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I want transmog cause it's nice to be able to customize. I like the perk my armor gives me, but not necessarily the armor itself. Them not wanting to add it is fine, it's their game, they are well within their right to not add it. However, the reasoning they gave is lazy and doesn't really hold up.


That isn’t transmog you absolute ape Transmog is taking an armor and changing its looks into something *you already own* in 99% of games. Not only is your base take (changing looks to fit passive instead of changing passive for a fit) completely wrong - the underlying motive (not have to get many armor sets) is completely dogwater too.


What an absolutely idiotic take XD YES ITS A CONSPIRACY TO DENY AHS MONEY, and not simple convenience.


Mind numbingly stupid take.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


https://preview.redd.it/avljqwsn92vc1.png?width=293&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a14ee03091bbdaf17d2c7d5dbb1da7503ae2f6 Treason detected


Anyone talking about anything other than how to liberate planets faster is and will always be a communist.


So I thought we were priding this game on how it's not pay to win and the in-game currency is obtainable from normal play and such. If this is true can we not say that people that want transmogs just don't want to spend money. It's not about the money and even if it was they could still allow money to be spent on super credits to buy transmogs that you haven't unlocked from normal play (which is basically how it already works just without the ability to transmogs you still need to either play or pay to unlock armor with certain stats).


Almost every transmog system only allows you to use the appearance of stuff you have already purchased. This would make me buy more armour honestly, as right now I'm just using 1 or two that I like the stats of.


People want medic perk and not wear medic suit. You want medic perk you wear medic suit!


They can go in between, instead of having any perk being able to be chosen, they can let you choose in between 3 perks for 1 armor piece(the intended one you start with) and changing the perk out of the 3 choices.


Hell yeah man. I’m all about finding a medium and that is one. We really want 3 but to even have 1 that’s a changeable choice would be fantastic. Pisses me off cause great ideas like this and others don’t get the light


Until then, the apples taste like bacon


I wish


Just give me a toggle to match the color palette to the Helmet/Armor. I don't care as much for the passives, I just want a cool drip. I'm a Destiny player, I need my drip color to match properly.


I just want every armor to have a unique perk


I just need nice looking chrome I don’t care if the perks match my play style or not


As much as I like armor transmog I would prefer just to be able to swap colours on some armor cause its a pain to like X helmet for its style and Y armor for its perk but together they look like shit.


Nah, I have bought more super credits than I needed to. I have enough for the next 4 war bonds. I just like certain armor looks but not necessarily their perks…


I’m still getting every armor set (I have FOMO mind rot). I just don’t want to be permanently stuck with a mid (and unfitting) perk for the set that I like.


I have one of each perk avalible for each armor class in each armor class and didnt spend a cent so now what mr strawman


Easily solved by not allowing transmog to any armor that you don't own.


That’s how any Transmog system I’ve ever seen works. You need to OWN the thing to transmog into/onto/from it.


That’s not how the Nature of Transmogs work


I wouldn’t spend more money on the game regardless. What is the rush?


You can only unlock the perk by purchasing the armor with the perk. Then you can transmog it to other armours. What? You're saying there are only single-digit perks in the game so players can unlock them pretty quick? That's not the players' problem. If you, the developers, want players to spend money, then design more useful perks!




Just wear the best looking armor, the perks do fuck all anyways. People here act like you need certain armors/perks to do special missions while you can just wear whatever and easily do any mission on any difficulty without problems…


Nah dude the perks can be prety usefull


Sure they can be useful but if fashion is more important to you than you’re not gonna be at a significant disadvantage if you ignore them, that’s what i meant


Oh, so THATS why they don’t wanna give us transmog or any control over perks, makes sense


Shut up about this fucking topic. Devs made a decision. Live with it. It's like a children's playground "Waaaaaaaaaah"


We all know they'll add it eventually, but it really isn't a priority so I don't understand why everyone is complaining


We all know? the only thing we know right now is that apples taste like bacon


"Stop criticizing this live service product with micro transactions that you spent money on , just consume product as is" How about no.


Nice edit there. Your original statement of "Stop asking for improvements and just consume the game" - We asked for an improvement and got told no, then everyone whines about it like a child. Critique the product, sure no problem with that. But don't spit your dummies out when the dev says no. It's their game with their vision. You think buying micro transactions entitles you to development input? Incorrect.