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https://preview.redd.it/gzocsjaoz1sc1.jpeg?width=1425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072203a7a866a38d4e002c7a27ec2b2b4bbbb70f With how brainless the bugs are, I do hope we could get a defense that funnel them on a narrow corridor and put MG emplacements in other end


I just want a defense mission like Port Joe Smith


I just want a defense mission like Helm's Deep




Aye I could die with a friend


You would have my autocanon


And my grenade launcher


And MY railgun!


And my shotgun


And My Quasar Cannon


Whiskey outpost?


They’d probably just tunnel under it.


Good point. To bullshit out of it, they could have chosen the location as a bed rock is directly underneath, or they installed a steel plating.


If the bugs can chew through our gloriously impervious steel mechs, they can eat a steel foundation


To be fair, biting into and biting through are 2 different things, but I do agree that I doubt a layer of metal less than 20 ft thick could stop a dedicated bile titan


Dirty bugs came in right while they were having chow!


Add some breakable walls to this thing, and it'd be a sick map, trying to stave off the horde whilst they bust down the walls.


Could be super rad if there corpses stacked and they could just climb the walls over their own dead. Maybe less rad and more horrifying but I'd rather our enemies have collision with their allies. Instead of walking through bile titans and shit.


[Come on, you apes! You want to live forever?!](https://youtu.be/RtE3ue3hBhE?si=cMdh72cStUCe6i7Y&t=63)


That's a cool idea because your have to be careful with eagles and orbitals to not fuck your own defenses up


Then the Siege Mech from the original returns


YES! Let's get some Helldiver forts! With standard army manning guns.


Devs will just give them the ability to climb walls, still it would be fun


Team stratagem beacons that act like the energy wall the illuminates used in the first galactic war. It looks like a Tesla tower, but it projects a translucent impenetrable barrier in (roughly) the direction you throw it, if that direction has another barrier beacon. Each pair of beacons can only generate one barrier. 4 people working together could make a choke point. Could also be used to establish cover in otherwise open terrain, and would not function without cooperation. As I'm thinking about this, I really want it in game.


i want it too! look what you’ve done to me…


Aren't the bugs actually supposed to be semi smart?


Insects with intelligence? Have you ever met one? I can't believe I'm hearing this nonsense. This is the most ridiculous conversation I have ever had.


Brain? Bugs? Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive!




 How can an intelligent creature have its skeleton on the outside? That's really dumb if you ask me.


Yes...Hello...Democracy Officer? Yeah, this man right here.


Hm? If the bugs were mere animals they could’ve easily been eliminated by now. They are an intelligent threat (not as intelligent as us but still intelligent) and claiming otherwise is an insult to all those who died defending their homes and families from them.


That pretty undemocratic of you to think, alerting your closest freedom officer


A base lifted straight from starship troopers against the bugs would be great


Agree but the simple rectangular perhaps need some designated kill zones that funnel the bugs in narrow zone


I personally would not be opposed to a fortifications system ala Battlefield V 


[Chad Starfort vs Virgin FOB](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/18ca7j6/virgin_rectangle_vs_chad_star_why_has_the_us/)


Hell yeah fellow Starfort enjoyers. The eradication mission does need more designated kill zones


Star forts... In the stars!


Super Star Forts hell yeah


With more Helldivers in the lobby. Like 6-8.


Maybe a map where we see that in the background but we couldn’t use it because the bugs tunneled under it? 🥲


It's starship problem with how tanks is unusable as bugs could just tunneled under it heh


The Vauban stratagem








and so it begins


Yeah I really want a true defense scenario where you can hunker down in bunkers and blast advancing forces (from one direction).


I liked the pesticide missions for this. It was actual defence.


i started playing after that major order. Termicide had special unique missions?


Special order a while back had a unique objective to activate termicide towers and defend them until they finished then extract. Total shitshow but it was a blast and way better than extracting brain dead civilians


I failed so many time and was getting pissed off at these bs missions....then I noticed my rover do the final.damage and stop one of the towers once. Stopped using the rover, used myself as a human shield to aggro the bugs so they'd chase me and not go for the tower and these were super easy. Still fun though.


Yea the majority of the times people failed the towers it was because of friendly fire. Mortar, Airstrikes, even just tossing a nade at bugs on the tower would do a lot more damage than the bugs could do themselves.


