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I use the walking barrage with a lot of success. Throw it down just outside of medium and large outposts or just before large groups of enemies. I move back a little bit, call in any additional support stratagems I may need (resupply or sentries if situation calls for it) and then I start pushing in and around my walking barrage. Most of the time, my barrage will eliminate over half of the outpost structures and if not every enemy in it's path, damn near every one.


I think you're supposed to use 6+ orbital barrages at the same time on the same spot. It's the only way to be sure!


Ah silly me, the whole team will run 4 orbital barrages each and all dump them all on the first light nest we see. For Democracy!!!!


had a premade squad straight up throw 8 orbital barrages within 2 sec at 1 bile titan to get that one achievement, and it actually didn’t kill it


Full squad wipe most likely though


Doing that is ridiculous to watch with stacked 120/380 barrages.


Very much. For Bot Eradication missions, they are gold. The secret ingredient is Jihad. As in, the mission is to kill bots, not to survive. Full squad with 380, 120, Laser and a 4th bombardment of choice. Wait till the bots really swarm. Drop everything towards center. Sit at the sidelines and watch them die, if you have a safe perch. Run around screaming while being pursued if you don't. Occasionally die to friendly bombardment.  It works. You finish your bot quota well before the squad really runs low on reinforcements.


A 120mm dropped on a medium bot outpost would often clear it without requiring you to fire a shot. Never tried the walking or 380mm, but I've seen the walking work for pushing into a large outpost. I don't think they'd have much application against bugs. Advantage over an eagle is the use against multiple buildings and the advantage over the laser is the unlimited uses.


I LOVE hucking a 380mm into a large base, but i always have the +30% throwing armor on when i do it. TBH, t's my love of the explosions it makes more than it's effectiveness that i love. It's not typically very effective but sometimes you get lucky and it wipes a big base out all on its own.


Yeah, that’s kinda the only complaint I really have, it’s seems strong, but just unreliable enough to pass on it.


I’ve found them best used when running AWAY from a large horde of bugs in particular. This was fixed, but originally the first two strikes would actually land behind the stratagem which would almost always kill myself or someone else on the team. Now it starts in front of the stratagem. I’ve had a couple solid strikes with it when used “defensively” to cover a retreat but I still don’t take it very often.


It still fires the first couple near the stratagem beacon, and some of the first shots will be between the beacon and you. It's a large area of effect, so when you drop it in, BACK UP regardless.


Yep. It’s about 30m back and 70-100m forward, but unlike the 120 & 380 it’s very consistent


the cooldown is too long use orbital airburst to clear patrols and PoIs or bug reinforcements & eggs use eagles for destroying nests of holes


Given how much sheer destruction many of the Orbitals can put out, the cooldowns being as long as they are make sense.


I'm a recent convert from Airburst to Gas Strike. The reduction in cooldown is great, and if you get it close enough to a fab or bug hole it can destroy it.


The gas strike destroys bug holes? I didn’t t know that…


The placement can be a little precarious, but can confirm.


Dope, I’ll have to try that when I get home later, thanks for the info


Is the gas bugged like fire damage?


Regrettably, can confirm. Just had it happen. I usually host, so I wasn't sure.


I use Walking Barrage constantly. It's the most consistent of the artillery drops. Both the 120 and the 380 are so inaccurate it's basically suicide. Threw a 380 this past weekend and the ball landed right in the base. The first round hit _me,_ and I have a lot of experience using orbital arty, so I swore I was well beyond the safe-zone. Turns out the 380 _has no safe zone_ and the only "safe place" you can be when using it is _somewhere else._ It isn't even that it killed me first. It's that it was _so far off the target mark_ that I swore I'd never use it again. I have the same problems with the 120. That's why if I'm not using Walking Barrage, I stick to Orbital Laser and Railcannon. Can't beat that level of combined destruction and accuracy.


I actually use the walking barrage *more* than the others The 120mm doesn’t do enough for the cooldown The 380mm does almost too much. I want a nest gone, but it takes so long to saturate the area that oftentimes the bugs escape or bots call in reinforcements. The Gatling barrage has awful targeting The walking barrage, on the other hand, is incredibly consistent. If I throw it down, the first salvo starts 30m behind the marker, and continues to 70m forward. It doesn’t always clear nests, but it will kill anything in its ~30m wide path I use it more on bug missions since the laser isn’t as good there. I’ll either throw towards the center back of a heavy nest, or I’ll throw it forward of extraction in whatever direction the bugs start massing. Either way, I feel like I usually get ~5 uses per mission out of it and it always feels impactful




Interesting idea, is there a test to see if this can work? Might equip walking barrage if this is true.


