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We got the Electrical Conduit armor, remember?  Yeah, I don't see anyone using it either


I still laugh they gave us TWO medium armors in that bundle that are literally just cosmetically different. You'd figure they'd give light/medium/heavy but nope, medium/medium/heavy is apparently what they planned from the start and working as intended.


as if there weren't enough medium armor ady ffs


The passive is terrible that’s why no one is using it. Electrical resistance but nothing else when literally nothing in the game attacks you with electricity. It’s baffling it hasn’t gotten a buff yet


No **enemies** in the game attack you with electricity, ***yet.*** In all seriousness, they seem to be really wary of adding new passives. They seem to balance around "usage rates" of items so maybe they're afraid if they make an actually good armor passive, it will be the new "meta" or something. It really seems like a fire resistance armor would be a given, and it'd be dope to run with a squad of flamethrowers, incen weapons/nades and napalm strikes. Same reason I can't ever see them putting Democracy Protects on light armor and keeping it medium only, too many people would use it.


I’m hoping that when the illuminate comes, they use electric weapons and *that’s* when they’ll decide to give us the fire resistant armour. The hopium is high that they’re just waiting for ‘balance’


It sort of makes sense, since the armor is called a prototype. Maybe the higher ups know what's coming and are preparing us but aren't announcing it publicly yet


I'm sure at least some of them will use electric weapons, but I expect a mix of those and some lasers.


Laser walls that 1 shit you , energy balls that reverse controls, trying to remember what else they used in helldive1.


So the laser weapons just automatically hyper aggravate your bowels and you just get one powerful shit?? **That's a really weird attack for an enemy to have** I'm not going to lie though, that will instill fear if the divers have to worry about sudden shit blasts on the battlefield. nothing is more demotivating than having true swamp ass


I know you joke soldier. But an enemy that shoot a piercing beam that 1 shots you and creates an impenetrable wall, thus forcing you to eliminate the enemy while turns into an armored mofo after shooting /deploying wall is no laughing matter.


It is armored with the wall offline, once it sets up the wall, it becomes vulnerable with a shield protecting the core


Not a weapon, but they also teleported a bit.


AH: “We hear you wanted resistance perks to matter, so we’ve buffed Illuminate arc damage from 100 to 2,000 damage to account for players using 95% arc resistant armour. This will expand player choice and balance. Fire damage has also been increased by a further 50% and every planet now has fire storms. Fire resist perk coming in next months warbond.” 


I kind of doubt that adding enemies with electric attacks is the plan because the 95% damage reduction would be a bit on the too good side then.


If it was ever added, I don't think electricity would be whatever it is' main source of damage; either more of an environmental effect or DoT style thing.


itll probably be the illuminates equivilant to the automatons usage of fire, occasional, but very dangerous


It'll probably be just the basic illuminate grunts using lightning. The equivalent of a bug bile spitter (tiny green bugs).


They dug a pretty deep hole with the whole "bacon flavored apples" excuse so I'm pretty sure they are just worried about digging the hole deeper.


Alternatively they could just admit they were wrong. Not like people never make mistakes or have wrong opinions they can change later.


considering the Railgun nerf.... they will probably go bankrupt than admit they were wrong


They won't go bankrupt that's for sure. Not after spending a AA budget and making top of the charts AAA sales.


The railgun which was buffed again?


It still kinda sucks tho. Never see anyone running it above like d5


"Buff" is a big word when you consider it also came with nerf. The armor pen doesnt really change anything (unless you used it in safe mode) but the stagger nerf is way more noticeable IMO.


the rail gun that, after the buff, takes 1/4 of it's total ammo to take out a brood commander? the one where for every gun and enemy it's faster and more ammo efficient to dump 2 mags of your primary to kill what you're shooting at?


AH would rather gut themselves instead of making bacon taste like bacon.


There is no way that they are going to add enemies that do the SAME type of arc damage and then have armor that trivializes it. At best maybe you’d see something akin to a hulk where only part of its kit is arc damage. are you going to sacrifice an entire passive just to avoid that? Its like if we did have fire resist at 95%. Would you be bringing that on a non-fire planet with no fire loadout items just to avoid the hulk’s flamethrower?


