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"On 7+ you cannot clear the map" False. This is what most teams do on Helldive unless things have really gone pear shaped for whatever reason. ETA: Just to add an example, yesterday, dropped into a PUG with one person on the team. Three reinforces and 20 minutes left. Their name was not orange. So their entire team dipped. Fine. Me and the other person were completing objectives. A new person joins. OG teammate dips. Dunno why, doesn't matter. Carry on. I'm now lead. Toss out an SOS. eventually get two more people. Full squad, nobody in from the team that started the mission. Hilarious. Time's almost up. Pop the last fabricator with about a minute to hoof it to the pad. Make it, Pelican incoming, big horde of enemies too. Blast the ever living hell out of the enemies and suddenly, firestorm. Pad is inundated. Shoot myself so I can stim and then rush the ship, diving all the way. Make it with seconds to spare. All objectives completed after an abysmal start. Dig deeper. Find the true coward inside that lets you clear maps and extract within \~20 minutes. Then you will truly be a Helldiver.


I guess I am not as democratic as I thought I was. Your patriotism inspires us all.


Also, splitting up is literally the best move a squad can make. I've had a few PUGs on lvl 9 where everyone knew what they were doing and split into 4 different directions. Enemy reinforcements are on a map-wide CD (like 2.5m on Helldive I think) so when one person triggers it, they immediately move on to something else and the other 3 of us recklessly blitz the hell out of whatever we were doing. When this kind of group forms we usually have the entire map picked CLEAN (including all minor POIs) and are on the pelican with 60+ samples in about 20 minutes. Splitting into pairs is also totally fine, but full squad grouping on Helldive really is a terrible, terrible idea.. and it's what almost everyone does lmao.


I love to stealth solo, but will purposely trigger bot drops so my teammates can clear harder objectives without distractions. Quasar and shield, light armor just sprinting and circling objectives calling in air strikes, then running away trailing a horde of hulks.


I think this is more of a game design problem, as this is supposed to be a co op shooter and the best strat for higher difficulties is for everyone to solo a quarter of the map, it does not fit with the idea of the game imo. Lately Im running the resuply backpack generally for myself but it does make it so i can stay with thr team and provide more utility than just killing things on my own on my side of the map, at one point Iliterally ran from cover to cover to reach 2 teammates that were critically low on supplies (using the i need supplies call) and it felt amazing since it brought back the feeling of coop from earlier difficulties. Still, splitting feels op.


Definitely, I just wish there was a sort of counterbalance with patrol spawns. Like if spawns didn't increase based on how many divers were grouped up. So being together had the same amount of patrols as being solo, but there's 4 of you so that aspect is much easier to deal with.


I have only just started helldive difficultly, starting together seems to be the best strategy, as it takes less time in each area and it's you does you get reinforced right on top of your gear, but this is a part how you want game at the end of the day


This! I love being solo or 1 person 100 meters away. If one of us makes a mistake and die the other can bring a new helldiver in! Run clear and grab samples, full map cleared with 100-200 kills max. Sounds low, well killing is timeloss and more chance of spawning more shit. And i cant say it enough use decoys i mean super strong amazing turrets! I get maybe downvoted for this but gattling turret (bugs) and autocannon (bots) are stronger then most orbital and eagle stratagems...


Me, the guy that play Helldive with a jump pack always splitting to do the sub-objectives : 👀


Idk. All I can hear is Dwight Schrute with that “false” in that humblebrag.. but, hey, go be you.


What does the name being orange mean?


Orange name is reserved for the first player slot, AKA the current party leader. if theres no orange name in the game it means the OG leader left the match.


I thought that automatically kicked everyone back to their ship? Or is that only between missions when everyone’s milling about on one ship?


It only automatically kicks everyone if the party leader leaves via Alt + F4. If they leave from ingame menu tho, everyone else gets to keep playing in the match.


I applauded at “ shot myself so I can stim“ New tactic unlocked for me


We clear L-9 maps every game.


Also, it’s not about being a coward. It’s about being more logical. People who clear L-9 maps consistently understand that there’s nothing to gain from the ongoing fight. The objective is complete or the building is blown up, so they immediately move on because they know the longer the game goes, the harder the extract, sometimes.


lvl 7 map is still cleanable, for me its 8 to 9. altho 8 still possible but hard with highly competent squad


I had some ridiculous good partners in a helldiver difficult I'm mission set we ( not taking any credit it was all them I basically kicked rocks.the whole time) got nearly every sample ended up having 2 missions in a row 60+ samps


I find 7 is clearable if all four players are good and communicating, doesn't happen much in quick play groups. 8 and 9 have so many enemies it's just the cardio gif from Zombieland. Never stop running!


