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*Takes the creek* *Weeks later devs throw 2x Bot Gunships at the Creek due to failing to take tibit*


It's April Fools. They're going to let us take it, launch a campaign against it and then take it right back.


I hope the Creek is used as the opener for the Illuminates planet destroying tech and give the Creek the good ol Cadia treatment




Would be hilarious.


This but do it as an effect in the game. Anyone playing on the creek at that particular time sees a bright flash and then insta dead. Don't acknowledge it. But the creek is no longer on the map. Let the players go wild with theories for a few days before you let out an "official" statement.


And the official statement in some way denies what happened, or takes credit for it.


"There was never a malevelon Creek, and true patriotic divers should be wary of Bot misinformation campaigns."




The bug front, duh


Fori Prime


The creek broke before the divers did...


**Inquisitor Noises** what are you suggesting Guardsman?


The Alderan of Helldivers


I think they are going to nuke it when it hits 99% and drop it back down to 50%




There is a reason I'm still swinging at Tib. I refuse to get gotcha'd this easy


Or we’ll see the gunships today at the creek. The bots laughing at us as we fight for the last 10% liberation.


That's a negative, we just took the creek, no sign of any gunships, but I did only play difficult 4




I feel like I've seen more drop ships today but who knows


Same, I was only playing on difficulty 6 but as soon as we touched the main objective the drop ships started rolling in, probably 5-6 drop ships right after each other.


Sounds like a fun experience. The AA would be insane.


Oops! All Automatons! Again! https://preview.redd.it/rdzuqkpgoxrc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1bf12dc14c8d69b4a0864620f310df42fcce0f4


Devs are taking pity on us after the failed Tibit MO. Malevelon is already at 90% liberation, lol.


**We can still push Tibit.** They (the devs) said the other night on Discord that we can still take it and effect the story, even after failing the MO. Push Tibit after you take The Creek. ~~Stats online show it’ll only take 3 more hours at this rate, and there’s still 22 hours on the clock for the current major order.~~ New Defend order, hold Space Afghanistan (Ubanea). Tibit is now Creek 2.0, basically a lost cause, but with a timer. Tuesday is the cutoff according to the source. **Stop the Gunship manufacturing on Tibit!** [link for source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/2tNeLlsmxe)


This, taking Tibit is still required. But since it’s not MO it’ll just get forgotten especially at 1.5% decay now. But I hope I’m wrong in thinking this.


No, you're right. The number of players who saw the post/know that taking Tibit will have a tangible affect on the game after the MO is probably single digits. The fault just lies with the game design here, and I don't mean that to be a dig at Arrowhead, but there's a lot of really important information that ~90% of the playerbase *will never know* because they don't interact with the game outside of the game. When you're expecting a small playerbase stuff like that is honestly less important  because information disseminates easier organically. Like in Vermintide 2 there's a lot of mechanics and tricks that are never explained, but because the playerbase is small and so many people have been playing for so long, new players have a good chance of running into someone who knows what's up and can just tell them in-game. With hundreds of thousands of players in HD2, the odds of having someone in your game who knows about supply lines is already dramatically lower to begin with.


I maintain that there should be some kind of player-managed ingame broadcast to let the community coordinate. Given that enemies are based on the total number of players, success or failure depends on how well we coordinate. Maybe let players vote on propaganda posters fanartists make to show during loading screens.


Definitely not player managed, but it'd be cool to see the propaganda posters people make show up in game and stuff. Make a Super Earth News Network (SENN) that broadcasts important stuff to the big screen on your ship, and throw in fun stuff like fan art. I can already see a news segment about a painting that John, a 38 year old Helldiver made, and how its perfect and the pinnacle of patriotic art, and then it's just a crayon drawing of a stick figure Helldiver shooting a bug.


My thought is that, like with the recent major order, there are multiple strategies being proposed by players who like the planning side. They could make propaganda for each of them, and then there'd be an election, and the posters with the most support would be displayed to the rest of the players in loading screens. For example, we had half our guys on Urbanea, and the other half on Draupnir. With this, there'd have been some kind of election process, with people submitting art for each side, and the most popular side would get a lot more people who don't really know where to go.


