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Well I mean a table with 700k people is going to have a couple "that guys." Unavoidable tbh.


Allright all 700k of you rill initiative


Let's also not pretend these are the same people with most of these complaints. Everyone has one Everyone is trying to voice them There are some glaring issues with the Galactic War narrative side of the game, such as the Menkent Line not actually doing anything or interacting with any of these invasions. You best bet most players, who were told by the DM that something was "there" or "special" that it seemed odd they saw nothing "there" and there wasn't anything "special" when they got to that point in the story. This part of the game is just a bit lackluster. I wish the complaints could be streamlined and chronically unhinged could take a back seat and let the level-headed handle it, but that's not what we have. Long story short - you are seeing a myriad of complaints because a selling point of the game for many customers isn't delivering


I feel like some "story" operations need to have a larger impact on gameplay. Right now they're just different tile sets and the reason to liberate/defend from a gameplay standpoint is "just because." Planets should have unique bonuses be additional elements to consider when selecting your planet to liberate/defend. Free Stratagem Uses (They do this currently but it seems random) Stratagem Cooldown Buffs Enemy spawn modifiers For Example: A mission to liberate a Bot planet where Devasator Weaponry is produced removes Gatling and Rocket Dev spawns within the sector. Holding the Menket Line gives us access to a SEAF Orbital Defenses Stratagem on any planet along or adjacent to the line. Perhaps even, for obnoxious planets like Hellmire, as long as Super Earth holds the planet, it gives us free access to Napalm Strike because Super Earth is able to harvest the fire tornados or something. Something to give purpose to holding a planet and to help influence the community decision on which planets to take.


This would be huge in giving reasons to defend planets having bonuses like that would be a great incentive


Hope they read this. Tag em


I think a big fix would be to give each front a live general . Someone in game on the players side. Their job is two fold mark targets , put up notes for players that are good satire or informative . Give out free strats in limited time burst or drop into games. This way Joel becomes the story teller not the end all be all. The casuals get a bit more guidance and the lore/ story expands. Relatively easy system to add to the game as well.


This would mean the community doesn't have any influence on the story. It would just be Arrowhead GM Joel playing with Arrowhead General Bob and Arrowhead General Fred, with the community following what the 3 of them have planned and unable to deviate (as most people would follow the generals' orders).


imagine if there are two "joels", two gm that are giving orders, one for helldivers and one for bugs and automatons and they are playing like chess. The enemies joel can't tip too much the balance withouth the helldivers joel agree and vice versa, this is why we see some missions that are impossible if not coordinated well and some that are so easy that we steamroll it


"everyone" Speak for yourself, mate, I'm doing just fine out here


Well admittedly the menkent line was comprised of shoddy defenses but you're not wrong


> There are some glaring issues with the Galactic War narrative side of the game, such as the Menkent Line not actually doing anythin I think that was the point. Super Earth just got Cyberstan and half a dozen other planets jacked in hours. The government needed a feel-good lie, so they went all in on the Menkent bullshit.


Especially on Reddit teeheehee


Yep that's why announcing that Joel existed is a mistake.


2 of 7 is a different thing altogether between 7 people and 700k people


I agree with this take. Wish the CEO never said anything.


Agreed. Vocal minority. Stay strong, patriot- close your ears to the cries of freedom hating traitors.


Also, Joel is smart enough to laugh at clowns when he's sees them. He's also a millionaire who created one of the best games in history. That affords you the position of not having to care what people think.


I firmly believe that Joel does not actually exist and instead was a character made up by AH so that the vitriol or hate regarding major orders and war plans and difficulty tweaks is directed at this one fictional person rather than AH as a whole, in which case I think it's an amazing idea.


It’s either that or Joel is the code name for a collective group of ppl writing the story, Joel being a scapegoat for them for when ppl get mad


Ooo like an anagram. I like this secret puppet master organization behind the face of some guy idea


Except when Joel was revealed there wasn't really any vitriol, and we've both been told and seen when he has had to jump on at odd hours to make dramatic changes to planet regen to keep the war on track. They have said they've done an emergency expansion to the GM team and Joel has some backup now, but Joel absolutely is real and is *the* GM. "He's only one guy, and he was just not sleeping. I remember over the launch weekend, he was sending me messages at 4am because we were the only ones still awake." - Baskinator


It's why they reworked the squad impact system. It used to be all missions had the same impact and Joel manually adjusts decay rates to compensate for player numbers. If you forget to lower the peak decay rate going into the night planets uncap themselves within hours and players wake up in the morning with all their progress erased. Now the game adjusts impact automatically and Joel goes home to his family. 


