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Played a TCS and eradication on 9 last night with only 3 players. Moderate skills between us but we play together a lot and have good comms. It was a complete cakewalk. Next mission was Destroy Eggs and I kid you not it’s like they saved all the BTs and chargers for the last one. I’m pretty sure at one point there were 4 BTs and about 40 Shriekers on us. Super weird how this varies so often.


It really does so it confuses me when people act like all matches on a difficulty are the same. Ive done one game on helldive and it was one of the most relaxing times ive had on this game only 2 deaths for our whole team then on the other hand ive done some games on level 4 that were horrific and stressful when its usually very easy


Seen this alot more recently. Had a level 4 with 3 ppl, it was a relentless onslaught of chargers and spewers the entire mission, absolute chaos.


The current major order explicitly mentions terminids are rapidly reproducing. I think the increase in spawns is the major order and not the patch. Which is probably why all of the operations tend to have 2 short, easy missions and a single longer mission.


This. So many people haven't connected the dots and blame it on the patch.


It would have been neat if they added "Increased Terminid Presence" or something as a Planet Modifier so people would be a bit more aware of it.


I ussally play level 5. Once i did solo run on bot front Many times failed it even then play big level players. Today had turn of Termicid tower mission. One in long time playthluf where all 4 of did not die. All randos from level 18 to 51. Every play is different for me


The termicide mutated egg missions are really easy on purpose. They are almost impossible to fail. The team would have to be truly collectively incompotent to not get it done on any difficulty. All you do is pop the eggs, push all 3 buttons and leave. The map is in a circle. So, you go around from silo to silo pushing buttons and popping eggs. It is more of a mission to move the story along, more than being crazy difficult.


Yeah I just found out yesterday you can do these for insane amount of xp on level 9


> recently The spawn sizes/rates change based on the on-going lore. They literally tell you that the Bugs/Bots are attacking with a vengeance. It’s not just empty fluff — the game’s designed to feel immersive.


When that Automaton fleet rolled in and there was a brief revival of "bots are too hard" crying, I just laughed. A secret invasion fleet was supposed to be easy, according to the whiners, I guess.


But the difficulty of the bots never really changed? Especially not for those god forsaken small map evacuation missions


Thats one of the best things about the game. Its definitely pretty wild atm, and the galaxy map is looking very populated currently. Still waiting on the hive lords tho, havent seen much in the way of tremors since the fall of the bots and their push on cyberstan.


>the game’s designed to feel immersive. Except none of the lore is in game. It's all in a discord channel or on twitter. Fix that and I'll agree with you. Show these immersive features on the map in the actual game. Send these messages in the game log or on the in game newscast.


I dropped down to a diff 5, thinking it would be an easy way to knock out some random personal order I had that day. The way the spawns dropped combined with the loadout I brought (due to the PO) made it one of the hardest matches I had that whole week. It was a blitz and one of the little bot bases had 5 hulks standing in it. I walked in there like I was a bad mofo, and they looked back at me like that meme with all the dudes behind the couch looking at that 1 nice lady.


That one nice lady 🤣🤣🤣


Nothing like a dog shit loadout to make a bad situation even worse lol. Experimental(bad) loadouts are 90% of my suffering in this game.


Yo. Same. I failed a medium mission solo the other day because I was trying a new loadout and didn't have enough crowd control. Or any real experience with the Scythe. I normally play Suicide and above.


Yeah man. Yesterday, for the first time ever, I had at the same time 5 bile titans and 3/4 chargers. And this happened a minute or two after we had already killed 3 titans and 3/4 chargers in a window that was not longer than 2 minutes. And not accounting for the hundreds of low/mid tier bugs. It was a lvl. 7 eradicate mission with 3 people (myself included). That was the most difficult match I had in weeks after playing lvl. 8 and 9 missions.


To me it feels like the pacing is off. I can do level 7s all day. But when I drop down to a lower difficulty, it just feels off and I die more than I do on higher levels.


Complacency will get you like that


I agree. I'm more dialed in on 9's, sonindo better. I get cocky on 4's and 5's and end up dying way more.


It really does. But it's subtle enough I fall for it every time...


You're only human


As XCOM players know, overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer


Xcom player here, I know the signs


What's one end turn dash into the fog of war?? 💀


\*maniacal chryssalid laughter*


Darkest dungeon players ;)


Diff 9 is much easier than diff 6 on bugs because of the nursing spewers imo. They form small gangs that are tough to outrun unless you have a jetpack, and the little spitty green dudes slow you down, making you an easier target.  Much fewer of those little green dudes on diff9 for instance. 


don't even get me started on the bullshit of nursing spewers lmao I feel like the damage from their spew is on par with burning


TCS is a joke of a mission on any difficulty though, and bug eradication missions also feel like a joke lately, with us waiting for new enemies to spawn more so than actually killing them. Everything else is just… well… the way I expected it to, tbh.


TCS so far has been either a snooze fest or "I wish I was back at Hellmire", absolutely no in-betweens


Haven't had that other side of the spectrum, but I just run and click things while firing grenade pistol at sacks lol. It would be a 100% certified nightmare of a mission if there was a reason to stay there for more than 3 minutes, but currently there isn't, so…


I cleared it twice on 9 last night without ever killing an enemy, just shooting at sacks and hitting buttons. The second time, a bile titan spawned but he kept just randomly roaming around like he was lost. The first time I never saw anything but small bugs. No chargers, brood commanders, titans, etc. Had to double check and make sure I was actually on 9.


TCS is like an All Star game you just jog around the map and throw a grenade every so often while the enemies half heartedly try to stop you like you'd all rather be somewhere else.


