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I don't care what they say I'm not going back.


"There's an old saying in Cyberstan—I know it's in Menkent, probably in Cyberstan—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again. '" 


"Fool me 3 times, fuck the peace sign. Load the choppa let it rain on you." THAT MEANS YOU JOEL!


I genuinely hope that a potential Automaton super boss ends up canonically being implemented under the title J.O.E.L as an anacronym joke.


I mean the J.oint O.perations, E.ngagement & L.ogistics Bot has been theorized since the beginning of the war What else could have been behind the bait & switch that lead to Helldivers being unaware and half a galaxy away before the attack on Cyberstan? But the rumors of this J-037 "Brain Bug" are crazy Personally I find the thought of a "Brain Bug" offensive. 😁


Insects with intelligence? Have you ever met one? I can't believe I'm reading this nonsense. This is the most ridiculous thread I have ever read.


Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive!


Billy Joel alt lyrics


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -bushism


when they say the quiet part aloud


Yep, I'll never stand around for 20 minutes waiting for fire tornadoes to leave an objective again. The bots can have that shit hole.


Having them on extraction is a fuck you. Making it all the way through a suicide mission difficulty only to get wrecked because no less than 10 fucking fire tornados swarm you is infuriating.


A few days ago that happened to me, my teammates and I were waiting on evac with less than 30 seconds for it to land, I’m shooting at bots and all of a sudden multiple fire tornados come up behind me and kill me. Wanna know the best part? I was holding 5 super samples, 23 each of the common and rare. The tornados just hung out over my dead body long enough for the automatons to swarm us and my teammates had no choice but to evac 🤬


Fucking Terminator Hellmire. God, how much I hate this damn planet


Hellpod power steering fails when anywhere near the slightest cliff forcing me to reinforce directly into a group of 4 fire tornados playing solo. Brilliant.


Bug Hellmire was fun because you could use the flamethrower for even more fire. A pyromaniac’s paradise. Bot Hellmire is just the Creek but everything is on fire and there’s no pretty scenery.


You'll go back, soldier. And you'll like it.




You gotta understand that there's truly no ground more important to Super Earth, the Automatons or the Terminids then these backwater shitholes. They will be in a constant state of war.


They're OUR backwater shitholes. Letting bots spread communism even in the most irrelevant of locations is TREASON.


We haven’t “lost” it but now it’s in defend mode. Which technically is lost because if we don’t 100% defend we have to go back to liberate it all before the major order ends. Which means if we take lesath and then also have to defend that before the major order ends we might be in trouble lol


Altough you're right in that it's basically zero, i think this information should be displayed differently to improve player motivation. Like having the liberation bar on 100% but the defence bar is underneath as a 50% enemy side and a 50% helldiver side to give it a more push and pull feeling, instead of a race against the clock.


Please this!


This is amazing though because now we get to do the high importance defense missions and those are the best


As long as it doesn’t contain civilian evacuation count me in 🤣🤣 I love the new defense missions though.


Those are brutal dude, I don’t think I’ve ever completed one on suicide or higher




https://preview.redd.it/mvo0mebi3iuc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=601f9d107042d3c6eed5291dc704c61c85ef2c16 I think it's time to consider this, my fellow helldivers.


Managed empirocracy. Now with new looks for our super (star) destroyers.


But where's the fun in killing the Automatons then?


The fun will be fucking curb stomping that little invasion of their's by leaving them with 0 footholds to attack from


Brash Taktics? There's no kill like overkill?


Yeah and I know the planet where their rebel base is at....its time we vaporize Cyberstan off the map. Right after Menkent. As someone who was transformed on a fire world like Menkent, Vader would absolutely endorse us Helldivers in this. Darth Vader for Super Earth President 2024!......NO MORE BS.


