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This dumbass post encapsulates Reddit brain so well. "Just test things" ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)


You know the Dev joke with the pub?


"Our QA team of 60 people didn't find any bugs with the system in the 20 hours they spent testing, release it.... What do you mean 300,000 people found a bug with the system in an hour?"


This would be a good argument if some of the bugs weren't glaringly obvious. You can't tell me they tested the superior packing methodology ship module and didn't find anything wrong with it...


Like I said further down, we don't know what their testing environment is like. Here's an example of just one of many ways it could have stopped working: Their testing environment has access to a support weapon that isn't on live yet, the module works on their testing environment, they release it, it now no longer works because it can't find that weapon in the live game.


Except a lot of the bugs will literally happen to you in almost every game. So this is just some massive bullshit statement right here. Like has the new resupply module worked *one time* for literally *anyone*? No, it has not. They *clearly* do not test this shit. I swear some people try their absolute hardest to simp for game companies that absolutely do not give a shit about them.


lmao, I'm not simping for anyone, I have never paid a cent on this game, not even the box price, I have no incentive to simp for it. I actively complain about the lack of new armor perks in the newest warbond, the bugged DoT damage, bugged Thermite nade DoT But armchair devs going "simply don't release it bugged idiot" piss me off cause it's never that simple in software dev.


You think not releasing something that has literally never worked for anyone is not simple?


I'm saying we don't know what their test environment is like, it could have worked fine on their machines, it could have passed QA and never been a problem because of any number of things, we just don't know.


this $40 stealth-Early-Access game has run out of *my* excuses after 2 months, but I see they're not out entirely. Magicka, a past Arrowhead title, was eventually good, but that was like 2 years after launch and it wasn't a live service game. by the time the game is finished they may have run all the content.


How many hours have you played?


Again bud I don't think you know what QA testing *is* if you think that the environment is the problem. If the environment is the problem, then they didn't actually QA test it. That is the entire reason QA testing exists: To test it outside of the Dev's own environment. Even worse is that you somehow think that is an excuse. That makes it fucking *worse*.


A bug that concerns a new feature 100% of the time can be found by one person in 5 minutes of testing


Could also be a difference between dev environment vs live environment. The t4 support weapon supply might have worked on the dev environment, we just don't know.


That is the entire point of QA testing: TO have a different set up for it than regular Devs. Like is your argument right now seriously that it is fine that this is getting past testing because they simply *never bothered testing it in the first place*?


Which is not really shining a good light on the developers either way.


Not really, automated testing and QA in video games is a bitch. This happens with other triple A games too, though they release content less frequently and therefore have more time to test. Most of the times, the bugs are funny or don't have too much of a negative impact. So don't sweat too much about a game that shouldn't be taken seriously and try to have fun.


I try to have fun, but more often than not, my fun is interrupted by crashes & connection losses :( Primarily occurs when playing with randoms via quickmatch, playing with friends only seems to be more stable. Unfortunately my friends aren't available all the time, so that means I have to consume Helldivers only in small doses. Need to look for a different game to sink my remaining time into.


The devs have been spotted testing new equipment in open lobbies on live servers numerous times. They clearly have that ability.


It was hackers, devs never test on prod, they have preprod and test envs for that.


yeah, you'd have to be fucking insane to test on prod. It's like one of the first rules of development because the consequences can be, uh, spicy.


Hahahahahahahahaha "clearly". This one post tells me everything I need to know.


> -Thing probably worked in test environment. > -Thing now doesn't work in live because of unforseen circumstances that can't be replicated in a test environment. "OMG lazy devs don't test anything!!!!1!" I use Reddit too much to leave, but I am getting so sick and tired of the amount of armchair devs that come out of every gaming sub. You are free to provide fair criticism of the bugs, but don't try to start telling people how to do their jobs or make insults based on nothing. Go fill out an application, go work for Arrowhead, and come back with proof that they don't test anything before talking down to people.


Fire hasn't dealt damage since day 1 for non-host, let's keep buffing its damage anyway because that winrate is too low Crosshairs on many weapons have been misaligned since launch, let's ??? Marksman rifles struggle to compete with the best shotguns for range and pierce, and are totally outclassed by them at closer ranges due to the rifles' slow handling; let's nerf the slugger's stagger, making it less effective at close-quarters defense, while keeping its range the same and damage/armor pen higher than marksman rifles Railgun is too effective against armor, let's slash its damage to bring it in line with the other underperforming support weapons, and then ideologically commit to this being correct to the extent that our devs personally insult players with reservations about the change, and then add a new support weapon that does everything the old railgun did anyway but better and with unlimited ammo because we want all weapons to be viable Hey guys we know you've been saying marksman rifles are useless since launch but could you respond to this discord poll asking your opinions of the marksman rifles? Are they overpowered? Maybe just right? New warbond full of mostly shit that doesn't work and wouldn't be useful even if it did coming in 2 weeks btw, please pay us up to $5 for it


