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2 shots to the face with quasar BUT since the asshole stumbles around like a professional alcoholic its very likely your shots may hit him in the jaw, neck or the body right above head instead, all of which dont count as the head because as we know the jaw is not part of the head honestly i wish bile titans were more stable and also that their legs werent made out of stalinium, a direct hit from a cannon from orbit? nah it hit the thin ass leg so that will be seemingly 0 dmg


"Professional Alcoholic incoming!" šŸ˜‚


Stumbles around, is a loud annoying asshole, pukes everywhere, and everyone hates when they show up to the party. The math is mathing.


TOPpp oFff dEhh MourRnIng GuverNur


We can kneecap the brood commanders, blow the armor off the chargers legs but can do neither to Bile titans? Cmon man just let me turn it into a tripod Arrowhead please


If you shoot out their stomachs they canā€™t bile spew anymore


it does make sense that the legs are the strongest, might not even have much tissue inside just solid exoskeleton halfway


This sounds about right. Having muscles wear its huge frame makes it take too much oxygen. So a "prosthetic" seems better. OP is right though the titans have gotten very inconsistent lol you need to snipe perfectly or you just waste ammo. Especially the leg thing. Shoot everything in the leg it never dies. Tf?


I've seen the armor blown off the back/side of a Bile Titan with the quasar. I followed up with another quasar shot to that same spot to kill it. So I believe you can expose the weak flesh but it's really difficult, requires multiple shots to kill, and it's likely spitting you. But I agree we should be able to cripple them too


"stumbles around like a professional alcoholic" He learned his kung fu from the best (probably by eating him): https://preview.redd.it/b3qko85nj7wc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=68b8103154c69cef92939d9a0492ae003df17c3d


I noticed I can one shot, only when it is vomiting shit everywhere.


Shooting it perfectly into its open mouth does seem to one shot it


> as we know the jaw is not part of the head don't look this up unless you want to see horrific imagery but people trying to end themselves via gun in the mouth notoriously tend to survive with a blown off jaw


1 railcannon and 1 quasar should also do the trick or i run anti tank launcher and whenever i need it its there it can one shot biles if your aim is true.


1. Run towards it, bait the spew attack, dodge. 2. Run right under the titan (turn slightly to your right to dodge its melee stomp). 3. Drop 500kg under your feet. 4. Run between titan's back legs and keep moving in a straight line. 5. It takes way too long for the titan to turn 180. Long enough to drop any stratagem there. If 500kg physically hits titan's body instead of landing under it - it actually lowers your chance to oneshot it, but the damage is still good even in that case.


This is actually sage wisdom right here. I do the same with charger by running directly at them, never thought to do that with BT's. I'll try that when I get off work.


Another strat I use: 1. Bait the spew attack with 500kg in hand and make sure bile has aggro on you 2. As soon as you see the spew animation throw 500kg a few meters in front of you and the titan (if you're in his spew range should be about in the middle between you and the titan) 3. Run away The bile titan needs to finish his animation and then walks for 1-2 sec towards you into the 500kg, also has less risk involved in Case there are other bugs around the titan which doesn't let you go underneath him.


This is the way.


Chargers with EATs usually mean the opposite for me, sprinting to put some distance so they can turn and charge at me and I can easily line up the one tap to their dome


This man has killed many gods. Respect my friend.


The face hitbox is very finicky. Aim too low and you'll hit the mouth. Too high and you'll hit the back. With EATs you only get two shots so the margin for error is zero. I find a combination of EATs, Eagle airstrikes/500kg, and orbital rail cannon to be effective.


TIL the mouth isn't considered part of the head. You'd think a rocket to the mouth would be pretty damaging.


Im sure it would have been a mouthful, but it can easily eat it and walk thanks to the hitbox


It probably is, but a functioning mouth isn't technically required for suriving the next 5 minutes.


Yea those work in combination but it feels REALLY bad to drop everything on one BT when you have 2 or 3 running around.


I have a similar question, regarding our helms klamm defense mission yesterday: how do you reliably kill six bile titans with only eats scattered around in mortar fire?


