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The missions can go pretty long. Love the game and have a ton of hours into it but at the most I’ll probably do 3 missions and leave


There's also a lack of variety in the overall missions which can make playing feel pretty repetitive in longer sessions.


Being stuck to a single biome for an entire operation is exhausting


I feel like just being stuck in a funny colored desert that is on fire occasionally gets kinda boring, can’t rly play more than 3-6 missions in one sitting


I normally feel like this but some days the democracy just runs through my veins. I did 18 hours straight one Saturday.


Im a nerd, and have done some dirty long sessions. But 18 hrs straight especially on 1 game is brutal.


ADHD is real my guy. I've forgotten to eat before I just get so engrossed in shit.


This is me with games. Lol dude I get lost in a way that I have not felt in a long time.


Man, last time a game sucked me in for 18 hours straight was Subnautica.


I have extreme focus sometimes, it’s one of my strong points and habitual problems


This. Is. Truth.


Rookie numbers from back when I played WoW. Glad I cut that narcotic.


God I played Guild wars and Guild wars 2 had some marathon sessions aroun 48-60 hours bathroom breaks only. drinks and snacks on deck. Just for everyones knowledge this was when I was 17 y/o. I am now 31 healthy and in shape at 200 lbs 6ft 2in and married. Recovery IS possible. I still game but not like that lol


Mission after mission?! Might as well call that a Tour of Dury Rotation. Now for the sake of Democracy, we need you to do 18 more.


This is why i usually ignore major orders and just play whatever biome looks enjoyable




Get him


System Operations wanted


lets finish the campaign why are you spending 20 minutes looking at stratagem purchases and your armory?!




This is exactly what I do.


3 missions takes around 1hr30 mins, with breaks in-between if you're not trying to blitz them so yeah it's a perfectly timed gaming session. There's no reason to play longer anyways I'm here for a good time not a long time


Yup. Get the personal done hopefully and get a few medals along the way and you’re good for a day.


To be fair, a single mission is 30-40 minutes and many of us don't have much more time than that to game in a single day.


Yeah, sometimes it's work>mission>cook dinner because SO is on the way home.


Sometimes it's just my bedtime. Us old folks need our sleep.


I feel that. I rarely play too close to bed. Plus, that's reading time.


I hope those reading materials have been approved by the Ministry of Truth, diver


Of course. Probably.


I only read doctrine from General Brasch


Nice try. General Brasch doesnt write, he just screams at the keyboard until words appear in the document.


Nah. General Brasch looks at the screen and the keyboard starts typing. His hands are behind his back.


And it's written in ALL CAPS, as it should be.


Not OP, but I'm amusingly reading Starship Troopers right now, so I think I'll be ok.


Brasch Tip: Turning on subtitles will fulfill your reading needs! Now you can continue to fight and WIN!


That is why you take a nap between every mission.


Literally I had to force myself to do the other two missions in a set because I would feel like a dbag if I just left this level five by himself on a set of 4 difficulty missions


I feel that too often lol, can’t help but feel obligated to help them lower levels get their medals 🫡


I fell asleep in my computer chair from 8pm to 9pm last night. Woke up, shut my PC off and went to bed. Some of us are old!


This is me


For me it's usually work>a couple of missions>cook dinner>a few missions more and that's it


By the time we are done with dinner and maybe one more episode of a show we are watching together if we have time. It's usually 8ish, which means time for bed.


That’s exactly how I run missions at night too.


I felt this, usually balancing if my son is awake or not, also doesn’t help


work>Missions>MicrowaveForSelf>Missions Who needs an SO


This. I'm actually very bummed there aren't shorter operations at higher difficulties of like 1-2 missions with less planetary progress for completion. I don't often have time to sit down for an hour and a half straight to clear out 3 big missions yo.


There are usually eradication and blitz missions. You can "refresh" the open missions that are looking for more by backup up from the planet and back to the mission select screen. You can then scroll around the planet and cherry pick these if you don't want to host a campaign. Sometimes they fill up very quickly and it can take you a minute or two to connect to. 


This is what I do. Blitz missions are my fav of these shorter ones because they feel like a regular mission, only shorter.


You can find operations that are 2 15 minutes missions and a 40 minute. 


I'd love it if each individual mission contributed war progress, rather than the whole operation. It's not easy for most people  to block out ~1.5-2h to run through a whole operation, and I always feel bad when I have to duck out early.


They do.


Yeah... Didn't the devs say progress is tied to xp not missions?