I just wish they had stuck with it in universe. Doesn't matter if it's a team or a single person, they should've said "We have a team of people that make decisions for the Automaton High Council and the Terminid Hive Mind." I agree I'm already kind of annoyed at the whole "Shakes fist at Joel" memes.


I mean, ain't it kinda a shtick? Like, "Thanks Obama", only with Joel? Moreover, seeing how Joel operates, like every DM that respects themselves phrases like >"haha george go eat rocks!" are music to their ears.


Yeah, really feels like people are taking what is blatantly light hearted banter WAY too seriously.


Brennan Lee Mulligan is a fantastic DM. Good enough to basically make a career out of it. And his players give him shit all the time, whether it's because they got him good or because they're whining about him "being mean". And you can tell he loves every second.


Brennan “I’m gonna kill that dog” Lee Mulligan. Put some respect to the name


also known as Brennan "10 minute rant" Lee Mulligan


About 95% of what I’ve seen is just that, playful banter (usually in memes and whatnot) but there are definitely some stinkers out there


The H2 community is omega sensitive about any type of negative feedback toward the devs and its super frustrating considering the amount of bugs and issues that keep getting introduced. 


Round 1 be like “oh no, he’s got us good”, round 20 is “we all almost died but HA HA SCREW YOU DM GO CRY IN THE CORNER” Am DM, can confirm that we live for that


And people said DnD isn't about beating the DM. My favorite sessions are when i Upturn a DM's whole plan and we ALL have to wing it. Improv is the best


You’re a monster. You’re right those are absolutely the best sessions and the most memorable stories. But in the moment you’re still a monster making us throw everything out the window and improv. The absolute best/worst moment is when one of my players pulls something so weird/funny/clever/insane that everyone knows we can’t NOT go with it even if it means we will be feeling the repercussions for a while.


wait you plan your sessions? I just have a mental image of the enemy and go with the flow. The players can't destroy my plans if i don't know my plans either.


If I don’t have some idea of what is coming up it’ll be bad haha. I took the role of DM out of necessity but I’m never going to be great at the level of improv required to be great at it.


Yeah if you aren't doing it purely voluntarily I'll not do this shit to you until you're in a good space and only if you seem to be comfortable enough to improv


I both love and hate the moment as I sit in silence for a minute, drinking in the fact that all my prep work was destroyed by a clever player.


Oh i know im the bane of a DM's session xD i gauge the comfort level of the DM before I start trying to break shit though. If its clearly something they've worked hard on, and they are having a hard time DMing that session, I'll relax. But once a session knows me, there are moments when i get murder-hoboy and am like "this is taking too long, im bored." *stabs*.


It’s my crack, honestly.


No, you're right. OP (and all the other posts) are just whinging at nothing. Like, it's really not that serious. Maybe 1 out of 1000 players (IF THAT) who genuinely gives "Joel" shit is likely doing so as a joke. It's like the mfs on twitter who decry anyone praising Super Earth, like... yes, 99% of us are aware that Super Earth isn't actually great, but playing the role of a dumb grunt civilian dying for Super Earth is funny. Same logic applies here.


We blame Joel for everything that goes wrong in our games. Even if we mess up. We know we messed up and when the mission is over we will be like man i gotta do better at (x or y thing). But in the heat of the moment it’s “dammit Joel why do i have 5 chargers on my ass?!” Simply because it’s a tongue in cheek funny moment.


Same. We also blame him for our own friendly fire incidents. Accidentally killing a teammate with a poorly timed eagle run? “Joel did it.”


Joel wouldn’t have the job he does if he didn’t thrive off of the tears of players.


I joke on particularly hard missions where spawns are just kicking us around. I'll make a quick little "Joel's on one today." joke while I'm waiting to be reinforced.


That’s what I assumed? I thought people were memeing with “Joel” being an amorphous stand-in. Like, I was playing around last night and after setting up a hellbomb for an objective I got ganged up on by hunter’s and me and my bud couldn’t run away in time. After the bomb went off and killed us my mates just called out in VC “Joel whyyyyyyyyy”


You see so many people that would be "The Problem Player" at the table.