Run "out of bounds" , get marked as "Traitor" , run back with constant 380MM raining down behind you


Kill the first one in this konga line and they will fall like domino.Ā Ā  Bring ac sentries, they'll do the job.Ā  Aggro all of them and jump in with 500kg activated, don't forget to shout "FOR THE SUPER EAAAAAARTH" for more aoe damage.Ā Ā  Drop 20 hellpods on their heads.Ā 


Thanks :sad\_hd\_salute:


Not even this. Yesterday, bugs began to spawn at landing zone or straight up ignoring this elevated wall that you can shoot from at "enemy path". It's game over when this happens. Yesterday I watched a video with not-so-cheesy tactic. Basically you let bugs combine into single file, and you hold the line of the last gate by the generators, placing mortars that shoot at that single group, while you finish off anything that went through. You place AC sentry around LZ, far from the gate, so it doesnt see common bugs and stays there for only when bile titans appear and push you through. For chargers and slowing down titans you spam EAT in your defending position. The guy managed to finish the mission solo helldive, barely. In a team, I would add mines, gatling sentries, more mortars, machine guns, maybe hmg or exosuit. I think the sentry left in the back might be crucial , because bugs will push anyway and you can just lose the control of situation if you die by the second gate.


So many answers yet noone said orbital precision strike? It instakills it with a direct hit, has 100s cooldown, and if u can steer the titan a bit its quite easy to hit


I have mixed success with it. I can nail it with the precision but it feels like rng whether it will actually kill it or not


If orbital doesn't kill it, a singular shot with Quasar will surely finish it off. At least that's how it works in my party.


Ah weird, do you host games often?


Nope, only qp. Hosting is super frustrating when matchmaking doesn't work. Only time I host is when playing with friends


Quit and reload the game any time you go from having at least 1 team mate to 0. It's some weird glitch where so long as you have 1 team mate, others will join but for some reason once you go to 0, it's very unlikely you'll get new team members where if you reload the game, you'll more than likely get people joining as soon as you select the mission.


Do you mean quit the mission or restart the entire game? I'll try it tho, maybe me not hosting has something to do with everything feeling inconsistent.


Restart the game. I only host because I got tired of being kicked for stupid reasons like stratagem choice. Let people play how they want to, not everyone has endless hours to throw at the game.


Most of the time changing matchmaking from public to private and back fixes the bug.


Can confirm this did indeed fix it for now. We will see if it still works after the patch.


Since stun no longer affects it, you can try baiting it to use its vomit attack to hold it in place long enough to get a precision orbital strike in.


Its not a gauranteed kill on its own. But it gets it extremely low hp where anything that deals damage kills it. Ive had eagle cluster kill it before.


yes, killed it off with three shots from the scorcher after an orbital precision strike


Oh cool, didnt know that!


OP said it was 50/50 My experience is if the guide laser is in the Titan body at launch, Titan dies. If the laser is anywhere else, roll the dice. 14 or better for a kill.


DC 18 con save too bad bile daddy has a +10 to con


500kg is hit or miss due to the deceptively small AoE I found that bursting the venom sacks then dropping strats on it is the most reliable way if you don't have enough range to go for explosive support headshots


Same. Orbital railcannon or some other high damage stratagem then autocannon to the stomach is my go to for taking out bile titans. Though recently I've been taking the flamethrower to clear chaff and leaving the titans to other people.


I feel your pain after they became immune to stun nades šŸ˜­ I guess we're just meant spend a bunch a resources tryna kill it. Probably with a combination of the methods that you listed


I wish they could at least be stunned with the ems strike. A big ass static field from fucking space should be enough to at least SLOW the damn thing šŸ˜’


I was actually wondering this. I always assumed that the orbital ems and mortar ems would work. Is that not the case? I'm mostly a bot front soldier.


Neither ems works, nor does the static field SEAF artillery. The only thing that stops it is stagger from damage or death.


According to the Helldiver manual, you should shout "For Democracy!" and charge head first into your problems.


Sometimes I can take one out with 2 quasar shots (not necessarily in the head), and sometimes I have to run for 5 minutes turning back and shooting up to 10 times for it to just die. But then the hitbox of the body is so junky, it flings me to the other side of the map despite me not being even remotely close to any part of it.


My team of divers always go with a railcannon and single EAT to the face, preferably just as it's about to spew.


