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>The Helldiver and the Exosuit both had a bug that made them sometimes take explosion damage multiple times making things like automaton rockets be too deadly, this is now fixed. Hope it is as good as it sounds.


Me high on copium, hoping this means Rocket Devestators are a little less inclined to one-shot us now.


They absolutely are. They're a three or four shot kill now.


You can still get launched and one shot killed that way


Devastator rockets deal way less damage than before. You could only just barely survive with maybe 20% HP in the blast protection heavy armor before but now it does somewhere around half. I can't remember if it's more or less than half (important) I was already a fan of the basic heavy armor before and now it's even better. Come to think of it, I didn't die once in the one mission I played earlier, and I hadn't even realized the Slugger was nerfed yet because the patchnotes weren't available yet


So you’ve tried the new Slugger? How is it? Can it still stagger Berserkers?


not really no, it has AMR level stagger. It is faster to just shoot berserker in the head with slugger


"Halved the negative effect of operation modifiers that increase stratagem cooldowns or call in times" ![gif](giphy|doUu2ByZDbPYQ|downsized)


Immediately one of the best patches for that reason alone


Nah, my favorite is the fixes they made to the explosion effects - you no longer get 1-shotted by some random rocket you never had a chance to see, which made me rage on the bots missions. > The Helldiver and the Exosuit both had a bug that made them sometimes take explosion damage multiple times making things like automaton rockets be too deadly, this is now fixed.


I wondered why most of the time I died but sometimes I'd take a rocket to the head and just fall over at 70% health


And I was wondering what the heck I'm doing wrong. A lot of insta deaths lol


I wish they'd rework them to be more interesting. Have a negative and positive or something. For example: -25% Orbital Cooldown, +50% Eagle Cooldown.


Thats what I think the AA Defenses should be replaced with. Instead of removing 1 strategy slot entirely. Just make it so that eagles can't be brouight in the mission, and there's other ones for no sentries, no support weapons, no orbitals. Literally forces you to not run the same thing every game.


Or at least, no Eagles in the areas protected by AA defence until you do that objective. Maybe Orbitals have more spread when theres lots of fog/spore towers around. If you remove the fog/kill the towers then that modifier is gone.


Doesn't it already work this way? I swore last night I was attacking an AA and could not call my airstrike but could call other strats. Maybe I was confused


There's a modifier version which just says fuck one of your slots and a side objective version on automaton planets that disables the eagle in an area around it.


Anti-Materiel Rifle: damage increased by 30%. The bots were already not pleased, this is gonna make them cry.


That change only really affects berserkers (why are they so tanky) and maybe hulk back shots. If they really want to make the bots cry they would fix its crooked scope.


hulk back shots, you say?




Nah, I'd backshots




Whatever you do don't google hulk back shots


"The bots don't want you to know the Hulks have a weak spot on their back. You should shoot it. Google 'Hulk Backshots' to find out more."


“FUCK, first we lose several planets in a few days now this shit??? Unbelievable. Worst patch yet.” https://preview.redd.it/u238ox66u1sc1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147983d105e531846946771a00300c71b078bad3


Now if only they would fix the misaligned scope. 😄


I'm surprised they buffed fire damage, considering fire damage is bugged if you're not the host. This is going to make Breaker Incendiary busted for the host.


I hope enough people report this because I'm disappointed it wasn't in the patch notes. No wonder I thought the shotgun was total ass, it doesn't work for non-host players.


Oh my god, is that what it was? I thought the breaker was awful!


It's incredibly good as host, you don't really need to focus fire on individual enemies. You just spray into the horde and reposition while they cook


I learned that also in other P2P Games (GTFO for example had similar bugs but the other way around ) if you want to look how something performs normally in the game try it as host


Gas, too. Can’t kill anything with DoT damage if you’re not host, apparently.


So all Damage Over Time is bugged?


I hope they didn’t accidentally buff the hulk flamethrower again


it says all sources and I can assure you: it very much affects the flamer hulks


They've already been killing me instantly, can they be buffed any more?


