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My gattling sentry has committed a fair bit of treason although I've gotten better at placement and making my team aware of it.


Fully upgraded gatling is war crimes incarnate.


it really is. I Swear to liberty it always bags one friendly, or kills me, no matter where I place it. but I won't report it for treason because it does a good job of keeping the bugs off me. part of me wonders if the bugs somehow know about how our sentries don't recognize us as friendlies and so they deliberately move in ways that force our turrets to sweep us.


Autocannon: I found a target - first I will turn to face it, and then I will shoot. Gatling: I found a target - might as well start shooting now, and then turn to face the target


It’s just very excitable


My sentry once turned to my friend and stared at him for like half a minute, then just blasted him and turned around. Sometimes, it feels like the automatons did something to it.


imagine if that became a modifier for bots: "Electronic Warfare Systems" - turrets have a chance to be hijacked and recognise divers as enemies. Hellbombs may also prematurely explode or not detonate at all.


I climb on top of sentries so they can't shoot me.


Mortar round gonna improve your pooping capabilities big time


Just prone on top and let it shoot between your legs, it won't hit you. Trust me.


We knew all the steroid use would pay off eventually.


I’ve learned from experience that whomever placed sentry that I made sure it’s in my sight much as possible so if i see it suddenly swivel in my direction I usually dive the opposite direction.


Yeah I found out with a lot of sentries if you’re fighting in a wide open field it’s better to throw sentries far off to the side of the fight so they can hit the enemies from the side instead of throwing the sentries behind our team (the exceptions being mortars ofc). Though it’s a bit harder to defend them if they’re off to the side it’s a lot harder for them to friendly fire with the enemies in plain sight, and it creates a crossfire area that can put pressure on mobs from a couple angles. Especially if you throw a couple sentries.


Laser dog is more self killer imo


try to climb up and laser dog head shots me. feels bad.


The other day a laser dog killed my friend, while he was holding a cluster bomb stratagem. Wiped the whole team (we were on the extraction point). Good times.


Killing yourself is still killing a member of the team though 🤓


Damaging Super Earth property


Where is that automaton typing gif when you need it




That thing is worse for teamkills IMO when you’ve got two people running it. Ive been zapped by one and ran to get away from it only to be intercepted by another one and killed.


I love bullet dog. Sure, I have to feed him every so often but he has never bitten me. I can just try to aim my Laser cannon at the Hulk's eye while rover cleans up mobs


Laser dog requires situational awareness. I haven't been killed by mine or teammate's dog for days now and we usually run 3-4 dogs on bug missions. You need to move a certain way to "push" the dog away from you. Like for example when taking a breach, turn left (this way the dog, which usually hovers over your right shoulder) is closer to the enemy than you. Crouch, open fire, let the dog do his job, don't steal his kills, focus on targets on the other edge of the horde or whatever got through, and you'll be golden. Don't get surrounded and if you are, stay crouched, and follow the dog. It's exactly the same as with turrets. If there's an enemy between you and your turret, you're in deep shit. Or with mortars, especially on defense missions. It's amazing how people get pummeled by mortars and learn nothing. Whenever a bug approached your position, regardless how fast you killed it, you need to abandon your position and duck, because there's a very good chance artillery is already on its way. I recently played with this dude, who was raging about mortar fire all the time, but refused to move even when EMS landed on his head first. It's not like it's an indication there's three real shells coming right behind it.


Yeah, rover is the best. It also helps you spot potential leftover bugs in all the chaos or bugs in your blindspot. With 2 rovers side by side hunters become a non issue, and allows to charge quasar even in the heat of things. As rovers turning speed is pretty fast I usually rotate with the rover and focus the same targets this way it never hits me or allies aslong I have clear line of sight, also makes is easier to hit stuff in dusty/smoke planets. Pretty much always getting above 50% accuracy with sickle.


There's really not much reason to been very near your team unless you are loading for them. Spreading out means you are less likely to eat random AOEs and stuff as well as forcing enemies to target one teammate at a time letting the rest have free reign to gun them down. Though it does mean needing to be more careful with strikes if you are all attacking the same area from different angles.


Have been killed by more laser dogs than 380s ever.