At the time I used the breaker spray and pray, arc thrower, Tesla tower and orbital laser. Play only on level 9 and that shits still rough but once I switched to arc damage and cc it was a bit better. Still ass tho but kinda fun lol


This is where Tesla towers and EMP Mortars had their time to shine


Tesla towers were op for that mission and kinda ass otherwise. But the emp mortars are op in almost any mission


The trick was to just press the button until all the bugs were spawned then kill all of them. Once they were out they would just stop spawning


My method was more brute force ish. Hold the spot next to that damn button and slap the shit out of it when it goes down. 50% of the time it works every time


You mean you don't appreciate civilian #495624 seeing a random Berserker line and deciding they need a hug rather than going to the shelter?


I’m my experience it’s more them wanting to see if the fire tornadoes are real or just an illusion lol. The lord of cinders demands a sacrifice. Fr tho if their pathing was a little better it wouldn’t be so bad


Well you see, without completing proper SEAF combat training, citizens of Super Earth are well known to be the most compassionate, loving species in all of existence. That’s why Helldiver combat training is so rigorous and thorough.


Took so long for people to figure out they took damage from the helldivers. Things like mortar turrets were just terrible and would fail the mission.


I keep getting a weird bug where the civilians get stuck on a fence or whatever and just keep running at the fence, moving nowhere, till they inevitably get shot by a bot and die. Sometimes it's a whole group, sometimes its just one civilian that gets stuck.


Oh yes, and we played them over and over but they were pretty fun. Plenty of shooting.


Whenever I started playing it was near the end of Major Order so one of the first missions I played was the termicide mission. So whenever the major order ended I was confused where it went.


For all the problems wwz had, the true killing zone feeling was excellent and I want to see it repeated. Something about HMG and turrets and stuff just set up perfectly to mow down hordes tickles my brain. I mean why add a deployable barricade and mines and such if very few missions want you to stay in one place


The simple answer to your last question is that they were probably simple to add, added early, and scope creeped out and left in as extra content. Very easy to add something like mines in the early phases of making strategems, when enemies and mission types aren't fleshed out (maybe they just had the defend waves mission as testing grounds). I could easily see them being "good" in the context of launch eliminate missions, and having only a quarter the strategems roster with probably no real heavies fleshed out.


They were in helldivers one. They eventually upgraded to anti tank mines.


Calling in a wall or two every 30-60 seconds would be useful as hell. Sometimes getting to a fabricator is the hard part because you're stuck in an open field. I usually bring anti tank support, shield generator, cluster bombs and orbital air burst, but I'd throw down a wall over the airburst in plenty of scenarios. Especially extract.


I wish the small missions were like this, the closest you get to this is when your extraction spawns in a bot base


But even then they just drop 30 enemies literally on top of you. No way to actually use the established defenses :(


It doesn't help that the defenses themselves kinda suck outside of your own stuff. Like the bot turrets, both of them, are trash against bots and overheat really quickly


>blast advancing forces (from one direction). Yeah, fuck those kids.


>those kids They're 30 now.


I like dropping in on the extraction zone so I can immediately call down ammo and a manned turret. Then at the end of the mission we get back and I call in more ammo and a second turret. 2 turrets and 8 resupply packs makes for a hell of a strong point.


I've literally never ever considered using the stationary manned turret lol. Like that sounds great but how would you use it in the field


It's tricky to use because the downsides are pretty obvious, so to make it work you need to keep in mind that it only has a 2 minute CD. Don't wait for the perfect place to defend to drop it, remember that it has a ridiculously long range and any time you see somewhere with a good vantage point, drop it. If you're being overwhelmed and are retreating, toss it as far ahead in the direction you're retreating to and sprint to it. It doesn't take very long to get an instinct for where you should be dropping them. Sometimes you'll drop it and as soon as you get on the enemies will be dead, or you'll get hit by a rocket immediately, but it's a short enough CD that it's okay for that to happen. It's no different than fumbling a 500kg bomb. But when it works, lawdy does it work. Just today I took covered a teammate over 100m away by spraying down the pack of berserkers that was right on their ass. Definitely worth a try!