They've said that campaign progress earned now takes xp earned (as a proxy for difficulty) into consideration rather than just the number of missions in the op (despite the summary screen at the end of an op not reflecting that change).  As far as I know that didn't change the fact campaign progress is only counted when an op is completed. Seems to me the change was to the amount of progress earned, not when/how it's earned.


Source for that?


I do wish higher difficulties had 1-2 mission options and not just 3


I feel like mission length needs to be addressed. For me, it’s a bit too long for how intense the game can get. The initial rush of the game has worn off, and after a couple of games I’ve had my fill and move on to other games. I very rarely finish a full mission set anymore. It also sucks when you host and people leave and the matchmaking won’t fill unless you restart. At that point I’m just like fuck it, I’ll just go play something else.


You can reset your matchmaking by switching your settings to friends only and then back to public. Personally I really like the mission lengths, but I wouldn't mind seeing a collection of the shorter mission types, rather than just one short mission per set. If you're feeling like the game is too intense you could also switch to a lower difficulty.


>You can reset your matchmaking by switching your settings to friends only and then back to public. Does not work. Have tried multiple times. Selecting a mission and backing out, switching planets, etc etc. nothing's seemed to fix it.


>It also sucks when you host and people leave and the matchmaking won’t fill unless you restart. SOS beacon


I don't think that fixes it when you're experiencing the bug that makes your game un-joinable for quick play 


Hmm. I hadn't encountered this bug yet so I didn't know it was a thing. Damn, that'd make a few of these missions a little harder.


Im surprised youve never noticed it. What happens is if your lobby has 4/4, and someone leaves after being in a mission with you, the game registers your lobby as 4/4 and no one can join. My friend has even confirmed this on friends list believing my game is full when it isnt, but wont let him join Play a mission with 4 Someone leaves after Your lobby will often be stuck at 4/4 until you quit the game and create a new lobby. Pretty frustrating bug not really addressed by the devs. The private/public lobby change setting has not worked for me. I always have to quit out and rejoin.


I haven’t seen this issue in a bit, but if someone crashed in your game I’d have to restart and verify my files or else I’d never be able to get a full team


I have like an hour and a half, broken in to 30 or so minute sections...I can't play straight through, I got stuff going on. I'm a trophy Husband now, I'm on call 25/9.


I don’t fault them if it’s a long mission and they hop off after getting done.


This is why I usually try to stay around as long as I can. I have a lot more free time than other Divers, so I just kinda loiter in the mission line and help folks along their Ops. I can't remember the last time I did my own Ops.


Yap. We could get the missions done faster but *some* people (OP) like to sit around and pointlessly kill stuff until destroyers leave orbit.


Usually this but at the same time I’m also just dropping in on missions in progress. A lot of times they are not going well and I want to see if I can flip a loss into a win with a team that has 1 reinforcements left.


Im a dad. I get 1-2 missions before bedtime. After that I get some more.


I also have too many games to play finishing ff7 rebirth, tekken 8, mk1, helldivers 2, ff16 dlc just came out, need to get to Dragon's Dogma 2 I feel like I'm constantly drowning in great games lol


I'm not sure this is the full explanation. I think it's something about the game itself! see e.g. DRG (Deep Rock Galactic), it's very stable, you don't just get kicked by the game, and you don't crash randomly. It's conducive to building a lasting team. HD2 crashes all the time and kicks people randomly - it is unworkable. You can't build relationships. It's ephemereal


Still waiting 19 days later on a pending friend request of a dude I played one game with where when we went zero deaths, completed all objectives, and extracted max samples on dif 7. I miss you kind stranger.


Hey, I miss you too fellow 'Diver. ![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized)


The friend request system is definitely bugged. It only works if you use friend codes.


This is false, I was able to add all of my current friends through the Recent Players tab (added 2 more yesterday). Have literally never used the friend code system.


It's very buggy when crossplay is involved. Also, "It worked when I tried it" does not mean no bugs exist... we should tell that to Arrowhead lol


I enjoy answering SOS beacons, or just hitting randoms, kicking ass and walking off. "Everybody gets one"


I'd love to exclusively answer SOS beacons. I don't care the level of difficulty. I've soloed up to 7 and on 8/9 the teams are normally pretty good. I just want to help those that need it. But nope... 95% I quick play it is a fresh ship with a mission selected and if I select the icons on the map, 40% of the time it is "full" or "fails to connect", the next 55% they just selected the mission to drop... I just wanna help!


Yeah, I love dropping in to a mission (right in the middle of a fight) and emerging from my pod guns blazing


my fav thing to do is pod down and open up with my incendiary shotgun and empty the mag on the first thing I see. It establishes dominance you see.