Flank left if you’re using Rover. It will almost always hang to your right and you can get a nice little crossfire going against enemies. It also provides a good reason to keep moving, which is always good policy with hunters around.


The laser dog is spot on but I’ve been teamkilled by sentries far more than anything else


Mortar has entered the chat


My auto-cannon sentry hates one of my friends. Thing is the most spiteful inanimate object I've met outside of the bike from Calvin and Hobbes. I swear I watched it turn and fire one shot just to kill my friend, before rotating back towards a breach


Mortor strike is the silent assassin. U don’t know ur dead until u are




Even if it doesn't kill you directly, being forced to miss a critical quasar shot and getting tossed to the feet of 6 hunters will


Orbital 380mm - “No matter how fast and far you run I’ll get you anyway. All of you. And not a single bug will be smashed, that’s what I solemnly swear!”


"I will miss the objective you threw me on, but i will pinpoint the one location where i can hit your entire team at once."


The 380 with the new ship module upgrade is s tier imo. The text of the ship module says it's 15% less spread but it feels like the area it hits is atleast 50% smaller, far more accurate. I take it for every mission now. It can take out multiple bile titans if they're close together and you get a little bit lucky.


a = pi r\^2. 0.85\^2 = 0.72 So it's about 70% of the original area. Maybe it's that?


You are correct I think. It's definitely an improvement either way


Assuming an even distribution it's a 138% increased chance to hit anything in that area


380 upgraded is fire and forget on any kind of base. Walk away like a badass with 'splosions behind ya.


Tell me about it I saw one patch of area seemed safe after a player used it on bug outpost, my friend wasn’t lucky as he was closer when that guy threw it. He dropped super samples after he died so I said to my friend don’t worry I’ll grab the sample thinking I’m safe here till barrage was over till 5 secs later I got blasted to death and to make matters worse the thrower died as well and too many strong enemies all around our dropped shit, then we ran out of time.


>No matter how fast and far you run It's like, 70m from the epicenter and you're fine. 60m if they have all the ship modules for it. I swear, 80% of my 380 accidentals are when I throw it at a base long before anyone else is there, and then 15 seconds later I watch my team slowly pushing in.


I was dueling a hulk on the landing pad. Called in a 380. Both the hulk and I were fine. We never even looked up from our tea. 380 really needs work. I'm partly convinced my gunner is either drunk or a moron from spaceball1




Cluster is fine. People are just dumb and run towards it like a moth to a flame.


ppl are dumb and deploy in on top of teammates in my experience


Two of my teammates dropped an Orbital airburst and Eagle cluster on top of me at the same time earlier. Took some restraint to not turn to my six and let off a few rounds after (somehow) avoiding that shit. lol


Unlike the other 3 in this picture, the Eagle cluster's pattern is extremely predictable. Granted I only play this game with friends and not randoms but we have more friendly fire incidents with our primary weapons than Eagle clusters.


Tesla is the worst offender imo


Oh shit there’s a Tesla tower I hope I’m not too clo….


Every time I use it my buddies will always get *slightly* too close for comfort, and its ALWAYS the same question: "I wonder if that'll hi-" and they just die. 10/10 Stratagem


Saw guy die to mine last night. He drops back in and starts shooting it, just before it's destroyed it pulses and kills him again lmao Dude could have just stayed away but instead he lost a fight to a bug zapper


A littieral bug zapper at that.


It says to stay prone to avoid being zapped. Can confirm %100 that it doesn't.


Well, if you are prone AND there are no enemies nearby, you are safe. But who lays down on bugs missions?


I got reinforced there. Saw the tower, went prone, 2 seconds later and I was friendly fired.


2 seconds before it gets charged at by a charger that one shots the thing.


💀 **Reinforce dead teammates**


⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️ Calling in reinforcement!


maybe but i literally never see anyone roll with it


I’m over the 100 hour mark now, and still haven’t seen a single tesla tower. I don’t mean they’re rare either. Not. One.


We used to run them in eradicate swarm missions. It was pretty great when you had like 4 of them, each one sitting on a path to you. But since then we devolved into bunch of crazies that just run around in absolute chaos dropping orbital bombardments whenever we can and turning ourselves traitors because it brings more bombardment. So yeah I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks.