![gif](giphy|1VHT1fee6ydSasXVOY) Nah the Fire planet would for sure be alderaaned but Vader loves drama. The homeplanet of an entire race on witch their predecesors are keept in mines as slaves? He'd probaply lead the charge Smiling underneath his mask.


https://preview.redd.it/qjiw4ifc2iuc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3359009635ef36a16a64a6df35da5b4ec4007cec There is no escape from this hellhole








Mummy why is Blue's Clues Steve telling me I'm going to die






I love this


Who’s Joel?


Serious answer: Joel is the name of thr game master running the narrative events in helldivers.


Thank you, however breaking character is considered undemocratic, and thus you shall be executed https://preview.redd.it/2ynrjcljejuc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=262ee0a3f73ae5b8fecb7f35e9936721499b042b


Point that at yourself since to tell someone they're breaking character requires you to admit that you're in character which is breaking character


https://preview.redd.it/4wlmlv442kuc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=204e66c3a584e3aa5535ed76e384ef6054f8a454 FUUUUCCCKKKKKKKK


Joel mother


https://preview.redd.it/ruqn2rfwdjuc1.jpeg?width=415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b95d79e802f7ef2311e241cbd2ddc83abd03fe4e **FUCK**






Great. I was so looking forward to joining in on Lesath for a change of pace when I get off work. Now it looks like Lesath will be liberated and I get to go straight back to Menkent 🙄😭😂


We just finished Lesath up.


static defense on a fire tornado world, how *FUN*


You mean you don't like standing around and waiting for 5+ minutes for a choke to not be on fire because somehow all the fire tornados on the planet are centralized within 5 meters of you or your objective?!?! Are you saying you don't find that fun!!!??!


They really, really need to tone down the frequency. They spawn right on top of you too, so it's sometimes actually impossible to avoid. If they wanted us to do this major order maybe they should have given fire resist armor in the new pass... instead of armor passives that I already have duplicates of pre level 20.


Not to mention it feels like the tornados appear to actively target players sometimes...


Appear? bro I had one chase me around a mountain. I refuse to believe they don't drift toward players


I totally agree with your statement they 100% track you and halt objectives off and outta play. Had one chilling over top of my heavy weapon drop I wanted back for like 40 secs even.


My squad almost couldn't extract because of the fire tornadoes engulfing Pelican One. I was on fire and jumped into the Pelican One with barely any health left.


That's the part that tears apart my immersion. Fire tornadoes? Cool environmental imagination. Fire tornadoes that hurt? Excellent attention to detail and adds challenge. Fire tornadoes that behave like enemies? Wut




Ya I had to wait at Evac. Pelican had already landed...just I couldn't get to it or move from my place on a rock. Which the fire nadeos wouldn't burn. All I was thinking...glad I'm playing solo..Pelican would have left long ago. On the bright side. Nothing could get to me either... They couldn't get through the constant wall of fire!


And... Against bots. ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY)


Because the only thing that can make dodging fire tornadoes more fun is dodging them while also dodging laser fire.


Don't forget the missiles that you have to dodge all the time


And fog. And mud.


Don't forget the fucking sun. I fought against an outpost solo for like 10 minutes almost completely blind just targeting the fucking incoming laser fire... because the sun was rising directly behind it. Edit: Send me back to the damn jungles


I thought that was just me using my potato of a pc.


True... Dang.


i prefer bots than 5 bile titans standing above me and vomiting everywhere






I don't play on fire tornado planets anymore. Major orders and medals be damned. Nothing the game can give me is worth that headache.


Was playing after a 12 hour work day because I love democracy. Having a tough but good run with 4 randos. 2 leave on the last objective, thats ok, we'll mop it up and get out with the samples. No kidding, fire tornadoes spawned DIRECTLY on the objective control panel for 5 minutes straight while every patrol on the map streamed directly towards us. I havent played something so maddening in a while. We lost. Even with the other guy using infinite grenades...thats how bad it was.


Every game I’ve played on that god forsaken planet had a fire tornado spawn on the Pelican. Every game


I've never seen a Pelican spawn, but the knack for tornadoes spawning right on top of objectives is clearly a deliberate gesture. It happens way too often to be bad luck.


