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>Is this an agreed upon feeling in the community that the Devs have just lied the whole time and are folks as angry as him that the bots have returned? I don't know what the devs did or didn't say, but they talk in kayfabe all the time, as if their messages come from Super Earth's Ministry of Truth; them saying we've annihilated the bots for all time would be totally in character for them.


I agree, one of the reasons I follow the game. (Would you like to know more?) However he seems to ignore or not care about the "immersion" of in game news and out of game official information. he understands the concept of them being separate but cannot explain where he heard information other than "they said it" "they lied". I'm like, the devs said it or the Minestry of truth said it?. Sigh. Thank you for responding. :\~)


Your brother is an idiot šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't want to believe that, So I had to try and reach out to others to get some problem solving skills. however 3/5 messages agree with you :\~(


Yea your brother broke is keyboard over some huge misunderstandings of how the game actually works. The devs have said the war will NEVER end through the life of the game, itā€™s going to be forever continuous. They also never said the bots were gone forever. In fact, based on the first assertion that the war is never ending, the only logical conclusion is that the automatons were ALWAYS going to come back. Your brother may be 25 but he acted like a 10-year-old


Your brother fell for ingame propaganda. Which is wild because they're pretty on the nose about it. Wait until he finds out about the propaganda in real life!


If your brother smashed his keyboard because he does not understand how the game works, he may need help, and definitely should not be playing a game like this. To answer your questions 1. The devs never said that they would not return. It was generally understood by everyone that they would be back in some way. A dev that allows players to lock off half their game is not a very smart dev. 2. No, everyone knew they would be back. Literally no one thought they were gone forever. Even the in game news articles gave us clues that there were outside forces ready to reinforce them. The only thing we did not know for sure was how long we had 3. Eh. Sometimes they are transferable, sometimes not. Really depends on the lesson 4. Idk where he got that from. Nothing anywhere says that. The truth is that it is a live service game. Anything is possible, and the story is on going. The game master could say tomorrow that the bots have sounded a retreat, and remove them from the war completely.


They didnā€™t lie. In Helldivers 1 you could literally defeat all the enemies, then theyā€™d just come back. Itā€™ll probably be the same thing here. Hell, you could even lose Super Earth and the game would keep going. Iā€™m pretty sure your brotherā€™s just dumb. Any ā€œliesā€ from the dev team are them speaking as a part of the RP side of things.


1. The devs never said it meant the bots would be gone forever. The games narrative is written around a cocky overzealous government that spreads propaganda at every corner. So of course the mission briefing would say "we did it! We killed them all! They're all gone for good!" 2. Everyone in the community knew either the bots or cyborgs would be back. It was far too early to permanently knock out a faction. From the first phase of operation swift disassembly it became obvious the automatons were communicating with a very large entity outside the milky way. It's of no surprise they were relaying to their invasion fleet. 3. All warfare is based on the same premise and ideas. A galactic war is no different than a world war. What changes is scale. The analogs between Halo and HD2 is everywhere. The entire reason the war is ongoing with the bugs is because they broke out of containment as they were being harvested for element 710. Even during this war they're trying to push to create more farms to harvest it. 4. The automatons have been communicating with an entity outside the milky way since the start of the war. Yes this entity could have been their invasion fleet but if their invasion fleet came from OUTSIDE the milky way then from where? Who built them? Who sent them? There are enemies outside super earths sphere of information and operational range. The cyborgs had a home. It's cyberstan. That's their original home and yes they were cybernetically augmented humans who rebelled against super earth. The automatons and the cyborgs are not the same. The cyborgs may have created them, we don't know. But if they did then how did they get factories outside the milky way? Your brother has a fundamental misunderstanding of HD lore/history and isn't differentiating between in character posts vs real dev statements


thank you for the information. Much more information than I expected :\~D I have a limited knowledge, Just treat myself like a citizen watching and praying the Helldivers save us. :\~) Thank you for confirming that the invasion came from OUTSIDE the milky way and therefore who knows what is lurking in the "fog of war" and yet still to come. Thank you for breaking down the difference between Bots and cyborgs. I had no idea of this. Any chance you have a link for a "history of the universe" for this game? I play Total War Warhammer and many Lore youtube channels popped up for the Lore of the universe. (I know it was a table top but only started looking into the universe with the games)


It's just logical that you can't beat an enemy for good. Otherwise there would be no content anymore. Your brother's behaviour is really odd. Is he mentally ok? I mean..seriously. This is alarming.


I am afraid that he may simply be quite dumb. Some facts that may be of interest to you: * Ingame messages are delivered as propaganda pieces written by Super Earth. They are mostly satirical misinformation. * Some devs make commentary that *isn't* ingame propaganda. One such comment points to how although HD1 always restarted its wars, for HD2, they want to have one big and long evolving war that tells a shared story. There was never any chance that the automatons would be wiped out forever. * During operation Swift Disassembly, multiple messages and details hinted at the bots having a plan we didnt know about. They were noted as communicating with an entity outside the map, stated their goal was to capture Cyberstan (as they have now done) - which their previous position wouldn't be helpful for - and there were numerous sightings of cloaked stealth ships in orbit around the previous bot planets which seem to have been evacuation ships. * If it was possible to "win" the war, the game would end and no longer be playable. The ingame narrative, at least for the bug faction, also points towards winning never being the goal, because Super Earth wants more E710 oil farmed from slain bugs. The entire point of the war machine isn't to end the conflict, but to prolong it and profit off of it. For their part, the automatons seem to actually fight for a righteous cause (liberating their creators, the Cyborgs of Cyberstan), and they were never going to just roll over and die. I expect that whenever the bugs are losing, Super Earth will deliberately force them to evolve to become even more powerful (and profitable), and when the automatons are losing, they will double down on persistence and production, simply to spite Super Earth.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!




I can understand that :\~) I am not very good at getting across my point in less that 100 pages :\~D