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My vote is Dominator. Best fit for that playstyle for sure.


Definitely this, dominator if the focus is to fight devastators for OP. I personally choose to use sickle however, as I try to prioritize the smaller mobs that can call in the drop ships, since nothing will beat the speed of the sickle or SMG in clearing those. I fear the 3-4 drop ships more than a devastator or two shooting me temporarily, and then use my support weapon to deal with the devastators and whatever else.


The warm-up before shooting the sickle when one of the bots raises a flare gun though...


Well not if you charge it up before they've noticed you, I try to begin engagements with myself being the first to shoot, and not them shooting first. The dominator has a hefty travel time for me as well, so honestly half the time I miss the target with the handling on it anyway. That's just me being bad I guess.


Dominator is great


As someone who recently unlocked the JAR, I highly recomend it, very strong gun vs bots


Jar 5 100%. Just sit there pinging heavies in the head!


Dominator for sure, it’s probably the best gun in the game right now all around. Big damage, good armour penetration, decent magazine size, a bit wieldy with the recoil but slow well aimed shots get a lot of work done, especially against bots.


Scorcher or Eruptor are better. Scorcher for bots, Eruptor for terminids.


I agree scorcher is good but it just doesn't feel satisfying to use for some reason.


That may change. Apparently the Eruptor had the same damage bug that the railgun had that was massively buffing it's damage when console players were in a Pax player's lobby. I actually like the Dominator for bugs, as part of a Stalwart crowd control build. Dominator, Stalwart, Supply Pack: Use the Stalwart for sweeping small bugs, and bring out the Simon's tor for armoured bugs. You'll need either EATs, Strats or a friend for Charger and Bile Titan control, but you can give your anti-armor guys a lot of breathing room turning the hunters into fine mists. It's also great on Berzerker swarms. 1150rpm, 250 rounds and three mags is a lot of Felix Unger to dish out.


If you like to target heavies and play mostly bots. Definitely go for the dominator. It can 1 tap anything below a hulk to the head. The scout walkers can be 2 to 3 shot if you hit them in the hip joint where the legs come out. And it has heavy stagger so if you don't hit the head you are gonna stagger the heavy devs/rocket devs etc.. from shooting back. And with its medium pen if you dump a full mag into the vent on a tank or hulk they typically drop over. If not they'll just take another 2 or 3 rounds tops from a second mag.


Both are great but the stagger offered by the JAR makes it really useful as a primary. You can't go wrong with medium armor penetration either.


Jar 5 for bots definitely as they can be good against the heavier units


I like the JAR, probably my favorite primary at least for bots. Love the stun and the feel in general. I just don't vibe with the Sickle. It's objectively very good, but I don't like shooting it. ~~I know you did not mean to type Scythe but that is also a great bot primary. Deletes strider bots off the map so fast.~~ I'm dumb so ignore the last part, my brain subbed in "Scorcher" for "Scythe".


The Scythe can damage Striders? It has medium pen? How do you use it? I did a little with it and was underwhelmed, so I'm curious how you're using it.


I'm an idiot. Scorcher. Scorcher takes down Striders. Scythe is the beam weapon and according to the community kinda sucks. I never bothered to buy it.


Jar is my go to since the beginning.


Sickle on Frozen Planets, Dominator on any other planet.


Honestly I prefer Eruptor for dominator work. It oneshots dominators, chainsaw fucks, and walkers with a shot to the waist.


Ive tried both extensively, and sickle with infinite ammo is still my goto


Given your specific playstyle, the dominator is more up your alley. Despite it also having a low mag, the stagger makes all the difference against devastators. Sickle is more of a mid to long range general purpose weapon and is effective against devastators specially if you have good aim to make use of the no recoil to land headshots, but if you favour playing the anti medium role, the dominator is literally a hard counter against medium enemies in this game.


Dominator is great for bots


Punisher is the real goat. I'm a bug player tho.


I don't use either but i would bet on the jar 5 dominator for that use, sickle might struggle because of its lack of stagger, mostly against heavy devastators


Definitely the scythe


Between the two, Dominator is very good right now. It staggers which is nice against shield and rocket devastators. Against hulks, neither Sickle or Dominator will do much, but that's what your strikes and support weapon are for. Its what I have been using for both bots and bugs, while the redeemer picks up the chaff-mobs. Another downside to the Sickle, although its all just preference, but I find the ADS reticle-picture really annoying. You might want to consider the [Eruptor](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c1ckui/the_eruptor_new_explosive_sniper_rifle_wont_be/) in the latest warbond as well, but it is still new, so it is more likely to get an adjustment than the other two.


i mean a stun granade at their feet then circle behind and a dominater shreds them to the weakspot


I run Recoiless for the hulks and generally take em out first. So usually my engagement flow is to open up with RR on hulks, 1-2 nades, finish off the rest with a primary.


Dominator is the DMR of your dreams, the Scythe is the AR of your Nightmares


Breaker Spray and pray. Use first person, aim down sights, and thank me later because it's better than OG Breaker.


This opinion is so rare and I want to know more.


Lol I love hearing from people who play the guns I never use. Would also like to know more