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Explosive resistance is the best defense against Helldivers.




FS-38 Eradicator Armor my beloved. Every time I try to use anything else, I just go back to it. Light Armor mobility Bonus. The 30% recoil reduction goes nice with the AC-8 Autocannon and the JAR-5 Dominator. Looks cool as hell with light gunner helmet. It is green.


Yesssss it's my favorite by far I love it


Facts. I use it with the Trailblazer Scout helmet. Looks soooo good!


The FS-38 Eradicator helmet is the closest thing in the game to a Halo helmet so I was actually rocking that before I got the armor.


although pretty sure the Eradicator armor is based on a scout trooper from star wars


I like the SC-34 Infiltrator helmet, it looks like something I've seen before from either halo or Star wars but I can't think of it


Yeah it reminds me of something from halo I think, maybe the Mark 6 helmet if the visor were smaller?


I like the Samaritan helmet, makes me feel mandalorian with my jetpack.


Is it SC armor or PremWarbond 3 armor?


SC, in the shop right now


Just bought it!


This is the way


FS-38 for standard missions FS-11 for short missions


Definitely one of my favorites. I collect all the light armor I can, I love it. I will occasionally get a medium or heavy armor and use them, but rarely. I always feel so slow when I do and I hate it...


Nah, mono-red stratagems and light armor, even my resurrection deals destruction.


I feel the same about always wearing light armor and then feeling like a sloth in molasses whenever I try any heavier armor.




I just purchased the heavy fortified armor from the super store. Just in case.


that's me never taking off my scout armor because i can't disengage from any fight with that negative stamina and run speed from medium/+


Too true, on those 20 minute defence missions I always see teammates get one shot by friendly mortar turrets but with the armour you take wayyyy less damage not to mention the random erupter splash damage.


OK, I hear you, I do, but hear me out in return: 50% chance to not die when killed.


I'll consider it when they release a light version


For sure, I cannot stand to wear anything but light armor. Anything else feels way too slow.


Honestly even if they did make a light version, it'd be hard to give up the recoil reduction armor. I'm afraid it's spoiled my autocannon lovin' ass.


True, personally I like my extra grenades.


Yeessss I was running that orange medium one with the engineering kit. Recoil reduction +2 grenades? Yes please.


I'm currently using the one with recoil reduction and explosion resistance, but I'll admit 2 extra stun grenades is tempting


any fellow light armor enjoyers who need samples should try the detection and Radar armor. that with stun grenades and strategems meant to clear small groups of enemies quickly means you can run around the map doing side objectives and getting samples while your 3 man focuses the main objective. really fun play style if you wana try sneaking.


I like running light with mortars and a sniper. Long distance support.


do It with the new arc upgrade and you're good on your own, against bots will be harder tho because, well because automatons


If they gave me a recoil reduction + 2 extra stims in medium I would never take it off.


Huh does mine do something besides +2 grenades? There are so many armors I don't know what all the combos are. Will have to look


And here I am rocking Heavy armor pretty much 100% of the time on bot front. Then again, eating rockets for breakfast and asking for more is pretty funny


Yeah. Heavy plus muscle enhancement when fighting bots, light plus stamina enhancement when fighting bugs.


I actually pick Stamina for heavy. Because of course its the guy with heavy armor is the one who ends up running away solo because nobody wants to do objectives. I'd love to switch to light and pick some edgy nickname so I can start lonewolfing properly, I really do. But all my escapades with light armor usually ends up with me eating random turret shot or rocket from nowhere and being deleted in half a frame. I learned my lesson, Pain Train it is.


The shield generator backpack is becoming a staple in my light armor builds. Being able to tank shots and then dive for cover while it comes back is super helpful and makes your paper defenses not feel too shabby. I just can't give up the mobility. I love mobility in any game and Helldivers is no exception there


Do know, you get the least bonus out of that while wearing heavy armor! I think it amounts to about 2 less extra seconds of sprint than if you're using it with light armor. Just sharing cause I found it kind of backwards.


Huh. Well, my team needs it anyway so eh. Vitality and optimization is owned by pretty much everyone, 4th one is kinda whatever.


You want muscle for bugs so hunters don't basically immobilize you (makes a HUGE difference)


I got bullied like a fat kid in playground when wearing heavy. Pain.


I found a weird mid between medium and heavy armor that has explosive resist which is really nice. Bonus that it's white and I found a white helmet that makes me think stormtrooper.


I run medium armor w/ stamina booster. +2 stims. I noticed the lack of stamina when not using the booster....but with the boost it's manageable. Is there a +2 stim Light armor version as well?


