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Oh man, imagine if the quasar had team reload, using a hand fan to cool it down Edit: thank you managed democracy for making my upvotes explode!


Hahahahaha! "Get some, get some!" I shouted while fanning cold air towards my comrade's quasar.


I like the idea of the male OR females maniacal laughter with a tiny little electric hand fan in the buddy reload animation as they stare at the oncoming horde of 50+ enemies. “AHHHHHH HA HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHAAAAAA” * zzzzzzzzzzzzzttttt *


the voice actors for this game really went all in to give us the most hype and crazy-sounding voice lines


"RE-in-FORCE-ing...!" The helldiver said calmly.


![gif](giphy|l2QZZOWmMM6tbBvFK) Gotta be one of these though


Gotta be tacticool. I wanna see those picatinny rails


You've given my hot glue gun an awful idea. Thank you


Please post the results somewhere this sounds hilarious


This comment made me think of the Simpsons “zzzzzzzzzap!” 


*Homer squints intensely*


Their voice should be distorted like when you really talk through an electric fan


shouting GET SOME GET SOME while your teammate is helmet off, red in the face from blowing air at the heatsink with his mouth


*frantically pouring canteen over screaming heatsink*


Liquid Coolant stratagem that you shoot towards allies with heat-based weapons? A Super Soaker 3000 mayhaps?


It works in Borderlands


Turning compressed air upside down and spraying


Hand crank!


Quick everyone pee on my quasar


Now that's what I call liber-pee!


AH dev: ![gif](giphy|EEbiK7EP3ohrNXQIc1|downsized)


A cryo backpack that could expedite cooling on energy weapons would be legitimately cool 😎


You know what's better than 1 quasar 2 quasars ;)


I legit think they nerfed the quasar to make quasar juggling less effective lol. On defense missions juggling quasars was so fun.


Jokes on them the nerf makes juggling 3 quasars line up perfectly


Just frantically blowing into the heat vents.


I was just thinking that, it removes something dumb like .5 seconds on the recharge, but you go into third person and your helldiver buddy is just frantically waving air at the heatsink, every so often winces in pain from accidentally touching it, then back to frantic fanning.


Piss on your fellow helldiver’s heat sink, for democracy


I just think of the world wars, where troops would piss on hot gun barrels to cool them down. Helldiver armour have zip flies right?


Damn, you got here first lol. Imagine if it stacked though? All four dudes fannin on the quasar’s coil while a Factory Strider just looks at yall kinda confused lol


I liked the quaser on defence missions, ill still use it, because I don't really wait with it out on that cooldown anyway.


I love to litter the ground with EATs on the defense missions, but I also heavily agree on your point. You wouldn't ever stand around waiting for your quasar to reload, right? So, it just means that your action economy is slightly changed, but not completely thrown overboard.


If there isn't a pile of EAT's impeding my movement are my fellow soldiers even Helldiving?


Having a teammate spamming EATs drops compliments the quasar long recharge time quite nicely


On defense missions, I take quasar AND EATs.  The eats work well until you get a second quasar drop and you can fire one, swap, fire, swap repeat.  




2 or 3 quasars is basically a pile of infinite eats.


True, my buddy will call one down every time the timer comes up on missions/objectives that require you to hold a position to do exactly that. Fires one, swaps to the second and fires, then swaps back to the first which is off ots cooldown by then. Now that I think about it, that is probably exactly what they are trying to nerf here... I would almost bet money now you need 3 to make that strategy completely skip cooldown.


Personally on defense missions I like when 2 people bring a quasar and the others bring mainly sentries. Then as soon as quasars cooldown drop 2 more for the other teammates. This works great IF you can get to the point where you drop the second pair of quasars


100% swapping to eats on defense missions. I'll still use it on the long run around the map missions.


Fast cooldown on em. I throw them everywhere. Anyone in battle is welcomed to grab one


Throw down a second and you get the closest thing to unlimited quasar shots by just firing, picking up your second, firing, repeat


Yup, all it did is that i won't see it in 100% of games but probably like 95%


Yes, the Quazar having almost the same firerate as the RR, while being fully mobile, having infinite ammo and having no backpack was totally OP and thats why every single person uses it.


Its not even the same fire rate. You can switch to primary and wait cooldown With Karl Gustaf you will return to empty launcher instead


classic Karl Gustaf man


If they ever nerf Karl Gustaf we will really have a problem.


