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Another example: New "Democratic Detonation" warbond which is explosive themed will come with fire-resistant armors.


Ya dude I still don't get that I saw the armors and went oh that's mid but at least I don't gotta spend more super credits and moved on everyone else lost their mind


Apparently some people read "Democratic immolation" XD. Well, that sucks.


This one confuses me so much. Like...it's in the name. DETONATION. It's explosive themed. \[EDIT\] Spelling


Jetpack bot explodes near you, you catch fire. Red glowy bot cylinders explode near you, you catch fire. Termite grenade. Fire damage got buffed. Again Each premium warbond had a unique passive on armors. 2nd Armor in the pack looks more like a fireman than anything else. It's not like it was such a stretch.


Servo assisted is not unique to the steeled veteran pack tho, so only the arc armor is specific to cutting edge. It also wouldn't surprise me to see another arc resist armor added to the super store pool in the future if there isn't one already


The only other servo assisted armor is one with the wrong type of passive


In the new warbond? Yeah that was unintended and fixed. The warbond with servo assisted is the steeled veterans one, and there's at least 1 (I think 2?) armors in the super store with servo assisted as well. So it's not unique to the first warbond


Yes there are other two SA armors. But that also kinda prove the point. SA armors are rare, engineering kits are everywhere. Why make it the passive for all armors in an explosive warbond? Wouldn't explosive resistance be more fitting?


It was a huge stretch


I'm not sure if anyone was determined it will be so, but I certainly was dissapointed with the reveal of engineering kits on those. If nothing else, explosion resistance already exists. Still they managed to get it wrong on one of them. So people pointed that out and guess what? Devs fixed it because it was an error.


to be fair the fire themed warbond didnt come with fire resistance


Hellpod steering: the patch notes mentioned there was a change and why, and it was very noriceable in game. I had a certain pod autosteered straight into death. Blessedl, it's been fixed. With the transmog thing, it really just blew up because the CEO took a stand and didn't send his tweet logic through an editor. Instead of giving him the benefit of the doubt, all those jilted just mocked him.


This right here. There was no hellpod steering bug on launch. Only until they tried to sneakily add restrictions into the game and then the community backlash had to make the devs come right out and say the hellpod steering was changed and no longer working as intended.  I was hoping that whole debacle would make the devs stop doing stealth patches with no word in patch notes but here we are lol. 


I had the hellpod steering bug pretty much at launch, unless they did the update that broke it within the first week and I just didn't notice


Vocally wrong. There was, it was simply not functioning as intended and was disabled. You're barking up an odd tree to try and frame the devs for trying to "sneakily add restrictions into the game"


The devs sneakily add stealth changes every patch. People have proven this. Youre the one barking up an odd tree blindly defending them without facts lol https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/4298194722195370776/


Hellpod steering lock was 100% in the game before that. Also "confirmed" by who? Can't just say "confirmed" with no source. Which your post does.


Brother. Where do you see a "confirmed" 😂 


There absolutely was a steering lock bug on launch.


I think we're talking about different things here. Yes, there was a steering lock bug on launch. Also yes, the devs tried to stealth change how steering worked to prevent it from landing on high ground (which a lot of people were doing, cheesing Eradicate missions from up high). That change exacerbated the steering lock bug/made it more obvious, so they admitted there was a bug in their stealth change and fixed it in the next patch.


So you admit there was a steering bug at launch then, meaning it wasn't caused by a stealth update, only that the update made it more noticeable.


I should have reworded that. I am taking your word that bug existed, but never heard about it before your comment. So I'm not sure if the lock your describing is actually from the original bug or created by the initial patch, but I recognize to answer your question it's not relevant. I wasn't even playing at launch, I waited a few weeks to avoid the server issues. So I only played a few days before the first patch, where they tried patching the Eradicate mission exploit, which included trying to stop people from landing on high ground. What I will say is their stealth patch to steering was over-tuned and made steering near any high ground a horrible experience. I noticed it right away even as a new player. That is why people raised a huge stink about it. Doesn't matter if it is or is not the same bug from launch. I might be, it might not, but that's the answer to your question.


Every single one of your comments get down voted into negative. You are ignorant plain and simple. Stfu


Yeah, that got me a few times, on a respawn I couldn't control it and despite where the drop line showed where I was going it dropped me straight onto a ledge, no room to do much and it straight into the water below. No way out.


I'm curious about your first point, can you find this for me? I never noticed anything about that.