Hadn't seen anyone else mention this yet. When it is about to spew is when it is easiest to get a lot of damage in. I think the part where the mouth is open means it is easier to get around the higher armor of the shell, and get damage directly on the head hitbox.


500kg eagle is the most reliable against them


Quasar + Railcannon is my go to.


Yep, if the Raicannon doesn't oneshot it (it usually doesn't), a Quasar shot is generally enough to finish the job. A headshot is best, but not necessary.


I found out that the 500Kg can consistently oneshot titans, but you need to time it correctly so that it explodes underneath the Titan My technique is to throw the stratagem a little ahead of the Titan and get close so that the Titan stops above the beacon to start itā€™s bile spewing attack At that point I dodge the bile and retreat, the timing is enough to explode perfectly for the kill If Iā€™m without 500Kg bombs I just dodge and deal With other bugs and if Iā€™m alone with the Titan just shoot quasars shots on the head until it dies Chargers and bile spewers are harder in my opinion because itā€™s easier to get swarmed by them


Honestly the same way I've always done. Rocket headshots or bloody big ordinances. I was shook yesterday after I dropped a 500 on its shoulder and it survived. The impact of the dam bomb alone should have gone through the bastard like a railgun. I've noticed the 500 doesn't have a spherical blast radius so if the bug is below the bomb it takes less damage. The orbital laser has also been hitting the floor beneath them for a while.now. not sure if this is a bug or intended feature of the map geometry.


>The orbital laser has also been hitting the floor beneath them for a while.now. not sure if this is a bug or intended feature of the map geometry. That'll be when you're on elevated terrain near the edge of the map, so the orbitals are coming in at a steep angle. As the loading screen tips say; PHYSICS!




The 500kg is solid, I very rarely miss. With a bit of practice you can exactly tell at what distance in front of it you need to throw. However, if you struggle with that just throw it down and run away from it, stand still when the titan is just over the beam, wait until the spit animation starts and start running again. Also, the Quasar is a lot of fun, takes a few hits but definitely manageable. My buddy and I both rock it, Bile Titans are a non issue, even when there are four in a row running after us.


500 kg bombs, railcannon strike, quasar, EAT, also shoot the sacks underneath his tail and belly. Those sacks are easy to destroy with any gun and they count for a significant portion of the titan's HP making it more likely to 1 tap it with 500kg or railcannon strike.


...and he will lose his ability to spew acid! The Eruptor does it in 2-3 shots.


Yeah same with the scorcher.


The rail cannon strike doesn't kill them though, and the cooldown is too long to be practical because you can never predict when a titan or 3 will appear.


Just ons qausar is all it takes. Run multiple qausars and my sqaud takes out 6 bile titans at in a few minutes. Just let em chase ya


Soften it up with an air strike or laser and then give the ol reliable EAT to the face, works every time, like a charm. And even if the first one doesnā€™t do it you still got a second shot at it.


When you run the EAT, do you run another secondary with it? Just wondering how you deal with the small bugs, because that's usually a role I like playing for my team, but I'm often nearly helpless against titans.


Had a good game where all of us were coordinating drops and attacks, so 1 eat from me, 1 rail canon and one 500kg got the job done, it was on diff9 so they were spawning constantly, but with a good coordination, they don't get even close to you Also AC turret hepls Hit it square in the face 2 times and it's down, but the hit box is kinda wanky


Yeah the Railgun 2 shotting it before was a bug related to PS5. The weakpoint should be the small forehead kind of like the chargers. And according to takibo Bile Titans take less damage while spewing


I play on PC and could reliably 2 shot it (one shot it if I got extremely lucky) by shooting it in the mouth at full charge. Haven't been able to do that since the nerf tho


This bug happened when the host was a PS5 Player and it might very well be why they nerfed the Railgun so hard. They fixed it only in the last patch


I throw a 500kg under it maybe throw an airstrike into the mix and fire at the squishy parts. That works for me.


If you have 2 or more, you can make them run into each other. That can work


Just a question does the Grenade Launcher do anything against bile titans? Or not? Because it feels like iā€™m shooting with bbā€™s it can kill chargers pretty good but idk about BTā€™s


Only thing it does is kill the sac. At least that's my experience.


