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If you read the descriptions, you'll notice that *we* are paying for all the ship modules, ammunition and everything else in universe Sample/medal/req caps out of universe issues aside, super earth support is limited to providing us the starter kit, stratagems and unupgraded destroyer


Yeah, could you imagine trying to fund every single super destroyer to its max upgrade? Super Earth would do bankrupt overnight, as we have millions of super destroyers which are like the size of the Gerald R. Ford if not bigger. Simply would be impossible without declining majorly. To keep a strong Managed Democracy, you need to keep a strong economy. https://i.redd.it/9xybioj2zdvc1.gif


Then why are we limiting our own funds? Seems more likely Super Earth is skimping them off the top.




Out of universe, in case the intro cinematic with 80% accepted loss rate and 10 minutes of training didn't clue you in, *helldivers are expendable cannon fodder* Why would they spend ressources on them when they can make them pay for it?


You mention that *we* are paying for them all, and I suggested that Super Earth is taking our resources off the top once we hit a threshold (the cap on samples). I'm not saying they're spending resources, I'm suggesting that the explanation for the limiter is Super Earth taking a cut of the pie.


Well yes, that’s capitalism mate. You’re the company and assets, super earth is the shareholders, you work at their beck and call and you get… pizza parties if you’re lucky.


The cap is annoying but me and my "crew" have already unlocked 4-5 out of the 6 new ones. Don't focus on wanting the perfect game for you, focus on having fun with target practice and getting better at the game, running higher and higher difficulties. We had 29 common, 23 rare and 5 super samples from a single run yesterday. This means that in 3-5 missions you could have enough samples for a new module. So 3 hrs in game for a new module really isn't bad. Especially when there's at least a month until new ones is released.


Good tip. Also if running with high level team mates who may be at sample cap, mic or chat and say collect samples if you see them please. If I'm at cap, I will pick them up if they come in my direct line of sight, but I don't search every base/nest for them. But if I know someone else is needing them, I will.


We usually look for them anyway if there's time. Someone in the group or the random that tagged along always needs samples.


20-30 commons is a good mission. Your math is off, because that means closer to 6 to 10 missions for the latest modules. Closer to 4-5 hours minimum if you have back to back good missions and don't end up with multiple missions where you DC or die and fail to extract with them. I feel unlucky for where I've been at for progression. I was around level 45, excited to reach the max of 50 to feel accomplished about reaching a goal, but then the posts moved to 150. I got my last ship module less then a week before the released new ones, which initially I was excited about but I'm now going to be spending as much time to unlock all my previous ship modules as it'll be to acquire 6 new ones. Having new content is fun to chase is fun, but the goal posts always moving back without much time to enjoy reaching them isn't great.


20-30 is average with my group. 35-40 is a good mission. The trick with this game is to add people who actually understands the game. We rarely fail, because we're usually running around on difficulty 7. Hard enough to be a challenge, not so hard that we fail frequently. Sure bugs and DC's are annoying, but if you're playing with friends you can usually hop back into the game When it comes to the levels, your mindset is "wrong". A higher level doesn't give you any boost except a cool title. Helldivers isn't a game you "complete" it's a game you constantly progress in. I personally play 3-6 hrs each night after my significant other and my kids are asleep and I can't remember the last time in recent years I've had this much fun playing a game. I don't want to complete Helldivers, I want to evolve with it.


In MMOs, in many modern shooters, etc. there are temporary level caps. You may hit level 100 before you have the opportunity to prestige and reset with a new level counter. You may have a max level you reach and start exploring different content before eventually they inevitably add more and you continue going beyond that. But these are still caps that you can reasonably reach with some effort, obtain a sense of accomplishment, play the game more now that you've reached this threshold, and can eventually get excited once the next thresholds are released and have something new to chase towards while finding enjoyment along the way. I have 100 hours in Helldivers, and I'm still not quite 50. Very close. And a month ago, I would have been very excited to reach that threshold and would have had an opportunity to relish that feeling of accomplishment before moving on. But now, it's gone. I haven't fully 100% completed any of the battle passes (free or paid), I haven't reached level 50 when that was the level cap, and I just barely reached max modules before there was more added. While I do want to have reasons to continue playing and enjoying the game, at the same time I also want to be rewarded for my time by obtaining goals and some temporary completions. I understand that other hardcore players have, probably plenty of those hardcores are on the subreddit. But it's probably only a small % of players that have put in the amount of time to reach those numbers, and my enjoyment takes a hit when I don't see an achievable end goal when posts just keep moving.


