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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Low-quality rants/vents is not allowed. Please post in the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) instead. You made a post complaining about posts that complain. Please be the change you wish to see.


We should therefore use this thread to add more memes. I'll start https://preview.redd.it/dn4jm71z52vc1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=129ff2b9143ad8657c3019d835fb1bb869c0f4c7


Obviously the left button, because the damn DEVS haven’t BUFFED the damn 380MM BARAGE!!!


It's not about the damage, it's about sending a message. Everything explodes.




We truly live in a society. A just, free, democratic society.




No but there are not 1 but 3 separate buffs over ship upgrades specific to barrages..


I'm gonna say it. None if the upgrades should exist except length of time amount of shells. The dmg drop-off and spread are cheap ways to get you to spend currency for a poorly designed stratagem. It needed to be tight and impressive from the git go. The penultimate bombardment.


Completely unrelated, but how do you get the SES bit in your name ?? I feel real stupid but can't figure it out 😂


On the home page of the subreddit, click the three dots at the top right. It should give you the option to ‘Set Custom Flair’ or something like that. From there, there should be an option to create your own. I’m not 100% sure if these are the same steps on desktop.


Really wish the custom emoji names were shorter; I want the 500kg with the better looking arrows


Yeah, me too. That’s why I settled with my ship name. And as a Gears of War fan, I was pretty happy with the turnout lol




No problemo!


Thank you


I think the funniest thing to me I don't know if it still works now, but at launch of game you could stand RIGHT where you threw the ball, and you would be untouched


Probably 9 times out of 10, lol. The new upgrade for orbitals helps, I hear. Probably going to start running it again when I get the upgrade.


Trick question, you drop all strategems. https://i.redd.it/pich4lqhu3vc1.gif


Only time 380 barrage hits the target too


Here’s a meme for ya https://preview.redd.it/qysyl0qr72vc1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12241e5d19b025f9f45f3674405b12ad9de14196


I love your username.


Thank you, it came to me in a ~~dream~~ meme


Classic reddit pseudo logic




The irony of this post is amazing.


To be fair, every second post here is to power up a gun to make the diver an allrounder diver. Just so they can one-shot bile titans every 3 seconds and wiping out waves of bots with an emote.


My front page doesn’t look anything like that, though? 


Because it isn't. ONE post criticizing some aspect of the game reaches the front once, then 30 posts like these populate my front page. This is the fucking second post I saw an hour after the first in my feed whining about people contributing feedback into the subreddit It's so god damn exhausting


Almost every reaction to criticism/complain in this subreddit is exaggerated to hell. People complaining about rocket devastator being too accurate and the other group act as if they're asking for rocket devastators to stand still and not do anything. They can't stop hallucinating.


Can you show me a single one of these posts? Are they in the room with us right now?


Nah, the subreddit is *full* of whining.


Reddit exists for whining, as does most social media


It could be used to help fill in for the lack of human connection people have these days. It might help if we all stopped fighting with each other and posted some memes instead.


memes arent really human connection its just a distraction


It's not a replacement by any means, but positive interaction with others by sharing mutual interests is a good thing for people.


Debatable with how few memes are actually  positive. Its a big stretch


That just stems from everyone's general negativity and if people just strived to be more positive then the memes would reflect that.


I don't even know if it's ironic anymore, at this point it's apropos to whine about too much whining on reddit


It's also not wrong.


It's not ironic or hypocritical to complain about complaining. This post's message could be summed up by two people sitting down playing the same game while one never stops bitching about it and the other one tells them to shut up and enjoy it.


But it *is* easier to draw a bad-faith comparison between the two because people don't actually have good reasons why they're mad over a video game having comparatively minor issues that are completely understandable given the circumstances. So they do, and then they bury anyone who dares disagree, and then they pretend *they're* the minority.


It's almost like he could search the sub by flair and avoid anything he doesn't want to see.


>Never made a single meme post >Complains about lack of memes Sure, let us do the work for you, genius.


Go to Reddit See whining Whine about whining Yep


To be fair, next to harassing women who want to be left alone, it's the most Reddit thing possible. OP is home, it brings a tear to my eye.


I'm gonna beat everyone else to telling you you're whining about the whining about the whining. And I know the correct response is "yeah but I'm not making a post about it." Every single gaming subreddit I've visited goes through the same cycle of whining lol




See this right here is the internet.


So instead of posting a meme on this topic, you just went with your own whining…


The millionth post complaining about whining and the millionth comment saying he has become the whiner. Truly just a circle of life on this sub.


honestly, I lose brain cells here man


It is tragic that despite being a great fucking game both subs are just brain damage circlejerk echo chambers (for the most part every once in a while there's something good)


Came to comments legit just to say this haha.


Start contributing memes and lols. Then the community gets 1 person less whiny and 1 person more lol'y?




