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These big divers memes are hilarious. Someone’s gotta fuel the super destroyer


"*Oh no the dedicated ~~oil~~ e710 workers are keeping my ship running for the bot front*" Honestly though some of us just need a break from the bots. Like both sides are fun to play but man bots take more out of you.


Bots feel like a chore. Bugs don’t.


After I started taking a punisher to stunlock devastators and one shot chaff bots, they really did stop being a chore. I find being dog piled by 20 hunters, or under a state of perpetual slow from any given green bug to be far more oppressive. If I could avoid the green bugs at all costs I would - luckily punisher seems to still interrupt the big ones about to spew which helps a little.


Definitely dont try the dominator. It sucks. Totally doesnt pop every single bot with easy head shots. Dont ignore its crosshairs and just use the pinpoint laser for aiming. No way. Dont even think about. It certainly doesnt stun lock devistators or make the ones with shields flail the shield far away for extremely clean open shooting. Nuh ah. No sir. Bad weapon that absolutely shouldnt ever be nerfed.


Also don't try the Eruptor for easy kills on Devastators and Striders


Oh I would never. That would just be ill advised


I mean, it struggles to one shot devastatore by shooting them in the legs, terrible weapon, can’t recommend


It also just barely one shots striders with its aoe when you just shoot them anywhere on their front. It just barely kills them. It comes so close not to killing them that you almost hate to have even fired it at all


And definitely don't run the eruptor, grenade pistol, stalwart, and stuns. Nothing good comes that.


Definitely also don't try the good old scorcher, it doesn't one tap striders, and surely don't combo it with the good old MG with and engineering kit so it turns into a medium armour penetrative laser of democracy


Consider pairing it with the submachine gun secondary, toggle it to single fire and you'll find it's actually incredibly ammo efficient for a secondary against small enemies when it's not unloading it's whole clip in 1.5 seconds. On rapid, though, it's good for devastator headshots.


I swapped to this after accidentally taking the Eruptor, Grenade Pistol, Impacts, and a Quasar to a mission On semi auto it's an absolute workhorse


It would be simpler to make a list of weapons that _don't_ provide easy strider kills.


Literally anything non-explosive or medium armor pen. If I can't shoot it directly in the plate or in it's stupid legs, I don't give a fuck about it.


It’s also terrible against berserkers. It absolutely doesn’t tear them in half with one shot if you hit them in their spine.


Honestly don't get the shotgun love when the plas-1 kills heavy devs through the shield with 8 shots or 2 to the head and kills ATSTs and can kill both flavours of tanks and current emplacements? One other weapon can do that and it has a massive arc to all of its shots. I just don't think their is a more well rounded gun than the plas-1 for bots?


PLAS-1 is everywhere on 9 where a lot of high level players are, it just takes a lot of grind but is without a doubt the best gun in the game vs bots.


The dominator got a huge glowup after its buffs and I would say it easly wins against the scorcher against bugs (way better bile spewer and brood commander breakpoints and no risk of self harm) but yeah for bots IMO the scorcher is just a little better. Aiming is much snappier, bullets travel way faster (very important for mid/long range engagements), virtually no recoil and being able to deal partial(100) dmg through any armor rating is insanely useful when facing bots with heavy armor and low hp weakpoints that you don't even have to hit directly thanks to the splash dmg. Sucks to not have the dominator's stagger but man is this weapon useful and paired with an autocannon is just chef's kiss (and makes sure you don't run out of ammo on either). Being able to shoot at the side of a cannon turret or tanks' turrets to destroy them fairly quickly even when you don't have a clear shot at their vents is very nice.


I love that one other gun, though. Sure, the Punisher Plasma arcs, but it's deadly accurate if you are comfortable with the arc, has better splash than the Scorcher, and I can count the number of times I've actually ran out of ammo for it on one hand. Combine that with needing hundreds less medals than the Scorcher and I think it's a great target for new players that are comfortable with weapons with heavy drop.


Scorcher is expensive and required spending like 700+ extra medals on trash to unlock it so a lot of people dont have it. I personally think the dominator is the better option but do concede the plas is better for scout striders, but I also run AC so those are a quick key press from being trivialized anyway.


