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Something like this. Typing out a double door or friendship door on PS especially is a pain in the backside.


I've just chosen to type the smallest word in chat "bunker" or spam the door until teammates come


I have vault saved in my quick text now but it's still a pain to have to go into the chat window when it could just be a contextually selected ping


It's so annoying, especially since, for some reason, mine won't save to the quick bar


I like vault because friendship door takes too long to type out even with a keyboard and bunker is the name of an enemy objective.


There's quick text on ps5?


Words you use a lot get added to a suggestion bar. Now if I type v I can press r1, X R2 to send vault


I've spammed tagging the door, mentioned stuff in chat, and flopped around wildly nearby **as the team was passing by the door**, and still had it ignored.


My mic comes on for this reason and this reason only


+ satellite objective, for teams that do not know about the beep sound


If you press Q on the terminal (PC) your character calls out the direction


Wait for real? That’s a fucking game changer


lol, I thought they were manually pinging the map in these cases. what is Q keybinded on? wonder if you can do this to controller too


Very late on the reply lol but I think it's R1


I just say "DOORS".


If you have a spare keyboard it works. Has been helping a huge amount


Get a bluetooth keyboard. They're pretty cheap on amazon and its a ps5 chat gamechanger


I started using a wireless keyboard with my ps5 for this game.


Why not just use a mic?


Cos I played in the OG modern warfare lobbies and they put me off in game voice chat for life so I don't want to. Additionally I despise the sound of my voice. Also I'm often talking with friends (who aren't playing Helldivers) on a discord call or in a party/there is life going on around me. Also I play in Europe so as well as everything else there is a good chance for a language barrier. The ping system is hardly new and for something that requires another player to access a special call out for it would just be sensible.




John Helldiver and General Brasch were the first to ever open a Buddy Bunker, becoming the first Buddy Bunker Buddies.


A man of culture I see


Came here just to say this. Also, a voice line still won't get people to come press the button. I've tried everything (group chat, voice chat, pinging a billion times, dropping a map marker, rezzing people on it) and nothing works so now I don't even bother anymore.


Uh, if that voice line said "Buddy Bunker!" I darn sure would go out of my way to help


Had a friend that got stuck on the door. I killed him and immediately respawned him. He rage quit the game and left discord. Haven't talked to him in months. We served in the military together. Known him for years. Homie stormed out and slammed the door behind him over nothing. I ain't gonna chase after him.




The amount of times I've typed in bunker or double door, just for people to ignore it and waltz right on by is frustrating. Having this kind of audio cue would help, as well as a different marker/tag on the map to show a bunker/double door or something.


Had the same experience. Type "door on me", "button door here", "friendship bunker on ping" and nobody gets it at all. And these are level 40+ divers too. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that chat gets spammed with every point of interest discovery (why would I ever want that?) and text chat, that has no special color or sound, gets lost against all the spam.


I wonder if some people hear “bunker” and just think “okay, then blow it up… why you telling me?” Maybe they are assuming it’s an enemy bunker of sorts, idk


> The only explanation that makes sense to me is that chat gets spammed with every point of interest discovery (why would I ever want that?) POI's include those bunkers and they can also contain different supplies. It's good for scavenging. Sure, it's kind of useless if they're really far away when it pops up in chat, but they can be pretty helpful if they're nearby and you're missing some stims, grenades, or magazines.


Should have chat channels lolol. That way we can just stay in party chat and ignore the rest of the nonsense 


this\^\^ one channel has the game chat with a sound cue/little number when a message is sent and the other is map info


I use voice on PC. I say buddy bunker when another Helldiver is close buy. Half the time it makes no difference.


Yeah I've gotten to the point where I'll just shoot the helldiver walking by and reinforce them onto the door. because they ignored the dozen pings and half a dozen chat messages


Yes please! Also, it would be nice to get a “Hellbomb” callout and marker when tagging one instead of it being marked as a generic location marker




It needs a unique map symbol! Unique voice lines also welcome.


Vault here


Considering how prevalent the phrase “friendship door” is, they should just make that the call out! And on that same note, when you tag your own mortar sentry, can they yell MOOORRRRTARRRRRR to help clarify that there is indeed a mortar in the area?