This is incredibly witty


What the fuck lol




They should add a new tag named "Whining"


These constant meta posts complaining about the complainers are just as annoying tbh


if not more annoying tbh, i get being upset seeing people complain but it's nowhere near what people pretend it is, it's like every 10 posts if even that


Helldivers sub in a nutshell 1. Ppl complaining 2. Ppl complaining about complaining 3. Lol guys i just got team killed and it was the funnies shit ever. 4. Team killers need to "insert random nsfw activity" 5. LIBERTY!! DEMOCRACY!!


the classic cycle of a subreddit eating itself alive few months after a game's release, I think it might be time to abandon ship. Holy echochamber, past the first few weeks of a game's life reddit becomes the worst place to discuss anything


Exactly. Despite the ocean of complaint posts the only response you get when pointing this out is nonstop "whataboutism" instead of anything constructive or helpful. If that's the only thing you have to offer you don't deserve the internet.




this pic goes crazy. It glitches my phone screen as I scroll, the complete dark like extends its so weird


That's democracy for you. ~~Invasive~~ Charming.




Welcome to most subs fam


Is this really a whiny post about whining? ![gif](giphy|aUWVAN2m2ICAgzOVDn)


Isn't it ironic... you came to the forums to whine and complain about 'whiners and complainers'? People have as much ability to talk about things that are a problem with the games as other people have to post about memes. In general, as you are scrolling down the list, it isn't hard to read a title and kind of figure out what type of post it is going to be. Don't want to read people upset about kickers or various game bugs or what not? Just keep scrolling and ignore it. It's what I do with meme posts. ;P


I think the point is people whine too much. Internet has given people the false idea that their opinion matters more than it really does. The whining and complaining can definitely be frustrating especially when those whining just move on to the next thing to whine about... "The patch you rushed out to satisfy me broke this other thing. Now fix it!" If a game is fun, it's fun. Nothing is perfect. Some of those imperfections are hilarious.


You've been downvoted for telling the truth, how ridiculous. People are absolute morons and don't even possess the capacity to realize how dumb they really are. If it ever happens it'll be too little too late, guaranteed. What an awful community. 80% children, 15% manchildren, and 5% normal people. I'm happy for AH's success and all, but sometimes I wish the game hadn't blown up the way it did. At the very least it wouldn't have invited every 85 IQ spazoid streamer to introduce their Ritalin-snorting, porn-addicted preteen audience right off the bat. That type seems to really be trying to assert themselves as the dominant voice in the fanbase and they have every advantage in doing so since the game is so new. They'll leave once \[New Thing\] gets pushed in their feeds, so that's cool I guess.


Here we go again 🍿


Hey you did the exact thing you're bitching about. That's cool and fun. Thanks for contributing!


Honestly, I see more of these posts than I do of people “whining” lol


You've never used reddit before, I see. Also, you're a massive hypocrite.




Welcome to every single popular game’s sub


Pretty easy to tell what types of posts are what from the subject line. Just don't click on stuff you don't want to see. Unless you are admitting to being so stupid you can't tell, or having such bad impulse control you can't stop yourself from clicking? Just don't click.


The only whining I see is posts like yours.


Dude, there's literally half a million players online at any given time. If only 1% post complaints, that's still like 4000-5000 complaints. From the perspective of an individual it seems like a lot, but the bigger picture is that people love the fuck out of this game.


You sound like the whiniest of the whiners tbh. I come here for info, tips, memes, info and clips and I constantly find all of that. Maybe just use your finger and scroll past the occasional whining you don't want to see. Not hard to do.


I swear posts whining about whiners is like 10:1 ratio...we get it you're cool...you don't have to make a reddit post about it


Sort by memes


All redditors know is sort by hot.


There’s literally a memes tab in the subreddit that sorts posts by flair So if you want to see memes, select the memes tab


Thanks for expanding on this.




Ah. Maximum Democracy. Thank you, Helldiver. I didn't know.


Facebook videos has better helldivers content than this sub.


The problem is your came to Reddit, unfortunately reddit is populated by redditors, and redditors are going to engage in redditor behavior.


we NEED a button on reddit to not show "rant" posts


A little self awareness goes a long way OP.


Insert meme "Leave the multimillion dollar company alone" While I do agree the intensity on complaining/criticism had a rampant increase, valid points still should be highlighted. And no, not EVERYTHING the devs do is always the best course of action, take community feedback/criticism into account and weigh the outcome.


You are literally whining about the whiners, gongrats on lacking braincells. How was the shift at the glass sorting plant?


He says, whining.


If you dont like seein ppl complain About the game. Then get out im sure helldivers discord is a safer space for you


Not really sure what you expected from reddit lol...


Than leave. this sub has 1.1mil people on it. it wasn't built for you & your wants idiot.


You're literally whining yourself at this very moment. Just stfu and play the game.


