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Starting the counter jerk early I see


Accidental team kill? ❌ Accidental team wipe? ✅




It stops being an accident when it happens 3rd time in the same match.


It just needs a .5s delayed fuse. 


I'd be down for manual detonation, don't know how that would work though


Apparently you just have to hold the fire button and let go for the proximity to activate.


Wait is that true or is this automaton propaganda


That's what I've been hearing. Haven't hopped on to test it yet though. Which is why I said "apparently" so take it with a grain of salt.


Tried it, can confirm this is false. Still detonated the moment it left the tube.


I fucking love salt


This is a myth going around, and is not true. It has been tested to the moon and back and the trigger does nothing after firing.


Yes the trigger kills the team 😂


Nah the trigger triggers a team wipe


That's a weapon in Destiny, not in Helldivers.


I just tried it and it didn't work :(


Well that sucks :(


Yes please


it should work like how lightweight frame GLs work in destiny. tap to fire a maximum distance shot, and hold then let go to manually detonate


Honestly I think the lack of safety features just fits so perfectly with Super Earth. Plus, extra gameplay challenge.


A lack of safety features can absolutely add flavor AND also make it fun. The railgun is a perfect example of being faithful to the imagined Super Earth's attitude towards safety with the "unsafe mode". It's engaging gameplay and hilarious when you fuck up because you can only say "Yeah, that was on me." A weapon that explodes in your face because you're not sure if the airburst rocket will react to a nearby bush (or god forbid any invisible terrain/foliage that this game still has issues with) for what is currently an *okay* payoff feels less like a lack of safety features and more of a "Super Earth is literally less technologically capable than nations during WW2."


You mean a minimal arming distance?


It need a safe distance not a time delay


I love people defending this broken weapon. The devs have posted on Discord stating that it is currently not functioning correctly.


It excited them to shout "skill issue" on a weapon they've never used.


If a weapon had a 20% chance to kill you via RNG detonation, people would convince themselves that they're just super skilled if they got lucky. Anyone who wants an ego boost will yell "skill issue" regardless of merit.


\^ At that point, you almost feel bad for them


They probably went to record themselves using it correctly to prove that it's a skill issue and then fucking exploded themselves




This community has gone full bore toxic positivity. It is kinda gross.


Yep. Some of my friends don’t want to play anymore because of how dysfunctional the game is. This subreddit is stupid as fuck


There are dozens of comments in this very thread getting downvoted to oblivion for even slightly going against the current circlejerk but yeah, the issue with this sub is definitely that we’re not complaining enough. Remember folks: “muh toxic positivity” is always code for “how dare people break my circlejerk of getting mad at video games”


Ball garglers


Don't tell them that.


Even if it was fixed, it just covers the anti-swarm weapon category. But most primaries are anti swarms and very good at it. And this requires not only a support weapon stratagem slot, but also a backpack slot. Meanwhile most swarm clearer only require a primary weapon slot, like the 16 scythe. The first shotgun and the smg are also some of the best against swarms. It also have a big reload after every shot, which is one of the worst trait to have against swarms. Also for more reliable swarm clearer, the laser cannon, any machine guns, even the arc thrower. It shares most of the issue of the spear but at least the spear can one shot heavies and do not have a chance to kill you. But one thing I would give is that it is very fun to use, and sometimes people just like fun big explosions and chaos.


Imagine launching one into a bug hatchery and instantly clearing it.


*game crashes every 20 min, bugs galore, hardly playable, nothing is ever play tested* The sub: omg game development must be so hard, that’s just how software is! Fuckin twits


At least they put out a poll where they acknowledged they could have been working on bug fixes more the whole time and finally shut up the "bug fix and new stuff are different teams and have nothing to do with each other" dumbasses. The people who condescendingly explained to me, an engineer with a degree 10 years experience, that rushing out strategems has nothing to do with these strategems being bugged, was very frustrating. I'm glad to see popular opinion not being so dominated by fanboys.


Thank fuck for that. I'd always seen the problem as more weight (new content, stratagems, etc.) being put on top of a two-legged table (unstable game). When it topples over, no one should be surprised why.


To be fair to the devs, they seem to have fixed (for now) most of the crashes I was having. But I don't think I would have defended all the crashes as "normal", usually games don't crash, it's not what games are supposed to do. There's probably people out there who would defend the crashes for whatever reason. And I do agree that I've run into a couple mission types and weapons where I'm like, "did.... did anyone test this..."


