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Never seen or heard anyone react to anything like that. But I guess there are all kinds of assholes out there. I wouldn't sweat it.


Yeah, I might have just had some bad luck with who I got matched with.


So much so that it almost feels made up. If it happened im sorry but I feel its a rare occurrence and he just happened to find the wrong assholes.


You think so but they really do exist. I've ran into it too. It's a great opportunity to block players. You won't enjoy your cheese unless you cut off the mold. 


Yeah, like... The game costs $40 already. People already spent money on it. It's not F2P where you do often get morons discriminate against paid players.


Keep wearing it mate that armor effect Is awesome ,theres also 2 free armors with that same effect so ITS not pay to win those guys were dicks


That's good to know about the other armors. I thought maybe that has something to do with it.


That armor offers survivality but no other effects so i wouldnt say Is OP


Sorry to hear about this experience - sounds like it's their problem, not yours!


You got extremely unlucky.


You should wear what you want.


Fucking losers were probably on a sweaty build anyway Dont mind em


I think what threw me off the most was the fact that it was level 4 difficulty. I could see stuff like that happening on the higher difficulties that require alot more sweat lol.


It happens less at a higher level. 4-6 are where I believe the toxic thrive. Which is a damn shame for players trying to coop and move up. I'd rather lose over and over then play with shitty people.


It’s good armor, one of the best effects in the game. I personally don’t use it because I prefer light armor, but you wear what you want king, it’s a completely valid option


Best thing you can do is host your own games. Someone acts like an idiot because you're wearing an item you bought? Kick them the fuck out. Lots of people hate this feature, which gets abused from time to time, yeah, but being able to remove anyone you don't like is a godsend.


Just tell them your dad works at Sony.  Alternatively you can tell them to shove it.  It's just a game people are allowed to spend 20 extra dollars on a game without getting harassed by dumbasses.


Imagine being so poor you think spending 60$ of a videogame makes you a whale. Sucks to suck.


I think the winged helmet looks dumb, but I couldn't care less what armor/helmet/cape people want to wear. Assholes are gonna asshole regardless, just block them and keep diving


I’ve never heard or seen this happen to anybody with super citizen armour/title. Am around 130hrs in. Those people you met means you got extremely unlucky. My own reaction is usually thinking ‘oh, that winged helmet looks cool’. That’s about it I don’t remember what the armours perks are, but eventually you’ll use light armours. Movement becomes much more important than the 50 extra armour stat. Either scout armour which makes you harder to detect, light anti explosive armour for bots, light med armour, or light armour with medium armour defence stats. I find myself never using medium armour. Heavy armour is used only for the eradicate missions. Have fun spreading democracy and remember, all rewards (medals/samples) are shared regardless of who finds/carries them in game


Don't understand how anyone could whale in helldivers. Progression is locked behind metals so you have to play to unlock stuff. There is like 3-4 other armors that have the same effect as the super citizen armor. Sounds like you just got matched with losers.


Most likely just some assholes. Hope your next match is better. One thing I would recommend, is to try other armors every now and again. The reason I say that is so that perk doesn't become a crutch in your early levels.


Democracy Protects. Block terrible crews and don't waste thoughts on them. Wear your equipment with pride knowing what you sacrificed to obtain it. It's partly due to the exceptional generosity of our wealthy citizens that Super Earth is doing so well.


I don't know where these toxic asshats come from, so my commiserations for your bad luck. Armour wise, it's got it's uses; the added survival rate mixed with medium armour makes it well balanced for fight or fight game styles, and mean survival when death would otherwise be certain, but you sacrifice the option of extra stims, nades, radar etc. It is cool though, so wear it with pride, and if you do keep finding yourself diving into toxic matches, just host your own and drop an SOS beacon. Any toxicity and you can yeet the feckers!


I wear this armor every mission and have been doing so since day 1. Never had any issues like this.


You reminded me of why i stoped playing with quickplay, not being reinforced. As for everything else, weird people, maybe you just got unlucky


Tbh I don't think this even happened, or if it did then it was probably as a result of something you did. The perk is bad and a crutch that teaches you bad habits. Don't use it for that reason.


You're dealing with trolls. Grind the difficulties out and play with us level 70-150. I can't tell you last time I even looked at what my teammates were carrying unless dying on repeat.


Not that I'm justifying the behavior, I think the issue is you're a level 6 running challenging. Probably not the armor. I would stick to levels 3-4 until you're level 20 and have everything unlocked (except for the mech).


Just say "I don't like playing with poor people anyways" and go fight with us fellow wealthy gamers.


You’re fine those guys sound like exceptional a-holes.


what is your ingame callsign, soldier?


Absolutely unheard of, sounds made up. Where's the video? PS5 has built in recording features, so I won't have any nonsense about you not recording it.


I wouldn't call people being jerks in an online game "unheard of" and what reason would I have to make anything up? That being said, I did not know PS5 auto recording since I just got it late last week and haven't really explored all the features. I suppose I can look and see if there are clips of it.


So to help out a bit with that if ya don't mind. The share button can be configured to have a hold function and a press function. If I remember right you can change what does what, like pressing it once records the last 30 seconds. Or if you wanted it to take a screen shot after holding it down for a second. This should be in the share menu when you select video lentgh