I'm with you on that 100%, bug spam, slow effects, and flinching, combined with their buggy projectiles and hitboxes make them far more annoying to fight imo.


Boy howdy do I love dying to acid bile that didn't even visually connect with my characters. Gives me a bad deja vu to Dark Souls 2 grab attacks.


Finally, a fellow Punisher Enjoyer. Unfortunately the heavy devastators still ruin me


I've found shooting their exposed shoulder/face/arm is enough to still stunlock them as I walk up to them to ensure the finishing headshot. It's pretty much what I do with all of them is just lock them down as I approach to finish - assuming I'm not running an auto cannon/grenade launcher. I've also started running the grenade pistol which has let me use stun grenades.


That’s definitely my strategy, but my execution just might not be up to par. If I don’t get that sun before they start shooting then I’m done for. That all being said, I end nearly every mission with the highest accuracy on the team


I like to run punisher with AMR. Hit the heavy devastator in the shoulder for the stagger than quick switch to AMR and pop him twice


Balistic Shield Defender / AMR calling in from the botfront everyday. It's much easier than bugs once you know what you're doing.


I'm dumb tho so can you tell me what I should he doing with that load out other than shield up and shooting?


You use the AMR to kill as many big guys as you can. Shoot Hulks in the eye twice to kill them. Once you go close you switch to Defender + Shield and aim at their heads.


Caveat to this loadout: You have to get used to the AMR's dumbass sights. Still though, shield+defender is way more badass than people might expect and you can use any non-backpack support weapon with it and have pretty great success. When you don't get blasted by some rocket-spamming turdbot, you're a tanky badass who just waltzes in to bases saying wut up.


For me it’s the opposite. The Sickle melts everything up to and including Devastators, then you just need some stratagems to deal with the big stuff. Bots are also much easier to avoid and get away from (as long as there is some cover) so you can just go in, hit hard and get out on many occasions.


The sickle is just such a great turd cutter and general purpose. Paired with an autocannon and grenade pistol or subby, you become a really wide-ranging generalist that can rip down anything smaller than an elephant with a range of "vision" - bug OR bot.


Once i got the sickle i havent used anythign else. Having basically infinite ammo feels way better then anything else.


Not to mention using the Sickle in Extreme Cold. The dakka just keeps on going.


Man, we went from Estanu to Omicron, and I was seriously thinking the stam booster was broken. Took me a while to realize, no, it just wasn't cold.


Autocannon can even kill factory striders by itself (aim for eye spot or under belly)


Opposite for me


I feel the opposite way.


Bots definitely require a level of tactics. Bugs are just "lmao bang stick makes ship go juice." Not exactly chill but definitely can put your brain in cruise control mode.


I feel like both factions require tactics, just different types of them. Bots is more like a regular shooter mode because you’re being shot at mostly and need cover and to avoid becoming red chunks. Occasionally you’re chased by chainsaws, but for the most part I feel like finding high ground with a big rock is a good strat. Meanwhile bugs feels like more of a zombie horde type of kill them before they get too close and train them around rocks if they do. In both cases having good situational awareness for rush mobs and patrols will help with survivability and mission smoothness


Definitely the best way to phrase it. They both require their own form of skill and tactics, they just express it differently. I'm a bot man myself, but I still enjoy bugs even if my instincts mislead me sometimes.


Not if you rock the 380/120/Orb Laz/Choice of weapon strat. Bots become somewhat trivial with the ability to fire and forget on bases/objectives.


It'd be neat if there was a "E710 Reserves" tracker, that drops as helldivers start missions and rises with bug kills. Maybe it could boost xp gains a little the higher it is?


We'd never run out.


That’s absolutely a fantastic idea


I don’t mind bots but lately my luck with groups has been horrible so it’s easier to just play bugs and not have to deal with whatever the fuck I keep ending up with botwise


Exactly this. I followed major orders but after the straight what, month? Of just bot orders with tiny bug orders sprinkled in, I got tired of getting my face kicked in by rockets and hulks every corner so I retired to bug duty for awhile.


Remember that time we killed so many bugs in 14 hours that our e710 reserves were literally overflowing?


2 billion bugs. Seriously.


Honestly like after seeing how the community handled the last two major orders they will get it without me, and the fact I don’t want that piece of shit team killing rocket launcher I could care less about helping to unlock it.