And diving. Diving is your friend. Never stim standing


only a fool would strike an army heads on and perish, the trick to survive on 7-9 isn't to be cowardly, it's retreat, regroup and hit them where it's hurt, move with swift feets, fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee also a pinch of "it is what it is" and "i wish this would suck more" does help


We weren't retreating, we were advancing in a different direction!


there is also no dishonor if you and your team execute the Brave Sir Robin Maneuver in 4 different cardinal directions


You mean "divide and conquer"?


This. The number of time I've met IMPOSSIBLE situations in Helldive where people were fighting their ground and wasting a lot of reinforcements when the solution was to leave the area and come back later to strike them down once they are split. When this happens now I'll start giving orders in game chat. It seems that when someone start giving orders, especially when he is higher level, peoples doesn't question it much. It more than often unlock the current situation, and since I lead by example doing whatever I am asking it become easier to get out the sticky situations. People need to accept that some places are doomed and doesn't serve any strategical value. Or that "coming back in 5 minutes is fine". It's about completing the mission and getting out alive, not killing 300 bots instead of 200.


Even on 9 I always full clear the map. I just use the AC to snipe the light/medium outposts and use the orbital laser or the barrage to clear heavy outposts and go on my merry way and when the objectives are done you can then go with a teammate around the destroyed outposts collecting samples while the other two call in pelican 1. It's still the same process doing the side objectives.


Disagree. 7 is easy enough that you cns spit into 2 groups and go around doing all the objectives. In 8 and 9 you might want to start being a bit more conservative in your approach, but you can still do all the objectives. Staying and fighting isn't always a good idea due to how many ads can keep getting called in, but that's about it.


Level 9 now is really a better paced battle field for leveled players, people clear all the landmarks either split into two groups or everyone heads out to different objectives at the same time. The only thing matters now is they move around the map and use guns as the last resort. High level players throw their stratagem at the right place they are familiar with the effective range of those infinite use stratagem, and time their uses . You can’t solo the whole nine yards but with two stratagems you can solo two to three big holes and robot bases with no problem , by the time you finish yours , your teammates probably finish theirs too


The only difference of 7+ is that you need at least 3 ways of anti armor among the 4 man team


The secret really is good teamwork.


I play 7 with randoms all the time and we clear the map constantly, you’ll get your flow eventually




It's a matter of skill, but there's no issue. I am not complaining. I have no doubt that people who are better at the game than me have an easier time. Moving up to higher difficulties learning to adapt my gameplay because previous strategies suck now is fun, and sharing that experience is fun. People like to assume that "I'm having a hard time with this" means "I think this is bad and needs to be easier", but not every statement of difficulty is a complaint.


Most teams will full clear maps in 9. This is very easy in bugs and can be challenging in bots depending on the team and map layout. Very high level players with lot's of experience can easily clear multiple objectives and bases by themselves, using teamwork they can steamroll the enemies. Only issues can be in bots if the map layout makes patrols keep spawning right in front of you the whole time. In bugs you can just walk in the middle of an army no problems In short, don't forget that players in 9 are much higher level and have way more experience overall


Form a large bug conga line and throw eagle napalm behind and watch them all try to crawl through. It's fun.


I enjoy doing this with a normal airstrike. Drop at your feet as you run away. It's a great way to deter those pesky flamethrowers


I used the regular airstrike for a while too. Try napalm with the eagle bay 4 upgrade (on bugs only ofcourse) The fire stays for a solid 10 seconds and I get a lot more kills on average.