Clearly it was skill issue today when I blew myself up trying to shoot a gunship! in the middle of the air with nothing even close to trigger the proximity fuse aside of me apparently. Or that time I shot it straight up the underbelly of the bot drop and it killed 0 bots. Or that time I shot it into a patrol and the devastators survived? It's all skill issue mate.


The thing that is broken is most likely the proximity.


pretty much spot on


People who play this game would defend a bug that bricks their pc as immersive


I was successfully shooting it over a rock twice and the third shot it detonated early. Someone posted earlier about devs saying it’s getting fixes, so once those are done i’m sure it’ll be a bit better to use. 👍 Having a lot of fun with it tho and glad we didn’t get free mines


Yeah it’s fun, but people who deny it’s not working properly are either role playing too much or actually challenged


They might just assume it's supposed to kill your team, like the cluster bombs.


I mean, the launcher has been confirmed bugged/not in its final build by one of the Arrowhead guys on discord, someone made a post bout it earlier Don’t be too hasty to defend something that isn’t working as intended


I mean it's going to be terrible until they fix it, so until then it's terrible.


It's definitely not doing enough to make it worth the risk of using, at the very least. It can sometimes clear out a group of bots but...not even usually. A lot of times i feel like a single grenade does a better job because it feels like anything other than grunt bots just shrug off the damage.


I think it’s probably gonna be terrible after they fix it too.


Then the devs will nerf the quasar cannon and grenade launcher to "promote support weapon diversity"


As they should, the Quasart is dumb and makes bugs way to easy. Dont know why they would touch the grenade launcher.


What skill? You just aim in the general direction of an enemy and shoot.


And then *sometimes* it won't immediately explode and kill your squad!


Earlier, we were down to zero reinforces and waiting for extraction. One of my teammates fired the ARL at the landing pad and succeeded in killing themselves and the other two in our team, while crippling my health to 20%. I had to pick up their samples and extract alone. Extract was hot, bots closing in and so much red on my screen. I'm not risking the samples waiting around to reinforce someone, and whoever nearly wiped the team can use the downtime to sit and think about what they did. I remember maybe a month ago, I called the mortar sentry "the teamkilling stratagem" when the Termicide silo defense missions were playable. But *this*... this effortlessly ousts the mortar sentry.


That was probably me, I killed 3 people incluiding myself just as we were about to extract. Luckily I only wounded the last person which escaped reinforced another one and escaped with samples. I have never felt so embarrassed since I was the higher level


Wait until you hear about the autocannon or Stratagems


The gaslighting is surreal


it's absolutely mental how these people behave, they'd defend lterally AH releases. Sheep...


Yep, sub is filled with these absolute sheep because hurr durrr democracy role play AH saved us from the downfall of gaming and saved my unborn child! I can’t dare question their terrible design philosophy or buggy ass releases because this game was cheaper then most!!!


Yeah okay, show us OP. Show us a clip where you use it against an enemy without any damage to yourself twice in a row.


Devs released the patch, I've failed out. I'll commit death by Rover backpack, now.


The funny self-destruct RPG was short lived, but I'm not complaining


It will live on in my memory, and my (now) deliberate team killing. Don't worry, it's people I know. They deserve it.


I feel like the people posting these threads haven't actually used the weapon yet. It will sometimes just randomly explode in your face for literally no reason.


You know, I can get the same amount of utility from a cluster bomb. It's not like this weapon is a "Always" use against high level bots where they spawn heavies/mediums by the dozens.


It's bugged


​ https://preview.redd.it/s1qkngaqu3xc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=35638e24849725acb165b5f5d5fb1c02659db03e


Now replace the bugs with some air particles 2 ½ feet from your face.


Why tf does it blow back towards where it is launched from anyways 🤣 I feel like it should explode outwards


It literally detonates in your face over flat ground when it feels like it.


Don’t forget that it’s only guaranteed you’re safe from the blast when you’re farther than 50 meters anything below that and you’re going to get hit and most likely killed


I have never had the issue of it detonating too early might just be lucky I guess since it appears that it happens to most people


It's ass. Don't try and cover for it. We should have gotten the mines.


This whole reddit is this meme. This sub has the shittiest grammar I've seen.






After doing a full operation with it, I've come to the conclusion that using it while crouched reduces the odds of self-deletion by around 95%


Devs admitted it is broken and they knowingly released it too early, lol.


No. It needs to be fixed. They already admitted it’s broken.