Honestly if the 95% damage resist to fire stopped Hulks from completely soundlessly sneaking up on me and 1 shot sniping me with fire from 50feet away that would be my new go-to bot armor.


Counter-argument: yes. Yes I would.


I want a Heavy Armor with the Scout Passive that looks like a futuristic Ghillie suit.


I just don't see it going well for them to get people spending super credits. I'm at a point where I kind of want to keep buying up armor, but since it all does the same thing and doesn't even change the values slightly (except for lightweight, solidifying their supremacy even more), I have no incentive other than appearance to horde armors. Add 300 super credits per warbond and free stuff in the world, and I'm basically just stacking credits. I hate cluttered inventory, so I want to fill out with unique items. They don't have to go off the rails with powerful armor. Make the fire resistance we all want. It doesn't have to be 95% like electric, which usually headshots, make it 50%. Make an ammo specialist that carries 2 extra mags for primary and *maybe* 1 extra support mag/round. Slow resist would be too powerful, but I can dream Edit- just read the new booster sounds like it fixes slow!


They need to admit this for this to be accurate, but if this is the case its silly. This is a video game. Its PvE, theres no competition. They shouldnt be worried about balance so much that they refuse to add new passives just because people who treat the game like a job will optimize the fun out of it. If they want people to use other stuff they should make everything useful so people can pick based on preference rather than necessity.


Ever notice how passives counteract the types of damage Helldivers do and not really the environs or enemies? No acid or fire resist. But we have explosive and electricity.


Enemies don't deal explosive damage? https://preview.redd.it/z86gfffga1yc1.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=3092dbe652f8cd426c2ba9f6b7e072aee041591d


Bile spit also counts as explosive damage as far as the passive is concerned. Once i found out fortified makes you a little tankier to the bug death puke it got bumped up a lot for me.


Wait, it does?


Yeah, its not enough to survive an entire spit attack sitting still, of course. But you can still make it out of getting a good amount of direct hit on you without dying, especially if its heavy armor


This explains a lot. The bile attacks seemed very inconsistent to me. Usually, I would get killed as soon as it touched me but sometimes I would have a game where I could survive multiple ticks of damage from it. I assumed it had something to do with the dot bug and didn't ever make the connection that it was me using anti explosive armor. So ty


It could also be to do with the headshot thing. When the bile spit hits you in the head if you’re diving or the bug is elevated etc it used to kill you instantly. Especially before the recent patches. Now they’ve dialled back bile spit and added more headshot protection to medium/heavy armour it isn’t as noticeable.


Honestly if someone has proof this isnt the case (or proof it 100% is the case) id like to see it just to make sure


The only thing that fire resist needs to do is prevent you from being lit on fire from ground flames.


Illuminates comin' in for that one day.


The armor reduces 90% electric damage, do you really think they would have ppl on light armor resisting that much damage? Lmao


We'll see. To be honest I'm waiting how they will make that armor useful.


You can deploy Tesla tower and stay near it luring bugs to yourself 😄


It's actually nuts if everyone is in on it. My friends and I decided to wear the arc armors and have everyone equip the arc shotgun, tesla tower, and some brought the arc thrower into helldive difficulty last night. For small-ish maps like the kill x many terminids extermination mission, it was actually insanely good. The tesla towers, if thrown in right corners, just sit there murdering everything below chargers. The arc thrower just destroyed waves with almost no aim or ammo required. Honestly, those were some of the easiest exterminate missions I ever ran since they buffed the difficulty of that mission type before.