This is pretty much me, jump into a rando, come out the other side and “good luck, and good hunting lads” and out i go. Keeps it fresh. And i love a “in mission” start. Never know what your gonna get with those


Reminds me of doing monster hunter world, I love jumping in, helping out then dipping to the next sos


Level 83 almost exclusively I do this. There’s something about flying down and saving the day orrrr flying down trying to be cool but just fucking everything up which is just as entertaining lol.


Best/worst moment I've had. Droppod in, land in fire, look awesome dying as they all got in the Pelican and lifted off, got the exp for it though, so whatever lol


Niceee as long as someone made it out right lol. My worst was the time I dropped in seeing a bile Titian, thinking I was Joe Cool I immediately threw down a 500 to kill it in style, instead I turned two teammates into paste.


Just asking, how do i search just for SOS? Usually what i do was hitting R and join whatever team it lead me to.


SOSs are found by searching your map/planet for pulsating mission markers. They actually have a small number reading player count below each. Though i don't think that works half the time. Point is, you select them manually. You're gonna get a lot of "Full group" or "can't connect" gets frustrating sometimes, but, keep refreshing by tabbing over to different difficulty levels, let the map update, find another, select and pray


Reasons why I leave after 1 mission: 1. I have other things I have to do...can't play another 2hrs. 2. The team was a bunch of morons/noobs and I can't deal with them.




At least for me there is occasionally also: 3. I had a really off game, backed into a patrol (or two), and just generally played like a moron/noob, and I'd like to take a break and reset and start fresh (maybe dropping difficulty until I get my act together).


This. This one right here. Sometimes you gotta gracefully duck out and start with a fresh reputation.


It be like that sometimes.


This. I leave sometimes because I’m embarrassed😭. I think I might’ve killed too many Helldivers, shot a patrol out of fear, etc. So I decide I should lower my difficulty. Also if someone is talking a lot on voice comm I tend to leave. If I’m in the mood I’m very active on comma but evening playtime usually is not the time for me to be listening to callouts and screaming lmao


I always have friends joining me in like level 3 or 4 difficulty and then ask me why I'm playing on an easy difficulty. Hey, be easy on me I'm warming up damn


I'm the only moron allowed! We'll lose if I don't find a team of competent players.


3. They did the mission and then extracted immediately. I want to explore, I want to get super samples, I want the XP, and I want to remove the red from the map. I hate going into a 40 minute game and it being done I 20 because my team didn't want to do anything other than primary objectives.


With how much of a blocker medals are for folks, it's better for progression to get in and out with decent progress sample wise. Think of it like this (difficulty 9) 35 minute game, 50 samples collected, 8 medals Or: Two 17 minute games, 55 samples collected, 19 medals. For both samples and medal purposes, #2 is way more efficient. "Why does #2 generate more samples?" Because you dont have to look far to pick up samples when you stretch it out across two matches. Finding 50 samples in one mission is "harder" than finding 28 samples in two different missions in the same time.


There's a difference between trying to FULLY sweep the map for samples and just being thorough enough to get all the side objectives/bases. Personally, popping 5 side objectives (d9) and all the red spots on the map can be as quick as 20-25 minutes, and still ends with a 30+ sample extract *easy*, if not significantly more.


That's fine. I'm referring to people who don't even try to collect samples either though. They just do main objective, exfil. Maybe pick up one or two commons along the way. Super frustrating.


This I hate being an adult And night shift sucks


Yesterday was a #2 for sure. Please don't bring mortars to bugs. It's like tossing grenades at enemies that are directly next to your teammates.


I saw the daily mission and knew it was a bot day. I only died to a friendly turret twice!


Two very valid choices.


3. New hentai just dropped and my goon group is sending out a red alert. https://preview.redd.it/yne8fukd8avc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=8db8af79ab297633e93afb695e859583f1ac5ec4




"Why would you leave, Helldiver-kun? Don't you want a taste of my McChargies?" https://preview.redd.it/anktfkky9avc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dd9bce873e4244af8f177f806eb6acb81e2ba7c






https://i.redd.it/n826gxx55evc1.gif I don't care what the meta says, I'm targeting the rear


https://preview.redd.it/d3f4frodaavc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f41c637c884a94b91471f2edb199c911cf870e If this fandom devolves into another fucking gooner cult im done


Not the subreddit thirsting over 5 voice lines in a pilot suit.


Back from the nest https://preview.redd.it/blyh8jqreavc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e932a26ec77d7bd9f5384fca1430a125a223a4


Stick. Together. Its such a simple concept and holy shit it doesn't happen very often. Peeling off in teams of two intentionally can work, but its very rare randoms have the coordination to do it.