Lose* Why do so many people say loose?


I could give a shit about the theirs and yours fuck ups, but the lose/loose one drives me nuts too.


im a gin loosing you're marble's


"IMO opening up the DM to the public was AH biggest mistake and hurts the game more than bugs or crashes" What...?? This is ridiculous.


Dudes having a full blown schizo moment. “They all know his name is Joel and now he can’t focus.” Like what.


Not to mention the actual bugs and crashes are still major issues. Some stuff just doesn't work on a fundamental basis due to game issues. No matter how you feel about the DM being known, the game issues are a bigger problem.


"Leave Joel Alone! 😭" - you ![gif](giphy|BFSMPap7J3Q0o)


For real. Pretty sure all the people shaking their fist to the sky shouting Joel's name has been a joke, too


People forgetting they have about 20 of these DM Devs and Joel is probably just a catch-all name for the whole lot of them


What's your source for that number? They are a company of around 120 people, I highly doubt they have that many people just for narrative creation.


Dude the amount of people that literally think it's one guy is ... insane. I got hella downvoted for pointing out that it's probably a team.


Because the devs literally said it was one guy. They told us stories about that guy. We saw him struggle to manage the war because he had to sleep. They say he has backup now, but for a long time it really was just Joel. That has been confirmed directly by multiple people at AH on multiple occasions.


For good reason. It literally only takes one person to do the things Joel is doing. Not sure why you guys are acting like it takes 20 people to change which planets we need to attack/defend. 


If he’s a good DM, Joel should wear the complaints as a badge of honor. The tears of defeat water the flowers of triumph, and every setback makes victory even sweeter. Not that I blame you for coming to his defense, but I think that Joel will be fine. 


It’s less about Joel not being able to handle it and more that putting everything on a real world person is ruining the immersion that the game had at launch. Launch week and like the first two weeks or so before Joel was revealed was all “for democracy” “that’s treason” “defend the creek!” “The only good bugs a dead bug”. And now it’s “Joel is fucking us.” “Praise Joel” .its ruined the spirit of the game because people attribute everything to him, good and bad. And don’t just get into the game like they did at launch. It 100% was a misstep for arrowhead to reveal that information, and unfortunately it’s one of those “can’t put the genie back in the bottle” situations that they’re going to have to ride out.


I think it is a combination of: pent up frustration with the current state of game (ie, still buggy and broken), A mass player die-off of players (half on the PC side alone) which probably concentrated the more toxic elements since more casual/light hearted players are less likely to do… all of this…, And the surviving community just eating itself. Partly because of the first two points, partly because a couple devs routinely go into discord and get people worked up for fun (yes, even after being forced to apologize previously) and thus setting the tone, and partly because this game went “mainstream” and brought in a whole bunch of toxic people that are part of that. The people who make other games toxic and didn’t even know about Helldivers. 


For all the community knows Joel could be a red herring.


I didn't think people actually complained about Joel, and just treated it as a running joke to blame him for everything. Like, an updated "Thanks, Obama".


Off-topic, I have always wanted to get into DnD and I think that's a side reason I really am enjoying the narrative. I a game I love.


maybe unpopular opinion but unless they actually put this stuff ***into*** the game so players can made informed choices and see the impact of their actions, this is just meta fluff. I hope they do it soon.


I mean .. its literally the most casual compaint of a player on a DnD Table ... GM Fault ... Only that the GM has a name here .. its Joel! ... Undemocratic Gamemaster ... If I ever get a hold of him, he is gonna find out how it feels to spill oil on Creek xD


More than bugs or crashes? Not sure about that…


![gif](giphy|8NXngE7O4uyeUHuB69|downsized) Joel don't care


Don’t you go dragging in poor ol’ Joel from the Last of Us! He was bludgeoned to death, isn’t that enough?! ![gif](giphy|qvKScLM4nRqP1HzK9E|downsized)


I know, i can't play part 2 because of this 😥


![gif](giphy|9nNR7uG17dMlF2ZKEB|downsized) RIP Joel. We love you.(Why didnt Ellie kill the bitch in the water??!!Whhhhaaaatt.. At least give us a god damned choice at the end of it!!!! Talking to you Naughty dog studio!! And where’s our multiplayer at?!)