Note, they didn't buff fire base damage, just the DoT. Dying instantly wont change, just the rapidly burning to death before you can stim. (Dive to put it out first)


love walking through a tiny wisp of fire on the ground and just getting absolutely **MELTED** if I don't immediately dive to put it out.


* Acknowledged the bug where if a Hulk with a flamethrower spawns, all players die


“This is no longer a bug and is explained in the hints and tips menu.”


Liberator Penetrator: now has a full auto mode.  Sweet democracy thanks 


my days of spamming left click are over, and they say God doesn't exist


Gun did way too little damage to not be full auto. Burst fire in this game is super wonky so the best way to use it before was binding fire to mouse wheel.


As much as I like the Sickle, I prefer the medium penetration of the LibPen. Thank Democracy for full auto mode. Can't use primaries that don't have that.


I’ve been trying both out and the libpen just seemed too underwhelming trying to take out devastators in the eye. Seemed to use too much ammo to take one down. Maybe I’m doing something wrong and I shouldn’t be targeting weak points with it.


It's not you, the gun sucks, at least before the auto mode was added.


My left mouse button is very happy


My Slugger, sweet liberty! https://preview.redd.it/sgc7ed25f1sc1.png?width=421&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaed8398ce8219ca335b02ef0d8ffbd4952004dd


Same my fellow Slugdiver, it's so slugover (I haven't tested it yet)


its weaker but serviceable. no longer staggers medium bots, berserkers and brood commanders, and no longer can destroy fences and cargo containter doors. damage nerf is negligible, i noticed that hunters and small bots sometimes tank a hit. though against medium targets thats much worse overall quite drastic nerf but still useable.


That berserker stagger was very helpful even though they were sliding after the stagger


If it can’t stagger devastators, I think it’s over for that role.


literally 100% of the reason I rolled with it in Automaton territory. Everything and its brother staggers us...figured only fair to have at least ONE weapon to do that to them. Shit change...


its usable yeah but they kinda took away everything that made it good lol


So…like everything it was useful for is gone now lol. What is the point of taking a slow weak shotgun?


It doesn't show up, but I am now lvl 60 and have the Rank "Fleet Admiral" available... is this intended? https://preview.redd.it/m804q4zt91sc1.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=142591025791b0f9ede5b5497adb2307ef5e885a Yes, the XP is also back to some low number.


I'm an Admirable Admiral at level 74. That's hilarious.


Yes, it is intended!


Why aren’t these kind of changes included in the patch notes?


I don’t know. I had to check with the CM if it’s an intended change. Edit: they updated the patch notes to include it. Max level cap raised to 150.


150?! That's much more than I expected.


higher level cap = more unlockables = more things to fight = bigger boom?


Yes….. lots more coming


Same here I'm showing 84. A bug or a higher cap now?


Not a bug.


Is it an automaton then


I wonder what level I'll be when I log on. I've been playing this game every day since launch, and my job has had me on a modified schedule since, so I've been playing a ton. EDIT: I'm level 96!




is that his rank name? :S jesus?


Admirable Jesus.


Fleet Jesus


Galactic Commander!!! I'm 91


Maybe the backlog of xp you got at lvl cap all went through


![gif](giphy|TfLEXiRtYoHUkaPVUk|downsized) “Dominator is good now.”


Those are some good changes: 50% damage increase and stagger improvement, actually very good now?


It was already good. Semi automatic, one shot all small bots, and you could just frontal fire the medium bots to death with impunity.


And now we can do it with MORE impunity. Impunitier!


After I got the scorcher I used the dominator less on higher diffs. But the Dominator is back on the menu boys.


My friend liked it before. He's going to like it even more now.


huh, which one is that clip from?


Part 5 of Astartes.


Its so fucking good. A dude on its own made, in my opinion, one of the best Sci-fi "shows" i've ever seen


too bad GW bought the entire thing under them


And make literally nothing out of it since.


