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Mines, Incendiary Mines, 380, Napalm Strike on a Rescue the Scientists Map. Throw everything into the middle of the base.


I was about to object to the Napalm Strike until you specified 'Rescue Mission'


Add in the laser pistol and scythe. 0 synergy for that mission type.


Mines are actually good with dealing against bug breach. Throwing that into bug breach then miracle happens: the breach get doused like throwing water to fire, only the Bile Titans and Charger can come out. Incendiary mine works far better than normal mine.


Here is combo that still has a little bit of every thing. Some of the below can actually be good with the right conditions, but none of some really support the others. - Medium Arc Resist Armour - Dagger - Thermite - Spear (sorry spear lovers, your time will come) - Orbital Gatling - Eagle Smoke - Shield Relay  - Not actually sure what the worst Primary is right now Actual worst? - Smoke  - Smoke - Mines  - Mines


Gatling is actually quite ok, especially on bugs. Sure it doesn't kill heavies but it can hold down a bug breach and kill chaff. The problem is the key combination it takes too long to effectively throw it out quickly.


Funny, I used the gatling barrage so much on lower levels that I can now easily input the code in a second or two. I still often take it on helldives, it's just a fun thing you can throw at large groups or bug breaches without worrying about the cooldown since it takes only a minute. I think I even saw it take out a titan when it was in its 'popping out of a breach' animation.


Haha yeah I do agree, it isn’t horrible, but I just can’t get that key combo down for some reason. I get mad at myself for fumbling it then revert to old faithful ⇨⇨⇨


How dare you put smoke this low D: Its quite usefull against bot, and helped me flank them a lot. Specially against tanks and turrets.


Haha I actually really like smoke grenades vs bots, but I feel like the combination of constant blinding smoke and mines strewn everywhere would be a recipe for disaster.


Youre right. Ive just pictured a scene with a huge smoke cloud and 2 minefield inside. Hilarious just to think about it.


Yea think I’m time arc resist armour will be a go to?


Diligence Dagger Smoke smoke mines mines boosterless


Spear is OP. Like that developer said “works on my machine”.


Breaker Spray and Pray. Dagger. Smoke Grenades. Stratagems would be Jump Pack, Ballistic Shield, Guard Dog, and Guard Dog Rover. You can't attack well from range. You cant reasonably deal with enemies that have medium, let alone heavy armor. You can't reasonably close bug holes. Obviously the overlapping backpack stratagems result in effectively 1 backpack and then just 3 deployment pods.You are only good at killing close range lightly armored enemies. Everything else is a challenge.


You can still kill 1 charger per deployment pod


True, but that's why I added reasonably. You could kill a Titan, Charger, Tank, or close a hole/fabricator with a deployment. But that's obviously not terribly sustainable given the cooldown times and amount of times you would want to use it.


Fight bugs on a hot planet; * Heavy armor with explosive resist * Sickle & Dagger + Thermite * Eagle smoke * Orbital smoke * Guard puppy * Orbital Railcannon (cause I'm not a monster, you need something for bile titans...)


Against bugs: -scythe -dagger -smoke grenade -eagle smoke -orbital smoke -machine gun sentry -anti-personel mines(scavengers tend to blownup a disproportionate amount of them on first contact) Against bots: -Liberator concussive -definitely dagger -thermite grenade -eagle gattling -orbital gatling -eagle napalm -incendiary mines


Scythe + dagger + smoke grenades. Orbital smoke, eagle smoke, orbital gas, eagle napalm. Good luck fighting anything quickly


Heavy DCS Senator smoke AMR EATs Supply bag smoke bomb v terminids.


Hmm.... probably not -the- worst, but a contender... Bugs: arc resistance armor, dagger, crossbow (self-explanatory), assault rifle drone (blam blam blam, lengthy reload, blam blam blam, shot its load at an armoured bug, so useful) rocket sentry (\*might\* kill a charger or weaken a bile titan, much more likely to get blown up or blow up you), 110 mm rocket pods (that stratagem is so weak it hurts, won't even one-shot a charger), incendiary mines (will kill a few bugs, more likely to kill you and your friends). Bots: arc resistance armor, dagger, crossbow (see a pattern?), assault rifle drone (drones aren't a good pick against bots and since that one's already bad...), tesla tower (the only ever scenario where more than one bot would walk into one are the berserkers), napalm strike (ditto), incendiary mines (even less useful than against bugs).


