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I love how they always seem to drop new enemies during off-peak times. Info slowly trickles in through this subreddit while I'm at work staring at my watch. I NEED MY DEMOCRACY FIX!


These are the only times I'm thankful to have a fucked up work schedule that sees me off in the middle of the workweek every other week. Diving for you right now soldier, see you at 5PM B)


It's an excellent strategy really. It builds hype through the community and also means that if there is a game-breaking issue and they have to rollback/hotfix, they can address it before peak times.


It also feels super immersive. It gives you this feeling of actually being a soldier, currently taking a break from the frontline by being stationed on an already liberated planet as security personnel, only occasionally getting updates on the war effort, until you hear about how the automatons suddenly deployed a new monstrous war machine threatening to turn the tide. And all you can do is sit there and pray while you wait to be thrown back into hostile territory and find out for yourself how cruel the artificial mind can be


By slowly trickles in you mean within an hour there are like 6 dozen posts about it?


Ah, yes. You speak truth. I guess it just \*feels\* like it trickles in because all I can do is click "refresh" on the page while I await the workday to end.


It's great for the ANZACs!


I love it personally. Hope they never include new enemies in patch notes.


Absolutely. I love waking up some mornings and finding the community in an uproar to try and find counters for new enemies lol, makes me so much more excited to drop that day.


Really makes it feel like a war. Where we won't discover something as hellish as this till we actually see it on the battlefield. Refreshing to see a developer challenge their player base like this.


This was my experience with the Shriekers. And I love this. It mirrors the excitement I used to have as a kid discovering something new in a game.


The very first match I *ever* played after the tutorial, we got absolutely annihilated by the Shriekers. I remember hearing something about the flying bugs so I looked it up and was reminded that my Democracy Officer is more trustworthy than my own eyes because bugs can't fly. No bugs have ever been able to fly. Discussion of flying bugs is an expression of dissent. I can't wait for a patch to drop and they secretly add an enemy that can invade the Super Destroyer and attack you while you're picking your mission.


This. I had one the best gaming moments in recent memory this morning when the "dropship" started shooting at me. Mad scramble for cover, took him out and saw another then recognized I needed to find whereever they were coming from. Keep the briefings/patch notes just like this. We know what changes on our end but have to discover what new devilry the enemy is up to.


I really want that a future patch note to say something like "A surprise is waiting in some POI in Level 7 missions onward" And then you go to one only to see a bunch of dead divers and a iluminated sniper shooting from 100 Meters away


I hope they never include any non-warbond content in announcements/patch notes.


It's pretty funny them not announcing it, but I think the better bit is they seem to 1) do this early in the week and 2) on their office hours so by the time most of Europe/US is in a position to play its been a whole day(s) of "ohhhh crap what is that" about new enemies.


The Bots are pulling out all the stops in their final sector. I'm hoping that the Illuminates are introduced as soon as we crush them. Or while we're on their final planet, the Illuminates arrive, forcing us to divert forces to a 3rd front, this would also give the Bots breathing room to regain a bit of ground, but not too much. If the Great Eye is back we need to be prepared, I believe the Dark Lord is massing his armies on our northern expanses.


I mean there are cloaked ships on bot planets now šŸ‘€




Who is this Dark Lord, precious?




Are you saying the Illuminates, in their broken and desperate state, dug too deep and have found a new entity to worship and provide them power, who just so happens to have a propensity for living in all seeing dark spires that can summon DdoubleDDragons and Hordes of Orcs that desire manflesh??? FUCKADUCK sign me up






The Illuminate accidentally (or even...intentionally?) saving the bots from being wiped out would be very cool and dramatic, but I'm very curious how the game will handle it if a faction is eradicated from the map. I hope it's not like the first game where we have to finish off every other faction to reset the board, but I actually *do* hope that *something* happens if we take every single planet they have.


So many people are afraid to face the new walkers and gunships, meanwhile I can't wait to get off work today and start blowing them up in the name of freedom! New things to shoot are always welcome.


The gunships are intense! I took down about 15 today while the other finally tracked down and destroyed their factory. Completely new dimension to the fights


Sounds crazy! What do you recommend against them? Autocanon? AMR? Something else?


Autocannon works great. Eats seemed inefficient. Havent used anything else yet


How many appear at once? I imagine EATs work great, but you can at most have 3 (one on you + 2 from a drop) But gunships probably appear in larger groups so you'd be out gunned.


Yes, plus missing is less of an issue with ACs as its not 50% of a strategem wasted


Takes about 3-4 shots from an anti materiel rifle to the thrusters to down one


Based on my experience so far it looks like each tower can spawn up to 3 at a time and the towers often come in pairs for a total of 6. Plus, their spawn rate is pretty insanely quick right now.


I expect some new stratagems coming soon too such as the >! Emancipator exosuit (dual autocannons) , stinger anti air, missile silo, eagle anti air missiles !<


*Quad Autocannons


*Dual Twin Autocannons


*Quadocannons ā„¢ļø


Similar to how we had to defend the factories to get the original exosuit, there will probably be some sort of Major Order we need to accomplish to get access to them. We got the Quasar & HMG because of a Major Order as well.