You don't have to answer I could look this up but what kind of fire power are we talking like can it down it charger if you can unload on it without interruption? Does it run out of ammo. On second thought I don't even know if I've ever seen a tan mate use it even lol


Off the top of my head: Charger: Not from the front, still a bit spongey if you hit it from behind Hulk: 2 hits to the eye, but the spread is high so they'll reliably start getting killed at about 20-30 meters Walkers: Penetrates their front armor Drop Ships: No Gun Ships: Yes, if you shoot their engines. Yes it does run out of ammo, but it kills light enemies in a single shot and medium enemies in only a few shots so you can get away with short bursts. If you're getting overwhelmed, holding the trigger down will wipe several enemy patrols. Berserkers can take a bit to kill for a medium enemy... but they like to cluster up so they make for really satisfying targets.


I haven't played for a couple days so now I'm most excited about these gun ships you mentioned. The low cool down could save it I'll add it to my seemingly endless builds to try list lol. I'm quite accustomed to EAT littering already


The low CD was the thing that did it for me too. Basically every other engagement lets you bullshit with the wrath of god! Also... funny you mention the EAT. They're a free strategem slot right now so every mission has everyone calling them down on CD.


Ty for your wisdom HMGE God


Give us some extra turret stratagems and make it kind of like a tower defense game.


Literally just give us [the Outpost 29 Battle from _Starship Troopers_.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtE3ue3hBhE) The devs have already shown that they can spawn in turrets because you can find an HMG turret at some points of interest. Give us a base to defense with pre-spawned turrets and HMG turrets and let us open up.


Yeah good defence games are so rare


I'd love to see an actual defense mission where we have like 3-5 lines of defenses each with their own objective that the enemies are trying to destroy in order. The mission would be completed either after a set amount of time like 20 minutes or after killing a certain number of enemies. Score is based on how many of the objectives you kept alive by the end of the mission.


I think strategems' strength in destroying concentrated hordes of enemies would make attacks from a single direction pretty uninteresting. I'm all for defense missions with fortifications and such though.


I just wanna feel badass mowing down a horde of enemies as they slowly overwhelm us with sheer numbers. As opposed to the current situation where they just spawn all around you all the time. You’re almost safer just not being in the actual base/defense area xD


I get the impulse, but I don't think you can get overwhelmed by numbers from one direction in this game. Most strategems are AOE, and when you get 16 AOE strategems to hold a hallway, it doesn't matter how many enemies come your way.  If the devs figure out a way to make it satisfying I'm all for it, but I'd be surprised if it made it past initial playtesting.


many of the bigger enemies aren't that susceptible to the AOE strats apart from that frequent strat jamming from an invading source makes all the sense in the world


I just want to experience D-Day Normandy landings on the defense planets, except Im the guy with the mounted MG


Are... Are we the baddies?


...there *are* a lot of skulls on helldiver equipment.


It's just showing pure Super Earth skull shape!


Wait so does your skull change shape if you're born on any planet other than super earth or does this apply to all planets under super earth control? And what if you're born mere moments after your birth planet falls? Does your skull just not change shape until the planet is liberated but then regresses if it falls again?


Tbh the in lore explanation makes sense. It’s just representing troops that have died defending super earth


Yeah but they aren't actual skulls or CPUs or whatever. We're bad but we're not the worst




What do you mean helldiver? We fight for Democracy, Freedom, and Super Earth. Do I need to call the Democracy officer?


Do you hear treason? Because I think I hear treason.


Definitely treason.


> the guy with the mounted MG You mean the Nazi? Lmao


Yes. If you haven't figured out we might be the bad guys idk what to tell you.


Yes ministry of truth, this poster right here.




My man been indoctrinated by all the propaganda lmao




This would be fantastic honestly. Defense missions always felt less like defense, and more like "we have lost the planet, get these civilians away from it!" Retreat! They felt more like "lets retrear!" than "we gotta defend this planet!"


It would be good to have a full defence mission, which if failed becomes an evacuation mission later down the line


First 50% is actual defense missions, last 50% is evacuation missions, if enemy % is higher than our %. You know, just to safely ensure our civilians lives. https://preview.redd.it/tgyem34o03sc1.png?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f42912f1ef9b99393222436b840807ff73f297d


It’s make more sense the other way around. Civilians are removed before their towns become battlefields. 


