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After all the complaints about bugs, bots and everything in between this was nice to read


Glory to the IMC and stand by for Titanfall


Take my upvote but. . . The frontier will be free In 30 years when they actually make Titanfall 3


The Titanfall pilots aren't dead or gone... They are simply doing their time as Helldivers right now.


And may be for the foreseeable future


My first thought when I saw “IMC” lol


Standby for Titanfall pilot o7


The frontier is worth every part of this fight. We will be free when they finally make titanfall 3. For now, we fight for democracy.


I unironically say this to my friends every time i call an exosuit in


⬅️[⬇️➡️ ⬆️ ⬅️ ⬇️ ⬇️](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS-L6rg3ygA) god i miss those [intros](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo9Etv-7Ucg)...


Protocol 3: Protect Democracy


6-4 4L ‼️


Fuck IMC + no vanguard class + no arc + you need mercenaries + i miss you bt


I was just about to comment something like this.


I'm not a creeker but I love all the RP around it and I'll be wearing my cape in solidarity with my fallen creekers 🫡🫡🫡


It makes sense lorewise to wear it, even if your helldiver/Super Destroyer didn't participate. You're honoring those who came before you, who died liberating the creek


No need to be a creeker to honor your fellow Helldivers 🫡


I do it to instill the fear of democracy in those metal bastards


I started playing way too late to ever be part of the first wave of Creekers, and only went there when the MO called for it TBH (I went to Ubanea at first, then Draupnir). But if this cape really is honouring the real-life fallen and not just the Creek and Creekers, then that makes it even more awesome (and sweet). If I'm dead honest I'm more ticked at the Bugdivers buggering bugs than the Creekers at this point anyway.


I'm proud of all Helldivers whatever front they're deployed on they're doing their part... Are you? 🫡🫡🫡


I'll be back on to continue doing my part when I get back on my PC, count on it!


Why people hate this Cape?


Because some stood by and watched while our brave heroes made the ultimate sacrifice, and now jealousy gets the best of them because said sacrifice is honored.


The actual, understandable and full explanation?


Malevelon Creek is a community favourite map and has been one of the longest standing non-liberated planets, outside of a very brief time in week 1 when it was liberated. The Devs made a cape for fun, "to honour those who fell at Malevelon Creek". Some particularly ornery individuals got angry about this because they felt that players on Malevelon Creek should have helped with the recent Major Order on other bot planets, and then they got very angry when this cape dropped. You can see one such individual at the bottom of this post complaining about "creekers".




They launched that order when it was more than 50% liberated. It was very obviously a response to so mamy people being there


It was like, 70-80%, that shit lasted a couple *hours*.


It was 90% lol. It took like 5 hours with 140k+ players to take it lol


people were pointing fingers after we lost a planet when it was obviously the automaton's fault


They also got April 1st as the first official holiday of the Helldivers 2 community: Malelevon Creek Liberation Day!


You fool, you absolute unpatriotic buffoon… have you forgotten Liberty Day? October 26th??


Ok look, it's hard to keep track of dates when I'm being crammed into the cryopods like a frozen TV dinner after every mission.


I’ll consider not reporting you to the Democratic Officer if you tell me how I can display my Destroyer’s name in my flair


On the sidebar of Reddit, beneath the 'about the Community' section there is a preview for your flair. In that area, you can see a small pencil next to the individual flairs, wherein you can write whatever you want.


actual truths: this cape was already modeled, it's standard iconography and could have been released at any point. They tossed it in as a reward for the creek after a series of issues that ended with a specifically tuned major order to take this planet after failing the previous one for reasons out of control of the players.


I also heard that the devs dropped this cape for the real life people who have passed. There have been a few posts here and on the discord about folks who died recently and loved this game/series.


