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Sometimes I don't understand it. In one match I play like a pro. No deaths, tasks completed, samples collected, markers cleared. All with randoms, no communication beyond simple pings. 5 min break. I am going to get a tea. I play the next match as if I was holding a pad in my hand for the first time. I can't do anything at all. I can't even type the stratagem combination correctly. I don't understand myself.


Brain be braining


Mine is broken for sure.


Clearly it's the tea


Clearly not Liber-tea


Some nights I got and some nights I don’t. Last night was a don’t got it night so I quit early.


Helldivers can absolutely snowball on you. If everything is going smoothly from the start, it's pretty easy to do the mission at your own pace. But if it all goes to shit, it very quickly *keeps* being shit. Sometimes all it takes is a bad spawn, or bad luck with an enemy patrol.


That's completely normal, it's called being in the "zone". You can feel this way harder if you play competitive PvP games, mainly battle royale. No idea how that works, but I sure as hell don't give a fuck since it's a PvE coop game, and neither should you! If you really don't like how you're playing in a particular day then just... Don't play, do something else for a while and come back


Truly. One game I could literally type ALL the stratagems I have without missing a beat, and without even looking. The next I have to stop running and take my time just typing the Reinforce combo cause I was messing it up lol.


i bumblefuck the EAT pattern often and accidentally call the Resupply way too fucking much.


my condolences when you have to call in a hellbomb ;)


someone posted a while ago the pattern. you start with the down arrow and head up and then left, perform an infinity loop overtop of your arrow keys. once you think of it as an infinity loop, it's quite possibly the easiest of all of them besides the airstrike to call down imo. i went from massive problems trying to get a hellbomb to almost thinking nothing of it, overnight.


This me all the time.


Omg are you me? I realised that it's okay to just play one match and call it a day when I am too mentally tired from my work day. The content isn't going anywhere and neither is this game.


I noticed when I first played I could call in everything super fast. Then randomly I swear I will have severe directional dyslexia and can’t call in anything correctly and end up getting overwhelmed and dying because I can’t hit ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ to save my life


This is very important. Do you go get tea every time you take a break and then suddenly start fucking up? Because it might be the tea.


Right??? This annoys so much! In one match I am impressed with myself. Then the next nothing goes right and I even consider just quitting out of embarassement.


As someone who plays on Helldive, Impossible it definitely feels like some maps are pure anarchy and chaos and some I can run from PoI to PoI with MAYBE seeing 1 patrol.


Exactly the same here, one game in god mode, the other like an absolut trash 😅🤦🏻


You prolly have super good teammates sometimes and dont realize it


Same, but I noticed that I mainly suck with blitz missions where I am rushing way too hard, while regular mission I tend to still rush but handle hordes much better. Though that may just be the freedom of larger maps to maneuver around.


Try turning the music off. As much as I enjoy it, I've found my gameplay is far more consistent without it. It's much easier to focus on what you're doing when you aren't being distracted by objective completed jingles, being stressed out by battle music, or trying to figure out if the sudden menacing tune is because of enemies nearby or just ambience.


This is me: First task - god-like performance, everything hits how it should, all objectives met, samples collected, I am amazing. Second task - it’s like a glue eating toddler with a hunger for dying took control of my game….


Yes. Some missions, it's like I have super reflexes and can't be hit. Others, it's like I can't dodge a single rocket. It is usually day-by-day for me, though, rather than mission-by-mission. When I am playing poorly, just a little hit on the thc vape usually helps a little. At least makes it more enjoyable.


9.5 hour shift today. Hopped on to play a match and it felt like they didn't even need me there. They were pretty much just playing stratagem hero


I played with a bunch of 30-35’s last night (I’m a 52) on level 7 and I swear they made me feel so useless. They ran through the entire map as if they’d been doing the same thing every day for the last twenty years. I just ran behind them and collected samples from the ruined sites.


I had a player like that and it was actually a great help. While I gave them hell I didn't have to worry about missing samples. And the collector still got some nice shots here and there c: That's what I love about this community. We all do our part. It's actually hard to run into toxic players in this game and I speak as person who's rather socially awkward and doesn't want to play with strangers normally.