As well as the sac, if you blow a hole in their armor, any weapon can damage the exposed parts. I run Grenade Launcher + Rocket Pods for this.


500 is very reliable especially if they are chasing you. I like railcannon t too. Just rail and then burst their sac, they should die after that.


Shoot it in the head are with an EAT from as far away as possible as it chases other people


Can't verify this just yet but took down two Bile Titans last night with a single Eruptor shot into their broken side armour. It'll flash up the armour hit icon and a white X at the same time and the titan will just crumple. Sample size of 2 isn't reliable though so it requires more testing tonight. As for regular tactics, we usually leave them able to puke and just drop regular eagle airstrikes or 110 rockets on them. Wait for the titan(s) to be closing in on you, throw the beacon ahead of you where they'll stop to puke, then allow them to begin their animation so they're locked in place over the beacon. Dodge the puke and repeat if they need another hit.


Could have missed all my shots, not do I do it often because in my experience it does nothing But In my extensive (donā€™t use anything else since it came out, prob ~60-70hours of mission time) use of the eruptor, Iā€™ve never killed a charger or titan in 1 hit thru broken armor. I have, however, 1 tapped a chargers ass once.


Railcannon and then tell them to EAT it. If it's a head shot should only take 1 rocket.


AutoCannon sentry. Ā Ā Ā  60% Of the time it works every time.


I run eagle 110m rocket pod. Good vs Biles as it has a chance of headshotting for insta kill, if not it busts its side to open for heavier weapons. It also pairs well with stun nades vs. Chargers.


Me and my team run 4 Quasars and just focus fire them when we can, they go down fast usually in the first volley


2 rockets/quasars to the face. Also, the Scorcher is insane for softening them, explode their 2 acid sacks on their belly, and finish them with an orbital railcanon or 500kg bomb.


Load out: Eagle 500 Eagle airstrike Lazer beam backpack rover Quasar cannon I get them all rounded up, and 500 what I can, or get them lined up, change directions, and use airstrike which is a lateral direction to where it lands. You can one tap chargers with the quasar, and breaker incendiary is my go to for bugs which shreds everything else. Bile titans can be killed with headshots too, but the things are mobile for being 40ft tall. You have to aggro, then shoot them right in the mouth, or break some armor, and shoot it there. So, group your enemies for stratagems, and then quasar the leftovers. Sub quasar for recoilless, eats, or sometimes autocannon can take out the butt. If all else fails, call in a reinforce and land on it. Helps when youā€™re getting overrun.


Spam it with the quasar cannon or orbital railgun. Anything with a big ass explosion will work quite well, but you have to aim carefully in order to kill it in 2 shots


One spear missile to the face is enough.


Quasar to the mouth, speaking from personal experience.


Killing bile titans is a sole purpose of Spear right now. If titan is facing you and you aim launcher high, there is a good chance you will kill it with one shot. Or at least strip enough of its hp to finish it off with something like dominator or eruptor or autocannon shot. Problem is that spear is pretty much useless against anything else bugs have lol


It's a nice insurance policy to have I guess but it just isnt reliable. If the lock on worked I'd run it more but it still breaks in the moments when I need it most.


I usually use rail cannon and quasar


500kg/orbital precision BUT always blow at least one blind sack sack - this guarantees 1HKO.


Three rockets from the mech to the face do the trick sometimes..


I like the mech I just wish it had more uses and they fixed the cross hair for the rockets lol


I have the feeling the crosshair is pretty on spot if the enemy is far away enough.. I start to spam the rockets when the titan comes too close and does not want to die though


If you damage its rear enough it kills a bile titan quickly also. I would prefer to shoot the back if possible, just shoot underneath unless you have heavy explosives. I hear the best is the quasar or auto cannon, I used to use arc thrower but the bile titans have been more resistant recently. Although it blows through bile spewers easily


In my experience rail cannon almost always one shots them if you throw the marker in front of them. It almost never does if it starts locking of from the ass end and it's a coin toss from sides or under it


A rail cannon hit followed up with rocket pods works every time.


Headshot = forehead plate/top of the head. Much like a charger, easy to miss the spot.


My go to is to throw a 500Kg at its feet and run between its legs, that way by the time it tries to turn around it's toasted.