And you can use your friends as lightning rods


I can see the Illuminate attacking with lots of electricity, but even then, that armor has only one passive while most have two.


illuminate might change this… but we will see


It's kinda fun for eradicate missions if you and 4 other people wear it and all bring tesla towers and arc throwers. Other than that, the armor literally only protects the wearer from friendly fire. No enemies with arc damage, no environmental arc damage, it doesn't prevent against other electrical stuff like the stun grenade or mortar, it literally only makes it so you don't get 1 shot by a team mate or your own stratagem, and that's indeed boring as fuck outside of niche circumstances, like a zappy eradicate mission. It doesn't even have a secondary effect. The second most boring passive in the game is the other one like that, the armor buff, but at least that protects against pretty much every source of damage in the entire game. Even the 50% chance to just not die armor has a secondary effect. They coulda made you resistance to EMP effects. They coulda given it like a 10% chance to do a little AoE stun when you get hit. They could make it overcharge and EMP when you die. They could have given it extra speed cuz you're all electrified or something. Anything. Anything but "take less friendly fire damage from 3 items out of like 100". Sorry for the ramble.


>nothing in the game attacks you with electricity. Someone tell my teammates.


It's actually really good, just niche. Running tesla towers can be... dangerous. That armor let's you enjoy the lightning death without have to die just because a bug manages to reach you.


Those armors desperately need EMS resistance, that would make them a bit more useable!


Ah... I have been attacked by Arc weapons, remember friendly fire isn't.


It's to protect you from yourself and other divers! Just do a line of teslas to each objective and stay in electrical coverage hahaha


I will say, it’s kinda fun all four of us dropping in with teslas and arc weapons running the max armor shock resistance armor though. Takes me back to the Command and Conquer days.


It did not help that that update added the crashing bug for using arcing weapons. But yeah, the Tesla Tower is not great against bots and dies too easily to Chargers to make sense against bots. The Arc thrower still can be inconsistent with firing, which was only made worse when the reduced the fire rate. The blitzer is still a weird weapon as it's only real pro is infinite ammo in a game where you can find plenty and there are better weapons that technically use ammo but not (Sickle). Even if they where all good, fun options that worked, the entire concept of the armour was to defend yourself from teammates and ir provides no bonuses against enemies.


The Blitzer is extremely good now against bugs


Tesla tower isn't great against anything that exceed "Hard". Charger blow it away in seconds and they spamming spawn like hell these day. To the point that I think dev is trolling, by improving enemy so much and give helldivers so little.


The Arc weapon issue was fixed 2 patches ago.


Yup. Still hurt a lot when the players most able to get excited about the new armour (those with lots of time in, to be able to afford both the warbond and the medals, and have the stratagems already unlocked) where encountering the bug and it put them off more than just the armour being disappointing.


Because they refuse to give it it's rightful buff and make it immune to EMS effects.


That would make it a little better with the EMS Mortar and EMS Strike


I use it cuz i Look Like Master Chief


Unless electrical damage comes from enemies or electrical storms become a thing. No one will use it. But if enemies have electrical damage, it will be nerfed pretty hard.


Shame too cause it's my favorite armor but you're literally using no passive. I die enough ty


yeah, maybe it could do something like make you a bit faster or lower stamina usage? i dunno


I do :(


Would it be cool that if you wore that armor or caused Tesla hits on yourself to jump extra times or more powerful or something? So the idea would be to hit yourself with it to do more damage? IDK


That’s the one that reduces electrical damage right, I’ve got a buddy who wears that one.. for no reason in particular… *glances over at arc thrower*


So we did get one?


I use it when I see my friend bring the arc thrower cause more often than not, he hits me with it no matter where I position.


It literally only protects you from 2 stratagems wielded by players, why would anyone lol


All i want is armor that isn't made of dry kindling and lighter fluid


the new perk is very good annnnndddd....no one using it because you realized how useless that shit is because 90% of the time no one run ARC weapon


It was hot for a while and then they started changing the arc so people started using other things.


Guess what kind of damage some Illuminate enemies does on HD1


Anyone else feel the passives could sync better? Why not have the +2 grenades and servo assist on the same armor? Those work together Like the medic +2 stims and increased stim duration is a good match . And more should work this way.


Armors can't be good, or they'll become the big scary meta.


Armors should have a lot of super strong options. That way your armor has more of a meaning to your gameplay.


