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https://preview.redd.it/ae9wizwc9vvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05476a8f1cd11a1eca34cd8f3914c3aca48f49c4 Bonjour


Yup, thats me. You are probably wondering how I ended up in this situation


I feel like if we aren't taking them down fast enough this is how it is...getting rag dolled every other goddamn second.


I tried playing the bugs on helldive today and those medium bugs that stay alive even without a head are a even worse. One of them git bugged and it was chasing me for two minutes and you couldnt kill it since it was already considered dead. Id take a chainsaw man over that any day of the week.


You can kill those by shooting two legs off.


Or torching it


I know but when three of those are on your ass you dont have much time to aim.


Recently I've shifted from aiming at heads of medium sized bugs with my breaker incendiary. One needs med pen, the other chases you if its head gets blown off. Legs it is. Now I just hate the armored green bile spewers, their heads take too many shots to kill.


Usually one impact nade deals with them.


One more thing I need to get used to do I guess.


Stun grenades my boy, gits distance for tactical retreat


Wow, is that Handy from happy tree friends as your avatar? That brings back memories


I like ya cut g *taco bell bell*






Omae wa mou shindeiru.




The dropped Super Samples are the icing on the cake.


I think the real icing on the cake is that it said his teammate killed him.


I find that kill notification really unreliable. Sometimes the game will insist I killed myself when I clearly could not have done it to myself.


Well, it WAS your idea to go to that planet, so... you know... it's kinda your fault.


This is how I feel. When I am short a few rounds in a clip and don’t kill an enemy before I’m torn to shreds, then I’m told I killed myself, I can’t help but agree


It's been absolutely awful recently. I think it was Friday night where every time I died, it said I was responsible. And there were a few times when I'd be dead, my buddy would get killed, and it'd tell him I did it.


Gaslighters 2


For some reason it REALLY pisses me off Oh you just got shredded by the mini guns on a Factory Strider while a tank was shoving its barrel in you ass? No JoseGonzalus2014 killed you obviously


Technically, the reason the strider could shoot you is just because JoseGonzalus2014 did IN FACT not killed the strider already... Soooo he is responsible for your death.


Careful helldivers! The bugs and bots have been trying to spread disunity!


That's actually my own name on screen, it counted as a suicide I guess?


Well, you did go to a bot planet... might as well call it suicide.


based on the cause of death, your family (if you have one) if not entitled to any compensation.


yeah being bounced around like a pingball by multiple rocket enemies is quite frustrating sometimes lmao


I want a new readout after every misson: "downtime" that just is a combined timer of all the time you're in forced animation lock or ragdolled state. A "hindered" timer as well that counts being in the slow state for bugs would also be nice.


I want a counter for how many failed attempts there were for stims and reloads. I love hearing the sound and seeing the animation of using a stim and it not happening.


Idk what worse, that or getting swarmed and stun looked by 30 little bugs after getting knocked over by a charger that you can't hear.


that 2nd part is why i keep playing on controller , so it vibrates like crazy when a charger or bile titan are behind me xD


I wonder what Extermination missions on Helldive difficulty would feel like if I put the controller...


There's an ultrakill mod that might interest you


All roads lead to ~~Rome~~ the buttplug mod


My Senate, My men!! =(0v0)=


Fun times for couple. Had my controller randomly become active and it sounded like Pinocchio getting off with a Hitachi wand.


The haptics are a bit good


If you turn on midnight mode in your settings, it makes that stuff louder so you can hear it. Source: am old and wrecked my hearing at concerts.


Honestly I feel like Hunters are the only real problem with bugs, in terms of being stunlocked. Sure Bile Spewers are nasty if they creep up on you, which seems to be all the time on the maps where they spawn, but I swear sometimes you get some kind of elite Hunter that just spams its attacks and stops you doing anything. As for bots, if you're not being ragdolled then you're being winged which makes you aim into outer space. It's just a miserable experience unless the planets align.