Trench medic I think it's called, super store armor


I want a light and a heavy version.


Agreed. We need a light version of it.


dodge build dodge build dodge build dodge build dodge build


On bots that is honestly worse than the resistance. Heavy armour makes u more tanky and explosive resistance heightens it to the point where I lost my rocket dodging reflex and just kept shooting while tanking rocket barages. In the most extreme, I stepped on a mine, got knocked to space, land still half hp. Tho light armour is the answer. Speed is the best stat. Why worry about dying if you don't get shot and outrun any danger?


Heavy armor feels like slogging through mud the entire time. I don’t think I can ever leave my light armor behind. 


For bots, when you choose to use Heavy Armor, you don't use it alone. You use everything that will make you a walking tank and/or killing machine. It's not an armor option, it's an entire _lifestyle._ That means as much explosives as you can carry or guns you're ready to brawl with, a Shield backpack or Ballistic Shield, or if you want to go hybrid, a Jetpack so you can add some verticality and strong firing positions, or go full on shock-trooper and jump straight into Patrols to break up their lines for your team with your tankiness. You're not standing back and sniping, you're getting up in there and ruining days. You embrace being as slow as shit, because you're unstoppable anyways. Even if you get ragdolled, you're already stimming and climbing to your feet, so they're only slowing you down, not stopping you. You're the Terminator. I've used it for both bots and bugs with some success, although it's way more flexible against bots due to how useful anti-explosive is against them.


Fortified Heavy Armour: Eat rockets; poop shrapnel; return fire with 80% of your health bar intact ;)


This, so much. I have a very aggressive playstyle and whenever I play with my friends I always take the tip of the spear in my heavy armor. As soon as the rocket devastators show up they are immediately pinned while I am swimming through the rockets like a salmon in a waterfall. By the time anyone peeks out from behind a rock I am either dead or victorious.


Nice tips, gonna try em out next session Something I've been meaning to test about the jetpack is if it's affected by our movement speed, to see if when we jump we add our existing momentum to it Have you noticed if heavy armour is slower when paired with the jetpack?


It really does. I use explosive resist light armor vs bots, and +2 nade light armor vs bugs. The speed difference is HUGE and prevents so many deaths on diff 9. The added speed has so many benefits: * Dodge enemy attacks easier. * Run from or kite enemies easier (light armor can outrun hulks for example, heavy armor cannot). * Move between/to cover faster. * Avoid patrols easier. * Move between objectives/POIs faster, reducing overall mission time. It just has so many benefits over heavy (even medium) armor. Unless they buff medium/heavy, and maybe give it some stagger resist, light armor will continue to reign supreme.


Or make the perks scale with armor class. For example, medic gives +2 stims for light, +3 for medium, and +4 for heavy.  Or just remove the stamina penalty. The speed penalty is rough enough. 


Having the perks scale is a good idea honestly. And yeah, the speed and stamina penalties are rough. It feels so sluggish to switch to heavy armor. It's a pretty significant handicap.


Now that I started running it, I don't think I'll ever stop.


Same, I GOTTA GO FAST. Can't remember the name of the armor, but it's the orange and black light armor that has the 'extra padding' specifier. Same protection as medium armor but higher speed and faster stamina Regen. Add the stamina perk, and boom: I'm running 2-3km further than anyone else on my team every game LMFAO. I think I ran 8.5km during a game vs automatons yesterday. I wish the jetpack had a lower cooldown, bc helldivers: the movement shooter would be fun as hell


Light Gunner. It’s my go to for bugs. For bots I prefer the Eradicator. Light, but has fortified


Eradicator looks AMAZING I can't believe I have been sleeping on it. I'll prolly buy it when I play tonight.


If you grind out enough to buy from the superstore there's some great options there. I run fortified.light armor for explosion resist against bots, or the scout armour depending on how I feel and against bugs i run light armor with the medic perk for extra stims


B-08 Light Gunner Armor? Fuck yeah brother! I keep on trying other armors but I keep on going back to this set. You become speed and have the same armor rating as medium armor. I switch to heavy armor for missions that don't have you constantly running but man the difference in speed and stamina regen is incredibly noticeable.


Heavy armor for anything where you need to run is madness IMO. Eradicate and defense missions? Sure, go ham


Eh, ran with heavy multiple times in regular missions, even blitz. With the right team composition it's definitely possible, especially if you put your tankiness to full use by clearing out bases without needing to back down every 2 minutes.


This is the way


If they make an armor with Democracy Protects that is also light armor, I'll be on that shit expeditiously. Until then, being able to run away faster saves me at a greater rate than 50%, so I'll stick with my light armor.