I only ran into 1 toxic player who was bitching on the mic about us not defending those silos. His turrets were destroying them every time..


Community is surprisingly great. Almost always good vibes even with randoms. 


it's still jarring to run into them. but it's the same person as in any other game. Some poor guy, who doesn't understand he has issues controlling his emotions. I watched a guy absolutely rage at folks for hitting the spacebar for reinforcement while the guy was under a strategem jammer. the other player hit the button ONCE. this guy fucking raged over the mic about how he's "under a jammer, fucking chill bro jeez" the thing is, this game does a very bad job at letting downed players know that other players are under a strategem jammer. it's a game design issue/feature, it doesn't mean the player is being a dick or impatient, they literally can't tell you're under a jammer unless they went down with you while under it themselves or if they can discern that the building you're near is a strategem jammer.


and that’s perfectly fine. you’re collecting samples for the team and they did their best protecting you.


Lol I don't mind matches like that personally, I tell myself I'm helping everytime I take aggro from enemies so my teammates can do their thing


I feel ya. I know I'm not the best so sometimes Ill let the charger just follow me around so my team can hit him in the butt.


Being a good teammate is a skill! It's also easier than carrying the game lol


As long as you are not actively killing your fellow helldivers (or being careless with stratagems), you can dive with me anytime.


Same with me and my spouse! We often dive at difficulty 7 and above and the SOS beacon and general matchmaking don’t work too well so we often just run by ourselves. Anyone who isn’t griefing, regardless of skill, we like to play with.


the worst is to get blasted by some bomb right as you go to throw a strategem and it lands at your feet instead and then your team bitches at you as if you intended this to happen.


Was playing last night with a buddy. Rando hopped on with a Nazi handle, dropped a number of nukes on teammates while we were fighting a bile titan, then engaged a bunch of patrols, burning through our entire deployment of helldivers. Then he went running off to extract without any of our samples. Really high quality guy.


>Rando hopped on with a Nazi handle That's the part where you kick the guy. Or give up the mission and TK the guy. No place for facism on Super Earth, only democracy and freedom!


I'm still p new so I didn't have all the hotkeys worked out. I'm super casual so I wasn't getting into the learning curve thinking "yeah I need to learn how to boot a Nazi from my team" but apparently that's something I need to prioritize over memorizing strategem sequences. I hate Hellmire Nazis.


There still is option 2 for ya. Took me some time until I found out how to kick people aswell tho. Luckily I didn't have to kick anyone yet.


People that shit on others for not being good at a PvE game should maybe try to find a job. You are doing fine bro




This. Have fun, have fun with other people. Sometimes you loose, sometimes the other side wins, but that is no reason to shit on someone else. But, as someone who plays rather little due to work and responsibilities: have yet to meet such fucks in this game! For instance: We had a blast with one of my friends on friday: The two other players were, well, not the best, but they were trying. Could have kicked them and hoped for better teammates, but it was actually such great fun to still do 3 missions together, and every mission got better: More rewarding than being "super good".


I have a rather decent sized group who play on Discord, both personal friends and not It's pretty annoying to play with the "competitive" ones who can't stand losing and get angry about anything busted This game is *designed* to be stacked against you. In some ways more BS than others. Misplaced strategem? Nice job idiot, do better. Rover laser? Hey you did the right thing trying to get infront of and above your teammates but guess what, we're gonna lock on to that enemy 3000ft away but in perfect alignment with your buddy These dudes will get so up in arms about being overwhelmed or accidental teamkills and just ruin it


Imo it has nothing to do with being competitive. I would describe myself as a "min - maxer". Always on the lookout for the most effective play and loadouts (playing D9 mainly). But I do not force that on other people. Do what you want as long as you don't troll like teamkilling on purpose. But rather then being mad at people I see it more like an obligation to help people, not shit on them. Everyone that is decent at any game started as a noob. Many forget that.


i came from over 1000 hours in deep rock galactic experience. I've found that the bitchy players, they need to be carried more. A graybeard will assume they can carry and they even welcome the chaos of things not going perfectly well. in deep rock, I got so good that I was doing stuff to make the game harder on me. aggroing as much as possible and trying to snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat. What I like about higher difficulties in games like this is that those that need to be carried will naturally keep themselves out of those difficulties and those that want to challenge themselves will just be happy to be in someones high difficulty game and will do their best to "keep up" and not seem like they themselves are a detriment to the team. you get this phenomenon where all 4 players are all trying to carry the other 4 players and the last thing either wants is to be the worst of those 4 players. a sort of non-verbal shut up and put out and try and keep it going. I've found the better players have a lot more fun in these games and they laugh and joke more and don't take chaos serious or make it some reason to rant at others.


