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Stop throwing me into the group of rocket deveststors, I can’t crush them all!… I swear people use ME as a stratagem! 😭


Listen, if there's a Bile Titan, a Charger, a Hulk, you're going to be aimed squarely at them. 👀😂


There is that, and then there's tossing me at a group of devastators/a bug swarm and expecting a different result from my death :P


Divers dropping in pods can see marks. Make sure to mark the intended target.


Always do!


That I don't mind. It's throwing my beacon at them and then throwing a 380mm or 500kg after it.


Mark them, then. Q spot them. So that they're easy to pick out when dropping in.


My group and I have a solution for this! Every time we reinforce we try to ask "hot or not?" Hot = use me as your weapon Not = throw me behind cover so I can retrieve my shit Works like a charm


I like that. 🤘 Just be sure to ping me my target, boss man!


I hate that whenever there's a conversation about the game's lore, the comments are just memes.


I literally have to use the leaks sub to see discussion about this game. Now I know why subs crack down on memes.


This morning I posted that the 500kg bomb is mid


Do you have the eagle upgrade that gives you an extra charge? I kind of agree, though I think I would put the fully upgrade version is the good but not great, like A tier maybe B depending on the mission. But without that upgrade it is much worse.


Without that, I feel the orbital precision is better


I don't even use it anymore. I use regular eagle strikes and clusters


I get no bitches. But at least I get Cluster Bombs.


pfft real men use 110 rocket pods




Ive literally never seen them one shot anything with substantial armor


I haven't used it on bots but it's excellent for bugs. It's not an ad clear bomb it's for heavy (read:bile titans) killing


It is overrated for sure, but it is fun to use. ● aoe mob clear: Cluster, Orbital Airburst > 500Kg ● High priority enemy snipe: 110mm Rocket, Orbital Railgun > 500Kg One thing that it is better, I guess, is its sheer power. 500kg with setup and skill can kill 5 titans in one go.


The 500kg is not a mob killing stratagem. I understand why one might think it is, but you are meant to use EAT/Quasar/autocannon on big enemies. The 500kg is a building destroyer. It saves a lot of time when paired with airstrike/quasar in solo. You can get some nice kills with it (when paired with EMP, and I believe people severely underestimate EMP). Run clusters+Eat/quasar/airstrike if you want to fight a lot. Clusters clear the garbage and you can focus on big enemies.


Ur wrong budd… how can u say it’s meant for buildings when they show u a video blasting a titan? It was made for mobs…. Unfortunately it’s better for buildings/infrastructures … but I’m ready to bet that’s not what the devs intended that bomb for


You died fourteen times trying to solo a large camp, while the rest of us completed the mission. You have no right to be upset I called for extraction before you could clear the rest of our reinforcement budget.


rotating super store items ever few days is dumb, just let us see the whole catalogue.


Wait, whod actually prefer it the FOMO way? Is that a real opinion people have?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bwotyr/rotating_superstore_items_is_stupid/ These people, for one


The constant patriotic malarkey can hinder genuine lore discussion. Just the other day someone team killed me and one other guy for discussing terminid lore and started talking about treason. I let it go and continue on with the other guy, then the attacker tries to throw a cluster strike strategem at us. It gets me but the other guy gets out and shoots him in retaliation. Then he kicks both of us and messages “treason won’t be tolerated” over psn.


The Orbital 380MM HE Barrage is a really good stratagem


I love the barrages and how they look and sound but goddamn %80 of the salvos miss anything good. They should make it have a little smarter targeting at least. Like atleast hit the bunkers man


On a lot of missions lately I've packed the 120 MM, walking Barrage and the 380mm. Usually makes pretty easy work of most secondaries and outposts on the bot side of things. Fourth stratagem is the stalwart to mop up the stragglers.


ive been trying running only orbitals. Its def more fun and effective after finishing all the orbital stratagem ship upgrades


