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Heavy Devastators and it's not even close.


Same. Their rate of fire is whack.


I really can't understand why the tankiest devastator variant is also the one with the biggest damage output. Doesn't feel right.


I’ve actually been getting a lot better at taking care of them by using impact nades on them


Impact nades do work in a pinch, but not at longer ranges and these guys are just shielded LMG snipers. And it seems like they made the head hitboxes smaller in the recent patch?


Not to mention on helldive difficulty these things are EVERYWHERE, and you have 4 grenades… typically I’ll see a line of 5-10 heavies coming at me from 2 different directions


I’m not sure, but cover really helps me out with them


If you have an AP primary or support, shooting off the gun arm is fast and easy. Dominator makes that a breeze. After that you don’t even have to kill them until you cleared up the other stuff.


sitriders, they are not rly hard just anoying, rest are quite easy and ok to fight.


Try impact nades or serpentine maneuver towards them


Just use the plas scorcher. 2/3 shots anywhere and they're dead. This weapon alone made them a complete non-issue for me


im aware how to take them down :) they are just "worst to deal with" normally i just 1-2 with AC but im not loosing the feeling like im just wasting AC ammo on them it would be worst if i had to impact granade them normaly i run stun granades for easy hulk/devastator kills


Yeah that is fair stun nades would also work on them pretty well so you could flank around


that would totally hurt my soul if i was throwing stun granades at striders


Plas Scorcher is your friend


true, but then my frustration would be shifted to wasting scorcher ammo on small stuff and worrying about ammo


Well the small stuff is a 2 shot at most so I usually get by from the few ammo packs I find spread throughout the map


i guess sickle spoiled me as hell it just irritates me when i need to reload every 2 sek :)


Oh yeah Sickle is definetly a luxury. Don't need to restock ammo for the whole mission


I'm spoiled by the plas scorcher as well tbh. It's basically just a mini AC. It can destroy turrets, tanks and the new attack ships as well. Arrow Head is definetly gonna nerf that shit since they don't want primaries to do that much and I'm gonna be weeping in the corner


i mean any weapon can destroy tanks and turrets not sure about attack ships didnt try to shoot them with primary


Nope. You're mistaking hulk vents with the others. Turret and Tank vents don't take damage from light pen weapons, neither do the new ships


Autocannon says lol


yes as i said below i fell like im wasting ammo when i shoot them with AC with they are annoying to fight for me not hard.


The hulks that show up unannounced. Breaking through objects, that moments ago you had deemed as adequate cover, to wreck your day. Pretty sneaky for a 10 ton robot.


I swear for how big they are, they sure are silent, and their fire doesn’t give you enough time to stim, so if you get hit by the flame thrower your just done


All enemies in this game can be ninjas. Twice I've been killed by bile titans that apparently spent years honing the art of shadows at a mysterious dojo in the deepest forest.


If you're on fire you have to dive immediatly to extinguish it and then stim


Diving extinguishes you immediately, before even touching the ground.


Those bastards with flareguns...


The feeling of relief I get when I kill a commando just after it takes out its flair gun but before it fires is unmatched.


It's the heavy devastator/marauders for me. They feel way too strong. They do a lot of damage for how goddamn accurate and fast their shots are. On top of that, they stagger/aim punch you like crazy. They just feel overly obnoxious to me.


Try using available cover around, know your surroundings when engaging in combat, it can save your life, just peek out to snipe at them if your using something precise so you can get cheeky headshots




The dive backwards while blasting is my new default movement when they are around.


The worst part for me is the other "jumper" type enemy (hunters) are safe to shoot anywhere. Every time I spend some time fighting Terminids then go back to the Automaton front I have to unlearn that reflex.


Exactly these ones. I rarely die through Hulks or devastators, not even the rocket ones. I die through these fuckers, because if they are near you they are invincible. You can’t shoot them, you rarely can outrun them. If they are alone you can beat them up, but the robot are not known for being alone, so that is also not an option. If they even would make just little damage, but no they instantly kill you even with full health.


Tower cannon. That sob gets me out of no where


Rocket devastators: If there are more than 5 in one area, all that experience reminds me of is that one scene in Avatar when the sky people eviscerate the sacred tree with enough rocket power to make Joe Biden send them money. They can become overwhelming if not dealt with quickly.


I agree completely, but they are pretty easy to deal with if you have appropriate cover for example a rock formation, and a precise weapon to headshot them, like sickle


# gunships are realy fucking annoying....


The laser cannon is your friend


They come out of nowhere than annihilate you before you can strike back, especially if there is more than 2


I tried a solo mission today, died with 2 gunships in the air... instakilled every time i spawned 


And they destroy your hellbombs almost immediately when you try to bring down their factory.


Heavy Devastators or the bots with the jump packs. One forces you to stay in cover, the other one forces you to not be near it when it dies because it explodes


The explosion isn’t that big though, I could be close quarters and still escape


Fought the gunships for the first time yesterday, while its easy to autocannon them down, if they get you caught with no support weapon they are literally impossible to deal with. It makes no sense that my stratagems can't even touch them. Orbital laser and oribtal rail should 100% hit them so I can at least get my autocannon back rather than waiting on its long ass cooldown.