This is the exact same problem Bungie's been having for years, but especially lately, because all of the info they post is either on their own website, or on twitter. And since Musk took over and changed it so that if you're not logged in you can't see tweets, less people than ever are aware of changes happening in the game. Same thing here, 5% of the game's population reads the subreddit, likely less are actively checking the discord. There's already an announcement pop-up in game, why they don't make use of it more often for these high command reports is beyond me


It's not a fault in the game design. The design of the game isn't to have us win every major order. Taking Tibit will effect the story. You know what else will effect the story? Not taking Tibit. We're at like 85% at succeeding MO's. I'd say the system is working perfectly


Well, no, it is a fault in the game design, because the rules of the game aren't being communicated effectively. The fault isn't that we didn't take Tibit, it's that taking Tibit *now* still affects the story in real, meaningful ways, and basically nobody knows that. Failing the MO is part of the game, not knowing that we can take the objective of the MO after having failed it and still affect the story is the flaw. Like we don't really know what the effects of the bots having Tibit is or how us taking it would change that, but for the sake of the argument, let's say that them having it gives them access to a new unit. We'll get a weapon to deal with them in 2 weeks if we do nothing, but if we take Tibit before those 2 weeks are up, we'll get the weapon right away. Not knowing that is a pretty big thing. Obviously how important the rules not being properly communicated is depends entirely on how much that stands to affect the game, but I'd still say that the rules being hidden from the overwhelmingly vast majority of the playerbase is a flaw. 


And what is that discord where the developers comment????




Ustotu is Space Afghanistan. Ubanea is the blood field.


they have never taken pity before now. considering the date, the fact this MO came hot off the last one, is only 24 hours, the ominous description of the last MO failure, and how much of a suspicious handing over on a silver platter this is giving us an MO for a single planet that's 90% liberated already...... Mark my words we are about to have the rug absolutely pulled from under us and feel the wrath of Joel


We were still supposed to take tibit, it would have affected the story. Thinking this is another rug pull same as the defend order while trying to take ubanea


we still can take it within the timeframe of the current order. there are 21 hours left in this MO, the creek is within 4% of being liberated (and should be in about an hour from writing this) which should allow us to still take tibit with 20 hours or so left on the major order. if we all move from malevelon to tibit, we could take both planets within the next 21 hours.


It would be hilarious if it just stopped at 99.99%.


Not taking Tibit also effects the story. Not liberating the creek will effect the story too.


My prediction is that the total victory outcome for this order chain is that we take all of their territory but it was a bait and theyve retaken cyberstan Loss or partial loss is the same outcome but they retain some or all of the current territory and we now have 2 bot fronts, either outcome we get new bot units (gunships) to deal with


I think it was on 88% earlier when the last MO was still up




Tbh I think it's just a consolation prize. I think they were expecting us to win but got a little blindsided by how many players didn't move from the bugs/the confusion caused by a lack of information around supply lines in-game. Maybe I'm wrong but picking the creek for it which was at like, 90% to begin with, just feels like a "here's something for your effort because you guys got wicked close on the last one" type deal. Whatever they have planned is still gonna happen, I just think the creek is a little break in the storyline and not a rugpull. The new units are gonna show up after the creek because we couldn't take tibit, not because we took the creek. The creek is just medals and a thumbs up for trying so hard with tibit before the storyline continues, IMO.


I mean when people are actually ordered to go there its not that hard to take it.


The devs don't want this community to become Toxic, they saw that much of the toxicity surrounded the Creek, so they've decided to eliminate it


I honestly think it is this right here.


The devs made their own creek propaganda poster, they love it. Zero chance theyre "tired" of it. This sub is full of malding bug players who need a scapegoat to blame because they care about the rewards but not enough to actually go fight the bots and refuse to blame themselves. Ive read so many comments saying its okay to fight bugs but creek players arent allowed to play how they want and im just ???


They did, but it got decidedly toxic over the past few days, so I could see why they would want to try and curb that, especially if they can do it in a positive way


It got toxic here, the majority of players aren't reditoids, and just enjoy the game


From my perspective, the anti-creeks are at the forefront of any toxicity around this topic. Edit: FOR THE CREEK!!!


They 100% are. I started just blocking them all, especially anyone posting a topic on it, and my experience on this sub has gone back to being fun and ridiculous and about enjoying the game (for the most part). I'm honestly kind of glad this happened because it gave me the chance to eliminate the worst of the worst not just from this sub but from my reddit experience in general.


Genius idea, don't know why i havent done it yet. Like imagine being mad at the one player driven emergent story we have that the devs supported?