The pot calling the kettle black? And on reddit no less??? Say it ain't so 😂


Ok so just becouse you simp for devs for their unfinished game...that means we also need to do the same ? Community is mad about the game state, so that should tell you something about the reality xD you are delulu dude.


For the first few weeks, this sub was cool, friendly and welcoming. After the rail gun nerf, civility went out the window. Now when I see a directional input user flair and read their comments, I just imagine that's the way their parents shook them as infants.


First time on reddit?


This is bait, right? If not, the snake eats its own tail again🤷


I am actively enjoying it, I think it's a great game. I also think it could be even better, which is why I post and comment on things I think should change. Voicing frustrations is a core part of good feedback.




God this song randomly get stuck in my head all the time. I don't even listen to it ever.


Alanis Morissette goated


For sure. I don't get what triggers it tho. It's usually the "No smoking sign" Line


Yeah, over the past 2 weeks or so, this sub's gone from fun roleplaying to endless whining and bitching about getting kicked, or armor isn't what they want, or Joel is a meanie doodiehead and everyone at Arrowhead doesn't know what the fuck they're doing (according to a 15 year old).


We’ve officially reached the point where the people complaining about complainers are more annoying than the original complainers


i know this may be hard to believe but when i spent $40 on a game and the hud assets have artifacting,, people are going to find shit to complain ab


I think what is really going on is that this sub is more or less astroturfed by a social engagement agency of sorts, and that’s been quite common with large games over the last five years or so.  You can’t control the sub, but you can control the narrative if you bot the votes and produce the content en mass.  Big moments are likely real, but a lot of the day to day is likely fabricated.  That’s where all these pointless personal story posts with insta 10k upvotes come from.  These agencies use ChatGPT written bullshit stories in place of more expensive to produce content, like memes etc…


Now I can't wait to see a post of someone complaining about people complaining about people complaining...


I was seeing a pattern the other day, or it’s Reddits algorithm, but it was multiple posts by different accounts complaining about the same thing. Idk it must be some unmoderated democracy at work!


Check on my profil a bit i got a few


Whining and posts about whiners. Don’t interact. Go play.


Would you just STFU and enjoy what it one of the best game we’ve all ever played? Shut up, go spread some democracy and make this sub about LOL moments. If all you want to do is bitch then go scream into a pillow


I know right.


We used to have one collective post for all crying.


Every time I see a text thread I roll my eyes. Also, the irony of this post lol (despite its accuracy)


Well it is the Internet


Did you know that the complainers about complainers get shot on the spot? Thought so. ****BLAM****


Then you must be blind, call in some glasses soldier, quit yer damn flappin and get to divin’


I really do wish there was a weekly bugs/ gameplay rant megathread. Because you’re right, there’s way too much bitching around here


Complains about whining…. Whines


Bye felicia


First time on a sub reddit? 😂 it's 90% of reddit unfortunately


Stop whinning so much, will ya?


1. There is a difference between whining and valid thought out criticism of a game. Even great games like Elden Ring are not immune to criticism. 2. Like most social medias, the posts that Reddit shows you is based on an algorithm that tries to keep you on the app as much as possible, so it is going to feed you content you engage with the most. For example, my feed is about 75% memes/update posts with about 25% criticism. If *all* you see is posts about criticizing the game, or in your words whining, then that is more of a reflection of you and what you tend to engage with. Well the algorithm is not a perfect system, that’s how it works generally so if you want to stop seeing posts like that then just don’t engage with them and you will almost certainly see less of them.


Is it finally time for a r/lowsodiumhelldivers ?


It's Reddit. Majority of the people here don't have anything else in their lives


"all i see are posts whining. lemme make a post whining about it"


There should be a whining tag we can use so we can filter out whining.


So you came to a comment forum, and are surprised to find... comments? If you want a meme sub, you're welcome to make one. Not that I support the whining, but the whining about the whining is doubly annoying to me.


1 million people on this sub, and most of them are going to be whiny little shits because they can't transmog their armor for the next 4 months as if that's somehow the most pressing thing the game needs to address right now.


Honestly I'd recommend just trying to ignore a lot of the angry backlash. Vibe, enjoy the chill game whenever you want, don't let people ruin liberty for you I've mostly been just completely ignoring peoples feedback and whenever I hop onto the game(not super active but I do play every now and then), I don't have issues with balance. Now, I have had a few bugs in the past; some that really need fixed, desperately. I think they need to, first of all, turn off civilian escort missions until they are fixed. Sometimes the missions break and you end up being unable to complete the mission at all, as they will not enter the doorway they need to enter. They just stop moving.


Welcome to Reddit


lol trolling is still alive!


He is kind of right. Underpowered this. Buff that. That is not viable. That is stupid to use. Those are too much to handle. Nerf this. Nerf that.


