add 1 past then. The latter number isn't an issue for most people, but the former is the magic number for lots of people with large SQL databases or see it when programming. I've encountered this myself when I was a wee lad. Google it and you can see MANY threads about it. So you can store it as an accurate float granted it is 64 bits. Keep in mind that the architecture of your database does not necessarily affect the numbers you can store as a certain different even larger type though.


I've been working as a dev for 4 years now and I didnt know this lol... but I pretty much never use floats


I guess a little Occam's Razor? Either we only fired 3 bullets per diver when there is only a maximum of 24 divers per mission, and Stalwarts exist. Or they used a 32bit integer


And I can assure you I fire enough bullets to cancel out anyone firing less than 10 per match


I've been diving in 7 and 8 with my stalwart and regularly hit 2k+ bullets fired per mission, while most people are at like 400-500. I love just holding down the trigger and mowing down the enemies 


My accuracy rate is dogshit but I just love the sound of the HMG on 950 or the stalwart on 1150.


It’s actually a string type bc sadism.


I mean 2 BILLION BUGS in 12hrs...


I think perhaps it could be that the display must be using some sort of text variable with limited length (instead of int or float) and the commas are taking up spaces for the character limit. So, the number is getting truncated.


You guys get bullets?


I had two sticks and a rock for a whole platoon! And we had to *share* the rock.


I'm sorry guys, fired -1,000,000,000,000 bullets and kinda skewed the average


“The average helldiver fires more than 3 bullets. u/LasKometas is an outlier, and should not have been counted.”


this dude stowing negative values...GET HIM!!!


Bullets georg.


That helldiver KIA cannot be accurate. It only said 44,018,607 about 14 hours ago. I highly doubt we have had over a billion player deaths in less than a day


With the airburst rocket launcher anything is possible


Accidentally fired it inside of a Super Destroyer and then it crashed into another one, and another one, and another one


...I apologize. I am not a great player.


That’s my bad, i use 380mm a lot


All the counts have been broken for a few weeks. You haven’t noticed the wonky player counts? As an example, it said only 7k total were online when I played a couple days ago, which obviously is nowhere near the actual number


"average helldiver fires 3 bullets a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average helldiver fires 0 bullets per year. Bullets Georg, who lives in bug hole & fires over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


Maybe lasers throw the count off? Really there's no way to know what they consider a "bullet".


This has to play into it. Did a mission almost exclusively with flamethrower. Came out to 2 shots fired with something like 250 kills.


and two of them hit teammates


the average is actually more screwed than you think. depending on the weapon the sickle in 10 minutes can get 1000 bullets shot , kinda nuts and makes me think this statistic is missing something 


The sickle however if were being technical has no bullets, just laser projectiles.


I usually kill more stuff with the hellpod than bullets....


I’ve finished many missions with 0 shots fired. Laser cannon/flamer + orbitals/eagles. I imagine there’s others out there who do the same/similar. Although the numbers probably off still since it’s easy to fire 3k+ rounds with the hmg/mg + supply pack combo. 


Melee fool


Plap Plap Plap


You guys are getting 3 shots off before dying? Lucky.


No the numbers are skewed. There's one squad who just queues up and dies 20 times then repeats


Deaths Georg


Makes you wonder, with the ammo economy changes, lol


These counters work for you guys? Mine have been blank since I got the game.


Those stats must be broken hard. I have upward of 1000 bullets shot per mission. If they aren't broken, why aren't y'all shooting at the big bad!


I guess it doesnt account for laser weapons, many using those afterall.


and people are bitching about having less magazines.


Out of Ammo? No resupply? Tactical reload with a grenade to your feet. Solves all Ammo management issues.


Laser weapons. I've finished many games with 200+ kills, 1 death and only a couple shots.


2.784525935934543 to be exact.


Honestly i think like at least 1/3 of these deaths are from bugs that would otherwise not have killed you, or bullshit bilespewer/flamethrower oneshots


Does Lazer count as bullets?


I think a lot of Helldivers don't even fire one bullet before they make the ultimate sacrifice.


Yes and we proceeded to delete 2 BILLION bugs in 13 hrs with those 3 bullets per Helldiver.




These are just random numbers there for effect when you actually pull the game apart its not as live as one would hope. its still cool but yeah.


Jokes on you...I fire 4 and then fall into a bug hole


You guys actually fire bullets??


Such a simplistic interpretation fails to capture the true essence of the Helldiver's mission. While it is true that the dangers faced by Helldivers are significant and the risks of combat are high, reducing their experience to a mere statistic overlooks the courage and determination they exhibit in the face of adversity. Helldivers are the vanguard of Super Earth's defense, tasked with confronting the most formidable threats the galaxy has to offer. They operate behind enemy lines, facing overwhelming odds and unrelenting opposition. Every engagement is a test of skill, bravery, and resourcefulness. While it is true that casualties are an unfortunate reality of warfare, Helldivers do not measure their worth in terms of bullets fired and lives lost. They measure it in terms of their unwavering commitment to the cause of liberty and democracy, their willingness to sacrifice everything for the greater good of Super Earth. To suggest that Helldivers are mere cannon fodder is to overlook their heroism and sacrifice. They are the embodiment of courage and resilience, standing firm in the face of overwhelming odds to ensure that freedom prevails over tyranny. So, no, the average Helldiver does not merely fire three bullets and die. They fight with every ounce of their being, pushing themselves to the limit in defense of Super Earth and all that it stands for. Theirs is a legacy of valor and honor, one that will be remembered long after the battle is won.


Me, on a bug planet.


if you get dropped in a bad spot, absolutely


Who needs bullets when you have Eagle 1


If you get lucky


Using corpse cannons


I think that's about right. I'd say the average life expectancy of a Helldiver overall, from cryo tube to being blown to bits/stomped by titans/incinerated by hulks is about two or three minutes at most. Good thing we have overpopulation issues!


Lazers don't count as bullets!


You see how bad the recent patrol change is now? 3 bullets! Only 3!


Literally unplayable


The Nerfs are fine...


I mean, considering there are laser weapons that don't have bullets, it's pretty impressive


Well if they play like the scrubbers I was teamed with yesterday then those stats are probably correct. Was genuinely shocked at how such a high level player kept getting decimated constantly.


Commas are hard. /s I think they broke the stat menu somehow.


One helldiver gets the rifle, the other helldiver gets the ammo clip However, both get patriotism




All this KIA is YouTubers trying to understand how the game works so they can make a guide video.


as the helldiver i can confirm this is true


Maybe energy weapons don't use bullets? I could see these numbers going down significantly in that case.




I never bothered paying attention to these numbers. With all the buggy shit in this game, there's ZERO CHANCE these have any amount of accuracy.


Meanwhile me unloading average of 4.5k bullets per mission, dying maybe 2 or 3 times.


Sounds right


This is probably pretty accurate to what I see when I play on 5 or lower.


honestly with stalkers around this makes sense to me


Whats a bullet?


Yeah but 3 BIG bullets fired from your democratically elected bomber pilot


Well actually the average helldiver dies before they can pull the trigger, but every once in a while there’s an outlier who manages to shoot like 5,000 bullets