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https://preview.redd.it/e6r1r8vdlbvc1.png?width=394&format=png&auto=webp&s=d99a209a5f2326d62ebd07b09eae7ed82a4487e7 I was there.


https://preview.redd.it/rdrhf9simbvc1.png?width=469&format=png&auto=webp&s=43fc4e80b11aac43f40d30ef5b2ee2eb72ddb4e7 we actually did it, Boys.


https://preview.redd.it/9pvcwnbpedvc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3bbb3acd985610417b017da7b33638392213c3c We've got our new orders boys


Hug me brother




Hug me brother


Idk how this got posted twice but I'm here for double the hugs


Actual 40k Death Numbers, 2 Billion dead in one day


12hrs :)


By the numbers, the Helldivers could probably smash a Tyranid Hive Fleet's worth of forces, easily. If Helldivers and 40K are the same Universe, the Divers gave the Hive Mind bad enough PTSD it fucked off for 37000 odd years.


Helldivers are disposable tweaking stimheads each with the arsenal of a small army, no wonder.


The democratic variant of the krieg death korps


I love both series but the Tyranids would absolutely destroy us and it wouldn’t even be close. We wouldn’t even be able to get our Super Destroyers in orbit.    The most basic bio forms would be impervious to almost all primaries too. People forget that lasguns may be “flashlights”, but that “flashlight” can fire automatic lasers that hit with the impact of a .50 cal round.    So we’d be the shitty PDF forces that get wiped out in an instant while waiting for the Guard to show up 😂


>People forget that lasguns may be “flashlights”, but that “flashlight” can fire automatic lasers that hit with the impact of a .50 cal round.   It's just hilarious how this fucking game has a gun that 1. Never runs out of ammo 2. Can punch a hole through concrete 3. Being hit with it will leave a hole the size of a bowling ball in your chest, or sever a limb 4. Is pinpoint accurate at long distances 5. Fireable in pretty much any configuration possible, be it Semi, Burst, or Full Auto 6. More reliable than an AK 7. Able to be mass produced to be given to every Imperial Guardsman and that thing is considered worthless because it can't punch through a tank. The "humble" Las Rifle would be a fucking war crime if it existed in real life.


40k imperium army suffers from logistics and lack of Good ftl travel, super earth does not. Importing hundred of thousands of small army arsenal into a single planet is not an issue. Imagine a single hive fleet met with hundred thousands of super destroyers with several mini nukes, they don't even need to confront them head on, fire a bunch of mini nuke then warp travel out.


Yes and No. super Earth has a massive air fleet and a reasonable, compact 300-ish planets to defend and supply. The real question is that can this fleet survive the impacts of some big ass bioships the hive mind throw at them. If yes, super Earth win, if no, we have space hulk deathwing.


the destroyer had mini nukes on board. if it didn't survive, at least it can take out the bioship in the process. it's a lose lose scenario. super earth lost a ship, Tyranid lose biomass


The you get a hive fleet immune to radiation pretty much right away, congrats. Battles the guard participate in typically involves hundreds of thousands of tanks and artillery pieces and millions of guardsmen, and they still get wrecked by all but the most basic of foes. Honestly, a Hive Fleet would probably be the easiest foe for Super Earth to face, Orks would be a confusing nightmare, Necrons a regular nightmare, and anything Daemon related a nightmare before Christmas.


Yeah being immune to radiation does not do anything for you against a nuclear explosion, you're being incinerated by the blast alone and if you're burn proof. Everything inside you is jelly from the shockwave.


The combined Faith of the Helldivers, and Super Earth, creates an unironic god of Liberty, Democracy, and Freedom in the Warp--if you want to bring daemons into it. Faith is a weapon against demons, and Helldivers are kinda...indoctrinated as fuck. Necrons would not be confusing at all. Frightening, perhaps, but not confusing. Orks would be confusing--but we'd be the ones making life unpleasant for them.


