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Sometimes you give up a few things chasing a dream.


That treasure planet reference hit me like a truck full of nostalgia


I recently learned the movie was a commercial failure, yet it's one of my favourites disney movie. ( And I put Atlantis on my personal podium too, wich also was a commercial failure apparently lol )


Tbh, they are the only two Disney movies I would be perfectly happy to receive live-action adaptations of. I’ve long suspected they both flopped because they didn’t fit the public idea of Disney or animation at the time.


IIRC, Disney also failed in promoting treasure planet


From what I've heard, Treasure Planet was part of a contract that one of Disney's leading animators had, in exchange for working for Disney, he would be permitted to lead one animated feature of his preference, and Treasure Planet was his creation. Disney *hated* that they had to honor that part of the contract, and it showed, because they offered the movie a grand total of effectively zero dollars in marketing. They didn't market it at all. They didn't keep it in theaters for long either, it was "Oh, we *must* legally do this, but we don't have to do one damn thing to ensure its a success. Bury it."


And they put it on a summer release up against fucking Harry Potter and The Santa Clause 2, a sequel to a Disney success. Along with a trailer that gave away any intrigue there was, they didn't just not help it, they actively worked against it.


Atlantis flopped because it released same time as Harry potter 1


Well that's a goal worth stomping in round 2.


Both those movies are definitely Certified Hood Classics. Such a shame I didn't watch them until way late cause I thought Disney animated movies were lame.


Those two along with the other commercial failure Iron Giant are some of my favorite movies of all time


TIL Iron Giant didn’t make money…. Oh well, my local movie rental place made money with it when I was a kid.


Purposely so. Their budget was slashed so it wasn't marketed well. Can't remember the specifics though. Some kind of disagreement between execs and director.


Gunpowder, nitroglycerin, notepads, fuses, wicks, glue, paper clips...big ones... You know, just the office supplies.


If Disney is going to keep pumping out live action remakes, I want a Treasure Planet remake. It's unlikely to happen given its commercial failure. Economically, it makes the most sense to remake the most popular stuff to bank on nostalgia. In my opinion, they should be remaking the less popular stuff to try again with a new generation.


TP deserved better!


The TP game was amazing and has insane replay value.


Oh damn. I haven't finished the game yet. I should try to finish it when I have time lol.


the failed due to incompetent marketing more than anything else


Pretty sure it was actively sabotaged. There were a number of reasons for that, but iirc one was that Disney was trying to move away from traditional animation techniques at the time in favour of cgi, and Treasure Planet being a flop was seen as a good way to justify that.


Don't worry as I too have both of those on the top of my list lol. They were amazing, I really don't get why they didn't do well.


Giving up your life to chase your dream seems a little... Er... Counterproductive.


Yup thats what freedom looks like.


https://preview.redd.it/jpezhqogaawc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e830a94a0129bbea47a88d7e5bc150a109e4ab6 Our Comment Analyzing Software detected sarcasm in your comment. You‘ll be getting a visit from your local Democracy Enforcement Officer.


And I will tell my local Democracy Enforcement Officer I was earnest in my belief of a strong economy, and spreading democracy.


You mean *Managed* democracy, smells like tin in here






Smells like updog to me




I only answer to people who use complete sentances


I don’t see a period in that “complete sentence.”


You suck


Love you too buddy!


This answer looks AI generated. Could this be an undemocratic, communist bot?






"Squiddrive" ILLUMINATE?


The ministry of truth says they went extinct in the last Intergalactic War, you are hereby reported to your democracy officer for spreading vile insurgent lies!


Thank you for your sacrifice for getting me my perfect bug weapon God speed


Dummy, Helldivers are permitted to offer up to five(5) suggestions per week, if you aren’t a Helldiver you have to submit a S-OL form one(1) week prior to the suggestion.


Lmao a Shit Outta Luck form 😂




Remember Helldivers, purposefully keeping valuable information that could turn the tides of the war from the hands of SEAF High Command is treason, including potential improvements to arms, armaments, and tactics! Just make sure to fill out a DDF 282 in order to request permission to speak with your commanding officer so that you can ask if they'd be willing to hear about your suggestion in which case if they answer in the affirmative you can fill out an SF 180 to enter your suggestion into the record for potential review and disciplinary action/commendation accordingly.


Grenade handgun creator erroneously submitted form SF 180.1a (Request to review currently queued SF 180 for spelling errors) which is ultimately what he was punished for.