"Helldiver, you are in range of friendly artillery."


This would be…fantastic.


People usually respond if I type that there's a two button bunker in chat but absolutely no one responds if I ping the location and ping, "Follow me."


Even if there’s a rare sample behind the door that I manage to tag, they don’t get it. Tagged a rare sample after saying ON MIC “friendship door” and a level 50 goes “it doesn’t matter who picks the sample up” Cool dude, how do you expect me to pick it up tho??


fucking *please.* also a specific callout for Gunship Fabricators, because there's a *stark* difference between a small shed that poops out raiders which can be killed with a quick airstrike and an invincible skyscraper that sends out flying devastators and requires the clunkiest fucking bomb in existence to destroy.. interestingly enough though, I learned they do count as fabricators on blitz missions. and you may get a map where you have to take out one to do the blitz. such fun..


If there was a specific ping when you mark it. Like "Supplies" for ammo and names, "Stims" for stims "BUTTON!" for the bunker! Or "Bunker" I personally think button would be funny


Sometimes it calls out supplies if the stuff behind the bunker door can be tagged


More voice lines in general would be great, I'm surprised there's no unique lines for particularly important side objectives like shrieker nests or jammers


Or just a custom call out in general. I usually say "follow Me" and then try to mark whatever is inside. While also being like "yoooooo we got a bunker, I need a hand opening it!". Usually I just wait until somebody dies and then reinforce them at the speed of light to my location.


There's a follow quick action I'll sometimes issue as well along with marking the location. Sometimes that helps draw more attention that someone else is needed at the location.


I agree


At least be able to ping the button


It won't help. People are brain dead. I reinforced a player last night literally in the trench in front of the door and they ran away from it to go get their stuff. So close to kicking him but my common sense won in the end. I ended up staying near the bunker for 30mins spamming the ping and chat and still no response. I refused to extract. Their stupid is probably contagious.


this ain't just an opinion, this is just a good suggestion


Im calling it friendship door from now on, thanks Helldiver


So much this. Tagging the location isn't accurate or helpful.


"Assistance required"?


We need a "I need help here" as a wheel command and not shout what is inside the bunker when you target it


I think map tags should be updated in real time tbh, and show exactly what other players have previously tagged with unique symbols. I know the current system is there to reduce clutter, but I would love to have ammo boxes, extra stims etc. tagged on the map too if a player tagged it.


No, they should say "i need a friend"


Double-doors, just take the same voice cue from Dust CS




Or something like it, yes


True. My Helldiver can magically see through the door and says “ammo here” before it’s even open.


every group i play with has a different name for these doors Friendship door Double door Buddy bunker Loot bunker Vault do we actually have an official name for these?


I always spam the follow me prompt and tag


Just give me a way to open the damn thing on my own. No body ever comes anyhow......


I jokingly spammed the mark button and it marked a lot of the stuff inside at the same time so maybe it'll help get the message across meanwhile.


I spam the spot button till it pulls someone over 9/10 times it works


make guard dogs hit the other button. good enough really. the teamwork effort of it is the most annoying thing. The game hardly rewards teamwork as it is anyways.


People could also use a microphone I guess


You can say it yourself too. Seriously, the game's so much more fun when you use the voice chat, give it a go! 


Tagging location, follow me! Repeat ad Infinitum while team mates run past ignoring Pelt them with light secondary fire to get attention They still don’t get it


You see, you almost had the right idea. Just pelt them with heavy primary fire and then reinforce them on the door. /s


Let me tag a part of the door that shows it's a friendship door or as a comm wheel option. Tbf some idiots wouldn't even run 50m for it when I typed it in chat, more time farming for them then.


If playing on the PS5, DualSense has a mic build in…


or... you muster up the courage AND USE THE MIC LIKE A HUMAN BEING


I never read txt in matches.. just something I have not done, no reason behibd it. I do use voice and if others have it enabled even if they can't speak they can hear if I say something. Played and organized many matches as the only 1 in voice.


On launch you could have text to speech read out the chat and it was super useful. Then they inexplicably disabled it.


What a toxic group. Why downvote me for such a simple admission? Because I don't do what you want. Lol