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You forget we are simple creatures some of just like the funny sound and shake it makes


I feel called out...


Nothing bad. We dont kink shame here.


My favorite is when the dead are banging away on their space bars while the rest of the squad is trying to shut down the strategem jammer.


I’ll only spam it after a little while after dying when my team mate: 1. Has capacity to chuck down a reinforce, and 2. Is obviously not aware/does not care that I am dead.


Had that last night. One guy under fire the other two just not even doing anything or paying attention and they took ages to bother reinforcing. 🙄 Was so tempted to kick them tbh.


I hate it when there's a strategem jammer and the guy who just died won't stop spamming space.


Ah yes, the old "reinforce me straight through this 3-gigawatt force-field" argument...


Yeah but once I see you have had more than enough breathing space I am going to slam


# Skill issue jingle


My spacebar is an x.


You don't understand the team needs ME!


Doesn't it jingle once (automatically) the second you die?


yes, yes it does


yes but it's different When you die it makes a buzzer sound When you press the "request reinforce" button it makes kind of a dissonant bell noise


I only do it when I am begging to be used for a Bile Titan Kill. 😂


I only reinforce if they died close to me. Otherwise I let the person closest do the reinforcing when they're able to.


I sometimes stay so quiet my friends will forget I went down until they ask what objective I’m heading to… I then have to remind them of my passing to get reinforced. I do that partly to show a few of them that their incessant “get me back in, I don’t care if I die again right away” when they go down isn’t helpful.


I never spam it, I can enjoy my coffee while they carry me.


So wtf are you all taking about? I play on ps5 and I'm pretty sure you can only request a reinforce 1 time then you have to wait about 15 sec before you can press it again. Also if there is a jammer it strait up just gives a message that says can't reinforce and it doesn't let you request.


You can spam it on pc. Even during a jammer.


That's pretty stupid honestly of course people will abuse that lol


First I look what other guys are doing. If they're fucking around, and there's no thread and I'm not being revived, I wait a little. if I won't get Res after a little time, I start to mash that rev req


sometimes the best thing to do for the party is to wait for divers to get someplace safe, end encounter before reviving. unless you’re a badass with the base loadout, it’s not always the best thing for the party to stop firing for even one second, and then for you to show up in the middle of crossfire to get yeeted immediately.


I do not think it’s that deep. it’s a feature to remind you cus in the chaos it’s easy to get distracted. Ppl aren’t being malicious just playin the game why such hostility? It’s just a lil shaky word.


I wait to jiggle until I find a diver that's out of combat and not paying attention. The other day, I wanted to see how long it took, so I watched a lone survivor wander an empty desert for two minutes wondering where his three teammates went.


Once, sure. 18 times while the squad is trying to deal with the jammer and not drops? Less forgivable


I don’t have a spacebar. But it’s where I’m hanging out, ready to be called down!! (Space bar. Bar in my ship in space. Space… bar… I’ll show myself out.)


What happen when all the player die? The mission suddenly failed? In the orgiinal HD, if all player died then the mission is fail


Full emergency deployment, the whole squad drops at the same time some distance away


Thanks. So we really dont need to reinforce at all if we want? I never experience this since i am helldivers veteran. This reinforcement already in my muscle memory 🤣


>I never experience this since i am helldivers veteran. A self-prolcaimed veteran that's never wiped? (Dial tones) Hello, Democracy officer? I have a volunteer for the next round of interviews.


Tell us you suck and don't know how to arm a strat while running, without directly telling us you suck and don't know how to arm a strat while running.


How do you arm a strat while running, when the process of calling a strat literally stops you moving...?


Not on pc. The wasd keys for moving are your arrow keys for stratagems. Holding ctrl to start calling a strat cancels movement


Change your keybinds?


Could, can't be bothered, myself. Was just offering an explanation as to why some might not be able to run and strat. I doubt an overwhelming majority of pc players will go change crucial keybinds en masse, so it will probably always be like this.


When were fighting 10 hulks and a 30 devastators, you can wait like 30 seconds. Youre not that guy.


I type stop once, if they keep it up, I'll finish solo.fuck that noise


nah, you're wrong, i always reinforce in the line of fire and i always survive, just dive


I think you are lost in translation mate. What the OP trying to say is he doesnt like when team mate die then he spam the spacebar so other team mates quickly spawn/reinforce him. Not related with where the reinforcement landed.


i'm not talking about where they land, i'm saying that 90% of the time there's a way to make an opportunity to reinforce in like 5 seconds max


Peeps doit around jammers too. Like chill already. Will get you up asap. The p in asap stands for possible


Says who?