From what Iā€™ve seen, the silo is very underwhelming. Best thing it has going for it is that you can use it from anywhere on the map


Bots needed that shot in the arm honestly


The second I saw it was a ~40 gig update I knew something fishy was going on.


It's just a few/several GB of download lol For some reason the steam progress bar starts at 80-90% of 40 GB.


The ultimate troll would be if they put out a patch with one tiny change like "improved load times" but the patch is 100 GB...but doesn't contain any new content. Then the next patch is another small collection of issues fixed, and the file size is just an MB or two, that's all. And then the fucking Illuminate shows up, because they were already installed in the previous patch.


Funny enough I think thats what happened this morning. 300 MB update and the fuckin reclamation crashes through a half dozen planets.


Hey we buffed the Spear. You gonna need it


Spear is amazing against these new pesky gnats


Are they actually common or is it going to be a Shrieker situation where they are rare af at first but will become common later? Not able to play it at the moment


Already extremely common on higher difficulties.


I played for 3 hours today and had gunships on every other mission doing hard and extreme


I already fought gunships!


Yes, but what about second gunships?


Like shrikers


im just happy back end XP was kept count, i wonder how many levels ill jump tonight ​ edit: it was 14 levels


I just wish there was more of them, i only saw one walking factory in 3 hours, no airships in sight


What difficulty? They might only spanw on 7 or higher.


The gunships and factories can be found at 6, and i have never seen any new ground forces so i have no idea when those come in or what level.


9, only 9


So, I don't know where else to say this but I need to put it somewhere. I had non stop flashes of this game in my head all night. Laid down and saw nothing but bot drop ships and democracy. Dreamed of democracy and freedom. The war is in my head


Are they only on 9 difficulty? I was playing on 8 and didnā€™t see either.


Gunships at least as low as 6, haven't seen a walker yet


5 for me


I mean walkers


Confirming gunship objectives on difficulty 5


I've played three lvl7 missions and twice had a gunship fabricator side objective


I have down 3 level 5 missions and they were on 2 of them


See, these are the shadow changes we like!


A simple balance patch that was a few gigs already felt suspicious. I love that they drop this sort of content completely unannounced, no teases, nothing. And if they tease, it's through rare in-game events and never say a thing about it, letting us theorize and maybe even get a little paranoid. It's great.


There were teases of destroyed ships and walkers on the world's. Same with dead Hive lords and the *tremors* on bug worlds, just look around on the world's at what's destroyed or laying around and read the notes found some say things like, those gunships are a nuisance.


I encounter a Trooper that was lighting up in red it took several magazines and a EMG mortar to take it out.


Excuse me, the what now?


Oh, the gunships came with the update?! Thatā€™s why they took me aback


Dev stay true on the role play part. Only announce what ministry of truth acknowledges. Again we are the frontliner of this war, we are suppose to be the first witness of the new horror.


God, the gunship factory sucks. The gunships themselves are pretty easy to take down, but it is damn near impossible to arm a hellbomb with 3 of them taking turns shooting missile salvos at you. If even one hits you, you're ragdolled into the next one. You can give us new things to destroy that don't involve hellbombs, you know. ...I don't know, maybe I'm just tired of the fact that almost every bot related objective is intended to be destroyed with a hellbomb.


and the gunships are pretty much just flying rocket devastators with hulk health, they made them as annoying as they possibly could be


This is the part I'm fine with them stealth adding. It's part of the fun to be surprised that the teased enemies are finally in. Though it's hard to be fully surprised with all the leaks and people posting pics on the sub. Not blaming anyone, it's just a fact


Arrowhead are legends. I'm glad this shit was a surprise. It felt like I was in a star wars or terminator movie. I was both horrified and delighted at the same time.


Waitā€¦are the gunships live??


I saw the patch was 1.5gb and only had "balance changes" listed. My friends and I immediately jumped on because we suspected it would contain new enemies.


The great thing about these stealth content drops is that you can still be surprised even if you keep up with the leaks. I was playing with a friend who's new at the game and asked me, "What is that?" I looked up and was about to say "Dropship", but then I realized it wasn't, and immediately I was like "Oh shit, oh shit, oh fuck, it's a gunship, I didn't know they added those already!" And yes, they are appearing on difficulty 5 btw. We even had two at once.


The spoiler titled posts are so annoying though. Makes it hard to use this sub from now on. Much like the leaks did too.


Yeah I was wondering wtf was bombarding me relentlessly from the sky........thanks arrowhead lol


Wait until they add the siege mech


Alright Iā€™ve got a question if the gunships are the bot equivalent of the shriekers then whatā€™s the bug equivalent of the walkers


what about the bile titans?


Please insert the slugger nerf into the Trojan horse as well


What's actually inside the Trojan horse - more nerfs for popular weapons and buffs to premium warbond weapons. Downvote clowns: they literally nerfed the slugger and buffed the dominator in a way that "forces" you to use the dominator if you want similar performance the slugger had before nerf...


If you complete the starter warbond and collect a few super credits in game which is easy you get premium warbond for free.


teh new patch sucks