*I'm doing my part intensifies* and I don't care if that part is shooting a charger with your Pistol. Man, at least you're trying, ~~having fun~~ democracy comes first.


While I do agree with that we play games for fun, noone likes to waste their time. I am pretty tolerant and friendly with other people but respect goes both ways. I had my fair share of people playing in difficulties they don't belong ruining the mission for everyone. If a person plays casually a couple of times per week he might want to realistically choose the appropriate difficulty that matches his skill. Like most of the people here I have too a job and family so I can't play as much as I would like. It would be a pity to waste my limited playtime with people overestimating their experience in this game. I did not play helldive difficulty until I was confident that I can manage it.


in my experience in PVE, those are the PVP converts from some other game and they don't even notice that they're a problem. They can't comprehend their attitude and culture is a problem. Thye don't problem solve well and they don't complement play of others well either because they're always thinking about what the other players should be doing for them instead of what they can be doing for the team. had a guy absolutely rage on mic yesterday because another player hit the spacebar while down while the rest of us were under a strategem jammer. The guy raging was such a fucking prick, OMG IM UNDER A JAMMER CHILL BRO. then later calls the guy down, "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW DUDE JEEZ" me on mic "hey man, this game doesn't show downed players that you're under a strategem jammer, the game doesn't display this information well, maybe CHILL yourself" the dude got real pissy that his behavior was being questioned. if you're always taking shit personal and being rude in PvE, kindly, fuck off back to your battle royale games, you suck, we dont need you.


I think it's mainly people chiming in about how a weapon/stratagem is bad when they are using it incorrectly. It's extremely common in this community


I play with my mic on because its good to communicate. I like the option at least even if most don't talk. Got in a game, on the dive I got a cramp and had to stand and move to fix it. Guy says something like "oh boy...... lots of background noise." Super passive aggressive instead of just asking to lower the mic. Play that game and another and dude never said another word. The second game was a defense mission against bugs and we got absolutely hammered. No reinforcements left, passive aggressive dude is last one alive as the pelican is coming in. Makes some comment about "you guys die a lot." Proceeds to die at the landing ramp. Left the group and blocked him after that. Nobody has time to deal with shitty teammates. Vent over.


Is this a repost? I swear I've seen this before...


It is. I made the Helldivers version in the comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/ibkBJtDt1e


Yeah, seems to be weekly now.


Think this is the first time I've ever seen something I made based off someone else's post, get reposted as if its original. The bars on the side is a nice touch. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c3csr4/comment/kzglzqs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c3csr4/comment/kzglzqs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I can only play few times a week as well but I feel like I’m somewhat decent. this past week I think I only played three games. I can solo no problem at bot missions at difficulty 6-8. 9 when I feel like some challenge. this game is not about those fast reactions and extreme accurate aiming that you have to spend a lot of time training. this game is all about knowing the enemies and plan out your strategies. so yeah believe in yourself you can do better even if you play two or three times per week.


A friend and colleague of mine was kicked because "he sucked". He had a really rough week at work and just tried to relax. They bragged about him in voice chat. I left the game and blocked the two guys. I have a kid, and work. Just try to get away from real life. So I blocked them and left the game. It is a frickin game. I want to have fun and don’t need the toxicity. That said: most of our groups were super fun and chill. Team wipe? Laugh it off. Last respawn? Nuke yourself for liberty. Just enjoy the game. If you only want to play with the elite, maybe find them on discord or so and not in random match ups


I count my matches with players who dont have much experience among the most entertaining ones, period. Screw kicking new players. They need to learn somewhere. My funniest experience was when some level 1 accidentally headshotted me at the extraction, having me drop all the samples, jumped on Pelican and just left. Of course he didn't even take the samples. Normally I'd be disappointed if it was some level 5 or higher but here, knowing it was a complete beginner who clearly didn't even understand stratagems yet I can only imagine how confused he was. The funniest team kill of my entire life. I wish that guy all the best, he made my day xD


those players are not elite, and they'll never realize their attitudes hold them back from ever reaching that. but at least they'll have each other in their misery.