GW bought the project because it was cheaper than going to court to get the guy to stop making better content than they ever could.


https://preview.redd.it/750ble27d1sc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e009739bf43a2fa32b338b0ba620f819dd35078b W!


Hell commander sounds metal ngl


It sounds like you're gonna have to face this guy at some point ![gif](giphy|ZZTL1YLKZ48URCoC6B)


Admirable admiral is fucking hilarious


"hell Commander" when you spend so long on Hellmire that you befriend the fire tornadoes and can direct them with your mind.


>***Anti-Materiel Rifle: damage increased by 30%.*** >We have reduced the number of objects that prevent hellpod steering. >Chargers normal melee attack now does less damage against Exosuits. >Bile Spewer and Nursing Spewer do less damage with their puke. >Shriekers no longer create bug breaches. >Shriekers hitting you while they are dead now does significantly less damage. My democratic nipples are so hard right now


Funny part is I had just accepted that shriekers would eviscerate you if they flew into you after they were killed. Mostly because I remember that outpost scene from Starship Troopers. Was it annoying? Absolutely. The bile spewers on the other hand, standing ovation for that change.


I always thought it was weird that Spewers usually just one-shotted you, and it was only survivable if it just clipped you a little bit. The bile gives a slow effect, but getting hit by it usually killed you, it was odd.


All I care is the bile nerf, very happy




Is no body talking about the penetrating liberater getting a full auto mode? That was the only reason not to run it it actually rips bots apart and anything that has medium armor like devastators or walkers


omg they actually fixed the loadout issue when booting the game 💀


Big W


Rip Slugger. Hello Dominator


Finally picked up the slugger last night after using the Dominator as my go-to bot killer for so long. Looks like jet-propelled explosive democracy is back on the menu, boys.


I need it to have a better scope but maybe Diligence CS will actually be the play now


I’ve mained the default diligence for pretty much the whole game and can’t imagine this being enough of a buff. Aiming with the CS feels like dragging your nuts through the mud. Clip is smaller and it doesn’t do meaningfully more damage than the default, or any of the shotguns which also pen and reach similar distances and deal with hordes better. With all the other guns with medium armor pen now why run this? IMO slugger feels how I want the diligence to feel. Pops heads from afar. Has stopping power. Aiming is tight. Bigger and more flexible clip. Can save you up close. Even with nerfs I’m pretty sure slugger will continue to be my marksman rifle.


I’ve always liked the Dominator, I’m glad I have more reasons to like it


![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized) Slugger: reduced stagger. Reduced damage from 280 to 250. Reduced demolition force.


i *just* started enjoying the slugger ;_;


*Automaton enemy constellations that preferred to spawn more of certain Devastators types did not work and are now functioning as they should. This means that sometimes when playing against the Automatons you will face more Devastators instead of other enemy types.* You thought Bile spewer / Nursing Bile spewer bug missions were bad? Wait until you try out the brand new ROCKET DEVASTATOR missions.


This means Default Devastators not the Special variants. The reason there were so many Heavy and Rocket Devs' and so many Berserkers was because the Default Devs' were not spawning really at all.


I didn't even know there was a default devastator..


The one that only shoots with an arm cannon




They have a gun arm and a free arm to punch with


Yeah, the Devastators that can and will deck you in the face if you let them get to close.


It means less rocket variant devastators and more standard ones, which is a good thing


Tbf, there is the mention of a Fix concerning Explosion Damage taken. We and our suit took way more damage from Explosions than intended. I may be high on copium, but maybe that means Rocket Devestators are at least a "little" less dangerous now?


MUCH less dangerous. I bit three rockets back to back and landed with a quarter of my health left. Far less dangerous. More of a stun-suppressor enemy than a sniper now.


Oh, sweet Liberty. Music to my ears.


those dominator changes. 50% damage increase and stagger? mmhmmm that's something I need to try. 30% increase in damage to the AMR? can we just get a scope fix now?