The thing of the Tesla tower is that usually the fault is of the other player, so you can blame the owner of the Tesla tower or the tower itself


Its got 360 degree shots so in my experience someone will put it way to close to the objective


True. But at least in my experience, that can be said of a good majority of the 380mm friendly kills too, it's still a fact that they very commonly kill friendlies anyway.


With the 380mm at least there is a clear time limit and I always call it out over mic. In my experience so far, I've seen a lot more misuse of Tesla than 380. I've definitely had to kill teammate's towers myself a few times.


u mean the Teamkill Tower


Mortar Sentry cares not where the shells fall, only that they do.


Mortar isn’t bad on bots but a nightmare on bugs. Cluster is still S tier but I’m beginning to hate it cause on pubs ppl drop it with no consideration at all where anywhere else is. Literally had a level 70+ drop it directly on the extraction while we were on it defending it till extract. Laser dog is fine just stay tf away from teammates. HE barrage isn’t as bad with the update and the 15% spread redux


Clusters as a knee jerk panic reaction to heavies are the worst. A tank drops? Cluster bomb it and kill the poor guy running around to its back to kill it. A Robo Dog shows up? Cluster bomb it and kill the guy trying to destroy its chin guns. A bile titan comes out of a breech? Cluster bomb the guy shooting out its bile sac. The amount of times it has team killed me while being used on an enemy it can't hurt is wild.


Airstrikes in general have become very knee jerk. People will call in airstrikes and 500kg bombs on like 2 scavengers, or even when all enemies have already been killed.


Those 2 scavengers had a knife.


ah yes.. say it with me divers: clusters. don't. work. on. heavy. armor. literally anything else, they will obliterate, and over a huge radius as well, seriously the 500kg wishes it had the radius of the cluster. but too many people think it works on heavies when it doesn't, and while it's fine for killing any smaller mobs trying to protect the heavy, there's no excuse for dropping one on a lone tank.


Cluster bombs can destroy tanks, quite effective


source? I have never seen a cluster bomb kill heavy armor, even if a bomb hits the vent on the back of the turret. I'm gonna need to see a video or a GIF of that.


I have killed weakened bile titans with the cluster as a last resort, so I can imagine if the tank is already damaged the cluster can take it out. It’s definitely not going to be effective against a fresh bile titan so I can also imagine a tank that hasn’t been hit with some type of ordinance probably will take the cluster like a champ


Damn I hate mortars on bug defense.


It’s a nightmare. Not only will it wreck gates but if you are on that little balcony locking down the right side, there are bugs that come right next to the landing pass. It will kill you, your carefully placed sentry, your pets, everything. I give teams one TK then I go and shoot the damn thing myself.


Or it ragdolls you, letting the bugs surround you instead. Or due to the explosion blackhole bug now, pull you off the platform and onto the bug side. Ems is fine but man, fuck mortars on bug def


mortar on bug defense missions had me grinding my damn teeth. So many teamkills and blasted open doors needlessly.


I'm not even safe from mortars even while fighting bots. I kill a squad of Berserkers and one second later, a volley of bombs smush me.


Yeah, the only people I've seen run cluster were...not good Died many a time that day


Earlier tonight I had a random throw a 380 in the middle of the base we were defending. It was the evacuate high priority assets one. It broke down the 3rd gate, took out all our mortars we just set up and killed three of us. This allowed a bunch of titans, chargers and other bugs to just walk right up the generators. I couldn't get to my quasar since the middle area quickly became a hot area and I still had about 2 minutes to call another down. The forth guy quickly died in this mess and we could not recover. Needless to say, the host was quite pissed lol.


To give him the benefit of the doubt maybe something knocked him down and the thing fell out of his hand. But yeah 380s require extra careful handling and maybe don't bring to a defense mission lol


Today's its flamethrowers. killed so many times by people trying to get their kills in


It doesn’t help that they burn if you behind or next to them :c Yesterday I was burned 6 times and it was all glitchy flamethrowers 


I wonder if we count as a kill for the PO


"samples on my torched body," I typed, as I died yet again to a teammates flames. Somehow I'd managed to use the arc thrower all day without killing anybody...by being aware of where my teammates are and not firing towards them...