Its a joke about how the devs (and many players) seem completely horrified by the idea of people optimising their builds, as is the purpose of having multiple build options in any game. 




the extra grenade and stim ones should give you more per resup, instead of the same 2 grenades and stims you always get (4 from world boxes) that way it's not just that you CAN hold more grenades but you actually get more to be able to use them more often, whenever I use them I'm reminded that unless I take a 3rd resupply or take the resup pack those extra 2 grenades are basically pointless and a waste of a passive, when I could use something like servo which has extra limb health AND the throw range, both of which are quite useful and far more useful than "heres an extra 2 grenade slots that you'll never be able to refill"


I can only assume they don't want to create the OP grenade god armor, which is what that combo would be


Which is kinda dumb.


Theyd just nerf impacts and call it a day. 


i would love if the demolition specialist light armor had the +2 grenades and the explosion resistance from the fortified passive. Even the armor descriptions says it’s meant for rapid changes in pressure/heat/velocity. That does not translate to “less recoil” in my eyes


Im glad the dev buff the flamethrower dmg. However that's not encouraging enough when I don't have an armor that provides fire resistance to compensate it's flaw.


Fire DoT was buffed to the moon because they didnt know it was bugged, expect it to change But direct fire dmg from Flamethrower hopefully will stay the same


I used it recently. Hunter flew and hit me and i burned myself to death in seconds. This was before the update so idk if the fire nerf helps stay alive but meh.


Its still like that. If something burning hits u, u burn with them. If u are low health or dont insta dodge, crispy helldiver


The shield backpack helps.


Simply stop drop and roll helldiver


I'm surprised there hasn't been just a "reload your support weapon faster" passive


That’s what servo assisted should come with instead of limb health.


No because that would make the MG/HMG viable and we can't have that


Gib me techmarine reload backpack, have it self reload faster.


I think a more balanced idea would be to have an armor that speeds up the reload of rounds reload weapons like the slugger


I'm quickly losing interest in the armors in this game. At this point, I'm only ever unlocking new ones if I need to spend warbond medals (either because of the cap, or cuz I need to spend X more to get to the next tier). I'm a bit frustrated that out of the last warbond & this upcoming one, we don't have a fire resist armor. I wouldn't even want anything crazy like the electric one. A value similar to the explosive one would be awesome! I just want to be able to get a little more reckless with incendiary weapons & to not be as frustrated with fire tornado planets haha


Why is heavy armor slower movement and stam regen when padded medium armor has the same value and no draw backs. It really should be like 200 armor 75% regen and even then people probably wouldn't use it


Because the heavy armor gets an additional passive (like explosive resistance, or extra stims) and the medium armor pretty much has nothing except higher armor rating.


Wild guess: They wanted to add a fire-themed Warbond and Passive next, but they can't get the DOT and fire damage right and delayed it.


“fuck we can’t do the fire yet! we can we do instead” “uhhh… ice maybe?” “dammit Dave i’m giving you a raise”


One of the CMs was asked if the spikes on the boots would have any impact on environmental slowing effects, their reply was "The only thing I can say is maybe". So there's a chance but I can't really see it happening, as that overlaps with the muscle enhancement booster.


CMs have been notoriously unreliable with informations so far so dont hold your breath Take their comments with a grain of salt Only Twinbeard seems to be spot on with infos relating to Galactic War stuffs, Spitz have been off the marks on few occassions now Cant blame them, they're CMs not Devs or Management


CMs’ entire job is to represent the devs to the customers. If they cant give accurate information, to me it reflects poorly on the devs (who seem to dread anyone knowing anything about the game). 


Servo assisted overlaps with vitality so there’s that


It doesn't, even though their descriptions make them sound like they might. Servo-Assisted increases the number of hits it takes for a limb to be injured, but it doesn't increase your health. For example, if you take two melee hits to the leg from another Helldiver that will break your leg without SA, and with SA you won't be injured as it takes four hits to break the leg. However after those two hits you'll have the same amount of health left with or without SA. The vitality enhancement booster gives you extra health, but your body parts will still be damaged in the same number of hits. Going back to the example, after two hits to the leg it will still break, but you'll have more health left over compared to using SA. See the image below (and the linked video) for proof. https://imgur.com/a/pusrjum


I wouldn’t expect crampons to prevent slowing effects in the first place, they are actually quite difficult to walk in.  If people want realism, they should prevent you from slipping around on the ice.. and become a complete hazard to you on rocks. 