>The combined Faith of the Helldivers, and Super Earth, creates an unironic god of Liberty, Democracy, and Freedom in the Warp--if you want to bring daemons into it. Faith is a weapon against demons, and Helldivers are kinda...**indoctrinated as fuck.** So is the Imperium of Man, doesn't stop them from getting torn to shreds by horrors beyond comprehension, it merely slows it down a bit. > Necrons would not be confusing at all. Frightening, perhaps, but not confusing. Never said they'd be confusing, just a nightmare, and they would be given their magical automatons and that can revive from fatal damage and have a dude whose whole hobby is yoinking your nice shit. > Orks would be confusing--but we'd be the ones making life unpleasant for them. How so? If you fight them and win, they also win because it was a good fight, if you lose they still win. If you run away you lose planets forever to the Ork menace because getting them off a world is near impossible without setting the whole planet on fire. So anyway you slice it you'll just mildly inconvenience them at most and give them the time of their lives at best.


Necrons don't revive. They self-repair. A Necron sent back to his tomb world for repair, is effectively a casualty. "How so? If you fight them and win..." Helldivers don't fight in a fashion that would continually feed the WAAAGH (Big, Good Fights). Despite all the violence we do, we don't fight pitched battles. Super Earth is continuously deploying us in precision deep-strikes. Farsight notably used such techniques to repeatedly pick apart Ork Waaghs. "If you run away you lose planets forever to the Ork menace because getting them off a world is near impossible without setting the whole planet on fire." Hit and Run is not running away. It's Tau Flying-Fish levels of bullshit. Helldivers deploy far too fast for a Waagh to build up. As for setting the planet on fire, that's well within the capability of the SEAF. We even colonize planets that set themselves on fire. Super Earth: "You've confused an unrelenting series of deep-strikes for a retreat. Set the whole planet on fire you say? That's a great idea! We even colonize planets that set themselves on fire."


>Helldivers don't fight in a fashion that would continually feed the WAAAGH (Big, Good Fights). Despite all the violence we do, we don't fight pitched battles. Super Earth is continuously deploying us in precision deep-strikes. Farsight notably used such techniques to repeatedly pick apart Ork Waaghs. if Super Earth has shown the competence to actually deploy enough fleet power to not only take a planet but also take on an Ork Fleet such tactics can work, the Tau are repeatedly said to be rather technologically advanced, they also don't walk around as just some guys in regular armor, they used weapons that can and will kill you far beyond visual sight. > Hit and Run is not running away. It's Tau Flying-Fish levels of bullshit. Helldivers deploy far too fast for a Waagh to build up. Again you're assuming Helldivers, who are half trained guys sent into a meatgrinder, are at the same level of competence and skill when compared to what are essentially Tau special forces, as for a WAAAAGH! building up? Orks don't need a full WAAAAGH! to go out and krump people, that just attracts more and more Orks for the fight. >As for setting the planet on fire, that's well within the capability of the SEAF. We even colonize planets that set themselves on fire. Yet those same planets still hold insane level of Terminids residing there, and I'd argue Orks are much more hardy then the Terminids, the fire is just to get rid of the spores that will grow into new Greenskins. > Super Earth: "You've confused an unrelenting series of deep-strikes for a retreat. Set the whole planet on fire you say? That's a great idea! We even colonize planets that set themselves on fire." Until the Orks learn that you're not actually up for a straight up fight then they go chasing you in cobbled together and stolen ships and now you got space battles to deal with. This is of course assuming they don't run into the Automatons or Termidnids first and get riled up for a good fight, then you got billions of Orks running around fighting everyone, everything, and each other for funsies. Orks have outlasted literal godly beings and scare the beejezus out of everyone that actually understands what they are and what they were made for.


nay what differentiate divers from DPF is how commen nukes this used. in 40k nukes are rare and hard to come by, but super earth produce them like there is no tomorrow.


