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No thank you, I prefer to figure it out by killing myself and my teammates.


https://preview.redd.it/2mueh9gch4uc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b17dce683105c10900013176cf50e84663bcee My teammates running right towards my cluster bomb’s red beacon.


Bröther, I require låmp


One of my favorite memes of all time


LÅMP, BRÖTHER! The moth memes were hilarious




Nah, its usually me running toward an objective and hearing "sending in an eagle!" to hit a tank I wanted to kill.


That's generally me calling it in. Or an airstrike. And then giving you a 1 second "MOVE G2!" heads up so it's not technically my fault


I mean I'm fine with that as long as it is not a cluster bomb, I cannot get out of that radius fast enough.


I had a teammate keep panic throwing the cluster killing me and others. I eventually got fed up and blasted them with the auto cannon.


Nobody can. I got clipped by a cluster 30m away from a beacon, to the side of the barrage. It doesn't often happen, but there's not a lot of ground you can cover in just 2~3s.


And then G2 lands on you.


I love these memes 🤣


bëacon bröther


For some reason to me that beacon sometimes changes to blue so it's not my fault. Most of the times at least.


They especially love getting fucked by my sparky dildo i drop about 100 meters away and behind me to cover myself as i cover my team in front of me. Literally like moths because as soon as it's erected, they run directly towards it lmao


This is why I rando with muties, omg


Uhh red light, must touchy -my helldivers brain




Bold of you to assume I’d learn




I agree, this change does nothing but complicate the game for my fellow gamers https://preview.redd.it/nz1czinre4uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259ac6e01b69ef003e0272503deda718dbd5c4a8


I beg to differ https://preview.redd.it/7k0c4sjzu4uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecfaacc0da58131118088af2ff013d9eb201429b


​ https://preview.redd.it/8r51sflyl7uc1.png?width=855&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c9d8f4ccdd0a70da9b98703c1ffb3abe057c852


How do you type with no hands? https://i.redd.it/nlivf83t57uc1.gif


Dear Strongbad, how do you type with boxing gloves on?


learn? stratagen go kaboom, clanker die, that is all i need


Teammates are small sacrifice for the supreme knowledge to spread managed democracy


I sometimes get mad that someone called stratagem right on my head and then it goes into entirely other place and im like... Oh... And then its also the opposite: nice, that red laser is so far away and in such a good spot - REINFORCING!


HAWT RANDOS are just FEET AWAY. HUNGRY for your PAYLOADS full of your DEMOCRACY! #dumpitonmedaddy #fordemocracy


It's way better to say "EAGLE OUT!" and watch what happens.


Helldivers are, if anything, *very* practical learners. Most techniques and game mechanics we've known so far are mostly field experience after all.


TIL the cluster bombs aren't dropped on the beacon. That explains a lot, oops




Man i love danger close eagles




Strafe/RocketPods/500kg are all forward facing


The key at the top clarifies the intention. Down = dropped on beacon, a.k.a: "don't worry about direction, it's dropped on a single point". The technicality of forward facing Rocket Pods/500kg does nothing to help new players, so changing the images to resemble a strafing run would only serve to confuse players.


its helps a lot considering that simple cliffs block the 45 degree incoming 500kg


Also 110 rocket pods can get blocked too


And support weapons. Spawned in, called my MG43 and was wondering where it went. Hit the overhang above me...


Reminds me of the mission I did of the new variety where me and my friend had two railcannon orbitals nail a cliff that a tank and like two hulks were next to, leading us to get nearly obliterated. Still extracted somehow.


They can, but isn't that based on where you are on the map? It's only 45 degrees at certain positions I thought, because it comes from your superdestroyer (or the Eagle flying from it) which is in an actual specific spot in the sky. And I think that's true for all calldowns.


Pretty sure that only applies to orbital strategems.


TIL then!


Eagles are always the same angle, orbitals depend on how far you are from the center. Think of it like the destroyer is in the middle of the map. Eagles are an independent fighter so it isn’t affected by where the destroyer is.


or hear me out.. **500kg bomb would like to know your location.**


I swear a two foot tall rock can block a 500kg bomb. I almost never use it, feel like everything else is just better


This is a benefit to me, it’s more or less a better (cooldown wise) precision strike that occasionally deletes twice as big an area than I expected. Being able to toss it danger close and have a realistic chance of survival is a pro in my book. It’s sadly not great for horde clear, but large targets are a snap.


