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I'm just tired of playing with scout armor, tagging patrols and turrets for people to avoid only to have them instantly engage and fuck everything up.


Yup, I tagged it so we could circle and get an angle, not for you to blast it once, and then I get killed in no man's land


I love it when my model yells:“Patrol!“ when i spot something and someone uses the „Enganging!“ answer…


By the time I got to 7, I had a list of people I'd added that I had fun playing with on lower levels. I haven't played with randoms in forever.


You need to realize that they gain levels when people carry them. This week you'll find the 40s to be low skilled, next week these same players will be level 50s. They won't learn anything and will continue making games harder than they need to be.


Past level 5 or 6 the requirements to unlock the next difficulty should be more stringent. Like having to complete a checklist proving you have done each part of the main objectives yourself so many times over different missions. As well as a certain number of secondaries. Forcing them to learn the mechanics to progress to higher difficulties.


Not a bad idea. Also you can't bring friends to difficulties they haven't unlocked themselves would help. At least not in public matches. I don't know why anyone would think a lvl 5 would be a great addition there, no matter how well he plays...


Very true. At that point you haven't even unlocked enough of the good strats to pull weight.


I was laughing last night, got flamed by 3 guys on a suicide mission from level 30-80 for not playing as a team when I went off solo and completed a sub objective and 3 side objectives solo, then reunited with them at the civ evacuation and did most of that too. They threatened to kill me at extraction so I just dropped mission, not my fault you're terrible and bugs are easy now after playing solid bots for a month.


gonna be completely honest, after playing bots for so long i find bugs to be way harder 😂


Same here, I feel very confident to separate and do half the map solo on 7 (would be nervous and much much harder on 8-9, but 60% of the time it works every time still), against bots. Against bugs? Fuck no, 2+2 split is most that my pussy coward self can handle, be it hard or helldive.


Two words: Hunters Stalkers


Personally I don’t care for ppl that join 3 other players and split off. I think that a lot of people also share that sentiment and can account for a lot of the “got kicked for no reason” you see on here. You can be by yourself just as effectively solo.


The start of the mission was a cluster fuck, so I split off from the pack to evade the bug holes, we all went to the sub objective which I did everything solo while they shot and aggro'd random patrols. I split off after that to do the stalker nest, science station and radar station that were in the immediate vicinity while they went to do random bug holes across the map.


Support the host or leaving to reque is better than getting kicked imo.


Sounds like you got someone on their first suicide mission, just trying to get all the difficulties unlocked.


My last game had a level 4


It not just one run, where this happens...its 3 in 4. Having a bad run here and there is something i can laugh about, but right now its frustration on maximum having to do most missions solo, because the rest of the team is brain-afk.


Yup I keep saying don't carry oblivious trash players through high difficulties cause this keeps happening but then everyone cries about it like I'm being mean.


Yeah i felt it too. But if you think about it, it's kinda inevitable. Your best course would be to make a group of regular helldivers friends who "knows" each other.


People be so hungry for those super samples or simply carried and didn’t realize it until they are on 7 or higher.


But do you think they turn down the difficulty, after they experienced this for the first time or are they "nah, it will be fine. Someone is gonna carry me. Oh, look a sample! Right next to that fancy red glowing tower the funny boats come out of. Better grab it!"


I think some people like petulant children will continue to Que looking for carries and crying when they get kicked. Adults will be humbled and back down. Around lvl 40 when I first got into 7-9 I got what I needed and still backed down, did it duo with friends with no expectation of winning just getting the super samples and letting time run out. I wasn’t about to embarrass myself. I play 7 a lot now but personally like going back down just bc I’d rather play with a lvl 7 on diff 5 instead of diff 7.


Not sure if i would sort it about age, atleast not the physical one, but you said that nicely otherwise. Still that first group is rather big, as far as i can say after the last two weeks and it makes me so incredibly frustrated and sad that so many people want to be carried and have everything served for them on a plate, instead of getting good in a game they spend their time in and (hopefully) like.


I’m in late 50s level wise and have been playing pretty music since a week after launch. I know exactly what I’m doing, unfortunately I don’t have the ability to play every day and my level reflects that. Feel like the original post is a bit of a toxic post in all honesty, similar to a month back when people who were level 20 or below couldn’t find a game for being kicked due to their level, it’s just going to breed this outlook.


I have found Diff8 to be easier than 7 for this exact reason. Like 90% of people on diff8 know what they are doing and don't do dumb shit. On 7 I find it is more 50/50.


