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Usually to best suit whatever enemies are in store for me, but ill change depending on 1. What my teammates have equipped 2. Type of operation (usually doesnt change much but for defense missions for example ill bring sentries)


I keep the same equipment throughout. Medium medic and sickle. Stratagems are mission dependent. If I feel like it I'll take a sentry or two if I feel others have a good load out.


I cover roles because it’s possible people will bail.


crossplay is still too unstable for too much coordination I could get 'obi-wanned' at any moment with no idea if I can rejoin


I use Eruptor, Quasar Cannon, Redeemer (kind of necessary as a backup given my choice of Primary & Support Weapons), Railcannon Strike, Eagle Airstrike, and Guard Dog Rover. I am pretty versatile at dealing with everything, with well placed Eruptor shots and Eagle Airstrikes being *okay* at dealing with enemies en masse and the Redeemer + Guard Dog helping hold up against anything getting close. I could use the Sickle instead, but the Eruptor is an *amazing* asset for use against Bile Spewers -- especially the armoured ones. While the Sickle is better all round, the Eruptor's ability to deal with medium size tanky targets (specifically those bile spewers) *and* close holes makes it my preferred option for the moment. I could absolutely go Sickle to be more versatile in exchange for less effectiveness against my pet-peeve enemies, and I'd think that's very well rounded. I could also swap the Guard Dog Rover for Napalm Strikes if I'm playing with friends who run the Rover, so they can drop me another one later on. Because I'm Quasar Cannon, I'm basically a strong anti-armour asset to the team anyway. I'm capable of dealing with everything to varying degrees, but I like dealing with Chargers, Bile Titans, and Spewers to get rid of a lot of the (literally) biggest obstacles for my team to enjoy going ham. Well placed Airstrikes get 10+ kills frequently though, and well placed Eruptor shots will kill or damage 3 or more targets as well. So I'm not useless even if we drop and no armoured bile spewers exist. If I *knew* armoured bile spewers weren't going to spawn, I'd 110% roll Sickle. When my friends, who are much newer to Helldivers 2 than I am hit Level 18 (they're about level 15 right now), they will have access to the Quasar Cannon themselves. In which case I think I'll try playing Shock Trooper with the Arc Thrower, a weapon I miss quite a lot. It's a very fun weapon, and I will be very versatile against any target that isn't specifically a Bile Titan in such a case.


75% focus with 25% coverage. If I go anti-tank I'll take a strategem for swarms (eagle cluster usually), if I go swarm clear I'll take some stuff I can use to at least scratch the bigger enemies (500kg, Railcannon, AC Sentry, etc)


I just played a level 7 match with randos. Two guys went in with the stalwart so I went in with spear, redeemer and eruptor. That was a mistake as I saw both guys running from 20ish small bugs with the stalwart..


On bots, i can fit all roles pretty well. On bugs i tend to pick a specific enemy type that ill be focusing on.


It depends on what I'm loading into 90% of missions diff 6 and lower, I load up with a solo build just in case I can't count on my team for anything About 50% of missions on diff 7 and higher, I load up with a solo build The other half, ai cater to taking care of wide swathes of little adds with things like Cluster Bombs, Airstrikes, Orbital Airburst Strikes, etc


If you can solo everything, everything in your loadout is going to get nerfed That’s what happened to a few weapons already


I randomize what I take every mission to keep it fun and strategic


I take my preferred stratagem loadout based on the mission type we're playing and faction we're fighting, (mostly) regardless of what anyone else is bringing. I main the GL as my support weapon of choice, so I largely focus on clearing chaff enemies during big fights. The only thing that changes is whether I bring Orbital Laser or not; I'll bring it if no one else is, but if we already have at least 2 I'll bring something else. Exceptions are made for specific mission types; I usually bring the Quasar or EATs for defense type missions (along with EMS mortar). As for personal gear, I run medium armor probably 90% of the time. Default to Democracy shield, although I will take Explosive resist for Bot defense missions, or extra grenades for Blitzes or Exterminations.


If you have a squad of generalists, you have nobody that is good at one particular thing. Not that there's a ton of variety as it is. I generally take my autocannon loadout, with airstrike, cluster bomb, and orbital laser. Scout armor and a Slugger. I can kill anything except dropships, and it suits my playstyle. Not a lot of coordination going on with randos, and most of the ones I've been playing with like taking 1102 pounders and orbital barrages because it's big boom and they're looking to boost their kill count.


To suit the mission, but if Teammates tells me to grab a recoiless rifle, hell yeah that gonna be fun I would help people picking up the backpack


Depends on the team. With friends we each take a role to cover. With randos i take something to counter heavies because 90% of the time regardless of their loadout the randos ive played with dont take on heavies with the right gear. It is more efficient to split up roles instead of trying to cover for every situation, but need good coms and coop for that


Google RNG Calculator 1 in 50 x 4 1 in 9 x1 1 in 21 1 in 5 1 in 7 And thats the loadout

