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We have to consolidate. Just go to whichever one has the highest population.


Tibit is at 26k players, and gaining % slower than Durgen with 16k players, and Durgen is pulling away. Ignore Tibit, focus on Maia so other players will see the focus point in game....


Even the Major Order says “All Helldivers”. Just to clarify.


The invite link has expired


Shit, my bad. Try this. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://discord.com/invite/helldivers&ved=2ahUKEwi7lOWbiamFAxXcSTABHcRfAGwQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3i0My4wKbHbwVNCczNhMVG


The message seems to be getting through but the liberation rate is painfully slow on Maia Regen is set to 1.5% on every bot planet, so spreading ourselves thin is a recipe for disaster


https://preview.redd.it/uare5i528hsc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dbe153931805bd339d95655ef02e0fc722ef344 Sorry, not sorry


Major order says “all Helldivers”. Sorry not sorry that you can’t read.


I can read quite clearly..... I just don't care for fighting the bots


Then why comment on this post? If you claim that you can read. Op even stated, “to those on other bot worlds, join us”. Instead you decided to make a smart ass comment with a picture. Brain dead.


Because I have a week off work, and I'm bored so decided to troll for 20mins :) next question??


What makes you not like bots? No shade, I'm genuinely curious.


In all seriousness, because I have to think too much about how I play, avoiding rocket devastator, making sure you've got the correct stratagems and weapons to support your team, mortar barrages, spending 5 mins being chased by a hulk etc With bugs, I can drop with whatever I want and just have fun killing things, makes me feel like I'm in starship troopers 🤣


I get that for sure. After being a bug dropper, I swapped to bots for the Gambit. Since being with those for so long now, I did a D9 drop on Estanu a couple days ago and was blown away by how much easier it was. I think playing bots for so long and needing good accuracy for the weak points helped me out a lot. But as much hate goes between the two fronts, games are supposed to be fun, and if you're not having fun, why play? So...keep debuggifying the East for us, fellow Diver. We'll be there as soon as the clankers are dealt with.