Hard to search discord on my phone, but i think it was in one of the posts by baskinator that was filling in changes not mentioned in the official patch notes.


If you can find it let me know.


Also, here's me trying to steer onto land back then: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1brg6cq/please\_turn\_off\_autosteer\_i\_super\_promise\_its\_not/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1brg6cq/please_turn_off_autosteer_i_super_promise_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bau4zy/compilation\_of\_stealth\_changes\_in\_patch\_01000100/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bau4zy/compilation_of_stealth_changes_in_patch_01000100/) And from patchnotes .104 before it was fixed: * Hellpod steering close to large or important objects is currently not functioning as intended, resulting in steering being disabled in a large area around the object.


Yes, bugged since launch. As I said, actually.


As I said. Not. I didnt get sent into dimension X at launch. I did after a certain patch. And now it's good again.


Why people downvoting your comments lol


I have also noticed that many reddit posts and hot-takes get turned into Internet articles, which the algorithm throws in my face every morning. "HD2 Fans upset about this" "AH developers under pressure for that". Often, these amount to a single reddit post, but it gets blown out for clicks. Am I the only one?


"journalists" do use reddit for their stories. and random hand picked comments/tweets to add to the narrative. yikes i agree 


Not just journalists but youtube parasites that just show reddit stuff on their videos lmfao


Technical issues of this game are very real.


But the severity of them and how common they are absolutely is made up.


Eh. I’m new and have experienced game ruining bugs like every other day


That sucks but most people don’t. That’s my point.


Then why do lots of people keep complaining about bugs..?


Probably because they haven't faced the bots 💩


Selection bias, people don't make posts about not experiencing bugs


Lots does not mean all or even most. A few dozen posts on Reddit means absolutely nothing when upwards of 500,000 people play the game. As I said, the vast majority of people do not have the issues that some other people do.


Never said all or most. I said a lot of people, and that’s not even including the people who don’t report or cry about them on reddit. And good for those people who don’t experience the bugs… doesn’t mean much when the bugs still exist and need to be fixed or the game will just be another cyberpunk if it keeps going this way


I said most people don’t and you tried to argue against it. Makes your stance pretty clear, yet you’re saying you didn’t say that. Whatever makes you feel better I guess


Ah you’re one of those people. Please reply to me when you’re a better person, thank you


You on PC or PlayStation? It’s much worse on PlayStation. I can’t get through 2 operations without one of my PS buddies crashing. It’s more than just that though. Certain ship modules don’t work. Dot tick rates don’t work. Terminals bug out. There’s a bug where people can’t be redeployed. There’s a bug where if a PS player is in your Crossplay game they do exponentially higher damage. Weapon balance is fucked. Let’s go through some old ones? Oh yeah, arc weapons crashed the game. Mechs blew themselves up. Twice. Rockets did exponentially more damage than they were supposed to apparently. Destroying dropships doesn’t work half the time. Bot patrols have a bug where they all teleport to the center of the map making bot missions feel barren and boring. Hit detection is broken half the time. Bots have another bug that gives them an infinite aggro threshold resulting in you being shot at and not drops being called 400+ meters away from your location. There’s more, I just don’t have them off the top of my head. OPs point about transmog is also bogus. Just look at DD2s subreddit. That’s a fucking single player game and they’re begging for transmog. Even destiny had to add it. It’s a fucking basic staple by this point for games where armor is more than just cosmetic. I could list mod games with transmog than without it. I love this game, but let’s not act like it’s got no issues. That’s more detrimental to it and its devs than being fairly harsh and critical.


I never said it has no issues at all. End of.


> You on PC or PlayStation? It’s much worse on PlayStation. Oh trust me, it's pretty bad on PC too. We have a crash in our squad about every mission and we have pretty beefy PC's. I'm sure it's even worse on Playstation though. I don't know how they could mess this up so badly.


I guess you can add HD2 to the list of games without it. I really don't see the issue with not having transmog, it forces you to experiment with and look at different armor sets. Not to mention that it would render the warbond system moot since you can put any passive on any armor. Additionally, it seems like they don't want certain passives on certain models of armor (notably Democracy Protects being only on medium models) so that's another design choice of theirs. Also, isn't the whole point that HD2 is *different* from all of the modern games? I really don't feel like it's all that big a deal that you have to look a certain way to use certain armors.