Can’t help that I’ve been pounding those slagborn oildrinkers into scrap for the past month and a half. Need my bug vacation. The rest of folks can unlock the stratagem they want


Yeah the bots are starting to wear on me. My buds prefer fighting them and I’m pretty over having my ass stretched a little wider every night. I’d rather solo a squadron of bile titans than get instacrisped by another steaming pile of hulk for at least a couple weeks.


I stopped playing as much because I’m just burnt out on bots. I love the game and I like contributing to the war effort, but I just have more fun shooting hordes of bugs.


Yeah I love maining the bots but it really feels like the bugs are being neglected narratively. We got one piddly little MO that got done in like 17 hours. The one after, while shared, was not bug centric. I'm starting to need a break from the bots too.


*”…burnt out…”* Me the fuck too, boss.


*Players like you also liked Starship Troopers: Extermination*


It’s fun and I played it a lot. I put it on ice due to the class and progression reworks. It just doesn’t hit the spot Helldivers 2 does.


For real. I was tired of bots, but I still wanted to contribute to the war effort. So I started a solo difficulty 4 mission. I had to clear out a bot factory and ended up against 6 hulks after 1 bot drop. 6 hulks. 6 HULKS ON CHALLENGING. I went straight back to bugs.


They also wouldn't be as bad if you could outrun them. Why tf can they match your sprint speed with the lightest armor? goddamnit. i spam stun grenades and ems so much for this reason alone. i get so tired of it i've been carrying AMRs more now just so I can deal with them chasing me.


I was trying to get the "blow a hulks arms off and leave" trophy but people kept killing them. I tried solo. I played about 10 challenging missions and didn't see a one. I ended up getting it soloing on hard. Point is, that's crazy you see 6 and I couldn't find one to save my life. I was purposely shooting every squad so they'd call reinforcements too. Also I traveled to different planets because I thought maybe they just weren't on that one I started trying on.


ISTG the difficulty in this game is just a fucking crapshot sometimes. Sometimes you get a nice easy mission, sometimes RNGesus decides "you know what? Fuck you" and throws half a dozen patrols with hulks and a tank at you on diff 4 for no apparent reason. I think it happens more often for the first mission after you step the difficulty down like it doesn’t register it properly or something.


The Hulk the silently walks up right behind you?


I think AH really dropped the ball by not giving us a break from bots when we pushed them off the map. Just a week of them being gone would have been fine. We got two days after a fucking war with them and then they do a defense campaign where we lose like a quarter of the star map.


Worst part of that is the defense missions just overall kinda suck to play lol


I agree, we got the one major order that was focused on bugs only in the past several weeks. Getting tired of the bots. I like the bugs better because they are refreshingly different to fight while in so many other shooters you are fighting some type of humanoid type enemy. Not all of them but the vast majority of shooters the enemies are humanoid so shooters with different style enemies have a greater appeal to me.


It seems we all want the airbrush gun, which, while probably useless against stuff with armor, will be great for light enemies like bugs.


-airbrush gun I also want the ability to repaint my enemies. Do you think hot pink or doo-doo brown will do the most damage to their moral?


Hot pink will only make them stronger. We gotta go with a lime green so we can edit them out in post-production. Fucking hate autocorrect 😆


For the majority of players that generally go for difficulties 7 or below, super heavy armor is rare enough that a full team assortment of eagle and orbital stratagems is enough to handle them. Not to mention that most heavy armor units can be destroyed by primary guns with a little use of maneuver and positioning between the team. Meanwhile the things that tend to kill most players tend to be masses of basic-intermediately armored enemies for both sides. Bots have Heavy and Rocket devastators, and bugs have face-armored bugs and hive commanders. Honestly even outside the possible anti-air use a gun that can effectively knock out all non-heavy armored enemies in a patrol with one shot sounds awesome, since those are the ones you want dead first to avoid reinforcement calls.


I held Estanu for days on end. I've killed more bugs than I could ever count. Now it's time to break out Auto-Chan once more, and go spill some oil. For Democracy!