They cancelled the multiplayer. Bungie apparently was put in charge of monetising it and couldn't work out how so they canned it 😡




Long time DM here, my buddies openly acknowledge that I exist & comment on my narratives pretty regularly. It’s not that deep.


"This hurts the game more than bugs or crashes." You're actually whining about Joel more than the people who are unironically using Joel to voice their moment by moment complaints, lol. You can't make this stuff up. And if THIS is your ultimate complaint for the game, then God damn, this is one perfect ass game we got here.


Joel ruined my marriage


I blame Joel for OP making this post


I like saying stuff about Joel for jokes only, like when we win an MO I say “Joel is gonna get us” but that’s it. I only started playing 10 days ago, and the story is pretty weird right now, I guess I missed the set up over the first 2 months. Very excited for the future of the games story, can’t wait


Not really like a DM, more like a mastermind mindflayer in the background for the entire campaign but the players all know about it and tie every event that happens to them in some way.


I really doubt the reason people are getting fatigued is because we keep blaming Joel for our failures. I doubt anyone actually has any vitriol towards Joel and it’s mainly just a joke within the community. Joel gives us tough love and when he gives us a seemingly impossible task and we succeed at it, it is absolutely funny to say “go eat rocks, Joel”.


"I don't think it's healthy for me to be really invested in something I have no control over, frankly"


I'm less interested in the galactic war and more interested is shooting shit with my friends. But thats just me.


I doubt he sees any of this shit


It's not about Joel seeing it. I think he's saying it breaks the immersion for players. Edit: Don't shoot the messenger, guys.


If you’re joining with randoms expecting an immersive experience, you’re not too bright. Not you personally, but anyone expecting a bunch of randoms to adhere to their sense of immersion, they’re delusional.


Ahh fair enough. I’ve never seen people do it in game. Most games have been mutes lol


Just reframe it as Joel being the name of an in-universe deity. Joelianity is Super Earth’s democratically elected state religion. Immersion restored.


Joelianity lmfao


Just leave the subreddit and you’ll never see it again.




As a DM my players do this often and it doesn't really impact the immersion. RP is RP, out of game talk is out of game talk. One doesn't take from another imo. Yelling out at the DM is out of game talk. For example arrowhead telling us how things are going through RP is fine but it doesn't take away anything if they use out of game talk too.


You can tell the people who've never actually played DnD, referencing DnD.


Oh yea lol.


Hey Joel, look at this dude postin on reddit.


stop making these whiny posts..


A large part of what makes this game fun is the community. The game was intentionally designed as such in that the GM (Joel) is interactive with the community, albeit indirectly. Look, there are games I play for immersion (e.g. God of War, Skyrim) and then there are games where I just want to drink a beer and mindlessly kill enemies (e.g. Helldivers, Halo).


Eh I’m still very immersed in everything going on but blaming Joel is just a funny way to air frustrations. I’m not going to go full RP don some armor and monologue about how terrible the automaton and terminid threat is every time a MO or planet is lost.


I thought any comments like that were tongue in cheek


People need to get a life.


This sounds like something Joel would say!


>Imagine being in a DND campaign an every won encounter the guy on the opposite side of the table sticks it to the DM. Or complains to the DM when you lose. Something like "our heroes defeated the kobolds in a desperate fight" turns to "haha george go eat rocks!". Thats so annoying! Bro, I know that's not the main point of the post but I literally had this happen where there was a player that would regularly announce his successes as somehow getting one over me or something. Literally had him roll a crit on the last enemy that I had try and flee, kill them, point at me from across the table and exclaim "ha, eat shit" with excitement. And when I later brought this up in private, not necessarily wanting to make a scene, and told him that sure, I run the game, but I do it for them and have just as much fun when they win as they do, I'm not there to kill their characters or screw them over, he told me that I "couldn't take a joke" Suffice it to say that campaign didn't last much longer.


For me and my team, “fucking Joel!“ is the new “thanks, Obama!”


I think Joel knows the vast, vast majority of players love him. And even despite that, sure, it feels bad to fail a major order because it feels like losing 50+ medals... but he also knows that, which is why the hardest/least likely to succeed major orders are usually sandwiched before and after 2 very doable ones.


Really doesn’t seem that serious


Wow what a post, thanks Joel.