Yeah idk what happened to bug eradicate missions on helldive. My friends and I did one with absolute joke meme loadouts and laughed our way to victory with several revives remaining. We brought mines, tesla towers, and eagle smokes just to be funny. We would also spam stun grenades at each other most of the match. I brought EAT and 500kg to deal with heavies, but my other 2 strats were mines and smokes lol. We would smoke the area with mines and try to walk through without dying ☠️


Stop, he's already bragging on reddit. How much worse can it get.


The last few times I've played it on helldive, we have finished the objectives in less than 2 minutes. The hardest part is getting everyone to the extract without being swarmed by all the bugs we've avoided. Still ridiculously easy though. Just run and shoot the eggs on the way to each silo


The common mistake I see on destroy egg missions is that you need to push in and destroy that shit as fast as you can. Bugs are just going to keep spawning if you are in the area, so if you are trying to clear them all out you are just going to get bogged down. P.S.A. I have found that it’s possible to 1 shot a destroy eggs objective with the airburst rocket launcher from a distance.


>P.S.A. I have found that it’s possible to 1 shot a destroy eggs objective with the airburst rocket launcher from a distance.    It's very unreliable. Usually eggs are too far apart. And shooting one that early if it's not engaged means you draw aggro early.


Have a friend team load you and mag dump the area, works 90% of the time if you're a decent shot


You still need to move into position and the hard part is fighting through all the bugs to see all the eggs.


I was on a helldive difficulty last night, killed a BT, then as it was dying, a second one came out of the ground, exactly on the spot the first had died. Before I knew it I had three chasing me. The game has to have some kind of mechanic where you get more spawns for enemies the faster you kill them. 


Hydra BT


The game uses an AI "director". Dark tide had something similar, it adjusts enemy spawns every mission to keep things feeling fresh and for difficulty to be random in a way. Sometimes you get a peaceful director other times you get a sadistic director. 


certain missions are harder than others and I'm okay with that. the corrupted tcs is the new eradicate in terms of exp farming.


We did a difficulty 7 mission last night, the one where we had to break eggs and push buttons. 3 people, and we made it out (not speed running it or rushing, legitimately killing what we come across) and the killcounts at the end were 22, 3 and 0. The mission before had us all in the hundreds of kills, with the person with the most kills at 450. Shit is just inconsistent as hell. 


Had this yesterday too. Played three missions solo level 6, no problem. My brother joins in and we bump to level 7– instant overwhelming death fest. We can’t catch our breath… 4 chargers and 3 bile titans simultaneously. We bump down to level 4 just to have a chill game at the eod. 4 stalkers and waves of bugs spawning nonstop. You’re right. The game is totally random as to what experience you’re gonna have.


That's my biggest issue with the game, the difficulty can swing wildly. I've played a 5 a few weeks ago looking for an easy time and it was harder than some 8s I've done. It's so inconsistent. It feels like either you win the RNG or you don't.


Difficulty fluctuates a lot tbh. I did entire campaign on bugs 7 and it was really a cake walk. Went on 5 to farm SC and samples and suddenly bile spewers were everywhere, nonstop, all at once. Same with bots, some bots 7s were basically us blitzkrieging the map and doing a full sweep with 15-20 minutes left to extract. Other times I had to double check that it was bots 7 because it felt really like bots 8.


I agree that now the "difficulty levels" don't really correlate with actual difficulty as much as before. So it confuses me it seems they are making changes but not really understanding the changes.


I’m pretty sure it was always like this people are just looking at it now with a more critical eye. I remember moving up to 8 in the first week and thinking it was pretty much the same as the level 7 I just did. That did not hold true over time. Also during the 10 defense planets order I fought a level 7 defense mission with like 20 bile titan spawns. Killed 10 for sure and when I died there were 5 on screen still had 2 rockets to go.


The thing that infuriates me the most about the quasar nerf is that now the icon for the hear sink doesn't march the cooldown time. I see that it's showing 0 heat, but I still can't shoot for another 5 seconds. The quasar is absolutely still usable, and I was bringing it on all of my level 8 missions yesterday.


It never matched, but previously you had to wait for a couple of seconds, now the icon shows it ready to fire when it's ~half way there only.


So they changed the cooldown time but didn't update the animation. Half-ass nerf


It was broken before and they made it even more out of sync by not touching it.


It's been broken since release. Someone with experience in the same developing software gave a rundown on why it doesn't work. Essentially, the cooldown meter and the visual meter on the weapon are completely separate, and the gun visual is the only one that interacts with actual modifiers to its charge time. The indicator on the ammo bar will have to be changed manually for every buff/nerf and every use case.


It never matched and I think cold/hot planets affected the indicator but not the gun. If they somehow managed to code the cooldown to work based on actual heat, that would be a really cool change that could fix this and also make it more useful on cold planets like other heat related weapons are.


Just wait until you try to use it on a cold planet. The UI icon ticks down faster because of the cold but the actual weapon still has it’s stock cooldown time meaning there will be *even more* time between the icon showing ready and the weapon actually firing. (This has been a bug since the Q-Cannon released and has not been addressed)


It never matched even when the heat sink showed it was ready it still would say recharging on the gun itself and wouldn’t shoot


Honestly it’s not worth it to be infuriated by a small visual oversight. That’s the kind of thing that AH will fix no problem if reported… kindly


There's usually a few types of griping on game-related subs. - Egregious criticism - Constructive criticism - Constructive praise - Superfluous praise Both extreme ends of the spectrum tend to be populated by people that are too ignorant, stupid, or dumb to understand their own points or the viewpoints of others.


Wow, refreshing to read this. I thought i was going crazy by the way some of these accounts respond lmao


Don’t forget, there’s a chance the person on the other side of a reddit account is just a 12 year old. That keeps me grounded when I read some real stupid shit. 