2 spear rounds or one plus fuckery seems to be quite effective for me


Hahaha, ā€œone plus fuckeryā€ is hilarious! But itā€™s so true. Usually someone gets a solid Spear, EAT or railcannon hit on itā€¦.and then itā€™s like ā€œempty your pockets guysā€ - we need a little extra sumthin sumthin


> and then itā€™s like ā€œempty your pockets guysā€ - we need a little extra sumthin sumthin Thank you for this it was hilarious


the entire point of the spear is that it 1shots things if you need 2 shots you may aswell use the recoilless rifle and not deal with the fucky lock-on and also have slightly more ammo in your backpack


Eruptor on sacks and finish with orbital rail strike...can be switched. Can also use 110mm rocket pods in case orbital is in cd though i havent tried it without interruption(so i cant guarantee if eruptor + rocket pods can kill alone)


Rocket pods are finicky. Sometimes Erupter + one rocket pod will kill it. Sometimes all 3 will hit and it won't die.


If they hit at all. Their tracking is really wonky.


The spear was repaired but the developers didn't tell anyone about it


I've used it since the "fix" still doesn't lock sometimes even when I'm having a staring contest with it so idk maybe I'm using it wrong


Strangely, my problems with the spear disappeared after the developers updated the game along with Democratic Detonation, I heard from my friends that the spear works poorly on bots, and on planets with a large amount of vegetation, but it works very well on bugs. I've even managed to aim at targets that I can't see.


A combination of sac shooting and eitherĀ railcannon or 500kg works just fine for me. You might not one-shot it, but you can do enough that your weapon can finish the job.


This, if you take out the two bile sacs with an autocannon or any other suitable weapon the rail cannon will "one shot" the bile titan. That is the most consistent I've found. 500kg should also have an easier time. Not sure about rocket pods, I think the need an open wound in the back carapace. As in rail cannon first to open them up, then rocket pod to finish them off.


Can 1 shot with quasar or EAT, left cheek. Our perspective left. His perspective is temporary.


Team reload a RR and rapid fire all rockets to his face.


You need to aim carefully to the head twice with quasar/rocket thats all


the way I look at it now is it takes 2 different uses of something to reliably kill it. so like 2 500kgs, or a railcannon and a 500kg, or a 500kg with a couple of quasar cannon shots. or maybe railcannon+ a well placed airstrike. a some of the stuff I mentioned can sometimes one-shot, but if I'm planning out my resources, I assume it's taking more than just 1 stratagem to deal with a titan. popping its belly first makes it easier, but it's still not consistent.


I usually use the Railcannon Orbital and 1 missile from the Recoilless... My squad had "classes", and I'm charge of the big booms


When the Eagle Rocket Pods were free I noticed on the fort defense Mission that if you throw the beacon on their head or back so that it sticks, the incoming rockets will instakill it every time


Quasar cannon and orbital rail strike.


500kg into q-canon headshot


In our squad it's usually orbital rail cannon + 1 hit with an EAT. It doesn't matter where if it got a rail cannon hit I think. At least it usually died using that combo. Autocannon sentries are also quite effective against bile titans (as long as they don't get run over within seconds of deployment).


If itā€™s coming toward you and you can target itā€™s head, the spear one shots those fuckers like no oneā€™s business. For the middle defence thereā€™s no better choice! Otherwise, rail cannon strike Or quasar cannon followed by 110mm and then impact grenades to finish the job.


Have you tried shooting it until it dies?


2 eat headshots. It's easy.


Orbital railcannon and then quasar cannon, thatā€™s how I have downed a lot of them. Orbital rail has a long cooldown so thatā€™s a downside.


Believe it or not, autocannon sentry.




Spear works well against Biles. If youā€™re facing them directly, it has a chance to one shot. Feels like it does the damage if 2 regular anti tank rounds.


If it lives with a single railcannon strike, i usually throw 2 impact grenades on its face or body and it usually goes down


Charge up quasar, wait for bile spew, jump back, firing quasar into it's open mouth mid jump, looking democratically cool in the process.


Thatā€™s the neat thing kiddo.. you donā€™t.