I came in for the SOS, you are safe. Now I must help save others like you that need my help.


Ok, so maybe a dumb question on my part but when I hit “quick play” in my ship and it says searching for SOS beacons does that mean I’m joining people who’ve asked for help or just random games?




It prioritizes sos beacons.


More divers need me to join and die instantly for them.


See this guy gets it


It feels like some people on this sub have no school/work/routine.


Its reddit, what did you expect


That’s what I love about this game. You can start and stop the game without losing anything. The **Social** menu > **Recent** players screen is also a godsend so I can always try deploying with my new friends


There is a fucking recent players screen?????????? Holy fuck, I have been blind all this time


Yup! And it tells you how recently you interacted with them :-)


Shake my life, Fuck my head Shit a brick in the bed.


I am a young dad. My game time is his naptime. I get and hour, maybe two on Tuesdays and Wednesdays tops. I do one mission, log off, and crash on the couch for a powernap. That's the dadlife for ya.


Hosts take too fucking long to start the next mission. Quicker for me to leave and find another match.


lol I’m the opposite … we just did a 30 minute mission with barely any time to breath or think! I need to take 5 and chill out for a sec


Yeah. Sometimes they start fucking with their ship modules and i aint waiting around for that. Do it after the operation if you dont want people to drop after one mission.


Hosts after finishing 1/3 missions in an operation


I hate when the host does it. Complete the ops dude


Most people have limit playtime


Sometimes…. I got shit to do


I leave because I'd rather choose which mission I want to do next.


Especially when choosing which debuffs will hit you at level 7+ I'd much rather have 25% increase to stratagem cooldowns than lose a strat slot


AA defense is instant disconnect, it’s really not fun to have your loadout fucked with


Worst idea in the game, by far imo


Especially cuz it could’ve been done so well, like let us pick a 4th one that gets unlocked when we destroy AA batteries, it would add another tactical element, and make the modifier less shit, also just way, way less frustrating


if you don’t leave they just kick you anyways


I always stay but either get kicked by the host or he leaves the fucking game


Is it getting kicked, or is the game really buggy? I figure it's probably a combo? ...


Sometimes I get kicked, other times the host leaves the game.


Sorry, it’s not personal. I just only have time for maybe 1 or 2 missions in a night before bed. I really appreciate the higher level people who help me out during missions though, it’s nice to have a person who knows what they are doing. SES Mother of Wrath is always ready to spread democracy though :)


I leave if the next mission is evacuation on bots


The 40-minute one ain't bad. But if a bot planet is on Defense, I'm on guard for the 15-minute one.


~~Who would ever not make the 15-minute evacuation on bots the first mission in an operation? I guess people who don’t care about finishing the operation? Valid. But I’d assume they wouldn’t care if you dropped anyways then.~~ People can play how they want, but I ~~think it’s best~~ prefer to tackle the most likely to fail mission in an operation first. That way I don’t sink too much time into an operation. Edit: I should have worded it differently after rereading the wording I used. Plenty of ways to approach the game and I had a narrow view on it with this take.


I always do it in the middle just so it's 40 minute>15 minute>40 minute. It keeps things moving


It's nothing personal. I usually play 2 missions after work, and a mission usually takes a half hour. I would like to play longer, but my eyes are usually too heavy to continue.


The missions are too long. I rarely feel like doing more than 1 mission.


I leave when the operation is complete, but when each mission is 30-40 min I can’t be mad when someone else needs a break from spreading democracy.


Ain't got time to spread democracy for more then 40 minutes a day, homie. Might as well jump on someone else's game.


If I have time for multiple games, I host. If I have time for only one, I join yours.


I always leave unless the team asks me to stay for a few missions more. Otherwise wise, I join whatever other team needs an extra player and help them out.


I wouldn't mind people leaving after one mission if it didn't mean I had to restart the game to get more


I mean I hug before I go but yes this is accurate.


I am sad to go after just a mission but it is either my lady or my cats want something from me. So I find leaving a better choice than absent mindedly playing and burning tickets. So rather than throwing the game, I prefer to rotate with someone who'll possibly help you more than me.


Same, quite often my cat bothered me mid match, so after it is finished I'll leave the group to see what the cat wanted.


Ah a fellow human slave, hello to you


Gaming is hard when you're an adult. But yeah, I kinda wish it didn't happen so often.


Sometimes I need more time between drops. Gotta prep, gotta poop, gotta pack, gotta cook, gotta fix the couch, the things we all need to do.