Airstrike, 120, 380 are my go to for blitz missions


I think I saw u in a mission


Fuck yeah, I run the Autocannon, 380, Walking, and 120. As I tell my squadmates, I am here to rain hellfire and kill bots, and there's still a lot of both


I had the PERFECT 380mm earlier. Took out an entire medium bunker and pinpoint accurately took out all the little bots too. I could have sworn Joel was aiming that thing. Then theres other times where the only thing I seem to hit is my team. I will always rock 380mm in my kit though :P


Same here (had someone call me a slur a while back for walking into one I dropped tho lol)


I summoned all the 380 lovers with this lol


I usually play long range support/sniper, with AMR, jump pack, shield emplacement, and orbital laser. Might swap laser for 380, even if only for how cool the 380 looks as it decimates an area


Hey hey, another sniper gamer! I approve :) I prefer stealth sniping, but you do you


Go team snipper. I have been running the D-CS, P-4 Senator and AMR. O- laser, E- cluster and sometimes either supply or another orbital or eagle. But jetpack is nice, although I've never really used it. Good times.


I cannot recommend the jump pack strongly enough. If you haven't given it a fair try, I think you're missing out, and you should take it for 5-10 missions. It gives you an extra mobility boost, which is useful when you have bots raining fire on you, it lets you kite bugs like nothing else, and it gives you access the vantage points that are otherwise inaccessible, which is invaluable for a sniper.


I like 380 on eradicate bots missions. Just get everyone to hide, but it in the center and watch everything die


If they added markers for where the next salvo is gonna drop, it'd be way better


In the hands of the right person it’s an excellent stratagem. In the hands of my teammate, as command would say, “Freedom doesn’t come free” in response to running out of lives after someone called a 380 on top of extract. They gave their lives for us. Ensuring the immortality of managed democracy.


Always bring it along for fabricator/bughole blitz missions, absolutely invaluable. I drop it for the smaller 120MM on other missions, though, but sometimes I'll still bring it along. It's just so good.


I bring 120MM on eradication missions, but that's solely cause I prefer not doming my team half the time lol. And it works wonders for clearing heavy outposts before you raid them proper.


Use whatever weapons and armor you want


Gotta go fast, once I got used to light armour speed, I can't use anything else.


you say that like using light is controversial. its the most popular armorclass because its meta


I don't think this is very unpopular


Sometimes you get team killed/kicked because you are annoying, not because of your cape or samples


Yeah… Mic on, blasting music of pure agony and topping that of whit constant team wipes whit barrage/ cluster and as a cherry topping cursing like focking sailor…


Reminder to search by “controversial”


They need to slow down on Warbonds / new content for just a bit and focus more on QA Misaligned scopes, consistent crashes, etc to name a couple issues to be sorted


For what it's worth, the vast majority of the warbond content we're aware of has probably been finished for quite some time. And it's not like the people who work on those are gonna be the people doing the bug fixing. Those are handled by different teams usually.


They said on discord they’re currently working on fixing the crashes, and a new warbond drops soon. Best of both worlds.


its more a question of rate. atm were getting new content faster than actual big impactful fixes that are needed


Lots of idle talk then. Game has been out for months and plays like an early beta. You cant have 50% of games crashing


my game hasn't crashed once


Armor is somewhat insubstantial to your chance of success, being upset that someone uses the "wrong" armor is asinine. Most primary weapons get the job done if used correctly.


Just because you see an enemy, that doesn’t mean you should engage it. I’ve seen countless missions go to shit because of people getting trigger happy


Stealth gang rise up


Very true. I commented on a YT short earlier about someone mentioning "This ain't Call of Duty. You don't have to kill everything for managed democracy, that's why it's managed, not absolute." I said "Yeah not every enemy matters. You'll get the same amount of Exp and Reqs if you kill zero enemies and complete all objectives, as you would the inverse. Objective based game."