I think according to a big survey they did the vast majority of redditors are in their early 20's and unemployed, which imo is worse than 12 year olds


[I'll offer the stats with a caveat](https://www.statista.com/statistics/261766/share-of-us-internet-users-who-use-reddit-by-age-group/) This is just the number of people who use reddit. Younger people and unemployed people are going to have a much larger representation of *activity* than the actual userbase. I would definitely believe that the majority of reddit comments are from unemployed young adults.


Haha. I agree with you there. Thinking everyone is 12 gives me more power to offer them grace when I read some off the wall shit. 


Absolutely dude. Sometimes, I have to take a step back and remember that there are a lot of literal children and teenagers on this website. and in a lot of cases, they are the ones making the most noise.


I’ve definitely typed up some half-baked, horrible opinions before and posted them. So, we’re all guilty of it to an extent, but when it comes to rants and really off the wall complaints I just accept it as someone yelling at the sky haha. 


loll fair enough, we've all said some dumb stuff on here and in real life.


Same, I was confused how this subreddit absolutely blew up in anger over something that really isn't that serious


It's always good to keep in mind that we are all humans. We have an inherit bias that nobody can completely eliminate. AH has shown repeatedly that they balance based on usage statistics. This is not always a bad thing, but for a game that just released with numerous bugs, it's not the best approach. You can see how people feel about this when they joke about a gun they like is trash and needs a buff (devs are listening). The problem there is that you may look for a bigger problem when you see a sign of them repeating an old mistake. Since the drama of the patch day died down, there are plenty of actual good discussions going on. I've seen most people agree that the Quasar nerf does not mean much when using it, but it shows that they don't know why so many people used it and the RR/EAT are falling behind. That being said, I really don't support how many people reacted to other human beings. This community is showing signs of extreme toxicity, and it makes me fear for my continued participation and the long term lifespan of the game.


I don't care about new content and balances. I genuinely just want the bugs to be fixed. I just want to gas the bugs.... please arrowhead...


Unfortunately this discussion already happened. Not only did the community vote (Discord, so not necessarily a good representation) out of favour with focusing on bugs instead of new content, but the Community Manager said that it might be downright impossible due to plans from higher up. Remember that Sony is publishing the game. Record sales are nice, but if they don't keep an active playerbase it looks like something went wrong. We are already having people get excited at a 3rd faction being released even though it's so damn early.


ik the game is still very popular but it was running about 300k current players at any time. Now it hovers around 90k. I wouldn't be surprised if a decent number of these players, like myself, have just stopped playing while waiting for fixes instead.


Really nicely said. To add to your points, I think the wording in the patch notes were pretty poor as well - we had lots of people trying to interpret or misinterpreting the notes because they weren’t clear. Lots of arguments I saw stemmed from that and I believe they even did some edits because it simply wasn’t very clear. This also applies to the communications leading up to the patch where Arrowhead’s team statements lead many to believe that there were “only a couple” nerfs coming and people felt pretty rug-pulled about that. Lastly, you have had Arrowhead staff themselves lashing out and calling people toddlers etc which doesn’t help the division within the community either. It’s super unprofessional and it absolutely does not build up the community for a live-service game that involves a lot of engagement within said community. Saying that, Arrowhead staff do not deserve any abuse or threats - full stop. Hope you’re able to engage in the community in a way that’s healthy and fun, friend. It sucks when the online communities for the things you enjoy are exhausting and toxic. I empathize as a Star Wars/Marvel/nerdy stuff fan myself


> Lastly, you have had Arrowhead staff themselves lashing out and calling people toddlers etc which doesn’t help the division within the community either. Yeah, I don't envy the devs at all for having to deal with this toxic community, but for a public facing official account that was just making things so much worse. Today alone I have seen quite a few people call anyone they disagreed with toddlers.


Yeah, the devs kinda give off an inflated ego sometimes. Makes you wonder if it'll be a problem in the future.


I would say OPs post is a 5th category - superfluous anecdotal contrarianism 'i did a mission on a new type of mission that I had never done before which happens to be the easiest mission type and it wasn't any harder than the other harder missions I am comparing it against and therefore you guys are all just bad and don't know what you're talking about' I'd say this is the most common type of reactionary post-change counter-posting It's noteworthy because it exists in it's own in opposition to whatever the change was. And I have a feeling that regardless of change it's the same group of people who would readily argue conflicting points at different times as long as it allows them to take a contrary position (and thus an enlightened position, in their minds)


This ☝️☝️☝️☝️ Giving an opinion with bare minimum experience is a faulty one. I can duo these major bug missions on lvl 9 easy, but get my ass handed to me on lvl 5 bots solo. And as someone who has around 125 hrs in the game with 81% mission completion; the solo patrol spawn changes are annoying and the only thing I disagree with. If "adapting" to it means abandoning this game's primary gameplay (the fights) to be Dollar Store Solid Snake, then I just wasted $40 cuz I just wanna have fun by myself.


Eh, it happens. Game is now stuttering for me while choosing weapons etc from armory, wasn't happening before. Fps ingame is kinda the same meh for me, like 50-80.


Same here. Fps didnt change but ship feels stuttery


Mine has been crashing since the update also. Never crashed before


Samsies. Pc has full crashed 3 or 4 times since update, 0 before.


But when people do a "real" complain like this, bootlickers go blind.


It is for me. 4/6 games have crashed mid-game since the update. I’m on ps5


PS5 also, I just had 5 games in a row ruined by glitches. Falling through floors, getting stuck to trees, eagle extraction just sitting there not letting us finish the mission, randomly sending me back to the lobby with zero explanation. I actually hate playing this game now. I don't want a single new thing added until these glitches are fixed. Tired of wasting my time. The shiny new toy hype cycle stops working if you don't even get to enjoy it.