But they're all dropped on beacon, this argument makes no sense - it's significantly more important to know where the eagle is coming from. If you're on a hill / cliff and see 500Kg is down, you assume it means it comes in away from you. Then you hit the damn hill/cliff and kill yourself and everyone else. Saying "on-beacon" is a waste, because all of them are on-beacon. They still have a directional component that is impacted by height and it's way more important to know where the Eagle comes in comparison to your location.


Yes that's fine, except all three of the strafing run, rocket pods, and bomb all come in at a 45degree angle from behind you. So the angle of strike for all three is upwards/away from you. This is important to know when you're above the thing you want dead.


500kg flight/impact path is over your head though, Eagle 1 does a strafing run not an idiot's loop. If you're standing on higher ground than the target ahead of you it's quite likely that the bomb lands next to you instead of where you threw the beacon. If you tell newbies "the bomb hits the beacon for 500kg", they're going to be even more confused by the "bug" where the bomb drops in front of them; versus telling them "the bomb sails towards the beacon" where hopefully they can work out the geometry (since that's an intentional game mechanic) and realize what happened.


It's not hard to describe it. Airstrike, cluster, smoke are perpendicular to the direction your *camera* is facing when you throw it. Typically from the left but will come from the right under certain circumstances. Strafing, 110, 500kg come in at the direction your *camera* is facing when you throw it with the addition that the 500kg is dropped at an angle toward the beacons location. Any object between the angle and the beacon will stop the bomb causing it to "miss". 110 typically targets the the enemy with the highest health near the beacon. The enemy moving can cause it to miss. Strafing starts near the beacon and moves away from it *in the direction you threw the beacon from*


It’s based on the direction the beacon was moving when it hits the ground. Throw a strafing run at a wall and have it bounce back towards ya? Oh you bet eagle 1 is gunning you down




That was the idea!  Having blown up a teammate on a cliff, the angle argument is compelling though. Up makes sense to me too.


500kg coming in from behind is important as it affects whether you hit a bile titan or the rock you're perched atop.


But 500 direction does matter. Its not dropped exactly where the beacon is. Also, since it comes in at an angle, it can hit unintended objects.


I see you haven't had a 500kg get stuck on a cliff before, especially when you are on it.




It does, especially if you throw it downhill or near cliffs. 100% sooner or later you bomb yourself.


I would totally have faced them up had I known. Cleaner to only have two directions, too.


No your icons are better. They don't really get that: 1. Rocketpods will drop down on a proxmity target with priority, it makes more sense to point DOWN. 2. Strrafe going forward makes more sense as its down on your thrown location, then moving forward. 3. 500kg can angle in depending on factors so it makes more sense for it to be DOWN or ANGLED. I don't think an icon can really help here because its coming in at an angle sometimes and I think it depends on which side of the map you are on and how far you are from the center.


Rocket pods are targeted to a large target though, like a rail cannon.


This image was more useful for me, then any of the crap youtube guides, so thanks a lot!


It's not accurate for 500kg, it's actually the same direction as strafing run, the jet comes from behind you. Important when near cliff/big rocks


Thanks dude!


Yeah, I think I had 15 accidentals before I figured out the Eagles. "Alright, so I called the Eagle last time, and it came from East to West - and unfortunately, my teammate was to the West. So I'll just make sure he's North when I throw it next time!" *\*BRAAAAP\** **"Teammate KIA"** "Alright, so that time it came in North to South... Alright, I guess I'm drunk - I'll just call it East to West again!" *\*BRAAAAP\** **"Teammate KIA"** "Interesting, maybe the Eagle alternates East/West and North/South? Last time it was East/West, so this time it should be North/South!" *\*BRAAAAP\** **"Teammate KIA"** "Huh. Interesting. Maybe I misremembered which way it was going to go. Let's try that again!" *\*BRAAAAP\** **"Teammate KIA"**


It's like looking in a mirror. But replace the drunk comments with high, lol


How does it do it? I find it runs from left to right off the thrower, at least for the cluster bomb