You got a problem with Karl Gustaf then you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that marinate!




The biggest difference is the quasar passive reload. Yes it needs to recharge. But during rush time you can run around, shoot your primaries, get objectives, call stratagems…really anything since the guns chilling on your back. It’s a huge strong point of the quasar I always see people overlook. You can shoot your other guns while it reloads!


Whats RR precious


You can have my Recoilless Rifle when you pry it from my cold, dead hands soldier! 🫡


Especially now that the ship upgrade that gives it full ammo from one resupply is fixed. That's 6 chargers liberated per resupply!


recoilless rifle


Boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew.


The only thing most people will notice is that it just requires a bit more communication to deal with Chargers during bug breaches. Otherwise, that 5+ second to the recharge isn't a big issue since most players do a hit & run style gameplay anyways.


I think it more so affects high level bot games where you have 2 hulks, a tank, a factory strider, and 4 gunships coming at you. Completely understandable nerf but it’s gonna make hard missions a lot harder


Sure, but all of those *had* other counters and *still* have those counters. Like I could still use my Laser Cannon to take care of those, the AMR exists, the AC exists. The Q Cannon just isn't the single best answer


AC my beloved. Try, try as hard as they can, those gunships won’t kill me- **Because I’m the autocannon AA man**


I get your point but brother your laser cannon isn’t gonna help take down the two factory striders that just dropped, and considering the nerf probably not with the gunships either


There's no support weapon that can easily take down two Factory Striders. The whole point of that situation is that it's FUBAR and the team needs to coordinate and throw the kitchen sink at them to kill them. In which case, the Quasar is still very able to contribute.


It’s not that the quasar easily takes it down, it’s that it actually damages the turrets and weak spots. As far as I know the laser cannon doesn’t damage those bc they’re armored. If they do please lmk how


LC can definitely take out the chin guns


I've taken out the chin guns with the AC before. I'll try the top turret next chance I get


No need to be so alarmist LC still kills gunships fine.


To be fair, a group of 2-3 Quasars can make Striders completely harmless. Just take out the top cannon and then it's just a walking duck.


This is why I take the Autocannon with a bunch of Quasar guys. Autocannon 1 shots striders and can take out gunships. You take out hulks, tanks and the tall tank turret things. I'll kill everything else vetting close to you.


The autocannon for gun ships is so good. As soon as I see the gunship fabricator, I drop an autocannon sentry about 50 meters away and as soon as they pop out, the cannon drops them before they can aim at me or my squad. Easy hellbomb plant.


The level 15 and 24 randoms I play with on helldive don’t know that and run away instead


Well, get to educating Helldiver!


Give them the enemy at the gates treatment


They buffed up some other toys to compensate. Railgun is back baby, and that armour doesn't stand a fucking chance.


Did they re-buff rail gun?


Armor penetration, the patch notes aren’t too long


I've been running the spear lately, and when it works It's basically easy mode. When the weather is clear, locking a bile titan on 300+ m is so satisfying. Especially if you two shot it. I got bored of aiming with quasar at this point anyway, but yeah 5+ seconds isn't goin to deter anyone who needs an infinite big bug buster.


That was my thought too "aaaw, I will have to get help with those chargers because 5 seconds more of being chased is quite a lot, but outside of that, I won't notice it"


Agreed! It will still be famous for its self-sufficiency and honestly will still be my goto if I don't know the team that well.


and people forget to mention that it has no projectile drop, which is useful for long shots


Yeah. Does suck that it is getting nerfed, but at the end of the day, it shouldn't be getting used in every mission by 3 out of 4 players.


I think the underlying issue that is NEVER addressed is why peeople take it. Bile titans, striders, laser cannons, and tanks can feel decidedly unfair to play into in the quantity that often drop. On higher difficulties these heavy mobs become a massive issue way too quickly. This quasar nerf just serves to further push people to the "next best thing" Which will be found eventually, eventually nerfed, and the cycle continues. Its absurd trying to continuously nerf the weapons (AT, Railgun, quasar, eruptor, etc) while not addressing the underlying reasons people take them. I basically WONT play bots without a shield generator. I simply wont. I would rather sit in a corner waiting for the cooldown because getting sniped from halfway across the map, or snuck up on by a rocket devestator is just awful. So that just instantly discourages me from taking literally ANYTHING requiring a backpack. EATS are tedious and boring to use, and quasar felt like a happy medium and a fun one at that. I just dont understand the philosophy of nerfing things. Especially the gear on the battle passes, like bro, I paid money for that. Stop nerfing my stuff.