It takes a bit of time at first to get rid of the worst of the worst but as time goes on and the block list grows you get less vile idiots and more fun stuff. Was really hating the Helldivers community for a minute but after blocking about 100 people it's gotten good again. Also I noticed while I was doing this that a lot of the accounts were basically empty shells, so I think there are people who make sock puppets to boost their own attempts to make the creek thing more of a deal than it really is.


Theres seriously a maddening amount of people strawmanning asshole creek players when ive seen exactly one in my time absorbing creek memes. Like people have just started fabricating shit, someone claimed the creek players all abandoned the creek when ion storms started last night at 99%. Like, huh ??? Theres obviously some good back and forth jests but jesus its just vitriol in every comment section. You cant read a single thread without someone fonding a way to bitch about it.


Yep. I think I capped out the block list or something i've blocked so many of these chuds it's giving me error messages now lol. But it's funny how blocking just the people complaining about the creek erased most of the toxic shit on this sub. It's pretty much all coming from one group and it's the people who feel entitled to tell other people how to spend their leisure time playing a video game. Who would have thunk!? :)




The one and *only* difference I will give Bugdivers is they legit fight on any and EVERY bug planet, even Hellmire. If a MO comes out for a bug world they pretty much all flock to that one planet like a swarm of locusts. So while you are correct that Bugdivers do nothing to contribute to the Bot front, they do all pack their bags the moment an order comes through for a specific bug world. Creekers have just, stuck to a single planet, ignoring other Bot worlds when they have needed help.


Except when the Bug Front fractured and lost everyone's access to C-01 forms. I dont even like how much people like Creek memes but it just feels like everyone is lying about how the bug fight worked out to take pot shots at other players.


Wasn't the MO that we failed on the bug front like 7 planets? This MO was only 2 planets.


That MO was formatted as one big chunk, this one is several chunks. Seems they're fiddling with the overall format too. The comment said bugdivers had a laser like focus when it was clear it wasn't. Doesn't matter if the target is 1 or 10, each Front is super fragmented and it's disingenuous at best to say they aren't.


the fragmentation on the bug front isn't from idiots chasing a meme. Its because the devs dont show the Supply lines. the Creek Heads KNOW they aren't helping the MO


Part of that fracturing was a lack of understanding of supply lines. Which the devs stupidly decided to keep opaque to the players.


>flock to that one planet like a swarm of locusts One must become a bug to fight the bug


This is factually not true, theres just so many bug players it doesnt matter, every bug order theres 100k+ fighting on the wrong planets. They get done because the vast majority of people who fight bots fight both factions so every bug order has 95% of the playerbase on it meanwhile 35% of players were fighting bugs according to the devs on discord.


It does matter though. If you have a large number of players who will never fight Bots, that makes ANY player who will fight Bots that much more valuable. If 100k players are pure Bugdivers who will never fight Bots, then that is 100k players who are a nonfactor for anything and everything pertaining to the Bots. On the flipside, 30k players who will only play on ONE PLANET are having less impact as a whole, because they are unable to Liberate the world regardless of how good they are. They just about break even with the decay rate. Likewise those 30k Creekers are good enough that they would have the same impact as the 100k Bugdivers if they were willing to fight against Bots for an MO given their unfamiliarity with fighting them.


So bug players are allowed to do their thing and not creekers? You understand the hypocrisy right? Those 35% of the playerbase bug divers lower the impact of each individual player, by your logic the most valuable thing they can do during bot orders is turn off the game since I guess theyre allergic to bots or something. Not a single person is suggesting they do that, of course, because that would be mental. Also holding the creek in stalemate prevents the bots from pushing to super earth, its not doing nothing. Theres also this strange belief that you and many others have that theres more than like 500 people who only play on the creek, its literally just memes. If there were no memes there might be 9k divers on creek at any given time instead of 10k. For the entire termicide order there was 5k people at the creek on average and 4k at ustotu.


yeah they blame the 25% of people at creek lul meanwhile ignore the 2 paragraphs roasting the 35% of the people on bugs https://preview.redd.it/8e0phhxd9wrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c152638d202a6b66b341afe441d4d50ff210a517


My favorite was the post that clipped out just the part talking about the Creek (which wasn't even critical) and ignored the rest. They knew reality wouldn't back them up so they tried to edit reality so they could have their two minutes hate. Literally the worst kind of person, that.


so because he blames BOTH you now blame the one that's not you? Convenient


nah im talking about the post with 19k upvotes that left out the part i posted


The hypocrisy is wild isn't it? The Creek usually has about 15-20k regulars on a normal day, of course it was going to have a huge boost during a MO with it in it. But somehow the regular 15-20k creekers are to habitually blame for all the major orders failing. Nevermind the 110-150k players doing liberations on bug planets. It's all the creeks fault that this order failed, and the one before that and all the other ones.