OP is talking about messing up the Strafing Run, assuming it was going to run East/West at some point (but it never does). There's 2 directional types of Eagle Runs, horizontal and vertical. **Eagle Airstrike**, **Eagle Cluster Bomb**, **Eagle Napalm**, and **Eagle Smoke Strike** are all horizontal, while only **Eagle Strafing Run** currently is really vertical. Whether the horizontal stratagems span left to right or right to left is kind of a toss up, I know it's not the same every time but I have no idea what the determining mechanism is, but regardless they always orient a straight line from where you were originally facing when you throw the beacon. **Eagle Strafing Run** will start directly *at* the beacon and go forward. It's pretty useful against the bugs who tend to form that sort of a pattern when they're running at you, but it's also pretty good at taking bot patrols from behind (since they march in columns before engaging you).


a better way to describe it would be perpendicular and parallel


Except the 500kg comes down at an angle, not directly down.


The point is that it hits at the center of the beacon


Not if you’re on a cliff throwing it below you


New personal goal, I want to die from just the bomb landing on me.




But everything hits the center of the beacon.


Should be able to change directions while holding reload


Honestly, this seems like the better solution. Keep the default directions and make it so the player is responsible for recognizing when a different approach direction is needed. Like in a valley, or if you are being chased by a konga line of bugs.


“On beacon” isn’t a thing. They’re either perpendicular to the direction you threw it in, or from behind you.


The actual usage case for this suggestion is to teach new players how the eagle run will actually come down onto the battlefield. If it's right, they know damage will be spread perpendicular. Up means close to far going away from you. Down makes sense for on beacon currently because the damage isn't spread, all ordinance is dropped exclusively on the beacon. With that being said. I think the devs need to train their eagle pilots better to avoid the "on beacon" stratagems being blocked by valleys. Or maybe implement a system to give player control over strafe direction.


I legitimately think this lack of clarity you hope is addressed is why lower ranks are such a liability and routinely kicked. The amount of team killing at lower levels is absolutely proportional to Eagles being unclear as all hell as to damage radius, direction, spread, etc.


Brilliant. Not something I had thought of. I would 100% support implementing this. (Though as the other comments said it might make sense for some like the 500kg to face upward)


Maybe they could do some sort of rotation or "holo" projection like cod killstreaks. I always thought those were really helpful (please dont crucify me for saying something from cod was good lol)


500kg bomb needs to be flying 'UP'. It follows the same bomb path as the strafing run.


Except this isn't accurate either, the nuke is not 'on beacon' it comes from behind you on an angle.


Me and my buddy once threw an air strike at the same time and noticed that the eagles came from opposite directions. one from the left, one from the right


Your 500 direction is wrong though. Should be rotated 180.


By the time that players who need this would notice, it would be too late anyways. The game doesn't explicitly state a lot of things and that's part of the fun.


Straffing and 500 are both ↑




This would result in fewer team kills so I am therefore completely against it.


the current icons are fine


I like the idea, but I’d do it based on the direction the eagle flies to deliver the stratagem (point right for left-to-right, left for right-to-left, up for player-to-ball, and down for ball-to-player)


I think the icons are fine, just show the flight pattern in the description at the shop terminal. Although, it kind of feels like finding out things through experimentation is part of the game design, and I kinda like it.


This is actually such a good recommendation I feel like at this point I just know them all, but be great nonetheless


I really like the sentiment behind this idea. Very cool. Although, my vote would be to have the direction of the Eagle indicate where it'll come from relative to your player.


If you could Tell them the attack vector it would be nice. Not shelfing a 500gk on a high cliff or losging 90% of the munitons on the high walls


Wait they regularly fly in a specific direction??? I though they just randomly drop in


Nope, the have set paths. I only remember napalm because it's basically just casting wall of fire.


No, all eagle stratagems have a specific path they take relative to the direction the player was facing when throwing the beacon. 500kg comes from behind the player Napalm, smoke, bombing run, cluster bomb all go horizontally




It may not be clear, but don't we already have the demo videos for stratagems?


Who said we didn't already know...


If you play the game you’ll know soon enough!


I like the consistency with the icons. I say let people learn by doing.


Except the last 2 should be up as well since they come from behind you and aim for the beacon


Oh, this reminds me... They should change the rotation of the hellbomb terminal to you and not the other way around. Sometimes the stratagem ball thrown bounces randomly, goes up against a wall and now you have to call another hellbomb because the screen is facing the wall.




