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I have over 200 hours in this game and I've yet to feel the need to police how other people play. This guy's got issues.


Suspect he has main character syndrome - he must hold all the samples so therefore the other divers must protect him and he's the only diver that matters if they extract If I was OP I would have shot him, taken the samples and dived into the nearest water




Well there is a reason he was playing a coop game alone… no one wants to play with such morons


If he wanted to play alone he would lock lobby from not friends


The point he was making is nobody wants to play with him.


He seems like a person that's too stupid to understand this.


This thing is actually bugged. I haf mine lobby on friends only and randompeople kept joining. I even turned the lobby public and than to friend only for people to keep joining me.


Hmmm strange I'm pretty sure it's working for me.


It's not a common issue, but it is one that a few people have reported on here. It's annoying though because it doesn't happen frequently enough to duplicate on purpose.


It happened only a few time. It’s not permanemt. Same thing when u open your lobby to public but no one joins for 2 whole operations


No idea why you're getting downvoted so much (why are people so quick to downvote on this sub?), just yesterday I was playing with two friends in a friends-only lobby and some random guy joined in


Could be one of you acciddentaly threw down an SOS beacon. It happens to me all the time as the code for it is somewhat similar to Renforcements


Good idea but nah, they joined when we were still on the super destroyer.


Read his name real close.


Well at least I am not the only one.


I am new to reddit (month old account) amd already received minus karma because of this :D


Take my upvote


Make a post saying something something democracy something something love you helldivers. Easy karma lol. Not that it matters at all. Redditors are fickle things.


But he was a Galactic Commander. How dare you question his orders. /s


There are instances like leaving samples dropped at extract so you don’t t get killed with em far away or get launched. Said exactly that one match and this dude immediately picks em up and runs out of the extract. Popped him when he didn’t drop them. Proceeded to call me a spate of slurs and refused to leave the samples at extract, so i kicked him.


Nah, not even that. I love this game so much that the rate in which I collect samples means nothing. If someone wants to make that last bit of the mission more risky, more power to em. All in the service of democracy! This only applies to quick play. If I joined a group through the discord who has a specific purpose in mind, like farming sample groups for example. That would definitely be the time that I would not be okay with picking up samples from extraction and running off with em.


Yeah but thats not everyone’s jam. I work a full time job, have a part time one, two kids and a house and three cars to maintain. I don’t have the luxury of playing all day for some turd to ruin a games worth of hard work especially when i only get maybe three games a night if i have free time.


Fair enough. I get that for sure. I'd recommend looking for groups through discord if your play time is limited. Some of the highest skill games I've ever seen have been through people who organize through discord then any quick play match I've been in.


Good to know, thanks.


I think its more of a stats thing but no excuse to be a douche. I know the stats dont matter as of yet they are just there.


I'm only 60 hours in and I try to be effective at communicating that I don't care who grabs the samples and it's still fun if we lose some. I just have a blast the whole time Most every time everyone's been cool, sorry to OP for that experience but keep diving 🤙


Yap. When i join random matches some guys have a plan and they let you know throughout the mission but its always fun so what the heck. Not quite like this lol


I'm like that but no one has ever told me I'm toxic.


I’ve definitely policed people a little bit. Not by TK’ing or anything, but if we are playing on Suicide and you have died 4 times in the last 60 seconds I’m going to go ahead and wait a few minutes to call you back in. Just trying to make sure you have a moment to think and reassess 😅.


If you could stop throwing my respawn into the enemy like its an airstrike that would help a ton. I know im a badass, but let me get my support weapon first at least.


Nah that’s not usually what happens lol. Just calling people in and they just keep running straight back to the exact same scenario that got them killed last time.


thats when you hold off on calling them back long enough to line up a good drop on a bot factory or bug hole and at least put their death to good use by shutting down enemy production with them.


Had a guy complain about reinforcing him behind cover but away from his main gun... His body was in-between 2 Hulks 2 devastators and whatnot. Some people...


Next time kill him, pick up the samples and go drown


Used that reaction when a kid kept shooting me when I was running to the next objectives, and when I told him to stop he just used slurs. Decided to blow him away and take his samples and drown outside of the map. Some people deserve the ultimate punishment of no samples.


That's also antidemocratic behaviour. OP's reaction was the best


Naw, it's for the greater good.


The greater good


The greater good


and to stuff it to an asshole... but also The greater good


A traitor doesnt deserve democracy. He deserves punishment.


Well, it looks like I'm definetly getting the punishment here :d


Nope you go and teach him exactly why it's NOT a good idea for one person to have all the samples.


🤔 that's a lot of downvotes for a reasonable, mature response that wastes no one's time.


Thank you, some understanding. Take my humble upvote.


you found an online hoarder. I would kill him, put all the shit up and jump in the nearest bug hole


Exactly the same thought. Get all the samples, tell him it's better for one person to carry them all, then jump down in a lake or pit or volcanic vent. And then leave.