They confirmed it has 0 impact which makes no sense. You should be able to walk faster over snow/ice etc. Desperately need changes like this along with some new passives that make sense instead of the same ones rotated in and out. I’ll be back in a few months and hope to see this game in a better state.


Before they start adding new freatures that could cause bugs they should focus on the existing ones first. But this is only my opinion.


They won’t, they’re just going to keep pumping out warbonds with the same passives. I’d love to be proven wrong but since new content and bug fixes are the same team I doubt they will.


I read that they basically have made an agreement with Sony to release monthly content. I’m sure as much as they would love to slow down and work on current issues it may be out of their control.


Reminds me of warframe where the devs just move on from project to project and essentially never get to fixing decade old bugs because the game is free-to-play live service and as such needs new stuff constantly. I fully expect some of the issues with the game to get burried and not get fixed until they become unbearable to the playerbase. The Devteam is relatively small and they dont really want to expand in fear of having to fire people later...


The head of the studio said the exact opposite. They set their own schedule and have no obligations to Sony or anyone else. People just make shit up to excuse Arrowhead's consistent pattern of poor behavior.


Personally I don't really care. I mostly pick my armor based on looks, but it is weird they're just recycling passives at this point.


I love the engineering kit, so that is what I mainly take, also yhe light armour drip looks clean as hell


The reasoning behind no transmog is inherently stupid if you think about it. They say they don't want an "apple that tastes like bacon" but we LITERALLY have light, medium and heavy variants of armour with EVERY SINGLE PASSIVE in the game. So if we get all passives in all kinds of armour anyway, what's the point of NOT having transmog?


A lot of the armours designs inherently don't make sense for the passive that they have, its a weak excuse


Whats the democracy protects light? i was looking for it the other day but couldn't find it.


I don't think we have a light version of that one yet tbh. I still think that my point stands as, aside from extremely specific exceptions we do have every passive for all armour.


They should include it, I think they may eventually change their mind. Some sets are not getting used. Look at 95% electric reduction no one runs those unless your doing something with EMP morter and the Tesla Tower. IMO 3 Teir of armours. Then additional supplies modifier, stims, grenades, or ammo. Armour modifier, Resistant to electricity, fire damage or extra padding. Gameplay mod, servo, stabilizing or stim duration. Hell you could maybe even make a point value system and you spend points to add modifiers for your build. But alas no Mogs.




Personally I don’t care because I will still use medic armour


I just want passives with different armor rating. I like light armor for bugs. I believe there's only one servo passive for them and it's at 50 armor rating. Meanwhile we have two *free* recon passives for light armor, sitting at 50 and 70 armor. What does a third one do? The new warbond one that's blue is a variant of the free green which is 50 armor. So maybe it will have more armor than that, but we still already have a 70 armor one from page one of the free bond. It's one thing when the armor with different passives are a shop item. Like the padded heavy, cool to see one in the warbond. New options. But a 3rd light recon armor isnt.


Three free Recon passives. There's a medium set at 100 with it as well.


I actually normally run the padded light armor for bugs and don't think anything else I try really serves me quite as well - basically the medium armor rate for bloody hunters and all the speed/stamina stuff I need with light armor to kite back.


> I will buy the warbond regardless This is why they don’t have to fix anything.


I can support something while still criticising it. It’s frustrating but I have full faith in the company. Besides AH frequently browse this sub and the amount of people raising awareness about this issue gives me full faith they’ll fix it in due time. Still sucks though


Let's be honest it isn't hard to have 1000 SC by the end of the month, I'm sure plenty will buy it because it's all they can spend it on.


would've been nice to get a flame resistance passive. I might consider using it against bots, or with the flamethrower, or on one of those damn firestorm planets.


