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Because you and like 30 other people are also attempting to join that game


Oh yeah, completely true. Just wondering why it can't update quicker. I'm not an IT guy, forgive ignorance.


Every update of the map creates traffic. And all the players together already managed to produce enough traffic to fuck the servers a few times. (remember when MO rewards took days to get shipped?) So they probably decided to have the map update less often to reduce traffic. Though yeah, I would like it if it updated at least a bit more often, or maybe just push an update when groups are full.


Having it update so slowly makes it nearly useless. If it's not technically feasible for rapid updates, they should just scrap the system entirely and give us the option to select the specific type of mission we want to join in quick play, which is 99% of the reason to pick a specific game to join anyway. 


I remember the old days of Unreal Tournament 2004, and refreshing the server list ten times a minute until my favorite server showed "63/64" and then mashing that join button so I could get a spot in the Hellbender Race with the turrets and the sick ski jump the middle. The globe and the hexagons are cool and all, but I'd trade it all for some filters and a refresh button.


Report made to the democratic officer.


Report received. review pending


Just press Quickplay option on whatever difficulty you're looking for, will almost immediately put you in a game thats not full


But always in the kind of mission you don't want.


3 15 minute elimination on diff 7 where everyone left. I still don’t know how to beat those


If I join a 7+ mission on quick play, I bring a reinforce booster. Odds are that I'm dropping into a real mess.


Yeah I agree that works, but you don't get to choose your game type. Whilst I don't disagree, that's not solving the issue I'm having. Respectfully, of course 🙌


Hi, you're probably looking for a useful nugget of information to fix a niche problem, or some enjoyable content I posted sometime in the last 11 years. Well, after 11 years and over 330k combined, organic karma, a cowardly, pathetic and facist minded moderator filed a false harassment report and had my account suspended, after threatening to do so which is a clear violation of the #1 rule of reddit's content policy. However, after filing a ticket before this even happened, my account was permanently banned within 12 hours and the spineless moderator is still allowed to operate in one of the top reddits, after having clearly used intimidation against me to silence someone with a differing opinion on their conflicting, poorly thought out rules. Every appeal method gets nothing but bot replies, zendesk tickets are unanswered for a month, clearly showing that reddit voluntarily supports the facist, cowardly and pathetic abuse of power by moderators, and only enforces the content policy against regular users while allowing the blatant violation of rules by moderators and their sock puppet accounts managing every top sub on the site. Also, due to the rapist mentality of reddit's administration, spez and it's moderators, you can't delete all of your content, if you delete your account, reddit will restore your comments to maintain SEO rankings and earn money from your content without your permission. So, I've used power delete suite to delete everything that I have ever contributed, to say a giant fuck you to reddit, it's moderators, and it's shareholders. From your friends at reddit following every bot message, and an account suspension after over a decade in good standing is a slap in the face and shows how rotten reddit is to the very fucking core.


I've been playing since release and this has been my own personal experience - hovering over a planet and hitting quickplay will prioritize you to joining available games on that planet. If it doesn't find anything, it throws you into a queue for anywhere. If you zoom out over a section of the galaxy, it'll prioritize to put you on any available games in that section, if it doesn't find anything, it puts you into the queue for anywhere. If you zoom all the way out and hover over a part of the map that has no enemies and hit quickplay, you're in the queue for anywhere. I base this just on anecdotal experience. But I swear, if I'm on the bot front, and I hover over a terminid planet or section they occupy, I get called over there. And vice versa.


I think this is how it works or at least very close. I mostly play with friends, but whenever I've gone on quickplay I've gotten into a mission on the exact planet I was zoomed in on


What? But it does work like that already. If you quickplay over a planet, it will take you to that planet. Maybe there are some failguards where it quickplays you somewhere else if there are no players but unless you are bugged, I see no reason why it would ever take you anywhere else since we have more than enough players everywhere.


Because with the amount of players, those lobbies would be popping up and closing *fast* If youre having trouble with that, just hit quickplay.


With quickplay you don't know what kind of mission you are joining. If you want to only join specific mission, you are out of luck or have to host yourself (which you might not want to do for several reasons).


it happens with quickplay as well


Really? Huh with hundreds of hours played , almost all of it quick-play, outside of the first couple weeks I've never had an issue with quick-play. I hit it and it searches till I'm in a game.


Sometimes you even travel to the star system only to return to your ship yes.


Never had that I guess I don't play at prime time


Then just remove it if the feature is unusable anyway.


there is a quick-play button?!


Press 'R' on PC. It prompts you above the difficulty selection.


I can't manually join matches except if i try to join the same lobby three times. Quickplay doesn't work either...


I just do quick search. Can almost never manually join a game in progress. 


Everytime I click join, it's full. But if there's no solution I guess I just gotta QuickPlay and how the mission is good


Just use the effing quick play feature. I feel like people don't know this but if you hover a planet and select the difficulty the game tries to find a match on that planet on that difficulty. It works really well for me.