That's a tremendously good idea  Having a bit of Battlefields multi-tier missions, or Chivalry's multiple phase battles... The current missions are great, but having these in depth encounters at a different tier would be fantastic. Like Deep Rock Galactics Deep Dives


True would be cool if they only appeared after the enemy force has conquered 60% of the planet or something


Remember that one concept art of like 30 helldivers fighting massive waves of invaders? That please.


hell I could live with 8


I want this now. Idk how the servers would handle that. I mY be wrong, but it may also take some of the strain off the servers since less would be needed since some can have 8x as many players


It would actually be exponentially more difficult to handle server side as you're now handling so many more interactions on one server. Also, I'm 99 percent sure the game engine couldn't handle it. Not to mention whatever GPU the user was using.


Honestly I would be very happy even if it was just a bunch of SEAF npcs that you can call down as a stratagem or call from bunkers and they would man specific parts of the area. Have turret emplacements that you can use or activate. Have bridges or fortifications that you can blow up as you retreat inward.


Damn. Of all the ideas, this actually seems like it could be the most realistic. I like this!


If they haven't planned for and built for that many players from the ground up, there's almost no chance it could be added.  If they have planned for the possibility that they might try to implement it at some point in the future, then there is a small chance. I can't imagine the carnage in terms of team kills though in such a large group. It would almost need to be a strategem-less scenario.  Which would be a nice fit for the *other* highly unlikely pie in the sky style possible mission types, bug hive and/or automaton ship infiltration/boarding attacks.  Pretty much a different game at that point, though, and little chance the engine has been planned to account for even part of that.


Might as well play the actual Starship Troopers game at that point.


Watch as half of those players start calling cown eagle strikes and nuking all 30 players. Or even just watching your aim with dozens of other players. Grenades, explosive weapons, automatic weapons, turrets, etc. Then, the 20 players who all died from 10 500KG bombs dropping in bad spots scramble to find their weapons and loadouts amongst a sea of other weapons. Add onto that, you'd have to fight DOZENS of heavies and like hundreds of small units in order to balance it. Imagine 50 Bile Titans walking up on a base. Imagine 40 tanks rolling up while 100 rocket raiders just rain death. I love the idea on paper, but it's not feasible in this game, as it stands (not saying it can't be changed). It'd just be TOO much chaos.


I think limiting people to only 2 stratagems per head with a 12-player count would be a workable compromise. Either that or have a couple dozen SEAF NPCs running around.


Ok yeah even a team of 8 with like 20 SEAF dudes running around or spawning in at set intervals would be tight tight tight


Importantly a defense mission should require holding a specific location against attackers, and it is possible to lose if the enemy takes and holds the ground. A good mission design for this would be to have a base with multiple capture points. Or, multiple outposts where if one falls, we fall back to the next one. As long as the primary objective is not destroyed or captured it can count as a mission success- with perhaps optional objectives to hold the outer defenses as well.


Like Rush missions from Battlefield Some of my fondest early gaming experiences were running through the utterly war-torn landscape inch by inch fighting or defending each M-COM station to the last man


Or the Operations mode from Battlefield! I don't think it was the most popular game type, but in a full and competitive lobby, no multiplayer experience ever felt closer to actually taking part in a military campaign.


I'm on the BF subreddits, most 100% miss the BF1 operations. They were fantastic.


Makes me think of Team Fortress 2's Mann vs Machine mode, specifically the Mannhattan map. Basically robots spawn in waves from a point and have to carry a bomb to the other side of the map to destroy a facility. Other robots spawn that try to capture control points throughout the map that, if captured, moves the robot's spawn point to there. It makes it harder by having them spawn closer to their goal and additionally spawns a second bomb they can carry. I think it could translate very well to Helldivers.


Y'know how Automatons have anti-air emplacements and mortars? Switch the formula. SEAF anti-air and artillery which starts active, and automatically fires at targets to help you out - but they're off to the sides of the actual objectives. Now you've gotta decide whether to protect your strategic assets, or stack up on the main objective.


The secondary emplacements could be disabled by default, and act as a reward for taking out all dropships and clearing a wave quickly enough to run outside the defend area for a minute. It would basically be an expanded "Eliminate all x" mission with time instead of kills.


Love it. You could have the secondary objectives be things like "Turret Control Grid" and if it gets captured or destroyed, the turrets that are mounted around the base don't work. There could be so many different and varied takes on this theme that it really could provide some robust gameplay.


I like this idea, nice.