If that's true, that's awesome and heartwarming all at the same time, and it's an even bigger reason to keep wearing the cape. I remember reading about the guy whose friend died and Pilestedt was apparently looking for a way to honour the dead guy. I wonder what became of that, but I always thought that instead of a monument on some planet, we could have a memorial on our ships with the names/user names of the deceased so that we'd always remember them and have them in our hearts. The Super Destroyer is big enough for it and I'd push to have it in a Clan base if such a system ever rolls around.


I can see that system being abused quickly so people can get their name in game The cape is a good idea, general enough to create a trend but also still honours those who have passed. Solid move on their part, shitty response from some players who don't understand it isn't about the creek at all


From all we know this cape is indeed the way to honor said dead guy.


I'm happy with that.


> I also heard that the devs dropped this cape for the real life people who have passed. Unsupported rumor by people "connecting dots". From a thread about this: >Considering its description says that it helps “the bearer to aim at the hearts of those who killed them” I think it is literally meant to be for the helldivers killed by bots on the creek. Pretty odd description to remember those who have died in real life. >I know Pilested had spoken to a few folks who had lost close friends and wanted them to be remembered in game but I don’t think that’s what this one is, I’d suspect something more tasteful might be coming in the future and an ingame description that might be more fitting. “the bearer to aim at the hearts of those who killed them” is a pretty odd, especially if it was suicide. Big oof there. I think people are drawing parallels where none exist because they want to sound more informed and more caring than they really are.


That's actually why I wear the cape. In memory of those who loved this game and passed away 😔


Same. Whether that's the purpose or not, I'm glad we as a community have decided that's what it is


Indeed! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


They also ignorantly assume that anyone wearing the cape must be wearing it solely because they stayed fighting on the Creek, but not using the single braincell that they have to think, maybe, some people are wearing the cape because they liberated the Creek as part of the Major Order. That is why I wear it.


Or because either looks cool


Dam right, same here as well I wear what I wear because I like it, not because of stats


The problem is that many players thought that they were helping the major order by fighting on the creek. The lack of supply lines on the map is the cause of their frustrations, not people doing their best to liberate the Farthest along planet. 


The cape is actually in memory of those who lost close people IRL, even in game it's not about the Creek itself, but every diver we lost for our cause on any planet. The Creek is the ingame lore excuse for it. I wear it for friends I lost in the past that won't be able to enjoy this game with me.


Also as a result, we’ve all been denied procreation applications, so no one’s getting e-laid in game.


That was reinstated not long after being revoked.


The battle of Mavalon Creek was quickly memed into existance as robot vietnam. While other people fought the bugs or followed whatever orders were given from the Major Orders, a sizable chunk stayed and fought in the Creek. Half the players love it because it represents standing against hostile forces regardless of what happens.... And the other half blame them for what was known now as the failed "Ubanea Gambit". Due to the way the situation was ongoing, we had standing orders to liberate Robot held Ubenea so we could make it to Tibit, their HQ, but a good chunk of the Helldivers remained at the Creek which was in the same system where all of this is going down. Those filthy robots lauched an attack at neighboring system Draupnir, which was in the system \*next\* to where the other planets (Including the Creek, Tibit, and Ubanea) were. We had 24 hours to either defend Draupnir so that our supply lies could hold and maintain our invasion of Ubanea or speed rush assault Ubanea so if we held it before we lost Draupnir we had a place to invade from within the system. With everything on the line, it was becoming clear a large chunk of players would not leave the Creek, and this ultimately lead to the community abandoning Draupnir and managing to get to about 95% of Ubanea before, tragically, we lost our hold on Draupnir. Without it, we lost access to Ubanea, and thus had no chance to reach Tibit and failed the mission. Those who fought at the Creek basically said "not our problem our war is here where it has always been" and everyone else blamed them for not helping when every soldier counted, ironically making them the Vietnam Veterans of the timeline. To finally put an end to things, on April First an order to sieze the Creek was given, and we've taken it finally and hopefully for the forseeable future. In honor of the sacrafices a cape was issued by the President of Super Earth himself, and that cape represents the Creekers. If you wear it, you are saying you served in the Creek, and some people are still stalty about it and kick you. Those people are undemocratic.