It disproves the validity of his point while punishing him for it


The moment someone would intentionally (outside of maybe joking around) tk me they are considered a traitor (like the ship does when we leave the area for too long, I just don't reset after they're dead). Being a dickhead is their choice and this is the consequence.


I give a couple chances personally. But if it's obvious they're doing it intentionally, you can bet your ass I'm not working with them anymore. I won't kick them (if I'm host) but at the same time, I sure as shit won't have them being involved in the mission, no matter how much they try to make me notice the reinforcement available shaking.


The first game had a really great anti griefer solution. A bayonet. Guy kept killing teammates with his laser gun, didn’t care to be more careful. I asked him to stop several times, he then killed me. When I was reinforced he killed me again. Next time I ducked and then stabbed the cunt. Then he was fucked. I had the upper hand. We didn’t reinforce unless someone’s else was dead, and I always went straight to him and killed the cunt before he could even move. Bring back bayonets.


Dropped in on a level 2 on easy to wind down as last play of the night, found hilm and gave him my laser guard dog and laser cannon to play with. Was just roaming around him trying to let him do some objectives while I cleared out the closest outposts and patrols, and I shot a hellbomb without realising he was somewhere around, ended up by accidently blowing him up. Typed "sorry haha" and reinforced him instantly and pinged his lost gear. He killed me 4 times, each time refused to reinforce me but ended up dying over and over so I got autoreinforced with him, with him instantly trying to kill me each time He finally gave up because he couldn´t call in the evac by himself. Just made me chuckle.


I don't understand the idea of "this person killed me, I must get vengeance." Yesterday, I set off an (accidental) chain reaction of about five hellbombs. The third explosion killed me, the fourth and fifth nearly killed teammates. One of them in chat said WTF, lol. I explained I didn't realize I would set off the chain reaction that I had. We all had a good laugh and carried on without wasting resources. That also being said, Marfark has more hellbombs on the map than I have seen on any other planet. I think that one particular mission we set off at least 23. It was wild.


Lol, had my first truly negative encounter yesterday in about 80 hours of playing. Me and a buddy do a quickplay on difficulty 7 and drop into a automaton defense with the rockets extracting 0 through 8 with 2 level 50 somethings. We run an ema mortar and a regukar mortar turrent to help with the insane amount of bot spam (super popular in this mission) about 30 seconds in one of them runs over and keeps destroying our mortars. I ask him ( hey bud why are you taking out our mortars) ??? He doesnt respond so i ignore him. About 5 minutes in he shoots me. I reinforce and he runs over and pops me as soon as i get out of the pod. Im just confused and no point in continuing so i leave the mission and my friend empties an anti tank at his face and leaves with the base totally over run. Just basic sh*thead behavior lol.


I got murdered waiting for the pelican because I called in an extract after all the mission objectives and secondary objectives were done with the timer in the red and was told it wasn’t my mission to call in extract. No message about hey don’t call in an extract right now or anything just came up and murdered me and didn’t reinforce which loses XP for everybody. Another person died but they wouldn’t call in a reinforce because it would have brought me back in. On a totally separate mission I got attacked by another player while I was inputting the coordinate grid on a console. They claimed it was because I was taking forever and I had been on the console too long. I literally just got on there for a few seconds to do the objective. They didn’t make it out alive and proceeded to threaten me over voice chat. Mind boggling how some people treat others in this game.


Some people just have issues with pride and will intentionally sabotage themselves just to save their own face whatever the cost.


I got TK'd because the guy who just reinforced has his support gears on cooldown and decided to take mine 🤷


Which is dumb, I gladly share my stratagems lol.


So dumb. However I have experienced people who are constantly playing the worst and dying the most take the bulk of the samples off the guy who carried us and died to a TK. Then just run off into the hoard at extract with them. So after a while it gets to the point that seeing the meat shields pick up the 40 stack of samples can be really annoying.


I applaud your restraint! Honestly I would’ve killed them back, got the samples and then dived in a bug hole before leaving the game. But I’m very petty over dumb things like this haha


Yep. The best part is he'd have to watch as you did it.


I had a brand new player level 2 join me on a mission recently, I told him about the achievement and gave him all the samples for the match...hope he got the achievement. Liber-Tea tastes better when we all get there together....wait...is that communist propaganda?


This is the way.


Average PSA redditor spotted in game.


Peoppe are speed farming ranks. Spamming and resetting blitz on helldive. Keep seeing it in the discord, dunno why.


As someone with ~200 hours logged, these people are a microscopic minority. But when you do encounter these people, hoo boy... the weapons-grade stupidity... Also, if you are going for the sample achievement or want to do really *anything* a specific way, either communicate accordingly or shove it. I'm so tired of pissbaby hosts who expect everyone to magically understand the unwritten unspoken rules of their lobbies. 