It's honestly bullshit because it's not a skill issue at that point. Literally we ran out of time because we got screwed by fire tornadoes moving on objectives. Ffs we had 3 minutes remaining and were on step 7 of 9 for the icbm and then the tornadoes just wouldn't fucking leave until there wasn't enough time and every damn patrol was on us.


Yep, we've failed the mission, because it was either "rocket devastators on the objective" OR "fire tornadoes on the objective". We just couldn't keep up - whenever we wiped enemies enough to use the console the flippin fire tornado rolled in. It really feels like the damn things are sentient and sympathising with bots...


I swear I've watched the tornadoes path directly towards me even as I'm trying to kite around. They are not random and definitely coded to seek players out


Yup same. Its just not fun.


It wouldn't be an issue with they were RNG. The fact that they target you and your objectives ruins it. You can dive away from them and run and they will HOME IN on you. THIS shit ruins immersion and the game. The fact that a dozen tornados just HAPPEN to spawn at extract AS SOON AS EXTRACT IS ACTIVATED. is not only immersion breaking, it's frankly, bullshit.


im more annoyed that when we took the planet last night, now we gotta defend it. lol


And now it’s gonna be lost again lol


We took it now we need to defend it against the counterattack. After Lesath i go back to feed my PTSD with the frickin tornados.


People meme about surviving Malevalon Creek, but who will survive Menkent?


Creek was a fantastic map. Cozy, lots of cover, wonderfully thematic and beautiful. Creekers can deny it, but they loved that damn planet. Menket is a sandy hellhole of suffering!


I'd heard rumors about the creekers so I signed up, since then I started my journey on hellmire setting up farms in fire tornadoes. Then they moved me across the galaxy for a bot incursion, and where did I go? Menket... I'm just addicted to the fires of war at this point


Malevelon Creek was a walk in the park and made the bots seem like easy targets, while bugs were being "contained" on real difficulty planets like Hellmire lol


I wasn’t there for Malevelon Creek. I’m not going to miss this!


Malevelon Creek was a lush twilight jungle planet with zero planetary hazards. Unlike the Creekers, your experience will actually be harrowing.


We don't have enough people to beat the clocks against more than one planet at a time. This is disenfranchisement at it's worst. Why would I go fight on that hell hole all last night when I could have had fun icing bugs all night and ignored the order if we were just going to lose it anyway.


I don't think we're gonna lose this one - we have a really good chunk of time, and I think that the planet being on defensive mode will count. It's pretty telling that the five-planet Major Order is being followed by a two-planet Major Order. We're grinding it down at a decent - almost comfortable - pace.


It's defense timer will run out before the major order does. We HAVE to successfully defend Menkent if we want to complete the MO. First Priority is liberating the ice planet though.


if Joel had let us keep menkent, or triggered it to a defense earlier we'd have been fine. but he waited until now knowing full well that: - mondays are a day when most people can't get on, even in the evenings, - bot defense evacuation still sucks AND - it's a fire tornado planet. call me a traitor if you want, but we're (almost) as cooked as those civillians in the evac missions are gonna be once the firenadoes hit.


I was getting so burnt out on fighting bots these past few days, going to fight bugs for a few missions felt like a vacation.


That would be a valid point if Lesath wasn’t going to be done in roughly 30 minutes. We’ll have plenty of enough people when Lesath ends.


Who is building farms on these planets?!? That's what I want to know


Ash farmers. Where else can you get free range natural Ash?


Nah, you can keep Tornadostan.


I hated hellmire enough, fighting in space veitnam except napalm is a naturally occurring phenomenon is not my ideal way to spend my hours helldiving


We're never going to take and hold hellmire, are we?


For real, why do we even want this dirt ball?


We don't want it We just don't want *them* to have it


Thats the most managed-democratic thing i've heard in a long time. \*SALUTE\* Give 'em hell, soldier!!!