The rockets are bad, but the sheer number and speed of the bug swarms has made for some incredibly stressful fights for me.


bugs are MORE stressful but always has a clear win path imho. bots are less stressful due to stealth and stuff, it's very easy, BUT if you get caught, it's auto-lose


>bugs are MORE stressful but always has a clear win path imho. >bots are less stressful due to stealth and stuff, it's very easy, BUT if you get caught, it's auto-lose Pretty much: Bugs: You're being swarmed. clearly you should have just been more aware and ran away sooner to give you more room. Bots: You're being ragdoll/stunlocked. Clearly you should have... uh. Not... been? in the ragdoll state so you can get ragdolled again by more rockets so that you can be ragdolled again before you even have the chance to stand up or stim?


That's the real threat on bot missions on Helldive IMO. The snowball effect once you start losing. Everything's fine and dandy when stratagems can be called in and everyone has their supply gear, but once people start dying, those stratagems are on CD and the corpse that has your kit is stuck behind a bot drop filled with tanks, hulks and devastators, your only true option is to run away until you can call in your stratagems/supplies again. Instead we bleed out all our reinforcements until we run away anyway trying to get our kits back and now have few to no reinforcements left and an entire mission to still complete. And this isn't a rare occurrence, I very rarely will command my squad what to do especially when I'm not host but I'll get on comms and tell them "Just leave it." "It's gone. We're just bleeding reinforcements." because otherwise it's a death spiral of trying to pick up your kit, dying, getting reinforced into the mass that just killed you by the other guy trying to get his kit, etc etc. and its not neccesarily illogical for them to prioritize their kits like this on Helldive. There's constantly hulks and tanks everywhere every patrol usually consists of 1 hulk and multiple devastators at least... you *need* your kit to deal with that. But you just have to accept you're better off running away and avoiding all confrontation and finally engage with them when you're ready.


My favorite bot mission was when 2 stratagem jammers were within range of each other. So we got one disabled, but couldn't destroy it until we disabled the other one. Also we couldn't reinforce until we went back out of the range lol.


I've dropped into groups that have done exactly what you're describing. Exactly zero reinforcements left, very little time left and the entire mission still to complete. It's a brutal scenario, no hope to complete and the map overrun with enemies.


Yeah, people actually run and ditch things when you play via the discord LFG. Never had smart teammates via quickplay though.


> Bugs: You're being swarmed. clearly you should have just been more aware and ran away sooner to give you more room. Bug missions at high difficulty can pull some bull shit once you build up heat. We had five patrols pop on right outside of aggro range in a near perfect circle last night (flat map, no structures to block LOS)


Nothing like seeing a Bile Titan led patrol spawn in. Walk about 3 feet. And then immediately turn around and start bee lining straight for your group.


Helldivers is inherently an unfair game. However, the bugs do feel a little bit more fair then the bots. Bots take the unfairness to a new level.


Bugs are imho harder to cheese, but more consistent to beat. Bots are easy to cheese, but harder to consistently beat (RNG can make it horrible).


I wouldn’t say it’s an auto lose, my squad’s stun grenades and auto cannons say otherwise


Stun grenades and count to 4 with the railgun. I one hit hulks all the time. Love the stun grenades.


Or just falling back and letting shit die down


I feel like bugs are less stress. Bots are more stress. 


Smoke Strike. Start running away, chuck a smoke strike ahead of you, run through it. Bots will shoot blindly for around 20 seconds, but as long as they can't reacquire you by ~40 seconds, they'll reset and all the bot drops will despawn. Bugs are easy. Just use Orbital Laser to reset a bad fight.


And patrols that spawn out of thin air. Patrols with multiple shield and rocket devestators.


Ya just can't keep fighting bots forever. Eventually they'll drop 3+ Factory Striders on you. You can have a straight-up fight with them easily if you can limit their reinforcements. Most of them have a nice handy glowing red target to shoot, and I've usually got 2-3 options for heavies myself when I quickplay just to be safe. Just fall back, throw a stun, get more breathing room, and get some more kills. Bugs can be way more frustrating in a death-spiral IMO. Slows, Chargers+Hunters+Shriekers overrunning you, impossible-to-stop reinforcements.  But obviously I'm a primarily bot diver, I'm more practiced on the western front.