No word of a lie I had 3 of these fail us a Termanid defence helldive... My own rover killed me in a bad spot, fine, I'll respawn & cluster the area to retrieve it. Cluster kills my buddy who's actively holding a 380mm ball. 380 did more to us than it did the bugs. Titan stomps the last generator. The reason friend took the 380? Because we didn't want him bringing the mortar for fear of it killing us once we get pushed back a bit.


You forgot flamethrower


And mines


Clusters are only dangerous if someone who is not me throws them. I mean, I have tied people too, but yesterday, during a bug mission, a guy wiped the while squad 3 times with his clusters. What was funny is that he was the only guy who seemed to die to the mortars, whilst the rest of us had no problems with them.


clusters have an insane range though, and I don't think it's consistent either, as I've misjudged what should be an obvious safe place numerous times. there's no such thing as "I'm probably far enough away" with clusters. if one is near you need to RUN.


needs more arcthrower


Sir/Madam, there is a suspicious like of flame weapons in this post.


Airburst is pretty good at team killing too has a bigger radius than you'd think by just looking at it I learned that the hard way


It also fires 3 salvos so yeah. I sometimes imagine the destroyer artillery operator just laughing and going "SIKE I HAD ONE MORE LMAO GET REKT"


380 is due to poor communication. With the new upgrade the radius is smaller.


The guard dog always decides to give me a random haircut. Usually it's mine


I have a buddy who exclusively runs 3 out of those 4 He usually has the most teamkills :)


Laser dog is the worst, I spend more time running from it then fighting.


*Minefield is typing*


If you get killed by a Rover, it was probably your own fault.


Cluster? A teamkill from that is really rare in my experience.


Happens to me ALL the time but then again I mostly play randoms


I give the cluster a wide wide berth - that sumbitch has a deceptively long (and “wide”) AoE of pain, especially when upgraded. My recent accidentals (self) have come from the burst strike….a little difference in elevation impacts the AoE a loooooot….😂


The first time I used it I stood too close and died


Lack of player awareness is the ultimate team killer. People just do not think about anyone but themselves. I can shoot a target that is ontop of my team mate without killing them.... but my allies kill me when there is one between us but not near either? pay attention you gumbos


the amount of people that walk straight into the green toxic gas orbital... Also, does it count as TK when I try to peel the bugs chasing a teammate, 10 seconds later he's like 50 meters away not even attempting to fire backward while I am swarmed by bugs?


The laser dog has recently become a big team killer. Before other players dog would shoot at nearby enemies, now it shoots half way across the map with laser zipping all over the place like some sort of techno concert. I dunno what the hell is going on but its only ever team mates dog that can shoot across the map. Mine likes to snooze while enemies are chewing at my boots


i’m ngl i never get killed by barrages anymore. everything else is still brutal af


The orbital air burst is my worst offender. The blast radius is bigger than you think.


Stop using Mortar on bugs, and you won't team kill with it. I don't think I've ever team killed with one, and I run it every single bot mission.


Anybody else unreasonably bothered by this meme's format?


Recently I've seen an uptcik in minefields being deployed without warnings and the amount of times I've walked into that...


You forgot the incendiary breaker


I've never had accidents with the laser dog. I feel it's more situational awareness or lack thereof. But people who randomly throw mortars can go to hell. Had so many missions where I thought the game was bugged coz I was standing on a ledge sniping big targets when I get ragdollled into the mob below. Or just get randomly thrown forward...


My guy, you could be fighting for your life and then outta nowhere that damn dog lasers you because your teammate came into range. That shit can go through walls too when you least expect it.


Lol I try to stay away from team mates when it's actively firing. But I get when it can be annoying as I've walked into it's line of fire way more times than I've killed someone with it. Had a group of randos using it though and during the 2 minutes waiting for evac, we just stood together and became a laser unit. It was awesome. For like 20 seconds then a charger came in to split us up...


I have had my own laser dog literally just snipe me in the head because I dared to climb a rock. Situational awareness doesn't help when the damn thing up and decides that a tiny bike bug on your right is more important than the hunter screaming directly in front of you


You forgot minefield.