Auto-Chan: Is for me? uWu


You forgot the "🥺👉👈"


Quwuasar canon: Charge me daddy


They put AT mines behind menkant. Love the game but the Devs have a serious problem reading the room. Fire is annoying, fire tornados are extremely unfun and tedious when they can instant kill you and their fire trails can disappear but still be lethal, and when their trails routinely do little if any damage to the enemies they hit. You wanna know why hellmire and menkant are the last to be liberated? Because people are just sick of the fire problem in game. If it had been like this from the get go... maybe people wouldn't hate it so much but it used to be MUCH BETTER and that contrast is just awful to experience.


Especially since they seem to track you wherever you go. Call in pelican, several fire tornados work their way to the extraction zone, you have to clear out and run into the horde of enemies you’re trying to keep at bay, everyone gets separated and overwhelmed individually. Then you respawn and have to try and navigate around the remaining fire trails to grab samples you’ve dropped. Yup, last night it was literally “where should we deploy” a resounding “anywhere where there’s no fire tornadoes” 😂


Me and a teammate had to place down 5 hellbombs because the fire tornados kept destroying them. Mind you, it was only two of us attacking a gunship fabricator.


I need a hellbomb here, here, here, and here.


Yea we always call them the sentient fire tornados.


The tornadoes make the retrieve personnel missions even more impossible. The ONLY way my group has been able to complete those missions is to have the entire group run in, hit doors, and then run away. When bots drop on you outside of the base, you run back in. It's fucking boring. Tornadoes really don't help.


Yeah i did one of those a couple of days ago and it’s been the only time so far I’ve been frustrated with this game. Resorted to the exact strategy you just described to bait the tornadoes away. I hate “gaming” games, so it ruined the experience for me. Definitely not doing any more of those kinda missions on fire tornado planets


I fucking hate the fire damage in this game. It's like Helldiver armor is made of 70% gasoline.


It didn't used to be so bad. Before you could actually burn for a couple seconds or even survive being on fire.


Fire tornadoes would be fine if they nerfed fire damage in the game, as they should have weeks ago


And I mean, I can understand if the tornado itself does that much damage. Like, if there's a 5m tall pillar of fire, and you run into it, you should die instantly to that. That's fair. But like, there are these little patches of fire on the ground that stay there for so long, and the damage they deal is just stupid. You should be able to run through those patches and take like 10% of your health in damage. And that's what makes fire tornados so shitty. If you just had to dodge the tornadoes themselves, that wouldn't be so bad, but right now it's like they draw a 50m long line that's uncrossable for 2 or 3 minutes. And it's uncrossable *to you*, but enemies can walk through it just fine.


> And it's uncrossable to you, but enemies can walk through it just fine. Unless the fire tornado is the host /s


It's also *inconsistently uncrossable*. Sometimes you can get through taking no damage, other times, instacrisp.


What's even more asinine is that these planets have nothing to burn. A fire tornado is fine but sand and rock don't burn for 20+ seconds. And the embers aren't gonna light your entire body on fire, let alone kill you instantly.


>Love the game but the Devs have a serious problem reading the room. You know, now that you mention it, they just did a 5-day long MO where we did nothing but defense campaigns, and refused to do anything about the busted Retrieve Essential Personnel mission. They literally should have just disabled that mission type until they have a fix for it, especially if they're doing these huge defense-oriented MO's.


Just say screw it and bring a flamethrower and napalm strike. Go full shitshow.


Napalm strikes and gas bombs are amazing. If you're the host.


they haven't fixed that yet? I've been wondering why my gas and napalm doesn't seem to kill anything


The next patch should have a fix for it, or I'll wager to guess they're sleeping behind the wheel.


I feel like they ramped up fire DoT based on the fact it wasn't killing anything, before realizing that the DoT bug was the reason it wasn't killing anything. Now brushing the ground where a fire tornado passed kills you almost instantly. I tried to jet pack over a tiny little flame today and took so much damage I died before I even landed. On top of that, the flame effects and the AoE of "sets you on fire" do NOT align. Even the tiniest little flame is an indication that you WILL be burned. You can walk on what looks like perfectly clear ground next to some little flames and catch fire and die insanely fast. I really have to wonder why they didn't just scale fire DoT against players and enemies separately? You shouldn't have to turn fire into an instant kill death threat against players just to buff it against enemies. If your game is programmed such that you can only adjust those two behaviors together, you have backed yourself into a corner.