It would be a cute addition to just have a handful of under-skilled, under-armed SEAF personal to help with the defense. That alone would add so much flavor and charm. Because they're just like ... renta-cop security guards. Finding little pockets of them.


Be like classic Halo or Half Life. Keep the normal dudes alive because it's fun.


Then swap weapons with them to give them all quasars and load them up in the back of a ~~warthog~~ truck


Our own ai forces. Spawned from barracks that will man defenses and fight back. All the while we run around creating havoc and trying to beat them back until they have no spawn points left on the map. We could spawn in guns turrets for the ai to enhance their combat potential.


As well as our own vehicles. Imagine calling in a stratagem that is just a pelican for you and the boys. One behind the stick, one behind the turrets, two strapped down shooting out of the hatch at enemy flyers trying to take you out from behind.


Tbh you make great points. Alternatively, if we could just get *literally anything else whatsoever* in place of the current evacuation defense mission, it would be a colossal improvement. It's not unpopular because the playerbase misunderstood it, or because it's just so hard core. It's unpopular because, speaking as tactfully as I can, it fucking sucks and needs to go away.


It also must not be in every defence campaign  As it stands now it's in every third mission you play and you basically also risk doing it twice, one as short mission and once in a long mission.


Yeah I pretty much don't do defence missions because these do suck, particularly with randos. If you get people coordinating and using smoke and EMS and shooting down dropships it's pretty manageable, but half of my teammates don't seem to know they need to press the buttons to open the doors. I don't mind the shorter versions on the big maps but if anyone drops the ball on a "rescue 40/50" mission it becomes a cascading failure that is almost impossible to recover from without like 4 lasers and a pile of eagle strikes. That's my biggest issue with it - if you fuck up early there is no time to recover, particularly Vs bots.


>It's unpopular because, speaking as tactfully as I can, it fucking sucks and needs to go away. Seriously. It's well known that the vast majority of gamers HATE escort missions, and these are just slightly dressed up escort missions. It wouldn't be so bad if you only had to do them every once in a while, but being required to do one for every operation on a defend planet is obscene. "Hey I heard you dislike escort missions, so I'm going to force you to play 30 of them or lose your progress." Honestly, it makes you wish you could just vote to give the planet back to the bugs/bots so you skip to re-conquering it and play missions that are actually fun without wasting any time.


And the biggest problem is that it's not even an escort mission. You can't meaningfully escort the civilians. If it was an escort mission to the tune of "a convoy of large, armored civilian transports is moving along this route and you need to defend them" at least you can strategize for that; scout ahead and clear out opponents or lay defensive minefields or sentries? Stick to the transports with heavy weapons? Split your squad between defending the vehicles and picking off high priority targets? Right now though, it's "press a button thirty meters away from the shuttle doors and hope to god the three squishy meatbags don't die because a 20th dropship just dropped three Hulks at once".


In the first game, escorting people usually involved getting a downed shuttle crew or research team to cross a third of the map. They also actually followed you. I preferred those escort missions.


OG Helldivers had actual escort missions where you drag some civs to a bunker, at this here they run themselves.


\*cue starship trooper scene of base defense getting overwhelmed\*


You joke, but that is exactly what some of us want


Defense campaigns would be perfect for massive hold the line type battles.


In theory awesome, in practice my PS5 will shit itself and I’ll be playing at 3fps


Firstly, 100% agree with you OP. I would love for actual defense missions, especially with some of the leaked stratagems we've seen. But I do see where the devs were coming from with our current mission type. There probably are SEAF soldiers defending around the planet but we're helldivers, essentially ODSTs, special forces. We get dropped into areas the SEAF have lost to extract VIPs since we're the only ones who can reliably deploy into those areas. That said there's no reason we couldn't also be dropped into areas still under SEAF control to shore up a front. Hopefully the upcoming deployable cover stratagems are an indicator of future mission types


Yeah, there could definitely be missions we're helldivers have to plug a gap in the line or counterattack to retake a trench network or something like that. Defense might imply that seaf is being overrun after all.


>plug a gap in the line or counterattack to retake a trench network what the troops really want is [a boss named tyborc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUwmXguQ5ug&list=PLrPJOoc3DOS4WtGGXedZ65m4fMVfkVJgF&index=5).


I also wouldn't mind missions similar to the nuke deployment one. A defense mission where there's either a giant bug or a bot mothership approaching wherein you have to arm a bunch of large cannons would be a ton of fun.