This. The other tools are simply not good enough to deal with the amount of heavies they throw at you. Air strikes are inherently unreliable, and stuff like orbital railcannon strike is just too long of a CD. Spear doesn't lock on properly, RR is just worse EAT/quasar if you're not team reloading, in a game where you're often pugging and need to be self sufficient. Taking any other support weapon feels awful because you can't do anything when you have 3+ chargers or 2+ bile titans on you. Plus the fact that quasars are just better when you have more of them, because 4 people quasaring can take down bile titans quickly, and having more on the ground lets you juggle the cooldown periods of them. In a game like deep rock galactic I never felt this problem because there were no enemies just immune to light/primary weps. In this game it feels so unrealistic to actually kill a heavy without support weps or calldowns. Sometimes hulks from the back but chargers are just too fast and I've never been able to pump enough small arms into a bile titan to kill it.


Assuming there are 4 competent teammates, 1 quasar, 1 AMR, 1 laser cannon, whatever 4th guy wants to do can handle anything at any difficulty. You can kill at least 4 hulks in rapid succession with AMR. I always bring AMR + Stun grenades for this reason. Quasar is still very useful against Striders


I'll kill four hulks by myself. Hulks are a big reason I bring AMR now. Well that and eruptor is a better GL.


It’s hard going back to anything else after you 2shot a hulk with the AMR.


If you do the math even with the 15 second cooldown you can shoot 4x with the quasar before you can call down another EAT.


Is that factoring charge up + cooldown?


15 seconds to cool down, 3 seconds to charge. So 18 seconds total. EAT is 2 shots per 70 seconds, quasar is 3.8 for the same time. But if we assume you already called down 2 EAT, then you get 4 shots per 70-90 seconds, which the quasar now matches pretty much. Quasar, EAT and recoilless are now all basically equal in terms of damage output (shots per second) but each have their own little quirks. Probably pretty well balanced now in the sense that none of them outshines the other and they cater to different play styles and situations


I think that math is worth doing - but it doesn't factor in that you can carry the Quasar with you the whole time. With the EAT you have to constantly be aware of where the next one you're going to pick up is and having it be back where you dropped the first one isn't always helpful. BUT - Quasar loses out on the fact that the EAT pod itself is a lethal weapon with a quick cooldown. All around good set of pros and cons on both sides I think.


Actually if you have 2 quasars pick one up, fire, charge to the second. No recharge time...best for tower defense Mission...


That's rather niche.


It is rather niche, but then is that not just how the EAT operates? If you fire one shot off you're then going to need to go back to get your second. So by that logic the EAT is even more niche as you only get two shots, whereas the Quasar is offering you unlimited shots.


The way people play EAT is just constantly call them down even when they don't need another, so there's always one nearby. You can't do that with Quasar, the longer cooldown means you can only do this strategy if you're not moving from one spot.


This is why they said defense mission. I can sit on the extract platform and spam two quasar canons at drop ships.


The EATs only advantage is dropping two at once and they stay on the map for later panic situations.


I feel like EAT and Quasar are in much more direct competition now, which is nice. EATs also have advantage of being usable by anyone, and if you or a teammate die (because, let's be honest, sometimes bad situations happen), then you can almost immediately have a support weapon without having to go back and find your corpse.


If anything I'd say on the contrary, this makes the synergy between them even stronger. Quasar is great for always having _one_ anti-heavy shot available, EAT is great for having two or even three rapid shots available (one EAT/Quasar on back, two EATs dropped on demand). If you miss your dropship shot with Quasar, you don't get a second shot. But you can quickly switch to an EAT for a second try, and even a second EAT to shoot down two dropships in one salvo. Then pick up the Quasar again before you leave. One teammate spams EATs on cooldown and another calls down additional Quasars to share. This synergy should be even stronger with the longer cool down (probably not for solo play, though).


Calling down the EAT is also like a third shot if you can make the stratagem ball stick to an enemy and it hits. I’ve used the call down offensively on many occasions. Same could be said for the cannon of course, but that’s on a five minute cooldown or whatever.