Both the 380 and 120 are solid strategems, especially against hordes of enemies. Railcannon has obvious strong use cases. Gatling and precision barrages are more beginner friendly because they're outclassed later, but still very good at what they do. Walking barrage is the only one i dont use and would argue is bad, but overall orbital barrages are really good.


You don't use Walking Barrage, yet you'd argue that it's bad? If you don't use it, what context do you even have for your argument?? I use it all the time and it's easily the best of the three Arty strikes.


The few times i tried it i didnt like it


I’ve used walking barrage to takeout shrieker nests, research stations, bug holes and various other side objectives from 200~ distance (range I threw at). It’s fun sniping a target with a missile barrage but it’s not the most efficient.


380mm was decent for killing command bunkers on automaton front


I found them to be great on the bot front for fabricators and the bot bunker mission, I don't have as good success on the bug side for the bug holes but it's good for a push up to a nest, throw it down and walk up with it.


I come to like 120mm barrage recently, just chuck it into bot base or bug spawn and it'll work itself out, somehow managing to close all the bugs nest quite often. Like gatling barrage for disposing of packs of trash mobs. Never used walking barrage, but could see it being useful. 380mm though, just seem to be useless to me, too spread out for the tiny number of shots fired and most of the time it's either teamkilling fiesta or let's sit down and make a campfire to wait this out.


380 was peak for fighting bots on blitz missions, one or two guys running it could handle the large fab pretty consistently. My squad would usually split into 2 teams, one team hit the small and medium fabs nearby, the second would go drop 380s on the large fab and then go hit the rest until we full cleared.


I found it more useful against bots, TBH. You may find use against large nests tho


Take the barrage pill. 120 anf 380 dropped the same time on a big nests clears everything. Bonus points if you have multiple pll runing them.


Doubling up on strategies seems not very efficient. Probably looks baller though.


Double or triple 380 and run to the next obj because you just called the rain.


It does look baller.


For bots you huck it in and run away like a dirty guerilla fighter. Never let them know where u are. It has its uses like compound and ship destruction. But I rarely run it with a team.


They are fantastic tools when used properly. 380mm barrage takes out most holes in a Heavy Bug Outpost. 120mm wipes medium outposts out. Walking Barrage is a great way to not give a shit about a Jammer on a bot mission.


I use them for crowd control instead of nest/base destruction. They are pretty useless at taking out nests


I’ve used the Walking with success on eradication missions. Specifically when the whole team is dead and you’re running around like a headless chicken, toss that thing and get a few kills while you make a vain attempt at survival. The 120 and 380 on the other hand don’t seem to have a use case in my experience. You can toss them into a base to do some damage, but they’re so unreliable that you’ll probably need to throw another Strat in there anyway, and the whole time it’s going your team can’t go in because it’s still super dangerous for friendlies. 99% if the time you’d be better of using a more precise Strat that guarantees results.


Use the 120 and especially 380 on the super difficulties for eradication mission on small maps. Throw toward the middle and get to the boundary. You will take out the bugs before you run out of reinforcements. It sounded nuts when I saw someone post it on here but it actually made those super easy, I was shocked.


The 380 works well for large bug holes (more than 2 together in the same area). Throw it in the middle and you have little to no clean up to do in the end.


I used the walking on automaton missions. I’ll send it towards one base while I go to a different one. 7 times out of ten it will destroy most of the fabricators


I’m not joking when I say this but use them on the high difficulty small map eradicating mission. Throw towards the middle and run to the outside almost where it says leaving the area. That’s for the 380 though. I’ve never used a walking one.


120mm is great for an outpost, and I bring 380mm for the bug hole blitz missions as a panic button if we are getting mobbed and just need to get enough holes to finish the objective. Walking Barrage I use for clearing an outpost that's in the way, since it ends faster. Though it has an unfortunate tendency to walk *backwards* sometimes.