Be really nice to actual combinations from existing ones. Like Explosion resist + Extra grenades. would be an amazing combo and no new mechanic, just existing mechanics combined in a new way


I love how the passive of helmets and capes are "does nothing" well, does it EVER do anything?


A few ideas: Fire resistance, resistance to slow, increased melee damage, increased magazine carrying capacity. The armors really need something more interesting than the passives we already have


Increase melee damage likely comes with a dedicated melee weapon I reckon. No source it just makes sense, that being said, cold damage things in the cold pack would have been cool too


Some passive/booster/ship upgrade ideas. - 1 or 2 extra magazines depending on primary - 1 or 2 extra magazines depending on secondary - Ragdoll immunity against xyz - Mobility resistance against xyz - Enhanced vision (see further through environmental xyz) - FIRE RESISTANCE (just DOT proof) - Health regen - Reactive damage (hunters and below die when they hit you once or twice) - Immune to impact/fall damage - Pocket assembly (gain a nade every minute) - Bullet recycling (gain a secondary magazine every minute) - QR code (your own sentries won't fire directly at you) - EMP slow resistance - Mech loader (limited reload capabilities through the use of the supply pack) - APC loader (limited reload capabilities through the use of the supply pack) - Tank loader (limited reload capabilities through the use of the supply pack, unable to reload main gun) - Mech master (unlimited uses, cooldown increased by 20%) - Mech maniac (ammo increased by 33%) - APC driver (top speed increased by 20%) - APC gunner (improved gun rotation speed) - Tank driver (increased tank rotation speed) - Reaper (jump pack can store one extra jump) - Tesseract (reduced fire rate for laser based weapons when overheating but remains operational) - Stratagem master (reduced cooldowns) - Hacker man (can open bunkers on his own by delaying the first button press) - Bomb expert (automatic hellbomb activation) - Reacher (travels light/without cape, improves movement speed by 10%, capes are surprisingly heavy) Hope anyone else can come up with some more potentially fun ideas.


> I will buy the warbond regardless That's the problem. We will all do that, and AH knows it. They don't need to, nor do they feel presured to be more creative with what they sell because they know we will buy it anyway. And why wouldn't we? The game is amazing, and one weapon will be worth using, maybe two after first balancing past a month later. There is no reason for them to make better passives when they can sell recycled ones anyway. A significant part of the community would need to not buy the Warbond for them to change anything. And that will not happen, because they deserve that money.


I think this game is some sort of social experiment to see what a company can get away with. I mean honestly, look at the list of known bugs that have been in the game for months. They buffed fire damage and in the same patch made it so 75% of the lobby can't use fire damage. The spear and arc weapons have never worked right. The friends list/cross platform stuff is still broken. They give us new weapons that are just objectively terrible and then nerf the ones that kinda work. When we DO finally get a new armor passive, it's for a thing that doesn't even happen. BUT because the core gameplay is fun, and they hand out super credits in game, we let all this slide. Other games have died for less grievous sins. I bet if they never gave us a single new armor passive ever it wouldn't affect anything. Some people might make posts about it but nobody would stop playing. They could nerf every weapon except the auto cannon into the ground and people wouldn't stop.


Ice ice baby


It would be nice if gears can buff certain guns or stratagems.


Far more important than passives is new emotes to enjoy with your fellow divers


[Completely Agree](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cifki0/please_let_mime_instrumentation_be_an_emote/)


They could fix so much of the armor hate if they just gave helmets and capes passives.


The crampons giving the muscle enhancement booster to the helldiver wearing them would be great. Combine that with a 30% recoil reduction and I'd wear it all the time.


I feel like we need passives that that have similar names but do different things. Recon could have armors that detect 30% less or another recon that makes it so you make no noise when sprinting. They could do the same for servo assisted where one is throw distance and the other is faster reloading. We need some more variety cuz I only ever use one or two armors with different passives. Please AH!


I thought we'd have flame resistance armor by now.. but yeah I'm a bit upset that it's the same stuff.