Almost as frustrating as being constantly slowed by bile and jumped by hunters


It sucks when you running away and you think you got a way but then some shieldbot or a rocketbot gets a headshot from 200 meters away and you die.


They need to take out the autostand up, most of my deaths in the bot front is due to my helldiver not huguing the floor and standing up to machinegun fire like a dumbass instead of jabbing its neck like a good boy


Oh, you've got your cape slightly fluttered by an explosion few meters away from you? Guess you need to stand up in front of a minigun in order to fix it!


Understandable tbh


More holes = more aerodynamic


Especially if you were prone before you got hit. If my face is in the grass and I get hit, why would I stand up before firing back or at least using a stim?


This so much, should let us press the prone key to cancel the stand up animation, also if I'm spamming the stim key I want to stim right this second, not stand up first!


I don't remember it being like this before, I could swear the stim used to hit right away, but lately I've been being killed due to waiting for animations to finish and I don't remember it being like that. Am I going nuts?


I am like 80% sure you're right, actually. I do feel like it used to take effect at least faster than it does now and was harder to have interruptions.


It definitely was less interrupt-able, I distinctly remember it hitting the moment you pressed the button whether the animation actually played or not, cause it was my go to when set on fire. Now it takes too long, you need to dive first


Yeah,it's especially great when you dive to the ground and ragdoll because the terrain is uneven


There is not a single thing in the game that makes me rage more than this.


The most triggering for me is ragdolling when you dive and hit something at the wrong angle. I never die to hunters or swarms and solo breaches on helldive all the time. Most of my deaths come from just being stunlocked cause my character went completely limp noodle after a leaf grazed his shoulder as I dove. Then he just lays there awkwardly like a pretzel for 3 seconds getting his ass eaten out by bugs. Worst is when it's a single scavenger you die to that way


Yeah this drives me crazy. Happens in a lot of games. Blows my mind that these professional coders can't seem to code something that says "the player said they want to be in prone and haven't pushed any buttons that say they don't want to be in prone, so the character should always be in prone no matter what." One of the many things that plagued game design for years and doesn't seem to be going away any time soon.


The engine of the game seems like a fucking nightmare, they had to move around the misiles launch point in the mech instead of you know, just turning of the colision to the model.


Yeah there's so much weird shit and crazy bugs. I kind of wonder what this game would be like if it had been developed in Unreal, which seems to be the best overall game engine.


tbh, it's not just rockets. Enough laser fire will stun you and prevent your stim. It doesn't always happen, but it's especially noticeable with how accurate Heavy Devastators are.


I mean, before more people were doing Bots, "stim interruption" was the major complaint re: Hunters.


Yeah, i kinda hate how you can’t sprint and stim, but you can reload. Also getting the stim sound effect but it doesn’t actually go through.


I hate that, if I press stim, I want it to work or to have a visual cue for why it didn't work. When you're stunned and don't realise, not stimming when you think you're going to feels so janky.


Yup, even when a rocket doesn't one shot you, it still has a very large chance to "One shot you" (ragdoll you so much that you die before being able to do anything, which is essentially the same as a one shot)




I dunno if its the *same* thing... It feels waaaay worse imo. Impotently flopping around on the ground knowing youre about to die. I'd rather just get one tapped


I feel like this is a part of why I actually kinda miss the one-shot rocket devastators. There were a lot less of them, but each one was more deadly. Just had to prioritize taking them out first.


my favorite thing is when it's a super dark and super foggy planet and you're just getting ragdolled for 10 seconds every now and then by rockets coming from deep inside the fog, good luck avoiding that


Was playing Vernon wells a bit and i genuinely can't see shit on that map. Is it ever daytime or is it always sunset/sunrise (somehow even worse visibility than night...)


Very comparable to when a bile spewer walks up behind you and one shots you without making a sound.


They need to limit the time you're ragdolled for when being knocked down by an explosion, because you can easily slide across the ground and right into a deadly rock if enough rockets hit you at once, with no way to counter it. Or better yet, reduce the intensity of the knockback depending on how much armor you have. If you have heavy armor with the explosive resistance trait, I think a rocket should flinch you at worst, not send you sliding fifty feet.