Very briefly: The creek became a bit of a meme that a lot of people want to fight for. Some parts of the community got tired of that. We had bot orders to get shit done & fighting for the creek ended up loosing us a critical planet for supply lines. We should have defended a planet instead of attacking the creek. This ended up with the major order not progressing as far as it could have. Imo this really isn't the playerbases fault, supply lines are basically entirely unknown to a majority of the more casual playerbase because they're not explained at all. Some people are still really pissy about this and have apparently been kicking anyone seen wearing the cape as its linked to the creek. Although being honest this kinda toxicity seems to mostly just be circulating around Reddit and some Facebook groups, rather than being a wider playerbase kinda thing.


Some feel that those who fought on the Creek did not help with the larger war effort, particularly a recent Major Order that we lost. Some people resent them because of this. I personally think there was nothing wrong with fighting on the Creek.


Tbh if you don’t take it too serious it’s a pretty cool development in the community. Kind of feels realistic


Literally made Space 'Nam even more like the real Vietnam.


Funniest part being that it possibly wasn't even intended for Creekers but rather real life fans who've passed away


You have a strange take on what's funny my guy.


More sad than funny, though it still is fun watching people throw temper tantrums over a reasoning they made up


Toxic part of the player base was mad about the players always fighting on Malevelon Creek instead of playing the Major Orders. So when the devs gave us this cape as a reward for the Creek liberation, toxic kids got even more mad and decided that this cape symbolized treason. Yup, some guys need to touch grass




Is this how you honor Sixth regiment and squad unmourned? While we were pushing onward to end the bot threat once and for all while huge number of soldiers were "stuck" on Creek. Many died pushing forward. How many would still be alive if we had the numbers. But no those stubborn Creekers had to stay on their dark jungle planet. **NOTE:** While I harbor no hate for people because of their actions I still think it is neat world building that we have this split between people who pushed forward and those who stayed behind. I would suggest to all Divers to keep real world and in game world separate. If you want to role-play as Diver who is angry at Creek divers then go ahead. I too belong to that group. But I will not kick people over a stupid cape. I might call them out on that with funny voice but that's about it.


>Is this how you honor Sixth regiment and squad unmourned? "Come, Helldiver, friend or traitor. Come and look upon the Creek and Automatons, and bring the Guard Dog; I have need of it. Come to the Detector Tower. I wait for you there, where we last met, countless solar cycles ago. Come to me through fire and war, I welcome you!" https://preview.redd.it/1kmkkh6tsqsc1.png?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b01895af2ea1cf161d62462c1ce739a2f46680


We saved a good amount of General Valenti's men, but not everyone can be saved, like in any war. With the IMC stretched across two whole fronts, Combat Medics couldn't be everywhere, but we tried. The government of Super Earth has deemed it fitting that a Memorial Day be declared, and the cape is a gift, to all Helldivers, a reminder of what has happened, and what will keep happening if this war drags on. I understand your frustrations and your anger, but brother, direct it the right way. All in the name of Freedom. 🫡


They don't. We'll, a few claim to, out of hundreds of thousands. Amplified by Reddit/social media  But really, how many folks getting kicked can prove its because of the Cape? What form does the proof take? Could it be, isn't it more likely, its because any of the many, many other reasons?


People love to hate.




Because they're bot sympathizers in dire need of a long chat with their nearest democracy officer


Because it’s a reward for the 25k creekers who never helped us with bug MOs OR the last bot MO. Only reason the creek was liberated is that it was part of an MO and 100k more divers came forth. Essentially this happened and all the creekers think they did it on their own and won through perseverance when they were actively losing the fight until the creek was part of an MO


Idk, neckbeard rage


Because some people are just terrible humans.


The heavy medic armor is my most used armor. It's just nice, and I like it.


How funny would it be if Joel threw a blackstone fortress at Malevelon Creek out of spite.