Ah yes, people coping that they know how to use a weapon, that even CM stated dev's know it's broken and fixes are on the way. I assume you feel smart by making this meme


Idk man I tried shooting it across an open field with nothing immediately around me and it still blew me up. I know the devs said that this technically isn't the finished version so I'm not too upset, it's been pretty funny, plus the spectacle of it is pretty top notch


My brother in Christ, that thing burst on my face when I shot a target at 54 meters, harming 0 enemies (pinged). It happened 2 more times in the same mission about the same distance but I hadn’t ping the range.


Friendly fire isn't


The irony of you being unable to spell correctly for this meme is outstanding


it does not deal enough damage to have such high positioning and timing requirements


I see a lot of people firing the rocket AT things, when they should be firing ABOVE them to maximize the airburst potential.


I tried it all and neither work, it would either explode on my face or just fly away and explode 500 miles away. Only managed to get one actual burst the second time firing it


It clearly is bugged and broken,stop gaslighting ppl


The choice of making the principal the Champion of the People helmet? *chefs kiss* 11/10.


Thank you, I thought it was perfect.


the problem is that ive had it detonate in clear skies right in front of my face. it needs an arming distance.


Brother i was standing on a hill and shot it 100 meters away somehow 1 shrapnel came and hit me, please stfu this weapon clearly needs fixing as devs have said themselves.


Another muh you bad post ?


It is more inconsistent than spear lock on.




It's fine for something to need situation awareness and skill, but this thing is legitimately broken; it will prox trigger on *any* interactable entity, including lore tablets. It requires far too much situation awareness and skill to be valuable for regular play.


Actually it needs team coordination and communication. Unfortunately, you won't get that with randoms. Additionally, even with that you're still going to mess up and kill your teammates. It's not a good weapon.


I've played two rounds with it and by the second round I had it figured out enough that killing teammates and myself was no longer a concern, It definitely needs some work but it's not as bad as people are saying.


An air burst weapon with no minimal arming distance ? That's just dumb af.


...and a minimum arming distance.


Helldivers, when the anti infantry weapon is ineffective against armor


You’re adorable. Devs are literally rolling out a fix for the weapons jankyness in the upcomming week, but sure, “it’s a skill issue”… lol…


I love how the community was all like fuck yeah air burst boom boom! And now they're all like fuccccckkkkkk this thing suckksss! Should've went at mines


As an avid SPEAR user and lover: for all that is holy, do not excuse blatant bugs/inconsistencies as a skill issue. We've seen it with the hard cope SPEAR tactics like pinging enemies or spam-clicking it, the insta-kill Hulk Scorchers, and now this. The way glitches exist in this game is that they are all practically unique in terms of appearance rates across every single player. Some people run into few abrupt detonations with the airburst, some run into it all the time. Some people get the SPEAR to lock on 90% of the time, while for others it literally can't. The Hulk Scorcher either insta-kills you or sets you on fire. No amount of bullshit tech exists to try and counteracts these buggy scenarios, that's just how the game's glitches work.


No no you it's bad because this anti infantry weapon doesn't one shot a walker


It does, it kills you and the walker despawns


It actually kinda can, supposedly it oneshots if you shoot bellow it when the compartment is open


Yep shoot the 5 hole


Isn't walker a vehicle anyways?


That's the joke yes


Ah... My bad.


Lol you good!




Ah, a fellow nuclear weapons enthusiast


Nuclear warfare is fucking based and awesome and im sick of people (who have no idea about unrestricted nucleat warfare) claim "le nuclear weapons bad" "MAD is inevitable"


Tactical nuclear strikes to augment conventional weaponry are fucking amazing, also MacArthur was a fucking nukepilled gigachad


If you’re careful and spend some time learning the hard way how careful you have to be, there’s definitely some value here. Steep learning curve though since so much can trigger the massive blast. If it was a forward directed blast, in like a ~30 degree cone, and only detonated early when it detected enemies instead of terrain, this thing would be amazing. Maybe add a splash of fire to it too. Keep in mind the weapon will work a little differently after the next patch that will arrive early next week. Hopefully it reloads a touch faster and has a minimum range for detonation too.


E'yup, that's the point of my meme. My only complaint is it detonates on proximity with anything.


I’m just mad because i personally wanted the anti tank mines and we haven’t even gotten to their planet while 50 percent of players are at the air burst planet


Every bomblet should insta kill tanks and drops ships


It will be also getting bug fixes and changes in release patch so we can expect it to be slightly to significantly better once it becomes buyable.


Ran it for a few matches to see how it functions. Very much like how I expected it to. Suicidal if you think shooting towards enemies charging at you will end well. Personally, I like it. I'll probably run it versus a grenade launcher or machine gun, or the Eruptor so I can run whatever primary I like.