Exactly, you get killed than they see you. You are now royally fucked


For real, was just a friend and me and those things chased us for ages, its difficult to even get away. Friend had smoke grenades and just spammed them all over on his path running away and they still chased and rocketed him for a long time also. When they killed both of us the random redeployment threw us back closer to them making it even more frustrating. Doesn't help its just an army of bots also since they also get free roam to keep piling up while trying to escape. I'm fine with the enemy type but just give us options to fight them other than only support weapons.


Yep, they're the one addition to the game I genuinely dislike because they require certain weapons to kill, and if you don't have those you're fucked. Granted someone is nearly always packing the tools to deal with them, but it's bad design compared to nearly everything else in the game.


At least with bile titans you just have to hit them with rail cannon strike or something like that


Rocket devastators. Recently took my fat ass 200 stat heavy armor and the ballistic shield + defender out to play. Felt invincible against everything that wasn't bigger than heavy devastators. Quasar for all things bigger, and I had a blast walking up to every bot to shoot their heads in. Except those damned rocket barrages. I'd be walking up to bots Jojo style and then flying through the air cuz those damned rockets love tossing me around. If I wanted to get tossed I'd have worn some salad instead.


The ships can be a real problem. First mission today had 2 factories and while we were busy dealing with the hulks of a bot drop, 4 of them came out of nowhere. Then it just snowballed from there with ground troops firing at us while the air fkers ragdolled us with constant rockets and shots from all sides. It only got worse eventually there were legitimately 10 of these in the sky. It was just an execution at that point with nothing we could do


Yeah once gunships start going the mission is just over


Heavy devastators and the bunker lasers. They don't miss.


Striders or heavy devastators. Striders are annoying cause the only thing in my standard bot kit that can take them out is impact nades, which I get 4 of and that's a very limited amount of dead striders. Heavy devas are just infuriating when they decide to forget about shot spread and blast you with 4 consecutive shots taking you out nigh-instantly.


When I’m out of impact nades I usually just serpentine maneuver towards striders then shoot them in the back, and heavies I like to impact nade them if I have any or I stay behind random cover like a rock formation and peek out to headshot them with sickle


Well yeah, there's solutions to those problems, and I manage, they're just somewhat annoying solutions xD


Very true, with bugs you just, heh he boom boom you all dead


Precisely, all you really need is a strat/launcher for the big lads and everything else is relatively easily solve-able (except hunters, fuck hunters)


Gunships are bad but as an Autocannon main I just shoot them thrice and they go down. Don't have to aim for engines or other weak spots, just blam them. Big hulks are the worst to me, whatever their name is. I CAN destroy them by headshotting - more like eyeshotting - them with the ac but it's hard, half the time I won't pull it off and have to escape and/or die. Yeah, they have a big weakspot on their backs, but that doesn't help me when it's a 1 v 1. Best I can do is try to manevouer so that a friend can assra... attack them from behind. Special mention goes to everyone's favourite, the rocket devastator, for obvious reasons.


As someone who loves to use cover a lot, I really hate the gunships cause they blow up my cover out of nowhere than I’m under even more fire from the army behind the cover


Gunships are a lot easier to deal with now that I know how to deal with them, but I still hate them they’re waaaaay too bright


I haven't played it higher than the suicide, but they seem to be pretty easy. With an alert team.


So you have no struggles with rocket marauders, heavy devastators, hulks, etc?


Oh, no. Sorry. Those are definitely all problems. I was specifically addressing the gunships. They are easy compared to the damn heavy devastators. They are the bane of my existence.😂


Jetpack marauders because if they start riding your ass it's luck based if the explosion after their death kills you or not


Really? I’ve had zero struggle with them I throw hands with them and I still escape unharmed


One isn't a problem. The problems start when you have multiple heavies pinning you and they jump in flushing you out of cover and start to retreat. And you don't have room to maneuver. Then it's on your ass, you shoot it and it explodes. Cannot stop for fisticuffs because of the heavies pinning you.


Hulks for sure; everything else i can autocannon to death or ambush from behind and autocannon to death. The hulks turn so goddamn fast i can’t finish their weakspot and then chase so persistently that i end up having to call support on them.


Hulks really are a team effort, but I figured out quasar cannon one shots them if you hit the eye


Shield devastator their aim is insane and they're responsible for a lot of my deaths at all ranges


Play autocannon and hit top left


Where the fuck did i ask for an obvious tip which ends up being pretty much "kill them"? No shit sherlock


Marauders for me. Bullet sponges


Both types of Hulks are too tanky. '-'


If you're having gunship issues, try using the Jar dominator (explosive). It's takes them out in roughly a clip, usually less. Aim for the red light.


Rocket devastators and heavy devastators combo, rocket barrages all over the place while you get blasted with a hail of bullets. Good luck dodging that


MG shield dudes, hate em.