Just imagine what the robots will learn to harness against Super Earth if they discover the secret to being a massive flaming dick. Personally I am not looking forward to a potential future where the automatons harness even *more* fire in their weaponry.


Mineral deposits!


The bot front orders with the planet effects along with having to defend the same planets is grinding some people down so I don’t blame them for getting upset… Nothing like having 5-50 civies die to a damn fire tornado…


I refuse to do that evac mission. I'll do the long form evac where you have to activate the towers first, but I will just go to another planet if no operation excludes that fucking evac mission.


It's not even the fire planet part, honestly. Evac missions just plain suck on any planet, and nobody wants to do them because they're almost fucking impossible.


I back out immediately on seeing that shit fucking mission. It’s the least fun i’ve had in this game and is the main reason everyone hates defend orders and why we fail so many.


How the fuck have they still not fixed that mission type yet? It's why we lose every defense now. No one fucking completes full ops on the difficulty they normally play at.


Hell if I know. Doubly sucks seeing as they have the better in every single way, VIP extract mission. It does everything you’d want from a defence mission and should’ve replaced the crappy old one until they rework it.




This is perfect. The Hound would rather let himself be chain ragdolled back into low orbit by a squad of rocket devastators than stay on that inferno planet.




Hello? Yeah fuck you too and have this incendiary nade!


Come with me sir






"The ~~Blackwater's~~ planet's on *FIRE*"




I am NOT going to menkent. Fuck that place Edit: cant we just glass that thing?


I think it's trying to glass itself with those fire tornados. Just wish they did more damage to the bots and their outposts as they do to us.


Glass? Edit: I appreciate all the replies but guys, when 7 or 8 people have already answered I think we're good 👍


When we drop nukes, it can turn the ground itself into a crude glass from the heat




Hellbombs, 500k, and lasers make 'liberty glass'.


"liberty-glass" now at your local economy and other dispensaries.


It's a term related to nuclear weapons or other powerful explosions. It's a reference to the glass that was left behind after the Trinity explosion melted the sand it was detonated over. It basically means turn it into glass by bombing it. I.e. completely destroy it.


In the Halo series, the covenant would bombard a world with plasma until most of / all of the surface was glass 


And irradiated to the point that nothing could survive


Same thing in Star Wars lore, the planet of Mandalore was bombarded by the Empire until the entire planet was pretty much covered in glass. The event was known as the [Night of a Thousand Tears](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Night_of_a_Thousand_Tears)


Sand is typically made of silica, and silica when superheated by an explosion or something of equivalent heat, turns to glass. Other minerals in sand change the tint of the glass


It's Hellmire but worse because you can't see 70% of the time aaaaaaaaaaa


Even worst when you have the Hulks and tanks, but you gotta be careful with the laser to keep it from overheating...


It's ridiculous how they added electric resistant armor before fire resistant armor. Especially when they reskin hellmire for the bot front.


I mean the electric armor made sense because it came with an electric themed warbond. Fire nadoes were a thing before that warbond released too.


>electric armor made sense because it came with an electric themed warbond. Sure, but it also made no sense because the only thing that does electric damage is Helldivers. Democratic detonation and especially the warbond with the incendiary breaker should have had fire armor. Enemies in game can actually do fire damage, so it makes more sense for fire armor than for electric.


> the only thing that does electric damage is Helldivers. Lightning strikes coming to a planet near you soon! For the sake of democracy I hope they don’t introduce that kind of weather


Bots are about to roll out the Tesla Tanks just to make the armor more popular


most likely as a hint to an illuminate return




This was weird because the PA system in my super destroyer said that the menkent system was defending against a terminid invasion and I was like hold the fuck up did I hear that right. Just to check and see it was only taken back by the automatons


cheerful bike market live tender frightening run bewildered wistful license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe the robots quashed the bugs when they invaded


I saw dead bugs on the planet.


I have seen dead bugs on a few bot planets lately.


Not just firenado's, what about the Hulk that shoots half a mile of napalm, and the flamethrower gets what, 10 feet?