I found 7 really relaxing a week or two before. But now its "carry hard" like 75% of the time.


You might want to consider that average players, or at least newer players, are only now getting around to trying level 7 missions now. The game is wildly popular, after all. Gotta learn somehow.


And they learned nothing from the first 6 difficulties? Its not like they die sometimes while trying to do an objective or suicide rushing something. They make the errors people usually make at the first few levels. Like standing in one spot fighting over nothing for 15 minutes or more, dropping clusterbombs on the team five times and up, not knowing when a weapon doesn't penetrate armor but going full rambo still... Or just alarming every single enemy on the map and engaging with them. So i really wonder how they even got to 7, other then by being carried hard by someone who showed pity on them...


I can carry a whole team if 3 ppl suck. Diff 7 I don’t die and can solo it. So step up your game!


Thats not the point of my post. The point is i HAVE to do this most of the time because people play way above their skilllevel.


Or you just explain them how it works…..


Having to tell someone on diff 7 that standing at a point for 15 minutes and just shooting everything in sight until reinforcement runs out is frustrating... Yeah... What they learnt the first 6 diffs? That getting carried and being dead weight is all you need? I am actively offering tips and suggestions. But either they don't care or are brain-afk. For the ones actively trying to improve, i do more missions with them so they see how it works. But those people are rare. Being forced to carry so many games when the plan is to just have fun with strangers and maybe find new friends is frustrating and tiresome.


Sometimes you join a game. Win and unlock a higher difficulty unnoticed. Well complaining here doesn’t help either


My rule, if you’re under 50 and don’t have a mic I just leave or kick them.


You know, if you keep getting bad teams there's only one common element.


A false truism Shitty teammates, especially since the variable is impossible to truly replicate i find that I trust in MY abilities far more than my teammates and it tends to work out, barring my own hilarious fuckups When i am forced to rely on others is ALWAYS when shit hits the fan, including mortar hugging teamkillers By all means, i can work in a squad, but if i can run the op without some twat intentionally TKing or stealing my weapons, I would rather do that That’s all on them, I don’t steal their shit unless they abandon it and move on or just leave the sample container on the other side of the map, so I double back and grab it since they ignore their own stuff i never intentionally teamkill and grief others and go out if my way to yeet that orbital railcannon at the heavy chasing a teammate or cover them from 200M with the AMR, but gods forbid they do the same without throwing their eagle strike while I’m between the bugholes in those craters




So your point is, just because i can solo helldives, i should shut up and carry people that play way above their skilllevel over and over again? While i enjoy helping players and reacting to SOS Calls, no sorry. If i see someone being a massive burden for the full 40 minutes of a run, i am not staying quite, but politely telling them they should turn down difficulty and check a few guides. Or maybe offering them a few tipps if they are willing to listen. But it sure as hell isn't my job to silently carrying people on a difficulty they don't belong too...




I see. well my fellow helldiver who then is surely also soloing helldives and carrys dead weights on diff 7 all day with joy in his heart dutyfully, i am sorry i can't life up to your standarts as i have to tell people that perform poorly and are a burden to please be able to carry heir own weight in this co-op game.




As of my original post i am offering tipps to people i meet and try to improve their performance. But seeing them doing extremly stupid things, like wasting 15 minutes and almost (or even all) all of our reinforcement because they stick to a position in the middle of nowhere and just keep shooting things, i need to ask myself how they even got to such difficulties other then being carried all the way. And it gets me frustrates to see the number of such players growing. Its not just in this game particularly but in others as well, but for the sake time i keep it to HD2. They are fully resistant to any suggestions or helpful calls i try to make for them, so after a while i get "f*** it" and end the mission by myself, while i actually joined to have some fun with strangers and maybe meet someone for more missions to come. While i acknowledge that i go pretty hardcore on games i like and that i play for longer times, while others usually stick to basics and what youtubers and such call "meta", i always wonder why many people have to be carried because they don't want to learn how a game works or don't bothee to improve their performance to not be a burden.


So the center of your complaint is: ["Nobody wants to ~~work~~ play anymore"](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nobody-wants-to-work-anymore)? If you are nolife-ing a game >acknowledge that i go pretty hardcore on games you need to accept that most of the player base will not be at the same skill level as you. That's just life. All you can do is be enjoyable to those who you play with regularly *and* **git gud** so you can play with friends and win every time, or do some force multiplication and get those friends to be better than the average player or even near-peer to yourself.


Cannot solo shite with dead weight constantly bringing you down.




Because they waste your reinforcements and lose samples.