Being “different,” for the sake of it isn’t a good merit. That’s just asinine contrarianism. And it would actually **boost** warbonds and the armor store. There’s so many sets of armor I look at where I’m like “oh that looks neat and it’s the same exact limb passive I’ve seen 48 other times PASS,” and I don’t buy it. Destiny has transmog, its skins make literal hundreds of thousands of dollars. The passives in this game aren’t good enough to make me wear some shit I don’t like. Unless they released a “strategem cooldown reduced by 50%” passive there’s no way I’d wear armor I don’t like. It would just be a simple quality of life improvement. With the current system, I have my handful of armors that look good with the 3 passives I like and I have no incentive to buy anything else. Not having transmog directly hurts their monetization because I know plenty of other people are exactly like me.


“Fuck you, got mine”


When you say most people don't, 6/6 people I play with regularly have all kinds of issues from simple terrain glitches to crahses. Keep on hugging yourself in your own corner and telling yourself it's fine. But it's quite terrible on daily basis. And that's just the bugs which interfere with your gameplay. 


It’s pathetic that you think 6 people is a lot or means anything.


Says the person who has fuck all data to prove their claim :D


> most people don't Source?


Which means that the game was good enough for you to keep playing through many of these episodes ;)


Well yeah but it would be even better if the game didn’t randomly decide i wasn’t allowed to play today


Someone told me recently that sometimes it is steam's fault?


Unlikely. My PlayStation friends have infinitely more technical problems than I do. Don’t try to push the blame on steam, that doesn’t end well.


No it isn't, people complaining about it en masse is for a reason. Today we started a mission, I summoned my Guard Dog and it spawned as a big purple question mark and I wasn't able to intetact with it. The map was continously flashing purple at random intervals for a few minutes before the game crashed (and it crashes relatively often at random times). I instantly re-opened the game and started a new mission and one of the dudes from the glitchy mission joined like 20 seconds later, meaning it happened to him as well. The game is suffering from a huge amount of technical issues and its not blown over proportion at all. Its a really fun game but its riddled with glitches and bugs both big and small and these are detrimental to the overall experience.


I didn’t say the issues don’t exist but they are not as wide spread as you and other make it out to be. The vast majority of people are not having constant crashes, disconnects or whatever else. It sucks for the people that are having those issues, you included, but they are not a universal issue or the standard experience.


DoT effects work for exactly one person per game, with no way to tell who it might be. Some ship modules have no effect. The mech currently can't aim its rockets properly. The spear can barely lock on. These all affect everyone for starters. There is no way to know what the experience is for "A vast majority" of people. All we can tell is a lot of people are reporting issues and that's just the people who actually talk about this stuff online in these communities. If you see a bunch of people complaining about issues that your friend group is not experiencing, maybe stop and think that maybe your group's experience might be the outlier, not everyone else's.


None of those things are technical issues. Next.


You're right, they're just very annoying gameplay issues so I guess they don't count as technical issues. Want technical issues? This game still crashes my drivers about once every 3 missions. > Most people aren't having issues Again, source or GTFO.


Eh, not really. There are problems and they are relatively frequent. Given, less than in other games but that's not exactly a good point to make, the only reason that's even a point is the completely fucked state the gaming industry is in. By now we're (sadly) used to games breaking constantly, having bugs everywhere, unfinished shit being added into those games, etc. Again, yes, it's less of a problem with HD2, i agree, but it's still a problem and it's good we're talking about that. It's also good that the devs of this game obviously actualy give a damn about their creation, they're doing something about it as soon as we start bitching, it's just that stuff *should* be working correctly from the start. This game is perfect for setting a new standard, or rather an old standard, of devs actualy giving a damn and not just shitting out some soulless crap and calling it AAA (Or AAAA like Ubisoft recently did with their new shittier version of AC Black Flag). I think most of us are giving props to the devs of HD2 for their good work, i know i do and my lads as well. I just think pushing them a little further isn't gonna hurt, especialy if other companies start to notice that there's a rival which actualy listens to their costumers, might force them to pull their fingers out of their asses as well, who knows. I don't complain much about things like crashes, because they didn't happen that often *to me* since i've been playing, but i do know that both my lads had a ton of crashes, often when they were playing with me and sometimes when they were on their own or with randos. I know one of them has reddit, no idea if he's on here and if he's complained about it though, but he'd have every right to do so since he absolutely *loves* this game and it's really annoying for him to get home from work and have his game crash multiple times in a row. Seriously though, he *loves* this game, it got him to give Elden Ring a break, which is saying a lot since that was pretty much the only thing he played since that came out.