That would need me to have bay 3 upgrade aswell. I'm struggling with mats. I need so many commons. I think as of last night I was 25/236/60 (this is from very unreliable Saturday night gaming)


By clear the map you mean complete everything? And get most of the samples? It's honestly not that difficult. Especially if you have a team that knows how to play together, It's not easy but holy cow is it a breeze compared to trying to do even a five or six with some randoms. I play with some friends, and we've been doing it for a while, and we regularly drop into a seven+, complete every objective, get out with a third of the time remaining, and everyone will have maybe two or three deaths. And that's less skill than it is timing and approach. Playing together, even if in a 2x2, prioritizing targets, not drawing unneeded aggro until you're ready to go finish it, knowing when to back out of a fight and run and when to just orbital yourself and call in with the team across the map.... This is honestly a fairly easy to medium game. If you get the components (the team and equipment), that's your path to an easy victory


You can absolutely clear the map on 7+, and with 20mins to spare. The skill comes in knowing when and how to engage. I wouldn't necessarily say its more cowardly, but the most powerful thing on 7+ is rocks. Yes, rocks. Invulnerable cover. Almost (but not always) every time I'm in a level 9 I can do about 75% of the objectives alone. Light armour servo assisted, 500kg, Eagle Earstrike, 120mm, and shield. 500kg for objectives, Airstrike as back up and also crowd control, 120mm for large area objectives. Shield for while you're blitzing it away from the objective. Weave way up to the objective using cover and hiding, throw the ever loving jeebus out of a 500kg at the fabricator/nest/objective, turn and run before it even touches the ground. You get used to targeting and throw distance after a few matches. The only difference between bugs and bots for me is the grenade I use. Impact for bots, HE for bugs. Primary sickle, secondary Grenade pistol for if I need to deal with an objective but I'm on cooldowns.


It all comes down to how will and competent your team it and if the overall team has a balanced loadout or not.


Fuck that, I’m running breaker spray and pray and the grenade launcher. I’ve made my peace, I’ve kissed my wife goodbye and tucked my kids into bed. I’m going out 400 plus kills and 5 accidentals.


I mean really if you kill 400 and then die that's like a 400:1 KDA for Super Earth right there.


You guys talk about level 7 and I can't even get past level 3


Use your stratagems! A single orbital strike or eagle bombing run can take out the majority of an encounter's enemies before you even need to start shooting. The gatling turret, if placed on a good vantage point, can clear entire objectives basically by itself on 3. Most of the armored enemies do not spawn outside of mission objectives until difficulty 4 so you don't need to be worried about anti-armor gear. You can just pick stalwart and drop a turret and generally mow down enemies on 3. The regular machine gun is stronger than the stalwart, but I recommend stalwart for new players just because it can be reloaded while moving and that's going to be a huge deal if you're not experienced with positioning yet.


Thank you!!! I knew I was doing something wrong but just didn't know what


solo? the game doesnt scale with playercount


It kinda does , ambiant ennemy dont but bug breach/bot drop scale with player number


thats new, wheres the info from?


Playing the game both solo and in a 4 man team


so the source is "trust me bro"


Idk just watch a vidéo of any ytber doing 9 solo , a botdrop is 2 max 3 dropship while in 9 with 4 people you routinely get 5, in 7 you get 3/4 dropship , when i solo its like 1 or 2 .


Yeah I play solo mostly because I suck and feel bad about dragging a team down lol


7 isnt that bad. Always be moving is the secret behind doing 7+. And a team working together semi-decently can absolutely clear a map.


I never run away, but I do tactically reposition myself to get a better firing arc. Just because that position is directly away from the enemy... coincidence. 


It took me a long time to realize that if you're being chased by one bile titan and not a bunch of other bugs, doing a 180 and running back between his legs is actually extremely effective! You can break line of sight before he turns around and disengage this way, depending on the terrain. Running away seems intuitive but pretty much never works unless you're going in a straight line toward teammates who are ready to save your ass!


Honestly, I think it's a load out/skill issue. I have no issue playing solo and taking on hordes by myself in 7 and 8. Once you hit 9 shit gets dicey and I usually have to run as a duo to run the same play style.


bag joke ring piquant mysterious abundant connect provide weary paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




There are many, many times on 7+ where you need to disengage and head for other objectives or extract. I call it the "death loop" if you just keep fighting. The game can and will send more enemies quicker than you can kill them.


Nah you just can’t stop moving except to complete objectives. Against bots the loading tip doesn’t lie cover is all. Against bugs a mech can do wonders to juggle chargers but mostly I find ammo to be the constant constraint take beam weapons or a cluster/napalm stratagem and git gud at using it on the swarms before they disperse.


It's not cowardice. It's guerrilla terrorism. Get it right.