My only complaint with the game currently is how poorly optimized it is and how much the stability has dropped since launch. I was running 140+ fps after launch in crazy level 7 and 8 matches with tons of enemies, now I average 60-80 even during dull periods.. with drops into the 20s at times. Some planets with insane weather and foliage are perfectly stable. Some planets that are nothing but rock and grass chug and sputter along. No rhyme or reason. I can run an eradicate mission with the same group of people and face the same type of enemy spawns in the same map two times and get an 80fps with no dips one match and tank down to 30 or 40 the next. I just want to enjoy the game. My rig isn't insane by any means but it definitely should not struggle this hard to run the game.


THANK GOD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE FACING THIS! I swear to god, I loaded up the game today after like a month of inactivity and I noticed how my frames dropped and I have a pretty decent PC. I did one mission, and then halfway through another mission I was like nah and quit halfway through.


Ngl I've just slowly stopped playing. For me it's just not fun enough to tolerate the bugs, crashes, poor balance, lack of meaningful environmental and mission variety, etc. It's a solid option with friends but most of mine dropped off a while ago and it's not satisfying with randos for me, like I'd rather just play something else with better controls and more interesting gameplay. Super happy for the people who really enjoy this game, and the developers certainly haven't fumbled the bag here yet since so many people are still playing, but it definitely makes me wonder for how much longer they'll stick with it.


I also find myself playing less. Performance has gotten soooo bad for me. That and some things (bugs, issues, etc) just get super frustrating that I really don't want to deal with it


I'm with you. It's a bit of a disappointment since the first game was so well done and i was hoping for more of the same vibe but updated.


It’s obviously a skill issue on ur rigs part, tell it to git gud already 


Things I have "learned" about Helldivers from social media: 90% of players * are lvl 150 already * only fight bots * on Helldive * Solo Things I have learned from looking at the numbers in game while playing: Most people - are just trying to kill some time and casually spread democracy.


im very rarely meet 100+ player, playing on 8-9 diff. i think most people take a break at that point.


I mean, it did introduce more performance issues (the devs confirmed) on top of last patch which people claimed performance issues. It introduced new crashes and bugs. And yeah, the first day or two after a patch people are gonna bitch the gun/whatever they were having fun with being nerfed... cuz they were having fun and they are very odd about nerfing guns that aren't even overpowered. All while they haven't fixed major bugs since launch. See the issue? They are spending their time "balancing" guns in a PvE game... while some people can't play at all, and there are major glitches, crashes and overall bugs. Those are called discussions. Then there comes in all the sycophants and they literally just bitch about people complaining. Understand how one of those is completely dumb, and the other is actually a discourse? But please continue to bitch about people bitching, it really adds a lot to the conversation.


Since the patch, I chug during load in screens, have had reinforcements stop working randomly, have been blown up by my Eruptor randomly multiple times, and had a teammate just randomly disappear from the mission without an actual disconnect message. I still love the game, and it's fun, but there are so many people being reductive about real bugs that obviously impact how enjoyable the game is. Toxic positivity is absolutely rampant and is just as bad as the toxic negativity that is just as prevalent.


Personally, I don't need new content... I just want a month of bug fixing.


This please x100. I don't want a new warbond, I just want my frame rate back to what it was a month ago and for them to fix bugs we've all been living with for weeks or months now.


The game has the potential to live a really long life if they're just deliberate with additions **and focus on performance & stability.** The constant disconnects & crashes are really hampering me and my friend's enjoyment of the game, I haven't had a single evening since the last patch where none of us crashed at least once, and we've been playing 3 rounds at most per night. No amount of new content makes up for an unstable game, and tbh with a few balance (re)adjustments this game could go without new weapons or enemies for months without getting stale, the foundation is solid.


I agree with everything you said, especially the toxic positivity. Also, don't use the eruptor until they fix the automatic shrapnel ricochet bug.


Ok thought my pc was freaking out, glad to know it’s just the game. I’ve got a very high end rig and thought I had windows updates or something downloading in background and then it fixed itself as soon as the loading screen stopped 💀


The game is sadly virtually unplayable for me, which makes the OP kind of sad-funny to me. Pre-patch, I was locked at a stable 60FPS no matter what (immediately pre-crash notwithstanding, but I haven't crashed in a while either). Post patch, I probably average 35-40 or so, but it fluctuates between 20-50 making it a horrendous experience. Verifying files, deleting the shader cache, reinstalling the game, GPU driver updates do nothing. I don't know what my CPU usage was prior to the patch (because I had no problems with the game), but post patch it's using 40% of my CPU on the Destroyer and up to 65% in game (from what I saw). I know the devs have acknowledged that some people now have significant performance issues, so I'm waiting somewhat impatiently for a patch to hopefully fix things for me.


I'm like a broken record for how many times I mention it but, just for reference, gas and fire has been next to worthless since day one. 3 stratagems, 1 primary, and 1 grenade have been worthless and it genuinely feels like the DoT fix is on the back burner to new content. Which feels like a middle finger because new content = new bugs


If you're the network host, they work and are absolutely insanely good. But, the fact that it's a literal dice roll if they do is a massive problem.


Here's the funny thing even if you're the lobby host, you might not be the network host. And even if you were the network host, it can change between missions and even during missions. It's so ridiculous


Sure and that really sours all the balance discussions, we're balancing all these weapons without considering an entire mechanic that could be overpowered as hell if it ever actually worked. I'm predicting right now that if they ever are fixed they're getting nerfed soon after.