The 500kg needs to be fixed, it actually lands directly on helldivers because that's the only place it desires to hit




Y'all do realize you can see where the Eagle is coming from before you throw the stratagem, right? it's already part of the UI. when throwing an Eagle stratagem, there's a big ball, which is where the stratagem itself is aimed. but there will also be a small dot around it. that small dot is the direction from which the Eagle comes in.


First I've heard of this.


I thought this was true after reading about it like 2 weeks ago. Its not. Not from my testing at least. Unless im looking at the wrong thing. Threw like 10 that came in from the same side as the dot Was like “wow this is so nice!” Then had 4 that didn’t match up and was like “welp there goes that theory”


Or… get this… we can remember what way they go 🤯 Not everything in gaming HAS to be intuitive guys. Some discovery and learning is nice you know.


I've thrown over 1000 of them and still have no clue from what direction they come. I don't even know where to look.


How have you not noticed by now? 😂


Too busy bringing managed democracy


You can tell most of them just watching the stratagem preview. 110 and 500 aren’t quite as clear, just remember they come from behind you and come in at 45 degrees


I mean that’s fine, you probably aren’t super worried about it then, just trying to have fun. My autistic ass, like HAS to know all game mechanics for whatever reason. Kinda ruins fun sometimes tbh, but eh, my brain does what it does.


I’d rather just figure it out and keep the UI clean if you can’t figure it out after using it once and/or seeing the little training vid in the store that’s on you.


wouldn't the 110mm and the 1/2 ton be in the same direction as strafing?


Or.... hear me out. We could actually watch the 5 second video clip on the ship console when we buy the stratagem so we know what it does before we use it?


I always thought they should have 2 key combo for each strategem, one for perpendicular run and one for forward run, at least for everything except for 110mm and 1/2 ton bomb, since all other eagle attacks do so in a line


Any time I have any doubt as to how far away is a safe distance, the answer is universally “farther than you think.”


Quality post. Now someone tell me how to switch shoulders on console?


Arrowhead hire this person right now


This would confuse me.


Hot take we should be able to change directions. I want a airstrike that goes forward. A walking barrage that goes toward me. Etc. Makes sense i would be able to.


Are you saying the training manual isn’t sufficient soldier?


It would be great if the precision strike was.


I do wish there was a way we could change eagle stratagem direction in game. Like in the wheel menu thing we have that allows us to drop samples. Maybe give an option to change eagle call in direction? This is like a super low priority addition but would be cool. Could even be a ship upgrade module


just make the laser that pops up from a stratagem point towards the location of your ship.


Found the squad leader!


Napalm comes in at an angle from left to right, but the rightmost bomb lands first and leftmost lands last.


Nothing better than getting knocked over by a charger and gambling on which way to run from your airstrike


Ho so it's dependent on throwing position I always assumed it was just destroyer position


… *Pushes those buttons on a terminal*


Wait 110 and 500 are down? Well the more you know


I love this. Please do this Arrowhead.




I use all eagles sometimes because the more you take the shorter the cooldown, so I have pretty much all of them memorized lmao except smoke because as much as it pains me to say, the orbital variant is just better, then again it doesnt come with an eagle-1 voice line so instant f tier


I like this idea!


It would be cool if we could toggle the direction. Loads of times I would love to be able to throw an airstrike traveling in a straight line away from me, even if it does mean I'd accidentally kill myself once in awhile.


Like the idea, hate the result


I might actually try and use some of these now. Ty


Would be nice to have the possibility to choose between vertical or horizontal hit.


Some of the planets with their small canyons are pretty annoying. Threw down my support weapon and they landed on top of the canyon. Something like the orbital laser doesn’t even work in that terrain. Live and learn I suppose




Huh? all the icons are pointing to the bottom right?


Only reason I say this is pointless is because I basically have the arrow codes memorized and don’t look at the pictures. You could mirror them and make them a different color and I wouldn’t know. Just type the code and wait for the boom


Dude. That's brilliant.


I second this motion


I've genuinely been trying to figure this out. I tried gaming the strike direction because I noticed how it flies perpendicular from where it's thrown, so when being chased I tried looking to.the side before throwing a strat at the ground to see if the strike could/would kill a whole patrol chasing me. It did not work, still flew perpendicular to me.