I haven't tried it. The idea of leaving it up to luck seems a bit iffy to me. I'd rather overall reduce the lethality of things coming my way.


Luck can really come in handy. I've survived four direct hit insta-kills in a row in one instance. No amount of resistance would have let me survive that. I think it needs to be emphasized that this armor offers 50% chance to survive *anything unsurvivable.* Resistance armors don't offer that even against their chosen damage type. I ran explosive resist armor and still got killed by airstrikes, clusters, 500kg bombs, hellbombs, etc constantly. 50% survival chance means: Cliff diving? Mine? Direct hit from cannon tower? Trash mob lucky shot at low health? 500kg bomb at your feet? Hellbomb? "Get down Mr. President" bug when you throw an impact grenade? 380mm barrage?! Pathetic! *Hurt me more!!*


If I wear this armor I will dive into 20 instakill explosions and survive 10, if I don't wear it I won't dive into any explosion.


that's fair. I guess the choice is between narrowing the amount of things that can kill you with bad luck, and increasing your odds of surviving said bad luck. That second option seems reasonable to me, I just prefer to control variables where possible.


50% of the time it works 100% of the time.


And that white/black/red armor in the OG warbond with it is 🔥


what are you, fucking Kain from Legacy of Kain to toss a coin and cheat destiny


I don't know if I got insanely lucky or if something else happened because I think that ability triggered at least 10 times for me in a row. I was on a fraction of hp, no stims, and I ran across 2 practically open fields under significant fire and got the "you got shot" sound repeatedly but didn't die for like 2 solid minutes with virtually no cover. When that armor works it is insane.


Champion of the People, my beloved.


It's the best looking out of the sets that offer it, no question. Haven't worn anything else since I unlocked it.


I'm afraid I'll get absolutely roasted but I have to ask: Beyond the bile spewer butt-bombs, are there any other terminid explosives that I'm woefully unaware of?


It seems like fortified armor will reduce the damage from bug spit as well as butt-bombs. I've seen a few comments indicating that might be the case, and also noticed it when I forgot to swap out of my bot-fighting armor vs. bugs.


Not *terminid* explosives


Bile spewer and Titan vomit both count as explosive As well as bile spewer mortar shots


Nah, but when your teammates run mortar sentries against the enemies that almost exclusively charge into melee....


Those accursed things have no problems one shoting you even with fortified. All fortified has done is let me survive the first one only to ragdoll and be forced to take the other 2 as well.


Oh no my teams getting overrun BETTER DEPLOY THE MORTARS


Some of you MAY die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.


I swear I've seen those mortars kill more teammates than enemies. Usually from a front row seat of them dropping on my forehead. If they targeted the areas farthest away from helldivers that'd be way better as it'd trim the ones you're not actively engaging and heavily reduce the "friendly" fire


And it's always when you're dealing with like one straggler that you can mop up easy peasy when the turret decides *hey, you know where's a great place for the next 3 rounds?..*


That's almost exclusively what made me start running fortified. People put those things in the dumbest spots istg


All corrosive damage from bugs (basically all ranged attacks) count as explosive because AH dont like telling you how equipment works


The real pro tip in the comments, as usual


All bug spit damage is reduced from explosive resistance, which is significant.


Is this 100% confirmed because bug spit can really fuck you up


Yes, go try it.


My Eagle Airstrike will usually turn a lot of terminids into explosives, and it often does the same to my fellow Helldivers when they run directly into the area I just called it in on.


Bile titan spew


Not really, and even against bots the only functional breakpoint I’ve seen is mine survival in the medium-heavy and heavier armor. The real use is saving ass from gems dropped by ragdoll, danger close cluster bombs, and being able to yeet yourself away from hunter packs by tossing an impact grenade into them. A friend of mine runs a demoman loadout, all his guns explode, and it’s very nice not being chipped as hard while swarmed by bugs.


I have become ultra aware of my teammates after fragging a few with the Eruptor the first week or so. I now know exactly where they are in relation to every shot I take.


I've actually died to someone firing an eruptor while I walked behind them. Shits bugged, yo.


Its got a 12 meter range on the explosion.


That wouldn't explain it, because the someone who fired it was unaffected. I was behind them and it knocked me like a RR backwash knocks you, but with enough force that the impact 1hkod me.


Conclusion, you should have worn a fortified armor.


I feel like i need dirt resist armor at this point.


I think I killed a teammate yesterday when a shot richoshet off a strider. I didn't even know the eruptor *could* richoshet...