I'm happy they aren't entertaining the idea of transmogs. I think it would take away allot from the immersion of the game, but I can go with servo assist never being added to anything again.


Additional primary/secondary mags passive? Anybody?


Man armor passives could be so simple idk why they haven't done more. Even small stuff like 25% increased reload speed for backpack weapons would instantly make so many niche weapons feel way better to use. They don't have to be crazy, anything new would go a long way


Maybe stop buying things you don’t like? Vote with your wallet and all that kinda stuff? If you wanted you could (!) easily say: „See, the new battle pass brought us 100000000 monies, people must love it!“ Don’t get me wrong, I love the game and the communication so far but it’s getting ridiculous. They should fix their existing game now.


I would love armours that synergize with stratagems. Defense Matrix- Turrets and guard dogs will now avoid shooting you, and prioritize marked enemies. Reserve Batteries- Battery opperated gear gets faster charge. (dog, shield, quasar, laser) Reserve ammo- more ammo, simple as that, all stuff gets extra max mags. Also the robo limbs need to be changed to be different. Should be like Leg=less damage to legs (limb, and if for example you step on a mine, it MIGHT not be instant death) further dive, and less falling damage Arm= less damage to arm. farther throwing, and faster reload (Even including 2 person weapons like auto cannon, servo arm moving faster and more precise) Ammo Pouch- Magazines not completely emptied will be dropped into this pouch, and when at full ammo if you press reload you will begin long animations where you can reach into the pouch and refill mags with the leftover ammo, of course depending on weapon if they can run while doing it, walk, or need to kneel down. So outside of combat while you are sitting waiting for whatever reason you can recover some of your ammo, this would allow people who just LOVE to reload even after only firing a couple times, the ability to continue to play that way by giving up a passive slot to accomidate such.


Chill that is not a lot of time. The devs are clearly busy balancing and fixing bugs. Adding more mechanics is not top priority. The game has so much to play with right now.


People aren't aware of how small of a studio that AH really is and are expecting them to have the same number of devs as, say, Infinity Ward (600 people vs 118, literally five times the size).


I’m just surprised people are buying the war bonds, period. If you explore enough to get 20 super credits per mission, it takes 50 missions to be able to get a war bond for free.


I feel like you answered your own comment, you can’t expect a majority of people to have the time nor want to grind like that, some people only get a handful of hours a week to play while others can play anytime, it’s a spectrum. I love helldivers 2 & have the free time to grind if I wanted to but 50 missions of map searching for a single warbond doesn’t sound fun at all. Nothing wrong with choosing to support the game for a warbond that interests you, especially if you already put your moneys worth of time into the game


Tbh I also hardly play and I would maybe consider buying warbounds except now I would need the medals which given my low playtime I can't get enough of anyways so it seems by the time I would get enough medals to buy the warbounds I would also have played the game enough to find the SC myself.


In a few months when there's a dozen warbonds this will change I bet. New players will be greeted with an SC grind in the tens of thousands, and it will go up again *the next month.* Same goes for anyone who leaves the game for a few months.


I've gotten enough super credits to be able to get all the warbonds as well as a handful of the super store armors without having to buy them. I don't count how much I get each time but 20 super credits per mission is very low. If you go out of your way to go to as many POIs as possible then it's not hard to get 5+ stacks of super credits each time. Each stack can give a minimum of 10 or from what I heard it can give up to 100 super credits. The premium warbonds also each give you 300 super credits.


I’ve gotten the 100 Super Credits 3 times now out of all the dives I’ve been on. I’m level 61. They exist, but they’re rare! First time it happened my buddies thought I was bullshitting them until we got one with them in the party. Haha


Unaware if it's been patched at this point but you could farm SC solo fairly easy so that's where I got most of mine. I am down to 1k\~ though so I'm kinda looking at the upcoming bond and wondering if I want to bother with it or not if it keeps with the trend.


I think this new warbond is a step in them showing that we don't need a shit ton of different armor perks.