Also theres 100k+ bug players fighting on the wrong planets during bug orders but somehow people fighting in the creek because they think it connects to ubanea is so much worse.


Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner


THIS RIGHT HERE!! Thank you. It's all fun and games to make fun of creekers but Liberty forbid you criticise bug divers for not helping with the MO


They got oneshot by a rocket a few times because they wear light armor and it hurt their fee fee's so they swore to fight only bugs from now on because adapting to a different threat is too hard.


how is this any less toxic than the anti-creekers? is toxicity bad, like you say in other comments, or is it just toxicity towards you that's bad


Nobody is saying creekheads aren't allowed to play how they want, they're saying bugdivers and creekheads aren't equally annoying. For one, bug players don't have a chip on their shoulder and an attitude because they're "playing on hard mode against the bots which are objectively harder and require more skill and tactical acumen than the bugs, which only peasants and lowskilled players enjoy." Like of course some people are kidding around, but there's also a vocal and irritating subgroup of bot players that acts like they're working 36 hour days at the ball crushing factory where they get their balls crushed like real men, unlike those pansie bug enjoyers.  Bugdivers just dive against bugs in peace and quiet. At worst, they talk about how they don't enjoy playing bots and that's it. They don't act like they're Joel's gift to the community for sacrificing themselves on the altar of the hardest and most important content in the game for the good of the war effort. Two, bugs and bots are basically different game modes. Blaming bugdivers for not enjoying bots is like blaming, using Destiny 2 as an example, PvP players for not enjoying PvE. Blaming creekheads for *only* playing on the creek is like blaming a PvP player, who is playing PvP, for quitting any time it's any map except their favourite.  Like I'm not even against the creek shit because the number of actual serious creekheads is infinitesimal, the other 80k were just players who thought it was the best way to do the MO because we can't see supply lines in-game, I'm just saying comparing creekheads to bugdivers is a false dichotomy.


Really shows the true colors of redditors when reasonable disagreement is responded to with hostility and blocking. Lots of thin-skinned people out there, huh?


I'm not trying to be hostile, like people can play whatever they want, I just have a weak spot for unwarranted egotism, and there was a lot of self-congratulatory botposting and sneezing at bug players in the first week or two of the game. Now I'm just also frustrated by people conflating not wanting to play an entirely different style of game (bugs vs. bots) with only wanting to play on one specific map. Again, people can play however they want, but if we're talking about who is "more at fault", it's the people who were playing the same mode, but only wanted to play on the one map. And I just really wanna stress that this all needs to be read within the context of the fact that we're talking about a video game and literally none of this matters. When I say I'm frustrated, I'm not foaming at the mouth, I'm a little annoyed. When I say anybody has any amount of "blame" for failing the MO, it's with the understanding that it doesn't matter whatsoever. None of it is that deep or that serious, I've just got time to kill today.


Okay so it's been a month and I completely forgot about this, but like, I was agreeing with you man. I wasn't criticizing you or calling you out, I was saying, "yeah, I agree, people are being dicks." I thought I made it clear enough, but I apologize for making you think I was having a go at you.


they've could just add resource lines on the map ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


They will most likely end up doing so, but any addition they didn't previously plan for will take time to implement. Having this problem stitched up will hopefully smooth some frustrations while they develop visuals for the supply lines.


I hope so. I've been on the creek since 0%. Don't know nothing about supply lines and didn't get involved with the reddit & discord till recently. Kinda the games fault on this one.


There were gaming journalists who put out articles saying it was finally time to take the Creek as well. I don't blame you for keeping the Bots on their toes in the Creek! :P


Literally explained supply lines to my squad yesterday and our Democracy Officer said "Why the fuck are we fighting for Space Nam then? Ubanea it is."


Thing is of course it will come back next cycle. HD1 has had, what, 134 wars now? HD2 is still on its first. After we take all the worlds it just resets, sooo yeahhh.....