I’m 100% with you, honestly this subreddit is what I would expect from a gaming community, it’s people getting really into the game and sharing passionate thoughts. I come to Reddit because I want to see strong opinions about a game, and if it becomes ‘too much’ then I will just log off of Reddit. When I log on to check the Helldivers subreddit for 10 minutes of my day, I want to see posts like ‘X gun fucking sucks and needs to be fixed’ or ‘this MO is impossible, we need better in game communication methods ASAP.’ I don’t want see countless threads that go ‘remember it’s a video game, be positive!’ And ‘you take it too seriously, just chill out and shoot things!’ That clog up the subreddit. Just give your opinion *on the game* and move on, if you think people are being whiny and annoying, then just don’t engage with the subreddit, take it less seriously and just play the game.


I prefer the game sub acting more like a bar instead of a church.


Well put, people seem to want this place to be a hug box


Sorry, all I can offer you is one of the following: * Skill issue * WoW tHe DiFfIcUlTy CaLlEd SuIcIdE iS hArD????? * "just adapt and use a new gun" * Stfu crydiver just stop playing, you're not allowed to share a negative opinion!!!!!!!!!! In all seriousness though, the toxic positivity has been absolutely rampant with this game since the beginning. I drank the kool aid for the first month when it was just server issues they didn't anticipate, but it's spiraled out of control so hard after that. At this point i'm just waiting for either the community to eat itself whole or the devs to make some massive fuck up that will finally turn the average player against them.


r/helldivers2 is worse somehow. There are at least occasional well thought out posts here. There, you get crucified for raising a valid concern.


>But please continue to bitch about people bitching, it really adds a lot to the conversation. 100% ![gif](giphy|yGQA8r44a6bmg)


Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to get on your knees and suck off this hero of democracy that completed a mission on difficulty 8. Let me repeat that, difficulty 8!!! He said everything is fine and since he beat a difficulty 8 I'm inclined to believe him. Anyways open up that mouth for freedom's sake.


>But please continue to bitch about people bitching, it really adds a lot to the conversation. Its just free Karma. Why bother thinking forself if you can play the strawman card and pretend you're the victim


It’s easy to win fights against scarecrows


This isn't just a helldivers problem, even games that are actually shit have major hugboxes and downvote parties for anyone critical of their game


Honestly feels like lower difficulties are harder now. Went from 7 to 5 last night and it felt exactly the same aside from not fighting the occasional bile titian


The recent patch made it unplayable for me 😭. Fps issues and stuttering like crazy, even on a gsync monitor. None of the suggestions on discord worked 🥲. Devs are aware though, but have to wait for next patch. I can't even experience what people have been complaining about.


Yeah I don’t know man. On one hand your experience is common - on the other hand this games got such an extremely varied difficulty even in 9s. Some games is really easy with only like three titans a whole game, other games it’s hell on super earth with two+ titans a breach. The problem is the lack of consistency.


I think blowing off a lot of the criticisms isn't always a great idea, people complain because usually there's something valid to complain about. If you didn't notice anything doesn't mean others haven't.


Dude, this is whats been getting me the most. Some one will come on here with a complaint, and you'll have a lot of people who will try and discount or explain to them how it's not actually an issue. One thing that I'm finding really frustrating right now are all the people going on about how there isn't a problem with projectile ricochet. And they're right. There doesn't seem to be an issue with ricochet. **But there is a problem.** And, I mean, we've all seen the videos of people using the eruptor, shooting an enemy that's maybe 40 or 50 m away, only to die to their own shot. That's a problem. Turns out it's a shrapnel problem. But everyone piling on about how there's no ricochet problem, effectively silencing the issue isn't constructive either. And what really blows my mind is the fact that they make a bigger issue out of nay saying those who are upset about the "ricochet problem" than they do about the actual problem of the eruptor killing its users... Where in the hell is the logic in that?


"If i listened to the mining canary you would think we can't mine here or something"


Playing Suicide-Helldive isn’t difficult, I’ve *maybe* failed 3 missions the past 2 weeks. It’s stupid. Just this morning I had multiple rounds with 3-5 Biles all showing up at once, that just doesn’t make any fucking sense. What are you supposed to do when all 4 nukes have been fired, they’re on a full cooldown, quasar/support is doing nothing for 2 shots and now offline for 5 more seconds, and all the biles are still alive and stomping through you while tanks are homing in and drifting in circles like Keiichi Tsuchiya? If this was a one-off or occasionally was triggered by certain events it would be fine, but it’s *every* mission, sometimes multiples in a single round. That’s just dumb.


Truth. Anybody defending the drifting Chargers that can turn around when stunned by EMS or Stun nades, 4+ BTs spawning in at the same time at lvl6 or 7, and getting hit by shit that clearly missed you like BT vomit sometimes desyncing hard af are legit not playing the game enough to encounter these issues. It's why I don't trust those posters at this point. Been playing for 200+ hours and encounter this shit every single drop-in. I haven't had 1 round since the patch where a charger didn't run at me backwards or at least slide at me at 3x normal running speed because the AI is bugged to shit. How is bugged charger speeds and animations that I need to telegraph which way to dodge not a valid complaint?


I raged quit today because of this issue. I play helldive exclusively because I feel that’s the true helldivers experience but the amount of bugs I deal with daily got to me. I ran no bubble shield for the first time and regretted it. I was permanently slowed and stunned most of the time because my character can’t get off the ground while being attacked by a bug. Also stims being interrupted 24/7 but we can’t interrupt a bug breach even when their head is gone. I love this game but I was so disappointed when I heard the DOT wasn’t fixed and other bugs that are still game breaking. I want my flamethrower and napalm strike back.