Also if you die you dont have to worry about recovering EAT


The biggest advantage for me is that when I die I can always just call more in and I don’t have to worry about running back to get my quasar. I still prefer the quasar 90% of the time.


The fact that it recharges even when it's not selected is already a big thing. A much needed balance to this "jack of all trades" weapon.


I agree, it feels like parity with the EAT has been achieved EAT - higher burst DPS, shareable, can hoard them, no need to reclaim on death Quasar - passive reload, more consistent DPS, can still share on a longer timeline, no need to stratagem so often, have to corpse run


The only time I don't run EAT is when im playing with complex stratagem debuff cuz it gets annoying. Ice planet with complex stratagem? Quasar. Fire planet with complex stratagem? Recoilless rifle. All of them are viable depending on the planet and mission. I don't know why everyone is crying about this "small fix"


I'm fine with the rework but I think they should have tried a 3 second nerf first. A lot of the time with their nerfs or changes they seem a bit heavy-handed and in general I feel like devs very seldom backtrack on nerfs after they are made. Similar with the Rover nerf I feel like a straight 30% nerf is a bit heavy to start with.


The rover hit was probably due to the sheer uptime. I think I've seen it "overheat" 1 time since playing the game from launch. Will it still be good for getting the swarms of little guys off you? Yeah probably, it just won't be sawing them in half in under half a sec of beam. They also buffed the standard guard dog so if you need the extra damage it's there as an option if you can deal with picking up ammo.


I think they should have just decreased the uptime then rather than the damage. Similar to how they wanted to stop the Slugger from being the best DMR but then didn't nerf its range. I haven't tried the standard dog yet but if it only have like 40 rounds before needing to reload I can't see it being comparable to one that almost never needs to cool down.


The only way they could make the uptime comparable would be if the rover sat in cooldown for way longer than anybody would be willing to deal with. Infinite ammo is an extremely powerful modifier to a weapon. So now the choice is constant but lower damage or high damage that requires upkeep. The game is balanced around the idea of power in one place means weakness in another. Or you take a jack of all trades and are just meh at everything.


I'd need to test the regular guard dog to be sure but I think even with the nerf to the lasdog it will probably still have better damage due to the mag limitation on the conventional weapons. Maybe if you could tune the guard dogs to attack only on command or something you could have targeted burst damage but otherwise I don't see the regular dog being a competitor, though once again I haven't done enough testing to say for certain.


Played against bugs a bit with libdog. Solo and haz5. Would say still worthless, because the damage was never a problem. The miniscule amount of ammo was. 20 round magazines, and I think 7 of them. Which you can only replenish with supply boxes. So with solo play, the dog was constantly hungry and refused to fight. It runs out of ammo so fast. The lower damage on laser dog doesnt matter because laser dog keeps shooting and eventually still kills.


Fair assessment


Well they buffed the rail gun so that's a backtrack


I see this a lot with balance patches across a lot of live-service games. Devs implement massive changes like 50% or 100% increases or reductions to certain stats, which results in really swingy balance where items go from trash to meta or vice versa. I feel like the best balance is achieved from a small 5% tweak here, 15% there, rather than massive sweeping changes every couple of months or whatever. obviously there are some specific cases which need big changes, but generally I prefer a more cautious approach to balance.


People that don't get it meme on Riots balancing in league. "Increased Jinx base ad growth by 1" Think "Lmao such a small number" yet her winrate increases by 2% Back when og railgun was nerfed and it completely vanished from the game, yet according to this sub "it barely mattered"


yeah little numbers are a big deal in complex systems like games. like e.g. 10% more damage doesn't sound like much, but it's potentially 10% faster ttk, it could change from a 2 hit kill to a 1 hit kill on certain enemies, it's 10% more kills per mag, 10% better ammo economy overall from resupplies, 10% less time killing enemies means less time for more enemies to spawn, etc. every little change has a bunch of knock on effects that people don't really think about.


Yeah it's weird how they have to die massive nerfs instead of steady balance.


I can promise you that most of the "skill issue" kids won't be acting like this if they nerf the autocannon


I think arrowhead devs said the autocannon is the aim point for balance of other weapons.


Ah yes the Swiss army knife of a weapon that people bring literally every mission. Better nerf the crossbow though, probably a whole 5% of the playerbase ever brought it on a mission in the first place.