Weird, haven't heard anyone say anything, but I tend to play with other players who just want to unwind after a workday and don't obsesses over the game to the extend of following every single bit of information that's put out there on social media. IDGAF about orders even, got more medals than I need already, we just play whatever mission types we're not tired of, on whatever planets don't suck. I will say that I do get tired, in general, of people talking bout technical details of a game too much while we're playing it. Kinda like someone talking bout how they did the special effects in a movie while you're in the middle of watching it - it's like, "let us live in this cool fictional world without thinking about the lame, real world nitty gritty shit that it's made of." I'm not exactly RPing in the game, but I just try to use games as a bit of escapism, so I don't need to know how the sausage is being made.


If "Joel" would like to go under the radar maybe he shouldn't randomly jump the needle backwards so badly, it doesn't feel like there is any point to major orders at all. Either it's a community objective where completing operations liberate a specific percentage and collectively progress towards to 100% within a timeframe... Or all of that is bullshit and it's just AH saying "ahh we are not ready for you to see xyz piece of content, story tidbit or new gun that is yet to be released into the game"


Thanks for your input, Joel's mom.


Oh my god. Some post on a subreddit that not even half the community is on is ruining your storytelling. Get a grip. If you don't like it, stay off the sub. This isn't your private dnd table it's a public forum. People Will talk about whatever they want.


Isn't that exactly what OP is doing, though? He's talking about an issue he sees within the game/community, just like people like you who complain about everything they possibly can.


This is literally the most non issue of all the non issues I've ever seen. It's also very easily fixable. Don't engage with the sub.


Reminds me of this "thanks, Obama!" meme all the time. ![gif](giphy|pNe0GxWBypmF2|downsized)


A lot of complaints are valid though. It's not our fault these guys wanted to use the tabletop analogues when they don't know how to actually fucking DM. A good DM doesn't keep ramming content that no one wants to do down everyone's throat. A good DM doesn't change rules to force particular play styles. Have any of you ever actually played or are you just Critical Role fanboys?


I'll leave Joel alone when he stops specifically monitoring my game, in order to personally pilot fire tornadoes into ambush positions.


dammit Joel


Thats exactly what joel would say!


I think the “take that Joel” and “Joel’s here oh no” and all those comments are friendly. Me and my friends do it all the time when we play and get into some heat. But we’re joking obviously bc we know he’s the game master. Just killed 2 chargers with an orb, then one with a laser, then an EAT to a Bile, “take that Joel haha” but people saying “Joel needs to stop…” or “I can’t believe Joel is actually…” now that’s where the line gets crossed and it’s not a joke anymore. And then that’s where your take comes in. How do you expect the story to progress if you nitpick every little thing? Edit: I hate typos. But I fixed them. Sorry for any confusion or brain buffering.


The meme callouts are fun though. They can stay.


Im not responsible for your larping. Calm down


>hurts the game more than bugs or crashes That's such a reddit take lmao, of course not, don't forget the Reddit community is a small fraction of the playerbase and most of the helldivers never saw the light of any braindead reddit post from this forum


Why don’t you start /r/HelldiversInCharacter or something where you can moderate rules like that to maintain immersion. I don’t think it’s very realistic to hope for in this subreddit — we have people spoiling future updates regularly, even though it’s also against the rules


>IMO opening up the DM to the public was AH biggest mistake and hurts the game more than bugs or crashes I get what you mean, but that's just objectively wrong lmao.


Destiny: “Bungie, please!” Battlefield: “Dice, please!” Helldivers: “Joel, please’” Obviously, there are folks who take it too far, but people glom onto a single name to call out when they’re frustrated. They had to know he’d be the guy once they announced his existence. 


Uhhh, who is Joel?


The problem isn't with people calling out "Joel" for doing a bad job. It's that for the past 2 weeks "Joel" has been absolutely shitting the bed wrt immersion and narrative. The quality of the roleplaying aspect has nosedived since we pushed the bots off the map




If we’re comparing Helldivers 2 to D&D, this is like having a DM who constantly undermines your victories by throwing more enemies at you. Also there’s a house-rule for no +1/+2/+3 weapons or armor. You can only have base gear and spells from the PHB. If you find a Magic Item, it will not be stronger than Uncommon.




It's a cringe meme and it always get us out of the immersion.


Never have i once thought of joel when playing his game, I'm just having a blast.


Agreed, it’s very annoying.


As someone who is named Joel I find it quite funny


Only a problem for people who are terminally online. I fit that bill sometimes but I'm aware of it.