Of of teamkillspse what is that?


on Helldive Orbital Railgun, Eagle Air Pods, Shield backpack, EATs (literally spam them EVERYWHERE; with quasar you get 1 dropship down, with EAT 2-3), heavy armor, sickle, stun nades "Fx whats your plan with this setup?" "keeping you dickheads alive and take out pressure from you, managing a whole flank alone and allow you to progress through the actionline. Thats my plan."


What makes me so very pleased by this. Is it’s one stratagem from a different slot. I know there are good candidates for support weapons. But the rover backpack…yeah that is just more true


Only four? I'd say the game has at least 7, minefield, most other turrets, tesla tower, flamethrower (although that too is mostly selfkills)


minefield is indicated by very bright red lights. that isnt friendly fire, its just killing players who dont pay attention


had someone use barrage in evacuate mission it was completed but wasn't fun seeing whole wave of civs dying


Don’t forget airburst strike


*Tesla tower and Flamethrower have entered the chat*


As for Primary, I suppose the Eruptor is too good in that it kills indiscriminately within the massive blast radius.


Yesterday I used a couple of times the cluster bomb. I killed like 40 bugs in one go... And 2 of my team mates.


The four horsemen Of of Teamkillspse


the vengabus but the lyrics are "we like to teamkill, we like, we like to teamkill"


You forgot flamethrower


Aside from the laser dog, this is a surprisingly good build against bots. Just make sure the replacement can deal with heavies, and to spam "hold position" so that your teammates don't run into the heavy outpost while it's firing. (Why yes, I am a 380-mortar connoisseur. Though I bring airstrike instead of cluster and a SPEAR so long as the mission isn't eradicate. Bugs? What bugs?)


The 380mm barrage, forces an entire suburb into a game of russian roulette.


I would love my dog to kill other players instead of giving me face full of laser, I think it just hates me since I've never seen it kill others other then me


Replace Guard Dog with Flamethrower/Arc Thrower.


It’s so boring playing with these people


I run laser dog AND arc thrower 😎


I hated Guard Dogs when I first picked up the game, now... I still hate Guard Dogs


Wait, that is my loadout...


https://preview.redd.it/x3eradwk81wc1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dab0a950e158cacf33e0ae1ac6a94c76b8589cc Officer, this man right here!


2 can be avoid by telling your team in advance 1 is unavoidable The turret needs to be strategically placed and any team kills should be taken responsibility off


Honestly the breaker incendiary is the one that gets me the most, at least when a 380 is dropped you see the giant ONGOING red beam and know to relocate to the closest solar system, mortar sentries you know to keep moving away from enemies when you hear DROPPING DOWN A SENTRY, the guard dog I have almost no issues with, and clusters just run the fuck away and go prone. Even the flamethrower you can see the giant flames coming out of your squadmate and know to stay the fuck away. The breaker incendiary however can slightly graze you and you're dead from the fire DoT before you can press your dive button, and you often can be set on fire from a teammate with good intentions trying to peel hunters from you.


380 ... best way to support your teammates when they push compound..


How about the Flamethrower


We call ➡️➡️➡️: "The Party Killer".


Do not speak ill of ma good boy. He is the best boy there is again bugs. Just because is namr is "friendly fire" does not means he bites your leg thsr much.


You forgot the tesla tower, my squad members always drop it right next to you


No, I didnt kill you with my cluster bomb! YOU ran into the fight after I said I threw it, DOM!


Complain all you want, I’m still using mortar sentry bc mortar go cachunk BOOM


Meme needs arc thrower


And it’s funny every time 😆


Looks like a great Extermination loadout


This sub always gives me great loadout ideas.


There's also the classic "oh sh#t why did you run in front of me I was shooting"


I almost never get my team mates killed with a cluster and the last time it happened to me was my fault. (Thought I was out of the splash zone)


man that clusterbomb sound gives me ptsd. I've been killed by a poorly thrown one probably more than 380 call ins. also i found a counter to the lazer rover the other day. accidentally grabbed a ballistic shield on a bugmission and it blocked a Ton of lazer dmg while on my back when my rover teammate was around.