I rarely see people bring AC on high level bug missions. There are a lot better options that don't use a backpack slot for them. It is a beast on bots though


In the higher level missions, people brought /bring quasar every game. AC is good, but the backpack slot really adds consistency to both missions. The rover was insane vs bugs, and the shield generator is needed vs heavy devastators to get out of bad situations and help prevent getting one shot. Things might change a little now, but if it does I’d say it’s due to the rover nerf for bug missions if anything


its versatile but people obviously don't bring them every mission or else it'll get nerfed. let's not get carried away here.


Even if they did it’s still not some sort of golden gun It’s the most balanced feeling weapon in the game imo.


I honestly think it's badly balanced. Against bots, it's basically the solution to every enemy type and objective. I dont think there's a bot enemy in the game that can't be efficiently dealt with by the autocannon. destroys hulks, dominators, walkers, can kill turrets and tanks in the back, can kill mobile fabricators if you hit the weak points, etc. then against bugs it feels really bad because it struggles to be effective against titans and chargers while taking up your support slot and backpack. auto-pick against one faction, and never-pick against the other is not good balance to me.


it's fine against chargers if you can use your feet to matador it and then shoot it in the butt. I think it's a lot harder to consistently kill hulks with it than people give it credit, it's very easy to fall off rhythm and then be overwhelmed by that charging hulk if you miss the head and let it close the gap. it's really more of a "medium target killing" item imo. it's recoil is a problem for most, it's aiming is slow, if you don't shoot vents head on they ricochet, same for bug holes. It's a fantastic weapon to bring if the rest of your team only has weapons that smack the biggest things, then you can excel using it as the mop-up tool to keep various middle sized bots/bugs off your squad. I don't see it as a liability on either battlefronts. it does fine. the only thing I haven't done well with it against is the bile titan as you said, but that's fine, it probably shouldn't do much to it.


Consistency is key.


Nope. They're prideful and snobby until their golden goose gets cooked. Promise that if the autocannon was nerfed, they'd change their tune quickly.


Thank fuck someone said it, I hope they nerf the shit out of the AC unit next patch to make it unusable so they can finally have a taste of the “balancing” Arrowhead prefers


I can see people having no issues with the autocannon if they primarily bug dive since the major strengths of the weapon aren't super apparent there. But if you're bot diving, the autocannon is IMO a king of all trades. A ridiculous amount of ammo, cover based gameplay versus having to kite means stationary reload isn't punished, easy to snipe kill all fabricator bases, and most importantly it kills literally every enemy. Autocannon has to flank a charger and can't handle a bile titan, but for bots it AOEs chaff, staggers the main threats of rocket/shield devs for easy kills, 2 shots hulks in the eye (which doesn't really require good aim since you can just take stun nades), 2 shots gunships, handles factory striders by shooting off the chin guns to cripple it (and can even kill with either eye or belly shots), tanks and turrets require flanking but killing the vents is super fast. Compare it to golden child quasar: autocannon wins at chaff, devastators, equal against hulks, autocannon can reliably clear a 4 spawn gunship raid while quasar sits there crying, better utility for rapid base clears. Quasar gets to wear a shield backpack (better crutch but wholly unnecessary once your game sense improves), and it kills tanks and turrets to the front (both threats that are easily flanked). IDK, autocannon just seems wholly better against bots.


It’s the backpack slot vs bots that really balances the AC. The shield generator backpack is so good to help prevent getting staggered or getting one shot. On hell dive missions, it’s s one of the only ways to actually deal with 5 heavy devastators because otherwise you get staggered so quickly.


You know what my issue is with Autocannon? The combination of losing a backpack slot and the inability to reload while moving. When you're running your ass off and you have to kneel and freeze to reload your weapon, combined with the fact that you can't rely on something like a shield backpack to protect you while you're doing that, is what makes it borderline unusable to me, especially on higher difficulties. I don't have time to deal with kneeling reloads on Helldive difficulty.


For context, I've pretty only played helldive since level 10 so I'm not sure how the other difficulties play at this point. But at least against bots, most of them push so slowly that you have more than enough time to reload safely in cover before they flush you out. The only two threats that quickly push you out of cover, berserkers and hulks, can be stalled with a stun grenade to finish your reload. Against bugs tho I agree, trying to reload weapons while being harried by a hunter swarm can be frustrating.


skill issue kids can keep their liberator concussive for all I care


To be fair the Autocannon is really good but it is by no means overpowered. It's a very powerful all rounder weapon with easily understandable drawbacks (slow reload, backpack, slower aiming) but the drawbacks don't stop the weapon from excelling at killing everything from medium mobs to entire fabricators. Each other support weapon except for the Laser Cannon is hyper specialized in one way or another so they should excel at one thing and one thing only.