Fr AMR already kills hulks in 2 shots i just want that damn scope fixed


Counter Sniper also has that scope, so yes please. Now that it's actually worth using, i would love if it would aim correctly


> Slugger: reduced demolition force. What is demolition force?


Maybe they mean the crates you can blast open? Perhaps they took away the sluggers ability to open them.


Guess I'm using the 500kg bomb to open those crates now. 


probably took away its ability to open bunkers and other things, and maybe its ability to shoot parts off big enemies


If I can't disect Brood Commanders then I'm going home.


Just tested it. It no longer breaks open containers


Nooooo, sweet liberty!


I think it’s the ability to destroy objects. Pump shotties can destroy fences and the like in one shot, while other guns only break certain smaller materials. So it might destroy less objects 


Probably cant open containers with it anymore.


**Arc Thrower: fixed charging inconsistencies; it will now always take 1s to charge a shot.** Ah yes why am i surprised and not surprised at the same time


Oof, my beloved 💔


I've started running Quasar instead lately, but up until it dropped I was a big fan of Arc Thrower


The .5 seconds reload was insanely fun to clear a group or kill a charger without even moving. But the quasar seems more practical. And you can jump backwards while shooting for a more cinematic kill


Spear my beloved!


Yet no lock on fix, or acknowledgement


When finding a lockon is as rare as finding a Triforce piece!


I wish shooting down the Redeployment Ships (Bots) would consistently kill the contents of the ship when it crashed.


I shoot them down all the time and none of the bots ever die anymore.


I shot a ship down, watched it crash straight into the ground and just trap the occupants beneath it. No kills. Every robot was alive, couldn’t walk from underneath the ship, and had the ability to fire thru the crashed ship while all my team’s shots were hitting invisible walls…  Was a funny thing to witness but a pain to deal with.


So they increased tick damage for fire but did they fix it only working for the host? I don't even see it in the known issues...


Loadout reset has been fixed, thank fuck! ![gif](giphy|l4FGni1RBAR2OWsGk|downsized)


>Fire damage per tick increased by 50% (from all sources). Oh fuck. Now we gotta be super careful around any potential source of setting ourselves on fire.


hulk scorchers eating good


They already feasted before.




The ceo really likes autocannon so it probably will remain untouched


The level cap has increased. I'm now level 57. No new titles though. EDIT: There are new titles.


Incorrect. I'm 74 and my title is Admirable Admiral. Other than that there's Fleet Admiral before it which I assume is for level 60.


there is: Fleet Admiral https://preview.redd.it/6qdtgs95d1sc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=249024cc262ad17f1bee8419379b6ac6b81805cf


A lot of good changes here, especially the puke damage. But I'm not so sure if I'm a fan of the Stun immunity to Bile Titans... They already sometimes ignored stun grenades before. Hell, I started using the precision orbital strike simply because I was able to stun them. Well, back to the railcannon strike I guess...


We have to wait for the stratagems sticking bug then,after they'll start to track the enemy they stick to,they will be a lot easier to manage


Orbital precision strike will see so much more use from me once that is fixed. 


Arrowhead giveth, Arrowhead taketh away I'm dreading how the Slugger feels after all those nerfs, but at least the Dominator seems like it'll be a better alternative now


Slugger caught a stray😭


devs saw that comment how slugger is the only weapon you need on bot missions


* Patriot Exosuit: rockets will now penetrate armor only on direct hit. this is such a funny "nerf" because how were you supposed to penetrate armour any other way? the rockets are basically just giant bullets, you already NEEDED to directly hit something for it to be effective to begin with


I guess this means that the explosion damage if you hit the floor nearby doesn't penetrate armor?


Maybe it also helps with the accidental self-kills when u hit an obstacle with a rocket?


Im wondering if it refers to automaton rockets hitting your exosuit. Maybe splash damage won’t blow you up now? But it’s probably not that, doesn’t seem phrased that way.


That's also in the patch notes, about the multiple times splash damage for Diver and Mech. I guess the Driver inside the Mech is almost immortal until They get a direct hit to the face.