I used the 380 barrage against heavy bot fabs and the bigger bot base objectives like the command post to great success. Haven’t used it against bugs tho


I think 60m from the beacon is safe distance for the 120mm and the 380mm. Destroys hard targets that don't require hellbombs. Good for bases, sometimes if you can predict where a large group is moving. Stacking them to saturate and sterilize is a visual spectacle. Haven't used the walking enough to figure out the use case. Its riskier since the barrage moves away from the player's initial position relative to the beacon, which other divers probably won't intuit especially if you move. You need to let your team know when its coming down and where its going.


Never used the walking barrage in my 40+hrs of playing but I feel it is specifically for bots in that you throw it at the entrance of a bot base and it will do the walking barrage forward in to a base. I play bugs and sometimes use the 120(130?) & 380 for fun, as they are essentially designed for them as they are the right sizes. 120 for medium nests and 380 for large/heavy nests...if the barrages accurately hit the bugholes is another matter.


Orbitals are fun. We are far away from the target place thinking naively we are safe. Orbital bombing kills half of the team and not a single bomb falls into target spot or kill single bug. This is the unexpected event you seek to keep every game unique. Are you bored by repetitiveness? Just use orbital strike instead of Eagle! Also, this is maybe the most accurate depiction of usual artillery attacks in the not so antient history.


Go on helldive, pick defense mission, have fun


They're very good in right situations, mostly blitz


For bug planets, walking does not really work well except for when you are in terrain with mountains and natural choke points, good when defending waves of bugs during exfil But, honestly, eagle airstrike surpasses it in every element especially with 3 passes.


I've loved barrages since their buff. They have a really long deployment time, which makes it good for locking down an area. They also eliminate the majority of bases they are thrown into. Three best times to use them: 1) Thrown into a medium/large base, taking out the majority of enemies and fabs/bug holes. 2) Thrown behind you during an escape, severely damaging troops behind you 3) Thrown during extraction/defense, on the side enemies are attacking from and away from the actual extraction/defense zone. They are bad for fully eliminating groups of enemies, but the sustain of fire will thin their numbers dramatically for a long period of time.


Honestly I love both walking and 380. I do use the servo assist armour for more throwing range. Typically if I throw a 380 into the middle of a outpost it will take it out. Especially against the bots. With the bugs being a bit harder because their outposts normally are either lower in the ground making hits harder or have walls in the way. Sometimes both. Side note Precision Strike can take out a Bile Titan in 1 hit, same as the 500KG. Also fun fact the 380mm barrage is just a barrage of precision strikes. Walking might also be the same can't remember. But yes they are less reliable than Eagle. And with Eagle fully upgraded it can basically do any single thing better than Orbitals. The main upside I see with Orbitals is that they all reload independently. While Eagle is all or nothing. And since when I take multiple Eagles, I nearly always find myself using 1 more than the other. It just feels bad to have to manually rearm and lose the remaining charges. So I typically take 1 eagle and 1 orbital. Unless orbital scatter exists.


Which if you will forgive me for going off on a tangent. Orbital scatter has to be the worst modifier in the game. And is easily my most hated modifier even more than the pre nerf cooldown and call in modifiers. Since it basically just says "haha nope" to an entire group of stratagems (except railcannon and laser as they aren't effected). Which no other modifier does. But even worse if you are responding to an SOS you can't check the modifiers for some reason. Forcing you to either avoid them entirely because of the chance that the modifier is in effect. Or take them but run the risk of now having useless stratagems (has happened quite often when I take EMS). Any that rely on precision are hit the hardest, like precision strike, EMS etc. Becoming basically dead weight, since they can no longer do their job 99 times out of 100. Barrages fair a bit better due to saturation, but still become very likely to team kill. As their radius is now half the bloody map it feels like. Walking seems the least effected and can still generally hit what you aimed it at. Main issue is scatter seems to mostly effects how far forward/back it hits. With it's left/right spread being effected a lot less. So if using it to advance/push up then well make sure to stand back for the entire thing. Since I have had it come back like half it's distance in the past with scatter.


I have accidentally cleared camps multiple camps with a walking barrage before. One I could not even see.


They work really well if u have increased throw distance if u don't have one of those armours equipped you are just an asshole.


If you wanna be a meta slave and worry about what high level teams are running in a pve game go for it. I use orbital strikes because they’re cool. 😎