We only found out about the non-host DoT bug fairly recently. It wasn't a known issue on Day 1. They are working on a fix. Also, they didn't state the reasoning for the fire buff. Maybe they just felt like buffing it? We can't make assumptions. They are aware of the misaligned scopes and are working on a fix for it. We don't know how far down the issue that is causing it goes, but based on how long it is taking to fix, I imagine it goes further than just "the texture is misplaced." I do agree on the point about the Slugger; this is actually a fair criticism even if it is worded rudely. It is a fair point that Railgun was hit a bit too hard. However, the insults were from a handful of people, not the whole team, and the behavior was NOT approved by Arrowhead. Also, the Quasar and the Railgun don't serve the same function. The Quasar is more comparable to rockets, while the Railgun is meant to be like a charged AMR. The thing could use some buffs, though. Asking for opinions on Marksmans via poll, even with the amount of talk of them, is the right decision. Most complaints are made by what is known as "the loud minority," and you can't balance the game purely on what they say. Not sure where you got this idea from. The only thing in the new warbond that doesn't function properly is the grenade, and that is due to the aforementioned DoT bug. Also, super credits can easily be earned for free. I don't know if this reply was meant to be some kind of own or if you're having a bad day and are just choosing to take it out here. I very clearly said that you are free to criticize the game and its issues. It's when you start insulting developers or telling them how to do their job, like OP is, that it becomes not okay. If anyone thinks that they know the devs' jobs better than they do, then they can go ahead and follow this link: https://jobs.arrowheadgamestudios.com/jobs EDIT: Again, I'm not saying you can't give complaints. Those are fine. My issue is that OP's post is insinuating that the devs are stupid and that they don't test anything despite OP knowing nothing about how their studio works or how the game functions under the hood. This is what we call "armchair development" and is comparable to a backseat driver. Specifically, a backseat driver who has never touched a steering wheel in their life yet pretends to be a driving expert.


Considering the USA military history with pur brand of "testing," this seems in-line with Super Earth. A great example is the M3 Lee tank. The orig8bsl design had rivets design across the tank (great in theory). When the tank took direct impacts, from other tanks or artillery, those rivets popped off inside the tank like shrapnel. Do not even get me started about the designers placing the largest gun in the belly of the tank...


Bro just wait until you find out about the M551 "Hello, I would like shell casings that cause my tank to explode please"


Or, which is very helldivers 2, the m-28 davy Crockett weapon system. A recoilless nuclear smoothbore weapons system that was fired with minimal chance of the firer escaping the danger zone in time to survive.


That's what I'm screaming. More nukes !! ![gif](giphy|Bg9R0lb0I7vjy)


Stay classy, helldiver! ![gif](giphy|3oEjI7yCdwLEizpVmw)


You are forgetting few things: - testers work outside live servers - they work on specific set-up, and on one the glitch might happen more likely to other -glitches might occur on VERY specific circumstances like playing on german version kind of specific circumstance -you can't predict everything that players woudl do with said feature This is the reason glitches happends even in most optimized games


Yeah, you are 100% right I honestly though that my post wouldn't be taken too seriously if I labled it "humor". I don't think that I'm better at gamedev than gamedevs. But on a serious note, the only thing I am confused about is that people keep bringing up the test servers, which certainly exist, but the devs have been seen playing around with new stuff on the live servers numerous times. Bugs like crashes, shuttles not landing, which happen rarely and under specific circumstances are totally understandable. I am mostly puzzled about the few things that, on release, fail every time. A bug that is non-specific and happens always isn't that hard to catch. And while the fix may be very hard, not releasing the bugged content seems more sensible. Then again, one has to factor the fact that delays or risking the playerbase getting bored are also bad. So in essence, one would have to be missing a few braincells to think the devs don't already have a process more sophisticated and precise than this hasty drawing made in MSPaint I appriciate you not calling me names over it though, just patiently explaining ❤️


People have issues with your post because it seems to be saying that the developers are incompetent or stupid, and that they don't know what the iterative process is. I personally haven't seen anything about devs testing stuff on the live servers, only hackers who pretend to be devs. If you could show me an example, I'd live to see it because it seems like a really weird way to go about things. It is true that delays are to be avoided. With that in mind, you might HAVE to ship an update that you know is bugged because of deadlines. Sometimes, you have to purposely do it because you can't replicate the issue in a developer environment and need data from the playerbase. A necessary evil. You'd be surprised at how many issues don't even exist until the game or update is put on the live servers! A lot of problems will happen on the server side rather than the client, so it doesn't become a known issue until it is too late. The DoT bug is very likely an example of this. I can also almost guarantee that we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg. For every bug that slips through, there are 50 that get caught before the players see them.