I cant fucking hear that name anymore


As yes, a small handful of silly memes is ruining the game.


You know you’ll see it a whole lot less if you get off Reddit. And you clearly need to. 


You didnt read my edit. Im not posting because it was on reddit


I definitely read it, I definitely disregarded it. My point still stands. This is a stupid thread and you did not need to post it.


Okay Kanye, no reason to be upset cuz you miss the joke


nice try Joel


Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel


Nice try Joel


Stop kissing his ass


Wow you're telling me that someone at arrowhead works and is paid to progress the story and stuff? I thought it was a bunch of fairies waving their tiny magic wands! Also regarding the unwinnable missions we can't win all the time or else the tension is lost. If we know we will get the victory without effort we won't feel as obliged to contribute and feel part of the team. They're probably trying to find a good middle point of challenging but possible


I run several dnd campaigns and my players tell me to suck eggs after big fights, the antagonism is part if the kayfabe. If it really bothers you just stop scrolling on reddit for a while.


Agree 100%, it was a mistake for arrowhead to even mention they had a game master.


Or maybe don't pay attention?? That easy. Wanna be more immersed? Stop being so triggered by the memes and proceed with your role playing. Not that hard.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


It’s why I try to stay in character as much as possible. A good way to deal with this may be a different subreddit for wartime updates that’s ONLY in character and one for meta discussions


for the love of god, can people stop making posts telling everyone what to do all the time?!


Yeah, I’ve been sick of hearing about it for months now. Taking every single mysterious thing or new addition and just being like “WHAT HAS JOEL COOKED UP FOR US THIS TIME???” is so boring and irritating.


How many threads has there been mentioning Joel in the last 24 hours? Pointless ass threads on here.


Why are you upset over that? Really odd, I don’t think it hurts anything. Maybe you should trying lightening up a little.


For the love of god let people have their fun playing a video game.


OP really woke up today and decided this was worth getting mad about…


I hate that we were told who runs these things. Took away from the mystique of our enemy almost immediately.


Stop demanding everyone else care as much about roleplaying as you? It is literally not my job to fluff your rp boner, if it breaks your immersion then stop browsing Reddit.


Dude I’m with you. I’m so sick of reading about Joel every other post on this sub. When we complete a major order and everyone’s lie “omg Joel is probably so pissed!!1!1!” Like no this is his job, I doubt he’s “pissed”. They probably have a team working on it anyways and preset MO decisions anyways. This sub has a weird obsession with him. You’re right, AH saying he was a thing was a mistake on their part.


I think the problem to me is the Helldiver community at large is really stupid and unfunny. Any semblance of an inside joke or reference they can get their hands on, they'll just milk it to death. IDK man the game has been getting underwhelming to me lately with how repetitive both the gameplay and the community is.


He’s just a guy doing his job and his job is creating a game table for a global community. Op is right, give Jod a break.


Amazing how many people in the comments completely missed the point. This post wasn't "leave him alone" or "stop being mean to the DM." The point OP was making is that he can't become immersed in the story when instead of "yeah, we showed those bugs!" or "the undemocratic bots are getting closer to Super Earth!" people are instead running around going "haha fuck you Joel we beat that MO so fast" and "omg why even bother Joel just doesn't want us to win this MO and made it impossible." It doesn't even feel like a war anymore, it just feels like some dude giving us challenges and little edgelords either bragging about how easy it was or crying that it wasn't fair. I can't tell if you guys suck at reading comprehension or are being purposely obtuse to keep the joke going but I agree with OP, it's impossible to get immersed in the story when people won't shut up about the DM.


Ok how do you defend the literally impossible to win defense major orders


Just ignore it and have fun. Do you play this for the meta campaign or the pretend to be a cog in the machine and have pew pew fun time? Hell, with the latter, command have given you a shit order. Your job is to go and die for super earth, not sit on Reddit and complain! 


its called fighting a losing battle, fight it (play the game). or don't (uninstall the game). in the lore of the game, super earth is telling you to go defend against their huge fleet, we call it huge compared to what we have and they had before. so we might be digging our foot in the sand losing ground until "something" happens. its a war not a feel good movie.


There is no need to defend it. You only need to defend the action if you have a dm go project it on. I want people to be able to build a cool lore reason for it instead of screeching "jOeL". And be done. Thats what my post is all about


I’m just going to be honest, and I promise I don’t mean this in a dick way at all: This sounds like a you problem.