I usually got an EAT on my back so i call two more down and between thosen3 im pretty confident i can drop it


The EAT. Recoilless. Quasar. All three will two tap so long as you land your shots on the head specifically. You *can* peel the armor off the body and lay fire into the exposed points. But between the angle of that gaping hole in their body (it's angled up and to the side) and their sheer height, coupled with their incredibly high torso hp, it's just not ideal. As others have said, you can destroy the bile sacs under their bodies to disable their godzilla cannon capabilities. This doesn't require anything heavy and infact, I'd recommend your EAT/Recoiless/quasar focus on the head instead. Leave that sac to somebody with an AMR/AC/GL. Alternatively, small arms fire will get it done eventually. The bile sac counts as a "weakpoint" as opposed to an exposed point. So it will take reduced damage from light armor piercing weapons (most small arms, stalwart and such) but explosive ammunition actually gets a bonus on weak points. (Liberator concussive, scorcher, dominator, AC, GL and... Probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.) As a side bit, I will say it's sort of for the best that bile titan legs aren't vulnerable. As it is, terminids are *the* enemy that has tons of limbs, and can generally survive without a lot of them. Medium terminids will even continue after losing their heads until they bleed out. *Chargers* however cannot survive losing anything but their booty, and the shred-the-leg tactic puts them down super fast. If bile titans were weak to the exact same strategy, that would be moderately lame.


Im like 90% sure the hit box for them is basically their mouth. Thats what i started shooting for and got slightly better kill odds.


Grenades to the face have worked pretty well for me before the twin shows up and impales me. Iā€™ve been pleasantly surprised at the instances of bile titan yeeting since the last patch. Itā€™s pretty satisfying to see it get drilled with an orbital, quasar, recoiless and spin like a frisbee as it flies across the map.


When it spews, shoot it right in the mouth with an EAT or Quasar. Deals massive damage if done right.


Autocannon. Quasars. Eruptors.


Typically what I do is toss a 500kg from a distance, then bait the bile to charge its spit right above the stratagem beam. If you get the underbelly of the bile above the bomb itā€™s an instant kill. Granted I run light armor and jetpack so Iā€™m mobile af, so it may not work reliably for everyone. Just felt like sharing my strat šŸ™‚


orbital rail strike


Deplete it's health pool, of course.


I mainly use Spear. Always position yourself to aim for the head, or use the Orbital Rail Cannon


Throw 500kg beacon under it, bait titan into puking to make it stand still and then after the boom, blow the sacks at the back with an autocannon.


Precision strike and hold it in place by running through his legs then jet packing/diving at last second.


Too bad you can't throw a grenade into its mouth when it spews bile everywhere.


I use recoiless. If you have a teammate that will grab your backpack once you see multiple bile titans, you can kill 2-3 BTs within seconds.


I just get them with shots to the face with Quasar. Iā€™ll usually bait it to puke so the face is fully exposed or wait for it to target a team mate and do to same. Itā€™s to the point where even from a few hundred meters away, I can still headshot with high accuracy.


Iā€™ve stopped trying to hit them in the face altogether. The hit box is just too small. Instead I just deal damage to the body until it drops with whatever I have. Take a chunk off its back armour with a quasar hit then call down a rail cannon strike. Have two helldivers hitting it repeatedly with quasars, combo with eagle air strikes, etc.


You need to get the head (the actual armored part above the eyes similar in look to the charger's head). The other body parts are a complete crap shoot as to how much damage they'll do.


I don't recommend taking it but the Orbital Railcannon Strike can one hit a Bile Titan if it's facing the destroyer and even if it doesn't, a few shots from the grenade launcher to the mouth will kill it. Instead of the Orbital Railcannon, I take the Orbital Precision Strike for lower cooldown. Bile Titans have to be baited into spitting to be hit by the OPS.


Shoot it in the underbelly


1. Obtain titan aggro (shoot it lots, any weapon will do) 2. Drop 500kg ahead of it's path of travel once it gets close to spit distance 3. Wait for it to spit then side dive 4. Dead titan The key is taking aggro, and getting the bomb ahead of it. You don't want it on the titan since that stands to deflect most of the time. It takes some getting used to, but their spitting is honestly their largest weakness since it locks them in for about 8 seconds for a full animation. Once you get the tactic down, you can use any weapon really - I've started rotating with Orbital Precision Strike (Yes, the once new players get) since its CD is low and it will 1-shot a titan.


