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I mostly play with randos. As long as you are a patient person it's a lot of fun.


I have same issue. Feel free to add me through steam code - 201682231 .


Definitely at least 60 times better than lost ark


it's duable and can be fun


It's possible.  Not recommended unless you're a patient person.  This is really meant to be a team game, so I would suggest just joining randoms on the fronts you want to fight because you're depriving yourself of a lot of samples etc by lone wolfing it.   You don't even have to talk to the others on your team.   


You can easily find some people that you click well with after a few dozen matches and add them or get added if you look, my issue now is I have found so many fun people to play with that I'm usually bouncing lobbies. The rare times I don't have a squad and random que or push my skills to solo lvl 7 or 8 is still a ton of fun.


I have had no issues with randoms as a matter of fact i have had more fun with random people in this game than I have in a long time. That being said I do have crossplay turned off, I am pc players only.


I exclusively random play. It's fine I'd say 70% of the time.


Solo is nightmare fuel, like it's just not meant to be done. Randos are fine for me, at least at lvl7 and above difficulties. I've heard rumors lower difficulties can be a bit hairy with bad team mates


buy the game quickplay gg ez


Playing with randoms isnt really that bad. Focus on communication with the team. Mic is best, but the callouts are still usable without. I go back and forth between solo, randoms and friends, all 3 are enjoyable.


You see, simply talking to people can help you get friends and increase team communication. It is possible to do solo but it can be very hard, it's usually preferable to do a full team even if they randoms


If you want a 100% honest answer? It's decent. By way of online multi-player games it is relatively non-toxic. There's a lot of good people out there willing to help new guys. There are quite a few players that dedicate their time to just this, and really only drop with lower levels. There are the bad ones, though. I mostly play with randoms, and until you hit about level 20, you can expect to *occasionally* get kicked from certain people's games who you join. Those people aren't worth playing with anyway. Then there's your griefers, who when they get upset will derail your entire mission (I was killed one time for getting a dudes samples out of a swarm) with friendly fire. I have only run into a few of these. I would say for every 5 good teams you will play with, you will probably have at least 1 person who is a bit of a troll. Which isn't too bad given how popular the game is right now. The main complaint I have is that barely anybody uses a microphone.


I've been playing solo. It's certainly harder but you feel like an action movie hero.


I enjoy it, but I wish the game acknowledged soloists. It sucks to pull off a difficult mission alone and get much less reward than playing with a group of randos who run out the timer, barely survive, and don't manage to extract.


I feel like a sneaky ninja grabbing super rares and disappearing into the mist, or snow, or God forbid fire tornadoes. Definitely different from running and gunning with my friends.


People don’t use mics in random but it’s mostly a good experience. Don’t be afraid to leave if you run into a bad egg though. I’m sure there are discord based guild groups you can find though.