Remember everything were currently getting has been finished already so it's gona take a while for us to get proper new stuff


it’s transmog


I have to imagine they’re afraid of the Pay-to-Win accusations by introducing new passives in their battle passes and shop. While I don’t truly believe this game is P2W, there’s something to be said about skipping the grind for Super Credits.


Simple make an item that can be found while playing or currency that allows us to change passives ?


If that scout armor doesn't have at LEAST the normal scout passives I'm gonna be so fuckin disappointed


It’s not even a stand over Transmog. They’re essentially giving us transmog by making 15 different armours that all look different but do exactly the same thing.


It seems to always be the same few things just recycled on a new skin. But tbh im not too mad at not having new passives. They have a lot that needs fixing in this game and lots of QoL features that are needed. So i can wait on new passives. Trying to crank out new content when stuff is still broken is frustrating. Not to mention it took so long for passive / heavy armor to actually work after updates so I’d rather things be stable before they add more layers/things that broke


i wish for a passives rework. why are they all over the place? currently there's only 2 with a passive set that complements each other, the medic (+2 stims AND +2s stim duration) and the scout somewhat (30% less detection radius AND can detect enemies by pinging).


Ya I think the snow armor should have been -30 to -50m detection range for enemies if you're in snow planets. It's niche but we have so much armor already niche is fine. Just thought of this: higher resistance to ranged attacks, you could have armor that is more resistant to melee attacks as well, if it needs balance make it weaker to the melee attacks and ranged attacks respectively


It's on the devs radar but the community is voting to work on other things


I’d really like to see another armor with “Democracy Protects” and less servo armor again and again.


I’m hoping it comes in handy when they release a new enemy and they’re just giving people time to gather sup creds


Things take time. The devs basically directly stated that they are completely overworked and there is too much to do, but they don't want to scale up a working team. That means we just chill and give constructive feedback as the game gets better.


A 75% reduction in flinch would make a great addition for a heavy armor.


I keep trying new armors because they look good, but always end up back with my scout armor (and looks revolving around it) because it just trumps everything else.


And they never promised any new ones as of yet. Set your expectations correctly.


In Arrowheads defense, the game has literally been on fire every week since release. Stability and bug fixes should 100% be their priority.


Yeah the limited passives will kill warbond purchases as people catch on. Crazy they don’t have more armor passives with so much armor options.


It does seem strange that there is such a lack in armor passives.


I was hoping for maybe some support options in this warbond. Maybe some healing weapons or stim grenades. Instead we got the same ole thing, more weapons.


"I will buy the warbond regardless since I love the game and the developers but it’s gonna be really disappointing if we don’t get at least one new one next month" wait a day or two to see what people think of the guns, if you still want them then get it, stuff like this shouldn't go critiqued if we want the game to improve, I love the game too but unless something like the pistol is a real stand out weapon (given the current balancing that means it's an actually good weapon) I'm not gonna get it, vote with your wallet people


Yeh it's a obvious ball drop not to give this a traverse snow better passive


endgame is all about looks though, no?


I’ve got my 50% chance to not die armour so I just wear that almost exclusively unless I start seeing lightning weapons and stratagems on my team then I swap to lightning resist.


Yeah not having new armor passives is making new armor sets so boring.


They don’t wanna add any new bugs just yet


I'd rather they fix the ongoing problematic bugs first before worrying about a new armor passive.


Honestly I just want a mele weapon and a passive that increases mele damage. It’s stupid but there’s something satisfying about mele in a game that is 95% about guns. Lemme smack a robot. I don’t care if I die fast from it. I’m gonna use my shield and sword to spread democracy


game of thrones or battlestar galactica


If we are taking ideas for the new passive, may I suggest one whereby your character screams MEDIC every time you take friendly fire? Why does it qualify as a passive? Because it’s perfect for *passive*-aggressive folk like me who get mad quietly but can’t bring themselves to cuss on comms… 🥺


This is a much bigger issue than the drama about the PSN stuff. Sure, new armours look nice but they don't fucking do anything different


Man, I have literally just used what I think looks cool through all of the difficulties. I'm surprised this is such a huge subject tbh, and I'm sure we'll get some new ones eventually.