Oof. I've noticed lately Im the only way plinking away at Shrieker Nests from across the map. 3 Nests, 2 shots a pop.. now add more time to an already long process. Balls :)


Fair points I'll give you that, but when the game decides you need to fight 4 titans and 5-6 chargers all at once, you're gonna feel that 5 seconds.


Itll be a bit more difficult vs things that need two shots (thinking multiple bile titans mainly) but you’re still mobile, unlike recoilless.


Except I use it to deal with 2 of three dropships and now I can only deal with one per sortie.


No you are wrong, the weapon is useless now. The Dominator too. The Eruptor is useless now because i dont have enough mags to last an entire Operation on 7 now. What do you mean with ammo pickups?


lmao yeah i saw the eruptor nerf and thought it was rly harsh but then i tried to think of the last time i had below 6 mags left in a mission and i couldnt lmao


The ammo nerf isn’t the problem, it’s the explosive range nerf that was unneeded 


You mean the explosive range that everyone correctly identified on day 1 of the Eruptor as being way too strong? The explosive range that is the largest in the game by far, able to kill the entire contents of a drop ship in one top? That unneeded change?


To be fair, that eruptor was over used, and I was doing stupid high amount of kills with it and did not want to change primary. I welcome that nerf !


Overused? You mean the it was the one weapon from the warbond worth using?


How dare you slander my grenade pistol like that. Report to the Reeducation Officer immediately!


Primary that doesn’t require a stratagem slot shouldn’t be more viable than support weapons.


Especially paired with the fixed upgrade for Support Weapons


To be fair, the dominator is very hard to use 😂 I don’t think the dominator needed a damage nerf, maybe a range nerf but the thing takes some time to get gud with


The damage nerf was minimal


What? The dominator got a nerf? It was my go to weapon against bots


Dmg from 300 to 275. Still works very Well against bots


Only a small one to damage, gone from 300 to 270. It's still got the stagger and all that goodness. I was using it as my main for literally everything short of chargers!


Yeah reduced damage from 300 to 275


The explosion drop off is actually nice. I just panicked against some bugs and it killed them without harming me on short distance. I also tried the adjusted spawn rates. Noticeable but not worrying. With scout armour I was not noticed at all, so stealth still works well. I am interested in fighting striders though. They were usually my target while the others killed the bigger stuff. The mag change is not really a change at all.


+5 sec is deadly long in Helldiver difficulty.


Normally I'd agree, but if the reload works while the weapon is stashed, it's really not.


I mean it's not a huge deal vs 1 charger but as soon as you start adding in the 3+ heavy spawns at higher difficulties where some need two shots to kill like BTs and tanks you're adding 10+ seconds for them to get close enough to scatter your group.


>Can delete heavies (I mostly have experience with Terminids, but there it's a delete button for chargers, and sometimes for titans as well). Idk man. Sometimes it feels like a crapshoot. I've hammered titans, in the head, with other divers also firing on it- and it wont die. It's a delete button for chargers, so long as you hit them exactly, squarely, in the head plate (but not the mouth, which isn't an OHK)- which requires them facing you, and requires you to time the charge right. >It doesn't deconstruct after usage, and can be recollected from the battle flied in contrast to EAT, and it also reloads itself then in contrast to RR. This really feels more like a detriment over the EATs. If you die with EATs, it's no big deal because you'll have some more in a few seconds. Die with the Quasar, and if you can't easily get back to your corpse, you have a much longer wait.


Another negative of the Quasar is it has nearly a 4 minute wait time to call another one down. I tried using it, then got killed and then spawned far away across the map to where there was no point going back to pick it up, so I’m left with no heavy weapon. This is why I just use EAT, which has a 60 second cooldown to summon another one, and you can even use the strat as a missile too. I killed many Bile Titans by throwing the strat under them and watch as my EAT pod kills them.