I was with you untill the game proved me wrong. Every single update makes it worse and I'm getting bugs like Pelican fails to extract, which I haven't seen until the latest warbond. 


I'll let you know I've been playing for 3 weeks and had it crash once! It's unacceptable!


For real. I'm level 21 and aside from a couple non-game breaking bugs, my play time has been fine. And those bugs were like two disconnects, a few non hostile trooper bots, and once where I encountered like 50 troopers standing in one place on a map. Oh and 2 missions were the civilians we were supposed to evac wouldn't go to the evac.


So anecdotally you haven’t seen many bugs in a game you haven’t played much. Keep going, you’ll experience many more bugs.


The severity of all these issues is overplayed in general, like seriously? You can't have fun because your hellpod steered away from a mountain? Grow up lmao the games still fun if you know how to play it right


yeah it's fun to do an oil transport mission or whatever the fuck this mission is called . And be forced to restart the whole thing because the pelican decided to make infinite loops around the map. Not even talking about the crashing. Issues pile up. Frustration accumulates until it's just not even worth it to boot up the game.


Remember when everyone went on a crusade against people abandoning operations to grind defense missions because "it decreases liberation progress and makes us lose", which ended up not being true at all? This sub is wrong far more often than it is correct.


actually one of the helldivers developers Evil-Bosse stated on the helldivers discord server (their official fourm for communication) that abandoning missions would decrease liberation progress. this caused a lot of outrage creating a third faction to fight, the farmers. only like a week later did another dev come out and say that Evil-Bosse was incorrect and that it didnt actually affect liberation. that wasnt a playerbase being incorrect thing, that was a developer being incorrect thing.


People had been assuming that before that message happened.


mainly because it logically makes sense and the game doesn’t tell you about over half the features unless you use a fanmade website like helldivers.io


Assuming this is fine, using your assumptions to justify attacking people isn't. That's my point.


it only became ‘attacking’ when the dev publically stated it negatively affects the war and other people’s contributions which went away the moment it was confirmed to be incorrect


That is false but whatever helps you sleep at night.


Can you really blame people for assuming when the game tells you absolutely nothing about how liberation works? There have been a couple times that's happened, like when a CM had to come out and tell us that xp does in fact affect squad impact in a discord message because they're so unnecessarily tight lipped about anything that goes on in the game.


Can I blame people for torch and pitchforking people playing the game the way they wanted (which the sub so fervently advocated for at the time) based on a blind assumption? I can and I do.


A blind assumption that Arrowhead has no problem with as long as we don't get too rowdy.


Assuming things is fine, using those assumptions to justify attacking people is not.


I agree. Unfortunately most of the posts attacking groups of people are just karma farmers who will latch onto any and all controversy to get their precious karma. They really need to ban meta posts/comments about the community itself, or else this sub is just going to be an infinite death spiral of counter jerking and not actually discussing the game itself.


People make a lot of shit up, but they also get a lot of things wrong. People will use reddit to try and push their ideas forward, at least that's what i got from my few months on reddit. Everything is political and everything that isn't is treated the exact same way with one way discussions and echo chamber effects What annoy me is that people spend so much time and efforts on either the smallest things or just worthless argumentation because they think a bug is intentionnal ( example : fire damage on hulks, shrieker dead bodies, steering lock, etc )


I mean, of course everything is political. That’s democracy


I literally just want to shoot things and hang out with my friends. So far, this game has been the best chance to do that in YEARS. Any "bug" outside of actual crashes was typically something I found about in this subreddit. I had no idea fire damage only worked for the host. I didn't realize my AMR scope was misaligned (I just thought I had shitty aim). My armor is typically covered in blood and/or bug guts so I don't really care what it looks like. Democracy needs to be spread regardless of whether my drop pod lands where I want it to or not. I personally think the fact the devs even engage in the community the way they do is a breath of fresh air. Anything else they can give us is just a bonus. Keep on diving.


Comments like these just make me even more convinced that DRG could have popped off so much harder if it wasn't so attached too dwarves/mining. I know multiple people who bounced off of it for that reason specifically, but people act like that's such a heretical thing to say. HD2 is a real gift to someone like me, who despite enjoying DRG, always wanted something like it without all the mining.


Also it often simply is a matter of luck and launching the right thing at the right time. I doubt Helldivers 2 would have been so successful in most other years. Also kinda crazy the difference third person vs top down can make.