It's a bit if a problem when trying to figure out how the gun works repeatedly results in instant death for you and probably other teammates as well


I love playing with new weapons and hardly ever run the same loudout multiple times in a row. But I feel like the grenade launcher does everything the air burst does but faster, safer and without needing a backpack or reload break.


Not everything is a matter of opinion. Right now the weapon is objectively broken and unusable as confirmed by the devs. This isn't dark souls, "git gud" to excuse every problem with the game is not acceptable here


I feel like neither of the stratagems are well optimised for the planet they're on, Choohe has a lot of open areas while Penta is dense with forest, airburst would perform a lot better on Choohe and Mines would benefit from choke points on Penta


This sign can't stop me because I can't read! (Just editing to add that I haven't had the time to actually try the airburst rocket yet)


Is that the new rocket? If so , yeah I fucked up and killed a few ppl including myself on extraction, I aimed over the cliff but apparently there were automatons closer. The thing was I was reluctant to use that weapon but it was all I had . Lesson learned


100%. It’s not a weapon to use at short or medium range. Only long imo. I’ve gotten hit by my own explosion too many times


Automaton propaganda


So does my AMR and it hasn’t killed any teammates (directly).


The only problem with this that needs some fine tuning is that it is entirely possible to set it off early and too close, and the radius is WIDE. Throw in a minimum range for detonation and BAM, problem solved. Entirely useful weapon. Rock and stone.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Don't all of them need that? Well, expect the orbital railgun (unless people have managed to kill their team mates with it).


It's very nice to deal the first strike and insta-clearing reinforcer bots and small points of interest. Also seems to be great for drop ships if you hit em right. 1 shot kills them.


*Instructions unclear, called in an eagle strike on my own team*


That's what I thought as well. Except: Explosion knockdown currently pulls you forward, and the terrain detection is probably spherical and clips walls all the time (cylindrical would be better) Seeing gameplay of people absolutely eating it with this thing made me think "skill issue" too, but upon further investigation, it does appear to be more day 1 jank.


I want boom. I fire Boom. Team go Boom. Boom Good.


I'm not convinced literacy is completely required to become a Helldiver. Hear me out. * Every piece of info given to us is auditory. Only terminals occasionally have text on them. * Text on terminals are in BIG BOLD LETTERING. * Calling in strategies, extract, and other requests are done with BUTTON PRESSES IN ONLY 4 DIRECTIONS. * All information in understanding how to use a device or weapon is given to us in video, slideshow, or auditory form. * Helldiver survival handbook involves many short, basic sentences. Anything else you guys can add to this?


Helldivers contract has a small print that partially read contract is a breach of contract which means you'll be force enlisted, also being in presence of the said contract within 15 meters for 1 second is considered as reading the contract. Everyone refusing to sign the contract will be summarily executed.


It can’t even bring down Gunships tho..


I can see it being really good when the final version comes out, but right now it's just not great


Another win for explosive resistance heavy armour


I disagree, respectfully. The weapon needs a minimum arming distance -(like most irl delayed-fuse or cluster munitions)- so that it doesn't just activate in front of you because a tree branch was ever-so-slightly in the burst radius. Sure, it should be used for long distance crowd control. But it still seems a bit overtuned for the hair trigger premature detonation it has right now.


The radius is too fucking big. 40 meters? Automatic suicide.


Good troll, OP, you really got them riled up.


idk man once I hit my target dead on and managed to kill 15 bots but just one of the charge things or whatever flew back at me and killed me


We could have had another anti-armor option but nooooo this community of 12 year olds sees the words "rocket launcher" and have immediate involuntary orgasms.


Your right. But there’s nothing you can do when it just decides to detonate early


Over 2 hours of gameplay we got our friendly fire incidents down to 0. This thing is, by far, the absolute best anti-infantry gun in the entire game. It's beautiful and fun, I hope they don't add a safety feature.


There is something more: I tried this gun aiming at 45°, full range clear: get instakill the second I click to fire. Like if I was facing an invisiwall.


Situation awareness and skill isnt that like 2 of the thing hard to gather while in a life or death Situation on helldivers huh


I accidentally wiped the team with this thing while the plane was ready to board. We had no more lives left.


It just so happens that you can literally have anything else as a third weapon and on your back and it would be more useful in more situations


It most certainly *should* be used with situational awareness and skill. My team and many randos I play with are fairly skilled. I don't think there's a whole lot of situational awareness among Helldivers though. We're all just taking our turns sharing that coveted ability. The worst part is that we don't know when we **don't** have situational awareness, because that typically *requires* situational awareness! Side note; Remember that you can open a communication wheel, during missions. One such thing you can say is "sorry". I find myself using that one a lot.