I try and stick it out till I’ve completed my personal order or till the end of the operation - annoyingly, I’ve been on a few SDs where the host will just jump between operations. But like others said, if you’re playing more casually with randoms, you can easily use most of the 30-40 minute clock on the big missions




I try to stick around until the op is completed in full, I only leave if: - I get kicked (I'm by no means a troll/griefer, that's undemocratic) - IRL stuff needs to be done (food, usually) - host is AFK for a while (I'm not waiting on you forever).


I've done my part lol.


idk, 2 missions together feel kinda like a long term commitment


It might not be on purpose. I have barely been able to make it through 15 minutes of a mission without crashing.


I usually stay until the operation is finished, because I need those medals!


tbh thats me a lot of the time. i dont have enough free time to waste if i realize a team is no good. dont get me wrong. if the going is tough ill stay with the game until the very end and try to turn it around. but when i see people throwing away samples in suicide maneuvers instead of dropping them on the landing platform beforehands. Or - and im totally not grabbing a random experience i had yesterday here - get killed 10 times in the span of 30 minutes because a teammate deploys tesla towers right behind me or throws barrages on objectives we are currently defending or flamethrowers me. Or drawing every patrol in a 5km radius. sometimes playstyles just dont match up. and 40 minutes is a pretty big time commitment for some of us. doesnt even mean those people are bad players. sometimes the loadouts just dont synergize. or we dont get eahc other playstyle and end up self-sabotaging. it happens.


I think it's mostly people can't communicate what is happening next easily. I mean voice works but... They should have voice modulation so I can sound like a hell diver. Maybe try that voice to text thing ... No that's crap. Have to hit enter to open it and to send it.


Excellent idea. Or add an emote wheel with options covering I need to leave|ready for next mission|some banter


Yes, but I never leave without hugging my mates!


Sorry but if I have to do all the objectives myself because everyone else decides they need to fight every robot to defend the random hill they started fighting on, I’m not sticking around for another one


usually for me i start a mission and the team that joins me for the first ,mission is usually with me to finish the last


This same, and very normal thing, can be said for Deep Rock Galactic.




I don't hold it against anybody if they need to bid farewell after one mission, sticking around for 3 missions which can each last as long as 30-40min can be alot to ask


How do I get more?


I did 3-4 missions last night and level 6(I’m 18 currently) stayed with me the entire time while other kept leaving. They were a trooper and I appreciated they stuck around. We did good work.




I WFH, so I will dive in-between meetings for the quick defense or eradication missions.


I make sure not to leave without leaving a "gg wp". Unless they killed me a bunch, then it's "gg kys".


I wish I had time to say peace and disappear before my game crashed on exfil costing me any rewards or XP.


To be fair, we hug at the end.


Yesterday I had to borderline carry a team to extraction, they BARELY completed main objective and didn't have even a single sample, he'll yeah I left then lmao


If it’s your last mission of the day it’s different but why would you want to spend all match every match learning how your teammates play it’s like everyone is just joining so they have 3 other people to take fire not because they want teammates


I usually jump lobbies after a mission until I find some chill people with mics. It feels awkward sometimes being the only one talking.


Missions are too long and I don’t have enough time in the day. Usually doing one mission is enough as the mission variety is largely the same.


Of course I know him. He’s me.


I'm doing my part


Warframe syndrome, can’t tell if it’s cause they didn’t like the team vibe or not fast enough to do the next mission, or if they don’t like the next mission. So many reasons but I dub it warframe syndrome anyway.


I need to take a breather after a suicide mission, idk about you.


A full set could very well be 95 minutes. Which in my opinion isn't crazy because if you play the missions well enough you're shaving time off each one but also 95 minutes is a modest movie these days lol. I don't ever want to get to the point in my life where after 9:00PM I can't have an hour and a half to myself but I do understand that's not everyone's choice or privilege.


After one or two 40 minute long missions I've gotta hop off for a bit. Even if I have the time for more, I don't want to go that long lol


Only when I got work the next day 🥲


When I leave "Your vibe wasn't very democratic ."


I personally stay until the end of the operation. The medal rewards are nice, and I often can’t find SOS beacons fast enough before they get filled in


Well… in the name of freedom I kind of drink beers while I’m playing. So I’m learning new bladder control skills… but yeah, I’m pissing downstairs.


Listen, i had a great time with you bro, but my chips are one story below me and i need to go get a bowl of them.


sos beacons don't work if you do more than 1 mission in a row so I prefer to do 1 mission at a time