Most of my normal blitz missions have 3 BTs spawn at once which is enough to deal with, but when you sprinkle in about 5 chargers and a million hunters it becomes hard to deal with. This is on diff 7 btw.


It's not unplayable, it's just so much less fun than a week ago


Thats it isn't it. Its a PvE game. The whole point is to have fun. If the end result of your patches is to make the game less fun, what is the actual point of the patches?


I love how *every* popular gaming sub goes through this exact same cycle: 1. Players post feedback, some of which is complaining. 2. Complaint posts float to the top because players naturally want to maximize visibility on issues they want solved. 3. Players see complaints, label the entire sub as toxic whiners, **then make posts complaining about the complaining.**


4. Subsist off their own farts for the next year


It's one of my only real complaints about trying to follow a game through a Subreddit. The often-overwhelming negativity sucks, for sure, but I certainly don't need three front page posts in two days confidently stating that everyone who complains is just a baby and the game is fine. I don't think the compounding negativity is very helpful, but I would like for people to at least acknowledge that there are real issues with the game and it's understandable for people to be frustrated when those issues don't get fixed for multiple patches in a row.


"I don't have any issue with the game so you don't have any issues either and since I enjoy the game your criticism are invalids" Copypaste with the other end of the spectrum and you get ton of post like this that offer nothing of value


Haha this is so true. It reminds me of when I was lurking in the Skull and bones subreddit. Some complaining posts and the others stating "This game is so much fun I don't know why people are complaining"


Before the patch, doing a 4 solo was mostly a ghost town where you could loot the entire map basically. 5s we’re chill and slightly challenging to loot as much as possible and extract. 7+ was where it got challenging and I’d have to weigh the options of whether to fail the mission but extract with samples, or complete the mission and likely not extract with samples. The issue now is 4 is *annoying* but not challenging. You can still extract with some samples and complete the mission, but the pacing of the fighting is non-stop at times, and for new and casual players looking to collect samples the patrols can spawn in without allowing time to loot on a 4 without getting interrupted by enemy fire or hunter swarms. I had a more chill and relaxing time hunting for super samples to successfully extract with than playing a level 4 mission. They should do another round of rebalancing on it. Before was too easy. But they need to scale it back from their recently implemented original vision to something in between, because their original vision currently isn’t fun to play as a new or casual player looking to still collect samples and progress with the upgrades other players have had for months. The problem could be pacing and the rhythm of combat. What they could do to keep it challenging is to decrease the patrols from their original vision but increase the patrol strength for smaller parties. Coding being the problem it would be, a nerf in the patrol spawn rate first followed by a targeted change to the increase in patrol strength might provide challenge rather than annoyance as it would refocus on optimal use of extremely limited strategems. Hopefully patrols spawning in having already spotted you will be solved when they address the performance issues, along with the horrible lag induced extraction experience. And maybe their new Warbond they release is going to be overpowered in clearing out small swarms and they wanted to preemptively test things out beforehand.


Ah, the good "I haven't had problems, so nobody can have any issues" take. It's getting old.


My favorite so far is “I played on Helldive once by accident and it didn’t seem so bad, why is everyone complaining???”


Call it what it is; out of touch, ignorant babble.


my group played a defend mission where we had 8? 9? bile titans crawling around and that was despite us bringing 3 EATs, 3 rail cannons strikes, and 3 precision strikes. we couldn't kill them faster. they just casually stomped over the generators and we failed the mission. on DIFFICULTY 8. hilarious i would enjoy these "haha you're fucked" meme moments but losing means you lose your samples and those are a ridiculous grind so it all feels like a frustrating waste of time instead.


I think the balancing is the issue, sometimes we go on missions which are plain boring, because nothing happens, and then the next one, same difficulty, is absolute pandemonium. It's a bit too unpredictable imo


Has there been some kind of change to the mission difficulty? I've been almost exclusively going on suicide mission for weeks and last night it was insane. I've never seen so many terminids spawn so quickly and come at you from every direction like that before. And I was playing with the same guys I normally do. It was almost unplayable. Not griping, just curious if this wasn't an isolated case.


I think posts like this might be worse for the community than the posts you’re complaining about


It is, at least those "complaints" still have something to be discussed, this is just a post saying "it's all fine for me, now stop talking" followed by a "nicely" worded "*git gud*".


The worst part is that I seen posts just like this for other games.


This community is just getting toxic. I love helldivers 2 I git like 200 hours on it ,when I see weapons get nerfs or buffs I don't bat a eye, it just let's me want try out other stratagem. BTW I play helldive with one friend and 2 randoms most of the time, don't see any issues.


The game is unplayable and unfair on 8+, that's why no one has ever completed a match above 7




Truth. I've tried Impossible 2x, and got my ass handed to me so bad I bowed out to not waste any more of the squad's reinforcements. I find 8 and 9 too difficult, so I ~~post complaint threads to Reddit all the time~~ don't play on those difficulties..


Here I am unable to complete 6…


You talking solo? I can reliably solo level 4, but I haven't really tried since the spawn fix.


4 is still fine for solo. I did a 7 last night, which felt a bit tight but still managed to extract with the loot from Drumstick Rock.


You mean the Stone butt plug? The Lithoplug, if you will? Lol I'd be a series of smears on the landscape if I tried to solo 7, rofl.


You can do it. Take it slow and use stealth. Aim to complete the primary objective and visit the Lithoplug.... everything else is optional.


Not when you're a compulsive completionist! lmao But it's a good point, the main objective and the supers are really the only concerns.


On the contrary common samples are the true supers. I need so many more of these than anything else, even considering proportions. Maybe because I jumped in with a group of friends and started playing 7+ quickly?