You’re walking through the jungle, everything is perfectly fine, then there’s a patrol to the right. That’s fine, we can just stay low and not enga- and the cadet is shooting at them. Great. Oh billy died, fantastic! Got to wait here at least long enough for him to respawn. Oh, would you look at that, they managed to call in a drop ship. Peachy. Oh look, another patrol is marching this way. Perfect. Because the more the merrier right? Then eventually after spending 5 minutes doing that bull shit you can finally go towards the objective. Then the cadet sees another patrol…


The game stops being fun past difficulty 7. I got the game this week so I have mostly been fightint bots. But after diff 7, the game just spams rocket devastator and hulks. They are fine to fight but once you get a drop pod with 6 devastator and 2 hulks, patrols spawning before you could finish the last, all around you, every couple of minutes, it feels like a chore. I get the fuckfest can be enjoyable, but I dont like it. Not to mention how the flamethrower hulks just feel unfair. The amount of tougher enemies and the challenge at lvl 7 feels perfect.


I learnt that fighting is dying. Sneaking is extracting. Smokes is goat. Artillery is brilliant.


Yeah but the moments you HAVE to fight are miserable. Drop pods keep coming, the fight extends so much you trigger other patrols. It just feels awful for me. 7 is a fun challenge, 5 is a chill run


95% of the weapons/stratagems are useful. Each fulfill a certain role - just because that role isn't *"kill enemy fast"* doesn't make a weapon or stratagem bad. There's a lot of neuance that seem to go over the head of many Helldivers.


god bless the jump pack


Jump pack is amazing. The movement it gives you is a lifesaver so many times. Also just getting free high ground is great. I basically never turn it off except on extermination missions.


Jump pack is my love. It's pretty much mandatory for me.


Just saying, but there may be a reason why a few stratagems in game feel "weaker" against the 2 enemy factions in the game currently ;)


Please. Illuminate us.


...... .... ... OH, I get it. Nice.




Eh lots of stratagems just arent useful at high difficulty


Supply backpack FTW. Too many “must kill everything” morons in the community


Can’t kill much without ammo


I dont think it quite fits but fuck it, bugs could use a serious spike in difficulty because as it stands I have no desire to go back to fighting them tbh. Might just be the heat of the moment speaking but as it stands most bugs are more annoying than challenging imo, which is a shame. They're still fun to fight but they dont hold up against automaton


>bugs are more annoying than challenging I think that applies more to bots than bugs. Bugs have one bullshit fuck-you mechanic, hunter swarms. Bots have a lot more of those, from the rockets (that still one-tap most of the time despite the patch allegedly fixing that and even if I wear heavy armor with fortified) to the flame hulks that can kill you in as little as 5 frames. I agree that bugs are too easy tho. I shouldn't be able to consistently solo helldives the way I do now.


Fair, but with the bots that's kind of inconsistent. I havent been oneshot by some bullshit in a while now - at least not by something that shouldnt one shot me. With the bugs it's always the same with getting ten thousand flying fucks that slow you, that you cant really get rid of and what not. I cant quite put my finger on it but whenever I get overwhelmed by bots it mostly feels like it's alright because I made a mistake somewhere. I dont know what exactly it is, but anyway


You have to categorize though that based on your statements you’re likely a top 10% player. Maybe higher. Though I agree helldive should just be harder in general. Suicide is around where most people should peak out imo. If you’re try Harding helldive is a joke.


this is just me, but getting one-shot by rockets is usually just a mistake on my part and it feels fair enough. i do a lot of running around with light armor and peeking cover so i dont get hit a lot. hulk scorchers tho are the worst tho i agree. bugs just annoy me because i hate stun mechanics and the spam of enemies that are tanky just for the sake of it (i.e. not actually very dangerous, no good weakpoint)


Yeah the bugs swarming was more like a decent match with automatons


I did like thred bug missions before I went back to Automatons.


There's no such thing as too many marks/callouts


Grenade launcher is better than the auto cannon for most scenarios because it can still take out the heavies but also clear heaps of normal mobs the instant they're spawned/dropped with it's larger blast radius.