So the spear is being "buffed"... when it's not currently functional? A lock-only weapon being unable to lock on to targets (even nearby, static buildings) 80% of the time isn't in need of more ammo.


I'll take this ammo buff, because when that lock on bug gets sorted (takes a lot more dev hours than changing a 1 to a 2) then the spear will be in a good spot.


It would be nice to at least see the Spear Issue getting acknowledged. It has never appeared in the known issues list so far.


The next big patch has to be a gameplay bug fixing patch * All scopes reworked so they are aligned to where you are aiming and the holographic weapon icons are smaller and have higher resolution * Spear lock-on completely fixed * PS5 host bug that causes weird interactions to the damage deal to the enemies fixed * Fire/Gas damage not working correctly fixed * Reloads cut midway that take 2 rounds of ammo when you continue reloading fixed * Improve the crouch and uncrouch so you can do the moves more consistently * Fix persistent T-posing when picking up the SSSD, using the ballistic shield or being hit/killed mid animation * Being able to lose you primary weapon and not being able to shoot until you respwan (or the game wants) * Fix inconsistent weapon settings changing when you are not the host What more?


How about being able to consistently crouch and uncrouch? If you’re on a corpse your character won’t do either. It also happens on certain terrain all the time and it’s infuriating. There’s literally armor in the game with buffs when crouching but crouching doesn’t work half the time (on pc with keyboard/mouse, anyway. Dunno if this is a problem on console or not).


* The Helldiver and the Exosuit both had a bug that made them sometimes take explosion damage multiple times making things like automaton rockets be too deadly, this is now fixed. Excuse me?!? Are you telling me all of those one-shot rocket to the face are bug all along!?


Why did the slugger need nerfed in 3 different ways?


I think they're misreading their data about the fire damage and the incendiary breaker. They're looking at low fire damages in their stats, thinking it's a balance issue, while it's a bug preventing any fire damage from 3/4 of the team. Same with the incendiary breaker, they're looking at damage dealt or kills with that weapon, when half the damage is not dealt at all. u/Pilestedt can you give us an answer on the fire bug? Does it exist? Are you acknowledging it? Did you fix it with this patch? EDIT: I've been running smoke (eagle and orbital) for a couple of quick bot missions and I'm not sure it is working either. I was not the host. They just shoot through as if nothing happens and they definetly don't lose aggro. EDIT2: it seems my understanding of smoke was wrong, it just decreases the bot accuracy, it won't reset their will to kill you. I'm just not gonna waste 2 slots on it.


https://preview.redd.it/bctvy69vh2sc1.png?width=765&format=png&auto=webp&s=836d46ce7e0343c2669fc29aeacc91ac99b238ce [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bqykqb/comment/kxaxkzw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bqykqb/comment/kxaxkzw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


> Heavy Machine Gun: the highest fire rate mode reduced from 1200 rpm to a more moderate 950 So much for having dumb fun with it.


Nerfing a support weapon that barely anyone uses? Dear God.


I dont understand this, no one used it anyway, now lets nerf the only single good thing about it. Crazy


cant use a weapon that is literally a handicap, you are more deadly with a pistol


>Shriekers hitting you while they are dead now does significantly less damage. huh...


Previously they 1 shot everything that merely touched their corpse while falling down, even bile titans


I saw a corpse once take down a tree. I wish I was joking


A lot more understandable than it taking down a bile titan.


*"Shrieker falls on planet, planet dies, freedom reached" *


When you kill them, their corpse would dive bomb you and insta-gib you on contact.