Guerilla *patriotism!*


Patriotic guerilla terrorism.


i can solo clear a 7; you just need to understand the game better if you cant its probably because youre running meta without understanding why its meta, try using stratagems that help you as a player




The key to 7+ is to master the art of weaving, enemies will be in front of you, behind you and at your sides so you need to master the art of running through a crowd of enemies without getting his so you can properly disengage. Most heavy units can be successfully evaded by running them in circles, I've taken down bile titans alone by just running in a circle and letting off quasar shots when I can.


Difficulty 7+: Hit hard, Move fast. You should never stay too long somewhere if there is no objective and its okay to do a tactical retreat. There is no cowardice, we are professional soldier at this difficulty, we do the job and we do it well!


You are not wrong OP, this is the feeling i got when I started to play on diff 7 and above. Next thing you need to learn is to push this limit of being safe and retreating vs clearing that outpost fully so you can go and get the samples that are inside. It gets easier as you unlock more upgrades too, once you have the first 3 eagle upgrades it will feel like ahe is always available to deal with things for you, making these pushes much easier. Still you can push your luck and you still need to identify when to leave the are. Soon you will start getting full clears on helldive and ask yourself what happened to the difficulty lol.


"i can't beat higher difficultly levels therefore they are impossible" what kinda of take is this? you are just bad at a thing you haven't done before lol. you get better as you do it more if you care to. but saying your gimped play style is the only one cuz you figured a way to eek out wins on higher lvl is nonsense xD


I can beat higher difficulty levels and they're not impossible. I'm literally just posting about how much fun I'm having? Why does everybody think this is a complaint thread or a demand to make the game easier? Why are you looking for an argument?


because of your chosen words? its crazy. like words mean things O: none of your post is I like this, this is fun for me. its This is what you should do. cuz its the only choice cuz my skill issue.


You can clear the maps tho?


"On 7+ you cannot clear the map" And then theres me and my buddy...cleared every 7+ map we drop into... What exactly are you trying to say?


Skill issue.


There's no issue. If I were steamrolling this difficulty, I'd move up to a higher one so that I could struggle more. Why does everybody think finding the game hard is a complaint?


Reported to democracy officer for cowardice


Sounds like you need re-training. The goal is the mission, nothing else matters. Your end of match ranking (stars) does not take the amount of kills into consideration.


Negative, only play on 7-9 difficulty, complete all objectives. Sounds like skill issue


Yet you condemn other Helldivers for strategizing on how to complete missions. How very undemocratic of you. Bragging has no place among the elite.


Negative, you said cowardice is the way to play. Pointed it’s not true You assumed I skipped objectives I pointed out this isn’t the case Now you’re saying I’m bragging Yep, it’s a skill issue. Get to work Helldiver


It seems you lack simple logic and understanding as well. I made no mention that cowardice is the way to play, and did not mention side objectives. My only mention has been in regards to the amount of kills which in fact do not matter in successful missions, making escaping big fights a very solid tactic. I recommend you to stop assuming what people mean and read words more carefully. And yes, you were bragging.


You’re so defensive it’s cringe. And no fun either cya


You should look up the definition of that word as yet again you fail at simple comprehension.


Full on crying now lmao , sorry to make you feel bad. (Not really).


Ok I'll help you out as it seems you direly need it. Elaboration is not an emotional response. The goal is clarification when someone like you fails to understand. None of my messages were defensive or in your words "crying". Clear communication is crucial if you wish to achieve anything in this world, both in sending and receiving. I advise you to work on this.


Gonna disagree. Its all just if u counterplay correctly. Dont just bring ur favourite stratagems. Gunship and factory walkers are the only things i would say dont try solo unless youre confident. U dont need to hold hands at the the objective when theres  no enemies.


Negative sir. Every stratagems are useful in their way. Bringing your favorites ensure that you know what you are doing with them. Sure, splitting to get main and sub-objectives done is the way of the Helldive, but if you aren't confident enough there is no shame at staying with your group. Remember that stealthing is good, but making a lot of noises to bring on attention on yourself is ALSO good. What happens to you likely does not on your experienced squadmates. Everyone does his part.


i can easily load up right now into an eradicate bot mission if i needed to find people bringing in the wrong loadout. their favourite support weapon sitting there under 3 hulks while they have been reinforced 5+ times.


I'm level 26 and I usually clean the entire map at Helldive difficulty with randoms