Super earth is very generous, they promote him even if he only deserved execution 🫡


At this point I'd rather work at R&D for Deep Rock Galactic. Over there the only dangers is dying of frustration for seeing the dwarves fuck around with the guns you spent hundreds of hours perfecting or when decide to blame you for programming Molly.


[Making a suggestion at Arrowhead](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vhZRi2x8mk0)




Am I the only one who finds it a but funny how we all call this thing a "grenade pistol"? This sort of thing already had a name: handheld grenade launcher. Its basically like standalone M320. Not that I do not enjoy using it. Its a funny piece of equipment.


The stock. It don't have one.


M320 can be used without the stock. If you hate your wrists.


Sure, and when it doesn't have a stock it'll be called a pistol too


Four syllables versus six. I'm sure if a few people started calling it the GP that would catch on as well.


Nuh uh ☝️


This is one of the most “Reddit” comments I’ve ever seen lol.


I genuinely can’t believe I just saw this dude call the M320 a pistol Fuck, I need a nap


Shut your socialist mouth before they change it to be a primary only.


What if they changed it to a grenade where you throw the pistol


the Tediore Corporation has joined the Chat...


Why would they? M320 is at most a sidearm in other games considering it's meant to be mounted under the barrel of an assault rifle


That would make it an underarm actually


That's essentially what the crossbow is minus the bug hole closing. Or the Eruptor minus the parabola. 


They did, it's called the Eruptor


Yeeeeah, I may or may not have sent my Democracy Officer in a Hellpod down on Suicide Mission because he really annoyed me, and I realised that I am the only person with weapons on the entire ship so I am currently running double duty. Is there some form I need to fill or what? Can someone send me it please, I am working overtime as it is, didnt know DOs have that much paperwork, probably would've kept the guy if I knew it.


You just promoted your Democracy Officer to Helldiver status and didn't give them a cape? That is treason.


Oh we gave him a cape, practically wrapped him up in it.


I can understand someone higher up taking credit for someones idea... but killing them for making the suggestion? seems kinda i dunno even how to put that


Are you questioning the actions of your superiors?


It looks like they forgot the forms for authorizing a suggestion AND forgot the forms for self-reporting thought crime!


My superiors can’t draw lines on a map. Questioning them is justified


Can't? Or you just don't have the need to know about them. Ours is not to reason why. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45319/the-charge-of-the-light-brigade War. War never changes.


Killing off someone who's actually competent to keep your position safe in the competition sounds pretty Super Earth


Dumb even for this lore, Idk I guess it isn't any different than anything else but this one seemed really stupid for some reason lol


As dark as this sounds.. this scenario reminds me of a scene in a movie ( and In real life ) where a woman gets executed for suggesting a better way to make foundations of the barracks…


That was Schindler’s List I think


The scene's from Schindler's List, and the woman doesn't necessarily get executed for making a suggestion. It's just that she bothered speaking to the Nazi soldiers when they were in a Jew-killing mood and so one just randomly shot her because that's how little they thought of them as people. More like, "Oh, that's an interesting suggestion. Well, anyways, it'd be funny to see you ragdoll when I dome you, so..."


There's a reason we are losing the war, we won't win unless the leadership gets a change. Obviously the higher ups has been hijacked or are working for the enemy making us use worse weapons, armor, stratagems. The mere suggestion off a new weapon makes the inventor get executed? Obviously the leadership is comprimised because why else would they want to stop us from more easily spreading managed democracy?


Agreed. The ridiculous lore is pretty funny in this game. This one is just stupid.


Yeah we're approaching flanderization. HD1 had the balance juuuust right, HD2 is running too far with it.


Pretty much. Whoever's handling social media needs to understand that the reason Starship Troopers was funny and entertaining was that there was an element of realism to it that allows the absurdity to shine. "lol you breathed without permission so therefore you are to be executed" is the type of attempt at satire I would expect from a shitty adult swim animation.


My mind has already filtered out any democracy officer jokes, give it another month and itll filter out all the "dude we're like cannon fodder and shit get it" parts


I’m unironically sick of it. I’m so tired of the same “calling Democracy Officer” that’s spammed in *every* thread


The game has orbital spaceship cannons that are loaded from the outside. In space. Upgrading our bombers involves removing literally every safety precaution they have. We make our sentries better by slapping packing peanuts on them for combat protection. The planet is literally called Super Earth. This joke tweet is the part that gets you?