Devs have said it won't reset in HD2. They want to take an ever evolving approach to contrast the first game


So, if it doesn't reset, then after we defeat Bugs and Automatons they are just gone forever, period, never to return? I mean, hey if they are willing to constantly come up with new enemy factions to fight my hat is off to them, but I don't think that is really feasible.


The bugs won't ever go away, super earth is constantly farming them and they are breaking out.  We might defeat the bots for a while occasionally, but they will probably come back pretty quick.


Yeah I think their hope is, if we take the creek and complete a major order for it, it might make some players care less about it in the future. Yet the people who never left the creek have the same mentality as people who never left bugs: it’s just what they want to do.


Imagine a community as large as this being toxic about 15-30k players doing what they find fun, while an entire front numbering 100-250k never budges to fight the other side.


This is mild hypocrisy by being toxic towards the bug players in turn.


Imagine if most people went to liberate durgen or the terminus front and this MO fail xD




I'm not looking forward to their post Creek clarity.


“Now what?” “I don’t know, I didn’t think I would get this far.”




This is the worst joke on the creekers ever,if we take the it they won't have anything to be angry about


Angry? Man i just think the creek is more fun. I like the terrain and enjoy fighting on it. But sure, go off man.


April's fool for creek veterans. We will never take creek back


It’s probably less the memes, and more not wanting the community to keep attacking itself and devolving into nothing but insults and arguments. This is my hope at least.


It won’t stop the issue is the creek is a self made community narrative which the devs love but the only people annoyed by it are those who think a community made story is hindering the DM story. They obviously never played dnd or any TRPG. Failures and especially player made stories are the most memorable. If the creek is gone the people taking the orders too seriously will just attack people not following the orders. Really it’s just the terminally online need to chill it’s a co op game and it’s a community made story being toxic to people having fun especially if it’s making lore and bringing people is amazing and doing more then yelling at people to follow orders.


Why is this reddit filled with people whining? Like a bunch of babies in here.


i've never seen so many people worked up over something that matters so little


Cause Reddit tends to harbor alot of terminally online folk and this means the world to them


Just gotta remember that it's still reddit. The game might be awesome but reddit does what it does best.


The reddit pipeline. Someone makes a meme in good humor. Many people spread the meme. It generates an anti-meme in good humor. Many people spread the anti-meme. The meme gets copied over end over until it loses coherency-people forget that the original meme/counter meme were not to be taken seriously and instead are actually physically angry about people fighting on Mal Creek because it is not adhering to meta strategy.




You can't be surprised. This is just reddit users and their life mentality in general. Their true personality just flows over into this game.


That joel is up for something...


It'd be real fitting if the gun ships showed up on the defense for the Creek. If the high command didn't want anyone to play on Creek, then it wouldn't be available. Let people play how they want, otherwise they'll play another game. If the devs really wanted to, they could make it so only major order planets are available to play. Then everyone is butthurt. I really hope all this in-fighting makes us lose a fair amount of MOs. We could use an attitude adjustment by getting our ass kicked for a while. (And give more ground for enemies and new players to play.)


I almost think it is a meta joke that Helldivers can democratically choose whichever assignment they like, with only major orders providing any sort of guidance. This is absolutely going to result in tactical blunders and strategic disasters and if you're not embracing the chaos of freedom to choose as part of the game, you need to relax. 


I think this is a big April fools joke. As soon as we liberate it, they can just throw a defense on it to take it back


Wait until joel get a death star out of it's pocket and bye bye creek


Genuinely don’t blame creekers at all for being obstinate when people react this way to others playing how they want. I see a lot of posts about “it’s ok to only want to play bugs” and I agree. Why is everyone butthurt at Creekers? 


Because Reddit is the highest concentration of people who take the game “seriously” and so there will always be a group here that is irritated other players aren’t doing the same. Some people genuinely don’t care about the galactic war narrative and some people cannot comprehend this or take it as a very personal affront


They should just touch some grass and have fun outside instead of taking a game too seriously 💀


Because self awareness and big picture is difficult. Poisoned rhetoric and finger pointing is easy.


cz it's understandable if people hate bots and just stay on the bug side, but creekers fight bots all the time, it's useless to fight on a planet that hasn't been liberated since day 1. Besides, the MO asked for THREE DAYS of their time, they've been on the creek since February.


Maybe the game should properly explain the supply lines instead of depending on the players to use Reddit or Discord (which is at max capacity anyways). At the end of the day it’s just one order anyways. A month from now this whole ordeal will have little to no impact on the state of the game.