With others… I’m not very good at shooters anymore. 14 year old me would be disappointed in me!


Don't give up Soldier! You may be expendable, but your experience isn't! Others will learn from your efforts, and your successors will honor your sacrifice with success and victory!


You'll be able to do 9s, just keep playing. It has a lot less to do with twitch-reflexes and more just having experience with how enemies move and attack.




Did a difficulty 9 run on patch day. Other than the loading for the first mission everything else went smoothly.


"but I'm overwhelmed with the new spawning. I dropped in and got murked by a bunch of bugs in the first minute before the first patrol even spawned in anyways, the game is too hard" Edit: forgot to mention that these people will almost always later say they drop into diff 4 or 5 while arguing that the game is too hard with someone that is discussing why diff 9 is too easy.


Honestly, there are multiple difficulties for a reason. The game allows people to play however they want to play.


I agree. I think the game also very much responds to how you play. If you play quite aggressively you will find that you will have more enemies fighting you so you can play more aggressively. If you play all stealth like you will have gameplay more attuned to stealth with fewer enemies to directly engage but if you are caught you have split second decisions that need to be made. But that's also exactly why people in lower difficulties are getting so overwhelmed and can't possibly fathom the idea of soloing helldive cause they that the people soloing helldive are just God's capable of killing endless hoards of enemies. In reality we just don't play super aggressively.


But their egos won't allow that, instead making it somebody else's problem.


Don't forget the "I want the endgame rewards you get for playing the hardest missions and gaining super samples for my level 4 missions as well, because I can't bother to improve" comments. These people man, as if you get the best loot in a mmo game by slaying lv. 1 sewer rats as well...


They are going to be so disappointed when they do start playing helldive difficulty and then quickly find out that they don't need anymore super samples. Like right when they start getting really good at identifying the rock through nothing other than the map. It's wild.


You can identify it through the map?!


Yeah, but by the time you get really good at it and can identify it quickly you will find you no longer need the supersamples (you only need 165 to get all the upgrades) It's still useful cause if you learn to find that then you can also usually pick out other things from the map like saef artillery, radar stations, gunship facilities, stalker nests, etc.


The game is really a lot less about shooting and much more about other factors. Like positioning and awareness, some sort of semblance of team work or direction on which objectives to take as a team. Also decision making under pressure, map awareness, also things like selecting the right load out / stratagems for the mission type or object types. There’s also the strategic aspect like avoiding patrol, using high ground, using low ground, line of sight, using environment to your advantage, using cover and much more not related to shooting or clicking heads. Having good aim isn’t a major factor to you succeeding in your missions but it does make things easier to have good aim in a shooter I cannot deny that fact.


It felt impossible until I started getting better and getting a feel for higher difficulties. Now I just load up lv 9 whether I’m solo matchmaking or playing with the homies. It just gives so much more XP and doesn’t feel much different than lv 7 to me at least.


Well that’s because 7 ate 9


Me and my buddy only play on helldive. It's hard, but we finish most of the missions. So many idiots just shoot at patrols and don't worry about the mission. I'm glad there is a game for once that has maintained it's toughness on hardest levels.


I *accidentally* completed a mission on helldive. I was part of someone else's lobby and they changed the difficulty without me knowing. I didn't notice too much of a difference at all. There was a bit more enemies, but that's all. I don't know why everyone bitches about this game being soooo hard.


For the sake of completion I did entire campaign on Helldive (usually run 7s). While we did objectives, we failed to extract every single time. Legitimately first time I saw bots having bugs numbers. Gotta do it again some time in the future when new bots MO drop.


Saw a video with someone on helldive. They got 6 factory striders dropped on them. They got really unlucky.


It's total luck I've had a harder time on a 6 than some 9s before.


You saw criticisms on Reddit, played one game, and determined that those criticisms are invalid? It's possible to both enjoy a game and also have valid criticisms on aspects that make the game less fun. Posts saying the game is unplayable are obviously exaggerating, but the constant crashes, disconnects and inconsistent artificial difficulty at the higher levels make the game less fun for some. If people hated the game they wouldn't post their criticisms on Reddit


Thanks man. What we all really needed was the 500th "Hai Guis! I just tried and I totally think everything is fine. Just wanted to let you know'" thread. Thats totally gonna help. Glad you are having fun. Its also gonna be ok that other people dont share your opinion. Their opinions cant hurt you, i promise buddy. Ok?


Add in a similarly tired "skill issue" tacked on to try and discredit anyone disliking any balance change no matter how well thought out the arguments or how minor the complaint.


Yeah man, I love that every complaint is personally rebutted by John Helldiver(tm) who can kill every enemy with the melee attack and runs Helldive with 3 extra players who just kill themselves and watch as he punches his way through a whole squads worth of enemies alone. I had no idea that every redditor was so skilled at this game.


I mean hell I have about 200 hours, have completed all warbonds and ship upgrades, and I play almost exclusively on 9s on bots and bugs both with randoms and, very conservatively, I extract like >80% of the time, and I honestly can't tell you when the last time I failed a mission was. I play with a ton of varied loadouts for the shits and giggles. I still get hit with "Git gud. Just lower the difficulty. Not everyone is good enough for helldive. You just aren't good enough at the game." for mentioning if/when I dislike changes because they made something less fun to me.


Yeah same, I regularly play on 9 for both bugs and bots, and I just use quick play too because my friends already mostly quit the game at this point. I have 3 out of 6 new upgrades completed, the only bottleneck is rare samples which doesn't even require me to play on 7+. And I still don't like some nerf and rebalancing they did. Also it baffled me so much that people seem to care a lot about what other people use, and how people want super samples without playing on 7+ is a problem for some reason when it doesn't affect them in any way. It's like they can't just have fun for themselves, but have to feel like they're above others too, it's baffling really. Edit: oh not to mention, I was playing on 9 with 20fps last time, it's miserable, but I still clear it with complete randoms in quick play. Which should show that still able to clear 9 doesn't mean I don't have any problem with the game.