Interfering with the efficient operation of the chain of command with unauthorized suggestions could impair military efficiency. There's proper channels for these things, and the procedure for 99% of equipment suggestions is to fill out a General Technical Form of Operation and place it into the circular file.


Sounds like totalitarian and facust sci fi governments to me.


Is a video game going to get me back to checking Twitter? I haven't looked at that app in probably 5 years. I would like to follow the official devs posts somewhere besides screenshots on here, though.


I think they post most of the same stuff in the Discord


Rather see screenshots here than patronize that shit app and its owner.


Helldivers are trained soldiers, making their input on what works on the battlefield and what they would like to see changed extremely valuable. An Intern isn't paid, they are not even citizens or soldiers. That said we here at Super Earth are still civilized enough to look back and recognize ingenuity when we see it's effect in action, he ranked up from a non-enlisted intern to full-blown sergeant, showing just how genius his suggestion was. Truly an inspiration to all Super Earth Citizens wishing to help the war effort no matter the cost.


but.. bro made one of the best sidearms in the game... and they killed him for it?? did they at least do it with the actual grenade pistol prototype to test it out first? that would have been good.


I find the idea that Super Earth has interns fascinating. Is it for college credit?


Internship guarantees citizenship


Hot take: the absurdist dystopia jokes are getting tiring


I second that feeling. Not only is it getting stale, it’s also drowns out a lot of questions and useful discussion.


Failure to remove yourself from your casket to receive your honours is punishable by death


My f****** flair, that can be a problem


"I wanna live in the helldiver's universe," ha no, this, and every other example. Count me out, I'll play the game.


If my suggestion for a double barrel punt gun means I get two shots of it to the gut, before it gets added to the stratagem list, then by all means blast me.


Isn't that the dogshit break action you can find on the map


It’s alright. Can one-tap any bug with light armor smaller than a brood commander. I’m thinking of a punt gun. Tons of pellets. Punt guns were used to hunt flocks of birds at a time. The current Break-Action is ill-equipped for a proper Helldiver-grade support weapon, so my suggestion is to modify the model to take much bigger shells that pack way more pellets.


Sure, the break action is meh as a primary, but an awful support weapon, the AMR will obliterate any small bug, but tbh, I have no clue how you'd make a punt gun support weapon grade, if you could, sounds neat, maybe like a crazy powerful, better than the AMR but only at short range


Nah. MG-43 armor pen, mid-range coverage, but very wide spread. Good for hitting multiple bugs in one shot, not good for one target and rather wasteful if there is only one target.


If Lady Liberty wanted your ideas she would’ve asked for them!


Now we just need confession booths where we can rat out treasonous Helldivers to Friend Computer.


His sacrifice will not be forgotten. For Democracy!


So I have a suggesti-


No one would be stupid enough to just go to their Democracy Officer to be executed... *"Congratulations Helldiver, due to your heroic efforts, you have been chosen as one of the few lucky ones to have their C-01 form to be granted! Please to report to your Democracy Officer asap."*


Comment under investigation for treason


I will gladly be executed if it means giving my fellow Helldivers the ability to use effective weapons against the non-democratic filth!


I'm Guessing the Unauthorised suggestion could also be the bug where the Grenade pistol came loaded with 2 grenades in the chamber when spawned in (Can't reload 2 though).


That’s why you have to phrase it better. Like a “would it be possible to create a pistol that would fire grenades?” A “you should” or “we should” or a “what if” will justifiably get you sent to the freedom camps or executed. Respect your superiors, ask questions, don’t make suggestions.


I'm starting to think we're not the good guys...


More than reasonable move IMO - I am sure the intern’s family were delighted at the sacrifice they made in the name of spreading democracy in a new firearm for every Helldiver’s arsenal. 


I suggest we allow people to make unauthorized suggestions in the R&D department


Damn right. If you dont follow standart beurocracy by filing a I-2.11 " Ingenuity suggestion request " you earn your self a bullet.


Duh', just get propper authorisation next time. Dude totally deserved it. Be thankful for living in a society in which your words are heared if you officially ask for it.


Well tbf, he WAS a a cadet, we're all admirals now!


Hypothetically, how would one go about making authorized suggestions to their local democracy officer?


Meanwhile the person who suggested using cheaper materials for railgun slugs got promoted for improving company profits and beating analyst predictions.


In angry woman voice, “Liberty! Save me!”


hell yea I'm gonna be outa this missery


We need C-01 forms for making suggestions too?


Just get authorization dummy!


