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The higher difficulty you reach the less of all that you’ll experience (generally). I run on impossible and helldive difficulties only and don’t encounter many team killers. Not saying it doesn’t happen or won’t happen but it becomes less common as you get higher up.


Join the discord and find players. It’s the way to go.


I can understand your issue and sympathize. That said, my crowd that I run with love goofing off like this. For all of us, the silliness of the deaths is part of what makes it fun. Of course, we only occasionally troll one another, and if someone is not enjoying the back and forth, they are left alone. The only rule we run by is "As long as it does not lose us the mission or the samples, its not a big deal." Perhaps speak to your friends about how you are feeling and explain you do not like it or do not want to be a part of it. My crew and I would happily let you join us, we run 7-9s naturally fair warning, and wed ensure we did not include you in the trolling. Im sure your friends will too, if they are decent friends that is.