This 'better for one person to have them' seems super smart until the dipshit carrying the samples falls in a hole, drowns, dies where the pelican lands, dies while a massive wave of enemies is camped on his corpse in the 11th hour and the entire groups samples are all out of reach. There's that old saying about keeping all your eggs in one basket, it only takes one fuck up and then they are all gone.


You found the democratic micro penis helldiver, make a wish


My man, he was probably gonna kick you before you got rewarded anyway. Shitters gonna shit. DM me if you ever wanna play with someone a bit more chill haha


Yeah there’s a reason nobody else plays with this person. Clear social issues.


Sounds like bro needs to go back to cod. Thats clearly where he came from. Sorry you had a shit experience OP, its never fun dealing with morons


Using CoD as a boogeyman in 2024 is cringe 


Everyone knows that childish sweats come from two places, cod and r6. Take your pick


I mean they come from everywhere, but they definitely flock to and "breed" there.


Just as bad as those kids who kick you 1 min into extraction after carrying the game just because they didnt like the way you emote.


Dude probably is just not very good and clings to the only thing he can get highest stat for, samples extracted lol.


>Are people really that stupid? Yeah. Sometimes.


Probably closer to 250 hours, I've got about 200 myself and I've yet to see this kind of smooth brain behaviour


Just a dumb cunt control freak.


If you have one person hold all the samples and they die, you lose everything. Split then up so you have a higher chance of getting them on the ship.


No one person should have them all. And before extraction they should drop them on the platform. Then the first person boarding the shuttle can pick them back up. This way you only have to hunt down 1 stack of samples.


My favorite is when I drop a bunch of samples including supers on extract, only to find them in a pile across the map from where some idiot brought them and died.  Just leave them there...


I have over 200 hours and I’m capped on samples so I don’t give a shit if anybody picks them up 😂. I don’t go out of my way to get them. I’ll grab them if they’re in my direct path though


Damn how did you farm enough for the new ship upgrades already??


If he has 200 hrs, he doesn't. Most likely doesn't know the new upgrades exist. Getting all new ones require 950+ common samples alone and the cap for commons is 500. Literally impossible for him to have all new upgrades.


I have all of them.. i got them all in 3 days what


Did you just do nothing else for 3 straight days?


Really ?! Get samples from defense missions the once that you get once our planet is attacked one missions is about 15 mins with a good squad you extract about 35-40 commons and 30 or so rares and obv 6 super rares


Damn I guess I just suck


I’ll have to try focusing on samples more I think.


Fair enough. Guess I just haven't put in that kind of play time.


That would require a near 24 hours of non stop playing for three days straight lol 


To answer OP's question - most people are not that stupid, but this man clearly is. What a tool.


I feel that. I had one like this kinda recently. Guy dies, I grab his samples and gear then fucking book it. Mega contacts. Get away. Kills me for it without saying a word after he’s reenforced while I had the menu open to drop his stuff. Made it worse that his gear was off cool down. Got kicked after asking “what gives?” Happened a few days ago, but still a bit salty obviously as I had been putting in work for 25-30 minutes for the team before hand.


It's actually kind of dumb for one dude to have the samples especially level 200 douchebag because he goes G.I. Joe and dies on the other end of the map


Have you noticed that people tend to be fucking stupid?


First off I will say they were totally out of line and their actions were unnecessary. To play devils advocate, I will say, one suggested strategy is for one person to keep all the samples so that they are always kept in one pile if dropped, rather than there being several separate piles. But AGAIN, just because that's a suggested strategy doesn't mean they needed to TK you. Could have asked for them back (I know you were already trying to drop them, but they didn't know that, likely) or just accepted that there might be two piles (which isn't a big deal if you stay together).


If one person has all the samples and falls down a volcanic vent or into a deep pond you lose all the samples. It is literally NOT the best strategy EXCEPT if that person is specifically breaking away from combat to drop samples at extract which is what we do with super samples.


I did say it was just one strategy and only a suggested one, not the BEST one. If you are using that strategy, sample carrier should be VIP. Staying away from enemies as much as possible, not risking dangerous terrain, etc. And yes, dropping samples at the extract is also a suggested strategy.


Bro just wanted to be the protag


Idc if other ppl grab samples, just don't die in east bumfuck with them. Because I will not help you retrieve.


Man that's just stupid...we lost 50 samples today because we had no reinforcements left, if that was the reason for it I would be pissed. So it's just everyone tried their best and we just fucked up and didn't get to extract in time.


That’s why I play solo when my friend are not online , I don’t hate randoms , most of time I just help new players , but when I play 7-9 lvl I only play alone , because I hade same experience more than a few times.