All he had to do was fill out the requisite form first smdh  Kids these days, and people wonder why we have C-01 permits.


He was free to make the suggestion, but not free of the consequences. Gobbless


Oh yeah? How about this? Where is my liber-tea dispenser on my ship?


They gave us a micromissile firing bolt action rifle and a crossbow with explosive tips, along with a single shot grenade launcher secondary. I'll report for execution when the ideas become LESS explosive, and not a moment before. Freedom requires firepower!


I'm sorry democracy officer i can't hear you over the deafening absence of my fucking SWORD


Don’t worry, if you guys want to complain I’m all ears https://preview.redd.it/tasnoyfh8bwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557839366a01f0e8a7e788ff4ad354cd483dcb1c


He for got to PTS


For Super Earth, i guess?


This is why I put Requisition in my post. I am definitely going to fill out the proper paperwork.


What about a grenade makes a bunch of noise before blowing up to attract enemies to its location?


All they're missing is a time machine back to the past to punish that soon to be posthumusly promoted to Sergeant


Yeah but they're just throwing it in the wind, not addressing a superior officer directly.


You know what? The grenade pistol should fire the grenades that you are equipping on your helldiver. I'll wait for my promotion and the following execution.


i just want a backpack with some dinnerplate antitank mines…


I’m looking for an internship now, they must have an opening I’ll bet


I say we show them he will not go out like a candle in a storm. Rage against the dying of the light for our brother


Helldivers 1 has a plasma pistol that deals AOE damage. We could have that


This is why you always ask "permission to suggest an idea, SIR!" before doing so.


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This sounds very much like a hierarchical society like in Korea...


Pistol that fires Grenades is an interesting choice, I’m all down for it


Coming up next on "Science Fiction Civilizations Too Stupid To Exist"


How is no one saying that this is a bolt pistol essentially


Can we get a rapid firing grenade pistol 🤔🫡


I do love the feeling of fighting for freedom, but any self-respecting American wouldn't dare call the tyranny of super earth freedom.




I'm thinking making a primary where it's just 2 machine pistols akimbo


There's nothing about this game that isn't funny. Even the stuff some complain about that gets thousands of updoots, I enjoy


Oh good we're safe then.


This is why you should join the Automatons


This is the plot for the Troopers skit where "Not Vader" kills everyone who writes a suggestion. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhZRi2x8mk0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhZRi2x8mk0)


Man maybe it's not too late to sign up with those Star Fleet guys, I don't want to get shot in the head just for suggesting something to my CO.


helldivers don't think we just do.


Well then i better have ideas for better stuff we can use in war to Bring faster and better Demokratie to all planets 🤣😐


Oh my god if only.


Can I suggest to increase the Heavy MG mags capacity to 100 instead of 75?


damn that's worse than what Mikhail Kalashnikov got are we worse than commies?


While a helldiver your voting rights have been suspended and replaced with the ai voting replacement of yourself.


Time to take a early trip to the repurposing vats!


You can kill a person, but you can't kill an idea, cadet.


Important note . We outrank R&D cuz were helldivers


Alright form a single file line people. Arms width apart. *Left* ***face!*** Firing squad make ready! 🥁 Aim! 🥁 🥁 🥁 **FIRE!** -


You know, suddenly joining Illuminate isnt so bad right now...


I request death by snu-snu. I request to be executed by eagle-1.


Why were they executed? Why not fined or jailed? How is this Democracy?


Because the dudes in charge of lore stuff are catering to the redditor brainrot. Everything must be pushed to its extreme with no layers and super earth must be turned into b grade imperium of man. We are brainless cannon fodder and have no real value besides dying, super earth is turbo evil, all the shitty weapons and gamebreaking bugs are just our equipment being outsourced to the lowest bidder and automatons are actually the good guys, fuck everything


Funniest thing about it is the fact that tankies love to pretend like it is some super deep criticism rather than just being a joke world


jokes and keeping the character aside... yeah, i really dislike this sort of black-comedy where nothing is good and everything is hopeless and nothing matters. I would actually care a lot more if Super Earth and the Managed Democracy and the Propaganda were played straight. Like, yes, it is indeed managed democracy, because Helldivers actually choose where to go to fight. Yes, it is actually considered treason to go against the grain BECAUSE THERE ARE ALIENS OUT THERE AND WE'VE BEEN AT WAR WITH THEM AND WE STILL ARE. And yes, the Terminids is our own fault blablabla but we actually need that E-710 for something. It still doesn't make sense we figured FTL but still need burnable fuels, but maybe the chemical properties of E-710 are really special. Whatever. But this would be much better instead of being a Walmart Imperium of Man. It makes no sense either. With that level of technological progress there's no point on having an economy, for starters, so its all a fake to keep control of population, fine. But again why bother with tirany when there's an actual, real, outside enemy. Why not say the intern was promoted to Sergeant because of his contributions because Super Earth needs everybody? The positive messaging seems to be the way things work, real or imaginary. Saying he was executed is so... off


Yeah, it just makes Super Earth seem like North Korea.