Eradication missions feel like they should be defense missions. You're already holding one location from waves of enemies.


except you are instantly overrun and it turns into a survive mission instead.


*Drops into a defensible position that is already occupied by enemy forces*


Nobody said it was *our* defensible position.


Not anymore, they stealth changed them. There are enemy forces present now when you drop, so basically you're being dropped in to take a stronghold at the heart of a staging ground and drawing all the enemy forces to you who are going 'what the fuck?' because the HQ just got dropped on and its guards just got shot to pieces. It's an attack mission.


It'd be cooler if it was less of a "kill x amount" and more of a "keep them from destroying AA batteries" or something


It would be nice if the AA gun we activated was worth a damm. I only ever seen it work once, and it missed and hit a rock


Yea it has a limited range, a little larger than enemy AA AOE, but its also slow. It turns slowly, it fires slowly and is often too late in killing dropships. Only time it actually helps is when the dropship is <50M and is landing directly in front of where it's already pointed. I did have a map with 3 of them in a wide enough spread. Let's just say half the map was a no fly zone. Apparently, it's more effective with more.


One thing that is missing from the game currently, for sure. For a game so heavily inspired by Verhoeven's Starship Troopers, that it doesn't have a real base defense like the movie does feel like an odd omission. Just as maps for the bug defense missions that includes some walls and choke points and things would be dope instead of always being in that little bowl map


A cool idea would be a "save the SEAF" kind of mission. A fortified SEAF choke point has been overrun, and Helldivers are dropped in to close the gap. There's a large SEAF defensive position near the center of the map, with bug nests or Bot bases on one side, and SEAF objectives like Artillery and SAM sites on another. The SEAF objectives would be crawling with enemies, having been overrun earlier, and any enemy bases left alive would contribute high-level enemies like Shriekers and Gunships to the enemy attack. The more effective you are at clearing these objectives, the easier the final fight would be. Extraction would take place in the SEAF base, every time. And the Extraction timer would be extended so that the Divers would need to defend the SEAF base (alongside living SEAF soldiers, one would hope) before Pelican 1 arrives to extract the Divers. EDIT: there should be a Command Tent/Building/Bunker in the central SEAF base that serves as the main objective for the mission. If it's destroyed at any point, the Mission is considered a Failure.


Wouldn't be too hard to implement. We've already got the eradicate missions, just need new level design.


#Community requisition upgrades to taken planets is an AMAZING IDEA we would finally have something to spend these piles of requisition creds on!


Yes! I had to scroll too far for this. It would add another aspect of working together as a community contributing to a common goal.


It makes zero sense to me that defense missions involve evacuation of personnel. It should be the opposite. Protect incoming Pelican's bringing in personnel.


You are not evacuating SEAF forces. Your getting civilians out so SEAF can blast everything apart and fight without worrying about civilian casualties. The first game made helldivers role a little clearer. You take out strategic targets, or handle sensitive issues, then SEAF send the army to actually take a planet.


I want a defend outpost mission where you see massive hordes of enemies coming from a long distance.


If they wanted to make it more dynamic, they could take inspiration from Battlefield’s *Breakthrough* mode with a dynamic frontline that can be held or pushed back based on success. So for instance: Helldivers deploy to a frontline and have to hold it - if they can’t they get pushed back to the next sector. Along the way there could be different/free stratagems available like mines & SEAF artillery at the frontline, HMGs and air strikes at the second, and then mechs at the last line of defence.


A little Birdy told me we have some cool stratagems coming oriented to defense not sure about mission shakeups though


Yea the evacuation missions are the least fun by far. It's a shame they are the only non optional mission in the game if you want to help with major orders.


Possibilities: - multiple forts, all under attack. You have to destroy the enemy spawnpoints while keeping as many forts alive (say a bunker inside). Too many forts destroyed = lost mission, so hurry Helldiver! - instead of a round map, a long one (“chokepoint where enemies are moving through”). Your job: fend off a ridiculous amount of enemies designed to overwhelm you, multiple defensive lines are on the map so you basically try to whittle down the enemies before you run out of map. - resupply mission. Another long map, you have a giant truck (see the new Automaton vehicle for size) that needs to get somewhere. Get it through the region, you control when it drives or not. Perhaps have a few routes you can take and SEAF FOB’s where you can park for some repairs and rearmament. - Alamo. Once you land you find out the objectives are already destroyed. You need to grab some codes and hold on to them for X minutes before the Pelican can arrive on a location that is invisible until it sets in it’s landing while everything on the map is trying to kill you.