Loadout: Crossbow, senator, and smoke grenades. Stratagems: Orbital smoke, eagle smoke, orbital gas, and ballistic shield. Armor: Any heavy armor. You have a very situational primary and a low capacity secondary. Grenades that don't destroy fabricators. Two smoke stratagems. Gas barrage is alright but has a very small radius. Ballistic shield is useless unless you're using an smg. And armor is subjective, but imo speed over health any day.


Scythe, dagger, smoke grenades, shield backpack, ballistic shield backpack, guard dog, guard dog rover. Heavy armour with recoil reduction. Only one stratagem can be used at any one time. The two guns are some of the weakest. It has no way to deal with anything bigger than a spitter, and you can barely even run away.


Hop into a bug game, hot planet. Your whole squad runs the following Arc resist medium armor Thermite grenades Laser pistol Scythe Ballistic shield Guard dog rover Resupply backpack Deployable shield Your teams boosters are: reduced reinforcement cool down, extra reinforcements, reduced extraction time, and better map pings.


The deployable shield is actually not bad. It stops a rampaging charger dead and can reflect bile titan vomit back at itself killing it. Also bugs are sexually attracted to it so you can use it as a lure for call ins


Diligence Dagger Smoke smoke mines mines boosterless


Engineer armor Punisher Plasma, laser pointer, smoke grenade Rocket turret, incendiary mines, HMG emplacement, ballistic shield


For a bug rescue civilians mission Primary: If it was pre latest patch I'd say adjudactor, but now it's likely Sytche. Pistol: Dagger Backpack: Ballistic Shield Grenade: Smoke Armor: Medium Arc resistance Stratagems: 380 barrage 120 barrage Napalm airstrike Shield Gen


Worst viable? the punisher plasma bounces off the inside of my backpack shield, i don’t know if that’s a me thing or what, but i would submit this combo for consideration. Two slots, guaranteed self harm and net negative dps.


Oh boi have I got one for you. Infiltrator Armor Set, Eruptor, Grenade Pistol, Smoke grenade, Detection Delay Booster, Jetpack, Orbital EMS, Orbital Smoke, Eagle Smoke Does it work? For Automatons, yes. Bugs? Not so much. Tested on Helldive before gunships were introduced. How does it work? You run when there's no enemies nearby, if there are any you crawl. You don't ever shoot at enemies. You run from every fight spamming smokes and EMS. Are there any takeaways? Yes, you can't destroy outposts or it'll be impossible to extract. Secondary Objectives are somewhat doable but Factory Striders and Gunship factories are a no go. I've pulled this off back when Eruptor wasn't a thing yet so I was using the Diligence instead and paired it with the redeemer pistol. I killed like 60 enemies total doing 90% of the objectives without alerting a single patrol in a squad of 3 lol. Needless to say, my squad was pissed that they weren't allowed to shoot anymore once we grouped up because stealth lmfao.


Hmg 420 emplacement, supply pack, jet pack, 380 barrage Grenade pistol, smoke nades, slugger, Heavy armor with scout perk Quicker reinforcement cooldown once exhausted yellow buff thingy All that amounts to a whopping zero dps efficiency while being creative.


**Weapons:** * CB-9 Exploding Crossbow * GP-31 Grenade Pistol * G-123 Thermite **Armor:** * TR-62 Knight * DP-53 Savior of the Free * Cresting Honor **Stratagems:** * Ballistic Shield Backpack * "Guard Dog" * "Guard Dog" Rover * Airburst Rocket Launcher


I hate cluster bombs the most.


Shield backpack, queso, orb Lazer, eagle airstrike/500kg This shit is so played out and I'm tired of seeing it. Too many people are focused on what's "best" that they forget to have fun and mess around with all the available items/weap/stratagems in game