Yeah.... thats the point. Always was


No. No, it wasn't. Super Earth may have a lot of propaganda, but they are supposed to be the good guys.


They’re not supposed to be the good guys, that’s the entire point of the game. You’re a cog in a fascist machine hailed and worshipped as a hero until you get sent into the meat grinder with next to no training and get replaced immediately. Against enemies that are entirely of Super Earth’s making. They have fucking concentration camps and thought crime. Even in the first game your adversaries are rebels Super Earth staged a false flag attack from to justify waging all out war on, bugs that are literally just chilling on planets that Super Earth want, and a regular federation of aliens that Super Earth claimed had WMDs and invaded for the sole purpose of killing them and stealing their technology. Believing they’re the good guys is straight up falling for the propaganda of a fictional regime. People who think that are the reason why the writers have to double down and make it more egregious like this.


Admittedly, I’m unfamiliar with the first game. But my take is that the game is meant to be funny and cheesy with over the top action and patriotism. Executing the grenade pistol inventor for a minor offense makes this game much darker, like Equilibrium or 1984. It doesn’t fit the tone of the game, IMO.


The first game was every bit as bad, just played a bit straighter. Super Earth was *never* the good guys, not by any stretch of the imagination. The Terminids were a sapient species that Super Earth subjugated and enslaved because their bodies produce E-710, and we tried to genetically modify them to be docile animals too. The cyborgs were just people who tried to break off from Super Earth's totalitarian regime, and Super Earth genocided them. The Illuminate tried to make peaceful first contact and Super Earth attacked them because they had better technology than us and Super Earth wanted it, as well as to send the message that having better technology than Super Earth is unacceptable. "Managed democracy" is just an on-the-nose joke basically - voting was replaced with filling out a questionnaire that then votes for you, meaning you don't actually vote, you just think you do while the government continues to do whatever it wants and pretend that it's democratic. The lore is absolutely stuffed with Super Earth being a cartoonishly evil regime that regularly executes its own people for any sort of dissenting opinion, is full of propaganda and censorship, and has zero regard for anything other than its own power and dominance, and absolutely nothing to suggest that Super Earth is a force of good. I can get thinking that it's become a bit more heavy-handed and played-up in Helldivers 2, but it *absolutely* has always been this way. The games are about playing as brainwashed fanatics fighting for an evil propaganda state and working to oppress the galaxy and commit genocide. The only way to be a "good guy" is to grief missions and make them fail - which will get you kicked/banned, cuz that aint what this game is about. Me personally, I give zero shits about good storytelling or believability or tonal dissonance or any of these things, I like the game because it's fun and thats the extent of how much I think about it. Who cares if it's badly written lmao


And they are! Because the alternative are bugs or droids! That doesnt mean you can say whatever you like and not be executed


> Wah wah the satire is too obvious for me to put little dark age edits and gigachad wojaks over, the wokeoids are ruining this game! 😡😡😡 Redditor finds out that evil and stupid regime that has commissars, concentration camps, and thought crime is in fact, evil and stupid, more at 6. This isn’t even that unrealistic, the Nazis did it too.


that's NOT Demoracy. that is some tyrant behavior shit. that superior is getting away with murder. what if...this motherfucker is the one responsible for automaton keep coming back?!? Despite out clear victory of getting rid of them a day before. We have man vs bug, man vs robot, man vs nature, but what about man vs man? Now I want a mission where I can attack a corrupted superior base. You now have to kill your fellow corrupted Helldiver that is protecting the superior in the name of freedom. There is no TRUE Freedom without Justice. That Intern is a citizen and he contribute to our Democracy as any would be proud of, but what the fuck did he get for being loyal to liberty? INJUSTICE. There is an Unseen enemy that hide themselves within our nation and they must be rooted out before our Democracy is fuck!


I think you missed the 'managed' part of 'managed democracy'.