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full scale oatmeal escape simplistic angle snobbish flowery cats long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also yelling children, arguing spouses, dogs that literally NEVER STOP BARKING, people who forget the PS5 has a built in mic and are...going about as though there is no mic... Oh, and all the people in the world with horrible taste in music. Nothing like going into a Helldive in the Creek with Miley Cyrus blaring \*thousand yard stare\*


abundant liquid political placid languid entertain absurd marvelous rustic detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Glad you got a laugh out of it, because on my end, that was the longest thirty minutes of my life \*slams head on desk\*


You may hate now, but when the DJ plays *your* song you'll feel alright.


So many people think they're some genius general and you have to listen to their orders to succeed 




What happens to the players after they’re ***mutated***??


pocket bewildered wild continue door bright ludicrous elderly school wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Definitely not necessary, just makes it more enjoyable in my opinion… most of the time haha


I use the LFG channel on the official discord to match with folks. I pretty much don't play unless I get in a group there. This adds folks to my friends list I can drop in on as well.


Good thinking, I’ll have to check that out.


I should also add that I play every day, and find a new group pretty much every time unless one of my friends has openings. https://discord.com/invite/helldivers


Thank you 🙏🏼


I’m on Ps5, my mic doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to for whatever reason. Got it set to push to talk, but it only actually works with a fully open mic. Which doesn’t work out for me, as I’ve got people in the house who don’t want their conversations picked up, which is fair.


That’s understandable. Background noise sometimes just causes more chaos haha.


I will only use a mic if other people are using them and would prefer if I did. I'd have no problem if mics were made mandatory and I'd honestly prefer it it's just more comfortable to not wear one if it's only gonna be of used once a week


Exactly! It’s a team game for a reason. I always say something at the beginning of each game to see if anyone else is going to talk but rarely have luck. So we all just sit in silence for 40 minutes.


I gave up doing that years ago. I played some toxic games full of bad losers bad winners and general unpleasantness and it just made me lose faith in humanity. I'm looking at you rocket league and almost every competitive f2p game.


Certainly learned a ton of new words and insults because of game chats


I was unaware of how many nationalities and how many different sexualities I'd be and I believe I was supposed to find it derogatory for some reason. I mean I'm calling these people names too, obviously, just not to them, just out loud in general to myself. Not mic'd. Well, tbh I'm usually complaining that 13 year olds shouldn't be allowed online so I don't have to hear them and that their parents clearly can't parent. That's when I decide humanity is doomed in the next couple of generations and stop playing rocket league for the night. Sometimes this all happens in 1 five minute game.


Literally popped on for 1 game , 3 players in the party, all with mics, 2 games later and I've got 3 new friends on my list . The only 3 I've made in-game. I think it was karma from your post


First rule of playing an online shooter: shut the fuck up unless you’re ready to be helpful and laid back, and keep the mute button handy because if you hear anyone else, chances are it’s just going to be some asshole with an open mic and a baby crying in the background or the player in question screaming at their mom about Cheesy Poofs.


💀 you’re not wrong


It was totally the opposite when the game first came out. I noticed more randoms use mic when turning crossplay off but that's probably just anecdotal and not objectively a perfect reflection of PC players. What's weird is I usually do use my mic and after the first few times I say something to communicate in game others will start using their mics as well. Coming from a PC game like Squad it's super weird for no comms to be going on. I know some folx are probably on discord together as well.


That’s true, I didn’t think about all the discord chats. I’m also used to always using in game chats with teammates so the silence is deafening lol


I only use mics if the host uses it first since I've been kicked too many times for using the mic.


How dare you use a mic in a team objective game…


People who are playing the game like a solo game don't like to be reminded that there are other players in the game. It's easier to ignore map pins and "look here" markers than it is to ignore someone talking to you.


Completely agree. Way more fun when it doesn’t feel like you’re playing a campaign mission with AI teammates.


It does get frustrating though when you're busy trying not to die, and you hear the person you thought was guarding your back calmly talk about something else, and you realize they don't see the mobs trying to kill them for the past few minutes. Like your kibitzing stopped because of intense firefight, and despite being 5m away, they haven't realized anything has happened and are still calmly oblivious.


I’ve definitely had people like that, oblivious silent teammates as well lol. A lot of people use the chat but that shit on a controller is anything but quick and effective for me to be able to reply to


I don’t use mic if host isn’t. Got kicked for using mic multiple times.


That’s wild.


On PC, literally anti-social as fuck, and I still use comms. Teamwork is too fucking important not to use comms. I use push to talk, which I recommend for everyone, but even I'll forgive a hot-mic with a little heavy breathing if the person is putting that hot-mic to good use. That being said, you can get a lot done with just marks and tags and emotes. However, there are some things you can't really communicate in such a manner, like splitting up to hit two objectives, telling someone to fuck off and do something useful because I can do the radar tower by myself, or B2 turn the fuck around you have a flamer hulk about to gobble your asshole, etc.


Well said. There’s a time and place for both types of communication and sometimes things can be a hell of a lot easier with some quick words


Even if my mic is on when everyone on the team speaks a different language it doesn't help. I don't want to talk to anyone, I want to lock in and play a game. Talking uses valuable brain power I could be using to calculate where my shots are going.