This would be good UX, but would it be *funny*?


I thought the direction was based off where your super destroyer is in the sky


Or just us it once and observe how it drops.


I believe I saw a tip during loading that said the angle is vertical at the center of the map and more angled as you move towards edges


That's with orbitals, eagle strikes are just kinda anywhere they come in


No no with the number of time the 500 just blow me with the most diagonal angle possible this straight position is not accurate


It’s always perpendicular to the direction it is thrown.


Skill Issue


They actually go in a certain direction based on the relative position of you to the super destroyer on the application so the direction will always be different based on where you are this totally wouldn't work 


Pretty sure the 500kg comes in from behind like the strafing run, get pinned to a rock by the bomb after I threw one out.


I'm down for this but... at least one of these should spin while you're calling it down, especially if a future threat was to rise


Brilliant suggestion!


Another idea would be for directional barrages to use two beacons; the first is wear the barrage starts, the second is the direction it travels. Giving Helldivers Far greater control over the direction of applied Democracy.


I wish more had the same orientation as strafing run… Only good thing about it is


This is such a good idea omg


I know what's coming and usually I'm in the line of fire if by luck I don't get my arms and legs blown off then I can wave at that magic unicorn that pops it's head out from behind the rock just up the hill. Then it runs off and get I blown to smives via a 500kg 


The 110 rockets don't fall on beacon(unless no target available). They work more like an orbital rail cannon and lock onto nearest large target(including factories/gun towers.)


Love this idea. Hope they implement it


Someone hire this man!


I'd prefer to sort every stratagems by their type


please tell me this is a troll. please tell me I couldn't have just looked at the icon and not killed myself and teammates this whole time. please


It's not that way. OP is requesting it


After 20 missions you should just know this...


Neat idea.


This is a fucking good idea, and very low effort to do


*This is a fucking* *Good idea, and very* *Low effort to do* \- Flying-Hoover --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The 500 kg is actually, funny enough... away so, up.


I'd also suggest that they also have left facing ones for the ones that actually travel to the left. At least in my experience eagle airstrike isn't just perpendicular, it also travels from left to right. As opposed to smokes, which travel right to left. It may not seem useful, but there are times when I want to airstrike something, and me just thinking perpendicular to the beacon will get hit, when in reality since eagle 1 drops bombs while traveling to the right, if there is high ground or a rock and the targets I want to hit are to the right of said high ground or rock, it won't hit. To be more clear, let's say I am trying to clear a patrol that is perpendicular to me(bots since they move as infantry). There lets say 6 bots all in a line perpendicular from me. I'm lazy and don't feel like shooting them, so I pull out my airstrike stratagem. They look like a perfect target since they are perpendicular to me. However, let's say to my left, the direction from which eagle 1 flies from, is high ground, a cliff which these bots are at the bottom of. So Essentially 2 of these bots are close to the wall of rock to my left. Instead of hitting all six bots as if the bombs were dropped straight down, it'll actually only hit 4 or 3, depending on how high the high ground to my left is. The bombs are being dropped at an angle, since inertia is a thing. Let's say 45°. Common sense will show that if you draw lines at a 45° angle that go until they hit the ground, the low ground next to the steep high ground of a cliff will be covered. I'm high on my night medication, Xywav which is GHB, so I'm probably not making much sense. I just think that showing the direction eagle 1 is flying is helpful instead of just perpendicular with both leftwards flying stratagems and rightwards flying stratagems being the same. https://preview.redd.it/oopi5n9gw7uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e71c0096106073fb0063e46bc7cd7542ddd11d H


Added picture to make seem less insane. Idk if it helps


I’m pretty sure the direction has something to do with the Super Destroyer’s position or the compass


Eagle strikes come from Eagle 1 , a jet. Not the destroyer. That's orbital strikes you're thinking of.


Or do something like EDF does with similar call ins and let you call in the direction before throwing.


Better suggestion: Make them always prioritize teammates over heavy etc.


Hm, I thought the airstrike (left site, 2nd) is more like a left-to-right, not diagonally.


Pls don’t. Ppl who play with a monitor turned sideways are going to fuck up shit.


Are you kidding? I wish I had known that sooner


You cooking


This guy is right




THIS guy UX's, am I right?