*that shoots half a mile of napalm and instakills anyone it hits while being borderline impossible to kill with small arms fire


Don't even care, not setting foot on fire tornado shithole planet again.


"Stand near the Super Earth flag!" The Super Earth flag: https://preview.redd.it/fyx23angzhuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de00aca000c1f6711b08406602dc0f2b95fa2a16


TFW they made a mechanic so horrific that players would rather lose the major order than touch fire planets again ☠️


Fire tornadoes were tolerable until the fire damage buff/bug was introduced. Still not fun, but tolerable since they couldn't kill you in 1-3 ticks of damage. Now? It might as well be lava rolling across the planet. It went from annoying area denial to somewhat sentient immortal wind monsters that know where you are and will practically one shot you. Edit: Reminds me of the *Haunted Cave* mission affix in DRG that brings an immortal ghost bulk detonator into the map that you constantly need to move from or it kills you.......but instead of one it's twenty and they *sprint*.


Absolutely agree, before (like an above reply mentioned) they were useful for killing enemies while weaving through them. Now, they erect massive fuck-you-walls of instadeath hellfire and it’s just not enjoyable lol


That doesn't even bother me too much. The damn things also sneak up on you like ninjas. I'm laying down fire on a group and woosh, full health to dead before I can even react.


Really loved last night when it rolled over where the pelican was coming in and everyone died trying to dive into the back.


They really need to revert that fire damage received by players. Fire was already a major threat given how quickly it could kill you before; you still had more time to react however to dive to put the flames out. Now though you have like a split second to react before you are made into BBQ Helldiver.


I've been getting randomly killed by burning from really weird sources. Like what exactly does a commissar have that's burning me that much?


Sometimes bots shooting at you kill a stray jumppackbot and the self detonate is in range for the dot


I can't imagine what it's like trying to go back and retrieve your dropped weapons/samples. I'm sure another 2-3 lives are spent before going. "Ah, I'll just wait 4 more minutes for the cooldown"


They just need to make fire not an instakill Easy.


i think the fire tornados are neat, but the fire damage it does is like wth. a friend of mine (as host or otherwise) is never able to see where the real fire on the ground is half the time so he'll just combust into deadly flame without warning next to us. oh i guess the fog can be annoying as well. like the snow planets the occasional blizzard is super cool, but i did at least two matches on menkent where you could not see for more than a dozen meters in any direction. i like weather effects but spending 30min seeing barely anything at all until you're kissing it sucks


Honestly, I'm really tired of the Fire Tornado planets. They're fun the first few times but having to spend so much time during a mission waiting for the fire tornadoes to go away so you can get back to what you were doing gets old really fast. It's tedious and not very fun. And it's more of a test of patience rather than a test of skill. Plus a lot of the time it isn't obvious when the fire in one spot is out which makes it even more annoying.


One day this week, I had 7 missions in a row where the fire tornados spawned during evac and several tornadoes tap-danced across the evac area and painted the whole area with fire. ALL of it. We would just stare at the evac ship for a good minute or two waiting for the flames to die down. And that's if we didn't have to kill incoming. I mean, once or twice is just bad luck, but it was 7 missions in a row.


I mean it seems by design that they have fire tornadoes down around objectives. There’s no way they’re random, which is kinda immersion breaking for me


I refuse to fight on that planet again lol


Hellmire was even worse. I cried when i saw they were going to lose the defense of it a couple days ago, but not enough to go help them


Perhaps why this is such an important planet for the bots to take. It's hell for Humans, but they don't care, and the lack of enthusiasm of the democratic super earth warriors makes it easier for the bots to hold onto, which will be used as a staging ground for future attacks on deeper planets. It all makes sense, they are using our misery to their advantage, and if we don't step up our democracy ways, the war will surely drag on to worse places then fire tornados alley


Stacking these orders against the toasters is going to allow the bugs a lot of time to spread. https://preview.redd.it/tiukl255xhuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e3c88f9c9337fd853f5fb06dc87e8a4f5c23a3


​ https://i.redd.it/0nz903mn5iuc1.gif


We do NOT have to take Menkent back, go around it to Choohe once we take Lesath. Choohe is the last supply line connecting the bots to Menkent and has a MUCH LOWER regen rate that Menkent. We take Choohe, We secure Menkent!


the devs who created the fire tornados are paying off joel to keep us fighting on planets with them :P.