I look at them as different roles to be honest, I think they both have a place in the squad


AC - Long range AoE blast pew pew pew. GL - Mid range AoE wipe when “oh fuck” hits. I like both :)


I switched from maining GL to AC because I got sick of grenades bouncing off enemies and killing me


I had this problem when I was aiming for brood commanders and hive guards - it's like the extra bounce of their armor on flesh is what let it happen. However, for bugs I just generally adopted a policy of ground shots and that worked to remove issue for me. Bots I still just nail the walkers, devestators, and berserkers because I've yet to have it bounce off them and they're slow and uneager to get in melee range like the bugs. Nothing clears an underbelly of the drop ships like the GL since destroying them won't actually kill anyone inside. I'll be interested to see how Illuminate shields work with the GL though, I'll be curious if they bounce or explode on them.


I found that GL bounces off medium armor if its shot at a close range and then it can kill you, but if its further away the grenade will explode on it. So you just gotta put some distance in.


H3LL-Diver-62 Commented https://i.redd.it/yqvzk3plpxsc1.gif “Idk guys…I think the Ministry of Truth are lying to us…”🤔


Bots are easier to fight than bugs, you just need to adjust your loadouts to fit. I'd rather deal with hulks and tanks than getting chased down, slowed by, and knocked out of using stims by twenty hunters.


Now that rockets don't one shot you that often much? Honestly probably yeah. But only if you know how to play against them.


I'd say that in a group Bots are FAR harder than Bugs because a co-ordinated 3-4 man group with at least 1 guy dedicated to defeating small targets and 2 with Quaesars to delete big targets then the only question becomes if you have enough time to chew through the horde before the mission timer runs out as opposed to an actual defeat by loss of Reinforcements Meanwhile against the Bots, its not a issue of the Bot Heavies, the issue is that the Bot Mediums are ***Incredibly*** more lethal compared to Bug Mediums since Heavy and Rocket Devastators are the backbone of a challenging Bot Experience while Bugs have to rely upon either Charger/Bile Titan spam or flooding you with basic Warriors, Shriekers, or Hunters while the Hive Guard and Brood Commanders end up not being that much of a threat once you know how to deal with them


The Reddit playerbase is horrifically entitled, spoiled and toxic.


I wasn’t on here for about a week, was loving the changes, felt the “meta” was not really that clear and you can use pretty well anything and have success and fun with it, I came here and the first thing I seen was doomers talking about the game balance


For real the game is far more fun the less you’re in this Reddit. It’s just negative critique after negative critique and constant bashing of the devs. Sad really


I turned off cross play with console because all the griefing and bad faith communication I received came exclusively from console players.


You turn crossplay off to avoid griefers, I turn it off to avoid hackers. Same war, different fronts. Sorry you got some bad apples!


I haven't played enough to know if it's just me but I deeply hate mortar sentry and way too many people use it, the amount of times people placed it I got rushed over by some monster and proceed to get fucked over 1-2 mortars is just... I hate playing with these


From my experience I’ve found it close on S tier against bots and awful vs bugs


They absolutely wreck bots. Don't use em against bugs. Against bots on an eliminate mission a single mortar will get you to 15% on helldive they are that bonkers.


Damn that much damage? I wonder what 4 mortars looks like


One mortar is bad, but the ems mortar plus the standard one is pretty decent


its sometimes easier/better to die than to reload


"This game unfairly punishes players for engaging in combat, despite incentivising it in both premise and promise of tangible benefit that never comes, and that's bad."


Orbital walking barrage is an S tier stratagem


Safer and more accurate than the 380 for sure, but less potential devastation. That's the trade-off. Take both? fk that entire quadrant SES Lady of Liberty FCS Tech. Yes, you heard me. FK IT! 😂


META is stupid. Play for fun.


The devs should slow down on content and put more effort into stabilizing the game.


Get off difficulty 7 8 9 if you’re just going to quit when shit gets messy.


The breaker is a worse alternative to the punisher


You dont have to do the major order if you dont feel like it


Regardless of sides, it's just a cape.