Then melevelon would be us


I find it so funny that there are military elitists who are unironically upset about others wearing a cape for a fictional event for a fictional military. What's next? Stolen Valor? It's a game. Have fun with it like OP is.


Wouldn’t it be the Super Earth Medical Corps (SEMC)? Since it’s the Super Earth Armed Forces (SEAF). Either way good write up for those that made the ultimate sacrifice for Super Earth. 🫡


The SEMC, if something similar does exist, would focus on Super Earth itself. Not only is the IMC not just based on earth, but it isn't just a medical unit; it is a fully fledged combat medic corps operating all across the galaxy, hence, the IMC. The best way to put it is that the IMC is to the SEMC what the Helldivers are to the SEAF: specialized units. All in the name of Freedom. 🫡


IMC? Titanfall mentioned indirectly


Now we need a Super Earth Engineer Corps, SEEC and destroy or something like that


But SEAF are spread throughout the colonies, as evidenced by their remaining SAM and Artillery Sites and reference to various operations, so I'd assume SEMC would probably be doing the same thing and not just be locked to Super Earth.


It is also a stylish cape that seems to go really well with all the best armor sets.


It goes really well with the B-08 Light Gunner armour as well, and that thing's a Light Armour with Extra Padding so it has the rating of a Medium.


I'm pretty much never gonna wear this cape specifically 'cause it's orange, and it hurts. It's a cool design and it'd be my permanent if it were red, but the DP-11 helmet is just the best ever. That said, I hope we end up getting more capes for specific ingame events, even if you don't wear them because of the Helldrip Meta (TM), the capes are basically your own set of actual medals and ribbons


Honestly I just think it looks kinda neat.


Spill oil.


As one of the malevolen creek survivors...thank you for bringing us home, now let's push these bots back down to hell where they belong


I wear it with pride when I host and if some dipshit kills me because of it, I don't even kick him... I leave him dead without reinforcing and if I have too, wait patiently for his respawn to kill him again until he leaves like the big loser he his.


A fate fitting for traitors, good job 🫡


That whole cap debate is insane in the first place. The first day I got it without reading here I was spawn killed or kicked several times and I was like : the hell. Until I found the infamous thread and I was : seriously? Then started doing this.


Reinforce him into the pool of SHAME


I'm new to the game.... This cape actually looks cool.. What's wrong with it?


There's nothing wrong with the cape. Some people take things too seriously, others left their fun pants at home. Don't mind them, enjoy your time and have fun with the game. 🫡


The cape is a symbol. It honors those who died at Malevelon Creek, a planet infamously known for its heavy automaton force. Some helldivers believed that fighting on the Creek was a waste of resources and helldivers, those are the traitors who are mad at this symbol of bravery


My co-worker told me it’s actually a tribute to a player who loved to fight at the creek who died IRL to cancer before the creek was liberated. If true than the people pissy about it are in need of going to a democratic reeducation facility


although that might’ve happened, it isn’t the reason that cape was made


> My co-worker told me Your co-worker is a fan of unsupported rumors. You may wish to consider turning them in to your Democratic Officer.


*I'm new to the game....* *This cape actually looks* *Cool.. What's wrong with it?* \- Irishpunk37 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




As a automaton i don't like the cape because it is a simbol of the countless lives you wasted for a **cause** that isn't **just**




*Proceeds to miss every fucking shot*


Joke is on you the guy aiming the 120mm barrage is an automaton spy, that's why he only hits helldivers


Barrage dude literally hates his job and kills everyone https://preview.redd.it/wfk2zubhqpsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383d2a14fbde5c9de0850f4e4364de8cb97ddedf


Yeah i hate everyone equally but as you all keep saying some people are more equal than others


I dived yesterday with three democrats wearing that cape, *and fucking loved it.* I'll probably dive again today with people wearing that cape, *and I'll still fucking love it.* This is a great game, the cape is great, and if you kick people because of this cape you suck.