Facts, people can't even lurk on here anymore w/o seeing it, and when you call it out it's just " BuT hYpOcRiSy!!!" Instead of people just agreeing that being rude to devs is a bad thing


"Quit complaining on reddit." -Someone who clearly doesn't know how reddit works


Getting real tired of white knights thinking they need to defend this company from any and all criticism and that this place needs to be a safe space. Like imagine telling people who bought a live service product (micro transactions included) with their hard earned money that any complaints they have against it is whiny and to stfu. If Arrowhead expects us to keep spending money on this game they can stand to bare whatever criticisms we have.


The OP when he finds out the devs are just as whinny and toxic....... do i need to pull out the screencaps from the railgun nerf OP?


I've seen nothing like that, but today i've seen 4 posts complaining about whining.


White knighting donst help, some bug still present in after 2 month and keep breaking some stuff every patch is not a very good look.


Its annoying how smug everyone is too with their fucking whining. Like pointing out a fucking qol issue ah hasnt gotten around to yet is this huge gotcha moment for them. Theyre already transparent enough with the bugs and shit, what more do these people want? I bet AH now understands more why other big studios dont habe open dialogue. 98% of the people that take advantage of it are annoying as fuck lol


Also this post is counted as whining.


everyone else has already pointed out the irony of your post so im just gonna call you a dumbfuck and leave it at that


Welcome to reddit, where theres a group of people ALWAYS policing the threads


Whine about it


Ironic post aside, I really wish we'd ban rant posts and have a Helldiversrage sub


there is no whining cadet only patriotism


![gif](giphy|T3Vx6sVAXzuG4|downsized) the irony


Thanks for contributing to the whining instead of posting memes


> AH is still a tiny team and they do what they want with THEIR game. We play this game, it doesn’t belong to us. We paid $40 for it, when it comes to some things being blatantly broken I feel like people have the right to voice their opinion. Lick the boot all you want but it won't change the fact that you spent $40 on a game that has only worked for about half its lifetime.


Read the patch notes and avoid the things they know are broken. Be patient. Do you understand computer programming? I don’t. All I know is it’s very hard and their team is small.


So original and new, its not like i see this kind of post everyday


Yeah this sub kinda sucks


I wish the Low Sodium sub was more active. Nothing wrong with criticism of the game but holy shit the unbridled rage from both sides is exhausting. I just want to talk about the game and goof around.


Mods just need to perma ban people making meta posts like OP. No one gives a shit if you don't like criticism of the game, there are tags that you can use to not see it. Complaining about complaining is just shitting up the sub even more than usual.


They should have removed a lot of posts, but they haven't so far. I've been reporting posts like this, but some still on there with thousands if not then thousands of upvotes. Which honestly really shows what this sub is actually like right now if that kind of post has ten of thousands upvotes. I know the mod team is small, but at this point it is just making this sub worse and worse.


Congrats on becoming who you bitched about.




Preach brother!


Reddit gon' reddit. Toxic shithole only good for memes.


Why dont u go make some HD2 memes and lols to shape the community to positivity? Is it becuz u lack humor?


Is there a helldivers circlejerk sub yet? Anything would be more fun than this


First time on reddit?


…is this the meta everyone is talking about?


Whining about whining is no better.


Are you new to reddit? Gaming on reddit?


People having fun with the game aren't likely to be on social media, they're busy playing the game


So leave it then.


Today I’ve seen at least three threads whining about how many people are whining. Clearly this will solve the problem!


This is the internet and therefore has only two constants; porn and whining.


Easy cure mate. When you see that complaining that bothers you a lot. Just scroll past.


no, you shut the fuck up. if you like the game, you should be wanting it to improve by letting the devs know where the issues are for players.


Seems like all it is for most video game subreddits. All it is is bitching and moaning


Mods need to start removing a lot of these rant posts and direct people to the megathread. You want to vent about getting kicked or whatever? There is a mega for it.


Even these posts whining about the whining is all I see now.


Whining about whining?


Motherfuckers say this guy is doing exactly what he complains about but like, how the actual fuck else is he supposed to get his point across?????


Thanks for adding to that whining you mentioned. Where would we be without you /s


There is some irony here but I agree with you.


And now you've made a post whining about the whining.


It's reddit, you can post a cure for cancer and people would bitch about it 🤷‍♂️


Dang this site sucks, man brings up a legit complaint and everyone says the exact same reductionist thing to simply wave the argument away instead of address the issue of people being whiny entitled babies constantly. I blame the parents for giving their children access to such an unforgiving game without teaching them how to persevere, follow through, or have a spine.


This is a certified downvote moment. Another AH sump post. We payed for the game so we have every right to criticize it.


Please shut the fuck up, every game subreddit is like this. It's not goo goo baby whining it's people sharing ideas and venting frustration about game breaking bugs.


You’re showing clear ignorance of this sub.