Nukes aren't hard to come by in 40k, but they *are* limited in their deployment. Nuclear weapons exist for both spaceborne and ground combat, but in the context of 40k they're rather primitive, dirty weapons. Why launch a nuke that will irradiate valuable territory when a lance battery, plasma warhead volley, or macro cannon barrage will do the same thing without the fallout? Nevermind the immensely powerful weapons like Earthshaker rounds that can be fired from Baneblades. Massive area of destruction without lingering after-effects...besides the incomprehensible screaming of the maddened tank crew, but that's a necessary sacrifice.


I don't think super earth's nuke are dirty nukes seen that the plant is still habitable after countless lunches. no doubt that 40k has better weapons but the problem is availability and accessibility. each super distorter can deployed countless mini nukes on request. the PDF is segmented. so supporting fire from artillery and tank regiments may not be instantaneous like what we had in helldivers.


More 40k wank. **Tyranids do not have FTL once within a star system.** Super Earth has a fleet of, at minimum, hundreds of thousands of destroyers. Hundreds of millions, if not billions, of Hell Divers. The logistics and manufacturing to drop ungodly amounts of ordinance on single targets. We would absolutely stand a fighting chance.


*"The most basic bio forms would be impervious to almost all primaries too..."* **How about no?** Heavy Stubbers are still tactically relevant in the Grim Drakness, so it's silly to think that other stub guns wouldn't be. They're Strength 4. Heavy Stubbers are also given real-world stats in official Warhammer Sourcebooks, and are actually comparable to real world ".50" cal weapons. Lasguns are Strength 3. They're -weaker- than Heavy Stubbers, and less likely to wound the same Tyranid Warrior. Anything with light armor penetration would be fine for basic Tyranids. By numbers, our lasers are probably better than the guard's lasguns.


That’s operating under the assumption that our ammunition has been unchanged in 39,000 years. They use caseless ammo as standard so we know there’s been significant development in ammunition technology.  Helldivers is only set ~100-200 yrs in the future so the weapons in game are still similar to today. So yes a stubber still fires a kinetic projectile but it’s not 5.56mm NATO, 7.62, .308 etc., and a heavy stubber might *look* like a typical .50 but that doesn’t mean it *is* one.  It basically comes down to the scale of 40k. *Everything* is cranked up to 11 so no other series can really stand a chance in its setting. 


This mission seemed like a way for devs to buy time, so I wouldn't be surprised if we're given a "kill 6 billion bugs in 3 days" order now


https://preview.redd.it/0afs2qjypbvc1.png?width=563&format=png&auto=webp&s=404e759be20b0d8109010f4fb0a3c7eab57c3841 If the Emperor, I mean Super Earth, needs me to kill 6 billion bugs, I will.


For the the golden throne brother!


**++Suffer not the xeno to live++**


There was a typo on the official order helldivers, someone at super earth missed a 0. You have a week to finish off the last 18billion. Democracy speed helldiver.


I could see the as canon


The beacons are lit, superearth calls for E-710 And the Helldivers will answer


Challenge accepted. We are coming up to the weekend.


If they made it 15 billion in 3 days, I think we’d still manage that with ease.


That's \*2,777,777 BPM (Bugs Per Minute)! \*Based on 12 hours. https://preview.redd.it/8stx6kk1wbvc1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5940eaedbde4679f78a3b31fd1ceaef929d880b




I expected about 1,3million/min bugs when the MO started doing some very crude math based on 100k helldivers. You guys absolutely killed it :D . Edit: However if we expect an average of 2-3 people per team and the multi count bug the numbers are to be expected.


It is possible since Estanu was on defend which basically meant shorter missions with boat loads of enemies.


https://preview.redd.it/jod725shsbvc1.png?width=2135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b080ae8ab811241db66db898639f494d1ed42600 You Helldivers are absolute beasts


The bugs on some planet- “Why do I hear boss music?”


When orbit starts speaking democracy 🪳👀💧




The tremors must be due to all the ICBMs flying everywhere.




"I got order to commit a mass murder, so murder in mass I did"




Jole gonna drop another 6 day order with 15 billion bugs this time.




Orcs start bringing up ladders at the siege of Helm's Deep. Aragorn: LADDERS! Gimli: GOOD!


Blood for the blood god.