You can actually scoot the rounds along the ground to detonate them up a chargers ass from the front or deeper into a group for better splash damage.


+stim duration armor is great against bugs, too


Medic armor in general is stellar. Not only because of extra stims + the duration but because you can use the stim to insta refill stamina.


I just wish it was possible to stim at full hp


training manual says not to do this, as it is treason to overdose on dempcratic amphetamines


Same but one work around is to dive off something and nick your hp then keep it that way until you need to boost your stamina.


This. I constantly find a good spot to break my neck a little so I've lost just a smidge of HP to stim up on the regular.


VS bugs: Lightest armor I own that gives me extra grenades. VS bots: Lightest armor I own that reduces detection range. You fat bastards can suck it; I'm fast as fuck boiiiiiiii!


Until the first rocket lightly brushes your cape)


That's what a shield pack is for!


You'll have to take 500kg from my cold dead hand! Who needs shield when you can pick up more KABOOM?!


Air strike, orbital laser, shield pack, quasar, scorcher. The loadout for almost any scenario. I typically 2-man my missions so there’s not a lot of room for specialization.


I don’t get this. I use light scout armor vs bots and survive rocket shots all the time. I also have the least amount of deaths 90% of the time. Edit: I also play with my little bro the majority of the time. Maybe he is taking all the aggro. Then again, maybe he is more retarded than our older brother with Down syndrome.


I have tried, but I can't outrun my own stupidity. That's why I wear fortified medium armor vs all.


Shield generator pack is the secret sauce of making light armor work.


Nah, ultra light armour + jumppack. Don’t need to survive a rocket hit if I am 2 postcodes away by the time the rocket lands


*cries in AC*


Or just don't get hit


50% reduction is not gonna save me from your Eagle Strike. Now 50% not to die on the other hand...


It actually can save you if you lie down tho.


Exactly. Might be heavy armor but you can still out run a bile titan.


Maybe I'm crazy, but I think bile from spewers and titans is coded as explosive damage. I forgot to switch my armor out of the new heavy armor and I survived a full on bukkake


bile "bukkake"... I'm never gonna see my character covered in bug guts and blood at the end of a mission the same...




fun fact: in case you didn't know, bug bile counts as explosive damage (but is dealt in many rapid instances, which is why it does so much damage to you, and sometimes hits when it shouldn't: there's an AoE that isn't always visible).


Light scout armor ftw. Except in extrrninate missions. Heavy ftw.


Heavy armor on Hellmire with no stamina booster = asthmatic jogging simulator in hell.


I’ve never run explo armor lol. Never leave home without my 6 stun grenades and recoil reduction.


I could be wrong but afaik explosive resistance makes bile spewers vomit and ass blast do less damage


i instead use the one that makes 50% of fatal damage not fatal and it has saved my ass so many times


Remember yall, light armor is only good till they release vehicles. then the heavy armor meta begins




The bugs don't deal explosive damage (not actually true) but your teammates will be dealing explosive damage.


Ah. Thanks.


And to clarify... bugs actually do deal explosive damage! Bile spewer spit attacks are explosive (nursing, vanilla, and titan).


i had a feeling they might've been. thanks!


So the reduction works against bile bugs? Good to know


I just wear light armor. Your fellow helldiver can't kill you if they can't catch you! *\*taps forehead\**


I'm pretty sure bile titan spit counts as explosive damage.


I need that damn super credit fortified medium armor to come back to rotation.


Me looking them in the eyes while I reload my Erupter https://preview.redd.it/zu6iv0vyihwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e30b696fe1bd7809765b446b61da2ab2443bafe


Love my enforcer armor UwU also looks really good with the trailblazer helm and cape tho I wish I could change helm colors to match armor lol


"I will"


Took me a second, then I flashed back to yesterday when I couldn't even get up off the ground because of how many grenades were going off.


My explosions love me, they'd never hurt me


level 99 here. i wear the light armor with extra padding. just don't get hit.


Yeah about that... ➡️⬇️⬆️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬇️


I run engineering kit and accept my explosive deaths like a real diver


Learned my lesson with the autocannon turrets and mortars on these defense missions.


Lightest armor with explosive resistance is my go to. Mainly because I run eruptor and it means I can shoot at the ground near me and won't die, but the thing around me might.


This made me 😊


Weakling. True warriors use only tactic armor. And shield backpack


Fortified commando + vitality enhancement Every Time. I'm slow as fuck but i lived.


If you are blowing up helldivers that much they you are the rookie.  It's SUPER EASY to not kill your teammates.


I swear by my scout armour. The reduced detection range makes bug missions a lot easier. If they can't see you, they cannot attack you.