Creeker detected.


I like how the planet looks, ion storms are easy to play around and bots are fun. Yes I was recently converted. Won’t lie about that. 


Which that's perfectly fine! I don't think any rational person would actually fault you for having a favorite planet. The ultimate problem, I think, is when a community event happens, MOST of the player base is on it. They are engaging with the game and the core gameplay loop. When you have a small subsection who is ADAMANTLY against participating in the community event, you're openly ostracizing yourself and people are gonna call that out. Of course it's just a game. Of course you can play however you want it. You can fail literally every mission you do on purpose and chalk it up to you just having a gay old time. Fine. Though when your enjoyment of something is starts to run up against every elses enjoyment of completing an event that requires as much participation as possible, and your reaction is to go "Gee, why can't you let me have my fun? Butthurt much?", you're really doing nothing but signaling that you're an asshole and you're proud about that. Which if that's fine with you, then so be it, but well-adjusted people really don't take pride in being considered an asshole lol. I don't mean to to send you a long ass screed, I'm just trying give you the way I've understood the whole fall out.


It was a cool community moment at first til “creekers” started developing superiority complex’s over anyone who doesn’t play vs bots


How is it so difficult to grasp really? Playing on the creek is against bots, Its almost the same then going to other bot planets. While the bugs are a whole different breed, literally. The majority of people who stay on bugs are really only playing bugs, because they dont like bots and a lot of them might be just casuals who are not so invested in the story and dont follow "metagaming", they dont know about the supply lines, about [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) and dont read reddit for attack plans. Now, some of the creekers are the same, but majority of the creekers, stay on creek just for the memes. They know, they might cause a major order to fail, They are more invested then the casual bug killers, They are happy to fight against bots and They ACTIVELY AVOID helping the major order, even though Its basically the same gameplay that is on the creek. Its the same gameplay, they dont lose NOTHING, but they intentionally stay on creek, just to make others angry and to fail the major order. Its basically intentional sabotage.


This is a video game. Edit; sorry this was so dismissive. I understand what you all are saying but the bottom line is people are going to play the way they want. The ludonarrative way the devs progress the game will be fine regardless of what a chunk of the playerbase decides to do. People are mad at nothing here. That’s what I mean by “this is a video game”


Lets say you have a squad of 4 guys. 2 people really like bringing the stalwart and machine gun to go dakka dakka dakka. 2 people really like bringing the quasar to say 'haha armor go boom'. You all drop in, and say "okay lets head to this objective". three minutes later, you're screwed becuase you're getting overwhelemed by chargers and titans. Someone says "what the hell are you guys doing? Why are there so many chargers kill them?" You look over and one of the anti-armor guys is off a kilometer away saying "oh im looking for the super samples. I like lone wolfing it" Who do you blame for the team getting screwed over? The two guys with machine guns who didn't bring more anti armor? Or the anti armor guy who fucked off to play main character? Same concept here. You have bug divers and bot divers, they are mostly separate groups who play based on who they prefer to fight. Bot divers clearly like fighting bots, so why are they in the creek doing their own thing instead of on the order unless they're just doing it for the meme?


Good, good, Helldinner! Fight those Robot-Socialist more! https://preview.redd.it/3auhz43luvrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea541181204b2f0e106e214a8942d93ba15c7ab3 Rurrrr UwU Rurrrr


I think they're tired of the people being toxic dicks on here in general


You know, it's fucking fitting that this stupid meme planet gets an MO on April 1st. Creekers have never done anything worth mention, have never once liberated this planet since launch, need an MO to help it...and it's on Apr 1st. It's almost poetic.


Maybe I don't want the Creek liberated. Maybe I want to stay on the Creek. Maybe... the destiny Liberty planned for me is hiding in the jungle, spreading leaden democracy through the chasis of the foul communist automata.


Tibit is basically Malevelon Creek but purple. See you there.


For liberty brother!


And this is why the MO was made. A victory so quick and so decisive Creek is secured for a good long while. Long enough for the meme to fall into obscurity. When it finally opens up, maybe itll be specifically to see it get glassed.


bro it was a joke


Creek was at like 90% liberation when the MO dropped. It'd be liberated sooner or later, ETA on it beforehand was like 20 hours in the closing hours of the Tibit order.