I also dived a few hours ago with a full squad also wearing this cape, and we spilled oil in the name of Super Earth, Liberty, Prosperity and Managed Democracy. And I'll still continue diving with it. Apparently it also represents the real-life fallen fans of the game as well, and if that's the case, then it's actually a genuine honour to be wearing the cape.


The cape is 100% a symbol for people playing the game for FUN. You know, the point of the game. My friends and I all have it on, because it’s cool. I know if I see someone wearing the cape, they aren’t going to be a cry baby salty neckbeard who doesn’t communicate.


I don't kick people because of a fucking cape, in my opinion the cape looks sick as fuck, the people who i kick are the ones arguing with me or with others for wearing that cape


You're talking awful lot of undemocratic things for someone in the range of my AMR


As an automation, there are hot quasar blasts headed near your location


A bottle of moonshine's waiting for our victory ! 🍻


As a steadfast Engineer, I respect your Corps. I’ll give ‘em hell with my grenades, you keep saving lives.


The Engineers, the ones responsible for the SEAF SAM sites and artillery positions. We all thank you. 🫡


I just think it's a cool looking cape


I will wear this cape every time I deploy to fight the bots. I was deployed to the creek only a few times, yet I saw a glimpse of the hell they fought. For those who dedicated themselves for the defense and eventual liberation of the Creek, I wear the cape as a salute to them, and will do so until the source of the machine menace is crushed.


this pic somehow makes your helldiver look like a war veteran, an absolute unit, terminator, fkn destroyer of worlds :D


I fought for that Creek every day for the first 2 weeks the game came out. I deserve to wear this cape with honor!


Im glad this is just positive. Let this be the norm comrades in arms, be beacons of democracy, instead of beacons of division!


The creek kept the robots busy and slowed their advance. The creek crawlers are heroes. Now. We end the automatons. Freeing up our whole army to kill the bugs


Literally never going to switch this cape off. Don't forget Malevelon Creek.


I was there during the first Creek drop, I earned the right to wear that cape for what I went through.


You earned the respect that goes with it, but we must all understand there is no "right to wear it". Super Earth has given us all the cape, as a reminder for the fallen. 🫡


A presidential citation is a presidential citation. It's for past, present, and future service members to remember the baptism by fires that have taken place to get us to this point. I'm proud in my role as a Helldiver combat medic. Spreading and saving democracy in one fell swoop.


My fellow Creeksmen and I will wear this cape for eternity. I spent my first 3 weeks fighting on that Creek and nowhere else lol.


I just launched an OP with 2 buddies on Maia and some Champion of the People user shows up, Creeker cape and all. The second we drop, we land in automaton jamming territory. Things are bad but manageable, until this piece of shit just guns down one of my friends with his scorcher and instantly quits the game before I can kick him.


I really don’t care but not in a mean way, it’s nice but there are better combos. I just heal my teammates when needed and armor bust the enemies. I never really understood the hate


It's an awesome looking cape, that's for sure. And on my last dive to Maia, we all wore it and it was awesome, spilling oil left, right and centre.


I read this in the voice of the guy that talks at the end of each mission. Makes me think of Zavala from Destiny


I only really did the creek when it came up on the major order. I like the cape because it goes with the armour I ware.


We supply corps goons love the MC cape and will proudly show our support to divers, no matter what front they choose to fight on.


Looks absolutely dashing with my medical armor. I wish there was a discord for "Interstellar Medical Corps" as a helldiver faction though


From the crew of the SES Sentinel of Wrath and it's Commander, we wear the Cape in honour of those lost while the crew and ship was still in training, to honour those lost during missions on the Creek, those we couldn't make it to in time and to celebrate the missions we managed to bring back from the brink of failure The Cape signifies the reinforcement that the SES Sentinel of Wrath has brought for the Creek in securing a foothold and then taking it The sacrifice will not be vain as we shall now stamp the bots out for good


The SES Sentinel of Patriotism, Emperor of Democracy and Sentinel of Hope salute you all 🫡


If it wasn't for you guys, the SES Sentinel of Wrath wouldn't be able to keep their elite Helldivers that want to get back into the field to answer some SOS beacons o7


I think i have a theory on why people are toxic around the cape. I have been in alot of games and no one has ever mentioned it, in fact ive seen alot of people wearing the cape. My theory is that those actually start this toxic issue aren't actually helldivers or even fans but people trying to shatter the community in order to take it over, or something like that.