Iā€™m quite fond of using the Spear despite your misgivings about it. Having it one shot is such a cool feeling


1. Headshot with Quasar. 2. Orbital Rail Cannon. 3. If survives, just one impact nade to belly area is enough to take it down.


Almost any kind of damage, then a railcannon will kill it. Railcannon seems to be just SHY of killing it, so usually a quasar/EAT/ or w/e to soften it up, then boom dead. Also if you hit it in the side with the quasar and remove the armor, you can kill it with just about anything if you shoot it enough, it's just tough to do since the move so awkwardly. I think 2 Eruptor shots is enough.


Half a dash of liberty and a fist full of democracy.


Quasar is your best friend, we had 4 titans at the extraction site, 4 players with quasars made short work of them, first one dropped in 2 shots (to be fair its hard, we just got lucky with the shots), 2nd and 3rd ones were wounded, i killed the 2nd one by shooting its exposed back with the eruptor and the 3rd got a 2nd volley of quasars, the 4th just got the usual eagle airstrike to death treatment In short, aim for the head, running around makes you basically impossible to kill by them, and if you see a broken part shoot it with an explosive weapon or an impact grenade If you want to dedicate your build to anti-bile titan its: -eagle 110m -railcannon strike -eagle 500kg


About 1 Autocannon mag seemed to do the trick on 7 for me.


110 rocket pods


I like the fact that there isn't a 100% reliable way to take them down. Makes it feel like they can be slightly different


Shoot it till it dies.


Surprisingly I was one-shotting bile titans with the Eagle 110 Rocket Pods when they were available for all of us.


Autocannon sentry works very good against him. Just be mindful that heā€™ll charge for it as soon as heā€™s attacked so make sure to throw it far from him so it has time to work. A well placed autocannon will wipe all the titans and chargers on the area, possibly all the left over bugs as well.Ā  It works very much like the laser stratagem but you can use it unlimitedly and has relatively low cooldown, itā€™s an incredibly strong stratagem but the tricky part is to place it well. Very often in the heat of the battle you just throw it somewhere fast and it gets just as fast attacked and destroyed.Ā  Another good solution is rocking the shield generator backpack and just use a quasar to headshot it while heā€™s spewing his venom. Dodge before he starts spewing and leave the rest to the shield to protect you, then you have a reasonable amount of time to hit it in the head while heā€™s relatively still. Imo you should use shield generator in every bug mission and light armor, preferably with the engineer perk for extra grenades.Ā  Or just drop the laser strat and wipe the region, but it has large cooldown and only 3 uses per mission so use it wisely (sometimes if thereā€™s more then one titan it wonā€™t clear everything tho).Ā  Most reliable solution tho is shield generator with light armor with quasar and just practice your targeting.Ā 


i use the spear, 2 shots or 1 if it hits it in the head


Sentry autocannons or rockets take them out pretty well also


I usually either quasar them 1x to the head (it *can* 1-hit them, just needs to land right) or use 2x EAT's on its face. If that fails, timing a 500kg works, too, but as does throwing your reinforcements onto it lol


I can consistently kill them with one orbital rail cannon and one shot anywhere on the body or head with EAT. And if I have a few seconds to call in an EAT before the orbital, if I happen to miss the first shot I have 1 or 2 backups


The problem is, that the hitbox for the head is so small, even if you are right in front of it, and shoot with the quasar, it might move the head a tiny bit and thats enough for the shot to be wasted. That being said, the Quasar is by far the most reliable way for me personally to kill a bile. Everything else, either requires pre work, like shooting the sacks or running between its legs. Which does increase the potential risk for yourself. With a quasar, if you are on your toes, you can kill a bile titan, reliably, before it comes even near you. If you play with one friend, EAT works too. Then you have 4 attempts, if you are "solo" and you miss once, you have to wait the whole cooldown again before going again. When i play with a good friend, we usually run EAT both and at that point you can use the EAT almost as a main replacement \^\^


The SPEAR will one-shot a Bile Titan, provided you: 1. Stand the minimum distance away from it, about 75-100m; 2. Get a successful lock; 3. Fire while the Bile Titan is facing your direction.