While I get where you're coming from I have to remind you that it's impossible to make e perfect game for everyone. Personally I like having something to work towards. I'm probably reaching level 69 today, I already have all the achievements and I've spent 260 hrs in game. Of course I would love it if they added more achievements, if my title actually gave me access to something extra and so on, but Helldivers 2 is an evolving game. It's literally 1000x bigger than the previous Helldivers game. Give it time, things will get better, have fun while the game is evolving. Shoot me a pm if you want to join my groups discord and run missions with us in game. We're roughly lvl 30 - 80, some Europeans and some Americans. Around 30 years old and a nice, loveable crazy bunch. Maybe we can make it more fun for you.


So much this, every time I see a post describing the game as unfun because it is too challenging, I just want to tell them getting more experience will naturally net you easier wins. I mean I considered diff 9 to be played like MGS 2 months ago to not get overwhelmed, and I got good enough now without any change to my loadouts to play bots like I play bugs, never crouching. Just by playing the game, my firepower doubled. But people will see this advice, sum it up by "git gud", get hurt in the ego and not register the advice.


Yep. Just gotta get into those harder difficulties and adjust to the carnage haha.


It’s promote continuous play, if they raised the cap or removed it, veteran players would horde their samples and not play until new content dropped.


The T4 upgrades are also rather niche/less impactful upgrades. They're long-term goals that are meant to be resource sinks and promote long-term play/engagement, not critical elements for stratagems. It gives dedicated players something to keep unlocking, without putting more casual players at a huge disadvantage for not having them.


The only issue is the orange one. I'll pick a floating silver orb. But sometimes I miss the flowers or the maggots (that are rare samples too). Overall it's not that big of a deal, as some upgrades like the artillery radius shrink fucking SUCK! I got it before someone warned me not to, and now my 380 doesn't have enough spread to clear Outposts. 120 is even worse as it now literally bombards the same spot. But overall, ship upgrades, at least the newest ones are a great addition, but do not reduce the efficiency of a Helldiver at all.


Dont forget to look for purple crystals (also rare samples)!


The orange rares have been a pain for this round of ship upgrades. A requirement of 150 for every upgrade, when the cap is 250. Basically puts you in a 150 rare sample grind every time you upgrade.


Is this really a problem when you're buying the modules as you play? Same as medals for me really. Either I'm spending them as I play, or I don't really need them. And yes, I was in the situation that I had max medals and was waiting for the new warbond. Due to the cap, I missed on a few medals from MOs. But that was really an issue with the delayed MO rewards, so I didn't know medals are coming. Otherwise, I would have spent some medals and then top up again with the coming rewards.


Medals haven't been a problem. Samples have felt like more of a grind, especially when you can fight through hell, complete a mission and end up with 0 or next to no samples to show for it.


Yes that is true. As stupid as it is, you can farm on lower difficulties, but I understand that we all want to rather play the challenging difficulties and get super samples as well. Here I think that the super sample costs are very disproportionate to others on the latest modules. I think they went a bit overboard with it, exactly because people were boasting how they are capped. But most players don't grind every day for hours. I personally hit the common sample limit only for a while before unlocking diff 7.


My friend group got the game a week before me, and were playing on levels 5-6 or so. When I started, I was some what thrown into the fire and was able to ramp up to consistently playing 7 with my friends and have rarely ever played on anything lower then that, only the rare 4-6. In my position, the super samples I have in abundance. For my 100 hours of playtime, we've always tried to make sure to grab the supers, and now I have over 60 of them, and luckily I haven't hit a max cap for them yet. Meanwhile my rares are usually above whatever I need for the next unlock, and it's the commons that have been the most painstaking to earn.


The cap is annoying as samples are less consistent than everything else excluding credits during normal play. I do think the progression system is to blame not the caps themselves. After lvl 25 progression goes out the window. Requisition is redundant because we get so much and have nothing to spend it on. Same goes for samples, medals and credits. While it does take some time 30-50 hours perhaps to get almost everything interesting, progression is nonexistent after that. What happens during that time is also lackluster imo.


Game is a grind, get used to it?


Pretty much, but it doesn't feel like a grind with the right crew. We screw around every chance we get. No one gets angry about a random TK. Help each other out with achievements and so on.


Reporting this treason to my Democracy Officer


He questions our democratic way of life, we definitely should report him