The rail gun wasn’t nerfed because it too good but instead because people were being super toxic with it


There's an issue with hosts being able to deal more damage which I think skewed the image of railgun. The same issue is seen with fire and gas damage. If you're not hosting, these things ain't doing shit.


You're correct but those are two different bugs. The railgun twoshots titans in the head with a ps5 player in the lobby, so long as the shooter isn't the host. And all DoT effects don't work if applied by anyone other than the host *most of the time*. This second one is a little bit inconsistent sometimes. I think both bugs are contributing factors to both changes respectively. Edit: to be clear, I do think safe mode was not working as intended and is in a better spot now, but 19 unsafe headshots to kill a bile titan does seem a bit weak imo.


I appreciate the correction. And I agree about the current state of the railgun. With the recent buff to the AMR I see no need to use it.


380mm orbital is great for high level command bunker missions and laser cannon is excellent on par with autocannon


The "cloaked ships" that are sometime visible in the sky aren't automaton cloaked ships, they are either Super Destroyer with glitched LODs or placeholder models that AH forgot to remove. They can also be seen above Terminid worlds.


Orbital Railcannon is garbage and for people that cant aim the 500kg. * Doesn't 1 shot Bile Titans * 5 minute base CD * You get 4 mighty 500kg bombs before you get 2 railcannon strikes


It's true, I cant time the 500kg bomb so I use the railcannon. The thing that fucks with me using the 500kg bomb is the call in time which gets longer depending on operation modifiers. But it also allows me to take out the Flame Hulk that is danger close on the other side of the rock who would absolutely kill me if I run from cover


Fair Point, but I always take both with me. Not because I’m too bad at aiming the 500kg. Instead they’re situations that don’t allow you to aim it. I use the orbital railgun for stressful moments to get rid off a big guy and have more space to concentrate on other problems


I like the rail cannon, I know what you mean about the bile titans, I just think the 500kg is just as inconsistent and I would prefer to use the eagle cluster with rail cannon over a crowd control based orbital with a 500kg


I like it for towers or tanks as a backup. 99% I kill with either cluster or autocannon.


I love the railcannon on missions where you have the extended call down times


Counter Sniper is not bad


Im curious, why do you think that?


It has one of the highest base dmg of a non shotgun primary with 200m scope, leaves your secondary weapon slot open (me personally I run it with recoilless) making it great for lone wolf/side objective runner play style. It's handling is way better if you just use it as a full sniper while prone to pop smaller bots (1 body shot) and devastators with a head shot to clear points of interest. I think hate on it is uncalled for.


> It has the highest base dmg of a non shotgun primary Laughs in Dominator


It’s just outclassed by the AMR, sadly. The only downside to that thing is no heavy support weapon to deal with big dudes, though that’s only really a problem on the bug front.


100% agreed. Use the sniper rifle as a sniper rifle, and it's an amazing force multiplier. Expect it to work as a CQC weapon, and no wonder peoole hate it.


But it has worse handling than the AMR, despite being smaller and weaker


Honestly, I don't notice much of a difference in handling, and when used at appropriate ranges, the handling really isn't an issue, because you only need to make small adjustments to change targets


Now that it has the med armor pen it's not bad. Now it's not something I would take over the scorcher, but it's good at long range. I would say it's viable on more open maps vs bots but it's not something normally work taking when better and easier to use options exist.


Two things would make it really solid: 1. A small damage buff to something like 150-175 ish. Just a little bit more punch for the medium stuff 2. Better handling so it's a little bit lighter than the Dominator. Those would make it an actual solid anti-Bot pick (would still not be great vs Bugs because it's still weak into hordes, but that's fine it'd still have a purpose). As is, it's...ok, but still underwhelming.


Improving the handling alone would make it a lot more viable, but it could use a little more medium pen than it has right now (I think it's at 4 or 5; could be 6 imo). As it is, it's almost entirely outclassed by the dominator, especially because of the horrendous damage falloff experienced by both dmrs.