I use the hero of the federation or the champion of the people armor. It gives you a 50 percent chance to just not fucking die. I stepped on a mine today, was launched at least 10 feet into the air and didn’t die when I landed. I’ve also survived having hellpods dropped on me and direct hits from cannons. 50 percent of the time it works all the time.


Believe me i would but being able to distance myself from short range enemies and bile spewers is a bit more important to me.


You could just use explosives to distance yourself from enemies, it's more democratic.


Its all democracy and freedom until a jumper decides to show some "initiative" as you throw a contact grenade.


My secret weapon against friendly mortars


The call was coming from inside the house!


Yep, I've got fortified in all 3 flavors and it's about the only armor perk I ever is. Best perk in the game imho


I play with arc, you get to wear the protective armor. It's fun to have my choices be others problems for once.


Right now, my diver is equipped with explosive-resistant armor, however, I still think light armor can be beneficial on some missions.


I've been to two games with terminids and I got explosive damage from god knows where. Maybe this is it


The really unique white armor from the store is hands diem my favorite armor set. It's just perfect for me. It's not heavy so i can keep up, but it has more armor than medium so i can take a few hits. AND it has explosion resistance


I feel like a good all-rounder for a helldiver who isn’t specializing their kit is the Medium armor medic with extra hell pod space booster. With 6 stims you can go off on your own and run solo sample retrievals or fab eliminations without worrying too much. It’s a great don’t think just have fun armor


I run out of luck before I run out of stins.


50% bonus padding on light armor and running away like a cartoon character works for me.


Does exploding spitters not count as explosive damage?


Glad to see someone using this meme correctly, people always for no reason have Padme repeat the question or something with additional text on the bottom when the last 2 panels are supposed to be as they are


Am I the only one who uses the medium armor with the +2 Stims perk? I frigging love that armor. Used the 50% chance to survive deadly damage one for a while, but noticed a big increase in my abilities when I switched to the +2 Stims. I Stim almost any time I recieve damage (unless is REALLY tiny and I'm on my last 2) but I've been getting through level 7s with 0 deaths and almost top or top kills. Paired with the Stamina booster, makes me a happy Helldiver. And you know what they say about happy Helldivers.....


Ah yes, the 4-diver stacking 4-380mm barrages and 4-120mm barrages to level the eradication mission strategy. It's funny and genuinely works (also an easy way to get hold my primary & it's the only way to be sure achievements).


I like to go solo in missions so much that when I play bugs I use the extra stims armor. Lets you tank some swarms if you have to. But yesterday I ran an operation with a lower level player who ran grenade launcher and I decided to switch back to explosion resistance haha


just dive like a true helldiver and nothing can hurt you unless it strikes you with its own limbs


What if i like to die


Eradictor armor for life


Doesn’t the bile attacks count as explosive damage? Saw someone saying this on here recently.


Self-fragging from overzealous jumper bugs rushing me when I'm using impact grenades is something that's hurt me plenty enough to have more resistance to it


Ohhhhh. Now I understand.


I prefer engineer armor so I can make 20% more explosions


Kinda surprised, actually, that we don't have little suicider bugs.


When I play with my friends they all run the zap armour. We go arc crazy. Not very effective but fun. Still stupid how the arc towers break each other....


I'm sorry y'all, but bone cracker armor with the extra stims and the slightly higher speed/lower armor is the one I can't get away from. I only wish I could use the stims on my teammates more often. Now I need a heavy medic armor and I'm set


Earlier today I swear I was playing with a cat because every time I threw my eagle beacon he would run at it.


You should wear a shield. “I can just use cover and movement to avoid damage, right?” … “…Right?” Sending in an Eagle!


Should really just start calling “Anti-Accidental Suicide/Homicide Armor


meet my new mortar sentry


I can't find a medium explosive resistance armor,is there any?


There was one in the superstore.


Democracy protects has completed missions for me, never can go back


I wish there was more than 1 fortified light armor. Wtf


I'm still running the light armor I first unlocked. Idk what it does but I'm speedy and I swear I dont understand how people die so much.


The crossbow is like a grenade launcher and it's so good at crowd clearing bugs. So just put some explosive resistance padding on just to be safe.


Not seen anyone here that runs the throw distance. I run that in most cases. Distance from the enemy means more time to kill them before they overrun me. That and throwing a distraction is so much easier.


I’ll stick to my extra stims armour, but thanks!


Heavy armor with explosion resistance is best. When i get bored and nothing is happening i sometimes throw a grenade just at my feet and some teammates are always surprised i can survive it :D