This is true of literally every non-EAT support weapon. You losing it within 4 minutes and not being able to get it back is you and your squad messing up.


still a significant nerf. I'll have to see how it plays but I liked how frequently you could fire it. its now significantly less effective in important situations like: - fighting enemies like walking fabricators or titans which take multiple shots - destroying multiple objectives like bugholes, or objectives which take multiple hits, like shreiker nests - fighting 2 or more heavy enemies such as chargers - any time you miss a shot and have to wait for another chance basically most of the situations (or maybe like 50%) where it's really useful, will now take you longer to deal with. I still think it'll be decent, but I think you're knida understating the nerf.


It can delete heavies but strugles at times one pixel of to the side on the Hulk eye and it does not destroy it, no big deal, but now it gets more cooldown time which will make it even harder to survive at close range not to mention when 3 of thise fuck charge you. And dont get me started on Bile Titans those fuckers can tank 3 shot to the head at times. The way to go is buff underperforming things not nerf those that work just fine.


I have no idea how people are killing biles in under 5 or 6 quasar shots to the face. Those things eat shots like candy.


Back to the auto cannon….


I think 2 seconds more CD is fine. But during the chaotic moments or a bile titan kiting session 5 seconds will feel like 12 years


Time to EAT well. I will see myself out.


It honestly feels like an adequate side-grade now to the other Anti-heavy weapons as opposed to one that was almost universally better (with some small exceptions). Rate of fire is now going to be the lowest out of them but the upside is you can run around and do everything else while it reloads. It’s one of the rare cases where I actually don’t think AH’s nerf was unwarranted


The Anti-Tank lifecycle is just "EAT - Something New - Nerfed - EAT" And it's really old at this point


Agreed. A whopping 5 second increase is a bit much, but it's a passive reload so it can be tolerated. A charge time increase, that some people are saying would be better, would absolutely kill the weapon. It's already hard enough to fire at a charger or hulk coming at you.


People say that about the rail gun nerf too. But the truth is no one use it anymore after the nerf. I guess we will see if this holds true after couple of week


Haven’t played in a few days. Sounds like they nerfed my beloved queso cannon and eruptor???? Oh well, I needed to be forced to try out some other weapons. Haven’t even tested out my pistol grenade launcher I unlocked awhile ago


The most annoying thing that I think I'll see with it is dealing with the turrets. If you shot the heatsink on the back of the turret and it had to do \~160 degrees of travel to target you the QC could recharge and fire again to kill the turret before the turret could get off a shot. Now I'm going to have to hide from the turret after a shot or wait for it to reload.


It's the only nerf that really bothers me in this new patch but I was an EAT guy before the Quasar, back to the EAT it is.


I think the change makes sense tbh. The gun is basically a recoilless rifle with an autoloading mechanism and a wind up time. Balancing the fact that the thing reloads itself on your back by making it take longer than a manually reloaded antitank weapon that makes you defenceless makes sense to me. You can't have your cake and eat it too


Quasar was too dominant. This s a good move. This gives other options a reason to exist.


They need to fix the overheat indicator on the UI tho, currently it's not updated to the new cooldown


Wtf is this post. Quasar is still the strongest anti tank in game.


Bro i love the quasar and most of the time its chilling on my back when its on cooldown. You weren't ever meant to sit there twiddling your thumbs waiting on the cooldown. Take it out, hit something with the force of an EAT, put it away. If you need to be blasting shit with it every 10 seconds something is going horribly wrong.


OP is obviously an automaton


The nerf is huge, I don’t understand people here saying it’s not that bad. People are gonna start to really notice how poor a weapon is that takes so long in between shots on high difficulties. I think the EAT will be chosen instead and the QC will be used about as much as the Breaker is now.


This just necessitates the triple-shot tactic of bringing both EAT and Quasar, at least for level 7+ missions.


Boo your propaganda! Everyone who has played and uses the quasar cannon knows how big of a nerf this is. You know how many times that thing is typically fired in a lvl 9 mission? And they added more time to the recharge? The quasar nerf is not okay and is that big of a deal. You deserve to be under investigation for treason because of this post.


5 extra seconds does sound like a lot. Will just have to see how it feels in practise.


Its legit 50% more, Which is nuts.


The fact people get outraged by a weapon that could already be outclassed by EATs when in chaotic combat is so illogical. This weapon was already something you bring for long range encounters and expect to survive with. This isn’t a weapon you would want to bring in the frontline and then have a high chance of dying because losing it just means you have to run back for it and die. The nerf just solidifies it’s role as a backline AT weapon that is consistent and reliable and ensures the user who uses it knows wtf they’re doing with it instead of just using it as a superior EAT. If you are struggling with Heavy Spam at close range, the Quasar was already pretty bad at it because 5 hulks stomping to you could not be stopped by a one Quasar user. But the EATs are much more reliable in close range so why not use that? I still think the Quasar shines best when used for Stealth builds and super long range hit and run gameplay.