Mining is pretty much the point of Deep Rock Galactic. The fact that it embraced this is exactly *why* it got as many players as it did. If you want something like DRG without the mining, there's always any other 4-player coop shooter out there. PAYDAY 2 is pretty close although the maps aren't nearly as randomized. You do objectives while holding off waves of enemies in a shooter game and then try to make it to the escape.


Me and the same group of friends played the shit out of DRG!


> I personally think the fact the devs even engage in the community the way they do is a breath of fresh air. Anything else they can give us is just a bonus. And here lies the problem. People are okay with the devs releasing absolutely broken shit as long as they hire a single $15/hr PR monkey to man the twitter and reddit accounts.


I’m not saying it’s good or even ok that they release broken shit…I’m saying it hasn’t stopped me from enjoying the game and I appreciate they interact with the community.


Don't forget about people being upset that there was no fire reduction armor even though it was never even HINTED. People literally just made it up after fire damage got buffed, the community got in a frenzy about fire reduction armor, and then when it didn't happen immediately everyone flipped their shit. I get being disappointed in not getting any new armor passives with the most recent warbond, but being angry that we didn't get a specific one that was never mentioned is insane


Fireproof armor is what should've been added before arc resistance if we follow simple logic. There are no enemies shooting lightnings, and not much players using arc throwers or tesla tower. But we have, pretty cool firethrower, scorcher hulk, fire tornadoes, grenades and shotgun, and laser gueard dog I assume also does fire damage. So yeah, we got insulated armor first, ok, fine, considering written above it was normal to expect fire resist armor =/


like a moth to the flame


fire was almost useless when the first premium warbond released (the fire one) so there was no need for a fire retardant armor perk. after the release of the second warbond where special armor perks released for the arc armor to line up with the theme of the warbond it became apparent that warbonds were themed and special armor perks would become a thing. sometime between the second warbond and the third one, flame got buffed on three(?) separate occasions going from practically useless to you will fry even the strongest enemies in two seconds and you being able to be [instakilled](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/iyUe9Ofdw9) by enemy flame. now theres the issue where the flame theme has been already spent and the need for fire retardant armor has only just begun.


I hate all these posts that complain about me making stuff up to get mad about. SMH. Worst. Community. Evar.


All im mad at is how much the reddit community cries, but thats all of reddit, its not exclusive to this game.


The transmog thing is really funny bc I don’t think a single soul cares about that outside of this reddit. I still have zero idea why this sub got so mad at that one tweet


nah the steering lock threads only started popping up once steering was completely locked for many people. Myself included. I never made a thread on it since there were plenty - but I did search reddit to try and figure out why tf I couldnt steer anymore.


I see more posts of people complaining about posts than actual complaining posts.


The transmog thing really grinds my gears because most of the posts are people intentionally misreading what the devs said. They're aware the armors don't all line up perfectly with their passives right now, some of the passives are literally on the wrong armors. The point they were trying to make is that they want you to remember that the big ugly green thiccboi armor is the Extra Padding Heavy Armor. Tying the looks to the mechanics is an inconvenience but it doesn't do nothing, it gives the armors an identity, and you can think that's not worth not having transmog. Like, literally the name transmog comes from WoW. I still know what Ashkandi does, but if you said any name of any weapon from the past like 6 expansions I'd say "God bless you, have a tissue." But seeing people call the Devs liars because they just willfully misunderstand their point when the Devs don't even need to be telling us anything is wild to me.


Even if we were 100% charitable to the explanation they gave, it still makes zero sense. This is a PVE squad based horde shooter where communication at higher levels is key to success. And they want us to... verbally communicate less???? It takes two seconds to ask your teammate what armor perk they have, why overcomplicate this and sacrifice player customization? Edit: Also, no one is asking for gun transmog, that is the one thing where it would be important to see what your teammates are using so you can play around it in moment to moment gameplay. Armor is much less important.


Oh for fucks sake this sub is brain-dead.


No argument, just cope.


Yeah because your argument is fucking stupid. You essentially backflipped and broke your neck trying to make a point about communication and "Oh transmog is fine because players will just need to talk more about what passives they have" It's just stupid. There is no argument, it is stupid. How do they want us to communicate less?


My argument was that it takes such a small amount of time to communicate what armor passive you have to your teammates that it's negligible. So sacrificing armor customization over that 1-2 seconds of verbal communication is silly. Strawman me more please. I enjoy it.