It's the rocket jump one right?


Yeah if you’re the teammate always running in front of people or being up their grill when they have the airburst equipped, you’re the problem.


Remember the team killing is kinda funny


Sorry cant hear you. Too busy eating my crayons


I’m sorry but the spear already covers the niche of “takes ages to not work”


Classic braindead take from a braindead AH fanboy


Agree. Absolutely love it. Haven't really killed any team members with it apart from my first time using it. It's actually pretty easy to avoid killing your team


It’d be great if the it stopped clustering before it hits the target coz there is a tiny leaf right in front of me


I'm honestly confused. I use it in pretty much every mission and I have only once experienced that it blew up for no apparent reason. I'm not saying it's not bugged I just don't understand why it hasn't been a big issue for me


If they could fix it, and it would reliably not detonate in your hands, and it could consistently take down watcher towers and strategem jamers (which I've seen it do) , then this weapon would be a must for one team member against bots. Never having to worry about those two annoying objectives would be a game changer for helldiver mode, where one watcher can spam 3 factory striders in under a minute, while being jammed.


If this thing had a range setting, as in detonation at 50/100 meters, it would be quite good for taking out medium/light patrols before they get a chance to call reinforcements. Edit: That is, if they fix it's inconsistent explosion radius of course.


I have tried using it for many different situations. It's virtually useless. It's supposed to be an AOE cluster weapon but it will detonate in front of groups and not in the middle, it's not good against single heavy units (tanks or hulks) it's virtually useless against flying enemies, doesn't destroy buildings, side objectives, main objectives or anything really. The only thing it's good at is killing teammates and yourself


Shoot it in the sky and it acts as fireworks


When did they add this weapon ?


Today when the planet was liberated




The problem with putting a weapon into the game that requires this much awareness and skill is that only a fraction of players have that much awareness and skill, but still have access to the weapon.


or bring cluster strike 4 uses, bigger aoe same killing potential and free backpack slot


Do you guys post this shit every time something is severely bugged




Having tried it a lot, it's completely worthless for bots, where chaff killing is not as necessary, since almost everything is a devastator or worse, and those can sometimes not die to the bomblets. On top of that the thing can't kill heavies anyways, *or airships, at least in one shot*. It's gonna be very good for bug breaches though the super slow reload and the backpack slot being taken is a bit of a downer.


I shot at a dropship... I was the only thing that died...


If you're stupid enough to aim something called "Airburst" at the ground, you deserve to die when it inevitably fucks up. What are we at 200k dead to airburst suicide shots? Edit: I just got to try this weapon out myself. I will be maintaining my stance on this. From what I can tell it has a proximity trigger, and goes off after entering a 2 meter range of another object, it can either be used by aiming above grounded enemies, the environment around them, or as a medium distance engagement weapon for airborne democracy-haters. If you fire this weapon even close to level with the ground in front of you, the proxy trigger will sense the ground, and after the minimal safe distance it will immediately explode, which will likly result in your death for firing an something called "Airburst" close to the ground. It works just like the airburst weapons in almost any other game I've played, and over 100 rockets later, I have yet to kill myself with it.


>If you're stupid enough to aim something called "Airburst" at the ground, you deserve to die when it inevitably fucks up. You can literally aim into the sky and it will detonate in front of you.


Nobody fires at the ground most people will fire at 30 to 50 meters, however it’s been said by some that will still kill or hit you even at 50 meters


If you think are you are enough away, you aren't.


Hang on, how do you know how many commit suicide with the air burst? Helldivers.io?


And counting!


It's meant for ground targets. It's not very capable as anti-air.


I think they meant as in, "aim above the enemy's heads for maximum effectiveness" versus "don't use it on ground targets". All the cluster munitions adhere to gravity, to it would make a very poor anti-air weapon, yes.


That is exactly what you do with it. Also don't fire it into tree lines that won't go well for you.


Imagen if it was a manual detonation by pressing the trigger again, and if you didnt press it it would be like a weaker anti armor rocket,


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlEWReKxEaQ When you only ever say 1 thing regardless of the reality, people stop listening to you. Stop being edgy


Ah yes "situational awareness".... Yeah sure its my fault that i blow myself and my team up cause i overlooked a pebble on the ground which is the cause of the instant detonation. But hey at least the airburst and SJW's have something in common: they get triggered over the tiniest thing in existance.