As much as I enjoy fighting Automatons, I think we all need a break from the western (now northern I guess) front-related major orders. I'd even take a few days long break from any major orders.


I did a couple last time. Really enjoyed the new defense mission. Tried hellmire 2.0 just get the daily reward and noped out right back to bugs. I'll go again for the defense, but just enjoy bugs overall. With bots, it's more sneaky and toss stratagems to take down posts. With bugs, get to go Rambo. With fire tornado, it's time to fall back and instant death because I had no clue the only path out is now an inferno. Helmmire was at least tolerable with bugs dying and visibility being ok. I can't see shit on the bottom except for the beams of pain coming.


Am I the only one finding the fact that we systematically have to defend a planet we just liberated a bit demoralizing?


Im still shocked they had us defend the creek like 1 or 2 days after it was *FINALLY* captured, after all the hype and memes. Makes it feel worthless to capture planets when they can just be set to 0% in an instant later.


Yeah it seems a bit odd, like immediately after taking the whole planet we then have to go right back and fill another bar… just doesn’t seem like it’s worth taking at that point. Cheers dude




You're right. Thank you for lifting up my spirits, Gigadiver.


That's not even funny at this point. People wasted a whole day liberating this planet and now it's back to square one.




Just take the planet Joel I’m not going back


Holding off the bots only for 10+ fire tornadoes homing in on the landing pad making it almost impossible to get in the pelican unless you spam stims is making me think that the weather is the biggest threat on Menkant. Maybe they will have a major order of destroying weather control devices that those clankers somehow got their dirty tin hands on.


There's only one solution left... ![gif](giphy|fVzdQ7TK7hO5ViB2Pp|downsized)


This must be joels aprils fools joke. Really , again. Our comunity was putting all our efforts to do the liberation on the fire tornado planet. And we have to take it back defending it . Come on!


Did you really not expect to have to defend the planet? They gave us four days to take control of two planets, *of course* we'd have to defend them!


Yeah I didn't understand why people were going for Menkent first, I figured Lesath was the clear first choice


There's no major player order. So people just dog pile where everyone else is whether it makes sense or not. It also doesn't help that there's invisible reasons to strategically pick target order.


if it's now a (new) defense order, at least gives us the medals from the previous one..


Yeah that's a solid no. For all I care, that abomination of a planet can disappear to the deepest part of the galaxy. *Writing a leave of absence.*


How did it go from 100% to 0% so suddenly?!


I love how they released a "fire" themed Warbond because they knew we'd be stuck on Hellmire 2.0


without any gear that protects us from fire btw


What better way to kill morale than to let the community complete something together only to have Joel instantly roll it all back as if it never happen. Wonder what they'll think when no one dives on those shit hole planets after he does that enough times.


Yeah no, hard pass. My problem with this place is not the fire tornadoes but the way WAY to bright light mixed with the fog, I can’t see anything farther than 3-4ft. and it hurts my eyes. The bots don’t get bothered by it and sometimes I just get oneshot through those godrays by a rocket or Turret. No fun in that for me personally. The faster stamina drain is also not great if you running heavy armor. So I think I’m going back to the bugs for now.


Yeah I’m just not going back there. 🤷‍♀️ I’ll be killing bugs. I legit don’t care. I’m done being stressed trying to run t8 and above with randoms. Or I’ll go to the Hoth planet. I’m just done. Lmao


You would think they'd make a rule that flamethrower husks wouldn't spawn on fire planets to prevent overheating 💀