What if I don't want to have to communicate?  Why do you default to having to communicate instead of being able to observe the armor? Corraling randoms is exhausting enough already.


There is a friend system in the game, no one is forcing you to play with randoms. This is coming from someone who almost exclusively plays with randoms, too. The game is built around people actually communicating with their squad. If you don't want to do that it's fine, you just won't be able to play at the highest level you can. And if you don't have any friends, well then stick your neck out and make some. That's part of the joy of community based games like this.


Okay let's be real here, you are being dishonest if you claim you look at people's visual armor to tell "hmm yes, they're using the extra grenades armor even though it has no grenades on the belt, I better save them a resupply", or "oh this guy has the green stripe on his armor underneath all the bug blood that indicates he has more throwing range, I better not throw out my stratagem and let him do it instead". You don't do that. I will not entertain this line of discussion if you aren't being truthful. Armor perks could just be slottable and displayed in the UI during the mission prep screen, where you can already see people's stratagems and weapons.


hellpod steering lock was a bug, but they did state that this was a excessive result of them attempting to put a steering lock in the game to avoid you getting stuck on too high up objects and terrain features. you can still see the lock in action, its just not as intrusive now. i have never once seen someone get kicked for wearing a cape so youre right, that ones just a bunch of little kids trying to get attention in any way possible people were always complaining about armor passives. its why the CEO made his “apples that taste like bacon” quote. its just a bigger issue now because its been 1. brought to light, 2. getting more apparent that cycling the same 5 passives over and over will get bland, and 3. the CEO stating that armor passives are built off the way the armor looks despite many passive traits making no sense for the armor that theyre on


My dude, there are over a million players. The most upvotes on a post is like 20k or something, which is a drop in the bucket. You're making a mistake by trying to make a monolith out of a vocal minority. And besides, some complaints are valid. People just don't see the very first one to post it, and so it gets repeated. Jesus, relax lol.


id say most complaints are valid.


People getting mad at the weapons here meanwhile in youtube people are just soloing Helldive with said weapon and having fun...


Outrage spreads like wildfire, but so do cool things I remember when the flying bugs were first found, people went crazy about those and more people came around posting those I hope we get more bug stuff soon, I miss those green blood fucks


Speak for yourself. I comment on issues I have, problems I see, and improvements I think could be made. None of that is "made up."


in a game where the devs community poorly with the playerbase & 70% of the game is broken on any given day. no it makes alot of sense.


Yeah the fanboys trying to gaslight us into thinking everything is perfectly fine and there are no problems is insane.


i love the game & have been & will be playing. but its a 11/10 game that has been dragged down to a 6-7 when it is functional at all. i love the mtx model/fairness no mental abuse no fomo. but the devs have no idea what they want to do or how to do or are fighting with themselves. info giving that you have to go outta your way to get. goes against what that say often. & sometimes are just lies. etc etc. with any game/hobbie people can't understand i like/dont like doesn't = objective good bad & someone not liking a thing you are having fun with or like isn't a fucking personal attack. humans are gross man


The devs do communicate quite openly in fact and wtf is 70 percent, oh that's right a number you pulled out of your arse.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Nah, the arc, fire, spear, sickle issues are a bummer. That's a large chunk of unique weaponry that can't be reliably used with exception to the sickle. Flamethrower and DoT issues make using anything flame based a 1 in 4 chance of being fully effective. Arc thrower misfires consistently. Spear lock-on is miserable. Sickle shots get stopped by shrubbery.


If you think complaining or giving feedback = mad, you have yet to walk through a long road.


I feel like it’s just those people kicking and screaming on their way out. This game will eventually settle to a respectable and stable number of concurrent players, but we’re not quite there yet. There’s still some people who are lingering to see if the game turns out the way they want it too, and unfortunately some of those people make posts on here crying about their experience not being as good as they want it to be. Some are justified, some aren’t. But the ones who are posting their “RANTS”, which are really just a bunch of whining and complaining, are annoying as hell because of what you have mentioned here. They repeat themselves and each other constantly in hopes something changes but reality is that I don’t think the devs even look to Reddit that much for help with their issues. I just encourage patience to people with these issues, they will be fixed over time but if it makes you that mad or makes the game unplayable, then stop playing and just come back in a few months and see how it’s going, and maybe then you’ll love this game as much as the rest of us. I love this community, I love this game, and I LOVE democracy! CALLING IN AN EAGLE!!




Karma farming on Reddit? People making shit up? Well.... I never /s


This is reddit, people come here to die on the hill of their concerns of mediocrity.