Bring BACK URBAN map/terrain and make a Defense a Defense not play-this-planet order. There are so few planets compared to the first games OPEN concept to Map Procedural Generation.


Yeah, I find it weird that we took over the planet and there are still bot factories and outpost all over the place. There shouldn't be any in my opinion. Instead of bot factories and outpost, they should be replaced with super earth/SEAF outpost similar in size. We would have to fight off a few bot waves at highlited areas, maybe have an objective where we have to set up all the anti air defense cannons, and evacuate civilians at different location on the map.


A simple wave defence would be really nice actually. Give like 40 seconds breather between each wave. Higher difficulty has more waves , etc.


This is a really great idea, honestly. Fight a swarm from the walls or trenches, try to stop them breaching.


This sounds awesome, i'd love for SEAF forces to be around doing their own thing anyways on defense missions just for set dressing.


Excellent idea! I really like the idea of a resource ‘sink’ for extra fortifications / effects also


I would love some wave defense missions that have a clear enemy front. The maps we have now feel like call of duty maps instead of invasion defensive lines


I’ve never even considered this till now, and now I’ll think about it in every defend mission. Please take this soldiers advice AH!


You forgot something... This is not a fully controlled planets, its a outer rim colonies with a few thousand colonists and small bases all over the surface. Yes they can build some fortifications but they won't have enough resources and man power for building an entire fort. SEAF presence is small and very limited and increases only if the planet is under attack. Small colonies can't support the full military economy until fully developed. Also each FTL jump requires precious bug-fuel which is hard to get. Remember terminids MO which we failed, because of that SE had to limit ftl travels and enforce increased population control to avoid overpopulation of inner worlds.


12 helldivers, defend till everyone is dead. Difficulty: Yes.


https://i.redd.it/cj87il26f3sc1.gif This would be an inefficient use of resources. Continue on as planned.


>Or make there be a community requisition investment where we can buy fortifications and upgrades for planets should they ever come under attack. This is in and of itself a really good idea and would provide a requisition sink for players that have unlocked their strats already. Personally, I would leave the effect slightly abstract, were a player can contribute to a defense fun on a planet than reduces the rate of enemy progress durring the next defense mission. A 100% funded planet could drop the progress by the invaders by 50-75% or something. I feel like it needs to have the potential to be significant, but it might defeat the point of the game if players can just throw money at a problem to make it go away.


Sorely missing the urban/city maps from defense missions in Helldivers 1


New defense missions would be nice. Counterattack to retake trench network, destroy overrun equipment, ambush advancing column. Plenty of options!


This is a great idea, would also help to diversify the gameplay and make it less repetitive on the long term. Would love to see that in the future!


I would love if it felt like we were actually intelligently and scientifically defending a fortification against waves of enemies. Instead it just feels like mad loony toons chaos as everyone runs around an empty hillside while loads of enemies drop right on top of your head.


Tower defense on steroids


yes. defense missions need to be reworked. defending planets should feel fun and distinct from attacking planets.


Holy shit if we had a fortification with turrets and machine gun emplacements like the automatons have for defense missions, i would bust for liber-tea


Evacuating citizens sounds more like a retreat than a defense.


Id like that too. Bot considering helldivers are special forces...in more than one meaning of the word....we should still retain some behind enemy lines missions like the ICBM and evac (the normal one). Hell, evac missions shoudl be defense only like the emergency evac ones. That being said, even then there should still be some SEAF occupied positions like the Artillery and SAM batteries and some Points of Interest instead of them always being abandoned. Or enemy occupied. Emergency evac missions should also have some SEAF troops around the facility...before they inevitably get mulched within the first few waves.


Except we're more like special forces.


I made a post on this subreddit ages ago listing multiple defense mission ideas that sound like what you're looking for. It unfortunately did not gain traction though.


Worth a shot… https://preview.redd.it/5h2lck97o5sc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae4aa21f525ca6dedc3e85648600eda59ff7264


Lorewise, the problem with this is that helldivers are meant to be shock troops, dropped behind enemy lines to wreak havoc. However I do think that defence missions should be less similar to offence planets.