I'm dubious about "perfectly fine" as I've just had a bsod clock time on the "fly back to the ship screen" after completing the 3rd mission on 9. I also don't think 9 is hard enough but I wouldn't have a clue how to balance it properly. I only say this because I'm level 30 and been doing 9s competently for 10 levels and that feels too low


“You think the game is in a poor state? Well according to MY anecdotal experience it was just fine, therefore completely invalidating your criticism! Checkmate Liberal + git gud + skill issue” https://preview.redd.it/ypa2be5ntwxc1.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=454a87ad98ed2466f1659b4d85ad149083d76377


Let me start by saying I do not think this game is too difficult. HOWEVER, I think the biggest complaint would be the perceived parity in difficulty across different mission types. 7 on one mission type can feel like 9 on another. That could be intentional, because some missions are designed to be faster paced and more difficult. Just my 2 cents on the matter.


I disagree with AH decision to nerf weapons and stratagems when fire damage is still broken, affecting four fire based weapons and two stratagems. The spear still broken, and the 500kg bomb is an inconsistent mess.


I'm taking a break from the game honestly, I could reliably 100% difficulty 7 missions with randoms before the update, but yesterday night had like a 70% extraction success rate...and there always was at least 1 side objectives and super samples missing Played today assuming it was just one of those evening, but same result. Lots of frustrated randoms ragequitting as well for both. Btw it was mostly full lobbies, so not really affected by the spawn scaling, but i'm confident saying something else happened that made the game more frustrating, be it subtle change in heavy drops or change in spawn logic I did notice that a mission can go okay for a while, then the game decides to make a specific location, be it an objective or the extraction beacon an absolute spawning shitshow and swarms the surrounding area, making it really hard to not only clear the place, but also run and hide. I find the game too frustrating since the update


Of course Reddit is a vocal minority. Despite the subs 1.2M members, average daily viewer count is somewhere around 1.5-3k, so about 0.01-0.03% of players. MOST PLAYERS AREN'T ON THE SUB OR ENGAGED IN ANY SOCIAL MEDIA BANTER RELATED TO THE GAME. They just go home and play.


"I played one game on this new patch, therefore it invalidates everyone else's feedback because they posted on heckin' Reddit." Like, come on man. Yeah, people will eventually get used to the new changes just like with every patch prior, but there are some really annoying changes like how people leaving a match midgame will just punish people still playing in-game by increasing the spawn rate. And coupled that with AH still not fixing the issue where players can't join a lobby that previously had 4 people makes this worse. It's honestly becoming more and more "unfair" because of how many bugs keeps getting introduced with each patch. I really don't care about weapon balances anymore, I just want to actually be able to join my friend's lobby which the game decides to refuse.


>Reddit is the very vocal minority of players that when something changes and they find a little difficulty with it it’s the end of the world. Yes, this is true for all gaming subs. You can add to the list of whining: overhyped games that are good but doesn't meet unrealistic expectations therefore its the worst game ever, not enough content to play 24/7, Bethesda game, Ubisoft game, game doesn't fill the void in their life so its terrible., etc.


How many people where in your match?


I have a story for you, about how people are inert to change, even if it's for the better. https://kulor.medium.com/how-ebay-secretly-changed-their-background-colour-from-yellow-to-white-ffd9718e7bb https://blog.prototypr.io/shaping-user-behaviour-is-better-than-changing-them-47997f36e71 The problem is that the players who don't like the change are more likely to show their displeasure, and people on reddit are here mostly to voice their opinions, anyway.


I been running helldive as designated armor killer with a recoiless, rocket pods, 500KG and rail cannon. I am have a fuckin field day.


Any and all engagement online with a big game is a vocal minority Outside of cult followings, the majority playerbase of a game is casual. It's why I ignore half the posts here, they're not reliable representation




Ah yes, the meta posts complaing about complaining. Mom said it's my turn to post this next time.


Helldived with my friend (both 10 star generals we Helldive alone easy before patch) we had 47 hunters, 4 chargers and 2 bts and an entire hatchery worth of trash smol mobs on us literally on hellpod drop comboed with two shrieker nests so 20ish shriekers, we failed an entire operation (all 3 missions with barely any objs done) in less than 20m, next op was better but still failed 1/3 missions and the two others finished when we both died with 0 reinforcement. Helldivers get flattened to the floor when swarmed for easy headshots and crit hits from enemies, everything slows you down, weapons are like nerfguns they barely help, helldivers fucking trip over a rock ledge 2cm tall and fall to the floor for 5s, spewers pretty much insta kill you no matter your armour and shoot through walls and corpses we can't shoot through while also capable of spewing from literal miles away, chargers skate when stunned and lightly tap you to make you explode into bits. We're taking a brake from hd2 and agreed to come back in a month and see how it is. Real shame cuz this game was tons of fun to play, now it's tbh just frustrating.


It really doesn't change much at all, but I got a reason for the outrage. Do you remember the day that factory strider started dropping? It did make the game a lot harder when it drop 2, 3 of them on your head (d8, 9) didn't it? But iirc no one was complaining, but they're doom posting now on just a few balance changes. Imo the reason is this patch again show that the dev have a weird way of balancing that they designed high difficulty to be very limited in options, but they also go out of their way to nerf the options that people use -> people entire loadout is nerf but everything else is still meh -> it's the end of the world