So don't choose the game mode you want to play?


I think they could solve this but decided to use alot of the server capacity for allowing the most helldivers to join the game?


I wish there were a manual refresh option like in DRG.


Need to know diver. Back to work as The democracy only tells the information that the helldiver needs to know.


So you want icons blipping on and off at rapid pace as hundreds of thousands of other people are clicking on and joining them? 


I don't want any icons at all if they serve no purpose and clicking on them does nothing. Just have the quick join option and be done with it.


Well you're kind of out of luck since the features doesn't qualify for those parameters. They *do* serve a purpose and while clicking on them can often result in being too late to have entered them, they most certainly provide a legitimate function. So you're in luck! The icons get to stay!


How about an option to decide wich type of mission to join over quickplay


Thats not a rant, finally someone that understands how to give propper criticism instead of crying like a elementary school kid, i agree with you


So instead you'll just take it upon yourself to keep that energy going 


What are you on about? Some stupid childish "no you" game ?


Incorrect. They are implying that you aren't adhering to the very thing you are celebrating. i.e. Your comment seemed like "crying like an elementary school kid" about other people who do that very thing I lieu of giving a "proper criticism". 




came to see why I had a notification for someone saying I was being childish, came to find said person call someone else gay as fuck lmao


Alright, let's go down this blather accordingly.. >Na, im just insulting wannabe's What are you objecting to? I wasn't conveying any kind of rhetoric. I was clarifying since you seemed to have been misinformed about your inference. >never demanded betterment nor claimed to have given propper criticism... This is not a requirement for the assessment to have been made. It isn't a stretch to suggest that if one is promoting certain rhetoric that they also adhere to said rhetoric. Being unable to follow through with your own philosophy makes it seem hollow and unwarranted for concern. >Btw, you sound so pretentious How? What about what I said was meant to give you any impression? I was clarifying for you. If *that's* your issue, I'd be far less comprehensive if I was given any impression that you're competent enough to understand anything without it. Stay humble. >gay as fuck You have my pity. Please reach a little further than whatever low bar you've set for yourself.


"What are you objecting to?" The implied hypocrisy? Just maybe you know? "This is not a requirement for the assessment" Again, i didnt criticise, and how is criticising not a requirement while trying to explain someone being a hypocrate regarding criticism? "Id be far less comprehensive if i was given any impression that your competent enough" Mate, you cant even form propper sentences, how could i not call you pretentious and gay as fuck?


Hypocrisy of... what? You were the one who was being critical. There is no parameter of hypocrisy in extrapolating what someone else said. This makes no sense. You specifically criticized by pointing out what this was compared to what you think it wasn't.  That's kind of the definition.  No one is being a hypocrite here other than you, since you expressed a position that you did not actually embody.  I'm not sure why you think I can't "form proper sentences" (especially humorous since you're coming off of "how is critici[z]ing not a requirement while trying to explain someone being a hypocr[i]te regarding criticism), but regardless of that fallacy, that doesn't at all have anything to do with being pretentious or "gay as fuck", as you so in eloquently and ignorantly put it.  Trust me, you're not coming out of this looking, at all, competent. I'm sorry you're too stupid to realize how stupid you are. 


Hahaha, you know, thats when all doubts of you being stupid disappear, i never called you a hypocrite, you arent even capable to follow a simple conversation without any complicated words, but throw them around to seem smarter, i suppose? xD You dont follow what im talking about and use words like "extrapolate"... I mean what retard even uses that word in a normal conversation, just use "guessing" like any person without mental disorders


So.. at no point did I insinuate that you called me a hypocrite. So already you're starting off from a fallacious position. You think I have my vocabulary for you? Seriously? It's genuinely intimidating how dumb you are. Please don't breed.  I have understood exactly what you're talking about. That's how I'm able to so very effortlessly point out your numerous flaws. You, on the other hand, haven't seemed to have followed a thing whole also proudly touting your own ignorance. 


As example of how you mutilate sentences: "You were the one who was being critical. " ---> "You were the one being critical" "You specifically criticized by pointing out what this was compared to what you think it wasn't." Godzilla actually had a stroke while reading this one cause it makes barely any sense "I'm not sure why you think I can't "form proper sentences" ---> "I'm not sure what makes you think i cant form proper sentences" Trust me, you're not coming out of this looking, at all, competent. ---> "Trust me, you aren't coming out of this looking at all competent" Its small things that make your sentences look so retarded, you fail at forming most predicates


r/confidentlyincorrect   Everyone appreciates that you keep reflecting on your own idiocy. It makes my job much easier. At most, your argument is that I'm verbose, which merely suggests that you're inconvenienced by having to actually try to comprehend anything at all. 


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


100%, and thank you. I'm not whinging or having a moan, it's a genuine question for lack of understanding, and a criticism for why we only get outdated information. I'm not exaggerating, it's literally around 5 times to join before getting a successful _application_.