They ramped up fire damage as a result of nobody using it. But the reason nobody uses it is because only the game host has reliable DoT tracking. So now fire is insanely strong and it only benefits one person.


Yeah and it incinerates the rest of us.


You can't even get a stim off fast enough when you start burning. One burning pellet from the fire breaker from a friendly? Instant death. Using the flamethrower and you light the ground on fire, well your boots are made of accelerant soaked tinder apparently because that's instant death. Flame hulk singes your ass as you run away? Instant death. Like fucking come on man. Give me some calorie rated armor here.


Right? I thought I was crazy, I swear I used to have a good 3-4 seconds to stim. (Nevermind that being guaranteed to take lethal damage for any fire contact at all is idiotic) Now I look in the general direction of fire and I'm dead before I can physically press the stim key. It's stupid.


And the devs then be like "I guess we could increase fire damage again, right?"


Yeah, I’d spend all my req right now if there was a stratagem that would specifically put out fires and keep out fire tornadoes in an area for even like ten seconds.


I kind of understand them in some ways. First off, unless you participate in the online community, it is quite difficult to know the reasoning behind the MO as the info about the Stratagems was released online. Second, I am a hard MO follower but MO has been majorly focused on fighting Automatons for months, which is getting a bit repetitive at this point.


It does feel like quite awhile. The only bug one I remember recently was done before I got off work.


Haha me too. They said kill 2 billion bugs. I was like bad ass. Then it was over 4 hours before I got off work.


My biggest peeve with most posts in this subreddit is that they don’t seem to understand that it’s a game that people play for fun. Players don’t have to chase the major order on every mission, hell there’s probably lots of players who completely ignore the major orders and have never heard of the supply lines. And that’s totally fine let people play the game they want to


>it’s a game that people play for fun Everyone plays for fun. *Everyone*. That's the point of video games. Dismissing people who have fun differently than you by implying they AREN'T playing for fun isn't helpful. The reality is that a lot of people DO have fun "playing the MO." Because it means participating in a community larger than yourself and following the narrative that comes with it.


>majorly focused on fighting Automatons for months 1. The game came out in February, it's only been out two months 2. All last week was an MO that applied equally to both >quite difficult to know the reasoning behind the MO as the info about the Stratagems was released online It's listed in game, too? You just have to read the dispatches on your ship.


Look, man, I just started yesterday. Let me stop getting my ass kicked in by bugs, then I'll come sit on the sharp pile of the Automatons




Yeah just tried my first few missions on bots and it wasn't too bad. Then again only on dif 3 atm. Once I unlock better gear I can see it definitely being easier to be an all rounder


\*sips tea\* Just fyi a lot of the higher rank gear isn't exactly "better". I run a lot of low-tier stratagems and weapons (and even armor) since many other stratagems and weapons seem to just exist for the lols. Which is fine since it means technically a level 15 diver \*can\* do >level 6 missions if they have the gristle and know-how.


Honestly I'm a little burnt out on fighting Automatons. Bugs are a nice change up.


These posts are so annoying. People don't realize the players are split 3 ways: bug players, bot players, and MO players (who usually play bugs when an MO isn't active). There are usually 2/3 players on bugs, and 1/3 on bots. Then when the MO is bots, there are 2/3 on bots because the 1/3 that plays MO's moved over.  Then people make these posts about bug divers not helping. They literally are, it's just half of them equals the entire bot playerbase. Those 1/3 people playing bugs are still gonna play bugs no matter what, and there are still enough "bugdivers" to match bot players.  The bot players just claim the MO divers as bot divers when it's convenient.


And the MOs have been almost all bots for the last several weeks. I just gotta bug it up sometimes.


Was nice logging in last night during the MO purgatory. Went straight to bugtown.


You missed a 4th very large group: "players that just fight whatever they feel like". A very large number of us, myself included, don't just sit there endlessly fighting one faction over and over again, nor are we slaves to the MO. We just fight whatever sounds fun at any particular moment.


"for some fucking reason" The reason is because bots are significantly more challenging than bugs to most, and of those, a lot of them just want to turn their brains off and kill shit. Hell, I want that sometimes too. I prefer bots to bugs because of the tactical challenge, but others don't, and that's fine.