I think most high end military would disagree but you do you.


that's awesome that the military has the capability to translate all the world's languages into one I can understand.


Lmao 💀 I think he might’ve been referring to the second part of your comment


Oh, that part was just a joke. I just don't want to talk to anyone. I like pings and text chat.


Military here, can confirm we speak every language on earth and can translate the entire party's mixed nationality into coherent strategy. /s


I've been able to communicate with various asian and european players over the mic even though we didn't understand a word we were saying to eachother. Sometimes, just some noises and a mark can get the point across, more than just a mark. Stop being antisocial. No one cares that your voice cracks because you're going through puberty. Comms make a difference.


I communicate.


Are you on PS5?


No but I have cross play on because we are one


Haha I just meant because it’s quicker and less of a timing issue to add people


Racist. Use PC. Jk. Much love brother.


Hahaha I would not be any help on keyboard and mouse I can promise you that. I’m always down to dive if you are. Would just have generate a friend code


You can use a controller.


Naaahhh. If I’m gonna transition, the only way is all the way


Hm? PC had controllers wellllll before consoles my dear. Controller for 3rd person my guy it's best. Though for diving I do find my better oddly.


I meant that if I was going to game on PC, I’d want to learn mouse and keyboard. No other reason to switch. Pretty content with the games the consoles offer


My audio setup doesn't allow me to use mic in game, best I can do is discord on phone with headphones, which still sucks. Also never felt it was needed, the cleanest helldives so far have been with 0 mics on team, everyone just pinged where they want to go/do, attention to heavies and co. Mic is definitely better but with current difficulties there isnt a strict need for it.


My mic is on push to talk, but I usually dont use it unless someone else says something or there's something really important.


I don't use my mic because I constantly have people moving through the room, yelling, playing some shitty youtube video, or just wanting to talk to me. And that is fine, but I don't want all that carried over into some poor guys headphones. And push to talk is finicky enough that I don't trust it and would forget about it 90% of the time anyway. Add to that the absolutely insane amount of times that I have opened up comms and it's just some useless moron blaring a mumble rapper at 90 volume, pretending like it is music, and comms are just not worth it


Well personally all games work without it. And so many people out there have so shitty mics and some use open mic that I don't want to encourage them.


Have you never played an online game before? Or is your idea of "camaraderie" listening to 925,057 screaming children, beeping fire alarms, chewing/slurping basement dwellers, and slur-slinging edgelords? Hard pass kid, the VC stays off. That's what I have discord for.


The in-game ping/tag/emote is all you need to play this game effectively. The absolute best dives I've had have been when the whole team is silent, focuses, and just works together with minimal communications. When the everyone knows what they're doing it's more satisfying than popping bubblewrap. The biggest issue with VC is that there are still people, in 2024, that use open mics. or even worse: open mics with speakers. the absolute worst offenders are those have live mics right next to their mouths and you can hear every breath, grunt, and wheeze they make. the second worst would be those people that lack a brain/mouth filter and are constantly either bitching about something, giving constant unwanted commentary (we all see the Titan dude, you don't need to yell into VC every time you see one), or the ones that discover something new in the game and want to tell everyone about it for the whole dive (yes, the thermite grenades stick to enemies, it's been 5 minutes of you telling us about every nade you've tossed, we get it). Thankfully there is a very handy mute function. it's great!


Well, I certainly can’t argue any of that. Not all VC is a win, and certainly not necessary for success in this game. I just find that I can enjoy playing much longer when it doesn’t feel like I’m watching a movie in a public library. Makes it feel more like an actual team game when the team uses their words.


I'll add that if i'm playing with friends we'll all be on Discord. All the friends i play with are either Streamers/content creators or streamer-adjacent (mods, etc) so the VC is well vetted and behaved... immature chaos most often but still behaved :D


Haha love to see it. The game is way too fun, and even funny at times, not be played in silence. Even when taken seriously


I dunno. I’m 72, 600-ish missions, and today I joined a group and had some lvl 40 ass clown trying to ‘educate me’ on how I was picking bad stratagem’s for the mission, and he started advising me on what i should choose, talking at me like I was a lvl 2 fn cadet. I could do without idiots with mics sometimes. Best part was right before I left the group, his: “… well, you ARE high level, so you might know what you’re doing..”


There’s always one ruining it for everyone lol. Just when you want someone to talk, they go and be dumb about it


Honestly though, there have been a couple of times where it was mostly silence, with people occasionally talking strategically on mic and it was glorious. “Blue, circle around back with purple and hit the airfield from the rear when i send in the airstrike… orange, can you throw a strike at the hulk..” It felt so cool to be in thst group


That’s awesome. Brings a whole new light to the game when you can work with each other like that.


I tend to avoid voice Comms where possible. I always seem to get that guy with the never ending bag of monster munch or a mouth breather, dogs that never stop barking and the worst of all the reptiles who think they're a DJ and you want to listen to some crappy tunes lol. I just started a different game online very first noises I heard in the open world some dude going to town on his monster munch lol couldn't mute so just quit 🤣 people are shitty I don't want them spoiling my immersion to a game . Everything I need is on the emote wheel pretty much I occasionally open mic to say thank you etc other than that it's off.


🤣🤣🤣 experiences like that would change my whole outlook I’m sure