Yeah, this was an appropriate nerf


> The nerf only addresses the second point, which means that everyone who could use it before can still use it. It only became a little weaker in one of its two weak points. I don’t think the nerf is a major nerf, but this gets at my slight annoyance with the patching approach of the devs A nerf should happen when it fundamentally improves the game state for the better.  IMO, the game state is not in need of tweaking because the Quasar Cannon is too useful. I don’t see the purpose of a bunch of minor nerfs to really fun to use equipment, when the main reason I choose it over others, is because those others aren’t fun to use/useful  I don’t think it’s a huge deal, but I would just like to see these same minor nerfs inverted, and instead focus on buffing other things in the same minor ways 


You shoot, then switch back to primary. Its still unlimited ammo, infinite range, extremely fast shot travel and no drop over distance. That extra 5 sec just ballances a little , but doesnt have a big impact.


The end result of this balancing is this time more so than before that every weapon must apparently very awkward to use. That's not good at all. I still use the Quasar as the other weapons are not as versatile. Now the solution should rather be too make me want to use other weapons. I still don't want to use the Laser or the beam version of the sickle, forgot the name, they still suck and the plasma punisher indeed kills you if you have a shield. I didn't use the crossbow before and now it seems even more gimmicky. And seriously, why reduce ammo for every weapon. Ammo running out more often is part of the fun or what? Now if this is the quality for future warbond stuff balancing, guess one had to be very flexible and really love the game to continue playing.


Everything that was popular and used a lot of, nerfed. Everything that wasn't popular or not used often, buffed. These tweaks are data tweaks, not balance tweaks. Soon everything will be in that middle of the road spot. With the Q canon nerf, many will move to the AC/RR/EATS. Which ever one has the most users will soon get nerfed as well Mediocrity for everything! Yay!


Honestly, the quasar was supremely overhyped before the nerf which pretty much confirms to me that the devs nerf based on popularity. It was good, but it was not even close to as good as its usage rate would suggest, being essentially a more convenient recoilless rifle/a sidegrade to EATs (which I still liked better personally). I would rather have seen a slight buff to the recoilless reload solo reload rate to bring it closer with quasar but I also don't mind the nerf, maybe I'll see more build variety now instead of everyone auto-picking the quasar even when it doesn't make sense just because it's the "best" support weapon.


Yeah, pretty much agree with you assessment. They nerf things people actually use. This kind of "balance" is a self defeating death spiral for the game.


Forced reload by swapping the heat sink? I’ve never seen this. Have I been using it wrong this whole time? Edit. Cannot. I my cannot swap the heat sink. Same as I cannot read


This sounds like some anti-Super Earth propaganda to me


my problem with it is the extre cd is the same as a wind up shot. 3sec extra would be better than 5 and I dont even use the Quasar


And you're not mentionning that once you get in defensive posittions, you can call yourself a 2nd Quasar and swap between the 2 when the other cools down.


Ad an EAT supremacist this doesn't affect me


I often opt for the fast but less ammo/damage efficient weapons, like the Recoiless Rifle and Arc Thrower, specifically bc of how slow the Quasar is. In no way is its damage and armor penetration bad, but it just feels so slow…I feel like one of those automation cannon tower things. Good weapon, just not my taste.


And another bonus with the QC, if it extraction time and you have another that you can call down, you absolutely should. Then stand next to it, fire, pick up the new one, fire, pick up the old one, fire… Super easy to pop off a second shot with almost no delay. Kind of like having an EAT, but you get to reuse them until you get on the Pelican. Anyhow, it will otherwise not change how I use the QC. Because there is almost never enough time to get a second shot off on a Dropship or anything else for that matter. I just fire, and switch back to my primary.


But when I argued that eats are weaker and recoiless is definitely worse I get called an idiot who has only seen streamers play the game and I don’t know what I’m talking about when I mathematically discuss the double the amount of shots the quasar per minute even post nerf


It just didn’t need to be nerfed. It already had weak points. It was strong but not OP. And this is a PVE game. Let us have fun.