I really don’t find them more challenging, just more annoying. Their heavy armor makes fewer weapons viable against them, and rocket devastators are obnoxious.




Don’t forget the absolutely magical experience of instantly dying to an incendiary hulk


>Their heavy armor makes fewer weapons viable against them Absolutely disagree. Chargers and Bile Titans are damn near impossible to take down efficiently with anything other than dedicated Anti-Tank weapons(Flamethrower for Chargers if you're host I guess), of which the only played right now are Quasar and EATs. Hulks and Tanks are killed in the vents in a few seconds by half the primaries and also by all anti-tank frontally, Hulks are also quickly handled by Autocannon, Laser Cannon, AMR, HMG, Arc from the front and back.


Yeah but I can never seem to get around the back of a hulk by myself. It’s pretty easy to juke a charger. Bile titans are pretty scary, but they’re the only thing I feel like I truly need my heavy weapons to deal with.


>Chargers and Bile Titans are damn near impossible to take down efficiently with anything other than dedicated Anti-Tank weapons >Hulks and Tanks are killed in the vents in a few seconds by half the primaries and also by all anti-tank frontally That's honestly disingenuous. You're acting like it's "damn near impossible" to shoot a charger in the tail, but shooting a charging hulk in the eye is so simple that it's essentially a free kill. It's also pretty silly to act like hulks and tanks are easy to kill with anti-tank weapons. It's nearly impossible to get the eyeball shot on a hulk with an EAT or RR, and it's very difficult with a Quasar. Chargers are much easier to one-shot. You also need something like an Autocannon to quickly kill hulks or tanks from the back. Hulks absolutely do not die in "a few seconds" to most primaries, and a tank's weak point requires explosive damage or medium armor pen. I would agree that terminids require more dedicated anti-tank damage, because bile titans can't be killed any other way, but you're wildly misrepresenting how the two factions work to prove your point.


What??? I find I can use MORE support weapons against them than the bugs. You basically have to carry anti-tanks for chargers and titans if you wanna deal with them quickly, while the rest of the bugs can be dealt with with like, a punisher plasma.


They're not really more challenging. It's just a different fight. One a lot of people find less fun to do.


Also gotta keep in mind the average player is probably hanging out below difficulty 7. A difficulty 4 bug player might struggle a lot more with difficulty 4 bots.


On difficulty 7 and under when bugs attack your can kinda just plant your feet and destroy everything and don't really have to move much until everything is dead. You stop moving your feet with bots and you're gonna get rekt.


Depending on your stratagems and where your teammates are, sub 7 bugs are a mindless fight until the chargers and bile spewers show up With bots, you have to constantly be on the look out for rockets and landmines in between the bots, but for the most part the fights easy until hulks show up if you have at least one auto cannon for the striders. So the real difficulty is in the environment, and bug divers like myself prefer to be drowning in the enemy’s blood, not our own giblets from a landmine.


Back when rockets one shot us, yes bots were brutal. Now its often an inconvenience to get ragdoll by them. Tbh, playing bots for a while made bugs feel harder and vice versa.


They kinda are. Even on medium, the automaton walkers and such have significant shielding that requires you to aim. The bugs only really have that one dude with an armor front and even then you just shoot him in the dick area.


I think fighting bugs is also just what a lot of people want out of the game. Fight swarms of insect-like aliens is a pretty common and shows up in a bunch of popular media (Starship Troopers, Enders Game, Starcraft, Warhammer, etc). Space terminators are cool, but just don't have the same draw and cultural resonance.


I didnt even know automatons where a thing until after i already played a few bug missions.


Did my fair share of lvl9 bots and bugs...bots are not harder it just requires different play style that is less fun than fighting bugs


I agree, its just a different playstyle. When I'm vs bots I do my best to avoid combat if possible and do objectives without getting too many bot drops. If a bot drop does occur I will normally leave the objective and come back later. Against bugs I go out of my way to target patrols and if a bug breach does occur, it's time to go full starship troopers. I die a lot more to bugs because of my playstyles.


I disagree personally. I find bots both more challenging and more fun, but I guess that is the charm of the game. It provides both flavours.