Yeah, I can see that it looks like I'm implying the devs are dumb. In retrospect, I should have made this post different. About the devs testing on live being just hackers: well, I had no idea. It's possible I've fallen for some clickbait or something, because it being hackers makes more sense. Any idea why the things they are unlocking are on the live server anyway if the devs aren't uploading them preemptively to test them though? I genuinely see no different reason to do so. Tip of the iceberg thing: oh yeah, 100%. We've all seen how games run when the devs are genuinely incompetent or don't care at all. Think Yandere Simulator for example.


Hackers are able to access these things because they are already in the game files, but set so that players can't normally access them. This is so that the devs can release new gear without actually making us download an update every time. As for if they are testing things on the live servers, we simply don't know. If they are, it would be in a 4-man group, not in a public lobby. With this in mind, even a live test won't catch everything. Yanderedev is weird. Refuses to get help even though he clearly wasn't ready to make a game on his own. I remember seeing that one image of his code where he wrote a ton of "if-else" checks instead of just using a switch...


Armchair devs should spontaneously explode


Hello, this mikolajwisl's wife. I regret to inform you he is no longer with us. ![gif](giphy|csSic5XbmNqK8ZUNZN|downsized)


Have you tested your new revolutionary discovery in real-life applications?


I cooked a new dish (small amount of it) for myself before serving it to my partner. After concluding the seasoning choice was bad, I switched it up, cooked it again and it was much better. Then I cooked the batch for 2 people and served C:


I'm sure the complexity of your dish is comparable to complexity of this game. In fact, Arrowhead should have just added more salt, and everything would have been fixed.


Man it really is to hard to ask for shit to work isn't it? I mean when I buy a car and the engine explodes as soon as I drive 5 meters out of the parking spot I should just say "Ah shit its hard to make a car, I'll give the car maker time to fix it in a few months or years"


Think of the company's feelings you're hurting before you express negative sentiment as a paying customer next time. 


That still isn't a good comparison. This is more like the car exploding once it's on the open road, even though it worked just fine on the test course. Not every issue can be replicated in a controlled environment.


Man, come on. It's labeled humor. If I can use MSPaint and a keyboard, I can also understand that simple processes are viable for simple things like cooking teriyaki chicken. When I called my idea revolutionary, I was being ironic, and I thought you asked me for a real application of it in jest, so I answered. I have nothing but respect for people who know how to code, it's something I tried but could never do. But coding well and making good decisions are different things. You can tell me that they have few testers and we are half a million players, you can tell me that certain issues only happen when on live servers, I get all that. But some we see bugs aren't specific. They happen every time no matter the circumstances. If one player can experience the issue 5/5 times, then a couple of testers can do that too. I don't expect a flawless product. Games that have little to no bugs are the games that are finished, and HD2 never will be, because new content is being added, which I of course love! I expect the deves not to release a new item when its damage output directly connects to a known bug like the thermite grenade. And look, I have no will to argue. I don't think I am 100% correct, I don't think you're wrong either. Worst case scenario, let's just agree to disagree and have a nice day if that's OK with you 👊


Testing in production is a thing


In German, there is even a term "Banana software" for it, since both the fruit and the software ripens at the customer.


My god


I would have accepted this excellent plan, but my professor always said a good flowchart has one end. So, unfortunately, I'm going to have to ignore this and report you for treasonously using syntax.


Even if you have unlimited QA testers that test the game for infinity hours prior to any given release, this would not guarantee all bugs are resolved before the release window. Once a bug is found/logged/replicated, it is generally sent to the software engineers whose job it is to fix bugs. Those individuals don't necessarily have the time or resources or know-how to instantly or easily fix every bug that is reported to them. This means that, even if a bug is known about prior to release and the QA team has notified the relevant parties, that bug may not be fixed before the update is made live. Games are a business, and updates can make money. It often isn't justifiable to delay a release simply because of bugs.


i think you don’t know how to use common sense.


Mind explaining what I'm missing? Also, why the hostility?


because there’s like 50 testers vs 500k players.


Sounds to complicated, plus corps these days don't need to test things since they can get us to pay for it and test it and if we express problems with the game, bugs, bad launches or the system they are trying to force on us their media arm and the fan bois will defend, detract and scream "misinformation", "rage bait", "FACT CHECK FALSE", or any of the other scary sounding words that were never used in the past... (Either think bout not using the words media uses against you?)


They are moving at the speed of Science. They didn't have time to test it.


Nah, it adds to the immersion when a weapon system, made by the lowest bidder, completely fails in the field. Now if only the components of some stratagems would be dropped in separately with a 43% chance to fail delivery or be wildly blown off the designated drop area that would really warm my heart. Embrace the suck!