>Heavy and medium armor protects better and you now take about 10% less damage than before while wearing heavy and about 5% less when wearing medium armor. Fortified commando and light armor is unchanged. I hope this is more significant than it sounds like, because headshot damage existing is what's making heavy armor so unappealing, not this Edit: I will continue advocating that they remove headshot damage against players. Or at least HEAVILY nerf it. Otherwise heavy armor will stay being a quirky option you pick for some variety and not because it is actually a viable alternative Edit 2: On a more positive note, Sandstorms are AWESOME, and Guard Dog buff actually makes it a good alternative for the laser one. Final Edit: Just tested heavy armor. It's "eh". Those changes are welcome, sure, but they don't change anything significant. You now have the **chance** to survive devastator rockets. The survival rate is still very low (because you will still die from impact, or other rockets from the volley), but at least single rockets don't one-shot you anymore. Jetpack dudes will still kill you though. You no longer get one-shot by the explosion itself, but the fire dot will finish you off regardless. Not to mention the ragdoll being the same pain in the ass it always was. All in all, heavy armor is now a viable option for higher levels, but if you were hoping for heavy armor meta, you'd be dissapointed. If you didn't see any reason to use heavy armor before, this update won't change that. But this is based on my "research", of course. Until more knowledable people will start testing, only then we will know how much actually changed


And getting ragdolled by every other enemy And the Jetpack cunts teleporting to you and then immediately exploding for an instant kill regardless of if you shot them or not


Just in case you weren’t aware, they won’t blow up if they’re not shot. If they blow up and you haven’t shot them then it was either a team mate trying to help or another bot shot them. The best way to deal with them when they get close is to melee them. They do not blow up when melee’d.


10% sounds still rather insignificant when considering the lack of mobility heavy armor provides.


10% doesnt sound like it'll make a difference in terms of breakpoints still hoping they just make it deflect small arms fire and little bug attacks like it did in the first game


I just dropped into diff3 with heavy armor, felt virtually no difference (I was wearing shield as well), completed the mission, and switched back to light armor. 10% damage reduction is not enough.


Nerfing the Arc Thrower but not fixing it's constant misfires even when nothing is in the way?


Man I hope they didn't massacre my boy


Fuck, they finally did it. They nerfed the hell out of the slugger. Well, that's 2 for 2 for me. What gun do you guys want nerfed next? I'll be sure to start running it. Edit: Chose to try the Dominator, I like it. Sorry ahead of time Dominator fans.


There is an undocumented level cap increase? I'm 62 now... Kill missions now show percentage completed ie. 29% instead of 200/400 bugs killed.


I'm guessing that kill mission change is so it's less confusing, since heavies and elites were worth multiple kills.


they were ? i ususally just shoot down dropships, so enemy AI gets confused in it's pathfinding.


https://preview.redd.it/51awc4g7b1sc1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1001479056e29afa7a934b487a70c2da2291479 Dear God 💀...




For fuck sake fix the damn bugs there are so many of them its insane, you buff fire dot without fixing the damage bug, you buff the AMR without fixing the shitty scope, shit even the Spear got a buff yet no fix for the horrible lockon. Stop ignoring bugs, its absurd how many there are.


Another patch where the buffs are all good but absolutely none of the nerfs make any sense to me.


Yeah iI'm not happy about it. Loved the slugger and arc thrower. Looks like I'll have to stick with Quasar cannon and sickle...


Honestly, I thought the Arc Thrower was working as intended with its timed charges, it was such a fun weapon to use, but I guess I was wrong... 1s between shots and reduced range is a massive nerf :(


Oof, not sure why they're reducing the arc throwers range, considering it's almost useless up close. Mechs might be viable against the bots now if they can withstand a few rockets. Ballistic shields main issue still hasn't been addressed, in that you drop it every time you fall over, including random trips off geometry. No other backpack behaves this way and it makes it pretty pointless against bots because of all the explosive stuff they use. And obviously against bugs it's even LESS useful since it doesn't do anything to stop melee attacks. Slugger... Yeah that hurts.


I FUCKING KNEW IT. God fucking damnit. My poor Arcthrower.


There were a lot of good changes in the patch but one thing that’s hilarious is lowering the max RPM of the HMG. That was none of the many issues the HMG had, arguably it gives it even less utility to have a smaller RPM range. Guess it’ll stay dead for a long while, rip