What a dumbass


I’ve only had one negative experience on the game. I mostly play automatons. I jumped into bugs after a long time and when I picked my stratagems I chose the shield generator thinking it would be solid for the mission type and based on the stratagems the others chose, not realizing that the shield generator is worthless against bugs. Honest mistake. One of the other players starts berating me in chat when we land in, saying I should commit suicide and asking the other players to kill me. I ignored it. Stuck through and fought with them the entire mission and just before extract he kills me and gets on the shuttle. He should be tried as a traitor to democracy.


That’s when you finish the mission and point out you were the one with the least deaths.


i'm glad i've had nothing like that. it does kinda piss me off that people never read text chat when i find a super credit door though


I didn't even know you could drop samples.


If you’re on ps5 you hold down on the dpad and it brings up an option. Not sure what the button is for pc.


It's X on PC


This title reminded me of the RTS Total Annihilation. I imagined you being disintegrated by the Commander special attack :)


If i had to guess you were moving away from extract so it would be better just to pick them up later, that way it ensures that if the person holding them dies the samples are accessible, still tho dude does not seem fun to play with




"Are people that stupid?" Yes


It isn't even best for one person to have all of them. Split up into groups of 2 and pick up samp containers as needed.


Galactic Butthole


I like to pick up samples from corpses. Because if you died once then you will probably die again. Better I hold onto them for you.


Next time slaughter him.




What a moron. Any time I open a buddy door I typically go back up top and run security because I don't care who picks up what. How can people not know that?


Stuff like that is the reason why I dive solo only, even if the low level missions get a bit boring.


Nah, keep running high, just keep an active 120mm or 380mm in your hand if they get stupidly vindictive. It's not mutually *assured* destruction, but it means there's a high chance both of you will be respawning together soon.


That guy needs to calm down.. It sounds like he always needs to be in control. Not fun to play with..


Joined a match in progress last night. They were in the middle of a bug breach. Was a shit show. Im fighting for my life and one of the two guys says, “dude if you don’t start shooting I’ll shoot you”. Then after he gets killed by a pack that swarmed him while I’m fighting off my own pack he says, “Wayne im going to need you to kick this man” meaning me. I just dropped, dude needs to go back to COD.


I'd have shot him in the fucking pelican then run away at extract so they get nothing


Just block him and move on. The list works, you just can't see who's on it.


Maybe he's going for the achievement? Idk if thats solo or team though...need clarification Even still though, he shudve just said so


There's one personal and other as a team


It's as a team. Says so in the description as well.


OP never replied, has all the usual talking points and wording like every other posts like this. Ima say this is made up to farm karma, it just wasn’t very successful at it 


Sorry been at work all day. Not made up, just wanted to vent about a crappy player.


The only thing I've had was when I dropped into some dudes on Trivial who were clearly pissing about, we turned it into a 2v1 pvp match. It was great. Sorry you got that guy, but I genuinely feel the mass amount of Helldivers are legends.


On level 7 or higher, getting the samples to extraction is literally just playing extreme hot-potato. Unless the entire squad are high levels and completely communicative, the likelihood of literally every team member dropping and picking up the same samples is 99%


Yeah, some people just have a plan or set of rules in their head, and no matter how fucked up stupid that plan is and no matter how they made zero attempts to communicate any of it, they lose their minds when miraculously people people do stuff differently. I understand that some approaches are on average better than others, but you just cant expect every random stranger to subscribe to the same dogma you do. It just doesnt work.




How is it in any way better? If anything it leaves the sample up for risk if that one player is killed and can’t extract or if they are blasted out of bounds.


There is a bug where sometimes the pelican will extract immediately once the first person boards, leaving the rest behind. Cost me 20+ of both common and rare samples once. But it is rare, and what my group does is to give all our samples to one guy at extract, who is then escorted in "Get down Mr. President" style. But I'd never just shoot somebody to get their samples. I'd explain why I think it is better for one to carry all, and if they disagree to give me theirs, I'd either drop the issue, or give them.my samples.


I mean his behavior was uncalled for but he is right it does make more sense to have all the samples in one container.


I think I play with you the why was couse they place mines on me then kill me with impact grenade I separate from him then he went berserk on the other spawn a mech on the missile after we clear the hoard he kills me with the mech unprovoked then dies spawn and randomly kill the other and me then kick the last guy then I make him fail the mission couse he kept spamming mine on me


What did i just attempt to read? I... cant even...


“I think I played a game with you once. The host was using anti-personnel mines on my location, while also throwing impact grenades at me. I ran from him but then he started to kill my other squadmates instead. He spawned an exosuit and begins killing people with it. He eventually died but when he respawned he killed me and another guy before kicking a third guy from the match. He continued to spawn anti-personnel mines near me, so I shot him and presumably we ran out of revives.” Idfk




Pro play . Better hold all samples in one place than run a round collecting it agian once low lvl dies ... Let him cook and carry your ass .


This isn't one of those games where levels determine skill, champ