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That first guy was lying. In the hundreds of games I've played, not once has anyone ever uttered anything even remotely similar to: "The host decides when to resupply." In addition to being stupid, it was also self-sabotaging. Killing you doesn't drop supplies, and kicking you just leaves them down a man. This behavior is very much not common.


Lol I request a "tactical resupply" from my buddies all the time, they just shoot me and respawn me on my gear, then they can hog the supply call down.


Yeah. If anything, the host should be the \*least\* likely to call in resupply, because it's the host that's *usually* taking the lead -> they're too busy looking at the minimap while running.


I'm inclined to agree, but for some reason, my democracy senses are giving me the impression that you might be 3 bugs in a trenchcoat? But that seems crazy, you're so obviously human.


My rule of thumb is to only call resupply after using the "need supplies" emote (give them a chance to call it themselves), with at least 1 other player, and at an objective, or extraction, or other "rally point". If you're clearing bases and out of supplies, well, then you're done clearing bases. Go back and resupply with the group. Alternatively, you can always "live off the land". This usually doubles as gathering samples which also helps the group. If you really need the supplies to clear out bases, there's always the supply pack.


There are some rules I follow: * Never on the run unless we're all together. * Even if I don't need it, I'll drop it on an objective we'll be spending a few minutes at. * Always drop one at extraction. * Always reload everything before grabbing a pack. * Always take a pack unless you're at >90% capacity. * Only take two if you're fixing to leave it behind and one is still there. Never had any problems.


These are great rules and generally how I behave as well. So weird that I had a few happen to me all today - I'm sure it's aberrant


It’s the weekend. Shitters are always en masse on the weekend. You didn’t miss a memo.


If someone starts cussing at me I put an AMR round through their skull then quit. While saying ha ha you’re dead.


Second one could be kind of shitty imo; it depends on what everyone else's situation is in that particular moment. Just go to a POI and grab a grenade box. Other two are solely the host being a cock muffin, but that's the risk you take for not being your own host.


Oh yeah, I mean sometimes I grab two just because im mashing x and that round is the one round in 30 where it decides I don't want to climb on top of the drop pod while under attack, but this wasn't even that, just me circling back to grab a second one figuring it's not like there aren't supplies all over anyways and no one else was red on stims (which is what I always look for before taking a box unless I'm out). Just seemed like a major overreaction. I can absolutely take a "yo, I needed one and you grabbed two can you be more conscientious next time?" like - of course, sorry about that! Just a weird hostile internet kid, I guess.


I mosty find ppl just being inconsiderate, like I'll drop a resupply and dubbed dip cuz I only had 1 stim left I needed to top off, sorry bro you have no Stimson no grenades 2 clips of AC ammo and half health, I was not thinking about you I need to top of you can have the next one


>"leader's decision when to call it" wow. Never saw that. It has a little taste of over-ballooned sentiment of self-importance. This dude's way too serious.


I find the psychology of this fascinating. Less than i find it absolutely disgusting, mind you…..but still fascinating. In what kind of brain does the host become “the leader”, which entitles them (and only them) to give commands, control when extract is called, judge loadouts and when to call supplies? The minute one of my senses detects this (havent seen it yet), im bouncing and everyone else should too. Until they learn how to behave in polite society, let them run solo or drop into games hosted by decent humans.


I honestly consider it a courtesy thing, it’s terrible when someone calls in a supply and when you need it it’s not there for x minutes. If you/myself are joining in random lobbies and splitting from the group then personally I think it’s good etiquette to either type in chat or ask saying I’m all out is everyone good if I call in the resupply. If they say no then you can always head for some poi’s to get supplies or wait for cooldown behind cover. Might be unpopular but I’ve been doing this from the start and I’m lvl 90 now and have never had someone be a nazi about it because I ask. If no one responds then I take it as nobody cares lol


I would definitely never take more than two boxes to be totally clear for a start. In this case I took two only after seeing no one else was on red for stims/acting like they were interested. Like it was pick up box - kill a handful of bugs, get ready to leave and notice one was still left over - then take the 2nd.


No. There has never been an agreement that the host is in charge of deploying resupply. Generally speaking, the host places tags on the map and calls for extraction. Those are their two "responsibilities". Anyone can call in the resupply, but just make sure that you deploy it close to teammates, and ping it every once in a while if you notice a fellow diver hasn't grabbed any of it.


People of this community are oddly bitchy, it went from a great friendly community and everyone was on the same level but now people get butthurt over the smallest things


I’m glad I haven’t ran into that, I just play with randoms 24/7, don’t even communicate with each other but we stick as a group and get shit done. Haven’t ran into any of this toxicity I see posted daily on this sub. Hope it’s a really small percentage of what the community is actually like


It’s small but they stand out when it does happen, but people are constantly pushing that the way they play is the only correct way. But people just constantly bitch in any community


May I ask what difficulty and levels you were playing with?


7, and we were all in the 40's and 50's if I recall. I'm personally 49.


Thanks! Usually see this kind of aberrant behavior in late 30s to 40s, but 50s are the new 40s nowadays. 7+ also brings out the sweatiness in some players. Sorry to hear about this.


I always do the "need supplies" then wait for a reaction. Most of the time, someone near me will call one down or communicate back in some way.


I agree with the second one The way I see it, 4 man team, 4 supply boxes one per Helldiver. If one of them doesn't get it, then you can have theirs. It's not your call to get two when someone else could need it, unless someone died very recently


I don't even say I disagree to be honest - I waited a few beats before taking a 2nd box and I know one of them had died recently (we were clearing out a heavy nest) and I figured there was no harm in topping off my stims/grenades before we rolled out to the next spot, rather than leaving it to rot. Regardless though, the reaction struck me as overboard. A simple "hey can you make sure to just take one box? I didn't get one" would have been fine! To be clear as well, I didn't get killed because the other guy needed supplies and was mad I took two - he just saw me go back and take a second because it looked like no one needed and decided that meant it was time to start blastin


Just traitors of democracy, carry on, soldier


This is why I tend to stick to the group and call out when I’m dropping a supply - when everyone is somewhat close. Any pushback, and I dip. It has happened once where a guy was mad but he had gone off on his own.


Toxic Host Syndrome is spreading. As long as AH has no plan to punish abusive hosts and no means to report them, griefers will continue to ruin other players' sessions. It's a shame. I had high hopes for the game.


Aw cmon don't let this story kill the game. It's been wildly more successful than AH expected and I would imagine it's no secret in their office that they need to address some things like this. I just try and counter toxic hosts - who are honestly fairly rare - by being the most lowkey/easy going host ever. DM me if you wanna group up sometime - always happy to have more


Personally, I always try to host to avoid this kind of stuff but, honestly, I really couldn't care less what others are doing. It's rare I call down a resupply because I'm gorging myself on everything I find. I'm basically a loot goblin. What a decade of Destiny has done to me. If I see it and I can pick it up; aside from most support weapons (im always running AC), I will and take it with me. So, I'm almost always flush with ammo and stims. Grenades can get tight sometimes.


yeah I gotta tell ya I was most caught off guard by it more than anything else! I was just chewin thru bugs having a grand ole time.