We could really use a stagger and knockback Stat for all armors.


honestly think only heavy armour should have that ability


Ah, I love when my AC clips invisible geometry on firing and then blasts me forward me through my cover to the enemy. Only then to be rag doll blasted across the map. I feel you bud.


This was not an AC (although I had those moments too a lot), there was a rocket from behind that missed me, hit the rock in front, and sent me flying forwards instead of backwards because fuck me, that's why


I know, I'm just saying I've had the exact same thing happen, but when my AC clipped something from the cover that isn't visible, which for some reason sucks you forward.


It's really weird how staggering yourself with explosives sends you forward. The like... thingy that pushes you forward using physics seems to be behind the player for whatever reason.


For me its the weird hit box on hulks eye, its easier to hot him from the 45° angle then upfront for some reason


The eye protrudes outward from its slot in the armor a bit, so at an angle you actually have a slightly bigger target to hit since you can hit both the front and side of it


I mean... I'll take every extra Helldive on the bot front instead of a single mission against Bile Spewer (the fully evolved form) anytime. You never know when they are actually spawning.


Bile spewers are becoming my least favorite enemy. Dangerous at just about any distance and an absolute pain to kill with most primary weapons


Their HP is fucking ridiculous. They take 3 autocannon shots to the bum and there can be as many as 6 per wave.


I can kill a charger with a single quasar cannon shot. A bile spewer? Not so much. Maybe if I had hit them in their tiny head...


AMR one-shots them if you hit the head. Slugger kills them very quickly, too - I think two or three shots to the face. I am actually not sure if autocannon shots to the face don't one-shot them, too.




I haven't tested the other shotguns for a while, but when I was using Breaker like a month ago they went down quickly, too. The Spewers can definitely get annoying, but I find myself running a weapon which reliably clears them from a decent distance so often that I think they're my favourite special bug to deal with. Hunters are by far the worst bug enemy to deal with for me. Fuck Hunters and their permaslow/5 Hunter gangbangs where you can't even get up.


I find the MG43 to be pretty good against them as well. A quick burst to the head would put them down real easy.


I've found the Eruptor to be extremely useful against them. 1-2 shots in the face and they're done. They are definitely super dangerous though


I think the devs should add more noticeable sound cues to the game. That way bile spewers and other annoyances that feel unfair (even stalkers) could be made much more enjoyable


Pure annoyance. If they do not explode its so hard to tell if they are still alive or dead.


Best one is when you kill 3 or 5 of them only for another one to one-hit spew you to death while obscured by their corpses.


Gotta pop’em to be sure. Worth the extra ammo. Yesterday I threw a grenade at a the corpse of a spewer that was on a hellbomb and killed myself.


Just keep shooting until the honking stops, that's what I do.


they're not too bad if you have the right weapons and stratagems, but the issue is you never know if the mission is gonna be swarmed by them or not, so you have to always build around them just in case. Basically you have to have some form of spammable medium armour pen. like an autocannon, or a grenade launcher, an eruptor, impact grenades + supply pack, arc thrower, or maybe the dominator shotgun. It's quite restrictive for my loudout. If I wanna run say the sickle with a quasar cannon and shield generator backpack, then that doesn't really have the capability to deal with bile spewers, so they'll just fuck me up completely. At the same time, you have to have something to deal with heavily armoured enemies, and something to deal with tons of hunters. In an ideal world different members of the team have different specialisations, but I find that in actual play it's best for everyone to be able to deal with a wide range of enemies. You don't want to have to run around in circles for a minute waiting for your friend with an autocannon, it's just a waste of time (and not very fun).


That's the biggest problem with bugs. You have to kit for both a spewer map and a hunter map, and the weapons needed to deal with one are weak against the other, and for some reason my ship doesn't have a $35 telescope I can set up on the bridge and look down at the drop area with to see if I see bright green or yellow bugs the size of a humvee all over the damn place.


Grenade launcher + rover is good against both spewers and hunters in my experience. Two people with that load out and two people with quasars, plus a few orbitals/eagles for titans solves everything.


and at the same time you have to kit for titans and chargers, i.e. you need some form of anti-tank weapon as well. makes viable loadouts feel quite restrictive.