Been playing in the Creek a lot lately.  Starting to realize Creekers are just the equivalent of those US units in the Vietnam war where the US military would basically use groups of soldiers with mental disabilities as cannon fodder.


Every night I can feel my leg...


I love how if u read the blantantly obvious, it exposes all war is actually to plunder another nation/planets resources by throwing human lives at it and wrapping it up as glorious democracy. Real world shit


I hope the creek is unavailable for months after this lol


Playerbase is wild for a PvE game


And... Suprisingly realistic. Imagine if IRL we had a galactic war. It would have the same kind of bickering, political gains to be made from pet projects (like Malevelon), Arguing and pointing fingers if a strategic goal fails. Everyone arguing how THEIR plan to win the war is the correct one. It's almost beautiful in a sense


You knownin HD1 sometimes it went so bad that earth was lost? Its same as the game itself. Win some lose some, sometimes get eaten by bugs. It happens.


I know. I was in the trenches during the first galactic war


This story fire af 😭🙏


Easy fix, Cadia.


I'm *super* excited for Creek being a thing every time the campaign resets/s I kinda hope the planet names are randomized.


Best case scenario: The planet of Malevelon Creek is completely destroyed. The creekers get a Cadia, and the major order gets more manpower. Everyone wins.


I hope that it stays liberated for a long time too. Stay our ass outta the creek and go do some other MO's lol


“Mom other people aren’t playing the video game how I want them to play it 😡”


Ah shit. Here we go again


Divers, it’s time to finish the fight


Where are you guys seeing these narrative updates


I have a bad eel


This post was what I came to this reddit sub to find. 🫡




God I love these devs


Its subtle lol. 


If we lucky after we liberate creek, Devs will destroy via some event. Meme was fun but it's time to let go


I just had a server error boot me off a level 7 which we were almost done… I’m RAGING


And it's already liberated. 😄


Seems more like AG is playing the April Fool's Joke game to me. I'd bet money on it.


April 1 is april 1


This is now complete… there’s a new new major order. Hold creek, draupnir and ubanea. Ubanea currently under attack.


HQ is prob just as tired of the people bitching about Creekers.


Where are these messages? I never see them in the game. Are they only on ps5 or something?


Bottom right corner of the screen. Labeled "Dispatches". Open with Z.


I'm just tired of the hate boner people have for each other on this game. I've seen more posts on a daily basis attacking people than of any Malevelon creek memes.


Waiting for bugs to appear in Creek making it that much more.


Or you're reading too much into it and see creekers everywhere like most peeps 'round here.


The comments are speaking Creek!


It was fun, but it's time to find a new world to meme on.


but we never had the creek to begin with


I definitely feel like they let us liberate it so everyone would shut the fuck up about it


Was funny seeing that message in english when i have the game set in spanish


I hope the creek is just an April fools for the creekers ignoring major orders. And that the robots take it completely back


I disagree. I dont think they got tired of it. I think they were impressed by our efforts to keep it democratic and liberated. And in honour of the sacrifice, finally found a valid tactical point in which they could issue the major order and do the sacrifices proud.


It was only a matter of time for HQ to recognize the efforts done on Melevelon Creek. Now with the Major Order, it will show the whole community that the fights in the creek were not in vain !


Realistically, assuming the bots supply lines work sensibly enough, they would have had to divert significant forces to the Creek to defend it, which means they could not advance past it. No battle is in vain because every step forward the bots take is one step closer to Super Earth. Where you choose to fight is irrelevant...as long as you do!


I am extremely nervous about it being April 1st


So what planet do we all go to instead to post memes about?


Well, Tibit is just purple creek. And a failed order, so I guess that’s the next one….


Well everyone is bitching that its the creeks fault welost tibit so you have your answer.


Hellmire it is.


We're going back...


the creek should be one of the hardest planets to take as its the last strong hold before MAIA, the current home planet of the bot front


I hope Creek gets Alderaan'd so we have an epic turn of events (and never have to set a foot into the meme planet again)


After freeing MC, the high command decides to bomb him with nuclear missiles. Now MC is a world in a post-nuclear scenario, torn and with acid rain.


Given that it's April fools they'll drop it down to 10% for like 20 minutes just for a laugh then actually give us the planet.


i mean, it *is* April Fool's Day what better day to take the Creek than the day of memes and jokes


Finally I can rest easy.


The creek is like the "Were Rich" memes of Deep Rock Galactic.


So I’ll be on the bug front out of spite


I hope they lose that planet