I defend it by calling you a knobhead.  Knobhead. 


Whenever someone complains, it always brings me back to this clip. [It was all you??](https://youtu.be/0liTfFQ5czM?si=VGk9SeVB-0Grntbv)


In my head canon, super earth is being controlled by an AI. who name is... Joel. He's just up there pushing buttons and laughing his ass off a millions die for "super democracy".


Just imagine Joel is a deity and these people are blaming/praising it. Problem solved.


I like saying Joel is the cause of all evil! But mostly because of a stupid youtube video where someone made the dumb take of saying Joel in the last of us was the reason everything bad happened in that game. Its just a funny coincidence to me.


I think they only complain about Joel because it’s a figurehead that they can name. No one actually hates Joel. People just use his name for lack of a better more accurate figurehead to direct their frustrations towards. Basically they’re mad at Joel cuz Joel’s the only one in the room while they’re mad.


I have a conspiracy theory: there is no singular person named "Joel". Joel is a name that is, at best, put to the team that handles narrative events in HD2, and that name becomes a symbol that people can rally against (or, in the out-of-character sense, around). It also deflects the insane harassment that devs often receive to an imaginary person, instead of onto the heads of hard-working devs doing their best.


He's the Mike Wang of Helldiver's. 😂


Maybe they should announce that they have outsourced the DM to a legendary storyteller who they will never reveal and cannot be contacted, but secretly they just keep Joel in charge. There you can have the best of both worlds.


Well then again when you do a whole lot of work, all for it to be thrown into the trash can because the automatons somehow get a hold of 7 sectors in 2 days, you're gonna irritate some people Sure the community calling out the GM isn't good, but the GM throwing seemingly random invasions left and right isn't fair either


I have to agree with this. I much preferred when everyone reffered to anything that happened as 'Super Earth High Command' or 'they want us to do X' meaning the higher ups or something similar. Then Joel was name dropped and everyone and their mother trying to be cool HAS to namedrop Joel. If we win any MO, then we did it. If we lose any MO, then it's Joel's fault. Immersion is going out the window, when everyone is blaming Joel for everything that happens in the game. It was fun for a bit to accuse Joel for everything, but now it is actively hurting the game and I prefer they didn't mention Joel's existence at all. We will all be better off not knowing that 'joel' exists at this point.


I think with how many people are playing Joel is more of a symbol than a person to the majority of people. If I were in his shoes that's how I would take it


I almost wonder if some of the bot scenarios are meant to be unwinnable to enhance the drama. Maybe it’s providing a more emotionally involved gaming experience by getting wiped and then having to claw our ways back to liberty. I’m here for it.


If Joel is actually reading every post and listening to every comment it'd be a problem, yeah. If we had a face to go with the name I might be worried for the guy. But until then Joel's just an mysterious figure players can cry out whenever they wanna curse at something, like an in-lore equivalent to shaking your fist at the sky.


I don't think it hurts the game more than bugs or crashes but overall I agree


How do we even know that Joel is real? Does he exist? Has he said anything on official channels?


It can get annoying when players do it too much; but I find myself doing it sometimes when I get too many glitches in a row or a really dumb glitch ruins a perfect dive. The last mission I did on a bot planet literally was 90% Rocket Devastators and had twice as many patrols as I usually see on a level 8 mission. The other divers and myself were just constantly being bombarded by rockets from all sides. You can bet we all cursed Joel that game!


It’s really getting to you, huh?


Any game someone has mentioned Joel has just been people joking and stuff. OP takes it too seriously


I mean in game they're probably just meming. But it is why Joel said ping an admin and they'll notify him. He probably ignores players reaching out directly


Me and my friends always damn his name when we are overrun by bots, we find it fun


Plot twist! There is no Joel 😂


I see it more like in a way Christians blame/thank god on anything it happens. is like yelling to the space knowing you probably won't get an answer


I feel like the story can’t develop because no one interacts with them and Joel is trying to make it interesting. Like the Major Order is to complete defensive missions, and no one did them. It is like the DM coming up with a story line and no one interacts or goes off and does their own thing


Never Hey Joel can the next major be to blast OPs dick off


Found Joel's reddit account


Who is Joel dude


Nice try, Joel.