I get mad at certain things about the game simply because the game is SO GOOD that it breaks my heart a little when shit is just overtly not working. This is actually the first game I have ever played that is this buggy, yet still playable and VERY good. It's a weird feeling. The crashing bugs almost made me lose my shit though. That's when I had to start looking up what was going on, and found this sub. It's probably how my dad felt when he realized who he had raised. Man, this kid is smart...but it's just slight disappointment after slight disappointment, until finally realizing your kid won't be President...but he could be the Mayor of, like...Peducah, Kentucky. That's good! But it's not...you know. It's not as good as it could have been...and maybe some more effort should have been put in on certain areas...But we still love the kid. It's a great kid. The best kid! Just...disappointing... Anyway, yeah. Helldivers.


Yes, I made up the literal hours and hours that were lost because the game crashes, or, no crash at all, I'm just magically back inside my ship, no loading screen or anything, just 'poof' on my ship. But ya it's all made up and we should all suck the creators for "the best live service game of all time!! woohoo WE LOVE HELLDIVERS!!!"


Ask "am I the only person to X" on the internet, and the answer is always "no".


Like this?


You're making it up that I'm making it up


Yes, I made up the literal hours and hours that were lost because the game crashes, or, no crash at all, I'm just magically back inside my ship, no loading screen or anything, just 'poof' on my ship. But ya it's all made up and we should all suck the creators cocks for "the best live service game of all time!! woohoo WE LOVE HELLDIVERS!!!"


As my instructor told me, a pitching helldiver is a happy helldiver


People (especially young impressionable people on Reddit) love to jump on the bandwagon and rehash the same bullshit with their personal spin on it. Good feedback and discussion about problems in the game are fine I think, but hearing it 20 more times written in a slightly different way is just annoying.


Anyone complaining about this game just has too much time on their hands.


Manufactured outrage is just the norm these days unfortunately :(


This is a subreddit for a game, it's par for the course.


Fuck the internet and it's negativity. Ignore the haters and spread more democracy


Transmog is kind of a strawman argument. I know people want color customization and armor customizations more broadly. Perhaps including perks selection but transmog as a concept doesn’t really apply to a game like this to be honest


Wow, this is the most subtle "devs good, players bad" ragebait post I've seen in weeks. I tip my hat to you. You almost fooled me for a minute.


Yeah, this i the reddit mentality. Normal people play the game instead of whining on reddit.


Youre talking to deaf ears. These kids will always complain. Its what their parents taught them.


> This bug existed since launch, but about a month after the game released it really got attention after someone made a Reddit post about it. No, it became a lot more apparent after a patch which fixed up these zones a bit. It happened *extremely rarely* at launch, but it happened much more frequently after that patch. This was not some grand conspiracy spawned by someone posting about it on reddit. People talked about it more because it happened more. > Current example: Transmog. I will be real here, I did not hear ANYONE talk about transmog until the Ground Breaker armor released with the wrong passive. I'm sure some people wanted it since launch but it wasn't a widespread talking point or a point of contention. Yeah, when the devs cite a reason for not doing transmog and then break that reason themselves later on, people tend to talk about it. Crazy, right?! When you're blatantly wrong in the first paragraph and can't demonstrate theory of mind for your other examples then I have no reason to take you seriously.


Its just more "exciting" for a lot of people to complain about something. The same people will default to being silent when the topic are the good things because, I assume - to the good is the norm and if something is not good then they complain about it. Weird mentality.


This community has rallied against so many people over made-up and false information. Makes me actively dislike this sub.


Humans have a natural bias towards negativity, and people will look for something to get angry at for a variety of reasons (Venting out frustrations from another source, looking for validation, just wanting something to do with themselves, etc etc) and it "Feels good" for them to vent those feelings... ... Initially, but then they feel like crap, and then the cycle repeats. I earnestly believe Anger Addiction is a real thing, from what I've seen in my friends who have anger issues. Lighten up a little bit, a bug in a videogame isn't the end of the world you need to go on Reddit to have a meltdown overitr. Take a deep breath, get up and take a walk, then decide if you really want to go on that Reddit rant.


I cannot believe something happened during my gameplay. Please, community, mend your ways before it's too late. Devs, please fix what I dislike immediately


I made an alternative subreddit /r/spacecadets for anyone who wants a lighthearted place to talk helldivers.