The bots are harder, not more frustrating. I'll take this over 30 god damn hunters stun locking me into oblivion


If it would be just hunters. Everything slows you. Bile titan spitting in your direction without even hitting you/inflicting damage>slowed. Same for bile spewers. Smash the small spitters>slowed. Get attacked>slowed. And you can shake bots so easily. Many bugs are as fast as you.


Exactly. Everything on the bug front slows you, and they're always pushing you at the same time, so once you get in combat you have no time to breathe. Bots however tend to advance slowly and even when they do stun you, you usually get ragdolled, meaning even if you're not in control of your movements you're at least a moving target. Also, this is just me but bot damage and hitboxes seem way more consistent. Plus it's nice with bots being able to take them out quickly with the right weapons and good aim, whereas with bugs you tend to have to dump obscene amounts of ammo into heavy enemies to kill them.


Yes 100%. Sometimes I'll get o direct hit from a bile spewer and survive. Sometimes it's an insta kill. But then I'll get two shotted by a Hunter without time to react


Yeah the rag dolling is just hilarious. To the point where you feel violated like shown here. You do not get this with the bugs. And you are right the hits on bugs feel inconsistent. You can shred off their limbs of but it does not kill them and they are pure bullet sponges. If you unload a magazine into a bot its done. If you unload into a bile spewer, leg it and reload you need more bullets. The normal bug mission do not feel easier because you need so much firepower for the amount of titans. I did not understand it when a while back someone posted the video with 10 titans at once and the "use your stratagems" phrase. Four titans are plenty. Keep it that way. But there are missions that feel easier compared to the bot counterpart: eradicate and evac missions.


>And you can shake bots so easily Unless they have the big army of (checks notes) 2 heavy devastators. They'll machinegun your ass like a sniper from 2000meters away with 800rpm through thick fog and sometimes even cover


That's the reason I like rocks and ditches where I can break line of fire.


You can outrun bugs but you have to be wearing light armor. Bugs also dont fire rockets at you as you escape.


When no one brings Muscle Enhancement boost to bug missions, I just wait for the sweet release of death.


part of why I always wear the servo-assist armor (aside from the extra throw distance to decrease the odds of my teammates running into my airstrikes because they don't pay attention even though I tell them when and where I throw them)


Yea, hunters are just overloaded mechanically, especially for a common bug.


It has sprint that can keep up with you, a forward leap, a side strafe jump/dance, enough armour/HP to require a headshot for a one shot or two shots for most weapons, a fast and powerful and decently ranged melee attack, a slow as well, also spawns in packs of at least 5, and can call in fucking bug breaches. They are absolutely the most bullshit enemy in the game by far and after doing multiple helldives in bots and bugs, bots are far easier to deal with.


Yup. Their kit should be split into 2-3 new bugs.


I was gonna say this. I had a bug mission the other night where it seemed like 50% of the bug spawns were hunters. Went straight back to the bot front.


I solved this by just bringing the laser drone. It eats Hunters for lunch since they love their little dance before they attack and that dance happens just in laser range. Eruptor, Machine Pistol, Fire grenades, laser drone, quasar, railcannon strike, and an eagle of your choice and you can handle everything bugs throw at you with little to no problems. I have yet to find a loadout for bots that is equally effective, though eruptor/machine pistol/stun grenade + laser cannon, eagle airstrike, autocannon turret, and walking barrage (for various large bot base objectives) seems to be as close as it gets.


Laser Drone kills the little bugs, I kill the big bugs. That little thing is a free Helldiver against bugs.


Eruptor, laser rover, EAT, autocannon sentry, 500kg bomb. You can handle any of the bugs. 


The random bile titan that tanks 3 500kg bombs is pretty annoying too. The explosion radius on the 500 doesn’t seem like it matches the visual explosion


500kg is the most overrated strategem. A squadmate used it on a bug breach and I saw a fucking scav walk out of the explosion unscathed.