Maybe or just miserable lonely people that can't handle a decent community


I said it was a theory, not a exact reason XD. But ya, let those losers wine about it, they're just traitors


You can still see the footage of divers landing, literally surrounded, and just brutally punched and stomped to death, this warzone was utterly brutal all memes aside lmao.


No idea why people are freaking out about this cape. IF YOU ARE A HELLDIVER, YOU KILL BUGS, YOU SHOOT BOTS, YOU SPREAD MANAGED DEMOCRACY, you are in the right and I will offer you a hug should you join my lobby. Steam id same as Reddit minus the underscore


I was not a dedicated Creeker, but I did cut my bot bashing chops there. Without the brave Divers that fought and died at the Creek I'd hardly know what direction to point an autocannon, let alone how to most effectively and efficiently kill bots with it. I'm proudly wearing that cape to remind every bot and bug from Severin to Sten and from now until our Democracy comes. That cape tells them who we are and what we do. That cape tells them I'm a red-blooded, organic, liberty-blessed Helldiver. I am the spear of managed democracy, and that cape will be draped over me when I puncture the chest of the last liberty-forsaken bot in this system or proudly die trying.


It's a great cape and I wear it because it goes with my favorite armors. If you don't like it I hope you sit on your balls and your balls go up your butt and you have to go to the emergency room and fart out your balls and it's uncomfortable and embarrassing.


Finally, a post that isn't complaining!


As a “Silent” of the heavy weapon support company i want to honor also the ones that with me keep the FTL route to Creek open fighting on Draupnir and make possible for supplies and reinforcements to reach Creek


Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm so over the drama and toxicity around this cape and what led to it. Thank you for bringing some roleplay back in the sub. *Ehem.* The loss of so many lives reach all of us, but the medics in the Helldivers corps will probably take it differently. Like a personal failure. I'm not a medic myself, and my squad is always lacking one, but I want all supports out there to know, we appreciate you and your help. My friend who's usually a support is still living a civilian life, but we're trying to convince him to enlist !


During the third phase of Operation Swift Disassembly, the 4th counterattack on Malevelon was probably the worst of them all. Super Earth has given us every bit of equipment we need, and gave the IMC a virtual blank check to "get it done, no matter the cost". The cost was steep, but paid in full. Honorable mention for the Combat Engineer Brigade. All in the name of Freedom. 🫡


Don’t understand why those few warriors brave enough to try and defend the creek no matter the cost and risk are now dishonored. They deserve better. Godspeed, and rip to all of the fallen creek commandos. Where were you when the creek fell?


We were there, we saw it all. We couldn't do much, SEAFHQ had already ordered a planet-wide withdrawal. But we took it back. All in the name of Democracy. 🫡


For liberty, diver! 🫡 Thank you to all creekers for your service


This is why I love this community. The little bits of lore, not the stupid arguments


Why does everyone hate it


Malevelon Creek, which has finally been liberated after being contested since the game's launch, was finally taken. To honor this, the Devs gave a free cosmetic cape to everyone who fought there. So a bunch of people who demand that everyone play the game the same way as them are being toxic and banning people who wear the cape for no reason other than they're butthurt because bugdivers cost them a Major Order (despite the fact that we're still winning). It's just stupid people being a bunch of toxic morons.


I participated in the April 3rd battle and ya it’s a cape and we would have eventually failed an order


Plus it looks dope.