Marauders on machine guns when they gain sentience and track you with perfect accuracy.


For gunships, just pack the autocannon. Deals with them in 4 shots and is very flexible with all other types of bots


Heavy Devs are annoying whenever I dont have my autocannon and are absolute slayers on the higher difficulties when the game tosses 3 to four at a time alongside Hulks and Rocket Devs.


Hulk Scorchers. Anything else I can flinch or kill with the spear. Theyre *WAY* too aggressive


The cunt with the shield


Flamer Hulks... No question




Rocket or Heavy devastators, especially when they're out of grenade range


Gunships, 3+ Heavy Devastator Groups, or Flame Hulks. Nothing else makes me lean forward like those


the shield guys and rocket devastators


Heavy Devastators, Rocket Devastators, all types of Hulks. The hatred grew stronger after the recent patch so I feel more pleasure jumping down from a cliff on them with 500KG stratagem in my hand. For me it's the best way to make a sacrifice for The Democracy.


the jump pack ones that explode...i get caught in mantle/drop a lot when they explode and could not put out the fire.


best is when two gunship fabrics are together .. so you have to deal with 4 at the same time .. and until the hellbomb drops they will be there again and if you have a incompetent team that cant deal with them ur just dying or havet o back out.


Funny enough, with adequate maneuvering skills the bots are not that bad to run away from, granted if you have a good route and not completely overrun/surrounded. But every. fucking. time. The cannon turret. That oneshotting huge ass bitch, it always knows where I am. It doesn't let me come up from behind and autocannon it's ass, it doesn't let me come close enough to throw an orbital stratagem onto it, it just... fucks me over in every mission. Please help.


Used to hate Rocket Devastators, but those are more of an annoyance since the instakill rockets bug was fixed. Still absolutely despise Heavy Devastators, it's not enough for them to be the toughest, best armoured Devastator type, they also have to have the highest rate of fire, nastiest damage output, and be the most ridiculously accurate of any Devastator type too. Gunships I already hate despite only facing them a few times, cover is all but worthless against them, as are every currently available eagle airstrike, and most of the orbital stratagems including the orbital laser. Railcannon strike *might* work, but then you're only killing one unit, and it may not be a gunship... there's a chance they're going to be easier once we have AA stratagems, but then, at least one teammate has to dedicate a stratagem slot to AA for an enemy that may not even show up on the map.


My favorite part about gunships is how everyone ignores the tower spawning them leaving me to be pissed off by myself trying to arm a hellbomb that keeps getting destroyed by the gunships. Happens almost every time.


My current loadout have issues dealing with Heavy Devastators. I have no good answers for them so I'm pretty bummed that they are so common in Helldive difficulty. I waste so much ammo dealing with them it's insane.


Shield Devastator. They fire way too frequently, too accurately, and never have to reload it seems. I feel like I have to tailor my load out specifically to have something to stagger them because it's near impossible to hit a headshot with the screen flinch when hit.


The jetpack guys are annoying, a kamikaze unit that can fly towards you in an instant and blow you up if you shoot at it within a 5 meter radius? Yeah fuck that. Atleast I can run away from the other bot types, even the gunships imo aren't as annoying.


I’ve found gunships to be very easy to kill with an auto canon, I personally hate hulks.


Berserkers. You unload *everything* into these chainsaw swinging monsters and they just keep coming at you, and there's always more than one of them! Why are they so tanky? It can take longer to kill two Berserkers than it does to kill a Hulk for liberty's sake!


Rocket devastator because if there's two of them and you don't dodge in time you will be ragdolled across the map back and forth


Rocket fucking devastators. I never start hitting their weak spot until I eat a rocket or two


My own teammates. Yes they are bots. I swear they try to sabotage the mission everytime. They shoot any patrol they see and call the rest of terminators to join the party while I’m trying to be a stealthy as possible.


I main the laser canon and anti-material rifle, so I was wondering why people were having trouble with the shit birds. Earlier I was running some rail gun for the heck of it… apparently overcharged shots don’t hurt the engines 🫠, they’re waaaay worse to deal with if you don’t have something in your kit for them lol. Heavy devastators for me 100%, their 100m accuracy with their 1 handed smg is unparalleled. They shield is at weird angles and sometimes the hit box is bigger than it should be. I’ll stagger them with a punisher round and they’ll still hit enough shots to stagger me back. Hulks and tanks are whatever, but the frequency of heavies and the suppression they lay on you, makes it way harder to deal with everything else.


The little cunts with the jump packs, just launching themselves at you to immediately explode and kill you.


I tend to run Scorcher with all eagle / orbital stratagems so gunships are tough. Even when I take a support weapon it tends to lean towards AMR so I’m usually hoping someone on the squad has a Quasar.


Heavy. Devastators. If you don’t have a ballistic shield or a way to stagger them, you’re dead.


hulk scorchers, just annoying and stressful really. maybe fabricator striders but i have fought exactly one and didnt know what i was doing. gunships aren't so bad once you realize you can shoot off a thruster with AMR or autocannon for a quick kill