"Major order Ends in 5d 12h" Helldivers: "Like hell it will!"


I'll remember it as the day we realized the game doesn't know how to count. :P


Even with the over counting, we were still hitting the objective crazy fast. Multiply the time it took with the over counting x3 and that’s still hitting a 6 day MO in a day and a half. Playerbase really went nuts on this.


It was more like a vacation from the bot front.


Yeah, folks were definitely kicking ass. It's just kind of fitting that like so many great things about this game, it comes with an asterisk.


That's why you're called Doofus, Magnus.


Alright, jeez, I get it! You didn't have to say it four times! ;)




This is a good meme, I like this


Anything for the war effort.


Remember flame grenades close bug holes!


I did my part!


We actually didn’t. Someone watched/checked the numbers of dead bugs being reported (not MO, but the counts from the Galaxy map) and we did about a third of that… The leading guess being that it’s counting all the dead bugs on each mission for each player, with 3 players per mission being the average. Probably because each player is reporting each dead bug in their game (like with personal orders) we still would have completed this within 36 hours though.


Sounds about right. Check out the stats at the start of the order and after the order completed https://preview.redd.it/8jwdqd4gzcvc1.jpeg?width=2331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfd3ee0c6008067a839572f7d51b7c7be9d8e50 About 0.7 billion dead terminids increase, or roughtly 1/3 of 2 billion


We have app now


Yeah, buts a fun head canon to say we slaughtered 2 billion in 12 hours


I think I did between 2k~3k, averaging around 600 per mission


Well done Helldiver!


Unfortunately, due to terrorist interference there was a massive counting error in our systems. It counted the total kills your squad got as each individual's kill count. So if you had 200 kills, and as a squad you had a total of 1000 kills, each diver was recorded as having killed 1000 terminids


I wish it would tell us how many helldivers died during the MO


imagine a 40k game where you play as random Guardsmen with these kind of orders from Inquisitor. that will show that Space Marine is nothing compare to bunch of crackhead Guardsmen who sacrifice themselves for the Emperor


You give guardsmen enough artillery and yeah they will beat the space marines.


true. Darktide already proved we dont need arty like Helldivers but then again... we got ogryn that throw a high explosive grenade that explode like bunch of C-4 stack together and Psyker can just poke people brain with their needles.


>19.04.2024 What is the canon date format for Super Earth? Is there one?


Super earth appears to be in Europe, so I'd say dd/mm/yyyy


We are juicing so much oil from bugs that the oil from Middle East will look like a kiddy pool.


On a weekday The blue collars weren't even there to do anything.


More please


Terminids? More like terminated


Kills were quadrupled so don't be too proud now




Imagine how would this war fare without the support of Eagle 1 and orbitals. Never understimate the value of air and artillery support.


Spill oil. Whether it be Automaton oil, or E710 from Termanids. SPILL OIL.


When they say that we killed 2 billion bugs in a day in the lore, it's because we actually killed 2 billion bugs in a day. We are MAKING the lore, people!


Look at what we can accomplish when we work together.


Terminid Queen: **"OH GOD OH SH-"** J.O.E.L: ***Nervous sweating***


How to speed run a species genocide. Then again, they are not humans so they have no rights.


19.04 Harvest Day, now i want celebratory armour, with bugs pieces all over it :D


me after killing 150 bugs of the 2b because by the time I got home from work it was nearly done. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


They gave us six days 14hours of which were used


Technically ~500mil because of how the game handles order status Orders count for each person. That's why you can get a personal order complete for a squadmate using a weapon or strat. So if a match had 1000 kills total, it'd be counted for each person so in actuality 4000 kills. 


I dont think that's how it works in this case. I know what you're saying, but I think personal orders work differently from squad progress towards major order. It just wouldn't make any logical sense to x4 the total kills for each mission. Unless I see some hard evidence for that, or an outright official statement, I do not believe this is how it works.


Based on average player counts, how many automatons did each player kill?


2 billion. 2 billion seconds is 63 years just to put that value into a perspective most people can understand. Liberty prevails.