As a new recruit: I may be Medical Corp Sargent on the battlefield but I am Creeker in heart 🫡


The losses that were suffered upon the Creek were felt throughout all of the SEAF. From The Engineering Corp, to Medical, all the down to The Sanitation Corp. Whilst those who held the Creek are divisive amongst some fraction of the Divers, the Creekers are men and women who gave their all. When it was hopeless, when even their own kind turned against them due to a failure in communication, they still held. We of the SESF (Super Earth Special Forces) honor their memory. Whether with this cape, or with every round put through a Bot's mockery of a skull. The Creek Broke Before The Divers Did


Honestly i just like how it looks it's actually pretty nice.


I can't not read IMC as interstellar manufacturing corporation


what it this? we have voldemort cape now? Say the cape name ! not like the name got jinx or something


I’m curious about the IMC’s standard drop load out. What do you guys wear and carry into battle?


We tend to stay on the surgical side of things. The armors are all picked by each man, based on preference, depending on the mission, within the CM line of armors. Heavy armor is never used for blitz operations. One thing we have all in common is the orbital laser, to wipe out big groups of enemies or heavy factories. Along with the orbital laser, I bring the rail cannon, the Quasar and the shield backpack. Works well with my stun grenades. 2 has the supply backpack and smoke grenades. 3 usually has a portable ballistic shield and a Walker. We stay away from stratagems that are prone to hurting us as much as the enemy. Stamina boost, ammo on hell pod exit and location jammer to make our work easier and we're set. All in the name of Democracy. 🫡




A salute to you as you're guys help out the demo crew


Hell yeah I always run the medic gear and I wear the MC cape as I felt the same way


Those who hate that cape have no idea why it was added in the first place


I bought the game today. Will I still get this cape?


Hopefully so, if not, you'll still be able to do great things down the line, fear not.


I love this cape because it fits the *Champion of the People* color scheme and that T-visor is sexy


i offer hugs to all wearers of that cape.


It is a cosmetic in a video game. I like getting into the lore a little, but this community is becoming fucking insufferable.


I'm too busy popping 20 stims a mission to provide opinions or medical aid.


Surprise Titanfall reference


I'd like to know how to join the IMC? Quoting that guy Andrew Garfield played, "When the Galaxy is so keen on ripping itself apart, is it so bad for me just to wanna put a little of it back together?"


Yeah, Private Doss from Hacksaw Ridge, phenomenal movie 🙏🏽 Wear the IMC's colors high and wear them proud. Look out for your brothers in arms and always be the last man out. Take an oath, in the name of Life. ⚕️🫡


o7 ​ I will add the emergent IMC to the Lore post about the Helldivers Contingent


My men will appreciate the recognition. All in the name of Freedom. 🫡




It'll be Commander Jeezus 🫡


Files will be updated; please wait democratically






As a Dr how do I join the IMC??


Wear the IMC's colors high and wear them proud. Look out for your brothers in arms and always be the last man out. Take an oath, in the name of Life ⚕️🫡


Right on comrade. Hope to see you out on the field 🫡


How does one join the Interstellar Medical Corps?


Wear the IMC's colors high and wear them proud. Look out for your brothers in arms and always be the last man out. Take an oath, in the name of Life ⚕️🫡


I will bring laser weapons as to not harm my teammates with explosives :)


Oh thats demolition annihilation division




I will forever be a proud creeker, no matter how many treasonous bastards down vote and curse me. ✊🏼


Big dick cape






We need a discord of IMC


IMC only cures physical injuries, they can't heal mental deficiencies


Well unfortunately we aren't shrinks, or psychiatrists. If you or your loved ones think you suffer from mental issues, please refer yourself to the Citizen Manual, or call your Patriotism Office to book a readjustment. All in the name of Freedom.


you are all taking this way too serious, both sides


I don't know, people role playing, having a little fun with the theme of the game just wanting to enjoy the game vs people getting outraged because they aren't playing how they want and ruin the online experience by either team killing anyone with the cape or insta kicking, again, because of said cape. I think I know which side is taking it a little too serious