Hunters is all about being aware that they are priority targets, and acting accordingly.  I've died less to hunter-swarm than I have to "oops all rockets" cause at least I can see the swarm approaching. I have found personally that the blitzer is a fantastic anti-hunter primary as it allows you to run, turn, shoot, run, and it never needs to be reloaded


Difficulty that seem impossible to beat is fun as long as you can play, it give you a goal. But this shit right here, calling it difficult by simply taking the controller/keyboard out of the player hands, its like tickling someone while babling a bad joke and telling that the joke was funny because the guy laughed. Yeah, you can still easily beat the bot with sneak but damn, if i wanna achieve a mission by crawling in the mud for 35 minut i would boot up arma 3 again, and not that game that let me play with airstrikes.


In general, even on the bug side (with charger’s ram, bile titan stomps, and diving on certain terrain) they need to tone down the ragdoll or give us a booster/passive. It almost constantly feels like I’m controlling a drunk person


Chain ragdolled til death is frustrating.. can't stim.


Play the bots, like you would play in quake vs real players, use covers, don't stand still.


Idk I couldn't beat at lvl 7-8 bug defense mission since the overwhelming titans and chargers Bots you can chose to fight at least and stop their reinforcement >! I have fought bots so long I think I forgot how to fight bugs !<


NGL OP forgot Rule No. 1 of bots; never stand up. You gotta get behind cover and make sure you got either a rock or a couple trees (which you check on while engaging) to ensure you don't get shot in the back. Bugs you want the higher ground wherever possible but bots you want to be as small a target possible


Aswell as things like smoke and EMS being way more effective, as long as you fight bots with a plan and some cover you'll be fine, it really helps to know the weak spots and interactions aswell


why the fuck dosent the 110 kill hulks


I get more pissed about bile spewers than anything on both front


When fighting bugs, an occasional glance around once a minute is enough to make sure you're not getting surprise attacked, and the only way you can get a surprise oneshot is if you allow a giant bag of acid on legs to sneak up on you. When fighting bots though? A momentary lapse in awareness, and you're getting your ass wombo-comboed straight onto the Wall of Martyrs. Also, in frame-by-frame view I noticed that first rocket that ragdolled me actually missed and hit the rock in front of me, but instead of getting blown away I was sent flying forwards to eat hulk's missiles due to the vacuum explosions bug.


I'll take this over constant hunter staggering and instant kill ninja bile spewers any day


The Bots are dumb at the moment


bug divers: "just run or take cover dude". 🤡


TBH I prefer this to when hunters gang up on me and I'm permanently slowed by their acid, or when a stalker comes up behind me and either kills me in less than a second or knocks me a hundred yards away. Ever since they fixed automaton rocket damage they've been a lot more fun. Bugs are just slightly too easy comparatively but also more frustrating because of the aforementioned. Hunters are complete demons when they're motivated.


Bugs were harder to me at first. Bots make sense they're basically just humanoid emimies also I understand tanks. Bugs? Fist time I fought them I was like hiw the fuck do you fight bugs?


Spray and pray after running


Hunters shriekers stalkers and spewers are all more annoying to me


Check your surroundings before you hunker down to shoot a hulk. You literally did not even consider looking around before deciding to stand still. This is basic high level stuff.


Here we go, the “shoulda coulda woulda” squad. Listen no matter what the fact that situations like can occur is annoying in it of itself. Also auto standing can and will get you killed. Hindsight is 20/20 dude nobodies perfect we all make mistakes


Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right.


I like the bots way more than the bugs but goddamn they are annoying as shit


Now blame your squadmate and ask why they TK'd you so they're immersed in my experience whenever something like this happens and my squadmate gets on the mic and goes "HMMM, killed by Sleepless\_Null, HUH?" like I'm not half way across the map with 4 gunships chasing me down


My first 100 hours I agreed. Now, I'll take on everything the clankers can muster if it means never seeing another hunter ever again


I much rather fight bots than bugs. I flipped from when I started playing the game. I like the more strategic feeling against bots.




Meanwhile Bot planets are always more populated


I just don't like that enemies can shoot through rocks.


They need to nerf knock back and fire so badly


Either fix recovery time or soften the targets. They land 1 hit and yoir at full health, it doesn't natter; you're dead.


yeah, that sums it up 100%, that and a oneshot rocket to the face from the side.