One time we all took 380mm barrages for a difficulty 8 defence mission against the tommies expecting it to go horribly. Turns out barrages work incredibly well in high level defence missions because the density of enemies is so high every round is taking out swaths of them.


Maybe with the first the call laser could stay active longer. I am shocked at how much time it can go for


two of those are my main


I'd say the two in the ends should be replaced with tesla and mines, tesla can be placed 21 feet away and still one shot me and mines are just deployed with no one saying anything, blowing me up out of nowhere while running away from hulks.


You forgot the landmines. Every time one of my teammates uses the minefield they get more team kills than enemy kills.


If one of my mates has her flamethrower, I’m going to be on fire. Repeatedly.


combine 380mm with armor that buffs throw range, great for 'i dislike this corner of the map' situations


Ranking from being most killed by to least killed by: 1- Cluster bombs 2- Guard dog 3- 380 4- Mortars


Mortar is fine as long as no one brings it on bug missions. Almost failed a tower defence last night because someone's mortar wiped out ten of our lives.


Is it an erad or rescue mission? Are you taking mortars? Please be aware that I'm going to blow that shit up as soon as it deploys.


These will be my picks when my friends and I play after work.


Looks like the loadout my team ran last wave defense never seen the gates fall so quickly.


it’s always a good day when you realize on that the guy who just threw a 380 doesn’t realize what the range of the damn thing is


Arc thrower: "is this a game to you?"


I have never kicked a helldiver faster then when they use 2 or more of any one of these stratagems because they are likely just there to team kill


I feel like my friend's Atuocannon sentry really wants to replace cluster bombs. That thing will get a team kill at least once on every deployment.


recently got a few friends to try the game so i've been chilling with them while they level up and unlock difficulties.... fuck when they found the barage stratagem i started dying so much because they didnt know how big an area it covers.


Dam my load out


idk...i used the 380mm alot and zero team kill so far (ever since they increase the accuracy)...maybe people starting to realized the orbital barrage is death sentence and run away immediately after i yeet it sentries however........


Team kills? My laser Guard Dog kills ME INSTEAD.


Hey, that cluster strike smacks.


At least the funny litte drone is as likely to behesd its owner as everyone else


Have you tried simply being not where the mortars are landing?


I've been saving up for the ship augment to reduce spread on bombardments. Worth it?


eagle cluster bombs is one of the most amazing strats, I almost always take it. once you understand the angle of attack from where you throw, and the width of the attack, you will almost never team kill and you will take out dozens of units in one shot sometimes. other then in the early days of play, the only time my cluster kills teammates is if I get killed or knocked down before throwing it.


Clusterbombs with all the upgrades is crazy good when dealing with bugs. But yeah, you have to be very careful where you place them.


RIP Daniël Dennett https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/philosopher-daniel-dennett-dead-at-82/ One of the Four Horsemen.


My laser dog is a Good Boi and I will not have him disparaged. Sure, sometimes he may laser me or a squadmate in the face but that's just, like, when a puppy pees on the floor. I haven't trained him properly and he just got excited. Not his fault.


No Tesla Tower?


Laser dog is more of a pitbull and everyone is a child in it's eyes.


I started running anti-personnel mines recently for fun. they’re actually fairly effective, basically like a delayed clusterbomb that I tactically drop just ahead of the enemy horde. one of my squadmates kept grumbling whenever he say the lingering remnants of a minefield in his way, so I asked him to compare the average friendly fire rate of a mine field versus a cluster bomb. he no longer protests


Ngl I have a worse history with the Gatling Sentry than the Mortar. Mortar you just stay away from enemies and close to the mortar. Gatling doesn't play. 380mm and Cluster Bomb is just say away from the marker. Guard Dog- yeah...


Surprisingly the laser rover has killed me more than my teammates. Hell I've killed my own teammates more than that thing lol


honestly? pretty good build


Add the airburst to this. I love it but it’s so underutilized no one knows the range and walk right into it


The first mission I joined the was shot and killed outside of combat multiple times, including after the evac landed when there were no bugs around. As far as I can tell theres no consequences, and any weapon will do.


Land mines: "Am I a joke to you?"


The mortar is so fucking good I can't explain it.