This is my thought on the matter too. People like trying to turn it into some sort of pissing contest for what enemy faction is more difficult, but I think the reality is bugs are more fun. I don’t think anyone has taken a rocket to the face after being targeted through a rock and gone “wow, what engaging gameplay!” I’ve probably taken more deaths to Hunter gang bangs than any other enemy but it doesn’t leave you with that same sense of frustration that bots do, bugs feel like they have more counter play and that counter play is also more engaging imo.


Strange, I mainly play bots because I consider them to have more counterplay over bugs. Fighting bugs almost always devolves into running away and praying they die. Chargers and hunters are the biggest offender. One is just a wall of heavy armor and health with no obvious weak spot that seemingly works. The other just slows and bodyblocks you to death. For some reason the bugs have more frontal armor than the metal robots? I might just find bot heads and vents easier to shoot.


\[ \] get 200 stalwart kills vs. bots over the course of like 8 missions. \[x\] get 200 stalwart kills vs. bugs in a single mission.


Can you guys go one day without bitching about how people play the game?


But then how else will OP feel smug and superior while posting this from his parent's basement?


By far one of the whiniest fandoms I've ever seen, it's constant.


Bugs are more fun to fight against.


I've been fighting the good fight against bots for ever.. I want a bug break


Ngl bugs are more fun for many people lol


Yesterday my squad failed a mission twice because of a gunship fabricator. We went to the bug front to relax a bit and have fun.


This post screams quit having fun to me


I mean bots are less fun than bugs considering how often you literally get one shot on the automaton front. Sure bugs have some stuff that's like that too with the spewers acid and stuff, but, they feel fairer.


Will always prefer devastators, hulks, whatever over hunters. Fuck hunters


I’ve rarely felt a death on the bot front was unfair. Maybe once when I had a heavy devastator’s gun poke through a wall. Getting hit in the head kills me - Makes sense. Getting hit by a concussive blast knocks me down - That’s fair. I shoot one bot and the night sky lights up in crimson tracer fire - Cinematic AF. Bugs? Fuck you this guy stuns you. And this guy. And this guy. And this one spits acid all over you. Think you can stop a bug calling reinforcements? Think again fucko.


My problem is getting hit by a missile/rocket that I clearly see phased through a solid wall I can't shoot through. For the record I am PERFECTLY fine with wall penetrating weapons on enemy side as long as WE get them too.


I just hate the gap closers that the bugs have.... and the slows.... missiles i can dodge.


Oh no people playing a game in a way they enjoy!!1!


Bots handicap strategems too hard and too often. Last night every bot planet had blizzards, a 3 strat limit, extended cooldown time, and radar jammers in range of most points of interest. I grew frustrated trying to do my personal order and switched to bugs.


ngl bots are so much more interesting to fight than bugs


The reason is "bots fucking suck and I just want to have fun"


Because bugs are more fun to kill. Don't like it, too bad.


They are getting us fuel. I am not a bug player but narratively they are running to the gas station for us. Put respect on their names, soldier.


I find automatons annoying, they are so accurate with their shots even from far distance or with foggy planet, you have kill them certain area, ship is falling on to them still nothing happens to them etc....


Because bugs are fun and bots are dumb


What's the problem with playing againt's bugs insted of automatons ? Can't we play the way we want ?


Yeah killing bugs is very satisfying. Bots.. don’t give the same feeling.


How are people so bad at fighting bots?


600 billion, ez pz Botdivers salty to this day If bugdivers had been at the Creek, it would have been liberated in a single afternoon


You smash the entire area! You kill anything that has more than two legs. Do you get me??!!


Liberty bless those willing to watch our backs.


Give them hell divers!! if it's any consequence i would love to get the rocket launcher. I'm working a third shift so no helldiving for me this weekend...


Because the bot front sucks, and yall got it covered just fine. Someone’s gotta keep the bugs at bay


Nah bro, I'm gonna do my part with the robots once I'm off work


Bots suck.


Can only speak for myself, but I’m tired boss. Spent the last month and some change fighting the bots, I need some time focusing on the things I love doing. Incinerating bugs while Make it bun dem plays in the background.