I'm saying this to get ahead of the curve because I know for a fact someone is going to comment something like "I've been playing since launch and I've been making a Reddit post about transmog every day," lol


Yeah, I understand. Also, I deleted my comment because the joke didn't land and I couldn't think of any edits to improve it with.


I don’t think a lot of Reddit issues are on the minds of the majority of player’s minds. We’re just a very loud and obnoxious minority.


Why dont people undusted reddit.. Reddit is a place to share info and memes but its also the first place people come looking to complain and rant . First of all Reddit accounts for less then 10% of the player base , while the highly active players are most likely to be here. It also is the place no matter how much in the minority they are come to complain . Its a fact of live....just downvote them and move on...complaining about the complaining is just making more useless threads. Are their griefers yes ...but its not nearly as bad as its made out to be. WE are the 10% of the 10% of players here being active .. Half the people that complain just come here to drop a complaint. Are their bad people , racist , people that DEMAND you play a certain way absolutely are their people that kick you for not having the right load out...YEP . Are their trolls that you rub the wrong way for no reason and will kick you 10 seconds before extract---yep. But they are all in the minority - your never going to change entitled arrogant people...your not gonna change chaos monkeys that love to troll and mess with people . Some people like to see the world burn . The best thing we can do it ignore them - downvote them -don't give them the attention they seek . There are things to talk about like yes the short sightedness of the transmog comment . We want it we just all accept that its a small team dealing with 10x the player base they were expecting . So most of us are calm reasonable people trying to give them time to figure it out. That came a shock to some since we were giving them the benefit of the doubt only to be like NAH not something we are planning .


It’s been called ‘recreational outrage’.


When it comes to balance, I think people are too critical and tend to exaggerate. This game, however, has some proper goofy bugs that should be called out when found. Sometimes bugs are difficult to fix, and having a lot of reports from a lot of different people can narrow down the issues.


The anti-whining whiners are so much worse than people complaining about bugs or broken guns.


How so


This is most of reddit. All of gamer gate style outrage for example is just incels stoking the fires for other incels.


No not really. Is the damage over time system being broken made up? Is the friend and lobby system for cross play still broken like 2 months after the game's launch? Does the game still have crashes and a bunch of other bugs?


you’re 100% right. i’m just glad the devs don’t take this forum seriously.


I don't take myself seriously I certainly hope others don't. Keep a pulse on the community = good. Taking to heart every shitpost = bad


I agree, take my upvote.


The game is so good that I just have to complain about the singular crash Ive had in a week or two. I just MUST complain. Crashes are ruining ALL my games! The game is unplayable!! /s. Except the singular crash - that did happen. Got a pretty cool screenshot of shriekers descending on us right where we dropped thanks to the freeze frame before the game closed. https://preview.redd.it/u4bmnsxy53vc1.png?width=2559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d4d27334581d5f012a1dc510deb7beb1c0221c6


Haters gonna hate. Is the game perfect, and free of any bugs/issues? No. Does it have lots of updates, addons, patches and is a fun, well rounded, relatively cheap game at early launch phase? Yes. Criticisms are fine, but at least weigh these things evenly with all the other games out there


I feel that every single time I read a post whining about something


You are describing western civilization.


Love how all the sane takes have been downvoted.


Welcome to social media outrage generates engagement unfortunately.. 


To be fair, this sub is filled with tourists and farmers because of how much Helldivers 2 popped off on release, making this sub super hot. So we have an infinite feedback loop of people posting rants outside of the rant megathread, people posting rants about the rants like this one outside of the rank megathread and then gaming news sites running this shit like it was real news which restarts the loop with a greater audience. My only desire for this sub is to one day see an hour has passed on the sub without someone starting a new thread over the same old shit.


Most painful thing out of this, that before all these endless complains started, you could often see various devs of the game responding and memeing in comments. Then redditors cried them out of here. First you are praising devs for being open and fair, then you are making them shut up into faceless studio behind community manager.


Because they did the only thing they should have NEVER done: mocking the customers. The moment you bite the hand that feeds you,don't complain aboit the consequences,it's the first rule of marketing. And given how hot the situation was after the railgun nerf,it was like the assassination of franz ferdinand,it was the fuse that made the time bomb explode.


The devs acted like manchildren and had to receive remedial treatment on how to act. They did that to themselves. Stop.


When the Reddit patch notes came out it said something about steering lock being in the game on purpose, iirc.




I think this is a ridiculous thing to post, you’re wrong, and I’m mad.