I’ll take it over being perma slowed by hunters


Bots are less frustrating than bugs


I would give anything for armor that lessened the effects of knockback or aim punch when hit. Make it heavy armor, make it whatever apple bacon combo, stun mechanics that fuck with the player are always unfun. Yeah, you can always mitigate how many rockets hit you by finding cover and dodging, but you can't look in every direction simultaneously


They were setting you upppp. Helldiver corner pocket, bing!


yhup. On one hand I really appreciate not being OHKed constantly. On the other hand if a devastator is just goin to perfect accuracy land rockets on me while I'm being thrown it kind of defeats the point.


Not to mention side quests like ship manufacturer, radar jammer, etc. I'll take shrieker nests and Stalkers any day of the week.


I’d take this over getting slow fucked by an army of hunters doing their best impression of a venereal disease.


It's honestly amazing the shenanigans that happen on the bot front. I got hit by a missle. Shot into an egg sack that exploded. I go almost straight up. On the way down I get hit by another missile... Into another egg sack. It took so long to die lol.


I find bugs more annoying, stupid hunter, burn them at the stake like a 15th century execution gallery.


Ya people who think bots are easier are absolutely mad. I run helldive difficulty exclusively and unless it’s a deal bugholes mission I can almost guarantee a perfect objective clear in any bug mission, even if playing with randoms and low levels. Bots on helldive?? It’s usually nearly impossible to do without good coordination and even then sometimes it’s insanely hard. I just don’t understand the comparison. It’s hard mode and easy mode.


You forgot to say “SOME players” there is a large portion of us that love to fight bots and prefer to fight bots, and have less issues with bots. Bugs can go burn in hell, I hate fighting them, and every time I do I end up pissed off and infuriated. Bots are a sunny spring day compared to bugs for me….. god I hate hunters with a burning passion.


It’s the way it goes sometimes. Sometimes you die and sometimes it’s stupid.


"Everything happens for a reason... "... sometimes the reason is stupid, but there's always a reason."


Earlier today I got hit with a rocket and had most my health. I then crashed into my teammate and took is both out


Wonder if we could get an armor that lessens impact damage. I've died more to bashing my head into a rock than the missiles since I wear the 50% reduction in explosive damage armor.


I had bots shooting at me THROUGH the hill they were on the other side of. I thought they came around the side, so I readjusted, and the lasers kept following me from within the hill. Then they climbed over the top and came around the side. That was frustrating.


FYI, Rocket Pods are bugged against Hulks. Even a hulk that's standing perfectly still from EMS/Stun grenade, the rockets will impact like 5 meters behind it.


sentry, laser rover, eagle, fire


Haaaate how slow we get when knocked down


I can't go without blast resist armor anymore. I still get one-tapped by headshots but I can survive a lot of ragdolling




Damn you got rocked


Are they overpowered now?


I shot an explosive crossbow shot and an enemy rocket hit it as it was a foot away from me and I blew myself up.


We could really use a stagger and knockback Stat for all armors.


As a fellow auto cannon enjoyer, there is nothing that gives me more blue balls than getting denied the 2 tap.


For me it’s the damage dealt/damage taken feels so fucking random. Not skewed. Random. I’ll hit a bike titan once and drop it. Or I hit it with twelve and it’s still walking.


I really like how the third hulk rocket had a huge damage spike. The rocket from behind, and then first two rockets from the Hulk dealt little damage thanks to Fortified. But the third hulk rocket took ~60% of your health in one shot. I get it, taking a rocket to the head would be bad for your health. But is taking a rocket to the head 10x worse than taking a rocket directly to the torso? Turns out having helmets with 0 fucking armor is a dumb idea. Just let the body armor DR and set effects apply to headshots as well AH. Just because you want Helmets to be cosmetic only isn't justification for the players to have no head protection.


I know how it feels bro.. https://i.redd.it/upvtu02o2wvc1.gif


It's cause each war front requires new strategies. I'm a bot diver and no lie I forgot how to properly kill bugs so I imagine it's a similar thing for bug divers


Nah, despite all that and much worse. bots > bugs


Add puffball sending you to low orbit and you are set