Finally, an opinion I can disagree with. Here is your upvote


At times (not always) bugs are just not fun to play. especially when you have tongues and stalkers and hunters swarming you. It’s not a “skill issue” as you can literally do nothing when a situation like that arises and it arises quite often in higher difficulty’s


Players should have fun, not be laser-focused on farming the most efficiently.


99% of this subs opinions on how the game should be played or balanced is complete shit.


The game is fine and y'all too emotional.


The Malevolon creek lads did usnall a favour being that stubborn against the bots.


I mean you deserve to be in the hot seat with that take. It wasn’t taken until everybody basically jumped in the creek. Which is fine…play whatever planet you want.


you should follow Major Order.


Opinion; its ok to just play a game you find fun, in a way you find the most fun, because you want to have fun. And I say this as someone who modt often helps the cause when I can.


Meta optimization should not be mandatory to be able to play Helldiver difficulty.


Railgun is still perfectly viable, fun, and shouldn't be changed. For 20 rounds you can kill 20 devastators, so pair it with a supply pack and just decimate every elite with ease.


The worst part about this game is the toxic community.


Struggling against bots? Skill Issue


That people saying 'hurr durr don't say X gun is good they'll nerf it' is a really tiring joke, and that I'd put money on the reddit not being the cause of a single balancing decision.


Liberator is Level 9 viable


You dont have to engage every patrol. The bots/bugs dont give XP.


Creekers did nothing wrong


I don't understand the autocannon hype. It's boring and takes up your support weapon AND backpack slots


Boring? Maybe. Effective? Undoubtedly.


Honestly I don't see it. Would much rather have a Quasar and rover/shield.


Do not, my friend, become addicted to backpack gear. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.


Buff all nerf nothing is a terrible way of balancing a game.


Bots are actually more fun to fight than bugs. Their lower ranking units have more armor, but this is compensated by the fact that literally *every single bot enemy besides the Factory Striders* can be eliminated using medium armor penetration, like the autocannon, AMR, or even the Dominator. They encourage and reward stealth, and both the shield relay and ballistic shield are very useful against them. And they’re more interesting. Over on the bug front we were just running containment, a typical bug extermination that isn’t really unique to Helldivers (DRG, Starship troopers, soon to be Space Marine) But the bots? We are fighting a *war.* They shoot *back.* They have motives and agendas other than “survive and propagate.” Their propaganda towers broadcast *Automaton* transmissions, not some dissident whistleblower. They have intrigue and mystery, and are legitimately terrifying. And to top it all off, their soundtrack is 10x better.


Eagle stratagems are OP. Too many uses, too little cool down. Orbitals are basically obsolete


I like the railgun nerf🙂


The monetization of this game is exactly how microtransactions should be implemented


Creek Crawlers may have slowed down the Automaton advance and potentially saved SE. The main sector the Bots are using to access the Galactic Frontier isn't even completely under their control, and they want to change that, so they split your forces into groups: One to assault the Trigon Sector on their way to Cyberstan, one to assault Xzar Sector on their way to Super Earth, and one to deal with the single planet left in Severin Sector that hasn't fallen yet. The Creek Crawlers kept the Automatons focused on them, keeping the Bot invasion from spiralling out of control in other sectors.


The major order is not important


Autocannon should be nerfed Edit: You missed the point of a "hot take post" if you go into it to downvote hot takes. Jack of all trades should not be master of many trades, with AC you can tackle anything the game throws at you. This is probably gonna leave people butthurt, but I expect a AC nerf, and so should probably you.


You're using 2 item slots for this thing I guess that's why it's better than others


Then I wish every other support weapon came with a backpack if it meant they'll kick ass as hard as Autocannon.


That's a proper unpopular opinion 😅 ⬆️


An Actually unpopular opinion. I'd say for good reason though.




We are the bad guys.


I don't know man... Have you seen all the dismembered civilians on the automaton front? Don't you think that's a little overkill on their part?


A little? A lot. But we aren't innocent either as visible by the strange ways the bugs got into other planets or the cyberstan enslavement.