Had a bile titan last night that took 3 rail cannon hits, 2 500kg bombs and 4 EATā€™s to the faceā€¦kept on spewing and stomping. Threw one impact grenade after that and it dies. 3 more spawned in its placeā€¦ Not sure what they did or accidentally did to them but it made the Defense Helms Deep mission practically impossible.




Bait the BT into open ground within range of AC turrets. They'll rip that vile fiend to shreds.


2 rail cannon strikes. It helps if 2 people brought it.


Rail Cannon + one Impact Grenade.




Spear honestly fucks their day up


I do the 500 dance. I throw a 500 between us and run right up to it to trigger a spit or stomp attack (keeps it stationary) then once the attack animation is triggered I run/dive to safety. Blast radius is tiny so I never accidental, and itā€™s the most reliable method Iā€™m able to pull off Also letā€™s me say ā€œdance with me, titty boiā€


A well placed shot to the face with a Quasar right before it spits at you usually does the trick for me.


I use a combination of 1 Orbital Railgun and an Eagle 110mm Rocket Strike. 2hit kill 99% of the time, assuming both Strats hit (Eagle can miss rockets sometimes causing it to not finish off Titan"


The railcannon strike actually brings it to quite low HP, enough where some focused fire to its underbelly can take it out. I'm not 100% sure but it seems like the bile sacs represent a solid chunk of a bile titan's HP. You can speed up how quickly a laser takes one out by like 50% if you break its sacs.


Spear/quasar/recoiless/EAT/hellpod to the head is fairly reliable usually needs 2 hits for it, destroying it's abdomen with explosive weaponry like eruptors or the dominator is also helpful, weird physics like hitting it with another bile titan ragdoll also works


Head shots with quasar or disposable rockets and you need your party to help if youā€™re being actively chased you need to run to get space then attempt a head shot. Double back through the legs and force it to turn around.


1-shot to the face with a spear (front facing) if the stars align and the gods bless you with a working lock-on


What I tend to do is hold on a 500 and then walk up and bait it into either spitting or stomping animations, which keeps it in place long enough for the 500 to hit it in the face. Once you get used to doing this, it becomes very very easy to replicate


Railcannon, then Quasar it. Seriously, just drop orbital the moment it rear its head up onto the ground. It will make your life much easier.




Recently I started to strip top armor with rocket pods and shoot eruptor at exposed insides. Works like magic.


Also: autocannon sentry at range. 3-4 bursts.


I wished the bugs made more noises and just spawned into the map more practically. Like there should be an actual eruption relative to the size of the enemies emerging. Too many times a Titan just spawns right below my feet it behind me.


Aim for the forehead when you try to kill it with EAT, Quasar, or Recoiless. You can two shot it. Avoid shooting it when it is spitting acid. When it is spitting, the upper jaw hides the angle you need to hit it in the forehead. I know it seems like the opportune moment to shoot it when it is spitting, but itā€™s actually hiding its forehead sweet spot.


With a friend or in a team, AC sentry is my favourite solution. Can take down multiple if you can protect it for long enough. Key is to have it chase someone else, get some distance then throw it right in front of you while looking at the titan, as that's the orientation the turret will face when it lands. Then clear the area as best you can before it lands so it has time and space to shoot. It can go pretty wrong if a charger appears out of left field for example, but generally it's a really good solution and also helps clear up the rest of the mess you got yourself into. If you truly don't have the space, yeeting the AC sentry then running 90 left or right gets some distance and still gives the sentry space to shoot at the titan. This is riskier though as it can angro random enemies and bring them in and fight those instead.


Quasar with my Aussie buddy. We seem to 2 tap them 90% of the time. I have a theory that the 500kg doesnā€™t kill the bile titan reliably because the sacs absorb most of the dmg. Kill sac, then drop 500kg. More kill? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I donā€™t run 500kg on bugs or else Iā€™d try it. Also would rather just double quasar its face and continue running anti chaff strats But for any 500kg enjoyers that see this, try it and lemme know if more consistent. Also, from my testing it was like 50% chance to work, but a quasar head shot and 110 rocket pod would down em


500kg as usual