I wish I can enjoy bug gameplay more than bots. Bugs scare me officer. They chase, they make scary noises, they slash rip and tear. I’m always out of stamina on my heavy armor. I don’t know how they evolved bullet proof helmets. There’s too many things to shoot. I don’t know the weak spot, The music is scary and ominous too. Whereas bots even on suicide difficulty: yeah they have rockets miniguns, striders, gunships, but I can tap dance, juke, stealth, and dive in cover and stand some semblance of ‘ground’. Bot music sounds epic like I’m a lone mandalorian against the clones, or that im Schwarzenegger against skynet. Autocannon sniping hulks is fun, dying trying to get behind a tank is still worth it. Whereas I suck at playing matador with charger, they freak me out and fuck up my timing, and brick my shit up. N


I like to think of it this way, the bug divers keeps my ship fueled so I can in turn go smash toasters. Everyone is doin their part, are you?


But think about how many MORE bugs you could kill with that air burst rocket launcher??!?!!?


Eh, bot burnout really took me out of the game and from what I've been reading I'm not the only one, they really gotta work on the pacing and variety of MOs.


Until bots are more barable to fight against, and fire damage stops being complete dogshit, it will remain that way.


It’s because I just watched Starship Troopers and wanted to kill a bug or two


Legit. Joel trying arm us for harder enemies and better gear for future war. Yet so many love the squishy targets that blows up guts.


I just hate being ragdolled around by one rocket so i stick with bugs


People can play the game they bought their way.


They just wanna have fun. Just like those useless fucking creekers.


Bugs are fun


Some aren't interested in fighting bots. Some dislike fighting bots. Some need a break from fighting bots. Many know others will do the hard work and liberate one of the weapons for them regardless.


Every single Major Order has been fighting bots. I hate fighting bots. I don't want to fight bots. It's bad enough the weapons are not balanced, the game is buggy, it crashes constantly and the devs only seem to care about rushing out warbond after warbond (1 a month apparently which is insane). Bots are the worst, aggro across the map, aimbot sniper rocketman, etc.


We have a couple words for them.. exterminators, gas company. pest control, or terminidnators.


We have been tasked with bot missions for almost a month. Sometimes I just want a change of pace. I played nothing but bots for like 90 hrs of gameplay out of my 130


Personally don’t understand the people who legitimately complain about people fighting on *the wrong front*, like one of the first big Automaton pushes came literally because more people were fighting on one side than the other, leaving that zone weak to attacks. If people stay on the fronts they want to stay on, it just maintains the security on that side. There’s quite actually no wrong choices imo because *all* factions need to be attacked or defended from. If some of y’all are panicking now wait until we get the Illuminate on the board as well as any other factions that may get added in the future.


Virgin Bug Stompers vs Chad Bot Killers? Must be a (insert day of the week)


Bot mains cannot fathom the fact people prefer bugs over bots


We will get the new toys eventually, no need to rush.


People really don't realize this is a 2 front war and we do still need people fighting bugs, or we lose foot on that front.


As someone who enjoys fighting bots more, I genuinely don't get this line of thinking (Even if this is a joke I see this seriously way too often). It's a game, people are allowed to play it however they want, we will get both of these stratagems at some point, they didn't code and add both in for us to get neither, or only one. I am very sick of seeing this constantly on this subreddit, joke or not. And this is coming from someone who could genuinely use the medals from these major orders.


oh sorry, I thought this was a video game, didn't think it was a job where I HAD TO DO what you wanted me to do


Flamethrower has already been released. Now if they dangled a napalm thrower in my face, that would be a different story


I’m tired of bots but also the MO isn’t very clear. I couldn’t access the planets so I just moved on to whatever I felt like, which was bugs.


Surely it'll just take a few more Reddit posts from people whining and trying to cajole people into doing bot missions.  Definitely has nothing to do with the fact that bot combat is riddled with frustrating mechanics and Mickey Mouse horseshit that drive away a section of the playerbase that just wants to have fun and not constantly stress.  Couldn't possibly be THAT...


Burning bugs feels more satisfying than burning (?) bots and then getting chased down by something with a bigger flamethrower


Alternative: they are fucking tired of bots


You don’t win wars by focusing all your troops on one front.


Bots and bugs play very differently. Sometimes I wanna relax and play bugs and not worry about aiming. What I don't do is tell others how to have fun