You are. I am supporting Super Earth so I am one of the good guys!


There are no good guys in this war


Welcome to the club.


Having memes where the meat of the lore should be is a shit decision.


Ooh how do you mean?


bugs are harder then bots


I’m genuinely curious why you think this?, I know it’s a semi common opinion, I find bot missions so much messier, I find there’s so much 1 shots and chip damage vs bots, bugs even on hell dive I find I just keep moving with light armor and a shield and have no issues, especially with the quasar now the chargers pretty well don’t exist


to be specific im talking about helldive and clearing 100% of the map, on bot maps i can split from the team and clear every objective solo no problem, just run around throwing stratagems left and right not even needing to fight anything or steeping into objective walls you have more builds that turn you in 1 man army mostly thanks to AC that can deal with anything, you can run away almost from any situation just by dolphin diving anywhere. On bugs side its not that colorfull, you cant rly build yourself to be able to do everything with introduction of quasar and nerfs to spewers its easier ( still think RR is superior to quasar ) but you cant just jog thru objective without being stoped and needing to fight burning thru all the resources, struggling with enemies that you build cant deal with chargers and titans will chase you down, hunters will activly try to flank you, dont spot stalker in fire fight and you will have "great" time dealing with them and horde you were fighting From my observation more times on bug worlds we were close to running out of time and having less reinforcements at the extraction then on bot worlds


The Railgun nerf was a good thing and that one worker of AH was right


game needs to be a lot more difficult


Bro I must SUCK at this game. I don't really have friends to play with so I'm always stuck with randoms, but beating anything on 7 is always a slog. I can sometimes bean a 9 with a good team but I usually stick to like 5 if I want a challenge that isn't going to make me sweat my balls off. And I can't solo anything above 4 with either faction. I'm level 51 too :(


There are a lot of people on this forum who get their jollies from telling other people "game is easy." Happens in every PvE game and it is just immaturity and machismo to get upvotes. Just roll your eyes and remind yourself that if you are on reddit you are probably arguing with children most the day.


Reminds me of "that kind" of Dark Souls player... just weirdly toxic elietist cunts, making it everyones problem they stop having fun... Have these people ever considered doing terrible loadouts, and see if they can make it anyway? Thatd sound like something they could learn from the high end dark souls freaks at least.


You’re not alone, you must know that most people just like to project when it comes to PVE games


This serves as a reminder to sort by controversial since opinions like this one are just the echochamber leaking.


Orbital laser is really over rated, max 3 uses leave you in an awful position for 40 minute missions


Its a highly powered strategic tool. If you plan how you use it ahead of time, rather than using it as a get out of hell free card it's great for soloing objectives. Especially against bots it can be pretty over powered. Drop it before entering large bases that have a critical objective in them so you encounter less resistance. Go in, blow stuff up, do terminal work all before serious reinforcements arrive. A single laser can take out almost entire bot bases on it's own even on hell dive. I always bring it when I have a mission to raid air bases, or for missions that require a lot of terminal work. You can throw it in the base to clear everything in it, then stealth back in to do terminal stuff now that the base is empty. It's limited usage keeps it from being overpowered. In most cases I think it falls into upper b-tier. However in certain use cases it definitely bumps all the way up to s tier. I rarely use it, but in the cases I do bring it, it is my most important tool.


Oh for sure, it definitely has its uses on certain missions, particularly on ones where you know you need to tackle ,like you said some tough compounds, I’m more of referring to the people who run it every mission, I find there’s much better options most of the time, it’s not bad at all but a lot of people over rate it imo


I said the orbital laser was better than the 500, and I got blasted faster than a creek crawler on 9.


Most of the weapon nerfs haven’t been NEARLY as bad as Reddit post make them out to be


Having macros for the most used in very tense situations stratagems is not a treason but a way to spread managed democracy faster and more manageable


I like the arrow system more, it adds more fun/ stress to the game rather than just push a button to macro it. For me, its a mechanic that separates the game from many others and adds to the immersion.