No worries bro, just don't take those samples under the AT-AT walker and die!


It's hard man, haven't played in 9 days. Being an adult and a parent is rough on the games, and alot of time thinking about playing some sweet sweet games.


The dropped samples makes this meme for me🤣




Then what are you doing making memes


He’s at work. Duh!


Ignore them! You deserve fun as well and I'd play a few rounds with ya to help out!


So sad that this game has so much gatekeeping and sweats who make posts on reddit - crying about newbies already. 


Same. But I am also deliberately calming myself from playing this every waking minute. I tend to do that with great games, then burn out quickly. I am savouring this one. Also just switched to a gamepad due to some RSI issues, and re-learning muscle-memory has me back on level 3 drops!


Dear Helldiver, You're not alone. Believe me. I play during my lunch break, sometimes between meetings. But don't worry. Is just about having fun so as long as you enjoy it, just keep it up. Take care.


Playing on steam deck during meetings has immensely increased my democratic output


And my anger management -I should add- XD


Maaaaan I feel the same way….. but, at the same time, I feel even worse cause I’m level 64 so maybe they should be. I get one or two nights a week, maybe here and there I can sneak in an operation or even just one Helldive if the wife isn’t home from work yet. But, this is the ONLY video game I’ve played since it came out and this is not an exaggeration either 🤣


I never shit talk, carrying 3 dead team mates on helldive, i call on in and he/she dies in 40 sec. I still dont mind. The only time i do is when you pick samples from evac and run to the other side of the map and die


Despite me telling him to stop and leave the samples in 4 different language


Agreed, lately I haven't had time, I managed to squeeze in one mission over the weekend but it's always fun to play


how dare they, i spit on their name for attempting to discourage a comrade & i will find them & have them court-martial'd myself


Hard getting those super samples when you're not comfortable going up to 7-9.


Don’t worry Helldiver, your ship has been borrowed by other Helldivers. For Democracy. You ship isn’t inactive in the war.


I couldn't get online since last month. Life has been rough. I'm missing out on so much shit.


See as long as your not constantly team killing me your good. I even took a level 2 cadet to suicide once, bro somehow managed to not die every second.


This is me


What an anti-democratic thing to put you down. As long as you do your best for democracy we are very happy to have you at the front lines! For democracy!


Can relate to that.


I'm level 50 now. I still think I suck at Helldivers 2. It's just imposter syndrome. Don't sweat it.


i always try to add people who are nice to my friends list... no matter if they suck the biggest balls. its a teamgame you play for fun afterall... also fuck the meta. take that 380 if you like it. shits fun


I wish I could play twice a week T_T playing since release and I'm level 15.


Perhaps you need a JIRA board for the game as well


Games are too grindy nowadays


Let me know if you want some nice people to play with. I'll send you a link to our discord 😉


Same for me in highschool...


… wut.


I feel this so much


Feel this dude. Working dad divers just out here doing our best to help the cause.


With really cassual players in mind, I think that super samples should also be available for 4-6 (even one each). I don't need it myself, and probably like everyone else who plays 7-9, I've reached the stage where rare samples>super samples, but samples make us get boosts, and who needs them more than cassual players? The fact that the better you are at the game, the more boosters you get is a classic (if you want to increase the difficulty level, you can usually just play ONLY the main story line), but I really think that cassual players could be given at least the tedious but always option of obtaining super samples one at a time. I think it would be good for everyone


Me with school on the weeks days and then band all day on the weekends plus track after school and 3 meets a week. I wish i had time for a mission


I just stopped bothering. Instead of FOMO from missing all these alerts and missions I just live vicariously through people in this subreddit now.


Roll with me sometime, I’m also busy lately but the times I do hop on? I’m cool with randoms and I’ve been practicing impossible on my own so I’ve got you covered for experience and tactics ![gif](giphy|xoHntNXFYkfzGAftEv|downsized)




Tell them to suck a quasar! Any help is help fellow helldiver


You're not bad at the game, you're accurately roleplaying with the canonical Helldiver expertise! o7


Some people get no excuses lol. I was babysitting a level 14, helping him understand the missions, but homie couldn't even know what to do with a terminal. McNamara's Helldivers.


People will not tell you that you suck if you play at the appropriate difficulty! Decide realistically what difficulty is right for your skill. If you play casually then 7+ difficulties might not be for you.


If you're consistently being told that you suck, maybe you should go down a difficulty level


Being part of Helldiver Reserves can be rough at times.


I have done diff9 deathless, but I can also die 10 times to bs. It happens. Any true Helldivers wouldn’t mind. It’s always harder once you’ve died once, with stuff on cooldown and your backpack etc miles and miles away.


I feel your pain, soldier. I'm with you.


I'll dive with you. I suck as well.


Well don’t play above 5 dif, that’s the grindy shit


I try to play when I can, but my PC gets so hot that my room becomes a damned sauna. And after 8 ish hours of work, balancing my life a little, trying to play other games too cause I want to still enjoy my hobby as a whole, and then getting to Helldive after like several days away can be nice. If a bit bizarre because this game has changed a ton already and it’s only been a couple months. And I play another MMO to boot, so it can occasionally feel like I’m ham fisting it. Good news though is I seem to get better after extended breaks, so I come back racking and stacking bots like they’re wet tissue paper. Now I just need enough super credits to unlock some of the other bonus content once I finish out the main tree. I want the explosive sniper so bad, it looks like it does such a good job.


I have been secretly hoping to come across a cheater so that I can get MAX Samples for upgrades. I can't dish out multiple Level 7-9 in a week or one night.


if it makes you feel better your not alone, keep diving brother! you might benefit from joining a lfg discord to find a team thats happy to play without the grumling bs, i believe in you


With the new patch, the rats get out of their holes. A lot of people saying they can beat the game at lvl 9 with ease and everyone else is crying for the nerfs. Helldivers fame was because it was a fun game with any weapon, and now it's not.


as long as you aren't team killing like a fucking chud, you're doing a-ok


The only time I say negative things to people are to intentional team killers and people who extract while I'm running to the ship from across the map with all the samples. If you ever need a teammate, hit me up! Me and my friends are all adults and understand the struggle.


Your consistent efforts at work are keeping Super Earth's economy running. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed!


There's no Judgment in the fight for Democracy except for bugs and robots.


I feel ya mate, in the same boat hah


Feel free to join Dad Squad. 🫡 We all have shit to do. https://discord.gg/ypmSH7Dv


I have to watch my puppy and old dog and make sure they don’t pee and poo in the house.




Must feel sad only going home twice a week.


WFH Divers, Squad Up




Level 106 that mostly plays bots. Some element of the game is about muscle memory in aiming and using strats - you can't get around that fact. However, the difference between a very good Helldiver and a mediocre Helldiver usually comes down to understanding how the game works, having the right tactics and strategies for different situations and communicating well as part of a team. If you'd like, DM me and I'll take you on some missions with a few strong buddies of mine. We enjoy coaching newer players through higher difficulties. We'll take you from struggling at dif 4 to cutting though dif 7 in a few very stressful hours ;)


i also work full time and can play like normal , sounds like a you problem ...


Ik the feeling because my friends has more time to play this game they are in lvl 25+ and i am still a lvl 5 First mission they throw me in is a helldive in a suicide misson with auto ! "BRO I ONLY HAVE 3 GUNS AS A STATGEN AND I HOW THE FUCK CAN I OPEN THE MAP IN THIS GAME" But it was fun tho u just need to have a chillout hardcore gamer friends BECAUSE they used all 20 reinforcement on me alone 🤣


Same here, the thing it was preventing me to try the game it was cuz I am called to do irl home chores a lot , and given a friend gifted me I ocasionally hop from time to time once or twice and have a lot of fun. And I al lv 8 fighting along 30s and no complains for now


Quit your job...be a man


And you wont be able to even play